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刘树文 《地学前缘》2000,7(2):430-430
理想状态下 ,晶体的生长是各向均匀的。但是 ,近年来变形作用与变斑晶生长关系研究表明 :变形变质过程中变斑晶并不是从中心各向同性地均匀生长 ,其生长与当时所处的应力环境、物质供给和流体相的参与有关。其中流体相的参与是变斑晶生长所需物质迁移的载体 ,为变斑晶生长的物质供给提供先决条件。变斑晶的生长不是连续的而是呈阶段性生长 ,变斑晶的生长相是与变形相相互消长的。变形变质过程中 ,变形与变斑晶生长阶段的关系可总结如下 :(1)变斑晶在未变形域或弱变形域成核后 ,晶体生长所需的物质供应充足时 ,晶体的生长是围绕晶核均匀生长…  相似文献   

变斑晶多期生长与区域多期变形的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
显微变形和区域变形之间的关系一直是岩石学家和构造学家所关注的问题,本文从石榴石内部包体组构入手,结合区域构造解析,对根据变斑晶包且构所建立的造山模式提出了不同看法,并探讨了变斑晶的多期生长与区域多期变形之间的关系。  相似文献   

显微变形和区域变形之间的关系一直是岩石学家和构造学家所关注的问题,本文从石榴石内部包体组构入手.结合区域构造解析,对根据变斑晶包体组构所建立的造山模式提出了不同看法.并探讨了变斑晶的多期生长与区域多期变形之间的关系。  相似文献   

剪切带中变斑晶的生长及包裹体痕迹的演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
李海兵  曾令森 《地质科学》1997,32(2):181-192
韧性剪切带中,由于变形分解作用的存在,岩石发生递进变形过程中,产于共轴或非共轴递进缩短带内的变斑晶不发生旋转,而变斑晶内的包裹体痕迹是递进变形过程中遗留在变斑晶内的变形变质痕迹。利用未旋转斑晶中的包裹体痕迹可以确定早期面理的取向,寻找构造演化的时间标志,确定变形变质的关系及其演化史。对北祁连托勒牧场大型走滑韧性剪切带中石榴石、黑云母等变斑晶及包裹体痕迹的研究,揭示了变斑晶的生长和包、裹体痕迹与褶劈理的演化有着重要联系以及剪切变形过程中变形变质演化史、应变速率的变化。递进变形相应地发生递增变质,但两者存在着一定的差异性。  相似文献   

韧性剪切带中,由于变形分解作用的存在,岩石发生递进变形过程中,产于共轴或非共轴递进缩短带内的变斑晶不发生旋转,而变斑晶内的包裹体痕迹是递进变形过程中遗留在变斑晶内的变形变质痕迹。利用未旋转斑晶中的包裹体痕迹可以确定早期面理的取向,寻找构造演化的时间标志,确定变形变质的关系及其演化史。对北祁连托勒牧场大型走滑韧性剪切带中石榴石、黑云母等变斑晶及包裹体痕迹的研究,揭示了变斑晶的生长和包、裹体痕迹与褶劈理的演化有着重要联系以及剪切变形过程中变形变质演化史、应变速率的变化。递进变形相应地发生递增变质,但两者存在着一定的差异性。  相似文献   

变斑晶包体形迹研究的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变斑晶是联系变质与变形的重要媒介。变斑晶内的包体按几何形态可分为9大类。在发生递进变形的变质岩中,斑晶成核生长于变形分解作用的递进缩短带内。除少数螺旋状石榴石外,产于共轴或非共轴递进不均匀缩短变形过程中的斑晶不发生旋转。在韧性剪切带中,由于存在变形分解作用,在岩石发生递进变形过程中,产于共轴或非共轴递进缩短带内的变斑晶也不发生旋转。利用未旋转斑晶中包体形迹可以确定早期面理的取向,寻找构造演化时间标  相似文献   

