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The development of lasers, new electro-optic light modulation methods, and improved electronic techniques have made possible significant improvements in the range and accuracy of optical distance measurements, thus providing not only improved geodetic tools but also useful techniques for the study of other geophysical, meteorological, and astronomical problems. One of the main limitations, at present, to the accuracy of geodetic measurements is the uncertainty in the average propagation velocity of the radiation due to inhomogeneity of the atmosphere. Accuracies of a few parts in ten million or even better now appear feasible, however, through the use of the dispersion method, in which simultaneous measurements of optical path length at two widely separated wavelengths are used to determine the average refractive index over the path and hence the true geodetic distance. The design of a new instrument based on this method, which utilizes wavelengths of6328 ? and3681 ? and3 GHz polarization modulation of the light, is summarized. Preliminary measurements over a5.3 km path with this instrument have demonstrated a sensitivity of3×10 −9 in detecting changes in optical path length for either wavelength using1-second averaging, and a standard deviation of3×10 −7 in corrected length. The principal remaining sources of error are summarized, as is progress in other laboratories using the dispersion method or other approaches to the problem of refractivity correction.  相似文献   

The multivariate total least-squares (MTLS) approach aims at estimating a matrix of parameters, Ξ, from a linear model (YE Y = (XE X ) · Ξ) that includes an observation matrix, Y, another observation matrix, X, and matrices of randomly distributed errors, E Y and E X . Two special cases of the MTLS approach include the standard multivariate least-squares approach where only the observation matrix, Y, is perturbed by random errors and, on the other hand, the data least-squares approach where only the coefficient matrix X is affected by random errors. In a previous contribution, the authors derived an iterative algorithm to solve the MTLS problem by using the nonlinear Euler–Lagrange conditions. In this contribution, new lemmas are developed to analyze the iterative algorithm, modify it, and compare it with a new ‘closed form’ solution that is based on the singular-value decomposition. For an application, the total least-squares approach is used to estimate the affine transformation parameters that convert cadastral data from the old to the new Israeli datum. Technical aspects of this approach, such as scaling the data and fixing the columns in the coefficient matrix are investigated. This case study illuminates the issue of “symmetry” in the treatment of two sets of coordinates for identical point fields, a topic that had already been emphasized by Teunissen (1989, Festschrift to Torben Krarup, Geodetic Institute Bull no. 58, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp 335–342). The differences between the standard least-squares and the TLS approach are analyzed in terms of the estimated variance component and a first-order approximation of the dispersion matrix of the estimated parameters.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(31):36-38

In the second part of the paper on this subject in the last issue (30, 483) the references to the relative angular and linear closures are rather misleading. Mr Clendinning points out that the probable angular error at a station must be considered; the mean error is clearly different.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the behaviour of the variable (where ρij are the discrepancies between the direct and reverse measurements of the height of consecutive bench marks and theR ij are their distance apart) in a partial net of the Italian high precision levelling of a total length of about1.400 km. The methods of analysis employed were in general non-parametric individual and cumulative tests; in particular randomness, normality and asymmetry tests were carried out. The computers employed wereIBM/7094/7040. From the results evidence was obtained of the existence of an asymmetry in respect to zero of thex ij confirming the well-known results given firstly by Lallemand. A new result was obtained from the tests of randomness which put in evidence trends of the mean values of thex ij and explained some anomalous behaviours of the cumulative discrepancy curves. The extension of this investigation to a broader net possibly covering other national nets would be very useful to get a deeper insight into the behaviour of the errors in high precision levelling. Ad hoc programs for electronic computers are available to accomplish this job quickly. Presented at the 14th International Assembly of Geodesy (Lucerne, 1967).  相似文献   

Gravity observations from superconducting gravimeters are used to observe loading effects from shallow-water tides on the Japanese east and west coasts. Non-linear third-diurnal and higher-frequency shallow-water tides are identified in the tide-gauge observations from these coastal areas. The most energetic constituents in the tide gauge observations are also seen in the gravity observations due to their loading effects on the deformation of the Earth. Even though the shallow-water tides at the Japanese east coast have an amplitude of only a few millimetres, they are still able to generate a loading signal at gravity sites located several hundred kilometres inland. In particular, the S3, S4 and S5 solar tides occur in both gravity and tide gauge observations. It is indicated that in other shelf regions with large shallow water tides, the shallow water loading signals account for a significant signal, which should be taken into account.Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department (Japan Coast Guard), Japan Meteorological Agency and Hokkaido Development Agency for access to the tide-gauge data. Also, the Global Geodynamic Project Information System and Data Center (GGP-ISDC) is acknowledged for providing the gravity data.  相似文献   

In November 1968, a marine geodetic control point was established in the Pacific Ocean at a water depth of6,200 feet. The control point (reference point) consists of three underwater acoustic transponders, two of which are powered with lead-acid batteries and the third with an underwater radioisotope power source “URIPS” with a10- to20- year life expectancy. Four independent measuring techniques (LORAC airborne line-crossing, satellite, ship inertial, and acoustic techniques) were used to measure and determine the coordinates of the control point. Preliminary analysis of the acoustic and airborne data indicates that high accuracies can be achieved in the establishment of geodetic reference points at sea. Geodetic adjustment by the method of variation of coordinates yielded a standard point error of±50 to±66 feet in determining the unknown ship station. The original location of the ship station as determined by shipboard navigation equipment was off by about1,600 feet. Paper previously published in the Proceedings of the Second Marine Geodesy Symposium of the Marine Technology Society.  相似文献   


