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Four natural peridotite nodules ranging from chemically depletedto Fe-rich, alkaline and calcic (SiO2=43?745?7 wt. percent, Al2O3=1?6O8?21 wt. per cent, CaO=0?708?12wt. per cent,alk=0?100?90 wt. per cent and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)=0?940?85)have been investigated in the hypersolidus region from 800?to 1250?C with variable activities of H2O, CO2, and H2. Thevapor-saturated peridotite solidi are 50200?C below thosepreviously published. The temperature of the beginning of meltingof peridotite decreases markedly with decreasing Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the starting material at constant CaO/Al2O3. Conversely,lowering CaO/Al2O3 reduces the temperature at constant Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the starting material. Temperature differences between thesolidi up to 200?C are observed. All solidi display a temperatureminimum reflecting the appearance of garnet. This minimum shiftsto lower pressure with decreasing Mg/(Mg+Fe) of the startingmaterial. The temperature of the beginning of melting decreasesisobarically as approximately a linear function of the mol fractionof H2O in the vapor (XH2O). The data also show that some CO2may dissolve in silicate melts formed by partial melting ofperidotite. Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) is a hypersolidus mineralin all compositions, although its P/T stability field dependson bulk rock chemistry. The upper pressure stability of amphiboleis marked by the appearance of garnet. The vapor-saturated (H2O) liquidus curve for one peridotiteis between 1250? and 1300?C between 10 and 30 kb. Olivine, spinel,and orthopyroxene are either liquidus phases or coexist immediatelybelow the temperature of the peridotite liquidus. The data suggest considerable mineralogical heterogeneity inthe oceanic upper mantle because the oceanic geotherm passesthrough the P/T band covering the appearance of garnet in variousperidotites. The variable depth to the low-velocity zone is explained byvariable aH2O conditions in the upper mantle and possibly alsoby variations in the composition of the peridotite itself. It is suggested that komatiite in Precambrian terrane couldform by direct melting of hydrous peridotite. Such melting requiresabout 1250?C compared with 1600?C which is required for drymelting. The genesis of kimberlite can be related to partial meltingof peridotite under conditions of (). Such activities of H2Oresult in melting at depths ranging between 125 and 175 km inthe mantle. This range is within the minimum depth generallyaccepted for the formation of kimberlite. 相似文献
Four natural peridotite nodules ranging from chemically depletedto Fe-rich, alkaline and calcic (SiO2 = 43.745.7 wt.per cent, A12O3 = 1.6O8.21 wt. per cent, CaO = 0.708.12wt. per cent, alk = 0.100.90 wt. per cent and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)= 0.940.85) have been investigated in the hypersolidusregion from 800? to 1250?C with variable activities of H2O,CO2, and H2. The vapor-saturated peridotite solidi are 50200?Cbelow those previously published. The temperature of the beginningof melting of peridotite decreases markedly with decreasingMg/(Mg+SFe) of the starting material at constant CaO/Al2O3.Conversely, lowering CaO/Al2O3 reduces the temperature at constantMg/(Mg+Fe) of the starting material. Temperature differencesbetween the solidi up to 200?C are observed. All solidi displaya temperature minimum reflecting the appearance of garnet. Thisminimum shifts to lower pressure with decreasing Mg/(Mg + Fe)of the starting material. The temperature of the beginning ofmelting decreases isobarically as approximately a linear functionof the mol fraction of H2O in the vapor (XH2Ov). The data alsoshow that some CO2 may dissolve in silicate melts formed bypartial melting of peridotite. Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) is a hypersolidus mineralin all compositions, although its P/T stability field dependson bulk rock chemistry. The upper pressure stability of amphiboleis marked by the appearance of garnet. The vapor-saturated (H2O) liquidus curve for one peridotiteis between 1250? and 1300?C between 10 and 30 kb. Olivine, spinel,and orthopyroxene are either liquidus phases or co-exist immediatelybelow the temperature of the peridotite liquidus. The data suggest considerable mineralogical heterogeneity inthe oceanic upper mantle because the oceanic geotherm passesthrough the P/T band covering the appearance of garnet in variousperidotites. The variable depth to the low-velocity zone is explained byvariable aHjo conditions in the upper mantle and possibly alsoby variations in the composition of the peridotite itself. Itis suggested that komatiite in Precambrian terrane could formby direct melting of hydrous peridotite. Such melting requiresabout 1250?C compared with 1600?C which is required for drymelting. The genesis of kimberlite can be related to partial meltingof peridotite under conditions of XH2Ov = 0.50.25 (XCO2v= 0.50.75). Such activities of H2O result in meltingat depths ranging between 125 and 175 km in the mantle. Thisrange is within the minimum depth generally accepted for theformation of kimberlite. 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(2):152-162
An equation of state of solute silica in NaCl brines at 500 to 900°C and 4 to 15 kbar is formulated by making use of two experimentally determined properties of quartz solubility: the silica molality decreases in direct proportion to the logarithm of the NaCl mole fraction (X(NaCl)) at pressures approaching 10 kbar, and the relative silica molality (molality at a given NaCl mole fraction, mx, divided by the molality in pure H2O at the same P and T, mo) is independent of temperature in the evaluated range. These two properties are expressed in the relation: log(mx/mo)? = A + BX(NaCI), where log(mx/mo)? denotes the logarithm of the ideal molality ratio, and A and B are functions of pressure, but not temperature or salinity, such that B = ?1.730 ? 1.431 × 10?3P + 5.923 × 10?4P2 ?9.243 × lO?5P3, and A = 0 at P>10 kbar, whereas A = 0.6131 ? 0.1256P + 6.431 × 10?3P2 at P≤10 kbar, as derived from fits to experimental data (Newton and Manning, 1999). The parameter A decreases from 0.214 to 0 from 4 to 9.5 kbar, and remains zero to 15 kbar; B decreases from ?1.373 to ?1.571 from 4 to 15 kbar. With the above relationship defining a variable X(NaCl)-T-P standard-state of solute silica, the activity of SiO2 can be replaced by its molality for calculations of mineral-fluid equilibria over most of the conditions for metasomatism in the deep crust and upper mantle. Significant departures from ideality occur only at the lowest pressures, and low salinities. Calculations on peridotite mineral stability in the simple system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O-NaCl at high T and P show that antigorite, brucite, and diopside are stable at 500°C and pressures of 5 to 15 kbar in the presence of concentrated NaCl solutions at low SiO2 activities. At 700°C, anthophyllite is stable over a wide range of salinities at 5 kbar with tremolite but not with diopside. The presence of anthophyllite buffers silica solubility at a high, salinity-independent value close to quartz saturation. At 10 and 15 kbar and 700°C, talc replaces anthophyllite as the stable hydrate, and talc-trem-olite assemblages buffer SiO2 fluid concentrations at high values nearly independent of salinity. At 900°C hydrates are unstable and diopside again becomes stable and coexists with enstatite in peridotites. These stability calculations correspond well to the observed progressive metamorphic sequence in peridotite bodies in the Central Alps. This method of analysis may be useful in interpretation of metamorphosed ultramafic bodies in general, including the basal portions of obducted ophiolitic mantle lithosphere and the mantle wedge above subduction zones. More detailed calculations, including rocks containing feldspars, must take into account the more soluble major components of rocks, especially alkalis, as these will affect the activity coefficient of SiO2 in NaCl solutions. The solubility of silica in the presence of minerals containing these components must be determined by additional measurements. 相似文献
