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Overwhelming water-deficiency conditions and an unbalanced water supply and demand have been major concerns of both the Chinese government and the general public during recent decades. Studying the spatial-temporal patterns and impact factors that influence water retention in China is important to enhance the management of water resources in China and other similar countries. We employed a revised Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST) model and regression analyses to investigate the water retention service in China. The results showed that the southeastern China generally performed much better than Northwest China in terms of the spatial distribution of water retention. In general, the efficacy of the water retention service in China increased from 2000 to 2014; although some areas still had a downward trend. Water retention service increased significantly(P < 0.05) in aggregate in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the Da Hinggan Mountains and Xiao Hinggan Mountains. However, the service in southwestern China showed a decreasing trend(P < 0.05), which would have significant negative impact on the downstream population. This study also showed that in China the changes in water retention service were primarily due to climate change(which could explain 83.49% of the total variance), with anthropogenic impact as a secondary influence(likewise the ecological programs and socioeconomic development could explain 9.47% and 1.06%, respectively). Moreover, the identification of water retention importance indicated that important areas conservation and selection based on downstream beneficiaries is vital for optimization protection of ecosystem services, and has practical significance for natural resources and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

A study on quality of aquatic environment in Tumen River Area   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ASTUDYONQUALITYOFAQUATICENVIRONMENTINTUMENRIVERAREA①ZhuYanming(朱颜明)ChangchunInstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,...  相似文献   

After the survey of pollution sources, a study on surface water quality assessment and forecast is given by means of grey system method, fuzzy mathematical method and multiple-index method. Based on it, aquatic environment quality features, treatment measures and environmental strategies of the area are proposed. The quality of aquatic environment of 5 rivers in the Tumen River area is studied. The results show that the pollution of surface water is serious; water quality of most rivers is between grade IV and V except the Hunchun River, being higher than grade IV standard; pollution levels of most rivers have been basically controlled except the of Burhatong River, which is deteriorating gradually. Pollutants of the rivers are comparatively regular, mainly are SS, COD, BOD, AR-OH, NH3-N. The main pollution trades are chemical fibre industry, pulp and paper making industry and mining industry. If the growth rate of gross industrial product is higher than 25 percent under the encouraging-model of regional exploitation, the pollutants’ load will overtake the bearing capacity of aquatic environment. Thus some protection program against pollution must be worked out in order to achieve the harmonious development of economy society and environment. A project from “Studies on Earlier Stage of Regional Development” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

Promoting women's employment is not only the need of social and economic development, but also the historical mission of liberating women. This paper uses data from the 1% Population Sample Survey, taken in Guangdong Province in 2015, to explore how women's marital status, education, and family environment affect the female non-agricultural employment rate(FNAER) on a county scale using a spatial-lag model. The results show that: 1) The female non-agricultural employment rate in counties of Guangdong Province is low, with more than three-quarters of counties having female non-agricultural employment rate less than 50%. Moreover, the spatial distribution of FNAER is uneven, with the high-value areas concentrated in the southeast and the low-value areas mainly distributed in the central and western parts of Guangdong Province. 2) From the perspective of industry, there are significant spatial differences among women. In the southeast, women are mainly engaged in the secondary industry, while in the central and western regions, women are mainly engaged in the tertiary industry. 3) Women having better skills and more effective support from the elderly can improve the FNAER. Women having lower skills, smaller-scale families, a higher fertility rate, and households with two or more elderly members have a negative effect on the FNAER. 4) Public policies suggest that improving women's education and their family environment, building social welfare facilities, and repairing the family environment will increase the FNAER.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated study of urban spatial expansion in the Hexi Corridor, Gansu Province, China based on TM, ETM remote sensing data in 1987, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2006 and 2011. The study explores the characteristics of urban spatial expansion and dynamic mechanism by using expansion speed index, expansion intensity index, compact index, fractal dimension, and extended flexibility index. We built the index system of influencing factors of urban spatial expansion by using the grey incidence model. The results showed that urban spatial expansion rate in the Hexi Corridor has been on the upward trend since 1987. Expansion intensity showed an obvious upward trend, however, the upward trend varied in different urban areas. In addition, the urban structure was loose relatively, but the urban compactness was more obvious. The urban spatial form tended to be simple, and the urban land use tended to become more intensive. Urban spatial expansion experienced several stages: padding internally, external expansion and padding internally. The main driving factors of urban spatial expansion are not the urban water resources and the oasis scale, but one or several factors such as economy, traffic, population, resource and national policy.  相似文献   

