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《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):255-258
AbstractThe paper presents an overview the development of techniques in and uses of tactile mapping2 through the last fifty or so years. It provides both a background for the other papers in this issue,3 and an account of the current state of the art. It notes that cartography has almost as much to learn from tactile cartography as vice versa, and suggests possible routes and areas for future developments in tactile mapping and the education and care of blind and visually impaired people. 相似文献
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):283-287
AbstractThis paper describes our initial steps towards developing a model of how blind people comprehend tactile graphics. In the first half of the paper we set out the aims of the model, and then consider other key issues such as the nature and scope of the model, the information it must incorporate and the outcomes it should provide. In the second half of the paper we present our ideas for the model itself, outlining the four facets that make it up — perceptual processing, cognitive skills, knowledge and cognitive development. Throughout the paper we raise questions for open debate and invite feedback on our ideas. 相似文献
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):269-271
AbstractReal 3D objects are typically explored with high efficiency by several fingers. The largest increase in efficiency is obtained between the use of one and two fingers. The aim of the present experiment was to investigate if the efficiency of identifying a country on a 2D tactile map can be increased by the use of two fingers exploration along opposite sides of the map compared with following along the contour. The result was that there was no significant difference between one-finger and two-finger exploration, but there were significant improvements over sessions. The difference between exploration of 2D and 3D objects is discussed. 相似文献
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):195-198
AbstractBuilding on past research into the efficacy of symbols on tactile maps an attempt is made to synthesise the findings of investigations into tactile mapping. Conclusions regarding the most readable symbols, point, line and area, are given. 相似文献
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):294-298
AbstractThree common methods for producing tactile maps are mixed media, microcapsule paper and thermoform. This paper describes a new method for producing tactile diagrams using piezoelectric inkjet. To produce diagrams a photo-curing acrylic polymer ink is repeatedly printed onto a thermoplastic substrate and exposed to ultraviolet light which bonds the ink to the substrate and cures it solid. The speed and precision of the process means maps with fine, easily discriminated tactile features will be readily available to users. The new process will facilitate further psychological, psychophysical and cartographic research. 相似文献
none 《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(1):33-44
AbstractFrom its inception in the middle of the 19th century, the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) took a keen interest in the exploration and mapping of the Everest region. This formed an integral part of the many Everest expeditions, some of which had individual surveyors or survey parties attached to them. Many mountaineers took part in this work, particularly those with a scientific background. But it was not until 1961 that a comprehensive map was produced of the Everest region. 相似文献
none 《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(1):68-73
AbstractNavigation around urban areas is often constraining for the mobility-impaired due to the fabric of the urban landscape, and there is a need to provide maps tailored to individual abilities. Barriers to effective navigation, such as slope, surface type and dropped kerbs, differ for able-bodied pedestrians and wheelchair users. This study identifies and quantifies such differences, and develops a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) network model for the creation of accessibility maps for wheelchair users. The measurement of barriers uses Digital Elevation Models, calculation of rolling resistance, and surveys in the field using hand-held GIS. A spatial database has been constructed which contains the pedestrian route network and barriers to navigation. A GIS application runs the model, providing a user-friendly interface to define and calculate routes through the pedestrian route network that take account of impedances to accessibility. The model, application and interface has been tested with wheelchair users and the route selection provides a good correspondence with patterns of route finding already established through experience. The interface and individually tailored maps generated, provide a tool suitable to assist wheelchair users new to an area; to enable better navigation for existing users, and a means for planners to consider the way in which access is restricted for wheelchair users in their designs for more inclusive urban environments. 相似文献
本文简要地阐述了常州市高架道路测绘工程的主要工作内容、各项目作业依据、内外业数据采集与处理流程,并探讨了采用GPS、GIS、精密水准测量、三维仿真技术等先进的现代测绘技术在常州市高架道路测绘工程中的应用,为常州市高架道路的顺利建设发挥了重要的测绘保障作用。 相似文献
Mahes Visvalingam 《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):242-248
This paper provides the background necessary for a clear understanding of forthcoming papers relating to the Visvalingam algorithm for line generalization, for example on the testing and usage of its implementations. It distinguishes the algorithm from implementation-specific issues to explain why it is possible to get inconsistent but equally valid output from different implementations. By tracing relevant developments within the now-disbanded Cartographic Information Systems Research Group (CISRG) of the University of Hull, it explains why (a) a partial metric-driven implementation was, and still is, sufficient for many projects but not for others; (b) why the effective area (EA) is a measure derived from a metric; (c) why this measure (EA) may serve as a heuristic indicator for in-line feature segmentation and model-based generalization; (d) how metrics may be combined to change the order of point elimination; and (e) how Tobler's rule-of-thumb is useful for scale-related filtering of EA. The issues discussed in this paper also apply to the use of other metrics. It is hoped that the background and guidance provided in this paper will enable others to participate in further research based on the algorithm. 相似文献
none 《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):277-282
AbstractThis paper presents a successful approach to learning tactile map skills in the field. During a three-phase project, visually impaired primary school children explored a route between a field studies centre and the village church. The first stage involved using non-visual senses to discover specific landmarks and the character of the parkland surroundings. Secondly, the children made their own tactile sketch maps of the route, and discussed the choice of symbols for a vacuum formed tactile map of the study area. Finally, a more detailed exploration of the route was accomplished with the help of a tactile map that set the path in the context of its surroundings. 相似文献
地图制图自动化与智能化是当前制图领域研究的热点问题,模板制图是实现制图自动化,提高制图效率的一种手段。在探讨模板制图原理的基础上,分析了现有制图模板的特点及其应用模式上存在的不足,设计了以符号为中心的统计地图制图模板的应用模式,提出了以符号为中心的统计地图制图模板技术,凸显了统计地图制作过程中符号的重要地位。以此为基础,深入剖析了统计制图模板、统计专题图层、图面表达结果三者之间的区别与联系,研究了以符号为中心的统计地图制图模板构建技术、存储技术以及匹配技术,并进行了系统应用,验证了这一技术的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
许飞 《测绘与空间地理信息》2010,33(5)
随着计算机技术和信息处理技术的发展,人类已步入信息时代,传统的测绘业正面临信息革命的机遇和挑战,测绘仪器和测绘手段无不被先进的仪器和方法所取代。数字化制图及信息系统的建立,对测绘行业提出了更高的要求,原始的手工作业方法已经远远满足不了当今社会发展的需求。文章阐述了CASS 7.1绘图与传统平板仪绘图的精度比较。 相似文献
国家西部1:50 000地形图空白区测图工程项目中首次引入测绘监理机制,通过其中青藏高原西部C1+C2区域测图工程项目的监理案例,从监理的角度阐述测绘监理在西部测图工程中发挥的作用. 相似文献
测绘单位"标准化测区"建设是一项系统工程,涉及制度建设、生产组织、环境建设、学习培训、技术创新、质量控制、安全保密、职业操守等一系列内容。对"标准化测区"创建的思路进行深入的论述,为测绘单位进行标准化项目管理与生产提供参考。 相似文献
随着科学技术的不断发展,使GNSS测绘技术得到了开发与应用,不但解决了传统工程测绘中存在的诸多问题,还促进了我国各大领域的发展。GNSS测绘技术已经在工程测绘中得到广泛应用,有效提高了工程测绘的精准度。应用过程中要注意共享机制的健全、测绘人才的引入及培养以及测绘范围的扩大等。 相似文献