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It is demonstrated that Smale-horseshoe chaos exists in the time evolution of the one-dimensional Bose--Einstein condensate driven by time-periodic harmonic or inverted-harmonic potential. A formally exact solution of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation is constructed, which describes the matter shock waves with chaotic or periodic amplitudes and phases.  相似文献   

严冬  宋立军 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6832-6836
在周期脉冲撞击的两分量Bose-Einstein凝聚系统中,研究了量子混沌对单粒子相干和对纠缠性质的影响.研究表明,混沌促使单粒子相干发生强烈衰减并保持着较低的相干度,同时对纠缠出现最大值并在较短时间后消失.利用单粒子相干的这种性质可以直接测量量子混沌存在的相空间结构,有利于预防Bose-Einstein凝聚的瓦解和控制凝聚体的混沌行为.  相似文献   

The flow past various mechanical cavity, which is a common structure on the surface of the underwater vehicle, and generating hydrodynamic noise has attracted considerable attention in recent years. In this paper, a hybrid method is presented to investigate the hydrodynamic noise induced by mechanical cavities with various shapes. With this method, the noise sources in the near wall turbulences or in the wake are computed by the large eddy simulation (LES) and the generation and propagation of the acoustic waves are solved by the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H) acoustic analogy method with acoustic source terms extracted from the time-dependent solutions of the unsteady flow. The feasibility and reliability of the current method was verified by comparing with experimental data (Wang, 2009). The 2D cavity models with different cross-section shapes and 3D cavity models with different cavity mouth shapes (rectangular and circular) are developed to study the influence of cavity shape on the hydrodynamic noise. By comparing the flow mechanisms, wall pressure fluctuations, near-field and far-field sound propagation distributions, it is found that the quadrangular cavity with equal depths of leading-edge and trailing-edge is preferred for its inducing lower hydrodynamic noise than the cylindrical cavity does.  相似文献   

陈洋彬  郑敬宾  王栋 《海洋工程》2021,39(1):112-120,170
自升式平台作业前需对桩靴基础进行预压安装,使桩靴具备抵抗竖向-水平-弯矩复合荷载的能力。安装过程中,桩靴上部将形成一定深度的孔洞。弱超固结黏土地基中,土体强度较高,桩靴最终贯入深度较浅,而形成的上部孔洞较深,因此孔洞将对桩靴就位后的承载力产生影响。通过有限元分析,研究弱超固结黏土中桩靴上部孔洞对承载力的影响,结果表明:1)与无孔洞的情况相比,孔洞的存在对桩靴的单向和复合承载力有削弱作用; 2)当桩靴与孔洞底部距离大于桩靴直径时,承载力不再受上部孔洞的影响; 3)当桩靴埋深小于等于0.75倍桩靴直径时,无论桩靴上部有无孔洞,现有预测公式都不能较为合理地预测弱超固结黏土地基的复合承载力,为此提出了考虑孔洞影响的桩靴复合承载力包络面预测公式。  相似文献   

A new off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy(ICOS) is coupled to Weiss equilibrator for continuous highresolution dissolved methane measurement in the surface ocean. The time constant for the equilibrator in freshwater at room temperature is determined via dis-equilibration and re-equilibration experiments. The constant for methane is about 40 min. The system is calibrated using a standard gas of 3.980×10–6, and the precision of the ICOS for methane is 0.07%. This system is equipped onboard to measure the spatial distribution in methane concentrations of South Yellow Sea(SYS) along the cruise track from Shanghai to Qingdao. Result shows that the methane concentration varies from 2.79 to 36.36 nmol/L, reveals a significant pattern of methane source in SYS, and a distinct decreasing trend from south to north. The peak value occurs at the coast area outside mouth of the Changjiang River, likely to be affected by the Changjiang diluted water mass dissolving a large amount of rich in methane. Moreover, all the surface waters are oversaturated, air-to-sea fluxes range from 98.59 to 5 485.35 μmol/(m2·d)(average value(1 169.74±1 398.46) μmol/(m2·d)), indicating a source region for methane to the atmosphere. Key words: methane, equilibrator, off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy(ICOS), South Yellow Sea  相似文献   