珠江口西岸土地利用景观格局变化及驱动力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过目视解译获取了珠海市沿海区域1995、2000和2003年的土地利用数据。利用ArcGIS软件获取了各种土地利用类型的面积变化数据,以及由模型运算得到不同时期研究区的土地利用分维度、分离度、破碎度、多样性等景观指数,对不同时期的土地利用面积变化,以及各景观指数的变化机理进行了分析。结果表明,珠江口西岸的土地利用变化主要表现为耕地面积不断减少,尤其2000年以后减少的更为剧烈;而林地、建设用地、水域的面积相应的有不同程度的增长。土地利用格局的变化,致使景观指数的变化,诸如,2003年的分离度、分维度等都高于前两个时期,而土地利用多样性指数也逐年增长。造成这些变化的主要驱动力有人口的增长,对土地经济效益的追求,政府政策的影响以及海岸带的区位优势等。  相似文献   

Public environmental concern(PEC) is an important bottom-up force in building an environmentally sustainable society.Guided by attitude theory, this paper innovatively constructed a PEC evaluation index system, while introducing entropy weighted-TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) to realize the assessment of PEC. Exploratory spatial data analysis was used to portray the spatio-temporal evolution patterns of PEC in 362 Chinese cities at prefecture-level and abo...  相似文献   

以广州市47 026个零售业网点为基本数据,通过梳理零售业空间分异的机制,构建包含人口密度、商务条件、公共交通便利性、业态丰富度与租金条件5个影响因子的零售业态空间分异影响因素评价体系,通过信息熵、核密度函数与空间回归模型分析零售业态的空间分异影响因素,对比不同城市圈层区位与不同零售业态集聚分异的因素差异。结果表明:① 需求、区位、竞争与成本构成了广州市零售业态空间分异的主要驱动力,同时,零售的景观分异也由于业态异质性与城市的空间异质性而存在驱动力分异;② 5个影响因素强度格局圈层差异明显,城市内圈层人口集聚度高,具备更好的公共交通便利性条件、商务条件与业态丰富度,同时也承受更高的地租;③ 人口密度是零售空间分异的核心要素,公共交通便利性条件、商务条件与业态丰富度对零售的集聚也有正向驱动作用,租金的影响较弱;不同圈层区位的零售空间分布与不同类型业态的空间分异的主要影响因素各不相同。  相似文献   

Hydrology plays a dominant role in wetland plant distribution and microbial composition, but few studies explicitly attempted to relate the linkage between wetland vegetation and microbial community. The present study consisted of five wetland plant communities along three adjacent flood gradients zones (zone 1 dominated by Carex appendiculat, zone 2 dominated by Eleocharis ovate, and zone 3 dominated by Phragmites australis/Bidens pilosa/Calamagrostis angustifolia, which formed separate, monoculture patches). Gram negative and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) are more abundant in the site with short flooding period (zone 3) than in the site with long flooding period (zone 1), and they are also different in the P. australis, B. spilosa and C. angustifolia of zone 3. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the flooding period could explain 92.4% of variance in microbial composition. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showed that available nitrogen (AN), total nitrogen (TN) and soil organic matter (SOM) could explain the 79.5% of variance in microbial composition among E. ovata, P. australis, B. pilosa and C. angustifolia. Results demonstrated that flooding period was the main factor in driving the microbial composition and plant-derived resources could influence soil microbial composition in the seasonally flooded zones.  相似文献   

1932年以来北京主城区土地利用空间扩张特征与机制分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于历史地图、地形图和遥感影像提取1932年以来,北京主城区城市空间扩张,以及建筑密度空间信息。从城市土地利用扩张特征、建筑密度变化特征以及驱动机制三个方面分析北京城市土地利用扩张过程。研究表明:1984年前,北京城市呈现缓慢增长趋势。1984-1992年在市场经济驱动下,北京进入了第一次大规模快速的扩张阶段。1992-2000年间,由于我国出台了最为严格的耕地保护政策,这一时段城市空间扩张有所放缓。2000-2007年受北京城市建设规划、2008年奥运会场馆建设的影响,北京城市进入了有史以来,最快的扩张阶段。北京城市呈现单中心低密度蔓延,1982年前,城市扩张形态以相对较高的建筑密度紧凑扩张模式为主,1982年以来,呈现严重的低密度蔓延态势,特别是2000-2007年城市在5-6环之间"摊大饼"式与"遍地开花"式低密度蔓延问题更为突出。北京城市空间扩张是重大事件与人口、社会经济等因素共同驱动的结果。而且重大事件驱动对于长时间序列城市空间扩张作用更为突出。  相似文献   

