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Characterization of Earthquake Strong Ground Motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
— Some underwater landslides are triggered by strong ground motions caused by earthquakes. This paper reviews current concepts and trends in the characterization of strong ground motion. Improved empirical ground motion models have been derived from a strong motion data set that has grown markedly over the past decade. However, these empirical models have a large degree of uncertainty because the magnitude-distance-soil category parameterization of these models often oversimplifies reality. This reflects the fact that other conditions that are known to have an important influence on strong ground motions, such as near-fault rupture directivity effects, crustal waveguide effects, and basin response effects, are not treated as parameters of these simple models. Numerical ground motion models based on seismological theory that include these additional effects have been developed and extensively validated against recorded ground motions, and used to estimate the ground motions of past earthquakes and predict the ground motions of future scenario earthquakes.  相似文献   

地震强地面运动的特征描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述强地面运动特征的现行观点和发展趋势。过去十几年中,有赖于强地面运动观测数据的积累,得到一些改进的地面运动经验模型。然而,这些模型具有很大的不确定性,因为“震级-距离-土类型“”的参数化相对实际过于简单。其他一些对强地面运动有重要影响的参数,例如:近断层地区的破裂方向性、地壳波导效应、盆地响应等,没有在这些模型中得到反应。建立在地震学理论基础上,并包含了这些附加条件的地面运动数值模型已经得到开发,它们被记录到的地面运动验证是有效的,并且被用来评估过去地震的地面运动,以及对未来地震的地面运动进行预测。  相似文献   

宁夏数字强震动台网观测系统是国家重点建设的防震减灾基础设施项目,由48个数字观测台站和1个强震动台网中心组成.台站采用无人值守方式,利用电话拨号、CDMA和扩频微波以及卫星传输的方式,在台网中心与各强震台之间建立连接,实施远程监控.台网全部采用先进的数字技术,使宁夏强震动观测技术发生了质的变化, 填补了宁夏境内没有固定数字强震台站的空白,大幅度增强了获取近场强震动数据的能力.当宁夏发生4级以上地震时,可以获得多台强震动记录;同时,在监视区范围内发生3级以上地震时,亦可获得多台近场加速度记录,从而为震害快速评估和制定震后应急决策提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

选择合理的持时衰减关系,利用Monte-Carlo方法,抽取持时样本,根据震级M、震中距R和局部场地土壤条件S以及持时样本,选择符合条件的实际地震波记录,并进行合理的调值,对一座钢筋混凝土桥墩进行了非线性动力时程分析.对比强地面运动持时与能量需求参数和累积破坏参数的相关性,发现:幅值、频谱和持时对能量需求参数和累积破坏参数的影响是强烈耦合的,且强地面运动持时对两者的影响比较显著;在选择结构第一模态周期谱加速度和合理的能量需求参数,并分别作为地面运动强度参数IM和EDP建立概率地震需求模型时,要考虑持时的影响.  相似文献   

强震动观测是获取地震地面运动最基本的手段,但其观测质量会受到观测台站周边环境的影响。本文针对不同场地条件的观测台站和附近不同高度建筑物,开展建筑物对观测场地地震动影响的模拟分析,探讨其对强震动观测的影响规律。基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件以及粘弹性边界方法,建立了8个场地-建筑物体系计算模型,分别考虑了4种不同剪切波速的场地和4种不同层数的框架结构建筑物,计算分析了建筑物高度、观测点与建筑之间的距离对强震动观测及场地土波速变化的影响。结果表明:强震动台站附近地面建筑物的存在对观测结果将产生明显的影响,近距离建筑物影响的相对误差可高达20%以上;建筑物高度的变化并没有明显改变其影响程度和影响较大的地震动周期范围,但较高建筑物的影响程度会随距离增加衰减速度减慢;场地土越软,周边建筑物对观测带来的影响越大。建议:对于较软弱场地(土层平均剪切波速低至210m/s),强震动台站避让建筑物的距离应不小于40m,对于较坚硬场地(土层平均剪切波速大于250m/s),强震动台站避让建筑物的距离应不小于25m。同时还认为,如果强震动观测要求较高精度,需进一步增加避让距离,且应具体考虑建筑物高度等因素的影响。  相似文献   

