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塔里木河流域绿洲城镇发展与水土资源效益分析(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper examines the spatial pattern of land and water resources as well as urbanization and their interactions in the Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang, China. In order to do so, we extract the data associated with efficiency of land and water resources and urbanization for the years of 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2008. Specifically the paper investigates the extent to which agglomeration of population and economic activities varies geographically and interplays with spatial pattern of resources efficiency through computation of Global Moran’s I index, Getis-Ord Gi* index and a coordinated development model. The method used provides clear evidence that urbanization, land and water resources efficiency have shown uneven spatial pattern due to oasis distribution, climate, and initial phase of urban development. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows.(1) Agglomeration and dispersion of urbanization are not consistent with those of land and water resources efficiency.(2) Evolution of the hot and cold spots of urbanization, and land and water resources efficiency, in different trajectories, indicate that there are no significant interactions between them.(3) The evidence that numbers of hot and cold spots of the three factors present varying structures reveals the dominance of unequal urban development in the study area.(4) Significant differences are also found between sub-river basins in terms of the three factors, which is a reflection of the complex physical geography of the area.(5) The degree of coordinated development of cities in the Tarim River Basin is generally low in part as a reflection of difference in spatial patterns of the three factors. It is also shown that the pattern of the degree of coordinated development is relatively stable compared with evolution of hot and cold spots of the three factors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish several important factors representing land use intensification in cultivated land(denoted by CII), using a multi-dimensional approach to achieve realistic and practical cultivated land use policies in China. For this reason, the theoretical framework was first built to explain the changes of land use intensification in the cultivated land, and then the variables and index were further developed for the purpose of characterizing the dynamic trends and driving forces of the land use intensification in the cultivated land at the provincial level. The study results indicate that the extent of CII significantly increased during the period of 1996 to 2008, due to the extensive use of fertilizers, machinery and pesticide, increased labor and capital input, and intensified land use. Moreover, the principal component regression results show that the productivity of cultivated land, economic benefits of cultivated land, labor productivity, and land use conversion are the main factors affecting the village development. The first three factors play a positive role, while the last one has a negative effect on the land use intensification in the cultivated land. According to these results, the main policies for sustainable intensification in cultivated land are proposed. First, the sustainable pathways for intensification should be adopted to reduce the unsustainable uses of chemical fertilizer, agricultural chemicals, etc. Second, the conditions for agricultural production should be further improved to increase the cultivated land productivity. Third, it is very necessary and helpful for improving labor productivity and land use efficiency from the viewpoint of accelerated the cultivated land circulation. The last step is to positively affect the production activities of peasants by means of reforming the subsidy standards.  相似文献   

Land degradation has been rapidly taking place in source region of the Yellow River in China. This study was conducted during 2008 in Maduo County to investigate soil and plant changes in relation to land degradation. Several results were derived from this work. First, the soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) decreased significantly on the extremely degraded land comparing with the natural grassland. Second, soil bulk density increased as land degradation worsened. Soil bulk density of the extremely degraded land was significantly greater than that of the grassland. Third, pH showed no obvious variation pattern. Finally, aboveground biomass decreased from grassland to the moderately degraded land. But aboveground biomass increased on the extremely degraded land and very extremely degraded land with most aboveground biomass inedible for livestock.  相似文献   

Landusestructureandphysical,socioeconomicimpactsinChinaLengShuyingInstituteofGeography,CAS,Beijing100101,CHINALiuYanhuaMin...  相似文献   

中国耕地和农村宅基地利用转型耦合特征与机制(英文)   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
Land use transition refers to the changes in land use morphology (both dominant morphology and recessive morphology) of a certain region over a certain period of time driven by socio-economic change and innovation, and it usually corresponds to the transition of socio-economic development phase. In China, farmland and rural housing land are the two major sources of land use transition. This paper analyzes the spatio-temporal coupling characteristics of farmland and rural housing land transition in China, using high-resolution Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) data in 2000 and 2008, and the data from the Ministry of Land and Resources of China. The outcomes indicated that: (1) during 2000-2008, the cor-relation coefficient of farmland vs. rural housing land change is -0.921, and it shows that the change pattern of farmland and rural housing land is uncoordinated; (2) the result of Spear-man rank correlation analysis shows that rural housing land change has played a major role in the mutual transformation of farmland and rural housing land; and (3) it shows a high-degree spatial coupling between farmland and rural housing land change in southeast China during 2000-2008. In general, farmland and rural housing land transition in China is driven by socio-economic, bio-physical and managerial three-dimensional driving factors through the interactions among rural population, farmland and rural housing land. However, the spatio-temporal coupling phenomenon and mechanism of farmland and rural housing land transition in China are largely due to the "dual-track" structure of rural-urban develop-ment.  相似文献   

