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Recent identification of elevated excess 210Pb (≤302.6 mBq L−1) and 137Cs (≤111.3 mBq L−1) activity in drinking water wells up to 20 m depth indicates some transport of airborne radionuclide fallout beyond soils in the Shaker Village catchment, Maine. Estimated airborne mass loading 210Pbex fluxes of about 0.9 mBq m−3, canvass this headwater catchment and may be sufficient to pose risks to unprotected shallow wells. Inventories of 210Pbex and 137Cs in pond sediments indicate maximum median activities of 943 mBq g−1 and 40.0 mBq g−1, respectively. Calculated 210Pbex fluxes in the catchment soils range from 0.62–0.78 Bq cm−2 year−1 and yield a mean residence time of near 140 years. Measured 137Cs activity up to 51.1 mBq g−1 occurs in sediments at least to 5 m depth. Assumed particle transport in groundwater with apparent 85Kr ages less than 5 years BP (2005) may explain the correlation between these particle-reactive radionuclides and elevated activity in some drinking water wells.  相似文献   

To obtain the profile of excess 210Pb in sediment column, it is necessary to section the collected core to date. Sectioning thickness is generally not explicit. An approach when sedimentation rate is constant has been suggested by Lu and Matsumoto (Environ Geol 47:804–810, 2005). This paper addresses the case when sedimentation rate is variable. Actually, it is possible to assume that sedimentation rate is constant within the sectioning thickness and based on this concept, a tentative approach for determining reasonable sectioning thickness is proposed.  相似文献   

A method is described for bringing a sediment sample into solution and subsequently carrying out analysis for 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs. Silica is removed from the sample by cyclic HNO3HF treatments. 137Cs is separated from 210Ra in a carbonate fusion, extracted by absorption on ammonium molybdophosphate, precipitated directly with BiI3 in presence of citric acid, and β-counted. 210Pb and 226Ra are separated out by 70–75% HNO3 precipitation. Further purification and mutual separation of the two radionuclides is achieved by solvent extraction and anion-exchange techniques. 210Pb and 226Ra are determined by β- and α- counting of their chromate precipitates, respectively, after allowing suitable ingrowth periods for their daughters. The procedural steps effectively eliminate possible interference from other natural or fall-out radioactivities.  相似文献   

This study of environmental radioactivity was carried out in the soils of an urban area. Naturally occurring gamma-emitting radionuclides and man-made 137Cs were found in the soil profiles collected from four parks in the central Belgrade city area and the soil layer was examined every 10 cm and to a depth of 50 cm. Radioisotope activity concentrations (Bq kg?1) in the samples of urban soil using the gamma-ray spectrometry method were in the range of 14–46 for 238U, 33–50 for 226Ra, 29–63 for 210Pb, 1.2–3.4 for 235U, 28–50 for 232Th, 424–576 for 40K and 0.7–35.8 for 137Cs. Some of the basic physicochemical soil properties (pH, organic matter content, calcium-carbonate content, particle size distribution) were determined to investigate the impact on the vertical distribution of radionuclides. The results of this investigation showed that variations of activity concentration ratios of radionuclides that belong to the same (238U/226Ra) or different radioactive series (232Th/226Ra; 235U/238U), including 210Pb/137Cs ratios could well be explained by the properties of the soil. Alkaline pH reaction, the accumulation of organic matter in the uppermost and of carbonates in the deepest layers of urban soil had an effect on 238U/226Ra, and 210Pb/137Cs activity concentration ratio values, while 232Th/226Ra and partially 235U/238U ratios were associated with the particle sizes vertical distribution. A study of radionuclides in the samples of leaves of two deciduous tree species common for these parks was also conducted and 210Pb and 40K were found concentrated in leaves rather than other investigated radionuclides.  相似文献   