利用变斑晶中包裹物结构型式研究变质变形史的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了对凹式显微褐皱5种类型的参照看、鉴别特征及其在解析变质变形史方面的意义。变斑晶晶内包裹物的迹线,是从显微尺度反映造山带变质岩变质变形过程最有效的标志之一,在对于褶皱(或旋转)轴作斜交或平行的切片中,往往看到晶内包裹物所显示的对凹式显微褶皱(oppositely concave microfold即OCM),按其形态特征,可分出5种类型。  相似文献   

变斑晶包体形迹研究的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变斑晶是联系变质与变形的重要媒介。变斑晶内的包体按几何形态可分为9大类。在发生递进变形的变质岩中,斑晶成核生长于变形分解作用的递进缩短带内。除少数螺旋状石榴石外,产于共轴或非共轴递进不均匀缩短变形过程中的斑晶不发生旋转。在韧性剪切带中,由于存在变形分解作用,在岩石发生递进变形过程中,产于共轴或非共轴递进缩短带内的变斑晶也不发生旋转。利用未旋转斑晶中包体形迹可以确定早期面理的取向,寻找构造演化时间标志,确定变形变质关系及其演化史。如在大背坞地区,根据黄铁矿变斑晶的旋转演化,可以恢复韧性剪切带的成生演化历史。近十几年来由于计算机模拟的引人,使变斑晶微构造研究从定性步入定量阶段。  相似文献   

石榴子石变斑晶微结构和成分特征对构造和变质作用研究有重要作用。本文以华北克拉通北缘西段宝音图群石榴子石云母片岩中的石榴子石变斑晶为研究对象,通过扫描电子显微镜搭载的二次电子(SE)显微结构形貌观测,背散射电子(BSE)成分分析、能谱仪(EDS)和电子探针(EPMA)分析,得到石榴子石变斑晶组构和化学成分信息,揭示出石榴子石晶界具有化学非均质性。在MnNCFMASHO体系下采用石榴子石云母石英片岩的全岩成分计算的锰铝榴石、钙铝榴石等值线图基础上,建立了石榴子石变斑晶的p-t轨迹,反映出石榴子石变斑晶在变质峰期后经历了一个近等温降压的地质动力学过程。  相似文献   

根据变质构造和镜下显微组构的研究,提出了与Zwart,H.J.(1962,1963)的变斑晶包体S形构造成因观点不同的解释。结合包体和基质矿物成分、组构特征建立了递增变质作用中变斑状特征变质矿物形成的相对时间标志。以此确定了阿尔泰变质地带递增变质作用过程中一系列特征变质矿物及其相应的变质带的形成顺序。  相似文献   

Abstract Porphyroblast textures in a Karakorum phyllite reveal that porphyroblast growth was syn-tectonic with respect to a cleavage forming deformation. During and after porphyroblast growth it partitions the deformation such that zones of intensified cleavage are developed which wrap around the porphyroblast whilst the porphyroblast and its strain shadow undergo little deformation. Porphyroblast strain shadows comprise quartz, calcite and felspar with little mica, and are probably formed by solution transfer during deformation. Unless the deformation is so strongly partitioned that no deformation of the porphyroblasts and their immediate surrounds occurs, inequidimensional porphyroblasts will rotate. Porphyroblasts undergo some dissolution after they have finished growing.  相似文献   

Abstract Most porphyroblasts never rotate during ductile deformation, provided they do not internally deform during subsequent events, with the exception of relatively uncommon but spectacular examples of spiralling garnets. Instead, the surrounding foliation rotates and reactivates due to partitioning of the deformation around the porphyroblast. Consequently, porphyroblasts commonly preserve the orientation of early foliations and stretching lineations within strain shadows or inclusion trails, even where these structures have been rotated or obliterated in the matrix due to subsequent deformation. These relationships can be readily used to help develop an understanding of the processes of foliation development and they demonstrate the prominent role of reactivation of old foliations during subsequent deformation. They can also be used to determine the deformation history, as porphyroblasts only rotate when the deformation cannot partition and involves progressive shearing with no combined bulk shortening component.  相似文献   