The system peridotite-H2O-CO2 serves as a simplified model forthe phase relations of mantle peridotite involving more thanone volatile component. Run products obtained in a study ofphase relations of four mantle peridotites in the presence ofH2O- and (H2O+CO2)-bearing vapors and with controlled hydrogenfugacity (fH2) at high pressures and temperatures have beensubjected to a detailed chemical investigation, principallyby the electron microprobe. Mg/(Mg+Fe) of all phases generally increases with increasingtemperature and with increasing Mg/(Mg+Fe) of the starting material.This ratio appears to decrease with increasing pressure forolivine, and for amphibole coexisting with garnet. DecreasingfH2from that of IW buffer to that of MH buffer decreases Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the partial melt from approximately 0?85 to approximately0?50, whereas the Fo content of coexisting olivine increasesslightly less than 3 per cent and the Mg/(Mg+Fe) of clinopyroxeneincreases about 4 per cent. However, the variations in Fo contentof olivines are within those observed in olivines from naturalmantle peridotite. The chemistry of other silicate mineralsdoes not significantly reflect variations of fH2. Consequently,the peridotite mineralogy and/or chemistry is not a good indicatorfor the fH2 conditions during crystallization. All crystalline phases, except amphibole, and to some extentgarnet, show increasing Cr content with increasing temperatureand increasing Cr content of the starting material, resultingin a positive correlation with Mg/(Mg+Fe). Partial melts aredepleted in Cr2O3 relative to the crystalline phases. High Mg/(Mg+Fe)and Cr2O3 are thus expected in crystal residues after partialmelting. The absolute values depend on degree of melting andthe composition of the parent peridotite. 相似文献
The system peridotite-H2OCO2 serves as a simplified modelfor the phase relations of mantle peridotite involving morethan one volatile component. Run products obtained in a studyof phase relations of four mantle peridotites in the presenceof H2O- and (H2O+CO2)- bearing vapors and with controlled hydrogenfugacity (fH2) at high pressures and temperatures have beensubjected to a detailed chemical investigation, principallyby the electron microprobe. Mg/(Mg+Fe) of all phases generally increases with increasingtemperature and with increasing Mg/(Mg+Fe) of the starting material.This ratio appears to decrease with increasing pressure forolivine, and for amphibole coexisting with garnet. DecreasingfH2 from that of IW buffer to that of MH buffer decreases Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the partial melt from approximately 0-85 to approximately0.50, whereas the Fo content of coexisting olivine increasesslightly less than 3 per cent and the Mg/(Mg+Fe) of clinopyroxeneincreases about 4 per cent. However, the variations in Fo contentof olivines are within those observed in olivines from naturalmantle peridotite. The chemistry of other silicate mineralsdoes not significantly reflect variations of fH2. Consequently,the peridotite mineralogy and/or chemistry is not a good indicatorfor the fH2 conditions during crystallization. All crystalline phases, except amphibole, and to some extentgarnet, show increasing Cr content with increasing temperatureand increasing Cr content of the starting material, resultingin a positive correlation with Mg/(Mg+Fe). Partial melts aredepleted in Cr2O3 relative to the crystalline phases. High Mg/Mg+Fe)and Cr2O3 are thus expected in crystal residues after partialmelting. The absolute values depend on degree of melting andthe composition of the parent peridotite. Liquids formed by anatexis of mantle peridotite are andesiticunder conditions of XH2Ov > 0.6 to at least 25 kb total pressureand to more than 200?C above the peridotite solidus. This observationsupports numerous suggestions that andesite genesis in islandarcs may result from partial melting of underlying peridotitemantle. In contrast to basaltic rocks, the absence of amphibole(paragasitic hornblende) does not affect the silica-saturatednature of the liquids. Increasing K2O content of the startingmaterial (up to 1 wt. per cent K2O) results in increasing potassiumcontent of the amphibole (1 wt. per cent K2O) as well as theappearance of phlogopite. The liquid under these conditionsis relatively K20-poor (less than 1 wt. per cent K2O). Partial melts are olivine normative with XH2O 0.5, and initialliquids contain normative ol and ne at XH2O 0.4. The alkalinityof these liquids increases with decreasing XH2O below valuesof 0.5. The (ol+opx)-normative liquids resemble oceanic basaltswhereas (ol+ne)-normative liquids resemble olivine nepheliniteand melilite basalt. Low aHlo and high aCo2 conditions may bethose under which kimberlites and related rocks are formed inthe mantle. 相似文献