Improving comprehensive agricultural productivity is an important measure to realize agricultural modernization.Based on the data from Jilin Statistical Yearbook,this study analyzed the spatial and temporal characteristics of comprehensive agricultural productivity discrepancy in the main agricultural production areas of Jilin Province,China.The comprehensive agricultural productivity of 25 county-level administrative units were evaluated by a comprehensive index system based on five aspects which included 20 indicators from 2004 to 2017.The pattern of the discrepancy was analyzed by the spatial differentiation indices and spatial convergence theory.The results were as follows:1) the overall comprehensive agricultural productivity was in a 'W-type' rising trend;2) the discrepancy was in'inverted W-type' trend;3) the spatial distribution characteristics were mainly discrete plaque and 'inverted V-type';4) the formation of differences was forced by a combination of internal and external driving forces.Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of rising agricultural productivity and the level of economic and social developments in different counties in Jilin Province.  相似文献   

以山东省作为研究区域,利用分辨率为100m的2005年、2008年、2010年和2013年土地利用遥感解译数据和统计年鉴资料,结合ArcGIS空间分析和数理统计等方法,分析山东省土地利用时空变化,通过多元回归模型揭示土地利用变化与经济社会驱动因素之间的变量关系。研究表明,山东省耕地面积从1036.55×104hm2到1024.34×104hm2不断减少,建设用地面积从214.05×104hm2到275.75×104hm2不断增加并且大量占用耕地、林地、草地。耕地向山东省的东部丘陵地区和西部、北部地势低洼平坦地区转移,建设用地向东南部和西北低洼平坦地区转移较多。2008—2010年综合土地利用动态度最为强烈,分别是2005—2008年和2010—2013年的9倍和12倍。人口增长、经济发展、产业结构改变等因素与土地利用变化的相关性较强,这些因素在土地利用类型变化中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in karst geo-ecological environment. Therefore, it is vital to identify how human forces work on this degraded environment. Based on the soil erosion information in 2000 and remote sensing images of Guanling County collected in 2000 and 2007, four grades of karst rocky desertification data in 14 villa...  相似文献   

This study attempts to evaluate the rationality of the spatial layout of shopping malls and identify the urban area with poor shopping mall accessibility, as well as to provide a reference and assist decision-making for planning. Using the case of Nanjing, China, this study developed a method to evaluate the accessibility of shopping malls by three transport modes(car traffic, public transit, and bicycle). Specially, we divide the urban space into a regular hexagonal grid and harvest the total travel time from each of 7204 hexagon centroids to each of 129 shopping malls using the Baidu Internet map. The door-to-door travel time approach is used to evaluate all travel stages(walking, waiting, transfer, and transportation) based on travel time calculations. We further divide the shopping malls into two levels(super-regional and regional) based on the Dianping App's information and develop the indicator of accessibility to shopping malls: the number of shopping malls within tolerance time thresholds and apply the closest facility and cumulative opportunities methods to measure accessibility scores. The results show that the accessibility estimations vary greatly with transport modes. The accessibility of shopping malls presents a concentric ring trend centered on the city center under the car traffic and bicycle modes. And public transit accessibility tends to axially extend due to the topology of bus routes and metro lines. In particular, we observe that the accessibility of shopping malls in Nanjing has an uneven spatial distribution pattern, with high accessibility values in the central urban areas and lots of underserved areas in urban fringe regions. Based on the accessibility measurements, we finally map the poor accessibility area and propose corresponding implications for urban planning.  相似文献   

南昌市城市用地的扩展及其驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过解译多时相南昌市遥感影像,分析了28年间南昌市主要建成区扩展的时空特点,并对其驱动力进行了探讨。南昌市主要建成区的用地扩展目前处于快速增长阶段,扩展过程中分别受到了交通线和赣江的引导作用和限制作用,并且以占用耕地为主。人口、工业发展、利用外资以及政策等方面的因素构成了南昌市主要建成区用地扩展的软环境影响因子,交通区位、自然条件等硬件条件也不同程度地影响着主要建成区的扩展方向。  相似文献   