Porphyroblast inclusion trails provide important information about the tectonometamorphic evolution of a metamorphic rock. However, there remains considerable controversy over whether porphyroblasts rotate during bulk non-coaxial deformation.
With reference to an area of the Scandinavian Caledonides and utilizing existing data from theoretical and experimental modelling, this study demonstrates that both 'straight' and 'S-shaped' inclusion trails are consistent with an interpretation in terms of syndeformational porphyroblast growth in a regime approximating to Newtonian simple shear. At crustal strain rates of 10-14 s-1 and porphyroblast growth times of 0.1–1.0 Ma, it is shown that a maximum of 5-9 angular rotation would occur during growth. At faster strain rates of 10-12 s-1 (e.g. those in a shear zone) porphyroblast angular rotations of 90 are shown to occur in 0.1–0.25 Ma (i.e. times comparable with or faster than porphyroblastesis). In view of this, 'S-shaped' inclusion trails are to be expected in porphyroblasts growing in active shear zones or other situations of high shear strain, whereas 'straight' inclusion trails can be interpreted as static overgrowth of an existing fabric or as syndeformational porphyroblastesis at low strain rates.  相似文献   

Porphyroblast inclusion trails have the potential to provide critical information about tectonometamorphic events. Recently, however, traditional interpretations of inclusion trails have been called into question by the suggestions that porphyroblasts do not rotate during non-coaxial deformation and that apparent spiral inclusion trails can be generated in coaxial deformation. We present a new computer model that simulates inclusion trail development. Model results suggest: (1) that the extent of porphyroblast rotation is controlled by conditions at the porphyroblast-matrix boundary; (2) that curved inclusion trails may develop in unrotated porphyroblasts; (3) that classic "snowball" inclusion trails are most simply explained by rotational growth histories; and (4) that some of the observations used to support the view that porphyroblasts do not rotate (e.g. weakly sigmoidal inclusion trails, apparent truncations of inclusion trails) can be accounted for by variations in the growth rate of rotating porphyroblasts.  相似文献   