Rural tourism has become an important driving force of rural urbanization in China. As the main reception base and important tourism attraction, tourism village is the core element of the tourism destination system. Integrating the method of PRA(Participatory Rural Assessment), GIS technology and high-resolution remote sensing images, this study aims to analyze the spatial morphology evolution of rural settlements induced by tourism through a comparative study of three tourism villages in Yesanpo tourism area. The results suggest the emergence of a "core-periphery" pattern of the spatial evolution of rural settlements. The closer to the core scenic spot, the higher degree of land-use intensity the village shows, as well as the more mature tourism function and greater change in landscape pattern. In particular, Gougezhuang shows an increase of the floor area ratio from 0.17 to 0.44, with the most mature tourism function and the lowest authenticity index of 0.448. Liujiahe has gone through the largest increase in construction land area from 17.3564 ha to 34.1128 ha, with moderately mature tourism function and relatively stable authenticity index of 0.566. Shangzhuang has the lowest construction land scale and intensity, with the poorest tourism function and most well-preserved landscape authenticity index of 0.942. Overall, in terms of the spatial morphology, the three villages show the characteristics of "modern town", "semi-urbanization" and "traditional village" respectively, in corresponding to three land development types: "intensive reconstruction type", "enclave extension type" and "in situ utilization type". The spatial evolution patterns of these three villages imply the spatial characteristics of the touristization of traditional villages in different stages, and also have great representative value for the management of rural settlements in tourism areas in China.  相似文献   

Canonicalcorelationanalysistolandusestructureanditsdrivingforces———TakingYulinPrefectureasanexampleZHANGMingInstituteofGeog...  相似文献   

From July 2008 to August 2008, 72 leaf samples from 22 species and 81 soil samples in the nine natural forest ecosystems were collected, from north to south along the North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC). Based on these samples, we studied the geographical distribution patterns of vegetable water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and analyzed their relationship with environmental factors. The vegetable WUE and NUE were calculated through the measurement of foliar δ 13C and C/N of predominant species, respectively. The results showed: (1) vegetable WUE, ranging from 2.13 to 28.67 mg C g-1 H2O, increased linearly from south to north in the representative forest ecosystems along the NSTEC, while vegetable NUE showed an opposite trend, increasing from north to south, ranging from 12.92 to 29.60 g C g-1 N. (2) Vegetable WUE and NUE were dominantly driven by climate and significantly affected by soil nutrient factors. Based on multiple stepwise regression analysis, mean annual temperature, soil phosphorus concentration, and soil nitrogen concentration were responding for 75.5% of the variations of WUE (p<0.001). While, mean annual precipitation and soil phosphorus concentration could explain 65.7% of the change in vegetable NUE (p<0.001). Moreover, vegetable WUE and NUE would also be seriously influenced by atmospheric nitrogen deposition in nitrogen saturated ecosystems. (3) There was a significant trade-off relationship between vegetable WUE and NUE in the typical forest ecosystems along the NSTEC (p<0.001), indicating a balanced strategy for vegetation in resource utilization in natural forest ecosystems along the NSTEC. This study suggests that global change would impact the resource use efficiency of forest ecosystems. However, vegetation could adapt to those changes by increasing the use efficiency of shortage resource while decreasing the relatively ample one. But extreme impacts, such as heavy nitrogen deposition, would break this trade-off mechanism and give a dramatic disturbance to the ecosystem biogeochemical cycle.  相似文献   

