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黄河三角洲湿地景观格局动态变化分析   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以黄河三角洲1986,1996,2006年的三期TM影像为数据源,利用遥感图像处理软件对近代黄河三角洲湿地信息进行了提取.借助于地理信息系统软件和景观生态学软件,我们对20年来黄河三角洲湿地景观格局的动态变化,以及影响其格局动态变化的驱动力进行了分析.结果表明:(1)近20年来,人工湿地面积有了大幅度的增加,而天然湿地的比重在降低.其中,滩涂和柽柳灌草丛景观明显萎缩.(2)一些重要的景观格局指数的计算结果表明,20世纪90年代以来,黄河三角洲湿地景观斑块个数、香农多样性指数、香农均匀度指数一直在增加.黄河三角洲湿地景观的破碎化程度在加剧,斑块类型更加多样化,湿地景观中没有明显的优势类型且各斑块类型在景观中均匀分布.(3)湿地与湿地、湿地与非湿地之间发生着类型转化.其中,18.1%的芦苇草甸转化为农田;26.6%的翅碱蓬草甸转化为盐田;11.9%的芦苇沼泽转化为芦苇草甸.(4)在黄河三角洲湿地演化的过程中,受到自然和人为方面演化驱动力的共同作用.其中,自然因素主要有:黄河断流、泥沙淤积和自身演替动力等.人为驱动力主要为农田开垦、滩涂的开发与围垦、油田开发和人工建筑等.  相似文献   

湿地在物种多样性、调节气候、含蓄水源等多方面的作用,一直受到我国政府和国际社会的密切关注。中央和地方政府在湿地保护、生态修复、科研创新、模式建设、规划设计等多方面作出努力,以实现其持续性存在和生态功能的提升。但由于自然、社会、经济、体制等多因素的影响,山东省东营市黄河三角洲湿地保护工作受到的制约较大,存在湿地退化程度较为严重,生物多样性保护压力大,生态功能难以充分利用等问题。该文通过梳理山东省东营市黄河三角洲湿地保护存在的各种问题,为实现生态保育、社会共享和经济发展的综合效益提出可行性较强的建议,以期为湿地保护工作的有效开展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Wetlands play an important ecological role and provide many functions for people,yet wetlands are cur-rently decreasing and deteriorating.The ability to calculate an economic value for the loss of wetlands is becoming in-creasingly important for policy makers.In this study,remote sensing,field investigations,department visits,and other methods were used to survey wetland types,assess wetland area changes,and calculate wetland economic value.Mar-ket value loss and ecological function value loss,caused by reduction of wetland area and environmental pollution were calculated using commonly accepted methods of market valuation,ecological valuation,environmental protection investment cost analysis,and outcome parameters.According to market value loss and ecological function value loss,preliminarily fund allocation for wetland and ecological compensation was calculated.This will provide an important reference for future Yellow River Delta eco-compensation studies.  相似文献   

为了了解黄河三角洲湿地景观类型演变最优模拟模型以及景观的变化趋势,本文采用1996、2006、2016年3期黄河三角洲分类影像,分别利用CA-Markov、LCM、2种模型叠加开展变化模拟。研究发现:① 在相同驱动力因子影响下,空间模拟上LCM比CA-Markov好,数量模拟上,CA-Markov比LCM更贴合,对于变化较大研究区,综合2种模型优势来模拟该湿地变化最佳;② 对于较强的人为、自然灾害干扰,会对模拟精度有影响。在LCM模型中,驱动力相同情况下,生成适宜性图像的转移子模型数量越多,模拟精度越高。对于CA-Markov模型,比例误差系数适宜的设置对数量模拟的精度也有提升;③ 在保持2006-2016年的变化趋势下,综合2种模型模拟的2026年自然湿地面积1252.69 km 2,人工湿地面积1265.00 km 2,非湿地面积924.51 km 2。从2026年黄河三角洲模拟的结果可看出,自然、非湿地的面积减少,人工湿地大量的增加并不断向浅海区域扩张。通过对黄河三角洲湿地变化进行预测分析,可为湿地资源的合理有效利用与管理等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲是中国唯一一块保存最完整、最典型、最年轻的湿地生态系统,由于其地理位置优越、自然资源丰富等特点,在国际上备受关注。该文在已有资料分析、现场地质调查、遥感数据分析的基础上,构建了黄河三角洲湿地资源地质环境评价指标体系,采用定量与定性相结合的方法,将黄河三角洲湿地地质环境质量分为5个等级(优、良、一般、较差和差),研究结果表明,该地区19个县(市、区)中湿地地质环境资源质量为良的有8个,质量一般的为11个,总体处于健康-疾病的临界状态。并基于以上研究成果,针对性地提出了黄河三角洲湿地资源保护对策。  相似文献   

