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富铜斑岩岩浆形成机制与演化过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐兴旺  吴琪  黄雪飞  刘杰  张永 《岩石学报》2012,28(2):421-432
斑岩铜矿在现代经济和科学中扮演了重要的角色,已成为一种最重要的铜矿床类型。自Schwartz(1947)首次使用"斑岩铜矿(porphyry copper deposit)"术语以来,地质学家对其开展了系统研究,取得一系列重要进展。本文对斑岩铜矿成矿岩浆形成机制及演化过程的研究进展进行了总结与回顾。结果显示,富铜斑岩岩浆的形成经历了在洋壳俯冲或大陆岩石圈地壳拆沉机制下形成含矿岩浆,中间岩浆房岩浆的结晶分异与成矿流体、成矿物质的富集,以及富成矿流体与成矿物质的岩浆(富矿斑岩岩浆)上侵至地壳浅部结晶固化并与围岩、地下水相互作用等过程,斑岩铜矿是该"生产线"的"终端产品"。最后,本文对斑岩铜矿形成机制待进一步研究的一些问题进行了思考与概括。  相似文献   

Strongly fractionated residua derived by partial crystallization of tholeiitic gabbroic magma were emplaced at shallow depth within sediments of the uppermost part of the Karroo succession. Field evidence suggests that these residua were tapped from a deeper intrusion during cauldron subsidence, but were subsequently engulfed by later intrusion of olivine gabbro on a much larger scale. Ferrogabbro and pegmatoids were produced by differentiation in place of the younger gabbro, but the older intrusion was already chemically evolved when emplacement occurred. The product, a quenched, porphyritic rock containing ferroaugite-ferrohedenbergite, fayalitic olivine and sodic plagioclase in a microcrystalline to glassy matrix, is chemically comparable with the coarse-grained, iron- and alkali-enriched facies of other well known differentiated bodies. Regular trends in the contents of Rb, Sr, Y, Zr and Nb correlate well with fractionation indices based on major-element chemistry.  相似文献   

The climactic eruption of Mount Mazama has long been recognized as a classic example of rapid eruption of a substantial fraction of a zoned magma body. Increased knowledge of eruptive history and new chemical analyses of 350 wholerock and glass samples of the climactic ejecta, preclimactic rhyodacite flows and their inclusions, postcaldera lavas, and lavas of nearby monogenetic vents are used here to infer processes of chemical evolution of this late Pleistocene — Holocene magmatic system. The 6845±50 BP climactic eruption vented 50 km3 of magma to form: (1) rhyodacite fall deposit; (2) welded rhyodacite ignimbrite; and (3) lithic breccia and zoned ignimbrite, these during collapse of Crater Lake caldera. Climactic ejecta were dominantly homogeneous rhyodacite (70.4±0.3% SiO2), followed by subordinate andesite and cumulate scoriae (48–61% SiO2). The gap in wholerock composition reflects mainly a step in crystal content because glass compositions are virtually continuous. Two types of scoriae are distinguished by different LREE, Rb, Th, and Zr, but principally by a twofold contrast in Sr content: High-Sr (HSr) and low-Sr (LSr) scoriae. HSr scoriae were erupted first. Trace element abundances indicate that HSr and LSr scoriae had different calcalkaline andesite parents; basalt was parental to some mafic cumulate scoriae. Parental magma compositions reconstructed from scoria wholerock and glass data are similar to those of inclusions in preclimactic rhyodacites and of aphyric lavas of nearby monogenetic vents.Preclimactic rhyodacite flows and their magmatic inclusions give insight into evolution of the climactic chamber. Evolved rhyodacite flows containing LSr andesite inclusions were emplaced between 30000 and 25000 BP. At 7015±45 BP, the Llao Rock vent produced a zoned rhyodacite pumice fall, then rhyodacite lava with HSr andesite inclusions. The Cleetwood rhyodacite flow, emplaced immediately before the climactic eruption and compositionally identical to climactic rhyodacite (volatile-free), contains different HSr inclusions from Llao Rock. The change from LSr to HSr inclusions indicates replenishment of the chamber with andesite magma, perhaps several times, in the latest Pleistocene to early Holocene.Modeling calculations and wholerock-glass relations suggest than: (1) magmas were derived mainly by crystallization differentiation of andesite liquid; (2) evolved preclimactic rhyodacite probably was derived from LSr andesite; (3) rhyodacites contain a minor component of partial melt from wall rocks, and (4) climactic and compositionally similar rhyodacites probably formed by mixing of evolved rhyodacite with HSr derivative liquid(s) after replenishment of the chamber with HSr andesite magma. Density considerations permit a model for growth and evolution of the chamber in which andesite recharge magma ponded repeatedly between cumulates and rhyodacite magma. Convective cooling of this andesite resulted in rapid crystallization and upward escape of buoyant derivative liquid which mixed with overlying, convecting rhyodacite. The evolved rhyodacites were erupted early in the chamber's history and(or) near its margins. Postcaldera andesite lavas may be hybrids composed of LSr cumulates mixed with remnant climactic rhyodacite. Younger postcaldera rhyodacite probably formed by fractionation of similar andesite and assimilation of partial melts of wallrocks.Uniformity of climactic rhyodacite suggests homogeneous silicic ejecta from other volcanoes resulted from similar replenishment-driven convective mixing. Calcalkaline pluton compositions and their internal zonation can be interpreted in terms of the Mazama system frozen at various times in its history.  相似文献   

