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1INTRODUCTION The level and periodic changes of land price are interest- ing subjects for the governors, investors, researchers and grass-roots. Currently, the higher land price in China has become the focus among the people, from central go- vernment tocommon citizens,especially in theChang- jiang (Yangtze) River Delta area around Shanghai City. So that studyingthisproblem have both an academic and practicalmeaning. One characteristic ofland is fixed location (the others are high cost…  相似文献   

Urban internal structure is essential information for urban geography researchers and urban planners or managers. This research aims to examine the spatial structure changes of internal urban land use based on the interpreted datasets of 1984 and 2008. Spatio-temporal patterns of internal land use conversion and urban expansion are analyzed, and then dominant driving factors (e.g., social economy, population growth and urban planning) were identified. The results indicate that Beijing′s intra-urban layout has experienced tremendous adjustment from compact to disperse configure, otherwise its function objects have shifted from the major economic and industrial development before the 1990s to the combination with cultural, high-technological and inhabitable city at present. The dominant urban land use transformations include the relocation of industrial lands from core districts to suburban or other provinces, and the accelerating expansion of residential areas and green spaces for supplying the demand of housing and ecological protection. Although Beijing′s urban planning has experienced three major adjustments and improvement since the 1980s, its optimization of urban internal patterns still remains a challenge.  相似文献   

基于地表能量平衡的厦门岛城市功能区人为热排放分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人为热排放不仅是城市热岛形成的重要因子,而且是与能源消耗密切相关的指标,对其大小和变化特征进行分析有利于减缓城市热岛与节能减排。本文以厦门岛为研究区,利用2009年多时相的Landsat TM影像和地表能量平衡模型反演出不同季节的人为热排放,在此基础上结合IKONOS影像解译的城市功能区,分析不同类型城市功能区人为热排放的时空变化特征。结果表明:不同类型城市功能区的人为热排放均在夏季达到最大,春季最小;工业区的人为热排放一直高于其他类型的城市功能区;工业区人为热排放高值区主要集中厦门岛西部传统的重点工业区,交通区人为热排放高值区的空间分布与厦门岛“三纵四横”的交通干线分布格局相吻合,居住区人为热排放高值区主要集中在旧城区,商业及公共设施区人为热排放高值区主要集中在单体建筑大的商圈和公共设施;总体上厦门岛西部的人为热排放比东部要高。这种时空分布的差异性与用地类型、人口数量与经济发展程度密切相关,而且建筑物的密度、高度和下垫面的材料通过影响其他地表通量来改变人为热排放的大小。通过分析不同城市功能区人为热排放的时空变化特征,可以从更微观的角度理解城市热环境和能源利用现状,为促进城市可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着“增减挂钩”和“人地挂钩”等政策的实施,农村居民点的合理布局对缓解建设用地供需矛盾意义重大。本研究以吉林省2010年土地利用变更调查数据和2011年统计年鉴数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析和景观指数定量分析相结合的方法,研究了长吉都市区农村居民点空间格局现状特征及其影响因素。同时,用多因子综合评价法确定农村居民点的区位适宜性,将农村居民点划分为不同的整治规划类型,为该区域国土综合开发整治提供理论支持和参考。研究表明:(1)长吉都市区内农村居民点在区内分布不均衡,数量和密集度差异大;(2)地形条件(坡度)、水源条件(河流)、交通状况(公路和铁路),对研究区农村居民点的空间格局均有影响,另外,不同等级的公路(干线和支线)、不同形式的铁路(铁路线和站点),对居民点的作用程度也不同;(3)在此基础上,评价农村居民点图斑的区位适宜性,将农村居民点分为优先发展型、保留发展型和限制发展型,以确定不同类型农村居民点的整治规划方向。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION With the acceleration of the urbanization and industrial- ization of China, it is inevitable that cultivated land con- vertsto built-up land for industrial, commercial and resi- dential uses. During 1986- 2002 around 168.4×103ha cultivated land had converted to non-agriculture use an- nually (QU et al., 2005). Though the urbanization rate had increased from 17% in the late 1970s to 41% in 2004, China has a long way to go compared with the de- veloped countries whose urbani…  相似文献   