We characterize the heterogeneous source slip model of intraslab earthquakes to compare source scaling properties with those of inland crustal and subduction-zone plate-boundary earthquakes. We extracted rupture area (S), total area of asperity (S a), average slip (D) and average slip on asperity (D a) of eleven intraslab earthquakes following the procedure proposed by Somerville et al. (Seism Res Lett 70:59?C80, 1999) and proposed the empirical scaling relationship formula of S, S a, and D for intraslab earthquakes. Under the same seismic moment, an intraslab earthquake has a smaller rupture area and total area of asperity, and smaller average slip than an inland crustal earthquake. The area ratio of asperity area and total rupture area of intraslab earthquakes are similar to those of inland crustal earthquakes. The strong motion generation area (SMGA) scaling of intraslab earthquakes appears self-similar, and those results support the idea the characterized source model of intraslab earthquakes can be modeled in a manner similar to that of inland crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   

隐伏和出露地表断层近断层地表运动特征的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文介绍了在强震地震学研究方面国内外目前所关注的重要问题:隐伏断层和出露地表断层在地震发生时近断层地表运动特征存在着明显的差异。根据近几十年全球发生的中强地震的地表运动参数的统计分析所得的结果表明,由隐伏断层所造成的近断层地表运动强度(速度、加速度)大于出露地表断层所产生的地表运动强度,虽然发生在出露地表断层的地震往往可造成较大的近断层地表位移,但是当地震矩震级(MW)达到 7.5 级以上的时候,近断层地表加速度和速度在近源区却出现了饱和现象。对该问题的深入研究有着十分重要的科学意义和工程应用价值。本文着重介绍了当前国际上对该问题的研究现状,并且建议在此基础上利用三维有限差分断层动力学模型,模拟断层的动态破裂过程以及近断层地表运动的特征。  相似文献   

Residuals of the peak horizontal acceleration for site-independent attenuation relations are shown to have weak positive correlation with the average observed peak horizontal/vertical acceleration ratio (q) at the recording site. This ratio systematically increases as the hardness of the soil decreases. Taking the average observed q at the recording station into account reduces the scatter of data slightly in fitting the assumed peak acceleration attenuation law. If the soil classification of the data is available, soil dependence is found to be weaker if the data are corrected for the effect of q prior to regression. This correction reduced the mean value of q = 1.85 for the Dinarides area to q = 1.52, which, on the average, is characteristic of rock sites.  相似文献   

We developed a recipe for predicting strong ground motions based on a characterization of the source model for future crustal earthquakes. From recent developments of waveform inversion of strong motion data used to estimate the rupture process, we have inferred that strong ground motion is primarily related to the slip heterogeneity inside the source rather than average slip in the entire rupture area. Asperities are characterized as regions that have large slip relative to the average slip on the rupture area. The asperity areas, as well as the total rupture area, scale with seismic moment. We determined that the areas of strong motion generation approximately coincide with the asperity areas. Based on the scaling relationships, the deductive source model for the prediction of strong ground motions is characterized by three kinds of parameters: outer, inner, and extra fault parameters. The outer fault parameters are defined as entire rupture area and total seismic moment. The inner fault parameters are defined as slip heterogeneity inside the source, area of asperities, and stress drop on each asperity based on the multiple-asperity model. The pattern of rupture nucleation and termination are the extra fault parameters that are related to geomorphology of active faults. We have examined the validity of the earthquake sources constructed by our recipe by comparing simulated and observed ground motions from recent inland crustal earthquakes, such as the 1995 Kobe and 2005 Fukuoka earthquakes.  相似文献   

