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西北太平洋热带气旋和台风活动若干气候问题的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
热带气旋和台风是严重的突发性自然灾害之一。近20年来,对热带气旋和台风活动的气候学研究成为台风领域的一个重要研究方向,并取得了显著的研究进展。通过对西北太平洋热带气旋和台风活动的季节、年际和年代际时间尺度变化的研究回顾,揭示了造成热带气旋和台风活动不同时间尺度变化的主要影响机制,其中包括低频振荡、季风槽和西传赤道波动、ENSO和QBO现象等,这些系统主要通过改变西北太平洋上空的环流,而影响到西北太平洋热带气旋活动以及登陆我国台风的不同时间尺度变化。还在西北太平洋海域热带气旋和台风活动的气候学研究进展和作者最新的研究成果的基础上,展望了该领域的研究前景,并提出当前此研究领域中一些亟需研究的科学问题,主要包括了季风槽区能量交换、不同海域动力过程、赤道波动演变,以及热带气旋的季节和更长时间尺度的预测。  相似文献   


西北太平洋海陆相互作用强烈,受黑潮和亚洲大陆风尘输入影响显著,是研究海洋沉积物中有机碳埋藏与陆源输入、海洋初级生产力和海洋环境演化关系的理想靶区。本研究基于采自九州-帕劳海脊北部的重力活塞647 cm长的KPR12岩芯,分析了总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、有机碳稳定碳同位素组成(δ13CTOC)、蛋白石(Opal)以及粒度等指标,初步探讨了近40万年来轨道尺度沉积有机碳的来源、埋藏特征及其影响机制。岩芯的TOC含量平均值为0.214%,呈冰期较高、间冰期较低的旋回特征。岩芯沉积物粒度的不同端元反映了研究区风尘输入大致呈冰期较高的趋势。岩芯的δ13CTOC(-25.24‰~-21.04‰,平均值为-22.59‰)显示有机质以海源为主(约62%),海源有机碳含量趋势与TOC的变化一致。研究区不同时期陆源物质的输入受风尘输送和黑潮的综合控制,黑潮增强可能对该区间冰期陆源有机碳贡献的升高有一定影响。岩芯中TOC与Opal含量的相关性分析表明,海洋初级生产力可能不是控制该岩芯有机碳含量变化的主要原因。冰期-间冰期旋回中的深层水通风条件、黑潮和北太平洋中层水的发育以及陆源细颗粒物质输入可能共同影响着本区沉积有机碳的降解与埋藏保存。


富钴结壳是一种潜在的多金属资源,富含Co、REEs、Pt、Te等。其中,Ce的含量特别高,具有较高的经济价值,研究其富集的控矿要素具有重要意义。Takahashi等(2007)认为富钴结壳中Ce的富集是一个动力学过程,富钴结壳生长速度是关键因素。赤道印度洋和西北太平洋富钴结壳的生长速率分别为2.48mm/a和1.78mm/a,尽管其生长速率差别不大,但是其Ce含量却有  相似文献   

