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A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Gold Deposits in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gold is one of the most important mineral resources in China with its rich mineral resources. In recent years,significant progress has been made on the process of gold resource exploration. Some large and giant gold deposits were newly found and some important expansions in the main mining regions were also been completed. Studies on metallogenic regularity of gold deposits in China also have made achievements with a long–term work. This review aims to conclude the achievements of research on gold metallogenic regularity in China. Based on the data of about 2000 gold deposits and other ore(mineralized) occurrences,gold deposits in China were classified into five prediction types: gold deposits genetically related to granite–greenstone formation,gold deposits related to sedimentary formation(including the Carlin type and the metamorphosed clastic rock related vein gold deposit),gold deposits genetically related to volcanic rocks(including the continental and marine types),gold deposits genetically related to intrusions(including the porphyry type and the inner intrusion and contact zone related gold deposit),gold deposits of supergenesis(including fracture zone–altered rock gold deposit,placer gold deposit,gossan type gold deposit and soil type gold deposit). Statistics on precise chronology data of gold deposits indicate that there occurred 5 main periods of gold–mineralization in geological history of China. They were Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic,Meso–Neoproterozoic,Paleozoic,Mesozoic,and Cenozoic. Gold deposits in China mainly formed in the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. On the studies of the spatial–temporal distribution characteristics of gold deposits,53 gold–forming belts were delineated in China. The metallogenic regularity of gold deposits was preliminarily summarized and 71 gold metallogenic series were proposed in China. This suggests that it is necceary to deepen the study on metallogenic regularity of gold deposits and to provide the theory guide for the ore–prospecting for gold resources in China.  相似文献   

中国绿岩带金矿床的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿岩带金矿床是在绿岩带形成和演化过程中形成的,在我国岩金矿产储量中占有很重要的地位。该类金矿床主要分布在华北地台的北缘和西南缘。金矿床的分布具有趋群性,成带性、受绿带层序、构造,岩浆作用,退变质带等多因素的控制。  相似文献   

中国金矿资源特征及成矿规律概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王成辉  徐珏  黄凡  陈郑辉  应立娟  刘善宝 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2315-2325
我国金矿资源较为丰富,金矿是中国重要的战略矿种之一.本文在全国潜力评价项目开展过程中,在典型矿床研究的基础上,通过对我国资源特征、勘查进展、金矿类型、时空分布、成矿谱系的分析与归纳,初步总结了中国金矿成矿规律.文章总结了我国金矿的资源特征及存在的问题;从预测的角度,将我国金矿分为花岗绿岩型金矿、火山岩型金矿、与岩浆岩有关金矿、沉积建造中的金矿、与表生作用有关金矿等五大预测类型;在统计的基础上,将我国金矿分为新太古代—古元古代、中—新元古代、古生代、中生代和新生代5个成矿期,并初步总结了各成矿期金矿的空间分布特征等;提出了成金带的概念,并划分了53个成金带,概括了其主要特征;厘定出71个与金矿有关的成矿系列,建立了中国金矿成矿谱系.认为应该继续加强我国金矿成矿体系和成矿规律研究,通过理论指导找矿勘查部署并综合评价,以期取得更大的找矿进展.  相似文献   

