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中国西北地区典型盐湖铀富集特征初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对中国西北地区典型盐湖水文地质、铀矿地质和卤水地球化学性质的调查,初步探讨了不同水化学类型盐湖铀的富集规律,以及铀在盐湖固液相中的选择性富集特征。结果表明,盐湖补给区的铀源条件,盐湖卤水(晶间卤水)的盐度(矿化度)是决定盐湖富铀的主要因素,大多数碳酸盐型盐湖中铀在固液相中的分配比远大于硫酸盐型。两类盐湖卤水和补给水中,铀主要以碳酸铀酰形式存在。浅层晶间卤水和盐湖盐类沉积物中的铀含量往往较高。  相似文献   

Geochemistry and chemical evolution of saline lakes of Western Mongolia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents data on the major and trace element composition of saline lakes of western Mongolia. The main geochemical types of lakes distinguished in the study are soda-, chloride-, and sulfaterich lakes. Lake water equilibria with major carbonate, sulfate, chloride, and other rock-forming minerals were calculated. The results show that the major factors controlling the formation of each lake type include evaporation and water-rock interaction processes, and the latter factor plays a critical role in freshwater and soda lakes and only a minor role in chloride lakes. Special attention was given to the soda lakes and the factors controlling lake water chemistry.  相似文献   

正All the lakes are accumulative systems for the various chemical elements.However,the ratios of the elements in different lake types are very different.It is generally accepted that the composition of lake water determined by  相似文献   

A paleolimnological study was undertaken to investigate changes in three Minnesota lakes over the last 100 years and to demonstrate the stratigraphic effects of cultural eutrophication in two of them. The study combined the analysis of the lake sediment from short cores with stratigraphic analyses of pollen, plant macrofossils, mollusks, diatoms and certain other algae, chydorid Cladocera, and Daphnia ephippia.The rise of Ambrosia type pollen (ragweed) marks the onset of interference with the landscape by European man, which can be closely dated. Calculations of sedimentation rates from this base gave reasonable correlations of other stratigraphic events with historical events.Elk Lake is considered “unpolluted” today and was chosen as a control. Man's effects are limited to logging some of the surrounding forest and to the construction of a dam. Small changes in the lake's fauna and flora are demonstrated, showing the sensitivity of the lake to changes in its catchment area.Lake Sallie and St. Clair Lake, in the same watershed as the city of Detroit Lakes, have been affected not only by logging but also by addition of nutrients from agricultural runoff and sewage effluent. Considerable responses by the lake organisms are apparent. In Lake Sallie the changes were gradual, but in St. Clair Lake they were very abrupt because the lake was partially drained at the same time and the water volume was thereby reduced.The merits of such an integrated study, the types of information gained from the analyses of the various fossils, and the wider application of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Data on the physicochemical properties (pH, Eh, salinity) and content of U and other trace elements (As, Li, B, Br, I, Sr) are provided for the mineralized lakes of the Kulundinskaya steppe of Altai Krai. The sodic lakes of the region are characterized by higher U238 contents (up to 4 mg/l). The U contents in the lake waters are positively correlated with the sum of carbonate and hydrocarbonate ions and the pH of waters and are negatively correlated with salinity. These data confirm the presence of an economic U-bearing zone of the ground reservoir oxidation located along the eastern slope of the Platovskoe uplift in the northwestern direction along the boundary with Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

王正其  李子颖  汤江伟  陈健 《铀矿地质》2012,28(2):90-94,123
大桥坞矿床是赣杭构造-火山岩带中典型火山岩型铀矿床之一,文章旨在研究大桥坞矿床硫同位素特征及其物源示踪意义。研究表明,大桥坞矿床铀矿石δ34 SV-CDT值介于-2.18‰~-10.43‰,蚀变围岩中的δ34SV-CDT值介于6.67‰~8.63‰,两者硫同位素组成存在明显的差异。分析认为,造成铀矿石的δ34SV-CDT值一致为负,而蚀变围岩的δ34SV-CDT值一致为正的原因,可能是成矿流体本身产生的沸腾去气作用导致硫同位素分馏效应;大桥坞矿床成矿流体中的硫具有幔源属性。  相似文献   

