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Wu Wenhao Chen Zongfeng Li Yuheng Wang Yongsheng Yan Jiayu Song Chuanyao 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):818-830
Journal of Geographical Sciences - With global climate change, the agricultural light-temperature potential productivity in the agro-pastoral ecotone has increased. This offers a good opportunity... 相似文献
北方农牧交错带濒危少数民族语地名规模不断增加,少数民族语地名文化脆弱性日益突出,可持续发展尤为堪忧。地名是由多要素构成的开放性文化系统。因此,如何从系统脆弱性角度将以往对濒危少数民族语地名的定性研究扩展至脆弱程度的定量研究具有一定的理论与现实意义。引入脆弱性研究范式,基于大量实地考察和文献梳理,从敏感性、暴露度及恢复力的视角识别北方农牧交错带少数民族语地名文化脆弱性影响因素,构建脆弱性评价体系,讨论评价尺度和评价方法,并针对典型案例地展开实证研究。结果表明:案例地少数民族语地名文化敏感性和暴露度突出,恢复力较弱,脆弱性较明显。其脆弱性受地名文化系统内损性和外部扰动性因素的共同影响。其中,地方居民对少数民族语地名语源语义的错误认知,较高的汉语普及率和汉译少数民族语地名社会认同度,以及少数民族语地名意译的非准确化是脆弱性形成的重要驱动因子。其次,汉译用字和译音的简化和非标准化,较高的地名合并、更改及弃用比,较少的地名文献储备量,以及少数民族语使用群体规模的大幅下降也是较为重要的单指标因素。 相似文献
气候变化与土地利用/覆被变化对中国北方农牧交错带水资源影响研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国北方农牧交错带对全球变化响应敏感,研究气候变化及土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)背景下北方农牧交错带水资源问题,对变化环境下生态脆弱区的水资源利用与管理具有重要意义。通过对北方农牧交错带气候与LUCC演变特征及其对水资源影响等方面的综合研究,总结得出:(1) 近几十年,该地区气候呈暖干化趋势,气温升高速率与降水减少速率均高于全球平均水平。(2) LUCC以农牧相互转化为主,土地利用结构未发生明显变化。(3) 该地区流域径流、地下水位与气温负相关,与降水量正相关,且降水作用更明显;近几十年来,LUCC成为影响该地区生态水文过程的主导因素,对水资源影响的贡献率越来越大。同时,针对目前研究中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出未来研究的发展趋势和亟需重点加强的研究方向。 相似文献
气候变化对北方农牧交错带界线变迁影响的定量探测方法研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
气候对北方农牧交错带界线变迁的定量影响是目前生态脆弱敏感区对气候变化响应领域的研究热点问题。前人已在气候变化对农牧交错带界线的定性影响方面有较为深刻的认识,但仍缺乏在时间和空间上对气候贡献率进行有针对性的定量辨识。本文利用1970年以来长时间序列的国家气象站点数据和土地利用遥感解译数据,分别提取了基于气候要素和土地利用的20世纪70年代、80年代、90年代和21世纪前10年4个时期的北方农牧交错带界线,通过垂直和水平方向变动探测方法(FishNet)和界线变迁方向变动探测方法(DSAS)对气候界线与土地利用界线的时空变化进行探测,定量分析了不同时期气候对农牧交错带界线变迁影响的贡献率。结果表明,气候与土地利用界线空间分布格局及气候贡献率在不同时期、不同区域差异较大,在西北地区变幅最小,东北地区变幅最大。在大兴安岭东南缘农田控制水源涵养生态功能区西北段以及内蒙古高原东南缘农、林、牧业生态—生产功能区西北段,气候与土地利用界线空间耦合关系最为密切,在该地区基于FishNet方法下水平方向上气候贡献率达10.7%~44.4%,垂直方向上达4.7%~55.9%;基于DSAS方法下气候贡献率为1.1%~16.8%。两种方法探测结果大部分趋于一致,但DSAS方法精度高,适用于小范围精确探测;FishNet方法更简单,适用于精度要求不高、快速直观的统计分析。本研究可为北方农牧交错带内农牧业生产适应气候变化、合理开发土地生产潜力、保护农牧交错带区内生态环境提供科学依据和指导。 相似文献
中国北方农牧交错带鄂尔多斯高原段土壤表层粒度特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤粒度是描述土壤性质的重要参数,研究农牧交错带土壤表层粒度对土壤质量和沙化程度评价具有科学意义。对不同沉积物类型及土地利用方式土壤表层(0~5 cm深度)粒度进行分析。结果表明:(1)沙黄土、覆沙黄土残积物、风化残积物中粉粒最多,其次为极细砂和细砂,这3个粒级含量之和表现为沙黄土(96.51%)>覆沙黄土残积物(88.29%)>风化残积物(77.58%);风成沙土壤表层以细砂(53.85%)和中砂(26.13%)为主。(2)平均粒径由小到大依次为沙黄土(4.78Φ)、覆沙黄土残积物(4.62Φ)、风化残积物(3.80Φ)、风成沙(2.46Φ);分选性由差到好依次为风化残积物、覆沙黄土残积物、沙黄土、风成沙;偏度呈现为正偏或极正偏;峰值表明风成沙(2.30)粒径分布最为集中。(3)同一地表沉积物中,砾石和极粗砂等粗颗粒在农田较多,粉粒在草地较多,极细砂在林地较多;风成沙中,粉粒在固定沙丘略多,细砂在半固定沙丘较多,砾石、极粗砂等粗颗粒仅在流动沙丘地中分布。(4)土壤颗粒分形维数表现为沙黄土(2.5242)>覆沙黄土残积物(2.4373)>风化残积物(2.3554)>风成沙(2.2815);地表沉积物类型不同,表层土壤分形维数与粒级含量相关性有着明显差异。 相似文献
中国耕地利用隐性形态转型的多学科综合研究框架 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
当前,18亿亩耕地“红线”的划定对中国耕地数量保护成效显著,但要实现保障粮食安全、促进农民增收的战略目标,更多的研究仍需聚焦在既定资源数量下的耕地利用隐性形态转型上。耕地利用隐性形态包含涉及不同学科的多重属性,其转型规律的刻画需建立在多学科综合研究框架基础之上。为此,研究结合中国耕地资源管理实践,分析了1949年以来耕地利用隐性形态转型历程,梳理了分散于管理学、经济学和社会学中的相关研究进展。结果表明,当前研究在区域性、综合性、多尺度性方面表现不足,这些不足不仅影响分析结果的准确性,也弱化了研究结论在耕地管理实践中的可推广性和可操作性。因此,本文提出在现有研究基础上引入地理学的研究理念和分析方法,通过开展多学科的综合研究弥补以上不足,并进而从概念框架、具体设计、实践运用三个层次,逐步深入和细化,提出了中国耕地利用隐性形态转型研究的多学科综合研究框架,阐述了这一框架的具体应用思路。 相似文献
Development of quantitative methods for detecting climate contributions to boundary shifts in farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The quantitative effect of climate change on fragile regions has been a hot topic in the field of responses to climate change. Previous studies have qualitatively documented the impacts of climate change on boundary shifts in the farming-pastoral ecotone (FPE); however, the quantitative methods for detecting climate contributions remain relatively limited. Based on long-term data of meteorological stations and interpretations of land use since 1970, climate and land use boundaries of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s were delineated. To detect climate contributions to the FPE boundary shifts, we developed two quantitative methods to explore the spatial-temporal pattern of climate and land use boundary at the east-west (or south-north) (FishNet method) and transect directions (Digital Shoreline Analysis System, DSAS