Landscape characters in estuarine regions generally controlled by tidal regimes and human activities like road construction. In this work, tidal channels and road construction in the Yellow River Delta(YRD) were extracted by visual interpretation methods so as to decipher impacts of tidal channel development and road construction on landscape patch change during 1989–2016. Spatial distribution history of three wetlands, which covered by Phragmites australis(freshwater marsh, FM), Suaeda salsa(salt marsh, SM), and mudflats(MD) were also established. Results indicated that tidal channel, number, frequency, and fractal dimension were all the maximum in 2003, and the minimum in 1998, respectively. Road length, number, and density showed increasing trend during 1989–2016. MD were the predominant landscape type, followed by FM and SM during 1989-2016. Principal component analysis implied two extracted factors, F1 and F2, which could represent 91.93% of the total variations. F1 mainly proxied tidal channel development, while F2 represented road construction. A multiple linear regression analysis showed positive effects of both F1 and F2 on FM patch numbers and negative impacts on SM patch areaes with R~2 values of 0.416 and 0.599, respectively. Tidal channels were negatively related to MD patch numbers, while roads were positively related to that. In any case, road construction showed larger impacts on landscape type shifting than that of tidal channel development in the YRD.  相似文献   

The modern Yellow River delta is formed near the estuary of the Yellow River with the characteristics of short formation time, efficient sedimentation rate and loose structure which make sediments prone to be compacted and consolidate under the geostatic stress and overburden stress. It is one of the key areas with land subsidence disasters in China, bringing a series of safety hazards to production and living. Based on the data of massive surface cores and ten drill holes ranging from 12 to 40 m obtained from the northern modern Yellow River subaqueous delta, the inversion method suitable for the calculation of consolidation settlement characteristics of the modern Yellow River subaqueous delta is discussed, and the consolidation settlement characteristics of the delta sediments are inversed and predicted in this paper. The actual void ratio of the delta sediments at the depth from 3 to 15 m shows a significant power function relationship with the depth, while the void ratio of the sediments below 15 m changes little with depth. The pre-consolidation settlement(from deposition to sampling) of the delta sediments is between 0.91 and 1.96 m, while the consolidation settlement of unit depth is between 9.6 and 14.0 cm m~(-1). The post-consolidation settlement(from sampling to stable) of the subaqueous delta sediments is between 0.65 and 1.56 m in the later stage, and the consolidation settlement of unit depth is between 7.6 and 13.1 cm m~(-1) under the overburden stress. The delta sediments with a buried depth of 3 to 7 m contribute the most to the possible consolidation settlement in the later stage.  相似文献   

The Yellow River Delta wetland is the youngest wetland ecosystem in China's warm temperate zone. To better understand how its landscape pattern has changed over time and the underlying factors responsible, this study analyzed the dynamic changes of wetlands using five Landsat series of images, namely MSS(Mulri Spectral Scanner), TM(Thematic Mapper), and OLI(Operational Land Imager) sensors in 1976, 1986, 1996, 2006, and 2016. Object-oriented classification and the combination of spatial and spectral features and both the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Normalized Difference Water Index(NDWI), as well as brightness characteristic indices, were used to classify the images in eCognition software. Landscape pattern changes in the Yellow River Delta over the past 40 years were then delineated using transition matrix and landscape index methods. Results show that: 1) from1976 to 2016, the total area of wetlands in the study area decreased from 2594.76 to 2491.79 km~2, while that of natural wetlands decreased by 954.03 km~2 whereas human-made wetlands increased by 851.06 km~2. 2) The transformation of natural wetlands was extensive: 31.34% of those covered by Suaeda heteropteras were transformed into reservoirs and ponds, and 24.71% with Phragmites australis coverage were transformed into dry farmland. Some human-made wetlands were transformed into non-wetlands types: 1.55% of reservoirs and ponds became construction land, and likewise 21.27% were transformed into dry farmland. 3) From 1976 to 2016, as the intensity of human activities increased, the number of landscape types in the study area continuously increased. Patches were scattered and more fragmented. The whole landscape became more complex. In short, over the past 40 years, the wetlands of the Yellow River Delta have been degraded, with the area of natural wetlands substantially reduced. Human activities were the dominant forces driving these changes in the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