Abstract. Intrusion‐related gold deposits are widely distributed within the North China craton or along its marginal fold belts. Presently, about 200 individual intrusion‐related gold deposits (prospects) have been discovered, among which Yuerya, Anjia‐yingzi, Linglong, Jiaojia, Chenjiazhangzi, Qiyugou, Jinjiazhuang, Dongping, Hougou, Huangtuliang, Guilaizhuang, Wulashan and Donghuofang are the most important ones. In general, the intrusion‐related gold deposits can be classified into three major groups according to their host rocks: (1) hosted by or related to felsic intrusions, including (la) calc‐alkaline granitoid intrusions and (lb) cryptoexplosion breccia pipes; (2) related to ultramafic intrusions, and (3) hosted by or related to alkaline intrusions. The first group contains the Yuerya, Anjiayingzi, Linglong, Jiaojia, Chenjiazhangzi and Qiyugou gold deposits. Gold mineralization at these deposits occurs within Mesozoic Yanshanian calc‐alkaline granitoid intrusions or cryptoexplosion breccia pipes as gold‐bearing quartz veins and replacement bodies. Pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, native gold and electrum are major metallic minerals. The Jinjiazhuang deposit belongs to the second group, and occurs within Hercynian diopsidite and peridotite as quartz veins and replacement bodies. Pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, native gold and electrum are identified. The third group includes the Dongping, Hougou, Huangtuliang, Guilaizhuang, Wulashan and Donghuofang deposits. Gold mineralization at these deposits occurs predominantly within the Hercynian alkaline intrusive complexes as K‐feldspar‐quartz veins and replacement bodies. Major metal minerals are pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, tellurides, native gold and electrum. All these pyrite separates from Hercynian and Yanshanian intrusions or cryptoexplosion pipes associated with the gold deposits show a broad range in δ34S value, which is overall higher than those Precambrian rocks and their hosted gold deposits. For the alkaline intrusion‐related gold deposits, the δ34S values of the sulfides (pyrite, galena and chalcopyrite) from the deposits increase systematically from orebodies to the alkaline intrusions. All of these intrusion‐related gold deposits show relatively radiogenic lead isotopic compositions compared to mantle or lower crust curves. Most lead isotope data of sulfides from the gold ores plot in between the fields of the intrusions and Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Data are interpreted as indicative of a mixing of sulfur and lead from magma with those from Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Isotopic age data, geological and geochemical evidences suggest that the ore‐forming materials for the intrusion‐related gold deposits were generated during the emplacement of the Hercynian or Yanshanian intrusion. The calc‐alkaline or alkaline magma may provide heat, volatiles and metals for the intrusion‐related gold deposits. Evolved meteoric water, which circulated the wall rocks, was also progressively involved in the magmatic hydrothermal system, and may have dominated the ore fluids during late stage of ore‐forming processes. Therefore, the ore fluid may have resulted from the mixing of calc‐alkaline or alkaline magmatic fluids and evolved meteoric water. All these intrusion‐related gold deposits are believed to be products of Hercynian or Yanshanian calc‐alkaline and alkaline igneous processes along deep‐seated fault zones within the North China craton or along its marginal belts.  相似文献   

胶东型金矿是不同于国际已知类型的独特金矿类型, 深入研究其成矿系列有助于深化理解矿床成因和指导找矿。本文综合分析了胶东金(银)、有色金属矿床的类型、空间分布、形成时间和成因, 划分了成矿系列, 列举了应用成矿系列指导找矿的案例。将胶东地区早白垩世与壳幔混合岩浆活动有关的金矿床、金及多金属矿床和有色金属矿床划归为胶东型金矿成矿系列, 进一步划分了Au(Ag)矿床成矿亚系列(125~115 Ma)和Cu-Pb-Zn-Mo矿床成矿亚系列(118~110 Ma), 认为两个成矿亚系列为连续发生、且有时间重叠的成矿事件。成矿系列理论有效指导了胶东地区的找矿工作, 根据石英脉型金矿和蚀变岩型金矿的成因联系在玲珑金矿田发现了台上—水旺庄巨型金矿床, 受胶莱盆地东北缘金矿床类型的启示发现了辽上黄铁矿碳酸盐脉型金矿, 在荣成有色金属成矿小区外围发现了大邓格金多金属矿床, 根据五莲七宝山金铜矿床探明了敞沟—杏山峪银铅锌矿床。  相似文献   