method). The results indicated that significant differences were exhibited in climate boundaries, land use boundaries, as well as climate contributions in different regions during different periods. The northwest FPE had smaller variations, while the northeast FPE had greater shifts. In the northwest part of the southeast fringe of the Greater Hinggan Mountains and the Inner Mongolian Plateau, the shifts of climate boundaries were significantly related to the land use boundaries. The climate contributions at an east-west direction ranged from 10.7% to 44.4%, and those at a south-north direction varied from 4.7% to 55.9%. The majority of the results from the DSAS were consistent with those from the FishNet. The DSAS method is more accurate and suitable for precise detection at a small scale, whereas the FishNet method is simple to conduct statistical analysis rapidly and directly at a large scale. Our research will be helpful to adapt to climate change, to develop the productive potential, as well as to protect the environment of the FPE in northern China. 相似文献
滇西北生态脆弱区土地利用变化及其生态效应 ——以云南省永胜县为例 总被引:64,自引:1,他引:64
土地利用/土地覆被变化及其生态环境效应研究是当前地理学全球变化研究的核心内容,而生态系统服务功能则是生态学、生态经济学研究的热点问题。作者利用滇西北生态脆弱区--永胜县1988年、1994年和1999年的TM遥感影像,采用景观生态学的空间格局指数分析研究区近10年来的土地利用动态变化特征,并以生态系统服务功能衡量相应土地利用类型的相对生态价值,评价区域土地利用/土地覆被变化的生态效应,尝试将二者有机结合起来。研究表明,全县景观总体构成表现为景观破碎度较高,斑块数目较多;林地和未利用地一直占很大比重,林地的不断增加与未利用地的迅速减少是研究时段内土地利用变化的突出特征;研究时段内全县土地利用变化带来了较好的生态效应,土地利用生态效益持续提高,并表现出了较大的空间差异。 相似文献
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The dramatic land use changes that occur in rapidly urbanized areas are important inducement to changes in the eco-environmental quality. Investigating urban land... 相似文献
我国北部农牧交错区城郊土地利用时空变化-以包头市为例 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
以包头市城郊区为例,在地理信息系统支持下,以乡镇(苏木)为研究单元,研究本地区土地利用时空动态变化过程,并分析其变化驱动因素。从微观角度分析了北方农牧交错区城郊区土地利用变化特征。农牧交错区是人类活动影响强烈之地带,土地利用变化与土地持续利用研究,对生态安全和地区持续发展具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
Underlying motivation for land use change: A case study on the variation of agricultural factor productivity in Xinjiang, China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Huiyi Zhu 《地理学报(英文版)》2013,23(6):1041-1051
Understanding the driving forces and mechanism of land use change is a key issue in land change science, and has received much attention over the past 30 years. While many driving forces have been identified, the mechanism of land use change is still unclear, mainly because of limited knowledge of the underlying motivation for land use change. Traditionally, the underlying motivation for land use change was ascribed to people's pursuit of satisfying their own demands or that of profit maximization. However, those theoretical hypotheses combine all productive factors without highlighting certain predominant factor, in this paper, a case study was conducted on the variation of land productivity, capital productivity and labor productivity in agricultural land use in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The case study revealed that only labor productivity presented a long-term increasing trend in regional cotton and grain production. This result implies that people's pursuit of increasing labor pro- ductivity is probably the underlying motivation for land use change. Additional details identi- fied in agricultural and non-agricultural land use in China support the above implication. As labor productivity is a determinant of people's living standards, increasing labor productivity means improving people's living standards. Therefore, it is concluded that land use change results from people's pursuit of increasing labor productivity in a changing environment. 相似文献