The extremely complex problems of boundary representation in general atlases are critically examined by a Lecturer in Geography at University College, London. The paper is based on that given in Section IX, Cartography, at the International Geographical Congress, London 1964.  相似文献   


I. These notes are the results of following up in some detail the well-known fact that the horizontal distance between two points at altitude h is greater, by an amount proportional to h, than the distance between the corresponding points at sea-level. Traverses based on rectangular coordinates are considered, with special reference to the residual errors left after adjusting the misclosures of such traverses without first eliminating errors due to altitude.  相似文献   


Conferencing has become a habit of late years. We are ordered to some, we go joyfully to others, and, at times, we are inclined to wonder what it is all about.  相似文献   


When we require the distance between two points on a spheroid, there are at least six different lines between the points which might be taken.  相似文献   


Earth observation data are typically compressed using general-purpose single-threaded compression algorithms that operate at a fraction of the bandwidth of modern storage and processing systems. We present evidence that recently developed multi-threaded compression codecs offer substantial benefits over widely used single-threaded codecs in terms of compression efficiency when applied to a selection of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) datasets stored in the HDF5 format. Compression codecs from the LZ77 and Rice families are shown to vary in efficacy when applied to different MODIS data products, highlighting the need for compression strategies to be tailored to different classes of data. We also introduce LPC-Rice, a new multi-threaded codec, that performs particularly well when applied to time-series data.  相似文献   

A relativistic delay model for Earth-based very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observation of sources at finite distances is derived. The model directly provides the VLBI delay in the scale of terrestrial time. The effect of the curved wave front is represented by using a pseudo source vector K = (R 1 + R 2)/(R 1 + R 2), and the variation of the baseline vector due to the difference of arrival time is taken into account up to the second-order by using Halley’s method. The precision of the new VLBI delay model is 1 ps for all radio sources above 100 km altitude from the Earth’s surface in Earth-based VLBI observation. Simple correction terms (parallax effect) are obtained, which can also adopt the consensus model (e.g. International Earth Rotation and Reference Frames Service conventions) to finite-distance radio source at R > 10 pc with the same precision. The new model may enable estimation of distance to the radio source directly with VLBI delay data.  相似文献   

From periodic variations of the orbital inclinations of three artificial satellites 1959Alpha 1, 1960Iota 2, and 1962Beta Mu 1 Love’s number of the earth and time lag of the bodily tide due to the friction are determined, respectively,0.29±0.03 and(10±5) minutes in time. While the previous paper on the determination of Love’s number of the earth (Kozai, 1967) was in press, a minor error was discovered in the Differential Orbit Improvement program(DOI) of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory(SAO). Since the analysis was based on time-variations of the orbital inclinations which were derived by theDOI from precisely reduced Baker-Nunn observations, it is likely that the results in the previous paper was affected by the error in theDOI. Therefore, the analysis is iterated by using the revisedDOI. Three satellites, 1959Alpha 1 (Vanguard 2), 1960Iota 2 (rocket ofEcho 1), and 1962Beta Mu 1 (Anna) (see Table 1) are adopted for determining Love’s number in the present paper. The satellite, 1959Eta, which was used in the previous paper, is not adopted here, since the inclination of this satellite shows irregular variations unexplained. Instead of 1959Eta 1962Beta Mu 1 is adopted as orbital elements from precisely reduced Baker-Nunn observations have become available for a long interval of time for this satellite.  相似文献   


By kind permission of the Editor of the Royal Engineers Journal, this paper has been adapted from the article by the Author in the issue of June 1937 (Vol. li, pp. 217–223). We are also indebted to the Editor for placing generously at our disposal the blocks used to illustrate the paper.  相似文献   


Many surveyors, even those of wide experience, would, if questioned, assert that, at any given pointing of a theodolite, all points in the field of view which lie on the horizontal wire are at equal angular altitudes above the horizon, provided that the horizontal wire is in correct adjustment to the trunnion axis.  相似文献   


This paper comprises a short review of the methods followed and the results which have been obtained in Delft at the Topographic Service of the Netherlands and at the International Training Centre for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences. After an introduction describing the principle of orthophotograph production, applications in the Netherlands, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Mauritius are discussed.  相似文献   

A method for filtering of geodetic observationwhich leaves the final result normally distributed, is presented. Furthermore, it is shown that if you sacrifice100.a% of all the observations you may be (1−β).100% sure that a gross error of the size Δ is rejected. Another and, may be intuitively, more appealing method is presented; the two methods are compared and it is shown why Method 1 should be preferred to Method 2 for geodetic purposes. Finally the two methods are demonstrated in some numerical examples.  相似文献   

Summary Within potential theory of Poisson-Laplace equation the boundary value problem of physical geodesy is classified asfree andnonlinear. For solving this typical nonlinear boundary value problem four different types of nonlinear integral equations corresponding to singular density distributions within single and double layer are presented. The characteristic problem of free boundaries, theproblem of free surface integrals, is exactly solved bymetric continuation. Even in thelinear approximation of fundamental relations of physical geodesy the basic integral equations becomenonlinear because of the special features of free surface integrals.  相似文献   


In two previous articles (E.S.R., vol. iv, nos. 23 and 25) it was shown that, at the time of maximum diurnal temperature in the tropics, a definite relationship exists in the lower layers of the atmosphere between the magnitude of the coefficient of terrestrial refraction at a point and the height of that point above plain level, provided the weather is fine and clear. In fact the coefficient K increases with the height h, within certain limits which are probably defined by the condensation layer.  相似文献   

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