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Suspended-sediment and water samples were collected from San Francisco Bay in 1991 during low river discharge and after spring rains. All samples were analyzed for organophosphate, carbamate, and organochlorine pesticides; petroleum hydrocarbons; biomarkers; and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. The objectives were to determine the concentrations of these contaminants in water and suspended sediment during two different hydrologic conditions and to determine partition coefficients of the contaminants between water and sediment. Concentrations of hydrophobic contaminants, such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, varied with location of sample collection, riverine discharge, and tidal cycle. Concentrations of hydrophobic contaminants in suspended sediments were highest during low river discharge but became diluted as agricultural soils entered the bay after spring rains. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons defined as dissolved in the water column were not detected. The concentrations sorbed on suspended sediments were variable and were dependent on sediment transport patterns in the bay. In contrast, the relatively hydrophilic organophosphate pesticides, such as chlorpyrifos and diazinon, has a more uniform concentration in suspended sediment. These pesticides were detected only after spring rains. Most of the measured diazinon, at least 98% for all samples, was in the dissolved phase. Measured partition coefficients for diazinon generally were uniform, which suggests that suspended-sediment concentrations were close to equilibrium with dissolved concentrations. The concentration of diazinon sorbed to suspended sediments, at any given sampling site, was driven primarily by the more abundant solution concentration. The concentrations of diazinon sorbed to suspended sediments, therefore, were independent of the patterns of sediment movement.  相似文献   

Trace contaminants enter major estuaries such as San Francisco Bay from a variety of point and nonpoint sources and may then be repartitioned between solid and aqueous phases or altered in chemical speciation. Chemical speciation affects the bioavailability of metals as well as organic ligands to planktonic and benthic organisms, and the partitioning of these solutes between phases. Our previous, work in south San Francisco Bay indicated that sulfide complexation with metals may be of particular importance because of the thermodynamic stability of these complexes. Although the water column of the bay is consistently well-oxygenated and typically unstratified with respect to dissolved oxygen, the kinetics of sulfide oxidation could exert at least transient controls on metal speciation. Our initial data on dissolved sulfides in the main channel of both the northern and southern components of the bay consistently indicate submicromolar concenrations (from <1 nM to 162 nM), as one would expect in an oxidizing environment. However, chemical speciation calculations over the range of observed sulfide concentrations indicate that these trace concentrations in the bay water column can markedly affect chemical speciation of ecologically significant trace metals such as cadmium, copper, and zinc.  相似文献   

Distribution of colloidal trace metals in the San Francisco Bay estuary   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The size distribution of trace metals (Al, Ag, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Sr, and Zn) was examined in surface waters of the San Francisco Bay estuary. Water samples were collected in January 1994 across the whole salinity gradient and fractionated into total dissolved (<0.2 μm colloidal (10 KDa–0.2 μm) and < 10 kDa molecular weight phases. In the low salinity region of the estuary, concentrations of colloidal A1, Ag, and Fe accounted for ≥84% of the total dissolved fraction, and colloidal Cu and Mn accounted for 16–20% of the total. At high salinities, while colloidal Fe was still relatively high (40% of the dissolved), very little colloidal Al, Mn, and Cu (<10%) and no colloidal Ag was detectable. Colloidal Zn accounted for <3% of the total dissolved along the estuary, and colloidal Ni was only detectable (<2%) at the river endmember. All of the total dissolved Cd and Sr throughout the estuary consisted of relatively low molecular weight (<10 kDa) species. The relative affinity of metals for humic substances and their reactivity with particle surfaces appear to determine the amounts of metal associated with colloids. The mixing behavior of metals along the estuary appears to be determined by the relative contribution of the colloidal phase to the total dissolved pool. Metals with a small or undetectable colloidal fraction showed a nonconservative excess (Cd, Cu, Ni, and Mn) or conservative mixing (Sr) in the total dissolved fraction, relative to ideal dilution of river water and seawater along the estuary.