Sr isotopic zoning within single plagioclase crystals from rocks from Unit 9 of the Rum layered intrusion is used to infer events during crystal growth in a magma undergoing contamination. The 87Sr/86Sr diversity among minerals and between cores and rims of plagioclase crystals increases as the boundary between unit 9 and the overlying Unit 10 peridotite is approached. Models of near-solidus interaction of the cumulate with a fluid or melt, or large scale textural re-equilibration, cannot easily account for the systematic differences in 87Sr/86Sr between small crystals and the rims of larger crystals.We propose a simple interpretation in which crystal growth is concentrated along the cool margins of the reservoir. Crystals are subsequently advected to a site of accumulation at the base of the reservoir, probably by episodic plume-like dense downwellings allowing mixing of isotopically zoned and unzoned crystals.If the core-rim isotope variations are inherited from primary magmatic growth, then the small distances over which they are now preserved (1–2 mm) place constraints on the minimum cooling rate of the intrusion. Although the length scale of diffusive equilibration is influenced by a number of poorly-constrained variables (starting temperature, feldspar composition, temperature-time path) cooling was clearly very rapid with cooling to effective closure (~1,000 °C) within a few thousand years.Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   

我们对采自于加勒比海地区小安德列斯岛弧(Lesser Antilles Arc)Kick’em Jenny(KEJ)海底火山玄武岩中的斜长石斑晶进行了矿物形态和成分分析。利用电子探针(EMPA)和LA-ICP-MS测定了具有环带结构的斜长石斑晶中主量元素的空间分布,同时也利用LA-ICP-MS分析了斜长石中Sr的分布。结果表明,在不同的矿物斑晶中,元素含量均表现出和环带结构相联系的空间分布变化。斜长石斑晶中最主要的结构为韵律环带以及熔蚀结构,所测定的矿物边缘都存在An值从由内向外迅速降低的致密韵律环带,可能反映了快速结晶时的不平衡;而晶体内部的稀疏韵律环带结构是由岩浆填充或对流活动导致的。部分斜长石的熔蚀层An值由内向外升高,反映了高Ca岩浆填充的过程。这说明斜长石斑晶的矿物形态和元素环带可以用来制约俯冲带海底火山岩浆从源区上升到岩浆房再到喷发的复杂过程,包括岩浆演化、熔体多次填充、熔体与结晶矿物之间的反应、以及矿物再熔融等。这对于理解海底火山的喷发以及岛弧岩浆岩的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