Hydrological connectivity has significant effects on the functions of estuarine wetland ecosystem. This study aimed to examine the dynamics of hydrological connectivity and its impact on soil carbon pool in the Yellow River Delta, China. We calculated the hydrological connectivity based on the hydraulic resistance and graph theory, and measured soil total carbon and organic carbon under four different hydrological connectivity gradients(Ⅰ 0-0.03, Ⅱ 0.03-0.06, Ⅲ 0.06-0.12, Ⅳ 0.12-0.39). The resul...  相似文献   

Coastal regions are threatened by natural processes, such as erosion driven by storm surges and the effect of jetties, as well as by human behavior. The coastline of the Yellow River Delta(YRD) was monitored using the general high-tide line method, which combines Remote sensing(RS) and geographic information system(GIS) technology, using multi-spectral scanner(MSS), thematic mapper(TM), and enhanced thematic mapper plus(ETM+) images of the YRD from 1976 to 2014 as a data source. The results demonstrated that the shape and length of the YRD coastline has changed dramatically since 1976. The course of the Diaokouhe channel has resulted in mainly inland erosion in the north, and is primarily marine erosion; therefore, it was termed an erosion-type estuary. However, the coastline of the Qingshuigou course has moved seaward, demonstrating an accretion stage, and was therefore termed an accretion-type estuary. The coastline advanced forward before 1997 and shrank after 2003 in the southern part of the river mouth, which was due to the shift in the river mouth in 1996. It has continually extended outward in the northern part of the river mouth from 2003 onward. The coastline in the southern part of the river mouth has moved randomly, with the occurrence of both erosion and sedimentation caused by land reclamation and sea wave intrusion. In most cases, the coastline has extended offshore, especially in the northern part of the river mouth. The YRD coastline has changed frequently and rapidly from 1992 to 2014. The river mouth channel, river water and sediments, and precipitation were the major factors affecting the YRD. The YRD coastline was mainly in an accretion stage during flow periods. The erosion rate decreased and tended to be stable during a dry period. The coastline was basically stable when dry periods occurred over a long period. The location of Yellow River ports and sea erosion were the main factors driving coastline changes. The coastline was mainly influenced by the flow path of the Yellow River, with recent human activity also becoming a factor.  相似文献   

由于地壳运动、地下水使用及矿床开采等因素的影响,会造成地表的形变,特别是垂直(高程)方向影响更大。为了维持高程基准的现势性,本文提出了一种以InSAR地表形变监测和水准测量相结合的方法,实现地表形变区高程基准动态维持。并以黄河三角洲区域为例,对2种成果精度进行了对比验证,水准测量和InSAR监测结果基本相符,可实现2种技术手段融合以获取点、面综合的高程变化信息。  相似文献   

