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Since 1988, three separate anti-gay rights referenda have been placed on the ballot in the state of Oregon. While in 1988 Oregon voters passed the first measure (subsequently found unconstitutional), they rejected similar referenda in 1992 and 1994. This paper examines the electoral geography of these three referenda both cartographically and quantitatively. It finds patterns of support for the referenda were closely associated with voting patterns for the Republican Party in gubernatorial and presidential elections, and with sociodemographic indicators reflective of traditionalist areas.  相似文献   

A great deal of interdisciplinary literature suggests that although the general motivation to vote is complex, it can be partially explained by a multitude of psychological and contextual factors, including local geographic patterns. I extend this observation to one particular type of voting behavior: sincere crossover voting, or voting for a candidate outside of one's own political affiliation, in a general election. Using a replicable methodological approach that incorporates partisan spatial segregation and exposure as predictors into statistical models of crossover voting behavior for a selected U.S. election, I produce evidence to suggest that the spatial arrangement of partisans influences crossover behavior in the study area, although not uniformly for members of the two major American political parties.  相似文献   

Field study of bedrock step–pool systems along the upper reaches of Soda Creek in the Three Sisters Wilderness of Oregon shows strong correlation between several form variables (shape) and channel slope. Although step height and step length showed no regular spacing and variable correlation with channel slope, length to height ratios demonstrated strong negative correlations: steep slopes (20% to 80%) featured greater step height and shorter pool lengths than did flatter channel slopes. Correlations between step height to length ratios and channel slope varied between three lithologies. Explained variations ranged from 0.984 for the oldest channel steps developed in basalt, to 0.982 for steps of intermediate age developed in andesite, to 0.964 for the youngest steps developed in dacite. Sample size was 57, 40, and 33, respectively. The frequency of pool shape classes did not vary by lithology, but specific shape classes developed under differing slope conditions by rock type. All pool classes have adjusted (developed) their form to maximize resistance to flow H/L/S, and they have done so in remarkably uniform fashion.  相似文献   


Small dams fragment river landscapes, disrupting channel connectivity and impacting water quality and quantity. Although they impound volumetrically less total water than large dams, the ubiquity of small dams suggests their cumulative impacts could be significant. Documenting the distribution and characteristics of small dams is necessary to understanding and mitigating their impacts. In this study, we compare datasets of small dams in Oregon, compile a new comprehensive dataset, and document geographic variations in small dam distributions between different ecoregions. We used Oregon Water Resources Department dam and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fish passage barrier datasets to compare dam heights and contributing drainage areas between different ecoregions. Over 61% of Oregon’s land area is above one or more small dam. We highlight the location of Oregon’s small dams at valley margins, transition zones between flat plains and mountains, and areas of high population density. Given the hidden nature of small dams, evaluation of small dam impacts using public imagery is not effective. However, knowledge of small dam distributions given their association with landforms can aid in finding unrecorded dams, assessing approaches for evaluating their geomorphic impacts, and informing their management.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):953-972
Although water demand theories identify price structures, technology, and individual behavior as determinants of water demand, limited theoretical or empirical evidence suggests a link between urban development patterns and water use. To assess the role of urban development patterns on water demand, we used GIS and statistical models to analyze single-family residential water consumption in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area. Our results show that residential water consumption per household at the census block group scale is best explained by average building size, followed by building density and building age, with low water consumption areas clustering together and typically located in high-density and older neighborhoods. Accounting for spatial dependence among residuals, explanatory variables explain up to 87% of variations in water consumption. Our results help to develop a water demand framework that incorporates existing factors with urban development policies to more effectively manage limited water and land resources.  相似文献   

