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作为时间序列非线性的一个重要指标,从NCEP再分析得到日气温异常的时间不可逆性(TI)与观测站的相比几乎一致地被高估了.因为非线性与可预报性/极端事件之间有着密切的关系,除了高估的TI外,这些大气测度也可能被高估.本文结果表明:NCEP再分析的日最低和最高气温异常序列的内在可预报性,预报技巧和极端事件发生次数也几乎一致...  相似文献   

中国区域位势高度场探空与再分析资料的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵佳莹  徐海明 《气象科学》2014,34(2):128-138
利用中国高空探空资料和NCEP/NCAR、ERA以及JRA 3种再分析资料,采用偏差、线性趋势、EOF等统计方法,分析、讨论了再分析资料位势高度场在中国区域的适用性问题。结果表明:在年平均场上,探空资料在中国北方地区对流层中存在上升趋势,在平流层低层存在下降趋势;并且有整层变化相同的年际变化特征和对流层南北方反位相变化的年代际变化特征。再分析资料位势高度场数值上普遍小于探空资料;NCEP/NCAR资料与探空资料较为接近。在季节平均场上,探空资料在冬季对流层中存在一致的上升趋势,在春、夏和秋季的长期变化趋势与年平均场类似;探空资料与再分析资料在冬季的偏差最小。不同资料的EOF第一模态分布,在不同季节中差别较大,NCEP/NCAR资料在春季、夏季和冬季适用性较高,ERA资料在秋季适用性较高。  相似文献   

The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data on tropospheric humidity are examined for the period 1973 to 2007. It is accepted that radiosonde-derived humidity data must be treated with great caution, particularly at altitudes above the 500 hPa pressure level. With that caveat, the face-value 35-year trend in zonal-average annual-average specific humidity q is significantly negative at all altitudes above 850 hPa (roughly the top of the convective boundary layer) in the tropics and southern midlatitudes and at altitudes above 600 hPa in the northern midlatitudes. It is significantly positive below 850 hPa in all three zones, as might be expected in a mixed layer with rising temperatures over a moist surface. The results are qualitatively consistent with trends in NCEP atmospheric temperatures (which must also be treated with great caution) that show an increase in the stability of the convective boundary layer as the global temperature has risen over the period. The upper-level negative trends in q are inconsistent with climate-model calculations and are largely (but not completely) inconsistent with satellite data. Water vapor feedback in climate models is positive mainly because of their roughly constant relative humidity (i.e., increasing q) in the mid-to-upper troposphere as the planet warms. Negative trends in q as found in the NCEP data would imply that long-term water vapor feedback is negative—that it would reduce rather than amplify the response of the climate system to external forcing such as that from increasing atmospheric CO2. In this context, it is important to establish what (if any) aspects of the observed trends survive detailed examination of the impact of past changes of radiosonde instrumentation and protocol within the various international networks.  相似文献   

ERA5再分析数据适用性初步评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用山东省及周边地区10个站点的地面和高空观测资料对ERA5再分析资料的适用性进行了初步评估。结果表明:再分析的海平面气压和2 m温度与实况资料的相关性明显优于2 m相对湿度和10 m风场;高空温度和相对湿度在对流层中低层的适用性要好于高层,而位势高度和风场在中高层适用性较好;海平面气压再分析与实况的相关有着最明显的季节变化,2 m温度、2 m相对湿度和10 m风速则在部分站点有较明显的季节变化,而10 m风向的相关系数更多地表现出站点之间的差异,高空要素的适用性,季节和区域差异不明显。另外,对比发现,ERA5的适用性总体上要优于ERA-Interim再分析资料,地面和对流层低层的相对湿度、风场提高更为明显。  相似文献   

由于桂林地区地基GNSS站并未配置气象传感器,致使大量GNSS观测数据无法在大气水汽(PWV)监测中发挥作用.针对这一情况,本文将欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)最新发布的ERA5再分析资料中测站处的气压和温度气象数据加入到GNSS水汽反演中,并将反演结果与利用地面气象站反演的GNSS水汽做对比,以此评估ERA5在桂林地区反演GNSS水汽的精度和适用性.结果表明:1)以桂林地区2017年10个地面气象站的实测气压和温度数据为参考值,ERA5地表气压和温度的年均偏差分别为-0.35 hPa和0.86 K,年均均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0.65 hPa和1.66 K,该精度可用于GNSS水汽反演;2)以2017年6—7月GNSS利用地面气象站反演的PWV为参考值,ERA5反演的GNSS PWV的偏差和RMSE分别为0.17 mm和0.35 mm,且两者具较好的相关性和一致性.由此表明,ERA5地表温压产品可应用于桂林地区GNSS水汽反演,这些研究结果可为桂林地区的GNSS水汽反演及数据源的选用提供重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