海底沉积物孔隙压力对海底地质灾害过程反应敏感,是表征海床稳定性的一个重要指标,通过海底沉积物的孔隙压力观测可以判断海床的稳定状态,对于海底地质灾害预测预警具有重要意义。海底沉积物孔隙压力观测存在(1)超高背景压力下的高精度测量;(2)贯入过程传感器超量程破坏;(3)系统长期供电及传感器漂移;(4)深海海底布放和回收等技术难点。国际上海底孔隙压力观测技术从20世纪60年代开始发展,逐渐形成了系列核心监测技术和成熟的商业化设备产品。挪威岩土工程研究所NGI与美国伊利诺伊大学共同研发的NGI-Illinois压差式孔隙压力观测系统,是已知最早的海底沉积物孔隙压力观测设备。此后,美国地质调查局USGS、美国桑迪亚国家实验室、英国牛津大学等相继研发了不同结构的观测设备,覆盖浅海到深海。其中,英国海洋科学研究所研发成功的深海孔隙压力原位长期观测设备PUPPI是一个重要的历史节点,该设备能够在6 000 m水深的环境中连续运行一年,成为当时最成功的海底孔隙压力观测设备,其现代化的设备结构和设计理念被后续的观测设备广为借鉴。21世纪以来,得益于海洋科学技术的整体进步,国际孔隙压力观测技术发展呈现加速趋势。法国海洋开发研究院IFREMER研发的Piezometer系列孔隙压力观测探杆,代表了当今世界的先进水平,可能是目前应用次数最多的海底孔隙压力观测设备。我国在深海探测、观测技术领域起步较晚,在深海沉积物孔隙压力原位长期观测技术方面几乎空白,发展很不成熟。其中,中国海洋大学、自然资源部第一海洋研究所等单位进行了较多的探索性研发工作。近年来,以港珠澳大桥建设、南海天然气水合物试采等为标志的大批国家级海洋建设项目如火如荼,深海油气矿产资源开发、深海天然气水合物开采利用等海洋新兴产业快速起步,深海孔隙压力原位长期监测关键核心技术等“卡脖子”问题仍然突出,严重制约了我国海洋工程产业发展的步伐。因此,迫切需要发展具有自主知识产权和关键核心技术的国产深海沉积物孔隙压力原位长期监测技术。本文回顾了国际、国内海底孔隙压力观测技术的相关研究进展,旨在分析总结孔隙压力观测技术及其应用中涉及的一些核心技术和亟待解决的关键问题,以期为我国该项技术的发展和应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了分析观测系统炮道密度退化对目的层成像的影响,在保持偏移距和方位角分布规律前提下,对中国西部GSM地区高密度三维地震观测系统采用抽稀炮排、道距和炮距的方式使炮道密度退化,得到相同面元大小不同炮道密度A、B、C和D四套观测系统,对抽稀的资料进行分别处理,基于河道砂体叠置模式正演基础上,通过沿层提取相干和均方根等属性切片对川中侏罗统沙溪庙组河道砂体刻画和断层断距识别能力上进行实验对比,以指导后期针对该目的层的采集工程技术设计。通过分析得到以下认识:(1)针对大中型河道,观测系统A、B、C和D与高密度识别能力相当。(2)针对小型河道,观测系统A、B、C平面上能识别一部分小型河道,且随着炮道密度降低到一定程度,剖面河道亮点减弱,观测系统D在剖面上无法识别河道亮点。(3)高密度观测系统断层平面展布最为清晰,观测系统A、B、C和D断层平面展布大的地质规律与高密度数据相当,但细节上存在一定损失。(4)当川中沙溪庙组河道宽度约为55m,断层断距约为6m,薄砂体厚度约为6m时,可采用高密度观测系统;当其河道宽度大于74m,断层断距大于12,薄砂体厚度大于10m时,可采用A、B、C观测系统。  相似文献   

科学观测表明在敛聚型和离散型板块边界大量挥发份和金属通过去气作用从岩浆分离而进入陆相和海底火山热液系统。以CO2为主的流体伴随着挥发份贫乏的洋脊型玄武质岩浆作用而形成,其岩浆产生于洋脊之下的地幔的部分熔融过程。与此对照,丰富的、以H2O为主的流体产生于富含挥发份的火山弧型岩浆的去气作用,这种岩浆的起源与俯冲洋壳的脱水过程有关。岩浆流体常由各种挥发份(如H2O,CO2,CO,SO2,HCl,H2S,HF,H2,N2,CH4,Ar,He等)和含量不等的金属(如Na,K,Ca,Fe,Cu,Pb,Zn,Au,Mo,Re,In,W等)组成。受挥发份在熔体中的溶解度制约,由岩浆去气作用形成的最初流体相主要为CO2,而后来形成的流体相较富含H2O。随着温度的降低,一个常伴随着由长英质岩浆演化而形成的CO2和H2O混合的岩浆流体可能因不混溶作用而分离成一个低盐度(低密度)的气相和一个高盐度(高密度)的液相。在一个流体熔浆体系中,许多成矿金属强烈地分配在流体相中,并且在该流体分离出岩浆时被其带出。这些金属主要以氯化物和硫化物的络合物形式被气相和液相携运———气相携运受支配于其挥发性;热液携运受其溶解度所制约。岩浆流体可提供大?  相似文献   

A high‐resolution study of coccolithophores in a sediment core from the East China Sea (ECS) region of the Northwest Pacific revealed that fluctuations in coccolithophore assemblages responded well to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) during 1901–2013. Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica were the most dominant species, accounting for more than 97% of all the ten detected species. The variation of the two dominant species showed a significant positive correlation, and they both increased during peak values of the PDO. Decreased stratification and increased nutrient supplementation from the bottom water induced by lower sea surface temperatures in the ECS, which were associated with high PDO values, were responsible for the dominant coccolithophore increase. Similarly, the increase of Calcidiscus leptoporus also corresponded to low‐temperature and high‐nutrient conditions associated with the cold phase in the ECS (positive phase of the PDO). The responses of decadal C. leptoporus variations to changes in cold and warm phases of the PDO in the Northwest and Northeast Pacific indicate that C. leptoporus preserved in sediment cores represents a potential indicator for reconstructing phase changes of the PDO during ancient times.  相似文献   