Zheng Haifei Xie Hongsen Xu Yousheng Song Maoshuang Zhang Yueming Wang Mingzai Xu Huigang Department of Geology Peking University Beijing Institute of Geochemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences Guiyang Guizhou 《《地质学报》英文版》1996,70(2):157-167
The experimental study on the melting of potassic basalt and eclogite with about 2% waterat 800-1300℃ and 1.0-3.5 GPa shows that the solidi of both rocks are significantly lower thanthose obtained from the previous experiments of the same type of rocks under dry conditions,and the former which is enriched in potassium has a lower melting point than the latter. It is con-sistent with the previous study. The melting temperature of eclogite increases with pressure,whereas potassic basalt has similar properties only at 1.5—2.5 GPa and>3.0 GPa, and at 2.5—3.0 GPa the melting temperature decreases with pressure. This can be explained as follows: (1)eclogite only has one hydrous mineral amphibole and the dehydous temperature is lower than thewet solidus of the rock. (2) Amphibole exists in potassic basalt at the pressures lower than 2.5GPa and phlogopite exists at pressures higher than 2.5 GPa, and the special compositions of bothminerals determine that amphibole has a dehydration temperature higher than or close to that ofthe wet solidus of the rocks, while phlogopite has a dehydration temperature lower than that ofthe wet solidus. On the other hand the features of the continuous solidus in the experiment ofhydrous eclogite were produced by the fact that the dehydration temperature of its amphibolelower than or close to the melting temperature of the hydrous conditions. So the melting tempera-ture lowers at higher pressures. Therefore, the composition of the rocks in the lithosphere and thetypes of hydrous minerals and their stable P-T conditions are the important factors controllingthe solidi of rocks. It can quite well explain the partial melting of rocks and the origin of the lowvelocity zone in the deep lithosphere. 相似文献
The system MgO-CO2-H2O has been studied up to 1,400? C and 4,000bars pressure using the sealed-capsule quenching technique.No melting was observed. At 1,000 bars pressure magnesite dissociatesat 780? C, and brucite at 635? C, to periclase and vapor. Theunivariant reaction MgCO3?Mg(OH)2 MgO + V proceeds at 630?C, at 1,000 bars and at 700? C, at 4,000 bars. Solubility measurementsshow that, at 1,000 bars and temperatures up to 1,000? C, lessthan 1.5 weight per cent MgO is dissolved in the vapor phase.Brucite is unstable in the presence of vapors containing morethan a small amount of CO2. The maximum percentage of CO2 ina vapor that can coexist with brucite increases with decreasingpressure and with increasing temperature: 6 weight per centCO2 is the maximum at 630? C, 1,000 bars, and 4 weight per centat 700? C, 4,000 bars. The phase relations in the isobaric TXprism for 1,000 bars pressure are described. The results illustratetwo dissociation reactions, decarbonation and dehydration, occurringin the presence of a vapor phase containing two volatile components,H2O and CO2. Applications to metamorphism are briefly discussed. 相似文献
Experimental melting studies were conducted on a nepheline mugearitecomposition to pressures of 31 kbar in the presence of 0–30%added water. A temperature maximum in the near-liquidus stabilityof amphibole (with olivine) was found for a water content of3·5 wt % at a pressure of 14 kbar. This is interpretedto have petrogenetic significance for the derivation of nephelinemugearite magmas from nepheline hawaiite by amphibole-dominatedfractional crystallization at depth within the lithosphericmantle. Synthetic liquids at progressively lower temperaturesrange to nepheline benmoreite compositions very similar to thoseof natural xenolith-bearing high-pressure lavas elsewhere, andsupport the hypothesis that continued fractional crystallizationcould lead to high-pressure phonolite liquids. Independent experimentaldata for a basanite composition modeled on a lava from the sameigneous province (the Newer Basalts of Victoria) permit theinference that primary asthenospheric basanite magmas undergopolybaric fractional crystallization during ascent, and mayevolve to liquids ranging from nepheline hawaiite to phonoliteupon encountering cooler lithospheric mantle at depths of 42–50km. Such a model is consistent with the presence in some evolvedalkalic lavas of both lithospheric peridotite xenoliths indicativeof similar depths and of megacryst suites that probably representdisrupted pegmatitic segregations precipitated from precursoralkalic magmas in conduit systems within lithospheric mantle. KEY WORDS: experiment; high pressure; alkalic magmas; amphibole; nepheline mugearite; basanite; lithosphere 相似文献