本文结合2003—2018年中国土地市场网的土地出让数据,利用核密度分析、冷热区分析和空间可视化等方法,对土地出让空间分布、出让土地来源和用途等要素进行对比研究,总结出中国地级市土地出让的空间结构分布特征。研究结果显示:① 2003—2013年全国土地出让增速明显,2013年后土地出让总量增速放缓,但土地出让收入在持续增长,土地出让整体呈现出“量变到值变转化”的特征;② 2003—2018年用地出让构成变化趋势为:道路与交通设施用地、绿地与广场用地出让占比增长较为明显,居住用地、商业用地、公共管理与公共服务设施用地出让占比稳定,工业用地、物流仓储用地和公用设施用地出让占比增速开始放缓,并呈现出收缩趋势;2003—2018年土地出让来源差异显著,主要来源于新增建设用地,对存量用地的再开发利用率较低,盲目的外向扩张不利于新型城镇化建设;③ 2003—2018年土地出让呈现出“点-线-面”的空间演变特征,形成了多核心、层级分明的圈层空间结构,展现出“核密度重心由北向南、由西向东转移”、“核心城市高度集聚、外围城市密集、区(县)稀疏”的空间演进特征;其中,不同用地也呈现出不同的空间演进特征:工业用地出让增速由东北地区向全国扩张后,逐步向华东沿海城市收缩,并呈现出“由一般城市到省会城市,再到其周边城市”的空间演变特征;居住用地出让面积由省会城市带动周边城市增长,增长到一定程度,逐渐向华南和华东中心城市收缩;商业用地出让较为稳定,未出现收缩现象、增速较为均衡;其他建设用地出让面积分布覆盖范围较均衡,也反映出全国基础设施建设土地资源配置比较均衡。  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal evolution of urban land uses in modern urbanization of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking social statistic data as basic data,this paper extended the meaning of urban land uses,highlighted the meaning of urban land uses in modern urbanization,which includes direct,indirect and induced land uses,quantitatively simulated the indirect and induced land uses by the substitution method of agricultural consumption and urban carbon emission and then,analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of urban land uses in China during 1952–2005 by spatial analysis tool of Geographic Information System. The results indicate that the area of urban land use in China had been increasing since 1952,showing an inversed pyramid structure,i.e.,the directthe indirectthe induced. Specifically,Chinese urban land use has changed from concentrated distribution in Northwest China to balanced spatial distribution,and the eastern coastal area is under great pressure. Moreover,the northeastern region has moved into the induced dominant stage,while the western region remains at the indirect dominant stage. Finally,it is proposed that in order to guarantee the future demand of urban land use in China,ensuring the induced land use in the eastern region should be taken as a priority goal of Chinese developing policy.  相似文献   

THELANDRESOURCEANDLANDUSEOFHONGKONG①YeShunzan(叶舜赞)InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100101,P.R.China(Re...  相似文献   

The urban development is a decisive factor for the landuse of the territory of Hong Kong, as a realm of a world city. A speed-up change of the landuse structure of Hong Kong and some contradictions in the landuse have been revealed after a brief mentioning of the characteristics of the limited land resources of Hong Kong. Hong Kong consists of peninsula and islands dominated by hilly terrain in south subtropical zone, 84% of the total area is slope, unfavorable for urban and agricultural development, only 16% is small plains. The land is barren and water resource is very limited. Urban landuse is taken as the dominant factor. Due to the expansion of the scale of the urban development, and the limitation of the land resource, there is a high degree of the urban land utilization, but the proportions of commercial and industrial landuse are not high, only 1.3% of the total developed land is used for commerce, 6.0% for manufacture industries, the road and railway lands amount to 14.6%. The great efforts were made in reclamation and construction of reservoirs in order to add land and water resources. The arable lands were reduced heavily and the farmlands were wasted seriously. The author proposed some view points on the present and future landuse in Hong Kong as follows: 1) the urban landuse remains as a guiding factor in the landuse of the whole territory of Hong Kong; 2) one of the problems is the fondness for the reconstruction of the old city, loosening up on the new town development; 3) the reclamation is not only very costly, but also causing some negative effects on the eco-environment; 4) the problem of the protection of the farmlands against wasting should be seriously; 5) the development and the landuse for the construction in Hong Kong should be considered with the relationship with the inland, especially Guangdong Province; 6) fully use the convenient condition of the territorial linkage of the city with the mainland, further to bring the role of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone into fully play for solving the landuse problems in the development of Hong Kong. The author is very grateful to Dr. David K. Y. Chu and Dr. Roger Chan for their comments and to Professor Gu Chaolin and Mr. Hu Tianxin for their helps in data collection.  相似文献   