Observation under the electron microscope of diatom frustules from Bolivian Altiplano saline lakes shows that many of these are coated with particles occurring as tiny sheets. The frustules can be found to be almost completely replaced by these sheets. Isolated sheet aggregates seem to have resulted from completely transformed frustules. Section observations of altered frustules bear out that the sheets have grown from biogenic silica through replacement. Selected area diffraction, dark field observation, microdiffraction, and elemental microanalysis show that the particles on the diatom frustules consist of a poorly crystallized MG-smectite.The unambiguous localisation of this authigenesis allows us to reconstruct its hydrochemical and sedimentological environment. Observation of the most recent lake sediments has pointed out that at least two main conditions are required for this authigenesis at 5°C: saturation with respect to amorphous silica, and a pH above 8.2. Variations in the Mg concentration have no significant effect.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Increasing demand for uranium raw materials for the nuclear industry has stimulated interest in non-traditional sources,including hydromineral ones[Qin,2009].Those are saline lakes located in the uranium ore districts.Accumulation of uranium in such lakes results from the leaching of uranium from the rocks by surface and ground  相似文献   

Geochemical evolution of uraniferous soda lakes in Eastern Mongolia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Extremely high concentrations of uranium (U) were discovered in shallow, groundwater-fed hyperalkaline soda lakes in Eastern Mongolia. A representative groundwater sample in this area is dilute and alkaline, pH = 7.9, with 10 mM TIC and 5 mM Cl. In contrast, a representative lake water sample is pH ~ 10 with TIC and Cl each more than 1,000 mM. Groundwater concentrations of U range from 0.03 to 0.43 μM L−1. Lake water U ranges from 0.24 to >62.5 μM, possibly the highest naturally occurring U concentrations ever reported in surface water. Strontium isotopes 87Sr/86Sr varied in groundwaters from 0.706192 to 0.709776 and in lakes 87Sr/86Sr varied from 0.708702 to 0.709432. High concentrations of U, Na, Cl, and K correlate to radiogenic Sr in lake waters suggesting that U is sourced from local Cretaceous alkaline rhyolites. Uranium-rich groundwaters are concentrated by evaporation and U(VI) is chelated by CO3−2 to form the highly soluble UO2(CO3)3−4. Modeled evaporation of lakes suggests that a U-mineral phase is likely to precipitate during evaporation.  相似文献   

本文在分析中国北西部地区大地构造背景的基础上,依据孕育中、新生代沉积盆地形成的基底构造性质,将其划分为板内陆台型、板缘褶皱造山带型和板缘过渡带型3种类型,板缘褶皱造山带型又进一步划分为洋侧造山带型和陆侧造山带型两个亚类.砂岩型铀矿的产出盆地与盆地所处的构造背景和构造类型有关,砂岩型铀矿产出盆地主要为板缘褶皱造山带型,其次为板内陆台型.砂岩型铀矿对盆地沉积建造类型具有明显的选择性,其原始沉积均为一套温湿气候条件下形成的灰色层,其岩石原生地球化学类型为黑色或灰色.中国北西部地区中新生代盆地形成可地浸的砂岩型铀矿的找矿层位或含矿建造主要为中、下侏罗统(J1-2)和上白垩统(K2),其次为下白垩统(K1),其他地质时期地层内铀矿床分布零星,成矿潜力很小.  相似文献   

内蒙古西北部宝音图群Sm—Nd和Rb—Sr地质年代学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
内蒙古西北部的宝音图群由角闪岩相的变质地层组成。该群中斜长角闪片岩的Sm-Nd全岩等时线年龄为2485±128Ma,可代表宝音图群的形成年龄。等时线的ε_(Nd)(t)值为2.73±2.81,说明岩浆来源于亏损的地幔源区。相同样品的Rb-Sr全岩等时线年龄为623±36Ma,显然反映后期Rb-Sr体系重新均一化的强烈影响,因此该年龄被解释为变质年龄。上述结果表明宝音图群形成于古元古代早期,应属华北板块北缘已知的最古老岩石地层单位,并保留了新元古代末期构造—变质事件的记录。这些认识有助于查明华北板块北缘元古宙构造演化的历史。  相似文献   