The salt-induced coagulation of colloidal A1, Fe, and Cu is indicated by their highly nonconservative removal along the salinity gradient. However, colloidal metals with low affinity for humic substances (Mn and Zn) showed conservative mixing behavior, indicating that some riverine colloids are not effectively aggregated during their transport to the sea. While colloidal metal concentrations correlated with dissolved organic carbon, they also covaried with colloidal Al, suggesting that colloids are a mixture of organic and inorganic components. Furthermore, the similarity between the colloidal metal:A1 ratios with the crustal ratios indicated that colloids could be the product of weathering processes or particle resuspension. Distribution coefficients for colloidal particles (Kc) and for large, filter-retained particles (Kd) were of the same magnitude, suggesting similar binding strength for the two types of particles. Also, the dependence of the distribution coefficients on the amount of suspended particulate matter (the so-called particle concentration effect) was still evident for the colloids-corrected distribution coefficient (Kp+c) and for metals (e.g., Ni) without affinity for colloidal particles.  相似文献   

Early in 1976 benthic studies were initiated in a 20 kilometer long portion of the Western Sacramento-San Joaquin River Estuary. Water quality determinations indicated little vertical or horizontal differences in pH, temperature, or dissolved oxygen concentration within the study area. Low river outflows allowed the encroachment of seawater into the study area, an area normally exposed to fresh or slightly brackish water. The sediment composition changed dramatically at most stations during the year, being dominated by sands early in the year but by silts and clays in late summer. The shift in sediment composition was accompanied by an increase in grease and oilland metals content. The benthic community of the study area was generally dominated by the Asiatic clam (Corbicula manilensis), Macoma balthica, oligochaetes, the amphipods Corophium stimpsoni and C. spinicorne, nematodes, and a spionid polychaete, Boccardia ligerica. These taxa comprised 98% on average of the total benthic macroinvertebrates collected at each study site. The benthic assemblages of each of the stations were generally very similar to one another. Faunal similarities and changes in benthos composition were related to substrate composition and salinity incursion. In general, the upstream-channel stations had higher abundance of benthos than the other stations in the study area. Total benthic abundance was lowest at the downstream end of the study area. Total standing crop peaked in June and was lowest in November. Our studies indicate that the most important factors controlling the size and species composition of the benthos of the study area are salinity and sediment composition.  相似文献   

Estuarine tidal mudflats form unique habitats and maintain valuable ecosystems. Historic measurements of a mudflat in San Fancsico Bay over the past 150 years suggest the development of a rather stable mudflat profile. This raises questions on its origin and governing processes as well as on the mudflats’ fate under scenarios of sea level rise and decreasing sediment supply. We developed a 1D morphodynamic profile model (Delft3D) that is able to reproduce the 2011 measured mudflat profile. The main, schematised, forcings of the model are a constant tidal cycle and constant wave action. The model shows that wave action suspends sediment that is transported landward during flood. A depositional front moves landward until landward bed levels are high enough to carry an equal amount of sediment back during ebb. This implies that, similar to observations, the critical shear stress for erosion is regularly exceeded during the tidal cycle and that modelled equilibrium conditions include high suspended sediment concentrations at the mudflat. Shear stresses are highest during low water, while shear stresses are lower than critical (and highest at the landward end) along the mudflat during high water. Scenarios of sea level rise and decreasing sediment supply drown the mudflat. In addition, the mudflat becomes more prone to channel incision because landward accumulation is hampered. This research suggests that sea level rise is a serious threat to the presence of many estuarine intertidal mudflats, adjacent salt marshes and their associated ecological values.  相似文献   

We used historical records of damaging landslides triggered by rainstorms and a newly developed Probabilistic Landslide Assessment Cost Estimation System (PLACES) to estimate the numbers and direct costs of future landslides in the 10-county San Francisco Bay region. Historical records of damaging landslides in the region are incomplete. Therefore, our estimates of numbers and costs of future landslides are minimal estimates. The estimated mean annual number of future damaging landslides for the entire 10-county region is about 65. Santa Cruz County has the highest estimated mean annual number of damaging future landslides (about 18), whereas Napa, San Francisco, and Solano Counties have the lowest estimated mean numbers of damaging landslides (about 1 each). The estimated mean annual cost of future landslides in the entire region is about US $14.80 million (year 2000 $). The estimated mean annual cost is highest for San Mateo County ($3.24 million) and lowest for Solano County ($0.18 million). The annual per capita cost for the entire region will be about $2.10. Santa Cruz County will have the highest annual per capita cost at $8.45, whereas San Francisco County will have the lowest per capita cost at $0.31. Normalising costs by dividing by the percentage of land area with slopes equal to or greater than 17% indicates that San Francisco County will have the highest cost per square km ($7,101), whereas Santa Clara County will have the lowest cost per square km ($229). These results indicate that the San Francisco Bay region has one of the highest levels of landslide risk in the United States. Compared with landslide cost estimates from the rest of the world, the risk level in the Bay region seems high, but not exceptionally high.  相似文献   