Little information is available on biogenic elements(carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur) and the ecological stoichiometric characteristics of plants in coastal wetlands. To investigate the contents of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur of plants, and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics in the Yellow(Huanghe) River Delta, plant samples were collected from two typical salt marshes(Suaeda salsa and Phragmites australis wetlands) during the period of from August to October in 2007, and the ratios of C/N, C/P, N/P, C/N/P and C/N/P/S were calculated. Results showed that during the studying period, plant C, N and P were lower than the global average values, and plant N and P were lower than the China's average values. Leaf C and S in Suaeda salsa were significantly lower than those in Phragmites australis(P 0.05), and leaf N and P in Suaeda salsa and Phragmites australis showed no significant differences(P 0.05). Average C/N ratios were 23.75 in leaf, 73.36 in stem, 65.67 in root of Suaeda salsa, and 33.77 in leaf, 121.68 in stem, 97.13 in root of Phragmites australis. Average C/N ratios of Suaeda salsa and Phragmites australis were all great than 25, indicating the salt marsh in the Yellow River Delta is an N limitation system. Average C/P ratios were 276.78 in leaf, 709.28 in stem and 1031.32 in root of Suaeda salsa, and 536.94 in leaf, 768.13 in stem and 875.22 in root of Phragmites australis. The average N/P ratios of Suaeda salsa were 12.92 in leaf, 10.77 in stem and 10.91 in root, and the average N/P ratios of Phragmites australis were 16.40 in leaf, 7.40 in stem and 6.92 in root, indicating the Suaeda salsa wetlands were N limited and Phragmites australis wetlands were N limited in August and P limited in October in 2007. The average C/N, C/P and C/N/P ratios in Suaeda salsa and Pragmites australis were higher than the global average values, indicating the lower quality of organic matter provided by wetland plants in the Yellow River delta.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲海岸线遥感动态监测   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄河三角洲是世界上海岸线变迁最快的地区之一。遥感与GIS技术相结合,能准确及时地监测黄河三角洲海岸线的动态演变。本文以1976年以来多时相遥感影像为主要数据源,通过几何精校正与配准,形成统一投影与坐标体系的遥感影像,运用平均高潮线法,对20景时间序列影像经分类处理后提取海岸线;另经GIS叠加分析,剖析了现行黄河河口、钓口河口地区海岸线的演变过程及其规律。  相似文献   

For mankind’s survival and development, water, energy, and food(WEF) are essential material guarantees. In China,however, the spatial distribution of WEF is seriously unbalanced and mismatched. Here, a collaborative governance mechanism that aims at nexus security needs to be urgently established. In this paper, the Yellow River Basin in China with a representative WEF system, was selected as a case. Firstly, a comprehensive framework for WEF coupling coordination was constructed, and the relati...  相似文献   

黄河河口湿地景观变化影响丹顶鹤生境的评价分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上世纪90年代以来,在全球气候变化及人类活动的影响下,黄河河口湿地景观发生了显著变化,对河口湿地生态系统及生物多样性保护带来深远影响。本文以景观生态学理论为指导,利用遥感技术和GIS空间分析方法,在对河口湿地景观变化过程分析的基础上,以丹顶鹤为指示物种,重点探讨了湿地景观变化对物种生境的影响,进而为河口退化湿地生态系统恢复和重建,以及湿地生境保护提供理论依据和决策支持。本文研究表明,1992-1999年,黄河三角洲河口湿地干旱化趋势明显,芦苇沼泽和翅碱蓬滩涂萎缩严重,丹顶鹤适宜生境面积大幅度减少,近30%的栖息地生境发生退化,严重退化的生境占11%。1999-2006年,在水量调控及湿地恢复措施的影响下,芦苇沼泽、翅碱蓬滩涂,以及水面湿地面积都有显著增加,占栖息地总面积28.7%的生境,得到一定程度的改善。但受不断加剧的景观破碎化影响,生境得到较好恢复的栖息地面积只占12%。研究认为,对于退化湿地的修复,在改善湿地景观的同时,加强生境管理,减轻人为活动引起的生境破碎化影响,是一重要的措施。  相似文献   

基于2000-2014年MOD16蒸散量和气象站实测数据,借助于空间数据统计法和趋势分析法对中国西北干旱区“天山湿岛”—伊犁河谷地表蒸散量时空变化特征和多年变化趋势进行定量分析。结果表明:① MOD16-ET产品在伊犁河谷地区的精度总体上满足要求,可用于地表ET的时空分布特征研究;② 伊犁河谷地表ET、PET年际波动不大,多年平均ET为392.35 mm,多年平均PET为1331.19 mm,年均ET与PET的比例在0.26-0.33之间波动,说明研究区总体上水分不足。ET、PET年内分布处于先增大后减少的单峰型变化趋势,主要集中在5月到9月。秋季ET与PET的比例为0.29,此时研究区最干旱缺水。气温是研究区蒸散量变化的主要驱动因素之一。③ ET、PET的空间分布状况正好相反,东部喀什河及巩乃斯河上游地区、南部大面积草甸覆盖区域ET值较高,PET值较低,此区域水分比较充足。伊宁市及霍尔果斯河周边地区、察布查尔县、特克斯河下游等区域ET值均较低,PET值较高,此区域干旱缺水;④ 从2000-2014年伊犁河谷地表ET、PET变化趋势来看,ET总体上处于减少趋势,PET处于增加趋势,说明研究区近15年内干旱加重。  相似文献   