与侵入岩有关的金矿床是近年来识别出来的一种新的金矿类型。这类金矿床常在远离汇聚板块边缘的克拉通边缘环境中产出,与已知的W/Sn岩浆省叠加。它们具特征性的Au+Bi+W+Te+Sb+As等亲石元素金属组合,在时空上和成因上与中等还原的分异Ⅰ型侵入岩密切相关,随就位深度的不同而显示不同的矿化特征。形成于地壳浅部环境(〈5km)中的金矿床常与岩株、岩墙或岩床有关,金矿化大多数以浅成低温脉、网状脉或角砾岩筒产出;形成于地壳深部环境(〉5km)中的金矿床常与深成侵入岩体有关,金矿化以席状脉、云英岩或浸染状块体产出。流体包裹体研究表明成矿流体的类型随着成矿深度的不同而显示有规律的变化,形成于较浅部环境中的金矿床一般包括高温(〉350C)、不混溶的盐水(〉30%NaCleq)和低盐度(〈5%NaCleq)含CO2液相包裹体;而形成于较深部环境中的金矿床含有大量低盐度含CO2液相(〈10%NaCleq)包裹体,有些矿床晚阶段流体含有中高盐度(10%~40%NaCleq)的盐水。含CO2流体无论在挥发份的出溶过程中还是在金属迁移过程中都起了重要的作用。与侵入岩有关的金矿床在中国有广阔的找矿前景,而中国东部金矿省和钨/锡成矿省的叠加部位是寻找该类型矿床的有利地段。  相似文献   

中国东北部陆缘是我国内生金矿床较为发育的地区之一,以成矿作用复杂、蕴藏丰富的金资源量倍受国内外地质学家关注。通过对该区内生金矿的地质和成矿年代的系统研究,初步将该区内生金矿床划分为中温热液金矿床、接触交代-热液金矿床、斑岩型/类斑岩型金铜矿床和浅成低温热液金矿床4种主要成因类型和3个重要成矿期(170~160 Ma、130~110 Ma和110~90 Ma)。结合同位素地球化学特征,进一步确定中温热液金矿床的成矿物质主要来自下地壳源,成矿作用与中生代燕山早期古太平洋板块俯冲作用引发的中国东部大陆边缘岩石圈减薄及拆沉的动力学过程密切相关;接触交代-热液金矿床的成矿物质来源于年轻地壳,成矿作用与古太平洋板块俯冲引起的岩石圈减薄拆沉的伸展构造背景下的岩浆接触交代作用更为密切;而斑岩型/类斑岩型金铜矿床和浅成低温热液金矿床的成矿物质来源为壳幔混合源,其成矿发生在古太平洋板块向亚洲大陆正北向俯冲转入Izanagi Farallon板块西向俯冲的构造转换期。  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Tin Deposits in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China is rich in tin resources,and contains many types of tin deposits.Among the tin deposit types,the cassiterite-sulfide type,skarn type and quartz vein type occupy a large proportion of tin resources and reserves.From the aspect of exploitation and utilization,the most important types are cassiterite-sulfide type and quartz vein type.The cassiterite-sulfide type tin deposits are mainly located in Northern Guangxi and Eastern Yunnan,skarn type deposits are mainly distributed in the ore-concentration areas of South Hunan in Middle Nanling,and the quartz vein type tin deposits are mainly distributed in South China,such as Western Fujian,Middle Jiangxi,Northern Guangzhou and Southern Hunan.The most important metallogenic epoch for tin deposits is the Mesozoic era.The metallogenic geotectonic background is mainly continental environments after orogeny process,with strong tectonic changes,interlaced deep fracture and frequent magmatism.And the most distinctive feature is the well developed Mesozoic granites,which have a close relationship with tin mineralization.Based on the detailed study of the data from 873 tin deposits in China,this paper summarized the metallogenic regularity of tin deposits,classified 20 important metallogenic series of tin or tin-associated deposits,and inferred that the cassiterite-sulfide type,skarn type,quartz vein type and greisen type are the main prediction types of tin resources.Forty-four tin-mineralization belts were divided,among which,19 belts are the most important.In addition,a series of maps about tin metallogenic belts and tin metallogenic regularity were compiled,aiming to provide theoretical basis for potential estimation and prediction of tin mineral resources.  相似文献   

