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黄河口有着我国典型的新生湿地生态系统,生态环境非常脆弱,极易受到陆源和海洋污染事故的影响。本文针对黄河口附近海上油田的开发和运输带来的潜在溢油风险,结合溢油污染概率模型以及河口的生态脆弱性,对黄河口湿地潜在溢油污染风险进行评估。在河口水动力模拟的基础上,采用随机情景模拟法选取300种风和潮流组合作为溢油模拟的强迫条件,分别模拟溢油后72 h和720 h的污染结果,并统计黄河口湿地受溢油污染影响的最大概率和最短时间,采用环境敏感指数表征湿地对溢油污染的敏感程度、危害后果指数量化表征其危害程度及风险矩阵量化风险高低。结果表明黄河口国家公园受潜在溢油污染概率较大,危害后果指数值为29,处于较高危害等级,属于中风险区;河口岸线受潜在溢油污染概率较小,危害后果指数值均小于1,溢油危害后果低,属于低风险区。  相似文献   

The effects of stranded oil from a tanker collision off the South African coast on the meiofauna ratio and density have been monitored over a period of 1 year on two sandy beaches. The perturbation of two beaches was judged against reference beach meiofauna density behaviour. In the undisturbed beach, oil deposited in sediment depressed harpacticoid copepod numbers, while numbers of nematodes stayed similar to those of the reference levels. Removal of surface sand in the mechanically disturbed beach had a greater influence on the density of animals than oil. Both beaches showed recovery after six months, but evidence of pollution by oil of unknown origin was found.  相似文献   

Significant spatial heterogeneity in the abundance and composition of meiofaunal and nematode assemblages was described inside the Genoa-Voltri harbour (Genoa, Italy) in relation to variation in the main environmental variables. In harbour sediments characterized by low Eh values and high organic matter concentrations, total meiofauna abundance was lower (948 ± 919 ind 10 cm−2), nematode individual biomass was higher (0.17 ± 0.07 μg C), kinorhynchs and tanaids were completely absent, and the nematode assemblage was dominated by the genera Terschellingia, Sabatieria (pulchra group) and Paracomesoma. In contrast, in sediment characterized by lower levels of organic pollution, meiofaunal abundance was higher (1085 ± 737 ind 10 cm−2), nematode individual biomass was lower (0.11 ± 0.04 μg C), kinorhynchs and tanaids were present and the nematodes were dominated by the genera Desmodora, Daptonema, Anticoma and Halalaimus.Environmental disturbance as assessed by the analysis of meiofaunal and nematode assemblages and sediment environmental variables changed significantly over a scale hundreds of meters, but did not follow a gradient from the inner to the outer harbour. Analysis of nematode assemblages is proposed as a useful tool for the identification of environmental risk areas which may assist in the development of good planning, monitoring programmes and better management of harbour ecosystems.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络已成为监测海洋环境信息的一种重要手段,然而由于传感设备部署的范围和密度不同,造成不同位置的感知数据的可用性差异很大,针对此建立模型并进行评价对于高质量的数据获取和清洗具有重要的意义。基于传感器节点的感知模型、能耗模型和改进的Leeway漂流模型,面向感知数据的可靠性和时效性两个方面,建立了围绕海洋监测应用的综合评判指标,进一步提出数据采集船航行路线的评价方法和数据源的选择方法,最后通过实验验证了提出模型和方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Due to increasing population growth and anthropogenic pollution in the coastal zone, contamination of water and seafood with pathogens is probably responsible for the greatest number of human morbidities and mortalities worldwide. Hence, regular monitoring of waterborne pathogens is required to safeguard public health. Current techniques rely on the culturing of nonpathogenic indicator organisms (e.g. Escherichia coli or coliforms) for detection by inference. However, recent epidemiological evidence shows poor correlation between concentrations of E. coli/coliform and waterborne pathogens. Moreover, traditional methods are slow, not cost-effective, unable to distinguish harmful from benign strains, and fail to detect viable but nonculturable pathogens. The use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has provided rapid and highly sensitive methods for the specific detection of pathogenic microorganisms. This paper briefly reviews some DNA-based technologies for waterborne pathogen detection, and describes our recent development of two new DNA-based technologies—quantitative multiplex PCR (Q-mPCR) and DNA microarray—that allow simultaneous and cost-effective detection and quantification of numerous pathogens in a single sample, which is superior to the culture methods currently in use.  相似文献   