Pan Bo 《中国地震研究》2007,21(3):281-292
On the basis of previous study of the 1679 Sanhe-Pinggu(M8.0) earthquake,the biggest event in history ever recorded in Beijing and its adjacent area,we made a 3-D strong ground motion simulation utilizing the staggered-grid finite differences method to study the distributions of peak ground velocity with different earthquake source models in the Beijing region.In the paper,earthquake source models and a transmission medium velocity model are established and the corresponding parameters are given in accordance to the results from a related previous study.Then,using a three-dimensional finite difference computing program of near-fault strong ground motion developed by Graves,the peak ground velocity caused by a destructive earthquake in the Beijing area is simulated.In our computation model,the earthquake source is 3km in depth,and a total number of 21,679 observation points on the ground surface are figured out.The transmission medium velocity model is composed of four stratums which are the Quaternary deposit,the upper crust,the upper part of the middle crust and the lower part of the middle crust.With the minimum grid spacing of 0.15km,a total of 2.28×106 grids are generated.Using a time step of 0.02 seconds we calculated the peak ground velocity for a duration of 8 seconds.After the analysis of the simulation results,we observed some basic characteristics of near-fault strong ground motion such as the concentration effect of near-fault peak ground velocity,rupture directivity effect,hanging wall effect,and basin effect.The results from our simulation and analysis suggest that the source and transmitting medium parameters in our model are suitable and the finite difference method is applicable to estimate the distribution of strong ground motion in the study region.  相似文献   

对新疆数字强震台网记录的2010年06月10日乌恰Ms5.1地震10组三分量加速度记录进行处理和初步分析.在分析前对原始加速度记录进行整理,转换数据格式,进行零线校正,计算校正加速度、速度、位移时程谱、傅立叶振幅谱、加速度反应谱.在对本次地震的强震动特性进行分析后发现,较大的加速度峰值沿发震断层分布,集中在靠近断层的狭...  相似文献   

In the absence of strong motion records, ground motion during the 26th January, 2001 Kutch, India earthquake, has been estimated by analytical methods. A contour map of peak ground acceleration (PGA) values in the near source region is provided. These results are validated by comparing them with spectral response recorder data and field observations. It is found that very near the epicenter, PGA would have exceeded 0.6 g. A set of three aftershock records have been used as empirical Green's functions to simulate ground acceleration time history and 5% damped response spectrum at Bhuj City. It is found that at Bhuj, PGA would have been 0.31 g–0.37 g. It is demonstrated that source mechanism models can be effectively used to understand spatial variability of large-scale ground movements near urban areas due to the rupture of active faults.  相似文献   

考虑场地类别与强震持时的滞回耗能谱的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于力或位移的结构抗震设计方法大多无法反映地震动持时的影响,而能量设计方法则能较好地弥补其不足。按场地类别和强震持时,将302条Northridge地震记录分为15组,对地震记录的峰值进行规一化处理,采用钢筋混凝土退化三线型恢复力模型,对单自由度体系进行弹塑性时程分析,研究场地类别、强震持时、强度屈服水平以及结构周期等因素对滞回耗能的影响。结果表明:在给定地震记录的峰值和屈服强度水平下,结构的滞回耗能依赖于场地条件和强震持时等因素;滞回耗能随强震持时的增加而增大,随场地特征周期的增加而增大。通过非线性回归分析,建立了与峰值加速度、峰值速度、强震持时相对应的简化滞回耗能谱的计算公式。  相似文献   

In this paper, ground motion during the Independence Day earthquake of August 15, 1950 (Mw 8.6, Ben-Menahem et al., 1974) in the northeastern part of India is estimated by seismological approaches. A hybrid simulation technique which combines the low frequency ground motion simulated from an analytical source mechanism model with the stochastically simulated high-frequency components is used for obtaining the acceleration time histories. A series of ground motion simulations are carried out to estimate the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral accelerations at important cities and towns in the epicentral region. One sample PGA distribution in the epicentral region encompassing the epicenter is also obtained. It is found that PGA in the epicentral region has exceeded 1 g during this earthquake. The estimated PGA’s are validated to the extent possible using the MMI values. The simulated acceleration time histories can be used for the assessment of important engineering structures in northeastern India.  相似文献   