通过对二连盆地中部下白垩统赛汉组上段古河道型铀矿床砂岩中的酸解烃特征进行分析,探讨了酸解烃中烃类气体组成特征、成因及来源,并结合该区铀矿分布富集的地质特征初步探讨了该区油气与砂岩型铀成矿关系。结果表明,赛汉组上段古河道砂体中CH_4及C_2~+含量与铀含量呈正比,且在氧化带、氧化还原过渡带和还原带内烃类含量具明显的分带性。酸解烃气体组成特征参数C_1/ΣC、C_1/C_2+、C_2/iC_4、C_2/C_3、iC_4/nC_4、iC_5/nC_5、ln(C_1/C_2)、ln(C_2/C_3)表明,研究区赛汉组上段古河道砂体中的烃类气为有机成因的油型气,烃类气主要处于成熟-高成熟阶段,主要为原油伴生气和原油裂解气。根据研究区烃源岩地球化学特征及生排烃史分析认为,该区下白垩统赛汉组上段古河道型铀矿床中烃类气主要来源于下白垩统阿尔善组(K_1ba)湖相腐泥型或偏腐泥型烃源岩,其次为腾一段(K_1bt~1)低熟-成熟阶段的湖相烃源岩。研究区深大断裂、不整合面、主砂体或裂隙是该区深部油气向上逸散的主要通道,深大断裂及不整合面附近应是该区砂岩型铀矿找矿的重点方向;油气在该区古河道砂岩型铀成矿作用过程中具有吸附作用、还原作用和保矿作用,区内砂岩型铀成矿期次、油气聚散史明显受控于晚白垩世末—古新世期的反转构造作用。  相似文献   

内蒙古二连盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地典型含铀碳酸型盐湖水、岩两相2344U/23898U综合分析表明,该类盐湖铀来源于降水和潜水对盐湖盆地周围中生代以来富铀沉积物的溶滤、浸出,具有快速、近源物质来源特点.盐湖卤水和对应沉积物234 U/238U比值一般为0.8~1.2,盐湖卤水和潜卤水(晶间卤水)岩两相中的铀处于沉积平衡状态.含铀盐湖水、沉积物的234 U/238U比值随其铀含量增大而减小,并趋近于1,富铀盐湖水及沉积物234U/238U比值介于0.9~1.5之间.室内盐湖水蒸发模拟实验发现,残余卤水、沉积物234U/238U、铀总量具有随蒸发程度增大逐渐减小的变化特征.铀主要以碳酸铀酰络合物和吸附形式赋存在富含有机物和碎屑成分的含盐粘土沉积中.卤水和沉积物234 U/238U比值是盐湖铀源及铀含量水平的有效指示标志之一.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction On the territory Kulunda Plain,located to the south-west of the Ob’plateau,there are more than 3,000 fresh and salt lakes with water TDS range from 1 to 430 g/L.The interest in these lakes was associated mainly with the study of  相似文献   

土壤天然热释光测量是一种穿透能力较强的核技术方法,能探测到地下较深处的地球物理信息。简单介绍了土壤天然热释光方法测量原理,研究了土壤热释光测量的影响因素。通过对已知剖面测量的结果表明,土壤天然热释光法在寻找铀矿床上可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

During the upper Pleistocene the Central Altiplano of Bolivia was repeatedly flooded by deep and extensive saline lakes in response to climatic fluctuations. Development of carbonate algal bioherms took place during at least three major periods of lacustrine highstands, discontinuously covering the 300-km-long and 100-km-wide lacustrine slopes and terraces up to an elevation of 100 m above the surface of the modern halite crust of Uyuni. Distribution, size and shape of the bioherms are diverse due to various factors, e.g. the nature and morphology of the substrate and the hydrodynamic conditions that prevailed during growth. On larger palaeoterraces, the build-ups coalesced to form platform-like carbonate accumulations. Although the morphologies closely resemble those induced by cyanobacteria, they were predominantly constructed by other plant communities, probably dominated by filamentous green algae. Cyanobacterial communities flourished in association with these plants, but they did not contribute significantly to the architecture of the bioherms; they participated to encrust the plant stems and algal bushes or to form thin laminated layers covering the build-ups. A prominent feature of some bioherms is their composite structure due to repeated algal growth during successive lacustrine episodes that were separated by subaerial exposures with moderate erosional effects. The build-ups located between 3660 and 3680 m elevation display up to three major parts: (1) a massive inner core formed during an early Minchin highstand, before 40 ka; (2) a large peripheral envelope deposited at about 40 ka (late Minchin) and (3) a thinner outermost crust formed during a late glacial event. Lake level dropped during interlacustrine stages, sometimes leading to desiccation and deposition of salt layers in the deepest parts of the system, i.e. the present-day salar of Uyuni.  相似文献   

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