The impacts of off-road vehicles on vegetation and soil were investigated at seven representative sites in the San Francisco Bay area. Plant cover of grass and chaparral (with shrubs to 4 m tall) have been stripped by the two- and four-wheel vehicles in use. Impacts on loamy soils include increased surface strength (as much as 275 bars), increased bulk density (averaging 18%) to depths of 90 cm or more, reduction of soil moisture by an average 43% to 30 cm depths, greatly reduced infiltration, extension of the diurnal temperature range by as much as 12°C, and reduction of organic carbon by an average 33% in exposed soils. Very sandy soils respond similarly to vehicular use except that moisture is increased and surface strength of beach sand is decreased. These physical and chemical impacts reduce the land's capability of restoring its vegetative cover, which in turn adversely affects animal populations. Both the loss of plant cover and the physical changes caused by vehicles promote erosion. Measured soil and substrate losses from vehicular use zones range from 7 to 1180 kg/m2. The estimated erosion rate of the Chabot Park site exceeds the rate of erosion considered a serious problem by a factor 30, it exceeds United States Soil Conservation Service tolerance values by a factor of 46, and it exceeds average San Francisco Bay area erosion rates by a factor of 17. The resulting soil losses are effectively permanent. Neither the increased sediment yield nor the increased runoff is accomodated on the sites of use, and both are causing adverse effects to neighboring properties.  相似文献   

The addition of synthetic organic ligands such as diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) and 8-hydroxyquinoline (Ox) to the dissolved fraction (<0.2 μm) of South San Francisco Bay water facilitated the transport of ambient Cu and Ni into phytoplankton cells. The uptake mechanism is diffusion of the lipophilic organic Cu(DDC)2 0 and Cu(Ox)2 0 complexes (and corresponding Ni complexes) across the plasma membrane. Short-term uptake experiments were carried out using a coastal diatom,Thalassiosira weissflogii, and resulted in rapid uptake rates and high cellular concentrations of the metal relative to the bay water control. Steady-state conditions between the solution and cellular Cu concentrations occurred within 10 min for a 4 μM addition of DDC and after 3 h for a 100 μM addition of Ox. Steady-state cellular Cu concentrations were over 10 times and 6 times greater, for DDC and Ox treatments, than in the bay water controls. Steady-state cellular Ni concentrations were attained within 10 min for both ligand additions and were more than 6 times and 2 times greater than in the absence of the added ligands. Using this bioassay, we were also able to gain insight into the character of the background organic Cu complexes in South Bay. Our results suggest that the natural organic Cu complexes are relatively hydrophilic in character and do not appear to be directly assimilated across the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a three-step procedure to infer the spatial heterogeneity in microphytobenthos primary productivity at the scale of tidal estuaries and embayments. The first step involves local measurement of the carbon assimilation rate of benthic microalgae to determine the parameters of the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-E) curves (using non-linear optimization methods). In the next step, a resampling technique is used to rebuild pseudo-sampling distributions of the local productivity estimates; these provide error estimates for determining the significance level of differences between sites. The third step combines the previous results with deterministic models of tidal elevation and solar irradiance to compute mean and variance of the daily areal primary productivity over an entire intertidal mudflat area within each embayment. This scheme was applied on three different intertidal mudflat regions of the San Francisco Bay estuary during autumn 1998. Microphytobenthos productivity exhibits strong (ca. 3-fold) significant differences among the major sub-basins of San Francisco Bay. This spatial heterogeneity is attributed to two main causes: significant differences in the photosynthetic competence (P-E parameters) of the microphytobenthos in the different sub-basins, and spatial differences in the phase shifts between the tidal and solar cycles controlling the exposure of intertidal areas to sunlight. The procedure is general and can be used in other estuaries to assess the magnitude and patterns of spatial variability of microphytobenthos productivity at the level of the ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distributions of particulate elements (Al, P, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), dissolved trace metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, and Cd), and dissolved nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, and silicic acid) were investigated in the Gulf of the Farallones, a region of high productivity that is driven by the dynamic mixing of the San Francisco Bay plume, upwelled waters, and California coastal surface waters. Particulate metals were separated into >10 and 0.4-10 μm size-fractions and further fractionated into leachable (operationally defined with a 25% acetic acid leach) and refractory particulate concentrations. Dissolved metals (< 0.4 μm pore-size filtrate) were separated into colloidal (0.03-0.4 μm) and soluble (<0.03 μm) fractions. The percent leachable particulate fractions ranged from 2% to 99% of the total particulate concentration for these metals with Mn and Cd being predominantly leachable and Fe and Al being predominantly refractory. The leachable particulate Pb concentration was associated primarily with suspended sediments from San Francisco Bay and was a tracer of the plume in coastal waters. The particulate trace metal data suggest that the leachable fraction was an available source of trace metal micronutrients to the primary productivity in coastal waters. The dissolved trace metals in the San Francisco Bay plume and freshly upwelled surface waters were similar in concentration, with the exception of Cu and Co, which exhibited relatively high concentrations in plume waters and served as tracers of this water mass. The dissolved data and estimates of the plume dynamics suggest that the impact of anthropogenic inputs of nutrients and trace metals in the San Francisco Bay plume contributes substantially to the concentrations found in the Gulf of the Farallones (10-50% of estimated upwelled flux values), but does not greatly disrupt the natural stoichiometric balance of trace metal and nutrient elements within coastal waters given the similarity in concentrations to sources in upwelled water. In all, the data from this study demonstrate that the flux of dissolved nutrients and bioactive trace metals from the San Francisco Bay plume contribute to the high and relatively constant phytoplankton biomass observed in the Gulf of the Farallones.  相似文献   