Summer precipitation products from the 45-Year European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Reanalysis (ERA-40), and NCEP-Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP-II) Reanalysis (NCEP-2), and Climatic Research Unit (CRU) TS 2.1 dataset are compared with the corresponding observations over China in order to understand the quality and utility of the reanalysis datasets for the period 1979–2001. The results reveal that although the magnitude and location of the rainfall belts differ among the reanalysis, CRU, and station data over South and West China, the spatial distributions show good agreement over most areas of China. In comparison with the observations in most areas of China, CRU best matches the observed summer precipitation, while ERA-40 reports less precipitation and NCEP-2 reports more precipitation than the observations. With regard to the amplitude of the interannual variations, CRU is better than either of the reanalyses in representing the corresponding observations. The amplitude in NCEP-2 is stronger but that of ERA-40 is weaker than the observations in most study domains. NCEP-2 has a more obvious interannual variability than ERA-40 or CRU in most areas of East China. Through an Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, the main features of the rainfall belts produced by CRU agree better with the observations than with those produced by the reanalyses in the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley. In East of China, particularly in the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley, CRU can reveal the quasi-biennial oscillation of summer precipitation represented by the observations, but the signal of ERA-40 is comparatively weak and not very obvious, whereas that of NCEP-2 is also weak before 1990 but very strong after 1990. The results also suggest that the magnitude of the precipitation difference between ERA-40 and the observations is smaller than that between NCEP-2 and the observations, but the variations represented by NCEP-2 are more reasonable than those given by ERA-40 in most areas of East China to some extent.  相似文献   

以江西省376个气象自动观测站的逐小时气温数据为基准,采用偏差、相关性和平均绝对误差等评价指标,对比分析2017—2022年CLDAS陆面同化和ERA5 Land再分析气温资料在江西省的适用性。结果表明: 1) ERA5 Land、CLDAS资料均能很好反映大部分站点的气温变化,CLDAS资料与观测资料的相关系数为0.99,相关系数区间分布较为集中;ERA5 Land资料与观测资料的相关系数为0.97,分布较为分散。2) 相较于观测站点多年平均气温,CLDAS资料较为接近,ERA5 Land资料则偏离较大。3) CLDAS资料的平均绝对误差明显低于ERA5 Land资料,二者均存在平原、盆地部分站点平均绝对误差较小而局部高海拔山区站点异常偏大的空间特征,以及秋季最大而冬季最小的季节特征。4) ERA5 Land资料偏差的日变化范围为-0.65—0.39 ℃,整体呈现单谷形分布;CLDAS资料偏差日变化范围为-0.05—0.05 ℃,波动幅度较小,没有明显的变化特征。5) 两种格点资料均能较好反映大部分站点的低温日数变化,但对于高温日数变化,ERA5 Land资料偏差较大,CLDAS资料偏差较小。  相似文献   

利用气象台站观测地表温度,比较和分析了ERA-Interim、NCEP/NCAR和NCEP/DOE再分析地表温度资料在青藏高原的适用性.结果表明:三种再分析资料都揭示了青藏高原地表温度的基本特征,并较好地描述了高原地表温度的季节变化和年际变化特征;但三种再分析资料都比观测地表温度明显偏低,且对地表温度的长期变化趋势估计不足.比较而言,ERA-1nterim再分析地表温度产品在青藏高原的适用性最好,与观测地表温度的相关最显著,且能较好地反映高原地表温度的异常变化强度,可作为研究高原地表温度年际变化的代用资料;而NCEP/NCAR和NCEP/DOE 再分析地表温度产品在青藏高原的适用性不佳,其适用时段和适用区域需要进一步考察.  相似文献   