平顶山金矿床的稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李凤友  张生义 《世界地质》2000,19(4):334-337
平顶山金矿床的矿石、石英脉、蚀变花岗岩、细晶闪长岩及蚀变闪长玢岩等的稀土元素地球化学特征是:蚀变花岗岩、矿石、石英脉三者的稀土配分曲线基本相似,轻稀土富集型而重稀土则相对较贫。而蚀变闪长玢岩脉及细晶岩脉的稀土总量较前三者高出许多,具较明显的铕负异常。这些特征指示了成矿热液可能来源于花岗岩侵入后的岩浆期后热液。  相似文献   

低品位金矿氰化提金工艺的改进研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何建练  张历 《贵州地质》2003,20(3):195-198
本文是一份低品位金矿堆(池)浸理论联系实际的科研成果。文中重点阐述加入辅助药剂后,提高回收率、降低成本、取得较好的经济效益。方法简单,实用性强,对从事低品位氧化矿开发的矿山有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

秦燕  王成辉  王登红  王岩  黄凡 《地球学报》2023,44(4):581-598
成矿年代研究对于金矿成矿规律总结和找矿勘查工作具有重要意义。本文系统整理了全国610个大、中、小型金矿的近4000个成岩、成矿年代学数据(数据来源为截至2021年12月公开发表的相关文献资料)。在此基础上, 划分了我国金矿7个主要成矿期, 即新太古代—古元古代成金期(五台期)、中元古代—新元古代成金期(晋宁—雪峰期)、早古生代成金期(加里东期)、晚古生代成金期(海西期)、早中生代成金期(印支期)、晚中生代成金期(燕山期)和新生代成金期(喜马拉雅期); 文章探讨了我国不同地质时期金矿的分布特征、矿床类型和成矿环境。研究结果表明, 中国金矿床在各个地质时期都有产出, 最早的金矿形成于太古宙, 燕山期是我国金矿成矿的高峰期(主要集中于105~145 Ma), 其次为印支期。同时, 近年来的同位素年代学资料表明, 喜马拉雅期金矿不断被发现, 也是我国金矿重要的成矿期之一。总结出中国不同时代金矿的特点为: 成矿强度老弱新强、叠加成矿时间跨度大、新生代金矿资源潜力大。  相似文献   

黑龙江二十一站金、铜矿床地质特征及成矿模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二十一站矿床的金矿体与铜矿体在分布的空间位置和展布方位上差异明显。金矿体分布于二十一站岩体西南接触带,呈北西向展布;铜矿体分布于二十一站岩体内,呈北东向展布。笔者通过对黑龙江塔河二十一站金、铜矿地质特征的分析,讨论了矿床的成矿控制因素,提出了二十一站金、铜矿分别是不同成矿期、不同成因类型产物的观点。二十一站金、铜矿是壳幔源混合岩浆经一定分异作用后,3次侵位固结成岩。在第一侵入期花岗闪长岩体内、外接触带的构造有利部位形成金矿体,在第二侵入期花岗闪长斑岩周围形成铜矿体。  相似文献   

冀东“长城式”金矿的成因探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
区域构造和成矿特征研究表明,进入燕山期,华北地区开始了幔枝构造活动期,沿冀东茅山-金厂峪-肖营子EW向韧性剪切带与NNE向迁安-青龙韧性剪切带强烈活动。特别是2条韧性剪切带并汇部位的肖营子一带,岩浆大规模侵入,形成了以肖营子斑状花岗岩为主体的一系列大小侵入体。并带动变质围岩一起强烈隆升,中上元古界盖层则向外大幅度拆离滑脱,以致于轴部岩浆-变质杂岩呈揭顶式裸露,冷口-清河沿岸块就是由于受冷口断裂或反向铲状断理解活动影响,而残留在岩浆-变质杂岩之上的中元古界岩块。在岩块拆离滑脱过程中所形成的主拆离滑脱带、次级拆离滑脱带及层间滑动断裂成为较发育的构造扩容空间。主成矿期含矿流体沿构造扩容带贯入、聚集和成矿,形成一系列构造蚀变岩型、脉型矿体。新房子金矿的深部钻孔已证实了这种认识。矿体顶部的变宽及变富则是隆升过程中崩塌及风化淋滤造成的浅部表现,因此,应注意寻找深部矿体。  相似文献   

