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What we have learned about Mars from SNC meteorites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— The SNC meteorites are thought to be igneous martian rocks, based on their young crystallization ages and a close match between the composition of gases implanted in them during shock and the atmosphere of Mars. A related meteorite, ALH84001, may be older and thus may represent ancient martian crust. These petrologically diverse basalts and ultramafic rocks are mostly cumulates, but their parent magmas share geochemical and radiogenic isotopic characteristics that suggest they may have formed by remelting the same mantle source region at different times. Information and inferences about martian geology drawn from these samples include the following: Planetary differentiation occurred early at ~4.5 Ga, probably concurrently with accretion. The martian mantle contains different abundances of moderately volatile and siderophile elements and is more Fe-rich than that of the Earth, which has implications for its mineralogy, density, and origin. The estimated core composition has a S abundance near the threshold value for inner core solidification. The former presence of a core dynamo may be suggested by remanent magnetization in SNC meteorites, although these rocks may have been magnetized during shock. The mineralogy of martian surface units, inferred from reflectance spectra, matches that of basaltic shergottites, but SNC lithologies thought to have crystallized in the subsurface are not presently recognized. The rheological properties of martian magmas are more accurately derived from these meteorites than from observations of martian flow morphology, although the sampled range of magma compositions is limited. Estimates of planetary water abundance and the amount of outgassed water based on these meteorites are contradictory but overlap estimates based on geological observations and atmospheric measurements. Stable isotope measurements indicate that the martian hydrosphere experienced only limited exchange with the lithosphere, but it is in isotopic equilibrium with the atmosphere and has been since 1.3 Ga. The isotopically heavy atmosphere/hydrosphere composition deduced from these rocks reflects a loss process more severe than current atmospheric evolution models, and the occurrence of carbonates in SNC meteorites suggests that they, rather than scapolite or hydrous carbonates, are the major crustal sink for CO2. Weathering products in SNC meteorites support the idea of limited alteration of the lithosphere by small volumes of saline, CO2-bearing water. Atmospheric composition and evolution are further constrained by noble gases in these meteorites, although Xe and Kr isotopes suggest different origins for the atmosphere. Planetary ejection of these rocks has promoted an advance in the understanding of impact physics, which has been accomplished by a model involving spallation during large cratering events. Ejection of all the SNC meteorites (except ALH84001) in one or two events may provide a plausible solution to most constraints imposed by chronology, geochemistry, and cosmic ray exposure, although problems remain with this scenario; ALH84001 may represent older martian crust sampled during a separate impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— Measured Ne isotopes in samples of shergottite ALHA77005 show variations in 21Ne/22Ne ratios and 21Ne abundances that are consistent with the presence of two cosmogenic components: a component produced by nuclear interactions of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and a component produced at shallow shielding depths (~0–3 cm) by energetic solar flare protons (SCR). We suggest that the 21Ne/22Ne ratio generally can be used to distinguish between SCR and GCR components in many meteorite types. Analysis of cosmogenic Ne produced in chondrite mineral separates, eucrites, and anorthositic lunar rocks, all having diverse major element compositions, indicate that the GCR 21Ne/22Ne ratio increases modestly with relative Mg content. Data for hundreds of chondrite analyses suggest that SCR Ne is present in no more than a very small fraction of chondrites. Examination of literature data for other shergottites, however, indicate that all of these meteorites contain SCR Ne but that it is apparently absent in other SNC meteorites. The ubiquitous presence of SCR Ne in shergottites, in contrast to most other types of meteorites, suggests that the martian origin of shergottites gave them different orbital parameters compared to other meteorites. This in turn may have contributed to slower entry velocities and lesser surface ablation in the atmosphere or even to higher SCR production rates.  相似文献   