This study evaluated a method to carry out underway pH measurements of surface seawater by means of a cell without liquid junction using glass electrodes for hydrogen and sodium ions as follows:
Glass-electrode-Na+Test solution (reference solution)H+-glass-electrode
Full-size table
Operations involving the launch or recovery of a smaller vessel from a larger one are extremely dangerous in high sea states and, therefore, they are normally carried out in low to moderate sea states. However, this can be severely restrictive and in some situations, carrying out such operations in high sea states is unavoidable. Here we report on a detailed investigation of the interaction between two vessels of different size in order to characterise their hydrodynamic interaction under different conditions and to provide insight for operational purposes. Model experiments were conducted to investigate the hydrodynamic interaction between two vessels in close proximity in waves. Previous studies into this interaction have focused on two vessels with comparable size/displacement. This study focused on the interaction between vessels of very different sizes, a platform supply vessel and a lifeboat, at various separation distances between the two models and wave headings. It is found that the effect of the hydrodynamic interaction on the wave loads on the lifeboat model is substantial. The load responses show a strong non-linearity (high order harmonic components). In head waves, the effect of the hydrodynamic interaction on the wave loads is greater in the transverse modes (sway, roll and yaw) than in the longitudinal modes (surge, heave and pitch). The sheltering effects of the larger model on the lifeboat model were also evident from the experiments. The results of this investigation may be used to inform the planning of marine operations, such as the launch and recovery of a lifeboat or an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) from a mothership and the transfer of equipment or personnel between vessels. The data will also provide a useful resource for validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes and other numerical simulations, and can be used to better understand the limitations and potential widening of the operational weather windows and to ensure that operations are carried out safely.  相似文献   

We focus on the northern Ligurian margin, at the geological junction of the subalpine domain and the Ligurian oceanic basin, in order (1) to identify the location of the southern limit of the Alpine compressive domain during the Cenozoic, and (2) to study the influence of a compressive environment on the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of a passive margin.Based on published onshore and offshore data, we first propose a chronology of the main extensional and compressional regional tectonic events.High-resolution seismic data image the margin structure down to ∼3 km below seafloor. These data support that past rifting processes control the present-day margin structure, and that 2800-4000 m of synrift sediment was deposited on this segment of the margin in two steps. First, sub-parallel reflectors indicate sediment deposition within a subsident basin showing a low amount of extension. Then, a fan-shaped sequence indicates block tilting and a higher amount of extension. We do not show any influence of the Miocene Alpine compression on the present-day margin structure at our scale of investigation, despite the southern subalpine relief formed in the close hinterland at that time. The southern front of the Miocene Alps was thus located upslope from the continental margin.Finally, a comparison with the Gulf of Lions margin suggests that the tectonic influence of the Alpine compression on the rifting processes is restrited to an increase of the subsidence related to flexure ahead of the Alpine front, explaining abnormally high synrift thicknesses in the study area. The Alpine environment, however, has probably controlled the sedimentary evolution of the margin since the rifting. Indeed, sediment supply and distribution would be mainly controlled by the permanent building of relief in the hinterland and by the steep basin morphology, rather than by sea-level fluctuations, even during the Messinian sea-level low-stand.  相似文献   

利用常规、非常规天气观测资料及MM5数值模拟资料等对2004年11月9~10日山东青岛地区局地大暴雨过程进行了分析,结果表明:(1) 此次暴雨是冷锋前暖区的强降水;(2) 此次暴雨局地性强、突发性强、持续时间短;(3) 西太平洋的水汽是这次暴雨的主要水汽源;(4) 这次强降水发生时大气层结不稳定并不明显,对流层中低层存在对流不稳定,与山东夏季暴雨大气层结强烈不稳定有显著差异;(5) 低层辐合、高层辐散和较强的垂直上升运动是这次暴雨出现的有利动力条件,强降水期间并不必需对流层低层出现辐合;(6) 中低层位涡中心对预报具有很好的指示意义;(7) 青岛特殊的地形和这次降水关系密切.  相似文献   

文蛤外套腔中一种寄生桡足类的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用扫描电镜对寄生于文蛤外套腔中的一种桡足类Ostrincolakoe的外部形态进行了观察。该桡足类是作者于1988和1989年秋季,在江苏南部沿海文蛤大批死亡原因调查时,在文蛤外套腔中发现的。寄生于贝类的桡足类在我国属首次报道。  相似文献   

Zhenhua Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(5-6):717-723
In coastal waters, tidal currents and surface waves co-exist. In this study, the influence of a steady current on the scattering of waves by a vertical slotted barrier is investigated experimentally in a wave flume. The separation of the incident and reflected waves is carried out by a two-point method that takes into account the effects of the current. Results show that currents significantly increase the wave-energy loss by the barrier and remarkably reduce the wave transmission through the barrier. It is suggested that the tidal currents should be taken into consideration in an economical design of slotted breakwaters.  相似文献   


An analytical solution is developed in this paper to investigate the vertical time-harmonic response of a large-diameter variable-section pile, and it considers the radial inhomogeneity of the surrounding soil caused by construction disturbance. First, the saturated soil surrounding the pile is described by Biot’s poroelastic theory and a series of infinitesimally thin independent layers along the shaft of the pile, and the pile is represented by a variable-section Rayleigh–Love rod. Then, the dynamic equilibrium equations of the soil and pile are solved to obtain an analytical solution for the impedance function at the pile top using the complex stiffness transfer method and impedance function transfer method. Finally, the proposed solution is compared with previous solutions to verify its reliability, and a parameter study is conducted to provide insights into the sensitivity of the vertical dynamic impedance of the pile and velocity response in low-strain integrity testing on defective piles.  相似文献   