Résumé Résumé L'étude géochimique des laves dans la zone d'Arakapas (AFB) a permis de proposer un modèle génétique pour la formation des laves et des cumulats qui s'est déroulée dans un seul site géotectonique. Cinq types de lave ont été définis dans l'AFB, un dans la séquence axiale (AS) et quatre dans les laves en coussin supérieures (UPL) formés à partir d'un manteau très déprimé dont le degré d'appauvrissement s'est accru avec le temps. La modélisation des processus de fusion partielle et de cristallisation fractionnée implique des coefficients de partage élevés pour Mg et Cr et faibles pour V compatibles avec une fugacité d'oxygène élevée dans la source.Dans les différents types de lave, la cristallisation plus ou moins précoce du plagioclase, du clinopyroxène ou de l'orthopyroxène après l'olivine témoigne de l'existence de magmas parentaux distincts qui ont alimenté des chambres magmatiques évoluant en système fermé. La disparition des grandes chambres magmatiques d'où ont été issues les laves de type A a eu lieu en fin de formation de l'AS. Les chambres magmatiques plus petites liées aux UPL ont été détruites à différents stades de leur évolution.
Geochemistry and mineralogy of lavas from the Arakapas Fault Belt, Cyprus: Consequences for magma chamber evolution
Summary The results of geochemical investigations in the Arakapas Fault Belt (AFB) in the Cyprus ophiolite are discussed to provide a comprehensive model for the genesis of the ophiolitic intrusive and extrusive rocks which occur in a single but evolutive tectonic environment.On the basis of field and petrographic criteria, five lava types are defined, one in the Axis Sequence (AS) and four in the Upper Pillow Lavas (UPL). The comparison between observed and calculated partial melting and fractional crystallization trends favors high DCr and DMg and low Dv consistent with high fO2. Partial melting occurred in a depleted mantle after a prior melting event. The extent of mantle depletion varies with space and increases with time.Different crystallization orders in lavas reflect distinct parental magma compositions and the extent of pre-eruption fractionation dominated by wehrlitic crystallization in closed magma chambers. Long-lived magma chambers disappear at the end of the AS. Small magma chambers occurred during the formation of the UPI, and were destroyed at various degrees of evolution.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Dikii Greben' Volcano is the largest modern volcano with silicic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka island arc. It consists of many domes and lava flows of rhyodacite, dacite and andesite which were erupted in a reverse differentiation sequence. Non-equilibrium phenocryst assemblages (quartz + Mg-rich olivine, An-rich + An-poor plagioclase etc.), abundance of chilled mafic pillows in the dacites and andesites, and linear variations of rock compositions in binary plots are considered as mineralogical, textural and geochemical evidence for mixing. Mafic pillows in volcanics have a lower density (because of high porosity) and contain the same non-equilibrium phenocryst assemblages as the host rocks. Their groundmass contains skeletal microlites of plagioclase and amphibole proving that the groundmass as well as the pillows themselves formed from a water-rich basaltic magma at depth. They are considered as supercooled, vesiculated floating drops of a hot hybrid layer in the magma chamber which formed after refilling. The lower density of the inclusions allows them to float in the host magma and to concentrate at the top of the chamber prior to eruption. Magma mingling was effected by mechanical disintegration of the inclusions in the host magma during eruption. The rhyodacitic and basic end-members of the mixing series cannot be linked by low-P fractionation though high-P, amphibole-rich fractionation is not excluded.  相似文献   

Laser-ablation microanalysis of a large suite of silicate and sulfide melt inclusions from the deeply eroded, Cu-Au-mineralizing Farallón Negro Volcanic Complex (NW Argentina) shows that most phenocrysts in a given rock sample were not formed in equilibrium with each other. Phenocrysts in the andesitic volcano were brought together in dominantly andesitic—dacitic extrusive and intrusive rocks by intense magma mixing. This hybridization process is not apparent from macroscopic mingling textures, but is clearly recorded by systematically contrasting melt inclusions in different minerals from a given sample. Amphibole (and rare pyroxene) phenocrysts consistently contain inclusions of a mafic melt from which they crystallized before and during magma mixing. Most plagioclase and quartz phenocrysts contain melt inclusions of more felsic composition than the host rock. The endmember components of this mixing process are a rhyodacite magma with a likely crustal component, and a very mafic mantle-derived magma similar in composition to lamprophyre dykes emplaced early in the evolution of the complex. The resulting magmas are dominantly andesitic, in sharp contrast to the prominently bimodal distribution of mafic and felsic melts recorded by the inclusions. These results severely limit the use of mineral assemblages to derive information on the conditions of magma formation. Observed mineral associations are primarily the result of the mixing of partially crystallized magmas. The most mafic melt is trapped only in amphibole, suggesting pressures exceeding 350 MPa, temperatures of around 1,000 °C and water contents in excess on 6 wt%. Upon mixing, amphibole crystallized with plagioclase from andesitic magma in the source region of porphyry intrusions at 250 MPa, 950 °C and water contents of 5.5 wt%. During ascent of the extrusive magmas, pyroxene and plagioclase crystallized together, as a result of magma degassing at low pressures (150 MPa). Protracted extrusive activity built a large stratovolcano over the total lifetime of the magmatic complex (>3 m.y.). The mixing process probably triggered eruptions as a result of volatile exsolution.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material (eTable 1and eFigure 1) is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