Phase Relations of Basalts in their Melting Ranges at PH2O = 5 kb. Part II. Melt Compositions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper describes the melting relations of three basalts,a Picture Gorge tholeiite, the 1921 Kilauea olivine tholeiite,and the 1801 Hualalai alkali basalt, at 5 kb water pressure,6801045 °C, at the oxygen fugacities of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite(QFM) and hematite-magnetite (HM) buffer. All melts producedwithin the hornblende stability field are strongly quartzo-feldspathic.All are quartz-normative, including those from the alkali basalt,and all but two of the melts are corundum-normative. Melt compositionshows very little dependence on oxygen fugacity within the hornblendestability field, as MgO and FeO contents are very low. Whenhornblende begins to melt extensively (1000°1045°C), the TiO2, FeO, and MgO contents of the melt increaseabruptly. In this range, melts formed on the HM buffer havemuch higher Mg/Fe ratios and lower TiO2 than melts formed onthe QFM buffer. Melt composition is also quite insensitive to changes in basaltcomposition, within the hornblende stability field. The chiefexception is the Na/Ca ratio, which varies directly with Na/Cain the starting basalt. When projected into the Ab-An-Or-Qzquaternary system, all melts produced follow a rather narrowspiral path through the tetrahedron; they descend from the Ancorner, moving toward Qz at constant Ab/Or, moving toward Oronly when plagioclase± quartz begin to precipitate. The melting behavior of hornblende, plagioclase, and augitein these experiments has been examined closely, with the followingresults: successive partial melts may differ from each otherby compositional increments which are very different in compositionfrom the minerals contributing to the melt in the temperatureinterval under consideration. These increments can almost neverbe expressed solely in terms of members of the one or two mineralsolid solutions from which they are actually derived. In a fewcases the increments cannot be expressed in terms of any reasonablecombination of minerals. This pattern contrasts markedly withthat observed in fractional crystallization, in which the differencebetween successive melts must always correspond to present orpossible phenocryst minerals. The contrast implies that magmaseries generated by any kind of melting process, equilibriumor fractional, should be recognizably different from seriesgenerated by fractional crystallization, if minerals like hornblendeor pyroxene are involved. 相似文献
Solubility of Anhydrite, CaSO4, in NaCl-H2O Solutions at High Pressures and Temperatures: Applications to Fluid-Rock Interaction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anhydrite solubility in H2ONaCl solutions was measuredat 614 kbar, 600800°C and NaCl mole fractions(XNaCl) of 00·3 in pistoncylinder apparatus.Solubilities were determined by weight changes of natural anhydritein perforated Pt envelopes confined with fluid in larger Ptcapsules. In initially pure H2O at 10 kbar and 800°C, CaSO4concentration is low (0·03 molal), though much largerthan at the same temperature and 1 kbar. Hematite-buffered experimentsshowed slightly lower solubilities than unbuffered runs. CaSO4solubility increases enormously with NaCl activity: at 800°Cand 10 kbar and XNaCl of 0·3, CaSO4 molality is 200 timeshigher than with pure H2O. Whereas CaSO4 solubility in pureH2O decreases with rising T at low T and P, the high-P resultsshow that anhydrite solubility increases with T at constantP at all XNaCl investigated. The effects of salinity and temperatureare so great at 10 kbar that critical mixing between sulfate-richhydrosaline melts and aqueous salt solutions is probable at900°C at XNaCl 0·3. Recent experimental evidencethat volatile-laden magmas crystallizing in the deep crust mayevolve concentrated salt solutions could, in light of the presentwork, have important implications regarding such diverse processesas Mount Pinatubo-type S-rich volcanism, high-f O2 regionalmetamorphism, and emplacement of porphyry CuMo ore bodies,where anhydritehematite alteration and fluid inclusionsreveal the action of very oxidized saline solutions rich insulfur. KEY WORDS: anhydrite; sulfur; solubility; metamorphic brines; granulites 相似文献