The important role of spatial scale in exploring the geography of poverty as well as its policy implications has been noticed but with limited knowledge. To improve such limited understanding, we mainly investigated the spatial patterns and influencing factors of rural poverty (indicated by poor population and poverty incidence) at three different administrative levels in the Liupan Mountain Region, one of the fourteen poorest regions in China. Our results show that from a global perspective, poor areas are clustered significantly at the county-, township-, and village-level, and more greatly at a lower level. Locally, there is spatial mismatch among poverty hotspots detected not only by the same indicator at different levels but also by different indicators at the same level. A scale effect can be found in the influencing factors of rural poverty. That is, the number of significant factors increases, but the degree of their association with poverty incidence decreases at a lower level. Such scale effect indicates that poverty incidence at lower levels may be affected by more complex factors, including not only the new local ones but also the already appeared non-local ones at higher levels. However, the natural conditions tend to play a scale-independent role to poverty incidence. In response to such scale-dependent patterns and factors, anti-poverty policies can be 1) a multilevel monitoring system to reduce incomplete or even misleading single-level information and understanding; 2) the village-based targeting strategy to increase the targeting efficiency and alleviate the mentioned spatial mismatch; 3) more flexible strategies responding to the local impoverishing factors, and 4) different task emphasises for multilevel policymakers to achieve the common goal of poverty reduction.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges project accelerates economic development in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.This paper aimed to investigate the distribution,changes and features of cultivated land in this area,analyze the forces driving the changes in cultivated land area,and propose the countermeasures for cultivated land management.Transition matrix was used to analyze the features of cultivated land changes,and quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were adopted to research the driving forces according to the features of cultivated land changes.Cultivated land in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area mainly lay to the northwest of the Yangtze River,especially the upper reaches.The areas of cultivated land increased from 1996 to 1999,then decreased from 2000 to 2006,and finally increased again from 2007 to 2009.The important forces driving changes in cultivated land included government policies,employment and food security,increasing construction land,agriculture structure adjustment,land rearrangement,inundation.During cultivated land management,firstly,it is necessary to insist on the principle of cultivated land protection,standardize land exploitation and strictly restrict the transformation of cultivated land into non-farming land.Secondly,land rearrangement must be implemented,which can not only increase the area of the cultivated land,but also improve the quality of the cultivated land.Thirdly,it is feasible to intensify eco-agriculture construction to increase the quantity and quality of cultivated land.Fourthly,it is helpful to improve the traditional agriculture production methods to promote cultivated land quality.Lastly,it is important to propagandize cultivated land protection and realize the enormous pressure of cultivated land shortage,making more people obligated to protect cultivated land.  相似文献   

天津港区土地利用时空格局变化与驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文以Landsat TM多光谱影像为主要数据源,获取了天津港区1987-2010年4期土地利用数据,引入单一土地利用类型动态度、综合土地利用类型动态度、转移矩阵和土地类型空间格局重心4种土地利用变化指数模型,在GIS支持下定量地分析了天津港区1987-2010年土地利用类型转换的方向、程度、时空格局差异和扩张模式。结果表明:1987-1995年天津港的建设处于改革开发之后的探索阶段,土地利用类型变化的程度不高;1995-2003年天津港稳步拓展,港口区域建设用地向北迅速扩张;2003-2010年天津港步入以港区外迁为特征的专业化发展阶段,土地利用类型剧烈变化。20多年来,天津港在空间形态上呈现沿海岸线先向北向陆,后向南向海的扩张模式,侵占水田、滩涂和填海造陆是天津港港口建设用地扩张的主要途径,同时区域还存在大量非理性的圈海养殖和围海造田现象。研究认为港口专业化发展、宏观和微观政策,以及个体目标驱动是影响天津港区土地利用时空格局变化的主要因素,关注生态、经济与区域的和谐发展,通过优化港口功能布局,加快以生态安全为目标的土地利用结构调整,是实现港口可持续发展的必经之路。本文对于充分认识港口发展规律,保护宝贵的港口岸线资源和合理规划港口区域土地资源都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The change in land development intensity is an important perspective to reflect the variation in regional social and economic development and spatial differentiation. In this paper, spatial statistical analysis, Ordinary Least Squares(OLS), and Geographically weighted regression(GWR) methods are used to systematically analyse the spatial-temporal characteristics and driving forces of land development intensity for 131 spatial units in the western China from 2000 to 2015. The findings of the study are as follows: 1) The land development intensity in the western China has been increasing rapidly. From 2000 to 2015, land development intensity increased by 3.4 times on average. 2) The hotspot areas have shifted from central Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi and the Beibu Gulf of Guangxi to the Guanzhong Plain and the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. The areas of cold spots were mainly concentrated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Yunnan, and Xinjiang. 3) Investment intensity and the natural environment have always been the main drivers of land development intensity in the western China. Investment played a powerful role in promoting land development intensity, while the natural and ecological environment distinctly constrained such development. The effect of the economic factors on land development intensity in the western China has changed, which is reflected in the driving factor of construction land development shifting from economic growth in 2000 to economic structure, especially industrial structure, in 2015.  相似文献   

潍坊市耕地资源动态变化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潍坊市是国家重要的农副产品生产基地。近几年来,随着经济的发展,耕地资源迅速退化和流失,使得人口与耕地的矛盾日渐突出。通过对相关数据的分析,揭示了潍坊市自改革开放以来耕地资源的变化趋势。运用定性和定量的方法对耕地数量变化的驱动因子进行了分析;并结合潍坊市耕地资源利用的具体情况,提出保护耕地的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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