The northernmost part of the Kamchatka Peninsula of northeastern Russia, located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea, consists of zones of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing from the northwestern Bering Sea inland are the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat, and Koryak superterranes, which were accreted to the Okhotsk–Chukotsk volcanic–plutonic belt (OChVB) during the Campanian–Maastrichtian (Koryak) to Middle Eocene (Olyutorskiy), respectively. To constrain the accretion paleolatitude of the Koryak superterrane, we paleomagnetically sampled a sedimentary series on the Mametchinskiy Peninsula. At the Mametchinskiy Peninsula, in the northeastern Penzhinskaya Guba (61.45° N, 163.75° E), a gently deformed, well-bedded section of fine-grained Lower to lower Upper Cretaceous turbidites, the Mametchinskaya and Tylakrylskaya Formations are exposed. These strata, which represent the lower part of the sedimentary cover of the terranes in this region and the forearc of OChVB, were sampled at 39 sites (three to seven samples per site). Within the Ainyn terrane, more than 1000 m of section of Cenomanian–Turonian age was sampled at a basal locality (sample groups I and II, sites 1–18, 19–29) and at an upper locality of Valanginian–Barremian age (sample group III, sites 30–39) along the western shore of the Peninsula. Thermal demagnetization and principal component analysis of the demagnetization data show lower-temperature (A) and higher-temperature (B) magnetic components. Although group III samples did not display a coherent A component, the A component of group I and II samples was observed as a single-polarity lower-unblocking temperature component generally removed by 100–400 °C. This component failed the fold test at the 95% confidence level. With respect to direction, the A component is similar to both the present-day field and axial–geocentric dipole directions expected at this site. The B component was observed during thermal demagnetization steps up to 580 °C and was always of downward-directed inclination. Coherence of bedding corrections within each section do not allow statistically meaningful fold tests within groups I, II or III. Assuming the B component represents a Cretaceous magnetization, two overall models are proposed. In the first model (preferred), with the highest clustering of directions (k-value=36.7, N (sites)=36), indicates significant poleward motion of the Ainyn terrane (observed paleolatitude λM1=61.0±6.5°; expected North America plate reference site paleolatitude λE=74.0±3.5°). In the second model, no significant poleward displacement is implied (λM2=72.0±9.6).  相似文献   

Topographic and climatic influences have controlled thick loess accumulation at the southern margin of the Palouse loess in northern Oregon. Juniper and Cold Springs Canyons, located on the upwind flank of the Horse Heaven Hills, are oriented perpendicular to prevailing southwesterly winds. These canyons are topographic traps that separate eolian sand on the upwind side from thick accumulations (nearly 8 m) of latest Pleistocene to Holocene L1 loess on the downwind side. Silt- and sand-rich glacial outburst flood sediment in the Umatilla Basin is the source of eolian sand and loess for the region. Sediment from this basin also contributes to loess accumulations across much of the Columbia Plateau to the northeast. Downwind of Cold Springs Canyon, Mt. St. Helens set S and Glacier Peak tephras bracket 4 m of loess, demonstrating that approximately 2500 g m−2 yr−1 of loess accumulated between about 15,400–13,100 cal yr B.P. Mass accumulation rates decreased to approximately 250 g m−2 yr−1 from 13,100 cal yr B.P. to the present. Tephrochronology suggests that the bulk of near-source Palouse loess accumulated in one punctuated interval in the latest Pleistocene characterized by a dry and windy climate.  相似文献   

对取自西菲律宾海黑潮源区的Ph05-5和WF3岩芯进行了CaCO3和钙质超微化石研究.在利用氧同位素曲线对比和AMS14C数据进行地层划分的基础上,结合钙质超微化石的碳酸盐溶解指数和初级生产力指标,分析了晚第四纪黑潮源区碳酸盐旋回特征及其控制因素.约190ka BP以来CaCO3含量整体上都表现为冰期高、间冰期低的"太平洋型"旋回特征,但菲律宾以东海区在末次冰期(MIS 4到MIS 2期)内部又显示出间冰段含量高、冰段含量低的"大西洋型"旋回特征.碳酸盐旋回的控制因素在黑潮源区内部也有明显的差异,菲律宾以东海区以碳酸盐溶解作用为主,初级生产力起次要作用;而台湾东南部海区的主要因素则是初级生产力变化引起的钙质生物输入量的波动.菲律宾以东海区末次冰期内部表现出的"大西洋型"旋回特征则是溶解作用和初级生产力共同影响的结果.  相似文献   

