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以湖北省为研究对象,基于铁路客流的动态关系数据,采用城市网络连锁模型,以城市之间铁路客流的流动性和集聚性为研究切入点,辨析省域城市的网络关联强度和空间组织结构特征。研究表明:① 湖北省域城市网络结构初步形成,整体呈现“东强西弱,北低南高”的态势,省域“单中心”网络格局特征突出,武汉是链接鄂东、鄂中、鄂西三大区域的核心枢纽;② 中心城市指向性和地域邻近指向性特征明显,整体受省域中心城市武汉的影响较大,与之紧密联系的周边城市是构成武汉“1+8”都市圈的主体;③ 交通轴线是客流联系的主要方向,以“十堰—襄阳—荆门—武汉”、“恩施—宜昌—荆州—武汉”等城市为主体的“>”型城市带,其空间组织结构联系较为紧密,是推动湖北省经济发展和实施城镇化战略的重要载体,同时襄阳、宜昌在鄂西地区的枢纽作用日益凸显。最后基于实证研究结论,为省域空间规划的要义、趋势和取向提出了若干探讨。  相似文献   

深入研究高铁对珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)城市群区域经济空间格局的影响,对挖掘高铁与区域经济耦合关系具有一定的科学价值。本文基于2010、2014、2018年珠三角地区城市面板数据,从区域经济联系、区域优势潜力及区域经济空间平稳性3个维度,运用引力模型、区位优势潜力模型、Theil系数等技术模型和方法,综合测度高铁对珠三角城市群区域经济空间格局的影响。研究结果表明:① 珠三角城市间经济联系强度随年份的递增而呈现上升的趋势,南北向联系强于东西向联系,并逐渐出现1个经济联系核心区、3个经济联系副关联区和1个经济增长辐射区;② 珠三角市际间区位优势潜力差距逐渐拉大,其中东莞、中山等经济实力较强、城市地域规模、人口规模较小且地理位置优越的二三线城市在高铁运营过程中获得更大的利益;③ 从珠三角区域经济整体差异性来看,区域经济空间格局异质性呈先扩大后缩小趋势;从区内群体差异性来看,一二线城市之间经济发展水平差异呈先大幅上升后小幅下降趋势;二三线城市之间经济发展水平差异呈下降趋势。该研究将对未来交通规划提供参考。  相似文献   

本文首先用分形理论的集聚维数和关联维数探析了乌鲁木齐都市圈城镇体系发展的空间分形特征;然后,运用2007年和2011年的社会经济统计数据,结合分形理论的齐夫模型,运用等级规模维数并通过与中国其他都市圈的比较,研究了乌鲁木齐都市圈城镇体系发展的等级规模变化分形特征。结果表明,乌鲁木齐都市圈城镇体系集聚维数和关联维数分别为1.060和0.882,说明乌鲁木齐都市圈已经形成了以乌鲁木齐为中心呈凝聚状态分布的空间自组织体系,各城市之间相互联系比较紧密,相互作用较强。2007-2011年间,社会消费品零售总额等级规模维数变小,说明差异呈现扩大趋势,而非农业人口、GDP、一般预算财政收入等级规模维数变大,说明差异呈现缩小趋势。与其他都市圈相比,乌鲁木齐都市圈空间和规模结构还不成熟,中心城市首位性强,对周边城市带动能力弱,等级规模差异大,有待进一步优化。  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration research has received increasing attention in China's national development strategies, and has become a hot topic in academic research. This study develops a theoretical framework that explores the formation mechanism and expansion process of urban agglomerations from the perspective of industrial evolution, and identifies the development issues and their causes by taking Yangtze Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomerations as case studies. In the process of urban agglomeration formation within a free market, as has happened in Yangtze Delta region, the central city develops first, its secondary industry is then transferred to its neighboring cities, and the work division and cooperation with the neighboring cities is gradually established. However, in the 1990 s, aiming to become an international metropolis, Beijing implemented a series of administrative policies to encourage the reduction of the secondary industry and the development of the tertiary industry, before its secondary industry were fully developed and transferred to its neighboring cities. This delayed the integration process and the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. This study builds a good foundation for the construction of the theoretical system's urban agglomeration study, and provides references for decision making in an urban agglomeration development.  相似文献   

