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The value of the upper limit of the Southworth-Hawkins D criterion for the Pons-Winneckids (June Bootid) and Perseids meteor streams is analyzed on the basis of the comparison of the parent comet orbit with the model orbits of meteoroids ejected at different points of the comet orbit with the most likely ejection velocities. The change of the D values is investigated depending on the dynamic evolution of the streams by integrating forward the orbital elements of the model particles using the Cowell method taking into account the perturbations from all planets. It is shown that after ten rotations, for Pons-Winneckids the upper limit of the D criterion is higher than 0.5 and for Perseids the D criterion does not exceed 0.2.  相似文献   

The parent bodies of a number of major meteoroid streams are not in doubt and the orbits of these parents are also well determined. For these major streams individual orbits for a significant number of member meteoroids have also been determined. There is a significant spread in the determined values of the semi-major axis of individual meteoroids in a particular stream and this paper assumes that this spread is caused primarily by a variation in the ejection process and draws conclusions regarding the value of the ejection velocities from this.  相似文献   

The parent bodies of a number of major meteoroid streams are not in doubt and the orbits of these parents are also well determined. For these major streams individual orbits for a significant number of member meteoroids have also been determined. There is a significant spread in the determined values of the semi-major axis of individual meteoroids in a particular stream and this paper assumes that this spread is caused primarily by a variation in the ejection process and draws conclusions regarding the value of the ejection velocities from this.  相似文献   

The structures of the meteor streams of cometary origin—Draconids, Ursids, Perseids, and Lyrids—and the streams presumably connected with asteroids—Taurids and α-Capricornids—are compared. The comparative analysis was performed by the mass distribution of meteoroids in the stream and the activity profile for the meteors with the maximum recorded stellar magnitude +3 m and brighter. Visual observations of 1987–2008 from the database of the International Meteor Organization (IMO) and earlier sources were considered. It has been shown that the structures of the meteor streams of cometary and, presumably, asteroidal origin differ somewhat by the activity profile and the mass distribution of meteoroids in the cross-section of a stream along the Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   

The Quadrantids are one of the most active annual meteor showers and have a number of unusual features. One is a sharp brief maximum, 12–14 h in length. A second is the Quadrantids, relatively recent appearance in our skies, the first observation having likely been made in 1835. Until recently no likely parent with a similar orbit had been observed and previous investigators concluded that the stream was quite old, with the stream’s recent appearance and sharp peak attributed to a recent fortuitous convergence of meteoroid orbits. The recent discovery of the near-Earth asteroid 2003 EH1 on an orbit very similar to that of the Quadrantids has almost certainly uncovered the parent body of this stream. From the simulations of the orbit of this body and of meteoroids released at intervals from it in the past, we find that both the sharp peak and recent appearance of the Quadrantids can most easily be explained assuming meteoroids were ejected in substantial numbers near 1800 AD.  相似文献   

The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar is a multi-frequency backscatter radar which has been in routine operation since 1999, with an orbit measurement capability since 2002. In total, CMOR has measured over 2 million orbits of meteoroids with masses greater than 10 μg, while recording more than 18 million meteor echoes in total. We have applied a two stage comparative technique for identifying meteor streams in this dataset by making use of clustering in radiants and velocities without employing orbital element comparisons directly. From the large dataset of single station echoes, combined radiant activity maps have been constructed by binning and then stacking each years data per degree of solar longitude. Using the single-station mapping technique described in Jones and Jones (Mon Not R Astron Soc 367:1050–1056, 2006) we have identified probable streams from these single station observations. Additionally, using individual radiant and velocity data from the multi-station velocity determination routines, we have utilized a wavelet search algorithm in radiant and velocity space to construct a list of probable streams. These two lists were then compared and only streams detected by both techniques, on multiple frequencies and in multiple years were assigned stream status. From this analysis we have identified 45 annual minor and major streams with high reliability.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of meteor streams, and the activity profiles of their corresponding meteor showers, depend firstly on the distribution of meteoroid orbits soon after ejection from the parent comet nucleus, and secondly on the subsequent dynamical evolution. The latter increases in importance as more time elapses. For younger structures within streams, notably the dust trails that cause sharp meteor outbursts, it is the cometary ejection model (meteoroid production rate as a function of time through the several months of the comet’s perihelion return, and velocity distribution of the meteoroids released) that primarily determines the shape and width of the trail structure. This paper describes how a trail cross section can be calculated once an ejection model has been assumed. Such calculations, if made for a range of ejection model parameters and compared with observed parameters of storms and outbursts, can be used to constrain quantitatively the process of meteoroid ejection from the nucleus, including the mass distribution of ejected meteoroids.  相似文献   

