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Ulysses plasma electron observations of bidirectional and enhanced unidirectional electron heat fluxes within 4500 RJ (0.8 a.u. or 3 months on either side of closest approach) of Jupiter are presented as evidence for the magnetic connection of the spacecraft to the Jovian bow shock. These bursts of suprathermal electrons (> 30 eV) are observed when the interplanetary magnetic field points roughly parallel or antiparallel to the Jupiter-spacecraft line. Ninety-eight possible connection events were found over the 6 month period centered on the closest approach to Jupiter. The frequency of occurrence peaked with proximity to the bow shock, with most events occurring post-encounter. These are the first observations of backstreaming suprathermal electrons made in the vicinity of the Jovian bow shock.  相似文献   

In this work we perform the first multi-spacecraft analysis of two foreshock cavitons observed by the Cluster spacecraft. We also study the characteristics of their surrounding regions. Foreshock cavitons are a relatively new type of phenomena in the Earth's foreshock. They appear in regions deep inside the foreshock and are therefore always immersed in a sea of ULF waves and suprathermal particles. In the observational data the cavitons appear as simultaneous depressions of interplanetary magnetic field and plasma density. The two cavitons presented here have highly structured interiors and exhibit surface irregularities. They propagate sunwards in the reference frame of the solar wind plasma. Since their velocities are smaller than the solar wind velocity, the cavitons are convected towards the Earth by the solar wind flow. Their sizes are comparable to the size of the Earth. We show that the cavitons are different from other foreshock phenomena, such as cavities. The latter are thought to form by thermal expansion due to the excess of thermal pressure caused by intense flux of suprathermal ions in their interiors. Thermal pressure inside the cavitons is the same as in their surroundings, so they cannot form in this way. The proposed mechanism for the caviton formation includes nonlinear interactions between different types of ULF waves deep inside the foreshock.  相似文献   

The Ulysses spacecraft encountered the planet Jupiter in February 1992, on its journey towards high heliospheric latitude. During the approach to the planet, as well as on the outbound pass, while receding from the Jovian bow shock, the Plasma Frequency Receiver that is part of the Unified Radio and Plasma Wave experiment (URAP) recorded bursts of plasma waves in the frequency range of a few kHz. These emissions, first observed by the PWS experiment onboard the Voyager spacecraft, have been identified as upstream electron plasma waves. In this paper, we present the first analysis of the characteristics of these emissions, which are very similar to those found in the Earth's electron foreshock, upstream of the Earth's bow shock. These bursty emissions, with a peak frequency very close to the local electron plasma frequency Fpe, have a typical electric field amplitude in the range 0.01–0.1 mV m−1, with some bursts above 1 mV m−1. The frequency bandwidth over which significant power can be found above the instrument background noise ranges from below 0.2 Fpc to about 2 Fpc. On the basis of our present knowledge of similar emissions observed at Earth, we suggest that the broadband emissions are triggered by suprathermal (a few tens of eV) electrons, streaming back from Jupiter's bow shock.  相似文献   

A reexamination of the Voyager images has yielded a refined understanding of Jupiter's diffuse ring system. The system is composed of a relatively bright narrow ring and inner toroidal halo, in addition to the exterior “gossamer” ring discussed elsewhere (Showalter et al., 1985, Nature 316, 526–528). The previously suspected inner disk is absent. The main ring is ∼7000 km wide and has an abrupt outer boundary at a radius of 129,130 ± 100 km. Visible in the ring are several narrow bright features, which may bear some relationship to Adrastea and Metis; these features appear to be narrower and relatively brighter in backscatter. The smallest ring particles obey a power law size distribution, and have an optical depth of 1–6 × 10−6 for grains up to 100 μm in radius. The largest bodies are dark, rough, and red, and of comparable total optical depth. The halo arises at the bright ring's inner boundary and rapidly expands inward to a ∼20,000-km full thickness, but remains symmetric about the ring plane. It disappears from sight at a radius of 90,000 km, roughly halfway between the main ring and the planet's cloudtops. The halo particles are not predominantly Rayleigh scatterers; they appear to obey a size distribution similar to that of the micron-sized population in the main ring, and comprise a similar optical depth.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction of fast solar wind hydrogen atoms with the martian atmosphere by a three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation. These energetic neutral hydrogen atoms, H-ENAs, are formed upstream of the martian bow shock. Both H-ENAs scattered and non-scattered from the martian atmosphere/exosphere were studied. The colliding H-ENAs were found to scatter both to the dayside and nightside. On the dayside they contribute to the so-called H-ENA albedo. On the nightside the heated and scattered hydrogen atoms were found also in the martian wake. The density, the energy distribution function and the direction of the velocity of H-ENAs on the nightside are presented. The present study describes a novel “ENA sounding” technique in which energetic neutral atoms are used to derive information of the properties of planetary exosphere and atmosphere in a similar manner as the solar wind photons are used to derive atmospheric densities by measuring the scattered UV light. A detailed study of the direction and energy of the scattered and non-scattered H-ENAs suggest that the ENA sounding is a method to study the interaction between the planetary atmosphere and the solar wind and to monitor the density, and likely also the magnetization, of the planetary upper atmosphere. Already present-day ENA instrument should be capable to detect the analyzed particle fluxes.  相似文献   