为系统研究ERA5再分析资料在辽宁省的适用性,本文基于近10a辽宁省62个地面站和9个探空站(省内4部,省外5部)资料,提取了温度、湿度、气压、风场等业务和研究中常用物理量,采用统计分析方法对ERA5资料在辽宁省的适用性进行了分析,并尝试使用机器学习的方法订正ERA5资料的偏差。结果表明:在地面观测要素分析中,2 m温度相关系数普遍较高,均方根误差普遍偏低,辽河流域及其西侧地区效果好于其他地区;10 m风速对比结果总体稍差,U分量相关系数总体低于V分量;ERA5资料质量有明显的月变化特征,相关系数总体呈现春秋季节高于夏冬季节,且相关系数总体较高的季节,均方根误差也普遍偏高。在高空观测要素分析中,辽宁中部地区的数据质量要高于东西部两地区,温度的平均相关系数最高,相对湿度相关系数平均较低,均方根误差总体较大;相对湿度的相关系数在春夏之交时最低,夏季上升较快,夏秋之交时达到最高,相关系数快速上升的月份,均方根误差也呈现出快速上升的趋势;高空U风场和V风场的均方根误差总体相差不大,且均方根误差月变化相一致,总体经向风(V风场)质量低于纬向风(U风场)。通过机器学习的订正方法有效提升了地面温度和相对湿度的应用能力,使ERA5地面温度资料的均方根误差缩小0.5~1.0℃,使地面相对湿度资料的均方根误差缩小最高可达26%。  相似文献   

利用2019-2020年广西三部风廓线雷达的实时风产品与ERA5再分析资料进行分析对比,检验风廓线雷达数据质量.结果 表明,三种风廓线雷达产品(ROBS、HOBS、OOBS)数值差距小,OOBS产品稍显优势,在1h内风廓线雷达探测的水平风波动不大.风廓线雷达数据整体小于ERA5再分析资料.三个站中,北海站的误差最小.北...  相似文献   

 The winter climatology of Northern Hemisphere cyclone activity was derived from 6-hourly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period from 1958 to 1999, using software which provides improved accuracy in cyclone identification in comparison to numerical tracking schemes. Cyclone characteristics over the Kuroshio and Gulfstream are very different to those over continental North America and the Arctic. Analysis of Northern Hemisphere cyclones shows secular and decadal-scale changes in cyclone frequency, intensity, lifetime and deepening rates. The western Pacific and Atlantic are characterized by an increase in cyclone intensity and deepening during the 42-year period, although the eastern Pacific and continental North America demonstrate opposite tendencies in most cyclone characteristics. There is an increase of the number of cyclones in the Arctic and in the western Pacific and a downward tendency over the Gulf Stream and subpolar Pacific. Decadal scale variability in cyclone activity over the Atlantic and Pacific exhibits south-north dipole-like patterns. Atlantic and Pacific cyclone activity associated with the NAO and PNA is analyzed. Atlantic cyclone frequency demonstrates a high correlation with NAO and reflects the NAO shift in the mid 1970s, associated with considerable changes in European storm tracks. The PNA is largely linked to the eastern Pacific cyclone frequencies, and controls cyclone activity over the Gulf region and the North American coast during the last two decades. Assessment of the accuracy of the results and comparison with those derived using numerical algorithms, shows that biases inherent in numerical procedures are not negligible. Received: 7 July 2000 / Accepted: 30 November 2000  相似文献   