松潘地区构造—岩相及金矿预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周绍东  吕古贤 《地球学报》1998,19(2):170-176
松潘地区在晚印支造山过程中,形成了复杂的构造-岩相组合;产出于三叠系中的金矿受矿源层、多期构造变形、岩浆热流体等复合作用,具多痼得成特点;应重视NE向构造矿化带的控矿、找矿工作。  相似文献   

用红外光谱方法确定微细浸染型金矿床的成矿温度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖建新  张爱云 《地球学报》1996,17(3):317-321
本文用干酪根的红外光谱方法,分析了广西金牙金矿的成矿温度为255—300℃。比包裹体均一法测定结果温度范围更窄。该方法样品用量只需0.2—0.5mg干酪根。碎屑镜质体反射率测定和Rock—Eval热解分析证实了红外测温的正确性。以广西金牙金矿为例,探讨了确定微细浸染型金矿成矿温度的另一有效途径。在缺乏镜质体的海相地层和前泥盆纪地层中,应用该方法分析古地温更具有实际意义。  相似文献   

秦岭造山带是世界第二大卡林-类卡林型金矿省,其地质背景与美国西部卡林-类卡林型金矿省明显不同,位于大陆内部的碰撞造山带,而非活动大陆边缘的盆岭省。秦岭卡林-类卡林型金矿主要赋存于板块缝合带及其前陆冲断带的海西-印支构造层中,以泥盆系和三叠系为主,主要岩性为瀉湖-浅海相的含碳细碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩建造,即碳硅泥岩系;成矿元素为Au-As-Sb-Hg-Ag,缺乏T1,共生矿种为Sb,Hg,Ag,U和重晶石等;成矿温度为160~300℃,流体盐度为4%~10%(NaClcq),压力为5~50MPa,深度约0.5~5km,属于中低温中浅成热液矿床,与内华达卡林-类卡林型金矿一致。成矿流体具有建造水特点,C2H6含量较高,显示了有机流体参与成矿。成矿同位素年龄介于220~100Ma之间,以170Ma为高峰,地球动力学背景属碰撞造山过程挤压-伸展转变期的减压增温体制,成矿构造模式为碰撞造山成岩成矿和流体作用模式。陆陆碰撞过程中,沿龙门山、阿坝-黑水-平青、若尔盖-文县、玛曲-勉县-略阳、白龙江、双河-公馆、凤县-镇安、安康等大型断裂带的陆内俯冲作用不仅导致了西秦岭地壳缩短增厚隆升,而且使俯冲板片变质脱水、熔融,派生成矿流体和相关熔体,流体和熔体的上升到仰冲板片次级构造带,形成了卡林-类卡林型和造山型金矿成矿系统。据此提出,西秦岭深部可能存在潜力巨大的造山型金矿省。  相似文献   

文章首次对蒙甘新相邻(北山)地区各类金、铜和铜—镍矿床(点)地质特征、成因类型和空间分布特点进行了系统总结,论证了金、铜和铜—镍成矿作用与古生代岩浆活动的关系,对区域地壳演化过程中金、铜和铜—镍成矿的动力学机制进行了深入讨论。研究结果表明,该区的金矿床(点)大体可划分为变质岩型、火山岩型、斑岩型和深成侵入岩型;铜矿床(点)有斑岩型、夕卡岩型和铜—镍硫化物型。金和铜矿床(点)大都沿古板块汇聚带分布,与海西期火成岩具密切的时空分布关系,它们是古板块对接碰撞期和碰撞期后大规模构造—岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   