火山渣锥是白头山(或长白山)火山喷发的重要产物,主要沿熔岩台地周边呈圆锥状寄生小火山锥体分布。野外特征显示,火山渣是火山渣锥的重要组成;岩石手标本显示,火山渣具有气孔构造,样品自顶部至底部,颜色从赤色、赤褐色,向褐色、灰色发生转变。地球化学特征表明,火山渣岩性包括玄武岩、粗面玄武岩、玄武岩质粗面安山岩、粗面安山岩岩,具有较高SiO_2(46.22%~55.38%),Al_2O3含量(15.28%~22.11%),低MgO(2.05%~4.94%),FeOT(6.79%~14.76%)的特征;同时具有较高的碱Na_2O/K_2O(Na_2O/K_2O1)比值,为钠质火山岩。其轻稀土(LREE)和重稀土(HREE)分异明显,具有弱的δEu正异常,并且具有富集K、Rb、Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素(LILE)和相对亏损Nb、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE)的特征。此外,火山渣的分异指数(DI)范围为36.93~64.48,高于造盾阶段的幔源玄武岩的分异指数;其固结指数(SI)为10.73~24.09,低于早期幔源玄武岩的固结指数(SI=25~45),这些特征说明火山渣成分发生了较高程度的岩浆分异作用。同时,火山渣的Nb/La、Sm/Nd、La/Nb和Ba/Nb比值几乎全部介于幔源玄武岩和大陆地壳之间,说明具有明显的地壳混染的特征。因此,我们认为研究区火山渣的岩浆可能是由幔源基性玄武岩上升过程中发生分离结晶和地壳混染作用形成的。  相似文献   

This paper describes a fluid dynamical investigation of the influx of hot, dense ultrabasic magma into a reservoir containing lighter, fractionated basaltic magma. This situation is compared with that which develops when hot salty water is introduced under cold fresh water. Theoretical and empirical models for salt/water systems are adapted to develop a model for magmatic systems. A feature of the model is that the ultrabasic melt does not immediately mix with the basalt, but spreads out over the floor of the chamber, forming an independent layer. A non-turbulent interface forms between this layer and the overlying magma layer across which heat and mass are transferred by the process of molecular diffusion. Both layers convect vigorously as heat is transferred to the upper layer at a rate which greatly exceeds the heat lost to the surrounding country rock. The convection continues until the two layers have almost the same temperature. The compositions of the layers remain distinct due to the low diffusivity of mass compared to heat. The temperatures of the layers as functions of time and their cooling rate depend on their viscosities, their thermal properties, the density difference between the layers and their thicknesses. For a layer of ultrabasic melt (18% MgO) a few tens of metres thick at the base of a basaltic (10% MgO) magma chamber a few kilometres thick, the temperature of the layers will become nearly identical over a period of between a few months and a few years. During this time the turbulent convective velocities in the ultrabasic layer are far larger than the settling velocity of olivines which crystallise within the layer during cooling. Olivines only settle after the two layers have nearly reached thermal equilibrium. At this stage residual basaltic melt segregates as the olivines sediment in the lower layer. Depending on its density, the released basalt can either mix convectively with the overlying basalt layer, or can continue as a separate layer. The model provides an explanation for large-scale cyclic layering in basic and ultrabasic intrusions. The model also suggests reasons for the restriction of erupted basaltic liquids to compositions with MgO<10% and the formation of some quench textures in layered igneous rocks.  相似文献   

