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Summary The effect of uniaxial elastic deformation on the remanent magnetization of some basalts, containing generalized titanomagnetities of different chemical composition, was studied. The irreversible changes of the saturated and natural remanent magnetizations were measured. With the deformed samples no permanent change of the spectrum of micro-coercive forces, or change in the magnitude of the specific saturated remanent magnetization were observed. The experimental results agree with the model of mutual interaction of structural defects with magnetic domatins [10] under the assumption of predominantly reversible changes of the dislocation structure of the sample due to elastic deformation.  相似文献   

The results of the experimental studies on creating chemical and partial thermal remanent magnetizations (or their combination), which are imparted at the initial stage of the laboratory process of the oxidation of primary magmatic titanomagnetites (Tmts) contained in the rock, are presented. For creating chemical remanent magnetization, the samples of recently erupted Kamchatka basalts were subjected to 200-h annealing in air in the temperature interval from 400 to 500°С under the action of the magnetic field on the order of the Earth’s magnetic field. After creation of this magnetization, the laboratory modeling of the Thellier–Coe and Wilson–Burakov paleointensity determination procedures was conducted on these samples. It is shown that when the primary magnetization is chemical, created at the initial stage of oxidation, and the paleointensity determined by these techniques is underestimated by 15–20% relative to its true values.  相似文献   

Summary ARM has been measured in a range of inducing, steady fields up to 50 oersteds and for 6 sizes of magnetite grains with average diameters 5 m to 174 m. For all sizes a slight non-linearity of ARM with inducing field was found, apparently comprising a non-linear contribution independent of grain size plus a linear contribution which increased with decreasing grain size. In the largest grains induced ARM agreed well with multidomain grain theory. Relative enhancement of ARM in smaller grains is comparable to the enhancement of thermoremanence and therefore appears to indicate a pseudosingle domain contribution to ARM in small grains. However the observations allow an alternative explanation in terms of more extreme dimension ratios in the smaller grains. Presentation of the equations for multidomain ARM and TRM using observed instead of intrinsic susceptibilities makes it appear that the inadequacy of multidomain theory (and consequent necessity for pseudo-single domain theory) are less serious than has been supposed.  相似文献   

Summary The irreversible changes of the remanent magnetization due to a uni-axial elastic deformation were measured on various pre-deformed samples of some basalts. The observed relations allow one to draw conclusions about the deformation history of the samples.  相似文献   

Inversion of magnetic data is complicated by the presence of remanent magnetization, and it provides limited information about the magnetic source because of the insufficiency of data and constraint information. We propose a Fourier domain transformation allowing the separation of magnetic anomalies into the components caused by induced and remanent magnetizations. The approach is based on the hypothesis that each isolated source is homogeneous with a uniform and specific Koenigsberger ratio. The distributions of susceptibility and remanent magnetization are subsequently recovered from the separated anomalies. Anomaly components, susceptibility distribution and distribution of the remanent and total magnetization vectors (direction and intensity) can be achieved through the processing of the anomaly components. The proposed method therefore provides a procedure to test the hypotheses about target source and magnetic field, by verifying these models based on available information or a priori information from geology. We test our methods using synthetic and real data acquired over the Zhangfushan iron-ore deposit and the Yeshan polymetallic deposit in eastern China. All the tests yield favourable results and the obtained models are helpful for the geological interpretation.  相似文献   

Deposition experiments have been carried out to measure the effect of particle size variation on the relationship between detrital remanent magnetization (DRM), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), and geomagnetic field intensity in sediments.Foraminiferal ooze from a box core taken in the Columbian Basin south of Jamaica was separated into several particle size ranges and redeposited in the laboratory in known magnetic fields. The intensity and alternating field (AF) demagnetization characteristics of the DRM and a subsequently applied ARM were compared for the various particle size ranges.The results show a variation of DRM/ARM ratios with particle size. The DRM intensities and directions indicate that particle sizes greater than 38 μm do not contribute significantly to the DRM of the total sediment. ARM intensities for larger particle sizes and particle size analysis of the whole sediment indicate that the fraction greater than 38 μm does make a significant contribution to the total ARM of a sample. Use of the DRM/ARM ratio in experimental measurements of magnetic paleointensity indicates that the method is unsatisfactory for sediments having a significant fraction of magnetic particles larger than 38 μm. It is also shown that, for sediments having a significant fraction of high-coercivity magnetic grains, the relative orientation of the ARM and DRM will affect ARM intensities, making necessary the use of corrected ARM and DRM intensities for ratio calculations.  相似文献   