The spatial differentiation of land use changes of Tuticorin is studied using high resolution LISS III satellite imagery and Maximum Likelihood algorithms. The classification accuracy of 95.2% was obtained. In this study,the land use of Tuticorin is classified as settlement,salt pan,agricultural land,wasteland,water bodies and shrubs. The settlement area is increased to 4.6 km2 during the year 2001 and 2006. The settlement area change is mainly driven by growth of industries and migration of people from peripheral villages. Shrub is increased to 3.63 km2 in the six year period. Water logging due to growth of shrubs in Tuticorin leads to several environmental and health hazard. This study warrants proper urban planning for Tuticorin for sustainable use of resource and environment.  相似文献   

In response to the strong drive for social and economic development, local governments have implemented urban master plans, providing measures and timeframes to address the continuous demand for land and to alleviate urban problems. In this paper, a multi-objective model was constructed to discuss the problem, including economic benefits and ecological effectiveness, in terms of land use optimization. A genetic algorithm was then adopted to solve the model, and a performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis were conducted using Pareto optimality. Results showed that a set of tradeoffs could be acquired by the allocation of land use. In addition, the Pareto solutions proved the model to be efficient; for example, a limit of 13,500 ha of urban area conformed to plan recommendations. The reduction in crop land, orchard land, grassland, and unused land provided further efficiencies. These results implied that further potential regional land resources remain and that the urban master plan is able to support sustainable local development in the years to come, as well as verified that it is feasible to use land use allocation multi-objective modeling and genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

Ke  Xinli  Zhang  Ying  Zhou  Ting 《地理学报(英文版)》2023,33(2):357-372
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Identifying the dynamics of the eco-efficiency of cultivated land use (ECLU) is important to balance food security and environmental protection. The Yangtze River...  相似文献   

方世敏  黄琰 《地理学报》2020,75(8):1757-1772
区域旅游效率和旅游规模的空间差异明显,动态把握两者时空演化特征和耦合协调关系对推动旅游高质量可持续发展具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。测度长江经济带126个市域单元2001—2018年的旅游规模,引入DEA-MI模型对旅游效率进行测算和分解,运用探索性时空数据分析方法探讨区域旅游差异和空间结构的时空动态特征,构建旅游效率与规模的耦合协调度模型,分析两者的耦合优良性和协同一致性。结果表明:① 长江经济带旅游综合效率空间差异明显,平均情况呈现东西高中间低的分布特征,年际变动呈现波动下降态势,规模效率对综合效率起支撑作用,技术效率起影响和制约作用;② 旅游效率和旅游规模局部空间结构波动幅度较小,依赖方向较为稳定,后者波动性稍强于前者,且空间依赖方向变化相似,旅游效率局部结构竞争态势强于协作,旅游规模协作整合性较强;③ 旅游规模局部空间结构较稳定,市域单元相对位置变动较困难,旅游效率局部空间结构尚不稳定,市域单元存在较大的变动可能性;④ 旅游效率与规模的整体耦合度和耦合协调度逐渐提高,具有相似的时空分异特征,局部演进存在空间异质性和波动性,耦合协调度高值区扩散范围更广、速度较缓。  相似文献   

The question of how to generate maximum socio-economic benefits while at the same time minimizing input from urban land resources lies at the core of regional ecological civilization construction. We apply stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) in this study to municipal input-output data for the period between 2005 and 2014 to evaluate the urbanization efficiency of 110 cities within the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) and then further assess the spatial association characteristics of these values. The results of this study initially reveal that the urbanization efficiency of the YREB increased from 0.34 to 0.53 between 2005 and 2014, a significant growth at a cumulative rate of 54.07%. Data show that the efficiency growth rate of cities within the upper reaches of the Yangtze River has been faster than that of their counterparts in the middle and lower reaches, and that there is also a great deal of additional potential for growth in urbanization efficiency across the whole area. Secondly, results show that urbanization efficiency conforms to a “bar-like” distribution across the whole area, gradually decreasing from the east to the west. This trend highlights great intra-provincial differences, but also striking inter-provincial variation within the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The total urbanization efficiency of cities within the lower reaches of the river has been the highest, followed successively by those within the middle and upper reaches. Finally, values for Moran’s I within this area remained higher than zero over the study period and have increased annually; this result indicates a positive spatial correlation between the urbanization efficiency of cities and annual increments in agglomeration level. Our use of the local indicators of spatial association (LISA) statistic has enabled us to quantify characteristics of “small agglomeration and large dispersion”. Thus, “high- high” (H-H) agglomeration areas can be seen to have spread outwards from around Zhejiang Province and the city of Shanghai, while areas characterized by “low-low” (L-L) patterns are mainly concentrated in the north of Anhui Province and in Sichuan Province. The framework and results of this research are of considerable significance to our understanding of both land use sustainability and balanced development.  相似文献   