Phase Relations of Basalts in their Melting Range at PH2O = 5 kb as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity: Part I. Mafic Phases 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The phase relations of three basalts, the Picture Gorge tholeiite,the 1921 Kilauea olivine tholeiite, and the 1801 Hualalai alkalibasalt, were studied at 5 kb water pressure, 6801000°C,at the oxygen fugacities of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM)and hematite-magnetite (HM) buffers. In the range 680850 °C, the crystalline assemblageon the QFM buffer is dominantly hornblende+ plagioclase, ±ilmenite, magnetite, sphene, fayalitic olivine, and phlogopiticmica. From 875 to 1000 °C the crystalline assemblage ishornblende+ olivine± augite+ ilmenite± magnetite.A melt phase is present from 700 to 1000 °C; a vapor phasewas present in all charges. The hornblendes formed on the QFM buffer range in compositionfrom common green hornblendes at low temperatures to kaersutitichornblendes at 1000 °C. A1(IV) and Ti increase temperature.AI(VI) passes through a maximum near 825 °C, decreasingboth above and below this temperature. AI(IV) is proportionalto the sum A1(VI)+2Ti. There is a positive linear correlationof approximately 3 : 1 between AI(IV) and the number of cationsin the A-site. The most likely explanation for this correlationat present is that the substitution of AI(VI) or Ti+4for a divalentcation creates local charge imbalances in the amphibole structurewhich can be compensated only by further A-site substitution.There also appears to be a correlation between the a-cell dimensionof hornblende and the A-site occupancy. Above a thresh holdvalue of approxmately 0.5 cations in A, a increases as A-siteoccupancy increases. Phase relations on the hematite-magnetite buffer are considerablysimpler. The hornblendes show relatively little change in compositionas temperature increases, and in the tholelitic compositionsbreak down at or below 970 °C 3560 °C above thefirst appearance of augite±olivine. The melting of hornblendeis incongruent in all cases. The Fe-Ti oxides are pseudo-brookiteand titanohematite; at 1000 °C these oxides make up 10 percent by weight of the assemblage and contain most of the Tio2and FeO in the charge. The patterns of hornblende variation observed in this studycompare closely with those reported in a wide range of experimentaland field data. The appearance of high-TiO2 kaersutitic hornblendesin the tholeities at 1000° C, PH2O= 5 kb on the QFM bufferimplies that the restricted occurence of kaersutite in nature(where it is associated only with mafic to intermediate alkalicrocks) is controlled by volatile content (H2O,F2)rather thanby differences in condensed bulk composition. 相似文献
Amphiboles approached edenite (NaCa2Mg5Si7AlO22(OH)2), richterite (Na2CaMg5Si8O22(OH)2), tremolite (□Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2) solid solutions were studied by conventional hydrothermal techniques employing the bulk compositions edenite, and edenite + additional quartz, all with excess H2O. For the stoichiometric edenite bulk composition + excess H2O, the equilibrium phase assemblage is diopside + Na-phlogopite + forsterite + fluid at, and just above the amphibole high-temperature limit at 850 ± 5°C, 500 bar, and 880 ± 5°C, 1000 bar. The breakdown temperature of sodic phlogopite is 855 ± 3°C at 500 bar, and 890 ± 5°C at 700 bar, producing nepheline + plagioclase (or melt), additional forsterite and fluid. Diopside and Na-phlogopite solid solution coexist over a broad Pfluid-T region, even within the amphibole field, where they are associated with an edenite-richterite (-tremolite) solid solution of approximate composition Ed35Rc50Tr15.In the system edenite + 4 quartz + excess H2O, nearly pure tremolite and albite coexist stably between 670° and 830°C at 1000 