This paper analyzes surface climate variability in the climate forecast system reanalysis (CFSR) recently completed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The CFSR represents a new generation of reanalysis effort with first guess from a coupled atmosphere?Cocean?Csea ice?Cland forecast system. This study focuses on the analysis of climate variability for a set of surface variables including precipitation, surface air 2-m temperature (T2m), and surface heat fluxes. None of these quantities are assimilated directly and thus an assessment of their variability provides an independent measure of the accuracy. The CFSR is compared with observational estimates and three previous reanalyses (the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis or R1, the NCEP/DOE reanalysis or R2, and the ERA40 produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). The CFSR has improved time-mean precipitation distribution over various regions compared to the three previous reanalyses, leading to a better representation of freshwater flux (evaporation minus precipitation). For interannual variability, the CFSR shows improved precipitation correlation with observations over the Indian Ocean, Maritime Continent, and western Pacific. The T2m of the CFSR is superior to R1 and R2 with more realistic interannual variability and long-term trend. On the other hand, the CFSR overestimates downward solar radiation flux over the tropical Western Hemisphere warm pool, consistent with a negative cloudiness bias and a positive sea surface temperature bias. Meanwhile, the evaporative latent heat flux in CFSR appears to be larger than other observational estimates over most of the globe. A few deficiencies in the long-term variations are identified in the CFSR. Firstly, dramatic changes are found around 1998?C2001 in the global average of a number of variables, possibly related to the changes in the assimilated satellite observations. Secondly, the use of multiple streams for the CFSR induces spurious jumps in soil moisture between adjacent streams. Thirdly, there is an inconsistency in long-term sea ice extent variations over the Arctic regions between the CFSR and other observations with the CFSR showing smaller sea ice extent before 1997 and larger extent starting in 1997. These deficiencies may have impacts on the application of the CFSR for climate diagnoses and predictions. Relationships between surface heat fluxes and SST tendency and between SST and precipitation are analyzed and compared with observational estimates and other reanalyses. Global mean fields of surface heat and water fluxes together with radiation fluxes at the top of the atmosphere are documented and presented over the entire globe, and for the ocean and land separately.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is the source of many Asian river systems and serves as “the Asian water tower”. Precipitation variability is a strong component of both hydrological processes and energy cycles, and the study of precipitation in the TP is of great importance in the content of global warming. In this study, the annual and seasonal (spring: MAM; summer: JJA; autumn: SON; and winter: DJF) variations in precipitation are investigated in the eastern and central TP during 1961–2007, based on surface raw and adjusted observations as well as both NCEP/NCAR (1961–2007) and ERA-40 (1961–2001) reanalyses. The adjusted precipitation in the TP is higher than raw values on both the annual and seasonal basis due to adjustments of solid precipitation by a bias experiential model. At the annual spring and winter scales, the adjusted precipitation shows a significant increase calculated by the Mann–Kendall trend test. Compared with adjusted precipitation; both NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalyses capture the broad spatial distributions of mean annual and seasonal precipitation, but are less good at repeating the decadal variability. Both reanalyses show the drying phenomena in most regions and fail to represent the change patterns of precipitation observed by the adjusted observations. Both NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 have larger inconsistencies which may be caused by the differences between actual and model topography. This suggests that it is crucial to use the adjusted precipitation in the climate research and reanalysis products should be paid more attention in the TP.  相似文献   

 A comparison is made between modelled (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis) and observed (CRC and CRU dataset) annual and monthly precipitation over tropical Africa during the period 1958–1997. The split moving-windows dissimilarity analysis (SMWDA) is used to locate abrupt changes in rainfall time series. In the NCEP reanalysis data, we identify a main abrupt shift, which occurs in 1967 and concerns more than 50% of grid points. In the observation, this shift is only found over parts of tropical North Africa. Three other NCEP abrupt shifts (1975, 1983 and 1987) in the reanalysis shown by the SMWDA, each concerning about 20% of tropical Africa, are not identified in the observation. One hypothesis concerning the 1967 marked abrupt shift is a problem of data assimilation in the NCEP/NCAR model which generated artificial shifts in the time series. In view of this result, further comparisons have been restricted to the period 1968–1997. On a continental scale, while the CRC and NCEP mean seasonal rainfall patterns are almost the same, however, some regional features are not well reproduced. Using five regional rainfall indexes, the mean seasonal rainfall cycle is correctly reproduced, but the NCEP reanalysis generally underestimates the amounts during the rainy season. The NCEP reanalysis rainfall is closer to the observation when the region shows a single rainy season. The correlation values between NCEP and CRC interannual rainfall variations over the period 1968–1997 are very low and seldom significant. The NCEP four main structures of rainfall variability as deducted from rotated principal component analysis are not realistic at all and the associated time series are systematically dominated by a marked low-frequency variability not present in the observation. However, the main teleconnections between ENSO and African rainfall variations are fairly well reproduced, with a correct location of the main structures, but with lower correlation values than those found in the observation. Received: 22 September 1999 / Accepted: 10 May 2000  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of surface wind over central eastern China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hourly wind observations from 452 meteorological stations are used to document the diurnal cycle of the surface wind over the central eastern China (100°–122°E, 20°–42.5°N). Both the surface wind speed and the wind direction show large diurnal variation with pronounced topographic effects. At most stations, the surface wind speed reaches the maximum in the afternoon and the minimum in early-morning. This diurnal phase shows small seasonal variation, whereas the diurnal amplitude varies significantly in different seasons. The diurnal amplitude of the surface wind speed reaches maximum in spring over the northern and southwestern China and in summer over the southern China. The diurnal cycle of the wind direction is more complicated. Over the coastal (mountain) regions, the diurnal wind direction is greatly influenced by the land–sea (mountain–valley) breezes with large (small) seasonal variation. Over the northern plain region, the wind direction exhibits small diurnal variation but with remarkable seasonal rotation. The surface wind over the stations located on the top of mountains shows distinct diurnal variation, which represents the diurnal cycle of the tropospheric low-level wind. The wind speed over these stations is highest in pre-dawn and lowest in the afternoon. The wind anomaly rotates clockwise from late night to late afternoon, and shows significant seasonal variation as influenced by the annual cycle of the monsoon system. The contribution of the diurnal surface wind to the diurnal feature of precipitation is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Annual cycles of convectively important atmospheric parameters have been computed for a variety of from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) global reanalysis, using 7 years of reanalysis data. Regions in the central United States show stronger seasonality in combinations of thermodynamic parameters than found elsewhere in North America or Europe. As a result, there is a period of time in spring and early summer when climatological mean conditions are supportive of severe thunderstorms.The annual cycles help in understanding the large-scale processes that lead to the combination of atmospheric ingredients necessary for strong convection. This, in turn, lays groundwork for possible changes in distribution of the environments associated with possible global climate change.  相似文献   