Numerical integrations are used to show that the main contribution to the outburst observed in the June Bootid meteor shower in 1998 was a subset of meteoroids released from the parent comet, 7P/Pons–Winnecke, at its 1825 return. A substantial part of the June Bootid stream is in 2:1 resonance with Jupiter. This inhibits chaotic motion, allowing structures in the stream to remain compact enough over centuries that meteor outbursts can still be produced. Circumstances of ejection in 1825 are calculated that exactly result in orbits capable of producing meteors at the observed time in 1998. Required ejection velocities are  10–20 m s-1  .  相似文献   

Owing to sublimation of ice, comet nuclei eject dust particles when they are near to the sun. Those particles assume velocities and then vary their orbits to ones similar to that of the comet. The most notable difference between the orbit of the parent comet and those of the particles is their semi-major axes. This difference (Δ a ) has been widely used in modern meteor shower predictions. Observational evidence of the distribution showed that it is a function of Δ a , and the age of the dust trail. However, the relation is not well known. In this paper, a simplified relation between Δ a , the mass index ( s ) and the age of the dust trail is presented, taking the instance of a recent Leonid meteor shower.  相似文献   

The thermal evolution of the Geminid meteor stream and the Phaethon–Geminid stream Complex (PGC) are summarized. Sodium contents of Geminid meteor streams are altered thermally, perhaps during orbital motion in interplanetary space due to the short perihelion distance of the orbit (q ~ 0.14 AU). However, the temperature of meteoroids is less than the sublimation temperature of Na in alkali silicates, suggesting that the parent body 3200 Phaethon itself might have suffered from the thermal processing. On the other hand, a breakup event on PGC parent is suggested by the existence of dynamically associated asteroids (Phaethon, 2005 UD and 1999 YC) sharing pristine features (C, B types). A possible mechanism behind the breakup is the sublimation of ice inside the PGC parent due to its thermal evolution. It is tempting to guess that the PGC parent might be evolved dynamically from the outer part of the main asteroid belt where the residence of ice-rich asteroids (main belt comets) into current PGC-like orbit.  相似文献   

Observations carried out during Leonid meteor shower 2003, by using Indian MST radar (13.46^N, 79.18^E; dip 12.5^N) are used to determine the number density of meteoroids through the cross section of the meteor streams. Cross sections are calculated for a number of classes of echo duration (particle size). They are also used to determine the relative flux of the shower in particle size ranges producing radar meteor echoes having durations <0.4 s, 0.4–1 s and >1 s. Mean activity profiles along the Earth's passage through the stream show a systematic change of the peak activity and the width of the stream depending on the distribution of echo durations across the stream. The patterns of mass distribution index s are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

P. Brown  R.J. Weryk  D.K. Wong  J. Jones 《Icarus》2008,195(1):317-339
Using a meteor orbit radar, a total of more than 2.5 million meteoroids with masses ∼10−7 kg have had orbits measured in the interval 2002-2006. From these data, a total of 45 meteoroid streams have been identified using a wavelet transform approach to isolate enhancements in radiant density in geocentric coordinates. Of the recorded streams, 12 are previously unreported or unrecognized. The survey finds >90% of all meteoroids at this size range are part of the sporadic meteoroid background. A large fraction of the radar detected streams have q<0.15 AU suggestive of a strong contribution from sungrazing comets to the meteoroid stream population currently intersecting the Earth. We find a remarkably long period of activity for the Taurid shower (almost half the year as a clearly definable radiant) and several streams notable for a high proportion of small meteoroids only, among these a strong new shower in January at the time of the Quadrantids (January Leonids). A new shower (Epsilon Perseids) has also been identified with orbital elements almost identical to Comet 96P/Machholz.  相似文献   

The prime measurement objective of the Near Earth Object Chemical Analysis Mission (NEOCAM) is to obtain the ultraviolet spectra of meteors entering the terrestrial atmosphere from ∼125 to 300 nm in meteor showers. All of the spectra will be collected using a slitless ultraviolet spectrometer in Earth orbit. Analysis of these spectra will reveal the degree of chemical diversity in the meteors, as observed in a single meteor shower. Such meteors are traceable to a specific parent body and we know exactly when the meteoroids in a particular shower were released from that parent body (Asher, in: Arlt (ed.) Proc. International Meteor Conference, 2000; Lyytinen and van Flandern, Earth Moon Planets 82–83:149–166, 2000). By observing multiple apparitions of meteor showers we can therefore obtain quasi-stratigraphic information on an individual comet or asteroid. We might also be able to measure systematic effects of chemical weathering in meteoroids from specific parent bodies by looking for correlations in the depletions of the more volatile elements as a function of space exposure (Borovička et al., Icarus 174:15–30, 2005). By observing the relation between meteor entry characteristics (such as the rate of deceleration or breakup) and chemistry we can determine if our meteorite collection is deficient in the most volatile-rich samples. Finally, we can obtain a direct measurement of metal deposition into the terrestrial stratosphere that may act to catalyze atmospheric chemical reactions.  相似文献   