The Middle Proterozoic Jiuling Group,one of the most important geologic unit in the Northwest Jiangxi Terrain,is a kind of Au-bearing formation with a Au-Ag-As association,and its geotectonic setting belongs to the ACM area.Granitification can supply Au with favorable complexing agents.Later granitification os of much more significance in mineralization.Regional Aumineralization includes two types;metamorphic hydrothermal solo-Au mineralization in the northern part and magma gydrothermal superimposed polymetallic mineralization with Au,Ag,etc,being dominant in the southern part.Regional exploration should center aroud the Jiujing Group,small granite bodies of later periods and fault structures,while paying attention to the anomalies of trace elements such as Au,Ag,As,Pb,Zn,etc.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋风压关系的变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1949 ~2008年共60年的热带气旋(TC)历史资料,分析TC中心最低气压和平均最大风速的相互关系,发现存在阶段性特征变异,继而对其进行了定量分析,得出过去60年中国整编的历史热带气旋资料中,风压关系序列前后明显不一致,存在变异现象,其变异点有两个,即1971/1972年、1974/1975年,其中以前者最为明...  相似文献   

The regular variations in magmatic activities along the Northwest Pacific plate have been little studied in spite of their importance. In this contribution, systematic analyses were conducted on tholeiitic basalts from three Ocean Drilling Program sites (Sites 304, 1149, and 801), including the petrographic features, major and trace elements, Nd isotopic compositions, and mineral structure and compositions of whole rocks. Volcanic rocks from Sites 304, 1149, and 801 belong to tholeiites and exhibit depleted light rare earth elements (LREE), large ion lithophile elemental contents (LILE), and relatively depleted Nd isotopic ratios (143Nd/144Nd=0.513139–0.513211), similar to those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB). Comprehensive data on mineral compositions, whole-rock geochemistry, and geochronology demonstrate that a regular variation trend exists in the north-south direction along the Northwest Pacific plate. The 143Nd/144Nd values (0.513139–0.513211) and trace-element ratios for whole rocks (Sm/Th=15.35–30.00; Zr/Hf=28.53–35.76; Zr/Y=2.58–3.67; Th/La=0.04–0.06; Th/Y=0.33–0.70), as well as the trace-element ratios (Zr/Hf, La/Yb, Ti/Zr) of clinopyroxenes from Sites 1149 and 801 tholeiites show larger variations compared to those from Site 304 tholeiites (143Nd/144Nd=0.513185–0.513195; Sm/Th=18.19–20.58; Zr/Hf=31.07–33.26; Zr/Y=2.62–3.03; Th/La=0.05–0.06; Th/Y=0.48–0.57). Mineral zoning textures were obvious in tholeiites from Sites 1149 and 801 but were rarely observed in Site 304. These regular features were likely attributed to the differences in the heterogeneity of the magma source, the process of magmatic evolution, the plate-spreading rate, and the effective and ineffective mixing.  相似文献   

环境磁学及其在西北干旱区环境研究中的问题   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
环境磁学是一门新兴交叉学科,它介于磁学、地学和环境科学之间,主要利用矿物和岩石磁学技术,研究环境中磁性颗粒的风化、剥蚀、搬运、沉积和转化受环境变化影响的过程,为全球环境变化和气候过程研究提供代用指标,环境磁学技术在各种环境研究中得到了广泛应用。文中在简要介绍环境磁学原理和方法的基础上,就目前环境磁学在土壤、黄土、沉积物和大气尘埃等方面研究状况进行了阶段性总结。环境磁学参数在干旱和半干旱地区黄土气候和环境记录重建研究中取得了重大进展,但仍存在较大争议。黄土地层中经常使用的磁化率其粉尘贡献到底有多大?磁学参数在季风区和西风区表现迥异,原因何在?不同粉尘源区的环境磁学参数是否存在较大差异?哪些磁学参数适用于干旱区气候与环境重建?这些问题既是国际学术界亟待解决的重大科学问题,也是环境磁学应用在干旱半干旱区环境研究中所面临的主要问题。深入研究提供黄土物质的干旱半干旱地区现代环境磁学过程或许对解决上述问题具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Models of late-glacial environmental change in coastal areas are commonly based on radiocarbon ages on marine shell and basal lake sediments, both of which may be compromised by reservoir effects. The magnitude of the oceanic reservoir age in the inland waters of the Georgia Basin and Puget Lowland of northwestern North America is inferred from radiocarbon ages on shell-wood pairs in Saanich Inlet and previously published estimates. The weighted mean oceanic reservoir correction in the early and mid Holocene is −720±90 yr, slightly smaller than, but not significantly different from, the modern value. The correction in late-glacial time is −950±50 yr. Valley-head sites yield higher reservoir values (−1200±130 yr) immediately after deglaciation. The magnitude of the gyttja reservoir effect is inferred from pairs of bulk gyttja and plant macrofossil ages from four lakes in the region. Incorporation of old carbon into basal gyttja yields ages from bulk samples that are initially about 600 yr too old. The reservoir age declines to less than 100 yr after the first millennium of lake development. When these corrections are accounted for, dates of deglaciation and late-glacial sea-level change in the study area are pushed forward in time by more than 500 yr.  相似文献   

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