We compared the extent to which ancient and restoring wetlands in three estuary regions of San Francisco Bay support estuarine ecosystems through food web contributions. In comparison to mature marshes, we hypothesized that food webs of increasingly younger restoration sites would display increased dependency upon allochthonous subsidies due to nominal internal production. Using multiple stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S) in a mixing model, we traced links among primary producers and estuarine consumers. Results indicate that food webs of estuarine marshes are heavily dependent upon autochthonous marsh materials (76 ± 17%), even within the youngest restoration marshes (11 years). Nearly all sampled organisms relied upon autochthonous marsh materials, with the exception of Neomysis kadiakensis, a mysid shrimp, which derived the majority of its support from freshwater-produced phytoplankton. Marsh-derived organic matter (OM) support was consistent both temporally throughout the year and spatially along the three estuary regions, but evidence suggests that the specific type of OM supporting estuarine consumers depends on position along the estuarine gradient and on seasonal shifts in freshwater flow. These results indicate that wetland restoration rapidly provides important contributions to marsh consumers and potentially bolsters food web linkages in shallow-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

An unexpected major storm on July 14, 2006, resulted in great loss to the Dongjiang reservoir basin in Zixing City, Hunan Province, China, during the dominance of Typhoon Bilis (2006). The rainfall characteristics and temporal evolution of this major storm were studied with rain gauge data and high-resolution radar reflectivity data to investigate the connections between typhoon, reservoir and convective storm. Our investigations found that the intense convective storm, which was characterized by a banded structure, brought heavy rainfall concentrated in the Dongjiang reservoir basin while the center of Typhoon Bilis was nearly 450 km away from the basin. By applying geographical information system techniques, analyses of radar reflectivity demonstrated that the topography of the Dongjiang reservoir has big influence on the development of convective storm. Furthermore, intense convective cells with strong radar reflectivity (>50 dBZ) arose more frequently over the edges of the reservoir, especially over the southern mountain valley in the basin. More importantly, our investigations indicate that the occurrence of this convective storm is closely related to a strong atmospheric inversion by examining the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder data.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration, biovolume, cell diameter, and species composition differed across the narrow, low salinity zone between 0.6‰ to 4‰ and may influence copepod food availability in the northern San Francisco Bay Estuary. The highest chlorophyll a concentrations (range 3.2–12.3 μg 1?1), widest cell diameters (>5 μm diam), highest diatom densities and highest production rates of >10 μm diam cells occurred at the landward edge of the salinity zone in April during a strong spring tide and May during a strong neap tide. Near optimum predator/prey ratios, large prey estimated spherical diameters, and high chlorophyll a concentrations suggest these phytoplankton communities provided good food quantity and quality for the most abundant copepods, Eurytemora affinis, Sinocalanus doerrii, and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi. At the center of the zone, chlorophyll a concentrations, diatom densities, and production rates of >10 μm diam cells were lower and cell diameters were smaller than upstream. Downstream transport was accompanied by accumulation of phytoplankton with depth and tide; maximum biomass occurred on spring tide. The lowest chlorophyll a concentrations (1.4–3.6 μg 1?) and consistently high densities (3,000–4,000 cells ml?1) of <5 μm diam cells occurred at the seaward edge of the zone, where the green alga Nannochloris spp. and the bluegreen alga Synechococcus spp. were the most abundant phytoplankton. Low chlorophyll a concentrations and production rates of >10 μm diam cells, small prey estimated spherical diameters, and high predator/prey ratios suggested the seaward edge of the zone had poor phytoplankton food for copepodids and adult copepods. The seaward decrease in phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration and cell diameter and shift in species composition in the low salinity zone were probably a function of an estuary-wide decrease in chlorophyll a concentration, cell diameter, and diatom density since the early 1980s that was enhanced in the low salinity zone by clam herbivory after 1987. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY090 00008  相似文献   