长江经济带省域物流效率及时空演化研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
曹炳汝  孔泽云  邓莉娟 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1841-1848
基于2007~2017年长江经济带物流行业发展数据,采用DEA模型、ArcGIS和空间自相关分析方法,测算长江经济带11个省市的物流效率值及时空演化规律。结果表明:2007~2017年长江经济带物流效率波动平缓,综合技术效率平均值为0.830,纯技术效率整体大于规模效率,下游地区的物流综合技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率均大于中游和上游地区。空间上,长江经济带物流效率高值区主要分布在整个下游地区和中游部分地区,低值区则多为上游地区,整体呈“块状”分布。空间关联性上,2007~2017年,Global Moran's I显著为正,长江经济带各省市物流效率呈现空间正相关性,物流效率相近的省市在空间上集聚分布。最后,为促进长江经济带物流行业区域协调发展,提出如下建议:不断促进产业转型升级;加强区域合作,完善基础设施建设;加大内陆地区对外开放力度和建立大型的物流园区。  相似文献   

2005-2014年长江经济带城市土地利用效率时空格局特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
金贵  邓祥征  赵晓东  郭柏枢  杨俊 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1242-1252
如何以最小的城市土地资源投入获得最大的社会经济效益是区域生态文明建设关注的重点之一。以长江经济带110个地级市为研究对象,基于2005-2014年的市级投入产出面板数据,引入随机前沿模型(Stochastic Frontier Analysis,SFA)测度城市土地利用效率,并对其空间关联特征进行分析。结果表明:① 2005-2014年长江经济带城市土地利用效率由0.344升至0.53,累计提升率为54.07%,呈现明显的增长趋势,上游效率增长速率快于中游和下游,全域土地利用效率仍有较大上升潜力;② 城市土地利用效率呈现“条块状”分布特征,从东向西逐步递减,不仅省内、省际差异显著,上中下游的差异也较大,下游地区土地利用效率最高、中游次之、上游最低;③ 10年间城市土地利用效率Moran's I均大于0且逐年上升,说明城市土地利用效率存在空间正相关性且集聚特征逐年增强,LISA空间形态呈现“小集聚大分散”特征,H-H集聚区沿浙江、上海向外扩散,L-L集聚区集中于皖北、川北等地。研究框架和结果对区域土地资源可持续利用和统筹协调发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

马小雪  吴昊  秦伯强  王腊春 《地理科学》2022,42(10):1706-1716
利用2000年、2010年、2020年3期土地利用遥感监测数据,通过景观格局指数、区域生态环境质量指数定量探究长江经济带土地景观格局的时空变化特征及其生态环境响应。研究表明:① 长江经济带上、中、下游区域的林地、草地等生态用地与人造地表的分布存在空间错位,生态用地主要转为耕地和人造地表;② 景观层级上,斑块的聚合度降低、破碎化程度加剧、多样性程度有所增加,类型层级上,耕地的破碎化程度增加,人造地表在空间上的连接度加强,趋于规模发展;③ 2000—2020年,经济带生态环境质量改善和恶化并存的特征弱化了整体生态质量的时间变异性,生态环境质量指数的低值区与长江经济带三大城市群的分布存在空间布局相似性;④区域土地资源供给与发展水平的空间错位、土地利用主导功能转型下的生态变化、人口虹吸效应、产业结构等影响长江经济带生态环境的空间分布。  相似文献   