北京市摩拜共享单车源汇时空特征分析及空间调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共享单车是解决城市出行最后一公里的重要工具。然而,共享单车在使用过程中出现了供需时空失衡的现象,导致部分区域无车可用,而另一些区域却车满为患。这一现象不仅给用户带来不便,同时也降低了单车周转效率。解决供需失衡问题,关键在于探究共享单车供需失衡的时空分布特征。本文定义了共享单车的“源”、“汇”点,采用2017年5月10日至2017年5月16日北京市摩拜单车数据以及土地利用分类等多源数据,分析了共享单车工作日与周末,以及早、晚高峰期间强源、强汇点的分布特征,并结合土地类型信息分析了不同用地类型的单车使用模式,从而进一步提出了共享单车的空间调度模型。结果显示,在考虑不同土地利用类型的影响下,摩拜共享单车强源汇点分布模式具有明显的时空异质性:① 工作日单车使用量明显高于周末,且不同土地利用类型的源汇分布显著不同,如居住用地、商业金融用地等地净流入、流出密度更大,绿地等地区则相对较小;② 对比早晚高峰期间,同一地区的单车使用源汇模式极可能相反,如教育科研用地、商业金融用地等带有办公性质的地区会有“早汇晚源”的特征,而居住用地则是“早源晚汇”;③ 同一类土地利用在工作日与周末的早晚高峰期间,单车使用的源汇特征亦存在差异,如办公性质的地区在周末时源汇比例会明显产下降。基于上述结果,本文提出了一种局部优化的调度模型,并通过实际数据进行了检验。该模型在一定程度上可以解决车辆空间分配不均衡的问题,提高城市共享资源使用率,增加人们出行的方便程度。  相似文献   

中国工业用地出让价格空间格局及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在财政分权和地方竞争的制度背景下,地方政府为了吸引更多企业投资,往往采取过量供应工业用地、压低工业用地价格的手段,直接导致了中国工业用地利用效率低下,甚至资源严重浪费等问题。合理调控工业用地供应规模及价格,发挥市场机制对工业用地出让价格的主导作用,是促进工业用地集约高效利用的重要途径。本文以工业用地出让价格为研究对象,利用2009、2011、2013、2015、2017年全国工业用地出让数据,采用分层模型,结合宏观和微观尺度,实证分析了中国工业用地出让价格的空间格局及关键影响因素。实证研究发现:① 我国不同区域的工业地价差异较大,政府的干预能力显著影响城市工业用地的出让价格,在控制其他影响因素下,干预能力越强,工业用地出让价格越低;② 宗地层面的因素中,距离城市中心或水源越近、交通通达度越好,工业用地的出让价格越高;③ 城市层面的因素中,人口数量越多,经济发展水平越高,工业用地的出让价格越高。本研究首次将分层模型引入实证计量方法,同时验证了影响工业用地出让价格的宏观与微观因素,是对现有工业用地出让价格研究文献的补充与延伸。  相似文献   