Records of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) are presented from cores collected from four San Francisco Bay marshes and used as a proxy for changes in estuary salinity. The δ13C value of organic marsh sediments are a reflection of the relative proportion of C3 vs. C4 plants occupying the surface, and can thus be used as a proxy for vegetation change on the marsh surface. The four marshes included in this study are located along a natural salinity gradient that exists in the San Francisco Bay, and records of vegetation change at all four sites can be used to infer changes in overall estuary paleosalinity. The δ13C values complement pollen data from the same marsh sites producing a paleoclimate record for the late Holocene period in the San Francisco Bay estuary. The data indicate that there have been periods of higher-than-average salinity in the Bay estuary (reduced fresh water inflow), including 1600-1300 cal yr B.P., 1000-800 cal yr B.P., 300-200 cal yr B.P., and ca. A.D. 1950 to the present. Periods of lower-than-average salinity (increased fresh water inflow) occurred before 2000 cal yr B.P., from 1300 to 1200 cal yr B.P. and ca. 150 cal yr B.P. to A.D. 1950. A comparison of the timing of these events with records from the California coast, watershed, and beyond the larger drainage of the Bay reveals that the paleosalinity variations reflected regional precipitation.  相似文献   

Two laboratory microcosm experiments were conducted to mimic an annual spring diatom bloom in South San Francisco Bay by isolating the phytoplankton community from the benthic grazing pressure to induce a phytoplankton bloom. The purpose of these experiments was to isolate the impact of a spring diatom bloom on the nutrient and trace metal geochemical cycling. Microcosms were created in 2.5 L incubation bottles and subjected to one of 4 treatments (control, copper [Cu] addition, manganese [Mn] addition, and both Cu and Mn addition) to investigate the toxicity of Cu on the resident plankton and the potential antagonistic effects of Mn on reducing Cu toxicity. Dissolved macronutrient (nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, and silicate), and dissolved and particulate trace metal (Cu, Ni, Mn) concentrations were monitored in the grow-out incubations on a daily basis. Chlorophylla concentrations were also monitored over the course of the experiment and used to calculate diatom-specific growth rates. In the experiments containing ambient South San Francisco Bay surface waters, average specific growth rates were on the order of 1.1 d?1. The induced diatom blooms resulted in significant removal of macronutrients from the microcosms over the course of the experiments. Our research supports previous suggestions that dissolved Ni and Cu concentrations in South San Francisco Bay have a very low biological availability as a result of organic chelation. Ni(EDTA)2? has been found to be the dominant dissolved Ni species by other researchers and Cu speciation analyses from this study and others indicate that > 99% of the dissolved Cu in South San Francisco Bay is strongly chelated as CuL1. The free cupric ion concentration was on the order of 10?12 M. Marked removal of dissolved Mn was observed in the control treatments, well exceeding expected dissolved Mn removal by diatom uptake. Additions of 375 nM Cu resulted in the complete titration of the chelating ligand (L1) concentrations. The elevated [Cu2+] (≈10?8MM) appeared to have a toxic effect on the diatom community observed in the significant decreases in their specific growth rates (μ=0.4 d?1). The suppression of dissolved Mn removal from solution was also observed in treatments spiked with high levels of dissolved Cu, providing support that Mn precipitation was due to biologically mediated oxidation not phytoplankton assimilation. The observed geochemical behavior in the concurrent Cu and Mn addition treatments provide evidence in support of Mn alleviation of Cu toxicity. The biological role in the ambient short-term biogeochemical cycling of Cu and Ni in South San Francisco Bay appears to be minimal due to the inert character of the organic ligand-metal complexes. A significant portion of the annual macronutrient and Mn cycling occurs as a result of spring diatom blooms in South San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

