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日冕是太阳大气活动的关键区域,是日地空间天气的源头.受观测限制,对日冕低层大气等离子体结构和磁场状态的研究非常欠缺,国际上对于可见光波段日冕低层大气的亮度分层研究很少.利用丽江日冕仪YOGIS(Yunnan Green-line Imaging System)的日冕绿线(FeⅩⅣ5303?)观测资料,对内日冕区域(1.03R-1.25R,R表示太阳半径)亮结构及其中冕环进行了有效的强度衰减分析.对亮结构的强度在太阳径向高度上进行了指数衰减拟合,比较这些拟合结果发现所得到的静态内冕环的衰减指数在一固定值附近.然后将比较明显的冕环提取出来,通过对不同高度的绿线强度进行指数拟合,得出的衰减指数与亮结构中也比较相近,这对进一步研究日冕中的各项物理参数演化提供了参考.  相似文献   

Planetesimals encountering with a planet cannot be captured permanently unless energy dissipation is taken into account, but some of them can be temporarily captured in the vicinity of the planet for an extended period of time. Such a process would be important for the origin and dynamical evolution of irregular satellites, short-period comets, and Kuiper-belt binaries. In this paper, we describe the basic formulation for the study of temporary capture of planetesimals from heliocentric orbits using three-body orbital integration, such as the definition of the duration and rate of temporary capture, and present results in the case of low random velocity of planetesimals. In the case of planetesimals initially on circular orbits, we find that planetesimals undergo a close encounter with the planet before they become temporarily captured. When planetesimals are scattered by the planet into the vicinity of one of periodic orbits around the planet, the duration of temporary capture tends to be extended. Typically, these capture orbits are in the retrograde direction around the planet. We evaluate the rate of temporary capture of planetesimals, and find that the ratio of this rate to their collision rate on to the planet increases with increasing semimajor axis of the planet. Similar results are obtained for planetesimals with non-zero but small random velocities, as long as Kepler shear dominates the relative velocity between the planet and planetesimals. For larger initial random velocities of planetesimals, temporary capture in both prograde and retrograde directions with much longer duration becomes possible.  相似文献   

In the present work, we study the stability of hypothetical satellites that are coorbital with Enceladus and Mimas. We performed numerical simulations of 50 particles around the triangular Lagrangian equilibrium points of Enceladus and Mimas taking into account the perturbation of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Titan and the oblateness of Saturn. All particles remain on tadpole orbits after 10 000 yr of integration. Since in the past the orbit of Enceladus and Mimas expanded due to the tidal perturbation, we also simulated the system with Enceladus and Mimas at several different values of semimajor axes. The results show that in general the particles remain on tadpole orbits. The exceptions occur when Enceladus is at semimajor axes that correspond to 6:7, 5:6 and 4:5 resonances with Mimas. Therefore, if Enceladus and Mimas had satellites librating around their Lagrangian triangular points in the past, they would have been removed if Enceladus crossed one of these first-order resonances with Mimas.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model for computing planetary formation based on the core instability model for the gas accretion and the oligarchic growth regime for the accretion of the solid core. In this model several planets can form simultaneously in the disc, a fact that has important implications especially for the changes in the dynamic of the planetesimals and the growth of the cores since we consider the collision between them as a source of potential growth. The type I and type II migration of the embryos and the migration of the planetesimals due to the interaction with the disc of gas are also taken into account. With this model we consider different initial conditions to generate a variety of planetary systems and analyse them statistically. We explore the effects of using different type I migration rates on the final number of planets formed per planetary system such as on the distribution of masses and semimajor axis of extrasolar planets, where we also analyse the implications of considering different gas accretion rates. A particularly interesting result is the generation of a larger population of habitable planets when the gas accretion rate and type I migration are slower.  相似文献   

We study the coorbital flow for embedded, low-mass planets. We provide a simple semi-analytic model for the corotation region, which is subsequently compared to high-resolution numerical simulations. The model is used to derive an expression for the half-width of the horseshoe region, x s, which in the limit of zero softening is given by   x s/ r p= 1.68( q / h )1/2  , where q is the planet to central star mass ratio, h is the disc aspect ratio and   r p  is the orbital radius. This is in very good agreement with the same quantity measured from simulations. This result is used to show that horseshoe drag is about an order of magnitude larger than the linear corotation torque in the zero-softening limit. Thus, the horseshoe drag, the sign of which depends on the gradient of specific vorticity, is important for estimates of the total torque acting on the planet. We further show that phenomena, such as the Lindblad wakes, with a radial separation from corotation of approximately a pressure scaleheight H can affect x s, even though for low-mass planets   x s≪ H   . The effect is to distort streamlines and reduce x s through the action of a back pressure. This effect is reduced for smaller gravitational softening parameters and planets of higher mass, for which x s becomes comparable to H .  相似文献   