From the analysis of 119 low-frequency (LF) burst spectra observed onboard the Wind spacecraft, we propose an interpretation of the frequency-time characteristics including the low frequency cutoff of the LF burst spectra, and we use these characteristics to sound the bow shock structure at large tailward distances from Earth. When observed from within the solar wind, LF bursts appear to be made of two spectral components. The high frequency one is bursty and observed above twice the solar wind plasma frequency fpsw. The low frequency one is diffuse (ITKR) and its spectrum extends from about 2fpsw to a cutoff frequency fc not much higher than fpsw; its onset time δt(f) increases as the frequency f decreases. For each of the 119 events observed from near the Lagrange point L1, the solar wind density variations were measured and the variations of the density jump across the shock calculated from plasma data all along a shock model over more than 2000RE. But, except for a few events, neither the solar wind overdensities nor the shock density barrier can prevent waves with frequencies below fc from reaching the spacecraft. Scattering on plasma density inhomogeneities was then introduced to account for the propagation of the LF burst waves in the magnetosheath, from near Earth to their escape point through the bow shock at a frequency-dependent distance |Xesc(f)| (GSE), and then in the solar wind to the spacecraft. In such media, at frequencies between 2fpsw and fpsw, the bulk speed of the scattered waves decreases rapidly as f decreases, and this accounts for the observed variations of the onset time δt(f). Angular scattering can also account for the observed cutoff at fc if the distance |Xesc(f)| increases exponentially when f/fpsw decreases. As the shock model we used meets that requirement, we consider that this model is valid, which implies that the bow shock still exists beyond 1000RE from the Earth. The observed decrease of the average spectral intensity of the LF burst between about 1.5fpsw and 2fpsw can also be explained by the scattering in the solar wind if we take into account the angular distribution of the rays when they leave the bow shock.  相似文献   

In this paper, by analyzing satellite observations and comparing them with generalized results of laboratory experiments a study is made of the structure of the bow shock wave and of the nature of the mechanisms that shape it up. It is shown that the structure of bow shock fronts of a laminar type is similar to that of a transverse and oblique shock observed in a laboratory plasma. The quasilaminar and turbulent (for not very large 0 < β1 ? 3) structures of the bow shock with “subshock” are similar to the shock with an isomagnetic jump in the laboratory plasma.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the experimental results on electron precipitation in a diffuse aurora obtained by a sounding rocket launched from ANDENES (L ~ 6·2) on 3 November 1968. A considerable increase in the intensity of low energy electrons, Ee ? 5 keV, followed a large precipitation of more energetic electrons Ee ? 5 keV. From the observation of angular distributions and an estimate of the diffusion coefficient (Dα ? 10?3 (sec)?2), it is suggested that this higher energy precipitation is induced by gyroresonant interactions of magnetospheric electrons with radiation in the whistler mode. The lower energy precipitation separated in time and/or space, shows quasi-periodic modulations in the 5–15 sec range with periods close to the bounce period. It is suggested that this precipitation is the result of bounce-resonance interactions with electrostatic waves in the equatorial plane. Finally, from a comparison between the experimental energy spectra and plasma sheet spectra it can be concluded that these electrons are injected from the plasma sheet during a substorm and are then diffused and precipitated by energy dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

For the first time since 1992 when the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) ceased to operate, there is again a plasma instrument in orbit around Venus, namely the ASPERA-4 flown on Venus Express (inserted into an elliptical polar orbit about the planet on April 11, 2006). In this paper we report on measurements made by the ion and electron sensors of ASPERA-4 during their first five months of operation and, thereby, determine the locations of both the Venus bow shock (BS) and the ion composition boundary (ICB) under solar minimum conditions. In contrast to previous studies based on PVO data, we employ a 3-parameter fit to achieve a realistic shape for the BS. We use a different technique to fit the ICB because this latter boundary cannot be represented by a conic section. Additionally we investigate the dependence of the location of the BS on solar wind ram pressure (based on ASPERA-4 solar wind data) and solar EUV flux (using a proxy from Earth).  相似文献   