The seabed of the Yellow River Delta is formed by the rapid deposition of sediments from the Yellow River. Recent researches have shown that the geological hazards in the Yellow River Delta are mainly related to the liquefaction of silty seabed under cyclic loading. In this paper, based on the theory of Stokes Viscous Principle, a self-design dragging ball apparatus was used to study the fluid characteristics of liquefied and post-liquefied silt more thoroughly. Wave flume and shaking table were used to apply wave loads and vibration loads. The pore pressure, earth pressure, and moving parameters of the dragging ball were recorded during tests. The effect of cyclic loads and excess pore pressure ratio on viscosity of silty soil is discussed. The constitutive model of flow characteristics of liquefied silt is also established. The results indicate that the apparent viscosity of silty soil is much higher than sand. Cyclic loads accelerated the process of silt liquefaction, resulting in the decrease in apparent viscosity. The excess pore pressure ratio (ru) has effect on silt liquefaction. When the soil had not reached the completely liquefied state (ru < 1), the apparent viscosity decreased with the increase of excess pore pressure ratio; when the soil had reached the completely liquefied state (ru = 1), the shear stress decreased with the increase of strain rate. It was determined that silty soil characterized by shear thinning can be viewed as a type of non-Newtonian fluid. The equation of the shear stress and shear strain rates was established by fitting the test data.  相似文献   

该文利用圆盘渗透仪,对辽河三角洲湿地4种不同的生境进行渗透系数的测定,并对4种生境的渗透系数进行老人分析比较,作出辽河三角洲湿地渗透系数的分布状况图。从图上可以看出,辽河三角洲湿地渗透系数值最大值为(3.2~3.4)×103cm/s,平均值为1.5×103cm/s。  相似文献   

In order to examine the seasonal and spatial distributions of benthic animals in the intertidal mudflat of the southern Yellow River Delta,field investigations were carried out in 2007 and 2008 and multiple methods were applied.Results showed that,the biomass of macro benthos ranged at 0.75-1151.00 g wet m~(-2) and averaged at 156.31 g wet m~(-2),in which Mactra veneriformis accounted for 75.6%-93.4% of the total macro benthic biomass.More than 90% of macro benthos inhabited in the middle and low tide lines,and higher biomass occurred in early summer and lower in winter.Statistical analysis showed that:1)M.veneriformis growth was primarily favored at higher temperature and lower salinity;2)after long time interaction,benthic bivalve grazers led to patching distributions of Chlorophyll a(Chl a);3)macro benthic biomass positively related with Chl a when the concentration of Chl a was low,but they were negatively related when Chl a concentration was high;and 4)furthermore,the biomass of benthic bivalves peaked in the sediment with median grain size about 0.55 mm,but decreased gradually in coarse or fine sediments.The secondary productivity ranged at 0.37-283.68 g m~(-2)yr~(-1) and averaged at 47.88 g m~(-2) yr~(-1),in which 69.7% was contributed by M.veneriformis It was estimated that primary production was transformed to secondary production at a rate of 6.87%approximately,which implies that there is a local sustainability of high bivalve production.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲具有极高的生态价值,研究其景观格局及生态风险对促进黄河三角洲高质量发展具有重要意义。本文以黄河三角洲1980年、2000年和2020年土地利用数据为基础,分析土地转移及景观格局特征,同时构建生态风险评价模型揭示生态风险时空演变及空间相关性。结果表明:(1)耕地是黄河三角洲最主要的地类,占比在60%以上,1980—2020年土地转移主要发生在耕地、建设用地、水域和未利用地之间。(2)1980—2020年黄河三角洲景观斑块数、景观斑块密度、景观最大斑块指数、景观形状指数和香农多样性指数均呈下降趋势,区域整体趋向简单化和聚集化。(3)黄河三角洲高风险区和较高风险区主要环渤海分布,1980—2020年各级风险区转出最大面积均为更低级风险区,生态风险有所降低。  相似文献   

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