—The specific barrier model is used for the first time to simulate ground motion accelerations for the purpose of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses at sites near a dominant fault system. It incorporates the simulation of fault geometry and the relationship between the stress drop and seismic moment to estimate the number of cracks on the fault for the specific barrier model. Radiated direct shear waves are established following Boore’s (1983) procedure. The simulated peak ground accelerations (PGA) are then calibrated by strong-motion data. Basically, the model is of uniform source, and the directivity of the source is not taken into consideration. The results show that the calibrated PGA values are not sensitive to the relationship between the stress drop and seismic moment. However, the calibrated PGA values may increase about 20 percent for sites near the fault when the cut-off frequency,?f max?, is raised from 5 Hz to 10 Hz. The variability of the simulated ground motion is, in general, smaller than that of the empirical strong-motion data shown in the literature. This may be improved by adding randomness into the parameter of ?f max and uncertainties into the empirical relationships adopted in the model. The simulated attenuation curves may be used to judge which types of conventional attenuation equations are better at representing the attenuation of PGA for sites near the fault, especially for large earthquake events.  相似文献   

以反应谱和功率谱密度函数表征的强震运动的统计特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江近仁  孙景江 《中国地震》1994,10(4):327-340
文中利用我国海城和唐山地震190条强震记录和美国西部138条强震记录研究了以反应谱和功率谱密度函数表征的强震运动的统计特性。反应谱用最大地面加速度归一化,即表为谱放大系数,功率谱密度函数用金井清谱描述。文中研究了参数的统计值和依赖性,以及谱放大系数和金井清谱参数与场地条件、震源和震中距等之间的相关性,分析比较了中美两国强震运动谱的统计特性,并对我国地震工程应用的强震运动谱的统计参数值的选取提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于数值格林函数法的近场强地震动数值模拟方法,以1994年Northridge地震断层面上位错量的不均匀分布模式和该地区的地层剪切波速度结构为震源模型和计算模型,做了两个方面的模拟研究:(1)直立走滑断层(断层倾角为90°)情况下,模拟分析了有限断层单侧破裂模式和双侧破裂模式对强地震动特征——破裂方向性和上盘效应的影响;(2)对于倾斜断层(倾角为45°),模拟分析了正断层、逆断层和走滑断层情况下,单侧破裂模式对其强地震动主要特征——破裂方向性效应和上盘效应的影响.结果表明:断层的破裂方式直接影响着地表地震动峰值和矢量分布;在近场区无论直立断层还是倾斜断层,其地表地震动峰值分布所表达的破裂方向性效应显著,位于破裂传播前方的地震动强度大,反映了波前被压缩的趋势,破裂后方地震强度明显变小;倾斜断层引起的上盘效应明显,NS向分量和竖向分量的地表地震动峰值的最大值出现在上盘靠近断层迹线处,EW向分量的峰值在断层迹线两侧呈不对称分布,且逆断层引起的地震动峰值最大,走滑断层的次之,正断层的最小.  相似文献   

近地表松散沉积层对地震波具有强烈的改造作用。为了揭示近地表速度结构对场地强地震动特征的影响机理,采用横波勘探和地脉动测试方法研究两个地震台站的场地条件,并对比分析场地测试结果与汶川地震记录的频谱特征。正如浅层地震勘探和地脉动数据所揭示的那样, MXT地震台的强震记录中,对应横波图像0.10 s处强反射波的地震动分量(频率5 Hz左右)在该场地占明显优势,而对0.22 s的弱反射界面(对应的基频为2.3 Hz)的反映并不明显,分析认为这一现象归因于地下10~11 m处粉土与卵石层间具有较大的波阻抗差异,因而造成地震反射图像上0.10 s附近的强振幅掩盖了0.22 s的反射波组,岷县强震记录频谱也显示为单峰值形态。横波勘探在WUD台获得的地震图像显示分别在0.22 s和0.50 s处有两组比较明显的反射波,其所对应的场地潜在响应频率分别为2.3 Hz和1.0 Hz,WUD台的强震记录频谱的形态也明显受这两个波阻抗界面的影响;通过对比地脉动与地震记录的频谱图,认为场地结构对地震信号与一般地脉动信号的影响是有差别的。研究表明:(1)剪切波的强阻抗界面深度及其平均波速是控制场地频谱主频的主要因素,近地表地层中阻抗强的界面对地震波的改造作用占主导地位;(2)近地表松散覆盖层的波速结构影响着场地地脉动频谱与地震动频谱的谱形变化;(3) 一般情况下,浅部强波阻抗界面对地脉动频谱特征的影响可能大于深部(百米以内),强震作用下深部波阻抗界面会使场地的响应主频向比其脉动基频更低的频段发展。  相似文献   

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