In tectonically active regions, bedrock channels play a critical role in dictating the pace of landscape evolution. Models of fluvial incision into bedrock provide a means of investigating relationships between gradients of bedrock channels and patterns of active deformation. Variations in lithology, orographic precipitation, sediment supply, and erosional processes serve to complicate tectonic inferences derived from morphologic data, yet most tectonically active landscapes are characterized by these complexities. In contrast, the central Oregon Coast Range (OCR), which is situated above the Cascadia subduction zone, has experienced rock uplift for several million years, did not experience Pleistocene glaciation, boasts a relatively uniform lithology, and exhibits minor variations in precipitation. Although numerous process-based geomorphic studies suggest that rates of erosion across the OCR are relatively constant, it has not been demonstrated that bedrock channel gradients in the region exhibit spatially consistent values. Analysis of broadly distributed, small drainage basins (5–20 km) in the central OCR enables us to explore regional variability in bedrock channel gradients resulting from differential rock uplift or other sources. Consistent with previous studies that have documented local structural control of deformed fluvial terraces in the western portion of our study area, our data reveal a roughly 20-km-wide band of systematically elevated channel slopes (roughly twice the background value), roughly coincident with the strike of N–S-trending mapped folds. Although many factors could feasibly generate this pattern, including variable rock strength, precipitation gradients, or temporal or spatial variations in forearc deformation, the elevated bedrock channel slopes likely reflect differential rock uplift related to activity of local structures. Importantly, our analysis suggests that rock uplift and erosion rates may vary systematically across the OCR. Although our calculations were focused on the fluvial-dominated portion of study basins, our results have implications for upstream areas, including unchanneled valleys that often serve as source areas for long-runout debris flows. Zero-order basins (or topographic hollows) within the N–S-trending band of elevated channel slopes tend to be steeper than adjacent areas and may experience more frequent evacuation by shallow landsliding. Thus, this region of the OCR may be highly sensitive to land use practices and high-intensity rainstorms.  相似文献   

钟业喜  鲍曙明 《热带地理》2014,34(5):591-598
基于中国宗教场所数据,以市为研究单元,以佛教、道教、伊斯兰教和基督教为研究对象,应用数理统计和空间分析相结合的方法,剖析了以宗教场所为代表的中国宗教版图分布的时空变化,揭示了中国主要宗教的分布规律及发展趋势。结果表明:建国后特别是改革开放以来,中国宗教得到了长足发展;中国宗教场所发展不平衡,不同宗教间、不同区域间发展差异较大;不同宗教采取的扩张模式和扩张策略有所不同,主导了宗教空间格局的时空演化,优势宗教区域空间格局变化明显;汉族地区和少数民族地区形成了不同的宗教景观;不同宗教存在过度集聚和急剧扩张现象;不同区域的不同宗教亦呈现了不同的发展模式。  相似文献   

南英  朱竑 《热带地理》2015,35(4):498-506
现代宗教已经越来越多地与世俗社会产生不同形式的联系,然而各种宗教世俗化现象及相关理论却一直未得到国内外宗教地理学者的重视,甚至对其存在极大误解或片面解读。文章梳理了庞杂的西方宗教世俗化概念和理论,指出现代性和宗教的关系不能简单理解为后者被动迎合前者的破坏或压制,事实上两者可能是相互促进、能动地协商的关系;认为应避免混用中文语境下的世俗化概念与西方世俗化概念,以免产生错误解读。世俗化理论对宗教地理学研究有益,能为分析和解释现代宗教提供一个有力的理论框架。但该理论框架却还未被充分利用来揭示当代世界宗教变迁的多元性和复杂性。因为,现有研究1)存在地方偏见;2)存在文化偏见;3)主要基于定量分析和大尺度统计数据,缺乏深度的定性分析;4)实证基础薄弱,缺乏具体、系统地对特定地理环境(特别是非西方)下宗教变迁原因和过程的探讨。故此认为未来宗教变迁研究的注意力应该更多放在非西方社会及其宗教,利用定性研究方法深度剖析中观和微观尺度上的宗教变迁过程和机制,而这正是地理学者能发挥其优势的地方。  相似文献   