A phenomenological model based on a linear relationship between the magnetic coercivity field and the reciprocal of the grain diameter is applied to explain the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) imparted to artificial samples with different concentrations of a very well characterized magnetite powder. By analyses of scanning electron microscopy images, the spherically shaped single domain synthetic magnetite is found to follow a lognormal grain size distribution with ~86 nm of mean diameter. The proposed model, fitted to ARM measurements up to a peak alternating field of 100 mT, yields a very good agreement. The coercivity behaviour predicted by micromagnetism theory disagrees with the experimental results of this work. A likely explanation for the discrepancy is that the magnetite particles, which consist of a mixture of grains in coherent rotation and curling modes, produce similar observations as domain processes.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical treatment is presented of the observed values of natural remanent magnetization and of magnetic susceptibility of natural minerals: magnetite, chromite, ilmenite pyrrhotite, haematite, cassiterite and garnets. It was found that for most minerals the distribution of the natural remanent magnetization as well as the magnetic susceptibility is logarithmically normal at a significance level of p=0.05. The typical values of Jn and x, the limits of the intervals of reliability of these typical values for p=0.05, and the standard deviations of the distribution were determined for the individual minerals. The end values of the sets were tested by two independent tests of extreme deviations at a level of significance of p=0.05. Following statistical deliberations it was proved that the lognormal distribution of the Jn and x values depended on the number of factors affecting these values, independently of the type of distribution of these so-called disturbing factors. By generalizing for rocks it was shown that the lognormal and normal types of distribution of Jn and x values are extreme cases as regards the observable types with rocks.  相似文献   

Anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) is used as a means of estimating lunar magnetic field palaeointensities from several Apollo 11 and 16 samples. A value of 1.4 Oe was obtained by this method for an Apollo 16 sample of age 3.9 AE and this value is in close agreement with the value obtained by the conventional Thellier method (1.2 Oe) carried out on the same sample. A further sample which was of age 4.0 AE and which had been reheated at 3.84 AE also showed evidence of a primary magnetization acquired in a field of this magnitude. Determinations on two younger samples (about 3.6 AE) gave palaeofields of about one quarter of this value (0.33 and 0.38 Oe respectively). These estimates of field strengths are considerably higher than previously reported.  相似文献   

We have observed natural remanent magnetizations (NRM), ranging from 10−3 to 10−5 Gauss cm3/g, at least two orders of magnitude greater than 10−7, the noise level of our spinner magnetometer, in the carbonaceous chondrites, Orgueil, Cold Bokkeveld, Nogoya and Mighei. Preliminary alternating field demagnetization of two samples of Orgueil showed a moderate sized stable component of 10−4 Gauss cm3/g. Microscopic study reveals that a grey spinel oxide, Ni-Fe and an Fe sulphide are the principal opaque minerals in both Cold Bokkeveld and Orgueil; the oxide phase predominates in both, while the Ni-Fe is more visible in the former. Coercive force determinations in Orgueil and Cold Bokkeveld indicate single domain particles as the NRM carrier. These meteorites are suitable for the determination of the magnetic field intensity in the primary solar nebula.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for correcting the magnetic anisotropy of baked magnetic material from archaeological objects and rocks intended for the study of its magnetization and for gaining data on the angular elements of the ancient geomagnetic field. The application of this correction decreases the spread of individual determinations obtained in studying the sample magnetization from an object and increases the determination accuracy of the average value of the ancient geomagnetic field elements. This, in turn, makes it possible to increase the accuracy of its dating.  相似文献   

Drying remanent magnetization is shown to be a physical phenomenon which is dependent on water content and magnetic grain shape. Anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) acquisition studies show that no significant chemical changes occur on drying. There is a critical water content below which grain motion ceases. In a clay matrix, this water content is about 75% for single-domain needles and below 70% for single-domain euhedral grains. The rotation of grains during drying causes the magnetic moment to rotate toward the plane perpendicular to drying compression, and toward the external magnetic field. The rotation for euhedral grains is not restricted by shape anisotropy, while that for acicular grains is. Drying remanence cannot be completely removed once a sample has dried below its critical water content; however, most natural samples may be near or below their critical water content when cored.  相似文献   

Recent paleomagnetic records suggest that the geomagnetic field intensity has a saw-tooth shape matching the succession of polarity intervals. An alternative hypothesis, that mechanisms linked to the acquisition of magnetization would induce similar saw-toothed records, has been tested by several simulations of post depositional reorientations of magnetic grains. Exponential functions used to date to describe post-depositional magnetization (pDRM) processes do not account for the combination of saw-toothed fluctuations and reasonable delays in the recording of the position of the reversals. At least half of the magnetization must be locked in within a few centimetres below the surface. If not, large delays, which are not observed in the data, are introduced in the stratigraphic positions of the reversals. In addition, the rest of the magnetization must be acquired over depths involving several tens of meters to duplicate a saw-toothed shape. These conclusions are reached with or without incorporating intensity variations across reversals. If the original signal is, in fact, asymmetrical then the pDRM must be very limited to remain coherent with the measurements, since the distortions and the offsets induced by the pDRM smoothing are considerably amplified. We conclude that simulations of saw-tooth patterns of relative paleointensity by pDRM processes have consequences that are difficult to reconcile with our present knowledge of the physical properties of deep-sea sediments. Above all, the hypothesis that the saw-tooth is an artifact of the magnetization acquisition process would have major implications for any sedimentary record of geomagnetic features.  相似文献   