Abstract— Research on extraterrestrial materials plays a critical role in formulating the science rationale and design for spacecraft missions, and, conversely, spaceflight holds great promise for solving perplexing problems in meteoritics. The connections between meteoritics and sample-return missions are obvious: Meteorite research can define sampling strategies, the capabilities of sampling devices, acceptable levels of chemical contamination and physical alteration of samples, and the conditions under which samples are stored prior to and during recovery. For their part, sample-return missions can provide geologic context for meteorites, increased sampling diversity (including materials not sampled as meteorites, such as unconsolidated regolith, ices, and atmosphere), calibration for crater-counting chronology, and ground truth for remote sensing measurements of meteorite parent bodies. Meteoritics also relates to spacecraft flyby, rendezvous, and lander missions that do not necessarily return samples. Specific illustrations of this mutual relationship, based on a selection of recent or planned spacecraft missions include: Identifying source asteroid classes for ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites and reconstructing their thermal and collisional histories (Galileo, NEAR, Clementine II, and Muses-C); determining the extent to which cometary dust and interstellar grains are found as interplanetary dust particles and assessing volatile abundances, isotopic compositions, and molecular species in cometary nuclei (Stardust and Rosetta); understanding the compositions of ancient Martian crust and the mantle sources for SNC meteorites, as well as inventorying the planet's volatile reservoirs and interactions (Mars Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor, and Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor); assessing whether lunar meteorites provide a more representative chemical sampling of the highlands crust and of mare volcanism than do Apollo samples (Galileo, Clementine, and Lunar Prospector). Spaceflight is the first priority of the space agencies that fund most research on extraterrestrial materials, and the continued level of support for such research may be linked, in part, to its use in exploration by spacecraft.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper we report petrological and chemical data of the unusual chondritic meteorites Yamato (Y)‐792947, Y‐93408 and Y‐82038. The three meteorites are very similar in texture and chemical composition, suggesting that they are pieces of a single fall. The whole‐rock oxygen isotopes and the chemical compositions are indicative of H chondrites. In addition, the mineralogy, and the abundances of chondrule types, opaque minerals and matrices suggest that these meteorites are H3 chondrites. They were hardly affected by thermal and shock metamorphism. The degree of weathering is very low. We conclude that these are the most primitive H chondrites, H3.2–3.4 (S1), known to date. On the other hand, these chondrites contain extraordinarily high amounts of refractory inclusions, intermediate between those of ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. The distribution of the inclusions may have been highly heterogeneous in the primitive solar nebula. The mineralogy, chemistry and oxygen isotopic compositions of inclusions studied here are similar to those in CO and E chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four of the SNC meteorites of putative Martian origin are falls. Two of these fell on October 3: Chassigny in 1815 and Zagami in 1962. The probability of this coincidence arising from random fall days is approximately 1 in 60. If this coincidence is not the result of chance, it suggests that some of the SNC meteorites are derived from a meteoroid stream. In that Chassigny and Zagami span nearly the full range of SNC lithologies and histories, the coincidence of fall days is consistent with suggestions that all of the SNCs came from a single site (impact crater) on their parent planet.  相似文献   

Two constraints placed upon the cratering flux at Mars by the SNC meteorites are examined: crystallization ages as a constraint on surface ages and cosmic ray exposure ages and number of impacts as a constraint on absolute rates. The crystallization ages of the SNC meteorites appear to constrain the Martian cratering rate to be 4xLunar or more if the parent lavas are in the north of Mars and the number of SNC ejecting impacts are small. If the SNCs result from a single impact that formed the Lyot basin then the cratering rate must be at least 7xLunar or higher to produce a basin age less than the SNC crystallization age because the basin ages are themselves determined by crater counting. Assuming multiple uncorrelated impacts for SNC ejection from Mars over 10 million years a cratering rate of approximately 4xLunar is also found for ejecting impacts that form craters over 12km in diameter. Therefore, both crystallization ages and ejection ages and number of impacts appear consistent with a 4xLunar cratering rate at Mars. The effect on Martian chronologies of such a high cratering rate is to place the SNC crystallization ages partly within the epoch of channel formation on Mars and to extend this liquid water epoch over much of Mars history.  相似文献   