我国的许多风景名胜区被不同的行政区所分割。它们的有形资源可以按照属地原则进行管理,无形资源却是共有的,具有社团产权的特征。这引发了相关各地区旅游开发活动的非合作博弈,致使长期积淀形成的旅游品牌形象渐趋模糊、景区的整体性受到破坏,严重影响了景区的可持续发展。文章分析了风景名胜区行政割据造成的负外部效应,并就产权安排的创新提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

陈世栋  袁奇峰 《地理科学》2015,35(7):852-859
在城市区域化下,基本农田保护区(农保)成为都市区生态保育的重要空间载体及划定城市增长边界依据。以广州市白云区为例,以镇和行政村为基本空间单元,研究了1997年以来基本农田保护区空间演变过程,并构建指标体系,建立不同产权主体农保转用的数理模型,揭示农保政策对不同主体管制的差异及其影响因素。研究发现:① 广州都市边缘区农保被大量转用,并以转为集体建设用地为主;② 农保政策对不同主体的空间管制效果差异较大,可分为管制有效型、集体转用失效型、国有转用失效型三种类型;③ 国有转用主要位于镇区周边,是城镇化所需代价,集体转用主要分布于靠近城市中心而远离镇区的村庄;④ 区位及村庄对非农经济收入的追求是农地集体转用的主要原因,而社会变迁因素影响并不显著。总之,基本农田制度对政府的管制有效,对集体则失效,说明了对基本农田的保护不仅需要划定刚性的物理边界,还需协调集体产权所有者的利益。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖,北极地区丰富的自然资源和独特的地理区位使其战略价值一时凸显。环北极国家为了该地区丰富的自然资源和战略优势展开了一系列行动,也产生了一系列争端。除了北极八国间存在着主权与主权权利的争端外,各地理不利国家也纷纷依据《联合国海洋法公约》的相关规定主张其在北极地区应有的权利和利益,由此加重了北极地缘政治关系的复杂性。鉴于现有的北极多边法律文件以及环北极国家行使主权的实践,在"人类共同继承"原则下,亟需澄清环北极国家在《联合国海洋法公约》下的权利义务,进而协调好它们与包括中国在内的地理不利国家之间的关系。  相似文献   

采用综合分析法从土地规划干预的视角对土地发展权进行了经济分析,在此基础上以北京市平谷区为例进行土地发展权的定量配置设计,研究结果表明:(1)在政府有效干预下,土地用途转换所带来在农业用途基础上的价值增值即为土地发展权价值;(2)平谷区土地发展权初始配置为每公顷非基本农田土地发展权数量为0.35个,每公顷基本农田土地发展权数量则为1个,二者均有10%属于国家所有;(3)政府对土地利用干预是土地发展权存在的前提,显现了土地发展权的价值,土地发展权制度的设立又是政府干预的补充;(4)土地发展权在土地所有者和国家之间分配,国家的份额比例相对较小。  相似文献   


Conflicts in the management of renewable natural resources are situations in which actors have diverging opinions on issues of natural resource use. In the literature, among the causal factors for conflicts discussed are resource wealth or scarcity and the role of governance. The evidence, however, is contradictory. In order to analyze the role of governance in more detail, we propose a combined analysis of property rights and conflicts. In this way, an improved understanding of the causes of local conflicts over renewable natural resources can be achieved. We use comparative case study data from pasture management in the Caucasus region, first, to classify conflicts according to the bundle of property rights approach and, second, to explore how the causal factors resource scarcity and current governance contribute to those conflicts.  相似文献   

利用WRF 模式V3.6.1 中3 种基于经验公式的闪电参数化方案对2013-07-05 江苏省内的1 次飑线过程进行数值模拟,对比3 种方案在模拟闪电位置和频数的特点,分析模拟结果的成因。结果表明:PR92w 方案能够很好地模拟闪电的分布位置;PR92z 方案的模拟结果和PR92w 方案正好相反,闪电频数与实测结果有很好的一致性但分布位置出现偏移;LPI 方案虽然能指示闪电分布区域,但对高闪电密度区的预报有一定误差。3 种方案的模拟结果表明:垂直风速和雷达回波是影响模式预报闪电频数和分布的重要因素。因此,增大网格模拟精度和同化雷达资料是改善PR92 方案模拟效果的重要途径。  相似文献   