Summary A more precise solution of equation, describing process of orientation of isometric ferromagnetic particles at their deposition in liquid under influence of external homogeneous magnetic field is presented. It is shown, that this moreprecise investigation of the problem doesn't lead to qualitative new results for describing processes of particles orientation, than that given byT. Nagata.  相似文献   

Summary Two groups of basaltic rocks with normal and reversed NRM were examined. It was found that in both groups the primary NRM, synchronous with the period of rock formation, is preserved. Relations of the primary NRM to the origin and the degree of oxidation of magnetic minerals were considered in detail.  相似文献   

The effects of various factors such as thermal agitation, coagulation, anisotropy of susceptibility, and shape irregularity on the alignment of magnetic carrier grains during the process of acquisition of depositional remanent magnetization in sedimentary rocks is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The rock specimens found to have natural remanent magnetization of abnormally high intensity, have been generally from hill sides or tops, or from ridges high up from the local surroundings. A field of several hundred oersteds has been found sufficient to produce in some of the artificially demagnetized specimens an isothermal magnetization of the same order as the abnormal natural ones, and this magnetization has shown a similar degree of stability as the natural one. Variations in the direction and magnitude of the natural magnetic vector have been found over a distance of a few centimetres. Laboratory tests indicate a normal chemical composition for the specimens. The lightning discharge seems to be the plausible cause of abnormally high magnetization of rocks, which is generally isothermal and might have originated in the recent past, but the magnetization is sometimes complicated probably by the thermal effect of the discharge.  相似文献   

The relative intensities of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (RAM) and thermoramanent magnetization (TRM) are strongly dependent on grain size, blocking temperature and applied field, and are poorly predicted by existing theories. Analog techniques that substitute ARM for TRM probably yield adequate relative paleointensities in suites of mineralogically similar rocks, but they yield uncertain estimates of absolute paleointensity.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of mechanical shocks of about 0.5 msec in duration on the remanent magnetization of igneous rocks are experimentally studied. The remanent magnetization acquired by applying a shock (S) in the presence of a magnetic field (H), which is symbolically expressed asJ R (H+S Ho), is very large compared with the ordinary isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquired in the same magnetic field.J R (H+S Ho) is proportional to the piezo-remanent magnetization,J R (H+P+Po Ho).The effect of applyingS in advance of an acquisition of IRM is represented symbolically byJ R (S H+ Ho).J R (S H+ Ho) can become much larger than the ordinary IRM, and is proportional to the advance effect of pressure on IRM,J R(P+ P0 H+ H0).The effect of shockS applied on IRM in non-magnetic space is represented by the shock-demagnetization effect,J R(H+ H0 S), which also is proportional toJ R(H+ H0 P+ P0).Because, the duration of a shock is very short, a single shock effect cannot achieve the final steady state. The effect ofn-time repeated shocks, is represented byJ 0+J *(n), whereJ 0 means the immediate effect and J *(n) represent the resultant effect of repeating, which is of mathematical expression proportional to [1–exp {–(n–1)}].
Zusammenfassung Die Effekte des mechanischen Stosses mit der Dauer von etwa 0.5 ms auf der remanenten Magnetisierung wurden experimentell nachgesucht. Das erworbene Remanenz der Magnetisierung nach dem Stoss (S) unter dem magnetischen Feld (H), das hier symbolisch alsJ R(H+ SH0) bezechnet wird, ist sehr stark im Vergleich mit der normalen isothermischen remanenten Magnetisierung (IRM) unter demselben magnetischen Feld.J R(H+ S H0) ist im Verhältnis zur piezoremanenten Magnetisierung,J R(H+ P+ P0 H0).Der Effekt vom Stoss vor der Erwerbung von IRM wird symbolisch alsJ R(S H+ H0) bezeichnet.J R(S H+ H0) kann viel stärker als die normale IRM werden, im verhältnis zum Effekt des vorausgegebenen Drucks auf IRMJ R(P+ P0 H+ H0).Der Effekt des Stosses auf IRM im Raum ohne magnetisches Feld wird mit dem Stossentmagnetisierungseffekt dargestellt,J R(H+ H0 S), der auch proportional zuJ R(H+ H0 P+ P0) ist.Da die Dauer einzelnen Stosses sehr kurz ist, kann der Effekt des einmaligen Stosses den endgültigen stabilen Zustand nicht erreichen. Der Effekt nachn-maligen wiederholten Stossen wird alsJ 0+J *(n) bezeichnet, wobeiJ 0 den unverzüglichen Effekt bedeutet, und J *(n) beschreibt den resultanten Effekt der Stosswiederholung, dessen mathematische Darstellung proporational zu [1–exp {–(n–1)}] ist.

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