随着中国城市建设进程的加快,中国的臭氧(O3)污染逐渐受到重视。城市群是人口大国城镇化的主要空间载体,是城镇化的主体形态。截至2017年3月底,国务院共先后批复了6个国家级城市群,并提出要优化提升东部地区城市群,培育发展中西部地区城市群。另外,新的城市规模划分标准以城区常住人口为统计口径,将城市划分为5类7档。为了研究中国O3污染的时空分布特征以及O3污染与城市群之间的关系,利用地理探测器(Geographical detector)和演化树模型对2014年6月到2017年5月共36个月的O3监测数据进行时空分析。结果表明:中国O3污染水平呈现上升趋势,并在2017年迅速增长,O3已成为仅次于PM2.5的第二大污染因子,且与PM2.5在时间上呈“交错污染”的态势;O3污染超标城市绝大多数集中在城市群区域,其中长江三角洲城市群、京津冀城市群、山东半岛城市群和中原城市群相对突出;O3和PM2.5均不超标的城市主要集中在北部湾城市群和海峡西岸城市群;城市群中人口规模大的城市O3污染较为严重。  相似文献   

Based on the data of gross domestic product (GDP), industrial added value and the proportion of industrial employees from 2000 to 2008, this paper studies the effect of industrial structure change on the regional economic growth of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region in China using the shift-share method. The results show that: 1) In the 21st century, the industrial output of three industries, namely, primary, secondary, and tertiary, and the GDP grew rapidly in the study period. The tertiary industry grew the fastest; it had the largest contribution to the GDP and meanwhile had become the most competitive industry in the metropolitan region. 2) The development of cities within the region was not balanced. Firstly, compared with Tianjin, Beijing, as one of the two core cities, was more rational in the industrial structure. Secondly, the surrounding eight cities, which are Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Tangshan, Langfang, Baoding, Cangzhou, Zhangjiakou, and Chengde, were all uncompetitive than the two core cities. 3) There was a great industrial gradient in the region (especially between the two core cities and the cities of Tangshan, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Cangzhou, and Langfang). As a result, it is foreseeable that the industry transfer in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region will be one of the trends in regional development, and the industry transfer is inevitably to promote the regional integration.  相似文献   

It is great important to the health development of urban agglomeration to correctly understand the formation and development law of regional structure of urban agglomeration. Employing the analysis methods like fractal theory and quantitative statistics, coupling with the use of remote sensing images and other spatial data, this article discusses the urban agglomeration of oasis on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in an arid area, and conducts the researches on its city scale, spatial distribution and individual form from 1990 to 2005. The result shows that it has loose hierarchical scale structure and polarization trend of population distribution while its hierarchical scale structure tends to mature. Under the influence of natural conditions, the spatial layout of urban agglomeration of oasis has macro characteristics that suggest cities distributed along oasis edges (dense or sparse), spatially expand along rivers, and cluster around traffic branches. The connectivity among the cities is high and shows an internal organization form of a banding distribution. The whole spatial shape of the internal structure of cities presents a “dumbbell” form, with mononuclear phenomenon receding and multi-nuclear appearing gradually. Individual cities spatially expand along rivers, portraying a long strip appearance. It indicates that the urban agglomeration of oasis shows regular and close structure but with a tendency to be complicated form and the loose structure. In the development of urban agglomeration, the authors recommend that the development of the city with good economic development conditions should be strengthened, and more attention be put into regional planning.  相似文献   

随着区域一体化进程的加快,中国城市群快速地发展起来,城市群城际间的人口流动研究得到了国内外学者的关注。城市群空间结构的研究以地理实体空间分析为主,城际人口流动的研究多使用传统统计数据,而将大数据运用于城市群空构特征,并结合传统的社会经济统计数据对该区域人口流动的影响因素进行分析。研究发现:① 微博签到数据进一步解释了成渝城市群呈现出“双核多中心”的组团特征,成都市和重庆主城构成了“双核”;② 微博人口流动的方向会受到行政区划的影响,微博人口流动的强度呈现出一定的等级差异;③ 微博人口流动的强度与方向同社会经济发展水平呈现出相对一致性,即地区生产总值越高、人口规模越大或交通联系强度越强,则人口流动越强烈。  相似文献   