We study the torque on low-mass protoplanets on fixed circular orbits, embedded in a protoplanetary disc in the isothermal limit. We consider a wide range of surface density distributions including cases where the surface density increases smoothly outwards. We perform both linear disc response calculations and non-linear numerical simulations. We consider a large range of viscosities, including the inviscid limit, as well as a range of protoplanet mass ratios, with special emphasis on the co-orbital region and the corotation torque acting between disc and protoplanet.
For low-mass protoplanets and large viscosity, the corotation torque behaves as expected from linear theory. However, when the viscosity becomes small enough to enable horseshoe turns to occur, the linear corotation torque exists only temporarily after insertion of a planet into the disc, being replaced by the horseshoe drag first discussed by Ward. This happens after a time that is equal to the horseshoe libration period reduced by a factor amounting to about twice the disc aspect ratio. This torque scales with the radial gradient of specific vorticity, as does the linear torque, but we find it to be many times larger. If the viscosity is large enough for viscous diffusion across the co-orbital region to occur within a libration period, we find that the horseshoe drag may be sustained. If not, the corotation torque saturates leaving only the linear Lindblad torques. As the magnitude of the non-linear co-orbital torque (horseshoe drag) is always found to be larger than the linear torque, we find that the sign of the total torque may change even for mildly positive surface density gradients. In combination with a kinematic viscosity large enough to keep the torque from saturating, strong sustained deviations from linear theory and outward or stalled migration may occur in such cases.  相似文献   

The possibility that protoplanetary gaseous discs are dynamically unstable to axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric gravity perturbations (e.g. those produced by spontaneous disturbances) with characteristic scales larger than the vertical scale height is discussed analytically, using a local Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approach. It is shown that such discs might be clumpy, and these gravitationally bound clumps may later collapse to become giant planets ('hot Jupiters'). The chief aim in this paper is to underscore a fact of vital importance for application in the planetary formation process: gravitationally unstable non-axisymmetric (spiral) perturbations can effectively transport both the angular momentum and the mass in a spatially inhomogeneous disc.  相似文献   

目前已发现了285颗围绕太阳系八大行星公转的卫星, 它们的轨道和物理性质呈现了丰富多样性. 目前为止, 几乎所有的卫星研究工作都基于单个卫星系统或者卫星群, 似乎缺少统一的研究. 提出了一个新的与行星性质无关、只与恒星半径有关的轨道参数n, 定义为以太阳半径为单位的轨道半长轴的自然对数. 不同行星的卫星的n值都存在双极分布, 绝大部分卫星在$n\gtrsim2$区间, 其次在$n\lesssim-1$区间, 位于中间区域的行星则很少. 从卫星物理参数和轨道参数与n的关系中发现, 分属六大行星的卫星有明显的共同特征. 首先, 轨道偏心率和轨道倾角偏大的卫星的n值都在3.5左右, 它们都是巨行星的不规则卫星. 其次, n值在-1和1之间的卫星绝大部分体积大、质量大、反照率高、自转速度慢. 从文献中找到11颗系外卫星候选体, 获得了它们轨道n值和卫星质量, 发现后者也是在-1< n< 1区间最大,其他区间偏小.这些统一的 规律暗示,太阳系内不同行星的卫星形成机制以及太阳系外卫星的形成机制可能一样或类似.  相似文献   

We present a numerical code for computing all stages of the formation and evolution of giant planets in the framework of the core instability mechanism. This code is a non-trivial adaption of the stellar binary evolution code and is based on a standard Henyey technique. To investigate the performance of this code we applied it to the computation of the formation and evolution of a Jupiter mass object from a half Earth core mass to ages in excess of the age of the Universe.
We also present a new smoothed linear interpolation algorithm devised especially for the purpose of circumventing some problems found when some physical data (e.g. opacities, equation of state, etc.) are introduced into an implicit algorithm like the one employed in this work.  相似文献   