Abstract– One transient heating mechanism that can potentially explain the formation of most meteoritic chondrules 1–3 Myr after CAIs is shock waves produced by planetary embryos perturbed into eccentric orbits via resonances with Jupiter following its formation. The mechanism includes both bow shocks upstream of resonant bodies and impact vapor plume shocks produced by high‐velocity collisions of the embryos with small nonresonant planetesimals. Here, we investigate the efficiency of both shock processes using an improved planetesimal accretion and orbital evolution code together with previous simulations of vapor plume expansion in the nebula. Only the standard version of the model (with Jupiter assumed to have its present semimajor axis and eccentricity) is considered. After several hundred thousand years of integration time, about 4–5% of remaining embryos have eccentricities greater than about 0.33 and shock velocities at 3 AU exceeding 6 km s?1, currently considered to be a minimum for melting submillimeter‐sized silicate precursors in bow shocks. Most embryos perturbed into highly eccentric orbits are relatively large—half as large as the Moon or larger. Bodies of this size could yield chondrule‐cooling rates during bow shock passage compatible with furnace experiment results. The cumulative area of the midplane that would be traversed by highly eccentric embryos and their associated bow shocks over a period of 1–2 Myr is <1% of the total area. However, future simulations that consider a radially migrating Jupiter and alternate initial distributions of the planetesimal swarm may yield higher efficiencies.  相似文献   

The HELIOS A and B zodiacal light photometers can be used to view comets as they pass the spacecraft. Because the HELIOS spacecraft orbit the Sun on their own, and are generally far from Earth, the spacecraft allow us to view comets from a different perspective than normally available. Comet West (1976VI) passed through perihelion on February 25, 1976. The comet crossed the HELIOS A and B spacecraft zodiacal light photometer fields of view, allowing them to record the brightness, polarization and color of the comet. Data from the U, B and V photometers showed a distinct blueing followed by a slight reddening corresponding to the ion and dust tails, respectively, entering the field of view of each photometer sector. The extent of the tail of Comet West was far greater seen from the HELIOS spacecraft than seen from Earth, even taking into account their generally closer viewing perspective. As Comet West traveled away from the Sun, it was observed in the zodiacal light photometer fields of view at a solar distance of more than 1.4 AU. The zodiacal light photometers also viewed Comet Meier (1978XXI). Comet Meier is far more compact than Comet West, extremely blue and unlike Comet West showed no significant dust tail. The interplanetary medium is observed to a level of the variations in the brightness of the electron-scattering component near Comet West. A brightness bump present in the data before the comet reached some photometer positions can be shown to approximately form a parabolic shape sunward and ahead of the orbital motion of the Comet West nucleus. We presume that this bump is evidence of the position of the cometary atmosphere or an enhancement of the ambient interplanetary medium ahead of the comet motion. The brightness bump in terms of density generally corresponds to a density enhancement of the ambient medium by a few times in the vicinity of the comet. When compared with Comet Halley and couched in terms of the shock stand-off distance, the distance of this brightness increase from the nucleus implies a neutral gas production rate of approximately 2.5 times that of Halley. This is in agreement with the neutral gas production rate measured from Comet West using more direct techniques.Now at Scientific Applications Inc., La Jolla, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

X-ray images taken by the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard SMM during the 1980, November 18 limb flare are analysed. The temporal and spatial evolutions of the X-radiation are described. They differ significantly for hard and soft X-rays. During the elementary flare bursts energetic photons are predominantly emitted from a region close to the solar limb. In contrast, the soft X-ray sources are situated higher in the solar atmosphere. The observed X-ray spectra, in particular those emitted from small source regions at various altitudes, were fitted to power laws. Analysis of the spatial variation of the spectral index shows that there is a systematic tendency of the spectra to get harder with decreasing source altitude, especially during the elementary flare bursts. This fact is in agreement with the existence of nonthermal electron beams precipitating from the corona towards the denser layers of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

The suprathermal plasma analyser on the geostationary satellite Geos-2 can identify magnetospheric, boundary layer and magnetosheath electron distributions around the dayside equatorial magnetopause. As examples, data from two days when magnetopause crossings occurred, 28 August 1978 and 12 November 1978, are discussed. The boundary layer electrons are intermediate in temperature and density between those in the ring current and the magnetosheath but cannot be a simple admixture of the two populations. The transition from boundary layer to magnetosheath electrons is often sudden. We believe it to be coincident with the magnetopause where the magnetic field changes from terrestrial to interplanetary.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chassigny is a shock-metamorphosed dunite of probable Martian origin. In order to determine its degree of shock metamorphism and to define the starting conditions prior to its ejection from Mars, the shock signature of Chassigny has been carefully examined by optical and electronoptical techniques. Dominant shock effects are the conversion of feldspars to diaplectic glass (maskelynite), the clino-/orthoenstatite inversion, strong mosaicism of olivine, and the activation of numerous planar fractures and c dislocations in olivine. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals additionally the coexistance of planar fractures with, so far, unknown discontinuous fractures in olivine. These findings point to a shock pressure of 35 GPa. Chassigny has thus experienced a high and similar degree of shock metamorphism as the shergottites. The results of this study suggest that Chassigny was at a shallow target position, close to the point of impact, when it was ejected.  相似文献   