 城市地表开阔度是对地表形态开阔程度的定量描述,间接反映了通风、日照等城市物理性能。本文基于城市数字高程模型,以自然地形较为起伏的丘陵城市——南京为例,采用以光线追踪算法为核心的栅格计算模型,对南京老城区的地表开阔度进行了计算,并以典型样区分析和街区统计为方法,综合分析了建筑与自然地形对城市地表开阔度的影响,结果表明:南京老城区公共绿地、广场以及文物古迹用地的地表开阔度相对较高,均大于0.8,社区中心和居住用地的地表开阔度相对较低,均小于0.6,突出特点是居住用地地表开阔度小于金融商业用地。地表开阔度相对较低的街区主要临近主干道,形成较为明显的西北——东南方向分布的条带状特征,整体呈现出中心条带低四周高的宏观特征。  相似文献   

青藏高原城乡建设用地和生态用地转移时空格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原作为中国重要的生态环境保护地,城镇化和生态环境的变化受到广泛关注。本文基于1990-2015年土地利用数据,进行生态用地和城乡建设用地之间的转移分析,通过核密度以及标准差椭圆分析进行空间转移强度的定性研究。结果表明:① 1990-2015年青藏高原生态用地显著地向城乡建设用地转移,是城乡建设用地向生态用地转移量的54.6倍,其中2000-2005年和2010-2015年是用地转移的热点时期;② 城乡建设用地与生态用地之间的转换在空间上呈现逆向状态,生态用地向城乡建设用地的转移分布逐渐从青藏高原的周边区域向腹地蔓延;城乡建设用地向生态用地的转移最初出现在青藏高原的腹地,逐渐向外围扩张;③ 生态服务功能越大的生态用地,越容易被人类占用,随之发生用地类型的转移,侵占后的土地很难反向转移为具有高生态服务功能的生态用地。  相似文献   

中国陆海两条丝绸之路都起源于汉武帝时期。由于持续时间、行走路线、运载工具等方面的不同 ,对中西经济贸易、政治文化影响也各有不同。海上丝绸之路的影响远远高于陆路丝绸之路  相似文献   

城市发展过程中不同类型城市规划用地的建设活动会引起明显的生态效应差异,研究这种差异及其形成的原因对建设生态宜居城市具有重要意义。本文利用Landsat系列遥感影像,反演了福州市2009年和2013年的遥感生态指数(RSEI),并结合国务院新近审批通过的福州市城市总体规划方案,对福州市建设活动较明显的5类城市规划用地的22个地块进行了研究,以揭示它们在建设前后所产生的生态质量变化情况。研究发现,2009-2013年5大类城市规划用地的生态质量均呈下降趋势,RSEI指数总体下降了近12%。其中,尤以工业用地生态退化最为严重,RSEI指数下降了18%。结果表明,植被、水体在建设中被破坏以及建筑不透水面的大量增加是导致这些城市规划用地生态质量下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

Based on the National Land Use/Cover Database of China(NLUD-C) in the end of the 1980s(the 1980s,hereafter), 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010, 665 cities were selected to study the size distribution and its changes of urban lands in China. In this study, the spatiotemporal evolutions of urban land size distribution as well as the influence of administrative-level on these cities were explored by combining urban spatial positions and administrative-levels. Results indicate that: 1) City size distribution using urban lands was more practical and reasonable than using non-agricultural population. 2) In the 1980s, cities with ascending urban land rank were centralized in Eastern China, specially the Changjiang(Yangtze) River Delta, the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Cities in Central, Western, and Northeast China mainly indicated descending urban land rank. 3) The transfer of national development focus resulted in cities with ascending urban land rank becoming evenly distributed nationwide; however, this trend was slightly centralized around Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan in different periods. 4) During the 1980s to 2010, the proportion of cities with ascending urban land rank in provincial capitals, municipalities, and special administrative regions(high-level cities, hereafter) was consistently higher than those in prefecture- and county-level cities except for 2005–2010. The ranks of the majority of the prefecture- and county-level cities were mainly descending, supported by ascending; the proportion of cities with unchanged rank is small. This study breaks through the bottleneck of traditional research in the area of city size distribution by examining urban land replacing the non-agricultural population. The current study also provides scientific explanation for the healthy and reasonable development of urban land as well as the coordinated development of population urbanization and land urbanization.  相似文献   