迁徙流作为互联网时代的新产物,信息流、资本流、交通流等流空间的基本载体,能客观地反映城市间地理行为关系,对于刻画城市网络结构具有重要意义。基于地级以上城市的百度迁徙大数据,本文尝试从全域和净迁徙的视角探索研究中国城市网络结构特征,对其网络的层级、关联关系和影响因素等进行挖掘提取。研究发现:① 全国城市网络呈现出稳定的、层级明确的三棱锥四顶点“钻石型”结构,与主要城市群的经济规模空间分布相吻合;② 区域网络表现出向高级别行政中心集聚的“核心—外围”放射状结构;③ 以省会城市为核心的典型小世界特征比较凸出,小世界网络的可达性和连通性较高;周口、阜阳、赣州、上饶、重庆等作为主要劳动力输出型城市,深圳、东莞、广州、北京、上海等城市成为了主要的外来人口聚集地,并形成了对应的人口就近输送网络关系;④ 城市的行政地位、经济规模、交通枢纽建设、劳动力资源等因素都对其网络控制力和影响力起到了决定性作用。最后,研究结合中国城市网络结构特征及其主要影响因素,提出相关政策建议,以期为中国城市网络结构均衡发展与建设提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

企业间的联系是城市联系的重要组成部分,加强对基于企业间联系的城市功能网络分析对丰富城市网络理论研究具有重要意义。采用2010—2020年上市公司与其前五大客户间的贸易关系数据构建了中国城市网络,基于企业间的贸易联系视角分析城市网络时空演变特征。研究表明:(1) 2010—2020年间城市网络规模呈现先升后降的特征,整体网络密度较低,位于0.014~0.018之间;网络重心呈现“S”形空间轨迹变化和整体向南移动的趋势,网络总体空间结构由沿海向“T”形结构转变;(2)网络流量集中于少数节点城市,资金进出量前20城市总额占资金总流量的71.9%,北京、上海是网络的绝对核心,杭州、武汉、深圳、广州等省会或副省级城市承担着区域中心的功能,佛山、齐齐哈尔、南通等制造业发达城市是重要节点;(3)五大城市群中珠江三角洲网络密度最高,位于0.324~0.334之间,长江三角洲贸易总流量最高,为783.5亿元,长江中游城市群和成渝城市群网络发育相对滞后;(4)新冠疫情对整体网络的贸易流量和网络结构产生了明显影响,网络社团进一步分化重组,广州—深圳社团明显增强,上海社团明显减弱。研究结果对推动国内大循环和统...  相似文献   

城市空间结构是城市规划和发展的基础研究内容之一,特别是以城市群综合发展的区域经济体成为当前城市发展的主要形态,以首都北京为核心的首都圈则是其中具有代表性的城市群,许多学者将该区域作为城市格局研究的首选对象。本文针对首都圈“京津塘、京唐秦、京保石”三条发展轴线内的主要城市,从区域内城镇体系空间结构、道路基础设施空间布局、...  相似文献   

中心城市腹地合理地划分对区域的资源整合、协调发展起到关键性的作用。本文立足于加权Voronoi图,将城市的中心性强度及综合交通可达性作为权重引入断裂点模型中,修正了断裂点模型中的城市人口规模,构建了加权Voronoi图城市腹地界定新模型;并以成渝经济圈36个中心城市为例,对模型进行验证。研究表明,成渝经济圈各中心城市腹地与行政区范围吻合度较差。根据腹地与行政区范围大小的比值将城市划分为3类:比值大于100%的城市具有良好的适合腹地向外扩展的条件,对周边城市的发展有较大影响;比值在60%~100%之间的城市对周边城市的发展起到一定作用;比值小于60%的城市则说明周边城市的影响力远远大于本市。而四川省的成都市和重庆市的主城作为区域实力最强的城市,其腹地范围并不是最大的,这表明城市腹地的范围及大小主要由中心城市的综合实力和周边城市的综合实力共同决定。这是对成渝经济圈各城市腹地的重新界定,对成渝经济圈城市规划有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