以连云港羊窝头抛泥区为研究区域 ,对疏浚工程中产生的大量疏浚弃土倾倒入海后 ,所产生弃土的堆积—流失—扩散过程以及海域环境效应 ,进行了现场观测和计算 ,并从物理、化学和生物 3个方面对海区的水质、底质和生态环境的影响作出客观分析。认为疏浚的环境效应主要取决于疏浚弃土本身的受污染程度 ,而对海域环境的影响 ,则主要是弃土扩散所造成的海水中悬浮沙量增加引起水质浑浊度的增高的物理性影响 ,同时由于弃土中大量的粘粒和胶粒物质具有吸附海水中重金属和有机物等污染物质的能力 ,有利于水质和生态环境的改善 ,因而对各类海洋生物生存环境的影响是十分轻微的。  相似文献   

珊瑚礁环境质量变化的价值评估——以涠洲岛为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亮  吴姗姗 《海洋通报》2015,34(2):215-221
以涠洲岛为例,使用非市场价值评估手段对涠洲岛珊瑚礁环境质量进行了非使用价值评估,分析了珊瑚礁环境质量变化所产生的价值损益。2012年在涠洲岛通过模拟3种珊瑚礁环境质量变化,对上岛游客进行调访,游客从影响珊瑚礁环境质量的珊瑚礁覆盖度、珊瑚礁种类以及海水能见度3方面进行考虑,选择最终旅游目的地,共调查300位游客,收集有效数据900份。应用随机效应理论和混合对数模型进行分析和评估,结果显示,当涠洲岛珊瑚礁环境质量提升时,将会人均获益399元/年;当涠洲岛珊瑚礁环境质量略有下降时,将会损失人均561元/年;而当珊瑚礁环境质量下降较大时,人均损失将达到918元/年。同时,本研究的成果可以推广到其它海岛以及陆地进行环境质量变化评估,并且可以评估未来气候变化条件下对珊瑚礁生态系统的价值损失。  相似文献   

陈国强  陈鹏 《海洋学报》2004,26(4):89-95
以厦门马銮湾为研究区域,在分析景观异质性的基础上,采用地质统计学的理论和方法并结合GIS强大的空间分析和显示功能,通过一定的数学模型和生态效应分布图的表示方法,对快速城市化过程中区域景观异质性变化和由此导致的景观生态效应程度进行了定性和定量相结合的综合评估,结果表明,城市景观的同化过程是区域景观结构和景观异质性变化的主要表现,景观生态效应空间分布图也表明城市化对应的生态学过程的规模效应在整个规划区内有扩大的趋势.  相似文献   

有色可溶性有机物(chromophoric dissolved organic matter,CDOM)是水体中一类重要的光吸收物质,在水色遥感中,其光学特性主要以440 nm处的吸收系数和光谱斜率来表征,利用这些光学特性进行水环境要素遥感反演具有较广泛的应用前景.化学需氧量(chemical oxygen deman...  相似文献   

Rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE) and real-time polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) were carried out to analyze the CYP4 gene expression in polychaete Marphysa sanguinea exposed to benzo[a]pyrene(BaP) in this study. The full length of MsCYP4 cDNA was 2 470 bp, and it encoded 512 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 47% identity with CYP4 F from frog Xenopus tropicalis and shared high homology with other known CYP4 sequences. To analyse the role of CYP4 in protecting M. sanguinea from BaP exposure, three BaP groups were established: 0.5, 5 and 50 μg/L. Polychaetes were sampled after 3, 7 and 12 d. At 0.5 μg/L, the effect of BaP on MsCYP4 gene expression increased with time prolonged. MsCYP4 gene expression curve showed Ushaped trend with time in 5 and 50 μg/L BaP groups. Therefore, MsCYP4 gene may play an important role in maintaining the balance of cellular metabolism and protecting M. sanguinea from BaP toxicity.  相似文献   

采用2005年采集的SPORT5卫星遥感影像和2015年采集的GF-1卫星遥感影像,分别对2006-2014年之间营口月亮湾海岸空间整治项目实施前后的海岸景观格局进行监测,在此基础上构建了沙滩面积系数、适宜游乐水域指数、主体功能度指数、景观多样性系数、景观变化指数等评估指标,评估了营口月亮湾海岸空间整治效果。结果表明:营口月亮湾沙滩养护工程实施后沙滩面积大幅增加,沙滩面积系数为2.44,适宜游泳嬉水娱乐区面积略有增加,适宜游乐区指数为1.10。海岸空间整理工程实施使月亮湾海岸游乐功能分区明显,月亮湖公园、高尔夫休闲区、山海广场区、农业生态旅游度假区和滨海嬉水观光区主体功能度指数分别达到0.89、0.76、0.68、0.65和0.77。海岸景观美化工程整体改变了海岸景观格局,使各功能分区海岸景观多样性提高,海岸景观格局更为优化,总体景观多样性系数达到1.13,景观变化指数达到0.30。  相似文献   

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