使用Ludox@HS-40作为介质,对一系列深海小型底栖生物进行了离心分离实验,对小型底栖生物分选率在不同密度和离心速度条件下的双因素方差进行了分析,并确定了该种试剂的最佳密度和最佳的离心速度。结果表明:Ludox@HS-40介质密度和离心速度对小型底栖生物的分选率影响显著,但密度和离心速度间交互效应对分选率的影响却并不显著,Ludox@HS-40介质的最佳密度应大于等于1.18 g/mL,最佳离心速度为1 800~2 000 r/min,此时小型底栖生物分选率将大于等于97%。  相似文献   

近岸海域污染的生态效应评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛雄志  杨喜爱 《海洋科学》2004,28(10):75-81
近岸海域包括从潮间带至大陆架边缘内侧的水体和海底,生境复杂多变,其间生活的生物种类较丰富,根据其生活习性分为浮游生物、底栖生物和游泳生物三大生态类群。正常海域生态系统内部具有协调结构和功能,良性的物质循环和能量流动。由于近几十年海岸带地区经济的发展,近岸海域污染日益严重,海域生态系统受到极大的干扰,生态系统结构退化,生态系统的功能失调。生物种类和数量日趋减少,污染敏感种类消失,耐污种的数量增加,这种表现在生态系统中的响应即为污染生态效应。用各种定性和定量的方法对生态系统的响应做出评估,可以了解海  相似文献   

白树猛  田黎 《海洋科学》2010,34(1):80-83
伴随着社会经济和工业的快速发展,人口的不断增长,在生产和生活过程中产生的废弃物也越来越多,这些废弃物的绝大部分最终直接或间接地进入海洋.当这些废物和污水的排放量达到一定的限度,海洋便受到了污染.污染海洋的物质众多,按污染物的性质和毒性,以及对海洋环境危害方式,大体可以把污染物分成以下几类:一是营养盐类和有机物质,如工业排出的无机氮、磷酸盐等,生活污水中的粪便、洗涤剂等;二是重金属和酸碱类物质如汞、铜、锌、镉等重金属,以及砷、硫、磷等非金属和各种酸碱;三是有毒化学制品,主要是化肥和农药的残留物[1,2].  相似文献   

对广西廉州湾表层沉积物进行了采集,并测定了其重金属的含量。对重金属的含量和分布进行了对比分析,并采用单因子指数法和Hakanson的潜在生态风险指数法对其重金属的污染特征及潜在生态风险性进行了评价。结果表明,廉州湾海域表层沉积物5种重金属的平均含量均低于国家海洋沉积物一类标准,南部的重金属含量较高;总体污染程度为中等污染,各重金属污染程度由高到低依次为Cd>Cu>Pb>Zn>Hg;该海域沉积物重金属总体潜在生态风险程度低,各重金属元素的潜在生态风险程度由高到低依次为Cd>Hg>Cu>Pb>Zn,其中Cd为主要潜在生态风险因子。  相似文献   

Seafood tissue monitoring in Santa Monica Bay, CA, for regulatory compliance has provided information about contamination around major wastewater outfalls, but has not been useful in health management. It has not always focused on species caught by sport fishing, or on key sport fishing areas. Separate programs were uncoordinated, using distinct sampling patterns to collect different species. Most importantly, monitoring was not designed to feed information into a formal health management process. The Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project oversaw the development of a regionally coordinated monitoring program. It stressed that monitoring should support risk-based health management decision making by California EPA. This led to fundamental changes in the existing compliance-based monitoring design. We describe these and examine the features of the management system that both allowed for and supported an unusual degree of change in long-standing compliance monitoring programs.  相似文献   