For a variety of reasons, Jupiter's polar areas are probably the less observed regions of the planet. To study the dynamics and cloud vertical structure in the polar regions of the planet (latitudes 50° to 80° in both hemispheres) we have used images of Jupiter obtained from the ultraviolet to near infrared (258 to 939 nm) by the Cassini Imagining Science Subsystem (ISS) in December 2000. The temporal coverage was complemented with archived images from the Hubble Space Telescope (1993-2006) in a similar spectral range. The zonal wind velocities have been measured at three Cassini ISS wavelengths (CB2, MT3 and UV1, corresponding to 750, 890 and 258 nm) sounding different altitude levels. The three eastward jets detected in CB2 images (lower cloud) go to zero velocity when measured in the UV1 filter (upper haze). A radiative transfer analysis has been performed to characterize the vertical structure of cloud and hazes distribution at the poles. We also present a characterization (phase speed, amplitude and zonal wavenumber) of the previously detected circumpolar waves at 67° N and S at 890 nm and at about 50° N and −57° S at 258 nm that are a permanent phenomenon in Jupiter with some variability in its structure during the analyzed period. From the ensemble of data analyzed we propose the waves are Rossby waves whose dynamic behavior constrains plausible values for their meridional and vertical wavenumbers. This work demonstrates the long-term nature of Jupiter's polar waves, providing a dynamical and vertical characterization which supports a detailed analysis of these phenomena in terms of a Rossby wave model.  相似文献   

HEOS-2 has observed energetic electrons (> 40 keV) in the high latitude magnetosphere appearing as one or more peaks outside and often well separated from the trapping boundary. Most of the observations are between 70° and 80° invariant latitudes both in the day and nightside. The peaks are located in the dayside adjacent to the polar cusp and coincide in the nightside with the edge of the plasma sheet. The electron peak intensity on the nightside shows a clear correlation with AE. The electron peak intensities on the dayside exceed those on the nightside and are generally higher in the pre-noon than in the afternoon sector. Observations on the dayside in the distant cusp region and in the adjacent magnetosheath show high and fluctuating intensities of energetic electronswith an energy spectrum much harder than in the outermost trapping region.

This observational evidence suggests different source regions for these energetic electrons: one in the distant geomagnetic tail and another one around the dayside cusp indentation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Noble gas data from Martian meteorites have provided key constraints about their origin and evolution, and their parent body. These meteorites have witnessed varying shock metamorphic overprinting (at least 5 to 14 GPa for the nakhlites and up to 45–55 GPa (e.g., the lherzolitic shergottite Allan Hills [ALH] A77005), solar heating, cosmic‐ray exposure, and weathering both on Mars and Earth. Influences on the helium budgets of Martian meteorites were evaluated by using a new data set and literature data. Concentrations of 3He, 4He, U, and Th are measured and shock pressures for same sample aliquots of 13 Martian meteorites were determined to asses a possible relationship between shock pressure and helium concentration. Partitioning of 4He into cosmogenic and radiogenic components was performed using the lowest 4He/3He ratio we measured on mineral separates (4He/3He = 4.1, pyroxene of ALHA77005). Our study revealed significant losses of radiogenic 4He. Systematics of cosmogenic 3He and neon led to the conclusion that solar radiation heating during transfer from Mars to Earth and terrestrial weathering can be ruled out as major causes of the observed losses of radiogenic helium in bulk meteorites. For bulk rock we observed a correlation of shock pressure and radiogenic 4He loss, ranging between ?20% for Chassigny and other moderately shocked Martian meteorites up to total loss for meteorites shocked above 40 GPa. A steep increase of loss occurs around 30 GPa, the pressure at which plagioclase transforms to maskelynite. This correlation suggests significant 4He loss induced by shock metamorphism. Noble gas loss in rocks is seen as diffusion due to (1) the temperature increase during shock loading (shock temperature) and (2) the remaining waste heat after adiabatic unloading (post shock temperature). Modeling of 4He diffusion in the main U, Th carrier phase apatite showed that post‐shock temperatures of ?300 °C are necessary to explain observed losses. This temperature corresponds to the post‐shock temperature calculated for bulk rocks shocked at about 40 GPa. From our investigation, data survey, and modeling, we conclude that the shock event during launch of the meteorites is the principal cause for 4He loss.  相似文献   

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