自1978年以来,我国城镇化经历了外延粗放扩张式的快速发展模式,不具有可持续性。城市群作为推进后城镇化发展阶段的主体形态,其智慧化建设成为重要的研究内容。但智慧城市群建设如果缺乏理论指导,会陷入一定的盲目性。因此,本文力图通过对城市的“智慧”和城市群的空间概念体系的本质认知,构建“互联互通、生产、生活、生态”(简称为“一联三生”)体系下的智慧城市群理论框架。结果表明:① 智慧城市与智慧城市群的建设需要“命运共同体”的灵魂引领。在对心理学领域“智慧”充分认知的基础上,提出“以人为本的自主调节”的智慧城市灵魂。自主调节包括实时的智慧感知、智慧评估和智慧优化;② “一联三生”构成城市群空间概念体系,包含“一联”和“三生”等4个主题内容;③ 实现“一联三生”的智慧感知、智慧评估和智慧优化是智慧城市群构建的核心内容。结合粤港澳大湾区实际,提出了粤港澳大湾区智慧城市群的建设目标与内容,并探讨了地理空间信息在粤港澳大湾区智慧城市群建设中的支撑作用,为我国智慧城市群的框架构建提供理论参考。  相似文献   

城镇开发边界的划定对于保障资源合理利用、促进城镇有序发展具有重要意义。国内现有研究多以规划实践的技术探讨为主,但对资源环境的定量化评估不足,且较少在大都市区尺度开展研究。本文以武汉大都市区为研究案例,提出在耦合多种要素构建“双评价”体系的基础上,结合FLUS模型进行土地利用模拟和城镇开发边界的划定,并运用景观格局指数等对结果进行分析校验。结果表明:① 土地利用模拟KAPPA系数为0.95,总体精度为0.96,能较好的反映未来用地变化情况,且结果显示城镇建设用地呈蔓延式扩张,有必要通过划定边界来控制城镇开发;② 根据模拟结果划定城镇开发边界,能够避免城镇建设集中占用生态或农业价值较高的区域,并在优化形态的基础上改善武汉大都市区的城镇空间布局,有很强的适用性;③ 驱动体系评价表明,相较于单一因子库,“双评价”因子库精度更高,且更能优化景观格局,促进建设用地斑块集聚发展并填补建成区空白,更符合区域发展诉求;④ 扩张结果评价表明划定结果与武汉大都市区的未来发展模式吻合,未来空间管控应重点关注临空港片区、阳逻片区、光谷-未来城片区、纸坊片区扩张的潜在价值。本研究验证了FLUS模型在武汉大都市区内应用的有效性,为规划管控及建设用地布局优化提供一定参考。  相似文献   

City networks have been a critical topic in the fields of urban geography and regional economics. Numerous studies have explored city networks, focusing mainly on infrastructure and industrial networks. Unlike traditional urban network of which the major measuring indexes are population sizes and entity industries, online commodity service networks could reflect well the influencing of emerging economies, especially the Internet economy, on city networks. This study analyzes and reveals structural features of China’s city networks through online commodity services, providing the internet economic approach on city networks. Results indicate that the core cities of online commodity service networks are mainly concentrated in eastern coastal areas. In addition, spatial polarization and layer structure of network connections are obvious, descending from the centers in eastern China to peripheral cities in central and western China. Online commodity services of different cities show apparent differences and uncertainties in terms of specialization rates of international connection, which presents a tendency toward diversification. Online commodity service networks are not only associated with goods production, supply, and consumption in physical space but also reflect virtual information, capital, and technology flows, thus providing a new empirical approach for understanding city networks in information and internet economic age.  相似文献   

In metropolitan regions, the change in the strength of"flows" between a core city and surrounding cities reflects the range of the core city's influence, while the gravity between core city and other cities reflects the strength of potential relation between them. This article firstly attempts to delimit the boundary of metropolitan regions with the two dimensions measure combining "flows" and gravitation. The former is measured through the flow of people between the core city and surrounding cities, and the latter is measured through both population and gross domestic products (GDP) of the core city and surrounding cities. The hierarchy of the cities within a metropolitan region is classified in order to emphasize the roles of the cities belonging to the metropolitan regions, different from the general way through population scale and administrative level, and is typical in China. This paper uses the Shanghai metropolitan region as a research case, determining boundary of this metropolitan region clearly and classifying hierarchy of the cities within the region. The final results are significantly different to previous work, even overthrowing the traditional system of urban hierarchy partly. It is helpful to highlight the function of cities in organizing the regional economy, the level structure of metropolitan regions, and each city's relative importance in a metropolitan region, which can be taken as scientific basis for planning integrated regions or urban systems.  相似文献   