Land consolidation has a profound impact on landscape patterns and ecological functions at various scales through engineering and biological measures. In recent years, China invests more than 100 billion RMB yuan on land consolidation each year. To understand how land consolidation affects landscape patterns and ecosystems, we investigated the ecosystem service value and the ecological connectivity in a consolidated area of Da’an city from 2008 to 2014 using a revised ecological connectivity index. The results indicated that land consolidation has certain negative influences on the ecosystem services in this area. The total ecosystem service value will decrease by nearly 30% in the late stage of consolidation. This decrease is caused by the loss of ecosystem service of the wetland and grassland, despite a sensible increase of cultivated land. In addition, land consolidation could change the ecological connectivity as well as the land use structure. Up to 85% of the entire area will be in low connectivity in the late stage of consolidation, representing a 6.23% increase in the total coverage compared to pre-consolidation. Finally, the different connectivity landscape and their key areas can be identified by the revised ecological connectivity index effectively. This study is helpful to trace out the relationships between landscape pattern and ecological process, and provides insights for ecological planning and designing of land consolidation in this area. We suggest that more attentions should be paid to improve the quality and ecosystem service value per unit area of the landscape, to establish ecological compensation mechanism of wetland losses, and to create the ecological corridors along the least accumulated impendence surface in the key areas during land consolidation. 相似文献
以快速城市化典型地区——深圳市为例,结合土地利用变化与生态质量评价模型对城市土地利用的数量控制和空间控制两类生态政策的生态效应进行了评估。结果表明:(1) 在城市化发展过程中,由于城市用地扩张,城市生境面临破碎化增加、连通性降低、生境质量下降等生态风险,生态政策的实施可以在一定程度上缓解上述生态风险。(2) 数量控制的生态政策可以提高土地利用的集约性,遏制景观破碎化和生境质量下降趋势和增强景观连通性,但可能造成城市开发强度上升,对城市用地周边生态环境产生影响。(3) 空间控制的生态政策可以维护生态用地格局,遏制景观破碎化和生境质量下降趋势,但在维护景观连通性方面作用有限。(4) 两种政策同时使用会产生协同效应,其效果优于单独使用两种政策。 相似文献
基于电流理论识别多物种扩散廊道的优先度——以西南西双版纳为例(英文) 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Ecological corridor networks can efficiently improve regional landscape connectivity. Corridors for multiple faunal species movements are receiving increasing attention and graph theory is considered a promising way to explore landscape connectivity. In Xishuangbanna, the circuit theory was applied to explore the corridor networks for biodiversity for the first time. In addition, disturbances caused by the road network and the protection efficiency of National Nature Reserves and planned area for corridors were evaluated. Results indicated that the regional corridor networks could be estimated using a modified circuit method and Zonation model. Spatially, the key corridors were concentrated in the central-western, southeastern and northern regions. We detected 66 main intersections between key corridors and the road buffer. Of these points, 65% are forest, 23% grassland and 12% farmland. More than half of the area of National Nature Reserves constituted the top 50% of the corridors, and the planned corridor areas could efficiently protect some key corridors. However, these reserves only protected about 17% of regional key corridors, and the corridor conservation area in the western and northern regions were absent. The issues addressed in our study aided in the elucidation of the importance of regional landscape connectivity assessments and operational approaches in conservation planning. 相似文献
Calling upon all nongovernmental sectors of the society is important to cope with the ecological crisis brought about by rapid development. Enterprises are the active agent of socialist market economic activities and possess a prominent position in the ecological civilization construction of the new age. Making use of the active agent role of enterprises and stimulating the green development of enterprises are essential to realizing the dream of a beautiful China. This paper discusses the development and management experiences of a typical ecological industrialization model, that of the Elion Resources Group in Inner Mongolia. Existing problems are disclosed, and feasible suggestions are given:(1) accelerate the registration of lands to protect legitimate rights and interests,(2) perfect the land-use administration system and make it cover all national land space,(3) perfect the natural resources management system, and(4) compile balance sheets of natural resources and strengthen accountabilities. 相似文献