Abstract— Asteroid 4 Vesta, believed to be the parent body of the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites, will be investigated by the Dawn orbiting spacecraft. Dawn carries a gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND) that will measure and map some major‐ and trace‐element abundances. Drawing on HED geochemistry, we propose a mixing model that uses element ratios appropriate for the interpretation of GRaND data. Because the spatial resolution of GRaND is relatively coarse, the analyzed chemical compositions on the surface of Vesta will likely reflect mixing of three endmember components: diogenite, cumulate eucrite, and basaltic eucrite. Reliability of the mixing model is statistically investigated based on published whole‐rock data for HED meteorites. We demonstrate that the mixing model can accurately estimate the abundances of all the GRaND‐analyzed major elements, as well as of minor elements (Na, Cr, and Mn) not analyzed by this instrument. We also show how a similar mixing model can determine the modal abundance of olivine, and we compare estimated and normative olivine data for olivine‐bearing diogenites. By linking the compositions of well‐analyzed HED meteorites with elemental mapping data from GRaND, this study may help constrain the geological context for HED meteorites and provide new insight into the magmatic evolution of Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the trace element compositions of individual plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine grains in 6 different winonaites that span the range of textures and mineralogies observed in these meteorites. Textural evidence in these meteorites, including the presence of a plagioclase/clinopyroxene‐rich lithology and coarse‐grained olivine lithologies, suggests that they may have experienced some silicate partial melting. However, trace element distributions in these lithologies do not show any clear signatures for such an event. Pyroxene trace element compositions do exhibit systematic trends, with abundances generally lowest in Pontlyfni and highest in Winona. The fact that the same trends are present for both incompatible and compatible trace elements suggests, however, that the systematics are more likely the result of equilibration of minerals with initially heterogeneous and distinct compositions, rather than partial melting of a compositionally homogeneous precursor. The winonaites have experienced brecciation and mixing of lithologies, followed by varying degrees of thermal metamorphism on their parent body. These factors probably account for the variable bulk rare earth element (REE) patterns noted for these meteorites and may have led to re‐equilibration of trace elements in different lithologies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Modal mineralogies of individual, equilibrated (petrologic type 4–6 L and LL chondrites have been measured using an electron microprobe mapping technique, and the chemical compositions of coexisting silicate minerals have been analyzed. Progressive changes in the relative abundances and in the molar Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg ratios of olivine, low‐Ca pyroxene, and diopside occur with increasing metamorphic grade. Variations in olivine/low‐Ca pyroxene ratios (Ol/Px) and in metal abundances and compositions with petrologic type support the hypothesis that oxidation of metallic iron accompanied thermal metamorphism in ordinary chondrites. Modal Ol/Px ratios are systematically lower than normative Ol/Px ratios for the same meteorites, suggesting that the commonly used C.I.P.W. norm calculation procedure may not adequately estimate silicate mineral abundances in reduced chondrites. Ol/Px ratios calculated from visible and near‐infrared (VISNIR) reflectance spectra of the same meteorites are not in agreement with other Ol/Px determinations, possibly because of spectral complexities arising from other minerals in chondrites. Characteristic features in VISNIR spectra are sensitive to the proportions and compositions of olivine and pyroxenes, the minerals most affected by oxidative metamorphism. This work may allow spectral calibration for the determination of mineralogy and petrologic type, and thus may be useful for spectroscopic studies of asteroids.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances for volatile siderophile and chalcophile elements for Mars inform us about processes of accretion and core formation. Such data are few for Martian meteorites, and are often lacking in the growing number of desert finds. In this study, we employed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) to analyze polished slabs of 15 Martian meteorites for the abundances of about 70 elements. This technique has high sensitivity, excellent precision, and is generally accurate as determined by comparisons of elements for which literature abundances are known. However, in some meteorites, the analyzed surface is not representative of the bulk composition due to the over‐ or underrepresentation of a key host mineral, e.g., phosphate for rare earth elements (REE). For other meteorites, the range of variation in bulk rastered analyses of REE is within the range of variation reported among bulk REE analyses in the literature. An unexpected benefit has been the determination of the abundances of Ir and Os with a precision and accuracy comparable to the isotope dilution technique. Overall, the speed and small sample consumption afforded by this technique makes it an important tool widely applicable to small or rare meteorites for which a polished sample was prepared. The new volatile siderophile and chalcophile element abundances have been employed to determine Ge and Sb abundances, and