Lavas and pyroclastic rocks throughout the volcanic stratigraphy of the Tertiary-Quaternary volcanic complex of Thera in the Aegean island arc display inhomogenous plagioclase populations and phenocryst resorption textures, interpreted as indicative of magma mixing. Plagioclase zoning characteristics studied by Nomarski and laser interferometry techniques establish three main categories of plagioclase: (i) inherited plagioclase (nucleated in endmember prior to initial mixing event) (ii) in situ plagioclase (nucleated in mixed or hybrid magma) and (iii) xenocrystic plagioclase. Nomarski contrast images and linearized compositional zoning profiles reveal striking differences between calcic and sodic plagioclases, depending on the composition of the lava in which they are hosted. These differences reflect the contrasting effects of changes in physical-chemical parameters in basic vis-a-vis more acidic melts during magma mixing and/or influx of new magma into the subvolcanic magma chamber, as well as the influence of magma chamber dynamics on plagioclase equilibration. Variations in bulk major and trace element abundances of Thera volcanic products reflect the dominant overprint of crystal fractionation, but decoupling between major and trace element fractionation models and variations in incompatible trace element distributions are all indicative of magma mixing processes, consistent with compositional and textural zoning in plagioclases.  相似文献   

This paper describes a fluid dynamical investigation of the influx of hot, dense ultrabasic magma into a reservoir containing lighter, fractionated basaltic magma. This situation is compared with that which develops when hot salty water is introduced under cold fresh water. Theoretical and empirical models for salt/water systems are adapted to develop a model for magmatic systems. A feature of the model is that the ultrabasic melt does not immediately mix with the basalt, but spreads out over the floor of the chamber, forming an independent layer. A non-turbulent interface forms between this layer and the overlying magma layer across which heat and mass are transferred by the process of molecular diffusion. Both layers convect vigorously as heat is transferred to the upper layer at a rate which greatly exceeds the heat lost to the surrounding country rock. The convection continues until the two layers have almost the same temperature. The compositions of the layers remain distinct due to the low diffusivity of mass compared to heat. The temperatures of the layers as functions of time and their cooling rate depend on their viscosities, their thermal properties, the density difference between the layers and their thicknesses. For a layer of ultrabasic melt (18% MgO) a few tens of metres thick at the base of a basaltic (10% MgO) magma chamber a few kilometres thick, the temperature of the layers will become nearly identical over a period of between a few months and a few years. During this time the turbulent convective velocities in the ultrabasic layer are far larger than the settling velocity of olivines which crystallise within the layer during cooling. Olivines only settle after the two layers have nearly reached thermal equilibrium. At this stage residual basaltic melt segregates as the olivines sediment in the lower layer. Depending on its density, the released basalt can either mix convectively with the overlying basalt layer, or can continue as a separate layer. The model provides an explanation for large-scale cyclic layering in basic and ultrabasic intrusions. The model also suggests reasons for the restriction of erupted basaltic liquids to compositions with MgO<10% and the formation of some quench textures in layered igneous rocks.  相似文献   

Textural and compositional zoning in plagioclase phenocrysts in a sample from Parinacota volcano (Chile) was investigated using backscattered electron images and electron microprobe analysis of major and trace elements. Large (2 mm) oscillatory zoned crystals (type I) with resorption surfaces of moderate An discontinuities (Ⲓ% An) and decreasing trace-element contents (Sr, Mg, Ti) towards the rim reflect melt differentiation and turbulent convection in the main magma body. Early recharge with a low-Sr mafic magma is seen in the core. Small-scale Sr variations in the core indicate limited diffusion and thus residence and differentiation times of the magma shorter than a few thousand years. Smaller crystals (type II) with low trace-element/An ratio reflect the influence of an H2O-rich melt probably from a differentiated boundary layer. Closed-system in-situ crystallisation, mafic magma recharge and the role of a water-rich differentiated boundary layer can be distinguished from the An-trace element relationships. Crystals apparently move relatively freely between different parts and regimes in the magma chamber, evidence for "convective crystal dispersion". High-Sr type II crystals indicate an earlier input of Sr-rich mafic magma. Recharge of two distinct mafic magma types is thus identified (high-Sr and low-Sr), which must have been present - at increasing recharge rates with time - in the plumbing system throughout the volcano's history.  相似文献   