以2003年6月29日-7月11日淮河流域梅雨期强降水为研究对象,采用ERAInterim再分析资料和站点降水资料,综合分析该期间慢降水时段水汽收支。结果表明:降水主要来自低层水汽辐合的贡献,而与低空急流相联系的水汽辐合具有显著的日变化,即后半夜至凌晨最大,午后最小,并由此造成了梅雨期强降水独特的日变化特征,最强降水出现在后半夜至凌晨;蒸发主要集中在白天,夜晚很小,数值约为降水量的15%,表明局地水循环的重要作用。针对淮河流域强降水区进行的水汽收支计算表明,水汽收支方程左、右两边数值在整个强降水时段具有较好的一致性,相关系数为0.77;对整个强降水期取时间平均,获得的水汽收支方程左、右两端数值的偏差为18%。  相似文献   

许建玉  王艳杰 《暴雨灾害》2013,32(4):324-329
以2003 年6 月29日—7 月11 日淮河流域梅雨期强降水为研究对象,采用ERA Interim 再分析资料和站点降水资料,综合分析该期间强降水时段水汽收支。结果表明: 降水主要来自低层水汽辐合的贡献,而与低空急流相联系的水汽辐合具有显著的日变化,即后半夜至凌晨最大,午后最小,并由此造成了梅雨期强降水独特的日变化特征,最强降水出现在后半夜至凌晨;蒸发主要集中在白天,夜晚很小,数值约为降水量的15%,表明局地水循环的重要作用。针对淮河流域强降水区进行的水汽收支计算表明,水汽收支方程左、右两边数值在整个强降水时段具有较好的一致性,相关系数为0.77;对整个强降水期取时间平均,获得的水汽收支方程左、右两端数值的偏差为18%。  相似文献   

首先,对比分析了ECMWF再分析资料(简称ERA)和NCEP/NCAR第2版再分析资料(简称NCEP2)计算的大气热源,并在此基础上研究了全球大气热源性质(符号)变化的规律.分析两套资料计算的大气热源差别较大的某些地区,发现ERA资料在这些地区估算的大气热源要优于NCEP2,因此,在接下来的研究中主要采用了ERA资料.对全球大气热源性质(符号)变化规律的研究主要揭示了全球永久大气热源和永久大气热汇的地理分布特征.永久大气热源中心主要分布在赤道附近地区,在赤道非洲的西部、苏门答腊岛西边的海域和赤道中西太平洋地区各有一个较强的永久热源中心,另外,在日本南部及其东边的太平洋上也有一永久热源中心.永久热汇地区的分布比较有规律,除了南北半球60度到两极之间为永久热汇地区外,南半球5°S~40°S各大陆西边的大洋上都有一个永久热汇中心,另外,在阿拉伯海的北端,北半球15°N~40°N之间太平洋和大西洋的东部也分别有一热汇中心.  相似文献   

2020年6月,我国江淮区域出现大范围持续性强降水过程,并引发了洪涝灾害。利用ERA5再分析资料对江淮区域的水汽收支平衡进行分析,并利用HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式分析了其水汽源地。结果表明:(1)ERA5再分析资料能较好地描述本次过程中江淮区域的水汽收支特征,其中水汽辐合项为主要贡献项,对水汽汇有较好的指示作用,同时,降水和水汽汇之间保持了较好的一致性变化。(2)南海是江淮区域6月持续性降水最主要的水汽源地,约50%的水汽来自南海。(3)6月江淮区域降水分布与水汽的输送密切相关,而水汽输送主要取决于西太平洋副热带高压的位置及其与北侧冷涡活动的共同作用。  相似文献   

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