伴随新型城镇化进程的不断推进,城市群已经成为地区社会经济发展的重要核心。大数据时代的到来促使新兴时空大数据在城市/城市群建设与管理中发挥着重要作用,并成为当前学术界的研究热点。大数据挖掘技术与融合分析技术将成为未来研究城市群的重要方法。本研究总结归纳了时空大数据在城市群建设与管理中的应用研究进展,对常见城市群时空大数据类型、获取方法和分析技术进行分类整理,并对基于资源调查和多源时空数据分析的城市/城市群研究进展进行分析,特别是对时空大数据及其技术在城市群建设与管理中的主要研究展开归类分析,认为目前时空大数据在城市群建设与管理应用领域主要涉及5大方向:城市群空间界定与发展监测、交通网络监测、关联性分析与功能布局评价、产业协同分析和环境监测与评估。最后,本文分析了现阶段时空大数据在城市群建设与管理应用中的发展瓶颈,提出了相关对策建议,并对未来研究发展趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

Globalization and informatization have accelerated city networking process over the world, which makes research on city network a hot topic in the fields of urban geography and economic geography. With Chinese economic structure adjustment and city economic growth, producer services have begun to play an increasingly important role in city-region networking. This paper employs the methodology of world city network to analyze and explain the spatial development characteristics of China’s urban network system based on the data of nationwide producer services enterprise network. The research result indicated that the distribution of producer services network has a positive effect on the development of Chinese city networks. City network connectivity is closely related to the significance of city in producer services development, and the former will gradually decline with the drop of the latter. Accordingly, the 64 cities can be divided into the national central cities, regional central cities, sub-regional central cities and local central cities in accordance with their position and role in the nationwide producer services network. It is concluded that high-grade cities with quality producer services dominate the pattern of Chinese city networks and there emerges three spatial agglomerations of producer services enterprises in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta, Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Economical Region. Moreover, the distribution of different producer services industry varies from city to city, which also affects the characteristics of network development.  相似文献   

基于制造业企业网络视角的城市网络核心—边缘结构的研究将加深对城市网络演化规律的理解。利用2020年中国制造业500强企业网络数据和隶属联系模型构建城市网络,研究了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构的演化特征,定量测度了核心—边缘结构的影响因素,并根据国际生产折衷理论解析了城市网络地位分异的动力机制。研究发现: 2005—2020年,核心区块的城市数量逐渐增加,主要由直辖市、经济特区以及东、中部地区的省会城市组成,这些城市通过互惠性的链接关系形成了凝聚子群,网络权力较为集中;边缘区块的城市则主要位于中、西部地区,城市间经济联系相对稀疏,整体网络结构并不稳定,城市的发展受到了网络资本的约束。关键资源、基础设施和区位优势是影响中国城市网络地位的决定性因素,择优选择、网络邻近和路径依赖构成了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构演化的动力机制,这将进一步增强核心城市的网络地位。在网络环境下,城市间的差距趋于扩大,城市网络地位的提升取决于城市在网络中的影响力,中国城市化政策需要做出相应调整。  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的京津冀城市群热环境时空形态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市群热环境作为区域生态重要组成部分,已成为近年来的研究热点。而如何选择针对城市群这种复杂地地貌特征的热环境量化工具一直是亟待解决的技术难点,基于此本研究提出了一种解决多样本、非线性、非平稳及高维函数拟合的计算方法,并建立了基于支持向量机(SVM)的京津冀城市群热环境曲面模型来揭示城市群热环境的时空形态变化。研究结果表明:① SVM模型在刻画多核心、多种土地利用类型城市群热环境的空间分布方面具有理论与实践可行性,能够根据热环境的整体空间布局通过高斯核函数进行局部优化差值,最大限度减少缺省值对模型拟合结果的影响。相比于对照方法可以模拟出更高精度的复杂地貌特征城市群热岛空间分布格局;② 在SVM模型曲面拟合的过程中,拟合精度和拟合时间是衡量拟合结果的重要指标,而原始影像的分辨率则是影响该指标的决定性因素;③ 2003-2013年区域内北京市与天津市的城市热岛效应变化最为明显,热岛面积分别增加7091 km2与4196 km2,空间上呈现出逐年接近连片发展趋势,热岛重心移动轨迹具有明显的时空分异性。北京城市热岛特征为东南部地区异速增长,西部地区缓慢增长;天津城市热岛特征为以城市中心为圆心向周围扩展。本研究进一步丰富了城市群热环境评测的定量方法,可以在实践上对城市群的城市规划、城市建设、环境保护和区域可持续发展等提供定量化、可视化的决策支持。  相似文献   

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