天山北坡经济带土地利用效益评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
土地利用效益评价是衡量土地利用可持续发展的重要标度。从经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三方面建立天山北坡经济带土地利用效益评价的指标体系,利用熵值法确定各指标权重,对天山北坡经济带1990和2005年的土地利用效益变化及各类效益的协调度进行了综合评价,得出以下主要结论:(1)1990-2005年天山北坡经济带各县市的土地利用综合效益均有所增长,其中克拉玛依的综合效益上升幅度最大,而呼图壁的综合效益上升幅度最小,其余市县呈小幅增长。三大效益子系统在不同的市县具有较大的差异。(2)目前天山北坡经济带11个市县中有6个呈现出不协调状态;4个处于基本协调状态,总体协调状态不理想。1990-2005年的协调度动态变化区域差异明显。沙湾、乌鲁木齐、奎屯和乌苏的协调度呈现上升状态;协调度呈下降态势的是阜康、米泉、玛纳斯、呼图壁和克拉玛依,昌吉和石河子的协调度的变化较小。  相似文献   

长江经济带建设的若干问题与建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建设长江经济带是现阶段、新常态下推进中国经济持续、稳定增长的重大战略举措之一。作为全国国土开发的一级轴线,长江经济带具有显著的区位优势、航运优势和相对完善的产业体系,2014年其经济总量占全国的45%左右。但与此同时,也面临着一些跨区域的重大问题,制约着长江经济带的未来发展。通过系统梳理改革开放以来长江经济带发展的主要特征,对长江轴线发展过程中面临的主要问题进行深入解剖,从经济增长、国土空间开发、航运建设、产业发展、资源环境、城镇化和体制机制等7个方面,提出了近期建设长江经济带的若干建议,供政府及学术界参考与讨论。  相似文献   

长江经济带乡村功能区域差异及类型划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深度挖掘乡村功能价值是实现乡村全面振兴的重要途径,论文通过构建乡村功能综合评价指标体系,运用GIS和泰尔指数,揭示了2016年长江经济带130个市(区)乡村“生产-生活-生态”功能地区差异特征和差异来源,并进行功能分区。研究结果显示:① 长江经济带乡村功能具有显著的空间分异特征,农业生产功能强的区域集中在中游和下游平原地区;人居生活功能强的区域集中在下游省会及核心发展城市周边;生态保育功能强的区域在上游和中游山地丘陵地区。② 乡村功能总体区域差异来源于上、中、下游地区内部差异,农业生产功能在上游内部区域差异显著,人居生活功能和生态保育功能在下游内部区域差异显著,中游地区乡村功能整体区域差异较小。③ 基于研究结果将研究区划分农业生产区、人居生活区、生态保育区、人居生活-农业生产复合区、人居生活-生态保育复合区、生态保育-农业生产复合区、农业生产-人居生活-生态保育综合发展区和农业生产-人居生活-生态保育综合协调区8种功能类型区,可为完善长江经济带乡村功能的空间布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长三角地区城市土地与能源消费CO2排放的时空耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探究城市土地与碳排放的时空耦合关系,是协调城市土地与生态环境亟待解决的重要问题。基于重心模型、总体耦合态势模型和空间耦合协调模型,使用建成区面积、能源消费和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光等数据,分析了1995—2013年长三角地区城市土地与能源消费碳排放的时空耦合特征,并考虑空间因素的影响,构建空间滞后面板Tobit模型分析其驱动因素。结果表明:① 1995—2013年,建成区面积与碳排放量总体上均呈增加趋势。建成区面积由1251 km 2,增加至4394 km 2,碳排放量由30389.49万t,增加至90405.22万t。城市土地与碳排放间呈显著的正相关;② 城市土地与碳排放空间差异明显,上海、南京、杭州、苏州和无锡的城市建成区面积相对较大,碳排放相对较高;③ 长三角地区城市土地与碳排放耦合关系总体上呈减弱-增强-波动的态势。协调关系处于不断演化过程中,低协调阶段的城市数量明显减小,高协调阶段的城市数量明显增加,且呈集聚分布特点。南京、无锡、苏州、杭州和宁波处于高协调阶段;④ 空间滞后面板Tobit模型结果表明:城镇化对城市土地与碳排放耦合协调度具有驱动和制动的双重作用。同时,人口密度、经济水平、产业结构和空间因素对其也具有重要影响。  相似文献   

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