Sediment‐hosted gold (SHG) deposits are becoming more widely recognized in the Southeast Asian region. They are characterized by very fine‐grained gold, typically occurring in stratabound jasperoid replacement and structurally controlled orebodies in calcareous or carbonaceous sedimentary rocks, which are commonly distal to porphyry copper–gold deposits. Gold mineralization is associated with anomalous As‐Sb‐Hg‐Tl and is normally concentrated in the arsenic‐rich rims of pyrite and arsenopyrite grains (commonly refractory). The examples discussed in this paper are located in Southeast Asian countries, and all occur in island or continental arc terrains. SHG deposits have many features comparable to the Carlin deposits in Nevada; however, they differ in tectonic setting, their shallow level of emplacement, fluid composition, and probable metal source. As such, the Southeast Asian examples described in this compilation may be classified as “Carlin‐like” but not “Carlin‐type.” Furthermore, they appear to represent a subclass of low‐temperature epithermal deposits, with most occurrences showing late‐stage colloform quartz vein events. Indeed, they are better described as sediment‐hosted epithermal gold deposits. Several examples are multimillion ounce deposits, such as Sepon, Laos, with its endowment of more than 4 million ounces of gold. Mesel, Sulawesi, and Bau (Jugan and Tai Parit), Sarawak, also possessed multimillion ounce resources prior to mining. Two centuries of Chinese alluvial and eluvial mining at Buduk in northwest Kalimantan has produced a significant unrecorded amount of gold. Structurally controlled feeder zones frequently contain higher‐grade gold mineralization (e.g. Mesel), and constitute valid exploration targets. More recently discovered deposits, such as those in Myanmar (Gegalaw, Taungzaw, and Katsena) and the Philippines (Hijo and Las Cogon), remain to be thoroughly explored. Most of the deposits (Sepon, Mesel, Abong, Sihayo, Jugan, Tai Parit, Hijo, and Lascogon) can be directly linked spatially and genetically to gold–copper porphyry intrusive centers. It is postulated that localities with no obvious connection to known porphyry deposits (Buduk, Ban Bak, Kyaukpahto, Gegalaw, Taungzaw, and Katsena) may represent district‐scale exploration targets for porphyry copper–gold deposits. In terms of discovery techniques, of the 13 SHG deposits discussed here, several were sites of historical mining (Mesel, Bau, and Kyaukpahto). The majority, however, are virgin deposits discovered in the past 25 years by intuitive area selection followed by systematic regional geochemical exploration programs and routine geological inspections. At the project scale, electrical resistivity techniques, such as controlled‐source audio frequency magnetotellurics (CSAMT) and induced polarization (IP), have proven to be useful for mapping blind jasperoid bodies and associated feeder zones and silicified structures. Traditional field mapping and stream float sampling in tropical regions are also effective exploration tools. Deposits that have significant jasperoid development may have conspicuous positive topographic relief, depending on erosion level.  相似文献   

中国锡矿成矿规律概要   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国锡矿资源丰富,矿床类型比较齐全。在锡矿资源储量中占有较大比重的主要是锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩型和石英脉型;从开采和利用角度来说,最为重要的是锡石—硫化物型和石英脉型。锡石—硫化物型主要集中在桂北、滇东等地,矽卡岩型集中分布在南岭中段湘南等矿集区、石英脉型则主要集中在华南地区的闽西、赣中、粤北、湘南等地;成矿时代以中生代最为重要;成矿大地构造背景以造山运动之后的大陆环境为主,构造变动剧烈,深大断裂纵横交错,岩浆活动频繁,特别是与锡成矿作用关系密切的中生代花岗岩类非常发育,最具特色。本次在对全国873处锡矿矿产地资料进行系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了全国锡矿的成矿规律,厘定出20个以锡为主或锡较为重要的矿床成矿系列,认为锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩(—云英岩型)、石英脉型和岩体型4类锡矿类型,应该作为重点预测类型,并划分出44个成锡带,提出了19个重要工作部署区,并编制了中国成锡带图、中国锡矿成矿规律图等系列图件,为潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

贵州贞丰烂泥沟金矿床地质特征及找矿条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐大富 《贵州地质》2000,17(3):152-159
本文以烂泥沟金矿床10余年的勘查成果资料为依据,在前人研究的基础上,对矿床赋金地层、控矿构造、矿体特征、矿物组成以及矿化蚀变等地质特征进行了系统研究。在此基础上总结了矿条件和找矿标志,并指出了找矿方向。  相似文献   

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