revise Zn, As, and Bi abundances for the Martian mantle. The new estimates of Martian mantle composition support core formation at intermediate pressures (14 ± 3 GPa) in a magma ocean on Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— Considerable evidence points to a martian origin of the SNC meteorites. Noble gas isotopic compositions have been measured in most SNC meteorites. The 129Xe/132Xe vs. 84Kr/132Xe ratios in Chassigny, most shergottites, and lithology C of EETA 79001 define a linear array. This array is thought to be a mixing line between martian mantle and martian atmosphere. One of the SNC meteorites, Nakhla, contains a leachable component that has an elevated 129Xe/132Xe ratio relative to its 84Kr/132Xe ratio when compared to this approximately linear array. The leachable component probably consists in part of iddingsite, an alteration product produced by interaction of olivine with aqueous fluid at temperatures lower than 150 °C. The elevated Xe isotopic ratio may represent a distinct reservoir in the martian crust or mantle. More plausibly, it is elementally fractionated martian atmosphere. Formation of sediments fractionates the noble gases in the correct direction. The range of sediment/atmosphere fractionation factors is consistent with the elevated 129Xe/132Xe component in Nakhla being contained in iddingsite, a low temperature weathering product. The crystallization age of Nakhla is 1.3 Ga. Its low-shock state suggests that it was ejected from near the surface of Mars. As liquid water is required for the formation of iddingsite, these observations provide further evidence for the near surface existence of aqueous fluids on Mars more recently than 1.3 Ga.  相似文献   

Abstract— The bulk compositions of the terrestrial planets are assessed. Venus and Earth probably have similar bulk compositions, but Mars is enriched in volatile elements. The inner planets are all depleted in volatile elements, as shown by K/U ratios, relative to most meteorites and the CI primordial values. Terrestrial upper mantle Mg/Si ratios are high compared with CI data. If they are representative of the bulk Earth, then the Earth accreted from a segregated suite of planetesimals that had non-chondritic major element abundances. The CI meteorite abundances, despite aqueous alteration, match the solar data and provide the best estimate for the composition of the solar nebula, including the iron abundance. The widespread depletion of volatile elements in the inner solar nebula is most likely caused by heating related to early violent solar activity (e.g., T Tauri and FU Orionis stages) which, for example, drove water out to a “snow line” in the vicinity of Jupiter. The variation in composition among the meteorites and the apparent lack of mixing among the groups indicates accretion from narrow feeding zones. There appears to have been little mixing between meteorite and planetary formation zones, as shown by the oxygen isotope variations, lack of mixing of meteorite groups, and differences in K/U ratios. In summary, it appears that the final accretion of planets did not result in widespread homogenization, and that mixing zones were not more than about 0.3 A.U. wide. Although the composition of the Moon is unique, and its origin due to an essentially random event, its presence reinforces the planetesimal hypothesis and the importance of stochastic processes during planetary accretion in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

Glass‐bearing inclusions hosted by different mineral phases in SNC meteorites provide important information on the conditions that prevailed during formation of early phases and/or on the composition of the primary trapped liquids/melts of these rocks. Although extensive previous work has been reported on such inclusions, several questions are still unresolved. We performed a chemical and petrographic study of the constituents (glasses and mineral assemblage) of glassy and multiphase inclusions in Shergotty and Chassigny. We focused on obtaining accurate trace element contents of glasses and co‐existing minerals and discussing their highly variable REE contents. Our results reveal an unusual geochemistry of trace element contents that appear to be independent of their major element compositions. Chemical equilibrium between phases inside inclusions as well as between glasses and host minerals could not be established. The LREE contents of glasses in glass inclusions can vary by up to two orders of magnitude. The depletion in trace element abundances shown by glasses seem to be inconsistent with these phases being residual melts. The light lithophile element contents of glasses are highly variable with enrichment in incompatible elements (e.g., Be, Sr, Ba, and LREE) indicating some processes involving percolation of fluids. All of these features are incompatible with glass‐bearing inclusions in the host minerals acting as closed systems preserving unmodified primary liquids/melts. Glass‐bearing inclusions in Shergotty and Chassigny appear to have been altered (as was the rock itself) by different postformational processes (e.g., shock, metamorphism, metasomatic [?] fluids) that affected these meteorites with different degree of intensity. Our results indicate that these inclusions could not