The studies presented explore post-depositional changes of zinc, cadmium, lead, manganese and 137Cs distribution in alluvial sediments accumulated in the upper Odra River valley in southern Poland. The rate of these changes was estimated by comparing metal and 137Cs distributions in four vertical alluvial profiles with a history of river pollution and sediment deposition. The untypical 137Cs distribution with peaks in the surface 40–60 cm and lower down, even at a depth of 2.5 m in strata deposited before the beginning of nuclear tests in 1954, indicates rapid post-depositional migration of this isotope from the surface and its retention in lower, less permeable layers. Moreover, the highest concentrations of lead, zinc and cadmium were found at a depth of 4 m in sediments accumulated in the mid-nineteenth century in spite of the growth of industrialization and the pollution of the Odra River with heavy metals until the end of the twentieth century. The post-depositional changes in heavy metals and 137Cs are rapid in comparison with the slow element migration usually observed in uninundated soils. This difference is explained by the frequent and easy infiltration of polluted river water into the gravelly and sandy sediments present in the profiles.  相似文献   

Depth distribution profiles of environmental radionuclides (137Cs and 210Pb) have been investigated in soil to elucidate the underlying environment of semi-natural temperate deciduous and/or coniferous forest soils in Slovenia (?irovski vrh, Idrija, Ko?evski Rog, Pohorie, Gori?nica and Rakitna). Surface enrichment of both nuclides was observed at all the sites investigated in this study, suggesting that the soils had undergone little natural or anthropogenic disturbance for at least the last several decades. Apparent annual burial rates of 137Cs (0.1–0.2 cm y??1) were estimated to be about 1.3 times higher than those of 210Pb at individual sites of different lithology, which suggests strong affinity of 210Pb to soil organic matter. Variability of the vertical distribution profiles of these nuclides depends not only on “in situ” pedology but also on geographical and meteorological conditions, especially precipitation and wind direction.  相似文献   

In this work, accumulation of cosmogenic radionuclide 7Be in seven species of lichens was determined using HPGe detectors in autumn season. Ramsar city which is located in the north of Iran as one of the high-level natural radiation areas in the world was considered. Lichen species represented good potential in accumulation of 7Be radionuclide. The foliose species of Xanthoria parietina with the highest activity concentration value of 112.8 ± 1.8 Bq kg?1 was introduced as bioindicator for accumulation of 7Be radionuclide. Cladonia rangiformis species has got minimum concentration of 64.5 ± 0.8 Bq kg?1. Also from thallus morphology viewpoint, results showed that 7Be accumulation in foliose species is higher than in fruticose and crustose lichens species. Also there was relatively large positive correlation between 7Be and 226Ra activity concentrations in lichens species.  相似文献   

U-Pb systems were examined in samples (ranging from 4 to 10 cm3 in volume) of ore material taken from along a 3.5-m profile across a zone of U mineralization exposed in an underground mine at the Strel’tsovskoe U deposit in eastern Transbaikalia. The behaviors of two isotopic U-Pb systems (238U-206Pb and 235U-207Pb) are principally different in all samples from our profile. While the individual samples are characterized by a vast scatter of their T(206Pb/238U) age values (from 112 to 717 Ma), the corresponding T(207Pb/235U) values vary much less significantly (from 127 to 142 Ma) and are generally close to the true age of the U mineralization. The main reason for the distortion of the U-Pb system is the long-lasting (for tens of million years) migration of intermediate decay products in the 238U-206Pb(RD238U) in the samples. This process resulted in the loss of RD238U from domains with high U concentrations and the subsequent accommodation of RD238U at sites with low U concentrations. The long-term effect of these opposite processes resulted in a deficit or excess of 206Pb as the final product of 238U decay. The loss or migration of RD238U are explained by the occurrence of pitchblende in association with U oxides that have higher Si and OH concentrations than those in the pitchblende and a higher +6U/+4U ratio. The finely dispersed character of the mineralization and the loose or metamict texture of the material are the principal prerequisites for RD238U loss and an excess of 206Pb in adjacent domains with low U concentrations. Domains with low U contents in the zone with U mineralization serve as geochemical barriers (because of sulfides contained in them) at which long-lived RD238U(226Ra, 210Po, 210Bi, and 210Pb) were accommodated and subsequently caused an excess of 206Pb. The 235U-207Pb system remained closed because of the much briefer lifetime of the 235U decay products. This may account for the significant discrepancies between the T(206Pb/238U) and T(207Pb/235U) age values. RD238U was most probably lost via the migration of radioisotopes at the middle part and end of the 238U family (starting with 226Ra). The heavy Th, Pa, and U radioisotopes (234Th, 234Pa, 234U, and 230Th) that occur closer to the beginning of 238U decay, before 226Ra, only relatively insignificantly participated in the process. Our results show that the loss and migration of RD238U are, under certain conditions, the main (or even the only) process responsible for the distortion of the U-Pb system.  相似文献   