渤海小型底栖动物生物量的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
主要以线虫、桡足类、双壳类、多毛类和动吻5个类群对渤海小型底栖动物的生物量进行了估算,并对其水平分布进行了研究.结果表明,3个航次平均,渤海小型底栖动物年生物量为(干重)0.404g/(m2·a);1998年9~10月和1999年4~5月2个航次中小型底栖动物生物量的水平分布主要表现为渤海中东部和海峡口站位的生物量明显高于其他站位,但在1999年航次,海峡口靠近海岸的站位生物量下降,位于莱洲湾B1站位生物量明显上升.依据小型底栖动物的年生产力P=9B,估算渤海小型底栖动物的年平均生产力为(干重)3.636g/(m2·a).还对渤海小型底栖动物生物量与世界其他海域的进行了比较,认为渤海小型底栖动物生物量的数值与其他海域生物量的数值接近,但略偏低.就不同学者研究所得的线虫平均个体干重进行了比较研究.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen (N2) fixed by a group of prokaryotes (diazotrophs) is the dominant process adding bioavailable nitrogen into the ocean. Although it has been intensively studied how N2 fixation is controlled by resources (bottom-up factors), it is unclear whether the grazing (top-down control) effectively impacts growth and distribution of different diazotroph groups. In this study, we evaluate this question by conducting log-log regression of diazotroph biomass onto corresponding N2 fixation rates in the global ocean. The slope of the regression for Trichodesmium is ~0.8, indicating that a small portion of the increase in N2 fixation does not accumulate as its biomass. This leads to a conclusion that Trichodesmium is under a substantial top-down control, although bottom-up control still dominates. We also analyze the residuals of the regression in the North Atlantic, concluding that free trichomes of Trichodesmium are subject to stronger top-down control than its colonies. The weak correlation between the biomass and N2 fixation of unicellular cyanobacterial diazotrophs indicates that the degree of top-down control on this type of diazotrophs varies greatly. The analyses obtain unrealistic results for diatom-diazotroph assemblages due to complicated nitrogen sources of these symbioses. Our study reveals the variability of top-down control among different diazotroph groups across time and space, suggesting its importance in improving our understandings of ecology of diazotrophs and predictions of N2 fixation in biogeochemical models. Measurements of size-specific N2 fixation rates and growth rates of different diazotroph groups can be useful to more reliably analyze the top-down control on these key organisms in the global ocean.  相似文献   

Littleneck clams, Protothaca staminea, were sampled on two plots in the north Puget Sound region to evaluate the effects of sampling strategy on costs for measuring plot density in an hypothesis-testing framework. The general approach involved quadrat sampling on permanently marked plots. Results indicated that detection of differences in density as small as 10% with 80% probability would: (1) exceed in cost the economic value of 10% of the stock and (2) decimate more than 10% of the stock unless provision were made to allow survival of sampled clams. Restriction of sampling to the marketable cohort, restriction of sampling to parts of plots covered by vegetation, increasing the probability for a Type I error and use of a smaller quadrat size all served to substantially reduce sampling costs. The projections of sampling requirements were made using estimates of variance obtained from sampling in differing manners and at different seasons. The estimates so obtained did not give good uniformity. This has an important ramification for pollutant studies because a common variance for control and ‘polluted’ means is an assumption central to the use of probability models.  相似文献   

红树林生态系统小型底栖动物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘均玲  黄勃 《海洋科学》2012,36(10):118-122

The metazoan meiofauna in the Chukchi Sea were collected from seven shallow water stations(depths ranging 46 to 52 m) and five deep sea stations(depths ranging between 393 and 2 300 m) during the 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2010. The results showed that abundance of meiofauna was higher in shallow water sediments(average of 2 445 ind./(10 cm2)) than in deep sea sediments(407.06 ind./(10 cm2)). A UNIANOVA test for difference between the two different regions was highly significant(F=101.15, p0.01). Nematodes were numerically dominant, representing(96.6±4.6)% of the total meiofaunal abundance at the shallow water stations and(98.90±1.42)% at deep sea stations. The number of higher taxonomic groups and abundance of meiofauna were higher at Stas CC1, CC4, and R06 near the Bering Strait and the continent, than at the rest of the shallow water and deep sea stations. The primary factors causing the differences were concentrations of nutrients P and Si of bottom seawater(R=0.831, p0.003), followed by depth(R=-0.655, p0.05) and sand fractions of sediments(R=0.632, p 0.05). The numbers of meiofauna on the 65 μm and 32 μm sieves were significantly higher than those on the rest of the screens. Differences in numbers of meiofauna retained on screens with different mesh openings were highly significant among all sampling stations(F=31.60, p0.01). The highest numbers of individuals on screens with 32 μm mesh openings were found at deep sea stations. The number of meiofauna in the top 0–1, 1–2, and 2–4 cm segments constituted 84.4% of the total and was significantly higher than those in the bottom 4–6 and 6–10 cm segments(F=15, p0.01).  相似文献   

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