Summary There is a general agreement that meteoroid streams form through the ejection of dust grains, or meteoroids, up to a few centimeters in size from comets and possibly asteroids. After ejection these meteoroids are subject to forces arising from Solar radiation and the gravitational fields of the planets. Meteoroids may also break up into smaller ones through collisions and other effects. In many cases meteor showers have been observed for millennia, with material being fed into the stream throughout this period from the parent and material lost through the external effects mentioned. Much of the lost material forms the general sporadic background. This paper will review our state of knowledge of the processes involved above and will also aim to give some insight into the structure of the sporadic background  相似文献   

We analyse several mechanisms capable of creating orphan meteoroid streams (OMSs) for which a parent has not been identified. OMSs have been observed as meteor showers since the XIXth century and by the IRAS satellite in the 1980s. We find that the process of close encounters with giant planets (particularly Jupiter) is the most efficient mechanism to create them: only a limited section of the stream is perturbed and follows the parent body on its new orbit, while the majority of the meteoroids remain in their pre-encounter orbit or in an intermediate state, breaking the link with their parent body. Cometary non-gravitational forces can also contribute to the process since they cause the comet to drift away from its stream. However, they are not sufficient by themselves to produce an OMS. Resonances can either split or confine a stream over a long time (>1000 yr). Some meteoroid streams may look like OMSs since their parent comet is dormant or not observable (e.g. long period). Even if new techniques succeed in linking minor objects to meteoroid streams, OMSs will still exist simply because cometary nuclei are subject to complete disruption leading to their disappearance.  相似文献   

A new meteroid stream—October Ursa Majorids—was announced by Japanese observers on Oct. 14–16, 2006 (Uehara et al. 2006). Its weak manifestation was detected among coincidental major meteor showers (N/S Taurids, Orionids), as its meteors radiated from a higher placed radiant on the northern sky. We have tried to find out previous displays of the stream throughout available meteor orbits databases, and among ancient celestial phenomena records. Although we got no obvious identification, there are some indications that it could be a meteor shower of cometary origin with weak/irregular activity, mostly overlayed by regular coincidental meteor showers. With a procedure based on D-criterion (Southworth and Hawkins 1963) we found a few records in IAU MDC database of meteor photographic orbits which fulfill common similarity limits, for October Ursae Majorids. However, their real association cannot be established, yet. With respect to the mean orbit of this stream, we suggest for its parent body a long-period comet.  相似文献   

The origin, dispersion mechanisms and evolution of particle streams producing enhanced activity (outburst or storm) of meteoroids are discussed in relation to their effects on artificial satellites and space platforms. A review of the active meteoroids suggests that at least five streams may undergo outburst or storm activity in the next few years. Modern radio techniques not affected by illumination conditions and cloud coverage, improve significantly the detectability of meteor streams. The impact probabilities of storm meteoroids on space platforms in Earth orbit can increase by factors in excess of 102–104 over the sporadic background.  相似文献   

Meteors are streaks of light seen in the upper atmosphere when particles from the inter-planetary dust complex collide with the Earth. Meteor showers originate from the impact of a coherent stream of such dust particles, generally assumed to have been recently ejected from a parent comet. The parent comets of these dust particles, or meteoroids, fortunately, for us tend not to collide with the Earth. Hence there has been orbital changes from one to the other so as to cause a relative movement of the nodes of the meteor orbits and that of the comet, implying changes in the energy and/or angular momentum. In this review, we will discuss these changes and their causes and through this place limits on the ejection process. Other forces also come into play in the longer term, for example perturbations from the planets, and the effects of radiation pressure and Poynting–Robertson drag. The effect of these will also be discussed with a view to understanding both the observed evolution in some meteor streams. Finally we will consider the final fate of meteor streams as contributors to the interplanetary dust complex.  相似文献   

Recent progress on the interrelation between meteor streams and comets is reviewed both on dynamical and physical aspects. The topics include the recent concept of the structure of meteor streams, resulted success of the prediction of the meteor storms, and the recent observational situation on the cometary dust grains and meteoroids. Two possible explanations for the origin of the meteoroids together with the implication for the relation between the birthplace of the parent comets and the meteoroids are discussed.  相似文献   

The ejection velocities of meteoroids belonging to the Leonid and Perseid meteoroid streams are deduced from the observed differences between the longitude of the ascending node of the outburst meteoroids and that of the parent comet. The difference is very sensitive to the true anomaly of the ejection point, as well as the ejection velocity, and probable values for both are discussed.  相似文献   

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