Fan‐shaped polycrystalline staurolite porphyroblasts, 3–4 cm in length and 0.5 cm in width, occur together with centimetre‐sized euhedral prismatic staurolite porphyroblasts in pelitic schists of the Littleton Formation on the western overturned limb of the Bolton syncline in eastern Connecticut. The fans consist of intergrown planar splays of [001] elongated prisms, which are crudely radial from a single apex. The apical angles of the radial groupings range up to 70°. The orientations of the individual staurolite prisms are related by a rigid rotation about an axis perpendicular to the fan plane. The zone axes [001] always lie in the plane of the fan. Although the angle between the [100] zone axes of the individual prisms is uniform in each fan, it ranges from +30° to ?30° in different fans. Internally, the fans display: (i) remnants of a passively captured Si foliation defined by disc‐shaped quartz blebs (type 1 inclusions) and layers of very fine carbonaceous material and tabular ilmenite platelets; (ii) bent staurolite blades and undulose extinction along low‐angle (010) subgrain boundaries near the apex of the fans; (iii) wedge‐shaped dilatational zones containing equigranular inclusion‐free quartz, mica and staurolite, and (iv) growth‐related quartz inclusion trails roughly perpendicular to a crystal face (type 2 inclusions). The Si inclusion trails are typically perpendicular to the fan surface, radiate parallel to the blades, and show little to no curvature except at the very edge of the fans where they abruptly curve through nearly 90° into parallelism with an external Se foliation. Careful examination of the three‐dimensional geometry of fans based on U‐stage measurements, serial sections and two‐circle optical goniometric measurements permits a detailed reconstruction of their sequential development. The origin of a fan involves limited intracrystalline deformation and brittle crack dilation, spalling, rotation, and growth of small marginal fragments and of new staurolite along wedge‐shaped zones along the Si inclusion surfaces. Fans preferentially develop in porphyroblasts in which Si is subparallel to the 010 cleavage. These internal features reflect the rotation and deformation of a brittle porphyroblast relative to syn‐growth shear stresses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Oppositely concave microfolds (OCMs) in and adjacent to porphyroblasts can be classified into five nongenetic types. Type 1 OCMs are found in sections through porphyroblasts with spiral-shaped inclusion trails cut parallel to the spiral axes, and commonly show closed foliation loops. Type 2 OCMs, commonly referred to as ‘millipede’ microstructure, are highly symmetrical, the foliation folded into OCMs being approximately perpendicular to the overprinting foliation. Type 3 OCMs are similar to Type 2, but are asymmetrical, the foliation folded into OCMs being variably oblique to the overprinting foliation. Type 4 OCMs are highly asymmetrical, only one foliation is present, and this foliation is parallel to the local shear plane. Type 5 OCMs result from porphyroblast growth over a microfold interference pattern. Types 1 and 2 are commonly interpreted as indicating highly noncoaxial and highly coaxial bulk deformation paths, respectively, during porphyroblast growth. However, theoretically they can form by any deformation path intermediate between bulk coaxial shortening and bulk simple shearing. Given particular initial foliation orientation and timing of porphyroblast growth, Type 3 OCMs can also form during these intermediate deformation paths, and are commonly found in the same rocks as Type 2 OCMs. Type 4 OCMs may indicate highly noncoaxial deformation during porphyroblast growth, but may be difficult to distinguish from Type 3 OCMs. Thus, Types 1–3 (and possibly 4) reflect the finite strain state, giving no information about the rotational component of the deformation(s) responsible for their formation. Furthermore, there is a lack of unequivocal independent evidence for the degree of noncoaxiality of deformation (s) during the growth of porphyroblasts containing OCMs. Type 2 OCMs that occur independently of porphyroblasts or other rigid objects might indicate highly coaxial bulk shortening, but there is a lack of supporting physical or computer modelling. It is possible that microstructures in the matrix around OCMs formed during highly noncoaxial and highly coaxial deformation histories might have specific characteristics that allow them to be distinguished from one another. However, determining degrees of noncoaxiality from rock fabrics is a major, longstanding problem in structural geology.  相似文献   

古断裂是指在变质岩区与谱质岩层变形和南作用同时发生的,在盖层沉积之前形成的断裂,其与断屋有关的断层岩石在后期骏马理新固结成岩。它是前寒武纪变夺内一种重要的构造现象。通过研究,概括总结了古断裂的特点及识别古断裂构造的各种标志,同时探讨了古断理解构造性质。古断裂构造的研究,无乡下对提高前寒武纪地质发展史的认识及对成矿分析和成矿预测具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

新疆太古宙变质岩系岩石组合特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
新疆塔里木盆地周边发育前寒武纪变质岩系,其太古宙变质岩系分布在库鲁克塔格-星星峡及阿尔金山前。铁克力克可能有新太古代变质岩系的存在。库鲁克塔格地区太古代变质岩出露较全,由古-中太古代及新太古代变质岩组成:阿尔金山前、南天山及中天山尾亚地区均有新太古代变质岩系分布。太古代变质岩系由表壳岩和变质深成岩(岩系)组成,前者往往呈规模不等的包体散布在变质深成岩中。变质作用主要为区域中高温变质作用和区域动力热流变质作用,变质相为中深变质的角闪岩相-麻粒岩相,具中深部构造相的塑性流变特征。  相似文献   

政和地区变质岩石形成于晋宁期,遭受了四期复杂的构造变形作用。其中,D_1、D_2和D_3发生于晋宁期。D_2期形变造就了区域性宏观面理构造和松源复背斜,岩石面理产状不代表原始沉积层理,属轴面叶理。D_4期变形为后期加里东运动的产物。变质岩石由绿泥石—黑云母带、石榴石带、十字石带和矽线石带组成一个热背斜式递增变质带,热背斜形态接近于松源复背斜。本区晋宁期变质作用可分为早期、主期和晚期三个变质阶段,各变质带的PTD轨迹均为顺时针,类似于陆—陆碰撞造山带的PTt轨迹。  相似文献   

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