Wudalianchi volcanic rocks are the most typical Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks in easten China.Compositional comparisons between whole rocks and glasses of various occurrences indicate that the magma tends to become rich in silica and alkalis as a result of crystal differentiation in the course of evolu-tion.They are unique in isotopic composition with more radiogenic Sr but less radiogenic Pb.^87Sr/^86Sr is higher and ^143Nd/^144Nd is lower than the undifferentiated global values.In comparison to continental pot-ash volcanic rocks,Pb isotopes are apparently lower.These various threads of evidence indicate that the rocks were derived from a primary enriched mantle which had not been subjected to reworking and shows no sign of incorporation of crustal material.The correlation between Pb and Sr suggests the regional heterogeneity in the upper mantle in terms of chemical composition.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in fergusite from a diatreme in the Dunkel’dyk potassic alkaline complex in the southeastern Pamirs, Tajikistan, and from carbonate veinlets cutting across this rock contain syngenetic carbonate, silicate, and complex melt inclusions. The homogenization of the silicate and carbonate material of the inclusions with the complete dissolution of daughter crystalline phases and fluid in each of them occur simultaneously at 1150?1180°C. The pressures estimated using fluid inclusions and mineral geobarometers were 0.5–0.7 GPa. The behavior of the inclusions during their heating and their geochemistry are in good agreement with the origin of carbonate melts via liquid immiscibility. Carbonatite magma was segregated at the preservation of volatile components (H2O, CO2, F, Cl, and S) in the melt, and this resulted in the crystallization of H2O-rich minerals and carbonates and testifies that the magma was not intensely degassed during its ascent to the surface. The silicate melts are rich in alkalis (up to 4 wt % Na2O and 12 wt % K2O), H2O, F, Cl, and REE (up to 1000 ppm), LREE, Ba, Th, U, Li, B, and Be. The diagrams of the concentrations of incompatible elements of these rocks typically show deep Nb, Ta, and Ti minima, a fact making them similar to the unusual type of ultrapotassic magmas: lamproites of the Mediterranean type. These magmas are thought to be generated in relation to subduction processes, first of all, the fluid transport of various components from a down-going continental crustal slab into overlying levels of the mantle wedge, from which ultrapotassic magmas are presumably derived.  相似文献   

Lamprophyres consisting mainly of diopside, phlogopite and K-feldspar formed in the early Tertiary around 60 Ma in the Beiya area and are characterized by low SiO2 ± 46–50 wt.%), Rb (31–45 ppm) and Sr (225–262 ppm), high Al2O3, (11.2–13.1 wt.%), CaO (8.0–8.7 wt.%), MgO (11.5–12.1 wt.%), K2O(4.9–5.5 wt.%), TiO2 (2.9–3.3 wt.%) and REE (174–177 ppm), and compatible elements (e.g. Sc, Cr and Ni) and HSF elements (e.g. Th, U, Zr, Nb, Ta, Ti and Y), and low 143Nd/144Nd 0.512372–0.512536, middle 87Sr/86Sr 0.707322–0.707395, middle 206Pb/204Pb 18.50–18.59, 207Pb/204Pb 15.60–15.65 and 208Pb/204Pb 38.75–38.8. These rocks developed peculiar quartz megacrysts with poly-layer reaction zones, melt inclusions, and partial melted K-feldspar and plagioclase inclusions, and plastic shapes. Important features of these rocks include: (1) hybrid composition of elements, (2) abrupt increase of SiO2 content of the melt, recorded by zoned diopside, (3) development of sanidine and aegirine-augite reaction zones, (4) alkaline melt and partial melted K-feldspar and plagioclase inclusions, (5) deformed quartz inclusions associated with quartz megacrysts, (6) the presence of quartz megacrysts in plastic shape with their parent melts, (7) the occurrence of olivine, high-MgO ilmenite and spinel inclusions within earlier formed diopside, phlogopite and magnetite. Median 87Sr/86Sr values between Tertiary alkaline porphyries in the Beiya area and the western Yunnan and Tertiary basalt in the western Yunnan indicate that the Beiya lamprophyre melts were derivative and resulted from the mixing between basic melts that were related to the partial melting of phenocrysts of spinel iherzolite from a mantle source. The alkaline melts originated from partial melting along the Jinshajiang subduction ductile shear zone at the contact between the buried Palaeo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere and the upper mantle lithosphere. The alkaline melts are composed of 65% sanidine (Or70Ab28An2) and 35% SiO2. The melt mixing occurred in magma chambers in the middle-shallow crust at 8–10 km before the derivative lamprophyre melts intruded into the shallow cover in Beiya area. This mixing of basic and alkaline melts might represent a general process for the formation of lamprophyre in the western Yunnan.  相似文献   