preserve a reliable sample of the primary trapped melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— We describe an analytical technique for measurements of Fe, Ni, Co, Mo, Ru, Rh, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au in bulk samples of iron meteorites. The technique involves EPMA (Fe, Ni, Co) and LA‐ICP‐MS analyses of individual phases of iron meteorites, followed by calculation of bulk compositions based on the abundances of these phases. We report, for the first time, a consistent set of concentrations of Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au in the iron meteorites Arispe, Bennett County, Grant, Cape of Good Hope, Cape York, Carbo, Chinga, Coahuila, Duchesne, Gibeon, Henbury, Mundrabilla, Negrillos, Odessa, Sikhote‐Alin, and Toluca and the Divnoe primitive achondrite. The comparison of our LA‐ICP‐MS data for a number of iron meteorites with high‐precision isotope dilution and INAA data demonstrates the good precision and accuracy of our technique. The narrow ranges of variations of Mo and Pd concentrations within individual groups of iron meteorites suggest that these elements can provide important insights into the evolution of parent bodies of iron meteorites. Under certain assumptions, the Mo concentrations can be used to estimate mass fractions of the metal‐sulfide cores in the parent bodies of iron meteorites. It appears that a range of Pd variations within a group of iron meteorites can serve as a useful indicator of S content in the core of its parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report neutron activation analyses, including radiochemical determination of trace siderophile elements (Au, Ge, Ir, Ni, Os and Re), for three SNC/martian meteorites, and Os and Re results for numerous eucrites. Ratios such as Ga/Al in the SNC orthopyroxenite ALH84001 confirm its martian affinity—its many distinctive characteristics, most notably its near-primordial age, notwithstanding. To the list of ALH84001's idiosyncrasies can now be added extraordinarily low concentrations of Au, Ni and, especially, Re (17 pg/g), for a martian meteorite. We consider several possible origins for the anomalously low Re content in ALH84001, including metasomatism or alteration. The pyroxene-cumulate nature of this rock probably does not account for its low Re content. Other SNC meteorites are also cumulates. An examination of Re-Nd variations among terrestrial basalts and komatiites suggests that Re is compatible with mantle minerals in general and only incompatible with olivine (however, olivine dominates the mantle residuum, especially during komatiite genesis). Our preferred model is that the ALH84001 parent melt formed in a mantle source region that was far more Re-depleted, and/or at a substantially lower oxygen fugacity, than the sources of the young SNC meteorites. Such a contrast is consistent with models that replenish siderophile elements in planetary mantles by gradual admixture of late-accreting matter and similarly derive most planetary water (which serves as an oxidant) very late in accretion. According to this model, ALH84001 formed before the siderophile-rich matter and water had been mixed well into the martian interior. Possibly the martian mantle never became generally as Re-rich and/or oxidized as the source region(s) of the younger SNCs.  相似文献   

Abstract— The (compositionally) closely related iron meteorite groups IIIE and IIIAB were originally separated based on differences in kamacite bandwidth, the presence of carbides only in the IIIE group, and marginally resolvable differences on the Ga‐Ni and Ge‐Ni diagrams. A total of six IIIE iron meteorites have been analyzed for C and N using secondary ion mass spectrometry, and three of these have also been analyzed for N, Ne, and Ar by stepped combustion. We show that these groups cannot be resolved on the basis of N abundances or isotopic compositions but that they are marginally different in C‐isotopic composition and nitride occurrence. Cosmic‐ray exposure age distributions of the IIIE and IIIAB iron meteorites seem to be significantly different. There is a significant N‐isotopic range among the IIIE iron meteorites. A negative correlation between δ15N and N concentration suggests that the increase in s?15N resulted from diffusional loss of N.  相似文献   

Abstract— ALH84001, originally classified as a diogenite, is a coarse-grained, cataclastic, orthopyroxenite meteorite related to the martian (SNC) meteorites. The orthopyroxene is relatively uniform in composition, with a mean composition of Wo3.3En69.4Fs27.3. Minor phases are euhedral to subhedral chromite and interstitial maskelynite, An31.1Ab63.2Or5.7, with accessory augite, Wo42.2En45.1Fs12.7, apatite, pyrite and carbonates, Cc11.5Mg58.0Sd29.4Rd1.1. The pyroxenes and chromites in ALH84001 are similar in composition to these phases in EETA79001 lithology A megacrysts but are more homogeneous. Maskelynite is similar in composition to feldspars in the nakhlites and Chassigny. Two generations of carbonates are present, early (pre-shock) strongly zoned carbonates and late (post-shock) carbonates. The high Ca content of both types of carbonates indicates that they were formed at moderately high temperature, possibly ~700 °C. ALH84001 has a slightly LREE-depleted pattern with La 0.67x and Lu 1.85x CI abundances and with a negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Sm 0.56x CI). The uniform pyroxene composition is unusual for martian meteorites, and suggests that ALH84001 cooled more slowly than did the shergottites, nakhlites or Chassigny. The nearly monomineralic composition, coarse-grain size, homogenous orthopyroxene and chromite compositions, the interstitial maskelynite and apatite, and the REE pattern suggest that ALH84001 is a cumulate orthopyroxenite containing minor trapped, intercumulus material.  相似文献   