This paper is an extension of the work done by Pierens & Nelson in which they investigated the behaviour of a two-planet system embedded in a protoplanetary disc. They put a Jupiter mass gas giant on the internal orbit and a lower mass planet on the external one. We consider here a similar problem taking into account a gas giant with mass in the range 0.5 to  1 M J  and a Super-Earth (i.e. a planet with mass  ≤10 M   ) as the outermost planet. By changing disc parameters and planet masses, we have succeeded in getting the convergent migration of the planets which allows for the possibility of their resonant locking. However, in the case in which the gas giant has the mass of Jupiter, before any mean-motion first-order commensurability could be achieved, the Super-Earth is caught in a trap when it is very close to the edge of the gap opened by the giant planet. This confirms the result obtained by Pierens & Nelson in their simulations. Additionally, we have found that, in a very thin disc, an apsidal resonance is observed in the system if the Super-Earth is captured in the trap. Moreover, the eccentricity of the small planet remains low, while the eccentricity of the gas giant increases slightly due to the imbalance between Lindblad and corotational resonances. We have also extended the work of Pierens & Nelson by studying analogous systems in which the gas giant is allowed to take sub-Jupiter masses. In this case, after conducting an extensive survey over all possible parameters, we have succeeded in getting the 1:2 mean-motion resonant configuration only in a disc with low aspect ratio and low surface density. However, the resonance is maintained just for a few thousand orbits. Thus, we conclude that for typical protoplanetary discs the mean-motion commensurabilities are rare if the Super-Earth is located on the external orbit relative to the gas giant.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the evolution of a pair of interacting planets – a Jupiter-mass planet and a Super-Earth with a mass of  5.5 M   – orbiting a Solar-type star and embedded in a gaseous protoplanetary disc. We focus on the effects of type I and II orbital migrations, caused by the planet–disc interaction, leading to the capture of the Super-Earth in first-order mean-motion resonances by the Jupiter. The stability of the resulting resonant system in which the Super-Earth is on the internal orbit relative to the Jupiter is studied numerically by means of full 2D hydrodynamical simulations. Our main aim is to determine the Super-Earth behaviour in the presence of the gas giant in the system. It is found that the Jupiter captures the Super-Earth into the interior 3:2 or 4:3 mean-motion resonance, and that the stability of such configurations depends on the initial positions of the planets and on the evolution of the eccentricity. If the initial separation of the orbits of the planets is larger than or close to that required for the exact resonance, the final outcome is the migration of the pair of planets at a rate similar to that of the gas giant, at least for the time of our simulations. Otherwise, we observe a scattering of the Super-Earth from the disc. The evolution of planets immersed in a gaseous disc is compared with their behaviour in the case of the classical three-body problem when the disc is absent.  相似文献   

With the ceaseless progress of detecting technology, over 3500 exo-planets have been discovered. It is interesting but unexpected that the majority of the detected exoplanets are unlike any planets in our solar system. They have a size and mass between the Earth and the Neptune, and thus they are called as Super-Earths or Sub-Neptunes. In this article, I introduce these newly rising planets and review our current knowledge of their physical properties, orbital properties, and origins. Finally, I discuss the promising and exciting prospects.  相似文献   

The origin of the irregular satellites of the giant planets has been long debated since their discovery. Their dynamical features argue against an in situ formation suggesting that they are captured bodies, yet there is no global consensus on the physical process at the basis of their capture. In this paper, we explore the collisional capture scenario, where the actual satellites originated from impacts occurred within Saturn's influence sphere. By modelling the inverse capture problem, we estimated the families of orbits of the possible parent bodies and the specific impulse needed for their capture. The orbits of these putative parent bodies are compared to those of the minor bodies of the outer Solar system to outline their possible region of formation. Finally, we tested the collisional capture hypothesis on Phoebe by taking advantage of the data supplied by Cassini on its major crater, Jason. Our results presented a realistic range of solutions matching the observational and dynamical data.  相似文献   

Lunar surface potential and electric field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Moon has no significant atmosphere, thus its surface is exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation and the solar wind. Photoemission and collection of the solar wind electrons and ions may result in lunar surface charging. On the dayside, the surface potential is mainly determined by photoelectrons, modulated by the solar wind;while the nightside surface potential is a function of the plasma distribution in the lunar wake. Taking the plasma observations in the lunar environment as inputs, the global potential distribution is calculated according to the plasma sheath theory, assuming Maxwellian distributions for the surface emitted photoelectrons and the solar wind electrons. Results show that the lunar surface potential and sheath scale length change versus the solar zenith angle, which implies that the electric field has a horizontal component in addition to the vertical one. By differentiating the potential vertically and horizontally, we obtain the global electric field. It is found that the vertical electric field component is strongest at the subsolar point,which has a magnitude of 1 V m-1. The horizontal component is much weaker, and mainly appears near the terminator and on the nightside, with a magnitude of several mV m-1. The horizontal electric field component on the nightside is rotationally symmetric around the wake axis and is strongly determined by the plasma parameters in the lunar wake.  相似文献   

We use numerical simulations to model the migration of massive planets at small radii and compare the results with the known properties of 'hot Jupiters' (extrasolar planets with semimajor axes   a < 0.1  au). For planet masses   M pl sin  i > 0.5 M J  , the evidence for any 'pile-up' at small radii is weak (statistically insignificant), and although the mass function of hot Jupiters is deficient in high-mass planets as compared to a reference sample located further out, the small sample size precludes definitive conclusions. We suggest that these properties are consistent with disc migration followed by entry into a magnetospheric cavity close to the star. Entry into the cavity results in a slowing of migration, accompanied by a growth in orbital eccentricity. For planet masses in excess of 1 Jupiter mass we find eccentricity growth time-scales of a few ×105 yr, suggesting that these planets may often be rapidly destroyed. Eccentricity growth appears to be faster for more massive planets which may explain changes in the planetary mass function at small radii and may also predict a pile-up of lower mass planets, the sample of which is still incomplete.  相似文献   

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