Kayen  Robert E.  Mitchell  James K. 《Natural Hazards》1997,16(2-3):243-265
Uncompacted artificial-fill deposits on the east side of San Francisco Bay suffered severe levels of soil liquefaction during the Loma Prieta earthquake of 17 October 1989. Damaged areas included maritime-port facilities, office buildings, and shoreline transportation arteries, ranging from 65 to 85 km from the north end of the Loma Prieta rupture zone. Typical of all these sites, which represent occurrences of liquefaction-induced damage farthest from the rupture zone, are low cone penetration test and Standard Penetration Test resistances in zones of cohesionless silty and sandy hydraulic fill, and underlying soft cohesive Holocene and Pleistocene sediment that strongly amplified ground motions. Postearthquake investigations at five study sites using standard penetration tests and cone penetration tests provide a basis for evaluation of the Arias intensity-based methodology for assessment of liquefaction susceptibility.  相似文献   

The bed and suspended (slime) sediment phases associated with effluent water that are produced from phosphate-ore-upgrading process at Al-Abyad mine in the southern part of Jordan were analyzed chemically and mineralogically. The results show that the effluent water is highly oxic and mildly alkaline in nature. The geochemical behavior of each phase was controlled by the effluent water physicochemical parameters, sediment particle size, mineralogical constituents of the studied phases, and the prevailing climatic nature of the area. Bed sediments have higher concentrations of many elements than slime. Accordingly, the bed sediments can be considered as a sink rather than a pool for many elements. The geochemical dissociation of major oxides and trace elements between bed and slime sediments was evident using t test, particularly between P2O5, SiO2, CaO, K2O, Mn, Sr, Y, and Co, and to lesser extent, V, U, Zn, and Cr. This might be attributed to effluent water characteristics, mineralogy, and the presence of fine-grained materials. The spatial distribution of major oxide and trace element concentrations along the stream drainage exhibited a slight increase with distance either in bed or slime sediment phases. However, they increased suddenly at the last three sampling sites, which might be due to the abundance of fine-grained materials that are mainly composed of clay minerals (montmorillonite) that would enhance the adsorption process. Moreover, the XRD results confirmed the existence of elemental geochemical dissociation as a function of mineral control.  相似文献   

Stable isotope data, a dissolved gas tracer study, groundwater age dating, and geochemical modeling were used to identify and characterize the effects of introducing low-TDS recharge water in a shallow aerobic aquifer affected by a managed aquifer recharge project in California’s San Joaquin Valley. The data all consistently point to a substantial degree of mixing of recharge water from surface ponds with ambient groundwater in a number of nearby wells screened at depths above 60 m below ground surface. Groundwater age data indicate that the wells near the recharge ponds sample recently recharged water, as delineated by stable O and C isotope data as well as total dissolved solids, in addition to much older groundwater in various mixing proportions. Where the recharge water signature is present, the specific geochemical interactions between the recharge water and the aquifer material appear to include ion exchange reactions (comparative enrichment of affected groundwater with Na and K at the expense of Ca and Mg) and the desorption of oxyanion-forming trace elements (As, V, and Mo), possibly in response to the elevated pH of the recharge water.  相似文献   

The quantity of suspended sediment in an estuary is regulated either by transport, where energy or time needed to suspend sediment is limiting, or by supply, where the quantity of erodible sediment is limiting. This paper presents a hypothesis that suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) in estuaries can suddenly decrease when the threshold from transport to supply regulation is crossed as an erodible sediment pool is depleted. This study was motivated by a statistically significant 36% step decrease in SSC in San Francisco Bay from water years 1991–1998 to 1999–2007. A quantitative conceptual model of an estuary with an erodible sediment pool and transport or supply regulation of sediment transport is developed. Model results confirm that, if the regulation threshold was crossed in 1999, SSC would decrease rapidly after water year 1999 as observed. Estuaries with a similar history of a depositional sediment pulse followed by erosion may experience sudden clearing.  相似文献   

V. B. Sollogub 《Tectonophysics》1970,10(5-6):549-559
The analysis of numerous seismic studies from various geological provinces has demonstrated that variations in crustal thickness depend primarily on the thickness of the “basaltic” layer. In some areas two M discontinuities can be found — the present one and an ancient one. The lower crust, formed in Proterozoic time is apparently still preserved. Roots exist under the former Proterozoic orogens, in spite of the complete denudation of the orogenic mountains. Younger (Paleozoic-Mesozoic) subsurface structures are not so clearly pronounced in the crustal structure. More active reconstruction of the crust seems to have taken place in the course of Alpine orogenesis.  相似文献   

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