刘爱利  涂琼华  刘敏  刘福承 《地理研究》2015,34(9):1781-1794
遗产地旅游开发中的商业化现象越来越普遍,成为遗产保护与旅游实践中亟待解决的关键问题。尤其是具有特殊文化意义的宗教型遗产地,其旅游开发的商业化既影响了遗产资源的保护与可持续发展,也对游客的旅游体验产生了消极影响。在对相关研究进行总结回顾的基础上,选取嵩山少林寺为典型案例,从商业化阶段、产业链形态、旅游景观变迁、旅游世俗化影响等方面,对商业化的演化过程进行刻画与解读;通过利益相关者的视角,对商业化的形成机制进行分析和总结。提出的旅游商业化演化过程和形成机制的研究视角,对客观认知中国宗教型遗产地的商业化开发状态,指导宗教型遗产地的可持续发展,具有重要的现实作用。  相似文献   

程绍文  李艳  张晓梅  李照红 《地理科学》2017,37(10):1569-1576
以武当山为研究案例地,通过游客问卷与访谈调查,采用SPSS18.0统计软件定量分析武当山旅游体验对游客认知、思想、行为意愿等的影响。研究结果表明,① 武当山游客的旅游动机有宗教朝圣、文化体验、娱乐放松及感情交流4类;② 宗教文化旅游影响游客对目的地的形象感知及对道教文化的认知、态度及践行意愿;宗教文化旅游对游客的影响强弱因动机而不同,自强至弱依次为宗教朝圣、文化体验、感情交流及娱乐放松。  相似文献   

黄普基  郭杰  周晴 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1251-1260
韩国首尔江南区是富有中产阶层主要聚集区,是政府主导、公众参与的城市空间变化的典型。在韩国,房地产政策是韩国各党派政府维护执政合法性的主要手段,城市更新与公寓重建是提高房价的重要手段,并对不同社会阶层的居住和生活产生不同影响。公寓重建是韩国阶层、党派之间尖锐政治斗争的对象。首尔江南区住民基于自身阶级身份与利益组成利益共同体,参与推动或阻碍公寓重建的活动。每四年一度的国会议员选举中,江南区呈现按住房价格而选择政党的阶级投票的规律。江南区案例表明虽然政府主导了江南区的城市更新与公寓重建,但当重建侵犯到地区住民的利益时,住民社会驱动力随时出现,并以选票形式对其进行反向干预。因此韩国社会团体与政府的互动塑造了江南区特有的阶层分化与住房分布形式。  相似文献   

渭河流域槐芽湿地存在水污染立体叠加现象。小城镇的生活污水未经处理,形成点状污染;生活污水排入清水河,演化为严重的线性污染;被污染的清水河因被人工改道,水流受到阻滞,向附近大面积耕地漫溢,造成面状污染。面状污染20余年,累积了大量污染物,对相对较浅的地下水造成污染,空气质量下降,演化为立体污染。综合立体污染威胁附近居民的生命健康与商品粮安全。建设美丽渭河与生态湿地,必须清除点状污染源,阻止小城镇向河道排污,防止清水河河道漫溢,阻止污染物向地下水与空气中扩散,使当地居民健康生活。  相似文献   

The metropolitan region of Barcelona is facing change in urban development patterns, sociodemographic structures, and domestic water use and management. In recent years, several drought alerts have been enacted and water restrictions applied, uncovering the fragile equilibrium between the demand and the supply of this resource. We find the literature on determinants of domestic water consumption to be strongly biased toward the effects of economic instruments in the suburban Anglo-American world. Therefore, we widen the scope of determinants by including sociodemographic and territorial variables for the mixed urban model of the metropolitan region of Barcelona. Our results show the relevance of residential land uses for water consumption and can be taken as a guide for developing different urban water policies for different urban forms.  相似文献   

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