The 137Cs tracer technique was used to study soil erosion of alpine meadow grassland in two small river basins in the headwater region of the Yellow River. The results show that the levels of 137Cs in soil samples from this alpine meadow vegetation zone exhibit an exponential distribution, generally within a depth of approximately 20 cm. Due to strong winds, freeze-thaw cycles and water, soil erosion was found to be stronger on the upper slope than on the lower slope, and except for the slope crest, the intensity of soil erosion at other sites was as follows: upslope < midslope < downslope. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of soil erosion and the extent of alpine meadow vegetation cover (P < 0.01). The mean soil erosion modulus exhibited a linear reduction trend with an increase in vegetation cover, and the correlation coefficient R 2 was ≥ 0.997. The higher the degradation degree of the alpine meadow grassland, the greater is the soil erosion. The mean erosion modulus in the severely degraded meadow zone was 2.23 times greater than the one in the slightly degraded zone, and the maximum erosion modulus reached 2.96 × 106 kg/km2/a.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The radionuclides 210Pb and 137Cs are of particularimportance for estimating the dates of recentsediments. It was Goldberg (1963) who firstlysuggested that the disequilibrium between 210Pb and226Ra could serve as a geochronometer applicable…  相似文献   

Noblesse multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer is specially designed for multi-collection of Ar isotopes with different beam sizes, especially for small ion beams, precisely, and hence is perfectly suitable for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. We have analyzed widely used sanidine, muscovite, and biotite standards with recommended ages of ~ 1.2–133 Ma, with the aim to assess the reliability of Noblesse for 40Ar/39Ar dating. An ESI MIR10 30W CO2 laser was used for total fusion or incremental heating samples. Extracted gases were routinely purified by four SAES NP10 getters (one at ~ 400 °C and others at room temperature). A GP50 getter and a metal cold finger cooled by liquid N (? 196 °C) were also attached for additional purification if necessary. The Ar isotopes were then measured by Noblesse using Faraday or multiplier according to the signal intensities. Over a period of 1.5 months 337 air calibrations produced a weighted mean 40Ar/36Ar of 296.50 ± 0.08 (2σ, MSWD = 4.77). Fish Canyon sanidine is used to calculate J-values, which show good linear relationship with position in irradiation. The age of four mineral standards (Alder Creek sanidine, Brione muscovite, Yabachi sanidine, and Fangshan biotite) are within error of the accepted ages. Five Alder Creek sanidine aliquots yielded an age range of 1.174–1.181 ± 0.013 Ma (2σ) which broadly overlaps the established age of the standard and the uncertainty approaches those of the foremost Ar/Ar laboratories in the world. The weighted mean ages of four Brione muscovite aliquots (18.75 ± 0.16 Ma, 2σ), five Yabachi sanidine aliquots (29.50 ± 0.19 Ma, 2σ), and three Fangshan biotite aliquots (133.0 ± 0.76 Ma, 2σ) are consistent with the recommended values of these standards, and the uncertainties are typical of modern Ar/Ar laboratories world-wide.  相似文献   