Abstract— The major element, trace element, and isotopic compositional ranges of the martian basaltic meteorite source regions have been modeled assuming that planetary differentiation resulted from crystallization of a magma ocean. The models are based on low to high pressure phase relationships estimated from experimental runs and estimates of the composition of silicate Mars from the literature. These models attempt to constrain the mechanisms by which the martian meteorites obtained their superchondritic CaO/Al2O3 ratios and their source regions obtained their parent/daughter (87Rb/86Sr, 147Sm/144Nd, and 176Lu/177Hf) ratios calculated from the initial Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic compositions of the meteorites. High pressure experiments suggest that majoritic garnet is the liquidus phase for Mars relevant compositions at or above 12 GPa. Early crystallization of this phase from a martian magma ocean yields a liquid characterized by an elevated CaO/Al2O3 ratio and a high Mg#. Olivine‐pyroxene‐garnet‐dominated cumulates that crystallize subsequently will also be characterized by superchondritic CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Melting of these cumulates yields liquids with major element compositions that are similar to calculated parental melts of the martian meteorites. Furthermore, crystallization models demonstrate that some of these cumulates have parent/daughter ratios that are similar to those calculated for the most incompatible‐element‐depleted source region (i.e., that of the meteorite Queen Alexandra [QUE] 94201). The incompatible‐element abundances of the most depleted (QUE 94201‐like) source region have also been calculated and provide an estimate of the composition of depleted martian mantle. The incompatible‐element pattern of depleted martian mantle calculated here is very similar to the pattern estimated for depleted Earth's mantle. Melting the depleted martian mantle composition reproduces the abundances of many incompatible elements in the parental melt of QUE 94201 (e.g., Ba, Th, K, P, Hf, Zr, and heavy rare earth elements) fairly well but does not reproduce the abundances of Rb, U, Ta and light rare earth elements. The source regions for meteorites such as Shergotty are successfully modeled as mixtures of depleted martian mantle and a late stage liquid trapped in the magma ocean cumulate pile. Melting of this hybrid source yields liquids with major element abundances and incompatible‐element patterns that are very similar to the Shergotty bulk rock.  相似文献   

Abstract— CM2 carbonaceous chondrites are the most primitive material present in the solar system, and some of their subtypes, the CM and CI chondrites, contain up to 2 wt% of organic carbon. The CM2 carbonaceous chondrites contain a wide variety of complex amino acids, while the CI1 meteorites Orgueil and Ivuna display a much simpler composition, with only glycine and β‐alanine present in significant abundances. CM1 carbonaceous chondrites show a higher degree of aqueous alteration than CM2 types and therefore provide an important link between the CM2 and CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. Relative amino acid concentrations have been shown to be indicative for parent body processes with respect to the formation of this class of compounds. In order to understand the relationship of the amino acid composition between these three types of meteorites, we have analyzed for the first time three Antarctic CM1 chondrites, Meteorite Hills (MET) 01070, Allan Hills (ALH) 88045, and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02277, using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high performance liquid chromatography‐fluorescence detection (HPLC‐FD). The concentrations of the eight most abundant amino acids in these meteorites were compared to those of the CM2s Murchison, Murray, Mighei, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 90500, ALH 83100, as well as the CI1s Orgueil and Ivuna. The total amino acid concentration in CM1 carbonaceous chondrites was found to be much lower than the average of the CM2s. Relative amino acid abundances were compared in order to identify synthetic relationships between the amino acid compositions in these meteorite classes. Our data support the hypothesis that amino acids in CM‐ and CI‐type meteorites were synthesized under different physical and chemical conditions and may best be explained with differences in the abundances of precursor compounds in the source regions of their parent bodies in combination with the decomposition of amino acids during extended aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

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