Magma mixing process is unusual in the petrogenesis of felsic rocks associated with alkaline complex worldwide. Here we present a rare example of magma mixing in syenite from the Yelagiri Alkaline Complex, South India. Yelagiri syenite is a reversely zoned massif with shoshonitic (Na2O + K2O=5–10 wt.%, Na2O/K2O = 0.5–2, TiO2 <0.7 wt.%) and metaluminous character. Systematic modal variation of plagioclase (An11–16 Ab82–88), K-feldspar (Or27–95 Ab5–61), diopside (En34–40Fs11–18Wo46–49), biotite, and Ca-amphibole (edenite) build up three syenite facies within it and imply the role of in-situ fractional crystallization (FC). Evidences such as (1) disequilibrium micro-textures in feldspars, (2) microgranular mafic enclaves (MME) and (3) synplutonic dykes signify mixing of shoshonitic mafic magma (MgO = 4–5 wt.%, SiO2 = 54–59 wt.%, K2O/Na2O = 0.4–0.9) with syenite. Molecular-scale mixing of mafic magma resulted disequilibrium growth of feldspars in syenite. Physical entity of mafic magma preserved as MME due to high thermal-rheological contrast with syenite magma show various hybridization through chemical exchange, mechanical dilution enhanced by chaotic advection and phenocryst migration. In synplutonic dykes, disaggregation and mixing of mafic magma was confined within the conduit of injection. Major-oxides mass balance test quantified that approximately 0.6 portions of mafic magma had interacted with most evolved syenite magma and generated most hybridized MME and dyke samples. It is unique that all the rock types (syenite, MME and synplutonic dykes) share similar shoshonitic and metaluminous character; mineral chemistry, REE content, coherent geochemical variation in Harker diagram suggest that mixing of magma between similar composition. Outcrop-scale features of crystal accumulation and flow fabrics also significant along with MME and synplutonic dykes in syenite suggesting that Yelagiri syenite magma chamber had evolved through multiple physical processes like convection, shear flow, crystal accumulation and magma mixing.  相似文献   

相山铀矿田火山岩浆期后成矿热液系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邵飞  徐恒力  邹茂卿 《铀矿地质》2009,25(3):137-143
文章系统论述了相山铀矿田的成矿特征,从时空尺度对成矿物质来源进行了探讨,结合成矿的构造-岩浆-地球动力学背景分析,研究了相山火山盆地成矿热液系统的形成和演化,认为相山铀矿田成矿流体系统是受区域构造环境制约、火山岩浆期后热液系统演化的客观产物。火山岩浆期后成矿热液系统在时间上延续了大约50 Ma,但在不同时间域内其活动空间有异,并由此制约着矿田内铀矿化的时空分布。文章还对矿田内深入找矿提出了建议。  相似文献   

The evolution of volatiles in the AD 79 magma chamber at Vesuvius (Italy) was investigated through the study of melt inclusions (MI) in crystals of different origins. FTIR spectroscopy and EMPA were used to measure H2O, CO2, S and Cl of the different melts. This allowed us to define the volatile content of the most evolved, phonolitic portion of the magma chamber and of the mafic melts feeding the chamber. MI in sanidine from phonolitic and tephri-phonolitic pumices show systematic differences in composition and volatile content, which can be explained by resorption of the host mineral during syn-eruptive mixing. The pre-eruption content of phonolitic magma appears to have been dominated by H2O and Cl (respectively 6.0 to 6.5 wt% and 6700 ppm), while magma chamber refilling occurred through the repeated injection of H2O, CO2 and S-rich tephritic magmas (respectively 3%, 1500 ppm and 1400 ppm). Strong CO2 degassing probably occurred during the decompressional path of mafic batches towards the magma chamber, while sulphur was probably released by the magma following crystallization and mixing processes. Water and chlorine strongly accumulated in the magma and reached their solubility limits only during the eruption. Chlorine solubility appears to have been strongly compositionally controlled, and Cl release was inhibited by groundmass crystallization of leucite, which shifted the composition of the residual liquid towards higher Cl solubilities. Received: 28 October 1999 / Accepted: 21 April 2000  相似文献   

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