More than 100 volcanic necks composed of basanites and melanephelinites occur in Scania, southern Sweden, at the junction of two major tectonic lineaments, the Phanerozoic Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (STZ) and the Proterozoic Protogine Zone. New 40Ar/39Ar isotope analyses of whole rock fragments of nine selected basalt necks suggest that the Mesozoic alkaline volcanism in the Scanian province commenced earlier than previously reported and comprised three separate volcanic episodes that span a total period of ca. 80 Myr: a first Jurassic (191–178 Ma), a second at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary (ca. 145 Ma), and a final middle Cretaceous episode (ca. 110 Ma). The new results allow for precise time correlations between eruption events in the Scanian and those in the North Sea volcanic provinces. The older, early Jurassic event in Scania is largely synchronous with that in the Egersund Basin and the Forties field whereas the event at ca. 145 Ma is correlated with activity in the Central Graben. These volcanic episodes also correlate in age with Kimmerian tectonic activity. Volcanic activity in the middle Cretaceous period has also been dated in the triple junction in the North Sea and offshore in the Netherland Sector. The correlation of basalt volcanism in Scania with the Egersund nephelinites strongly suggest that volcanism was triggered by repeated tectonic activity along the STZ. Geochemical data of alkaline mafic rocks in the Scanian and the North Sea volcanic provinces imply that different provinces have largely unique geochemical signatures in favour of a heterogeneous mantle in the North Sea volcanic region. However, basalts of different generations in one and the same province cannot be readily separated on the basis of geochemistry, suggesting that the same lithospheric mantle was the source of repeated volcanism over time in each province. The data suggest a low degree of melting of a volatile-bearing mantle lherzolite enriched in incompatible elements with the exception of the Forties basalts in the rift centre, produced by larger degree of melting and evolved by fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Sediment profiles of210Pb and137Cs in cores collected at increasing distances from the heads of Smeaton Bay and Boca de Quadra fjords indicate that watersheds influence the inventories of radioisotopes present and that the steep topographies of the fjords enhance sediment redistribution. Episodic deposition of terrestrially derived sediment was responsible for roughly 50% of the137Cs and 45% of the210Pb inventories in shallower (less than 180 m) locations in Wilson and Bakewell arms of Smeaton Bay.210Pb sedimentation rates at shallower sites when corrected for episodic deposition were less than sedimentation rates obtained in the deep basins of the fjords where sediment focusing and increased primary productivity in the overlying water column occur. Higher fluxes of dissolved Mn from surficial sediments and subsequent reoxidation in the overlying water may have enhanced scavenging of210Pb in basin locations, resulting in higher inventories. Episodic events have occurred frequently in Smeaton Bay and Boca de Quadra suggesting that steady-state conditions with respect to sedimenting particles can be achieved only when averaged over long time periods approaching the time over which137Cs and210Pb are useful.  相似文献   

位于永定新河、潮白新河与蓟运河汇流处的三河岛是天津市列入国家海岛名录的唯一岛屿,其独特的地理位置记录了现代海、陆交互作用的变化过程。取自该岛南、北两侧泥质潮间带的2组现代沉积物样柱,揭示137Cs和210Pbexc的最大检出深度分别达到90~123cm和140~210cm,属于渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带现代沉积最为活跃的“面向开放海湾亚带”。  相似文献   

渤海地区^210Pb、^137Cs同位素测年的研究现状   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近百年来环渤海地区的沉积作用是影响该区近现代地质环境变化的重要因素。本文收集了该区迄今公开发表的用于确定现代沉积速率的84组^210Pb、^137Cs柱状剖面(包括210Pb样柱52组,^210Pb、^137Cs样柱32组),其中海区39组,潮间带及沿海低地地区45组。环渤海地区的^210Pb放射性活度的深度分布曲线主要表现为3种形式:理想指数衰变型、近等幅摆动型和海洋特殊动力事件影响型。根据由陆向海方向沉积速率的变化,可初步划分为沿岸低沉积速率带、开放潮坪高沉积速率带及海区低沉积速率区;区域性差异则表现为渤海湾开放潮坪区上部由北(蓟运河口)向南(老狼坨子)沉积速率表现为高-低-高,辽东湾从其西侧的锦州湾向东至辽河河口的开放潮坪地区,沉积速率递减,黄河三角洲地区及其附近海域属于间歇式快速沉积区,莱州湾西部为高速沉积区。  相似文献   

This work presents the first isotope-geochronological data obtained for granitoid series of the Arminskii block of Central Sikhote Alin: Tatibi gabbromonzodiorite and Olgino leucocratic granite. Every series is characterized by a certain structural position and timing of the formation of ore mineralization. The Tatibi series is characterized by the presence of gold-ore occurrences including the potential Glukhoe goldore occurrence. Granitoids of the Olgino series comprise known tin–sulfide ore occurrences. The conditions for the generation of each series of rocks were revealed on the basis of geochronological-isotope data.  相似文献   

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