城市交通与土地利用相互作用、相互影响。传统的城市空间模拟研究多关注交通对土地利用变化影响,缺少土地利用对路网空间形态影响的模拟。已有研究通常使用静态路网,不能表达土地利用与交通间的动态相互作用关系。本文以城市土地利用强度与城市道路网络空间分布间的正向关系,提出了基于城市土地利用强度的城市路网增长模拟模型。以唐山市为例,对其城市环路内的道路增长进行了模拟。结果表明,该模型能以城市土地利用强度的空间分布特征快速生成路网,反映城市土地利用对道路网络扩张的影响。模拟结果与实际路网具有高度的空间分布相似性。该模型可进一步与土地利用模拟模型结合,模拟城市土地利用与交通的动态相互作用。  相似文献   

Integrated transportation and land use studies are of major interest to planners because they consider the interaction between transportation development and land use change. Quantifying the impact of transport infrastructure on land use change is necessary for evaluating the role of transportation development in the process of land use and land cover change in the urban-rural fringe. Taking Qixia District of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China as a typical urban-rural fringe area, this paper analyzes the patterns and characteristics of land use change along three major transportation arteries using land use data from 2000 and 2008. We examine the spatial differentiation and gradient of land use pattern around railway, expressway, and highway corridors to investigate whether land use change in the urban-rural fringe is related to distance from transportation arteries and to clarify the varying impacts of different forms of transport infrastructure on land use patterns. We find that construction land generally tends to be located close to major transportation arteries, and that railways have the most obvious influence on land use change in the urban-rural fringe, while the impact of expressways was not significant. We conclude that there exists a causal relationship between the presence of transportation arteries and land use change in the urban-rural fringe, but this relationship varies across different types of linear transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

Currently domestic researches on urban imago space concentrate in a few cities that lie in the advanced region, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, etc., but in so far as those cities that lie in the northwest inland region, the research of this aspect is still few. In order to supplement a special example to the urban imago space theory and to validate former theory, this article studied the Lanzhou urban imago space. During the course of researching, authors adopted some investigating methods, such as visiting on the spot, photograph identification method and sketch man identification method etc. Using investigated data, this paper made an elementary research on urban imago space of Lanzhou, which is a typical valley city in the western China. The result of study indicated that the urban imago space of Lanzhou takes Xiguan Cross as its center (Lanzhou involves four districts of Chengguan, Qilihe, Arming and Xigu). In the process of recognition of urban imago space, the Huanghe (Yellow) River and mountains beside the city are the dominant factors and the main nodes of cognition. So the urban imago space of Lanzhou is quite different from that of plain cities. Interviewee did well in the spatial structure map, which was made up of mountainous land, river and main trunk roads, the group structure took profound impression on people.  相似文献   

模拟城市土地利用空间变化格局的研究,对未来区域规划以及实现可持续发展具有十分积极的作用。以往基于FLUS的研究栅格尺度较大,如何模拟快速发展中城市的复杂土地利用变化过程,挖掘土地利用变化驱动机制值得进一步探讨。本文构建了耦合FLUS和Markov的城市土地利用格局拟合框架,创新性地引入房价指标表征社会经济属性,以深圳为研究区,基于30 m空间分辨率小栅格尺度的土地利用分类数据和基础地理、路网河网、感兴趣点等多源空间变量,模拟不同发展情景下的未来城市土地利用空间格局,并通过随机森林进行土地利用变化驱动因素分析。研究结果表明:本文提出的耦合FLUS和Markov方法相较于传统CA模型(RFA-CA和Logistic-CA)精度更高(FoM=0.22),能更准确地模拟快速发展中城市的土地利用变化过程;多情景土地利用格局制图结果验证了城市发展过程中生态控制线的重要性,进一步说明本文拟合框架在未来城市规划布局中的参考价值;医院、娱乐场所等的基础设施和公交、路网密度等的基础交通比自然因素(高程、坡度)对城市发展的影响更大,到海岸线距离会在一定程度上限制深圳内部土地利用变化过程。本研究所构建模型及精细制图结果,可为城市区域规划和空间格局模拟等相关研究提供参考依据和理论基础。  相似文献   

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