bar and give way to the possibly metastable assemblage diopside + talc + albite below 670°C. In the presence of albite, tremolite reacts to produce diopside + quartz + enstatite + fluid above 830°C at 1000 bar. For the investigated silica-rich bulk composition, amphibole Pfluid-T stability is divided by the albite melting curve into a tremolite + albite field, and a tremolite + aqueous melt field. Substantial equilibrium solid solution of tremolite towards edenite or richterite was not observed for silica-excess bulk compositions. Metastable edenite-rich amphiboles initially synthesized change to tremolite with increasing run length in the presence of free SiO2.Edenitic amphibole is stable only over a very limited temperature range in silica-undersaturated environments, thus accounting for its rarity in nature. Na-phlogopite solid solutions are also disfavored by high aSiO2; even for nepheline-normative lithologies, a hypothesized rapid low-temperature conversion to vermiculite or smectite could partly explain the scarcity of sodic phlogopite in rocks. 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):886-894
Experimental studies show that aqueous fluid-mediated mineralogic solution/redeposition mechanisms are orders faster than solid-solid transformations; hence the presence of a separate aqueous fluid markedly enhances reaction rates, whereas its total absence impedes mineralogic transformations. Where does this volatile component come from? For typical subduction-zone P-T trajectories, amphibole constitutes the major OH-bearing phase in most deep-seated metamorphic rocks of basaltic composition; other hydrous minerals are of minor abundance. Clinoamphiboles dehydrate at pressures of-2.0 to 2.4 GPa, but devolatilization may be delayed slightly by pressure overstepping; thus mafic blueschists and barroisitic amphibolites expel H2O at arc melt-generation depths of ~100 km, and commonly achieve the stable eclogitic phase configuration. Serpentinized mantle beneath the oceanic crust devolatilizes at comparable conditions. Only where metagabbroic rocks are completely dry and coarse grained are low-pressure assemblages metastably preserved. For realistic subduction-zone geothermal gradients, white micas ± biotites remain stable in sialic crust to pressures exceeding 3.5 GPa. Accordingly, under conditions attending descent to great depths, mica-rich quartzofeldspathic schists and gneisses that constitute the continental crust fail to evolve substantial amounts of H2O, and transform incompletely to stable eclogite-facies assemblages. The deep underflow of partly hydrated oceanic lithosphere thus generates most of the deep-seated volatile flux—and consequent partial melting to produce the calc-alkaline suite along and above a subduction zone; where large volumes of micaceous sialic materials are carried down to extreme depths, volatile flux severely diminishes. 相似文献
高温高压下闪长岩弹性纵波速度的实验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
利用YJ-3000吨压力机,在1.0 GPa、室温至1000℃条件下采用超声波脉冲透射-反射法就位测量了闪长岩的纵波速度(Vp),并在720℃、780℃、870℃和980℃获得了4个实验产物.在1.0 GPa恒定压力下,闪长岩的VP随温度升高呈线性缓慢降低;当温度大于750℃时,波速开始大幅度下降.显微镜观察和电子探针鉴定结果表明:在不同温度下闪长岩内部的矿物发生了不同程度的脱水和部分熔融等反应.波速随温度升高呈线性和非线性下降,主要是由于在高温高压条件下岩石内部矿物发生热膨胀、脱水和部分熔融等反应引起了岩石内部结构和成分的变化而造成的. 相似文献
高温高压下水的剪切粘滞度的平衡分子动力学计算 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本项工作用TIP4P模型对水分子进行了平衡分子动力学模拟。根据Green-Kubo理论,计算了温度从652K到814K,密度从0.5360g/cm3到0.8638g/cm3六个不同温度和密度水的剪切粘滞度,并和实验值进行了对比。在所计算的温度和密度范围,平衡分子动力学计算结果与实验值的平均绝对值差别为15%,好于使用非平衡分子动力学方法获得的粘滞度值。平衡分子动力学的方法将是获得地学中高温高压下流体输运性质的重要途径。 相似文献
Melting of Biotite + Plagioclase + Quartz Gneisses: the Role of H2O in the Stability of Amphibole 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Biotite + plagioclase + quartz (BPQ) is a common assemblagein gneisses, metasediments and metamorphosed granitic to granodioriticintrusions. Melting experiments on an assemblage consistingof 24 vol. % quartz, 25 vol. % biotite (XMg = 0·380·40),42 vol. % plagioclase (An2629), 9 vol. % alkali feldsparand minor apatite, titanite and epidote were conducted at 10,15 and 20 kbar between 800 and 900°C under fluid-absentconditions and with small amounts (2 and 4 wt %) of water addedto the system. At 10 kbar when 4 wt % of water was added tothe system the biotite melting reaction occurred below 800°Cand produced garnet + amphibole + melt. At 15 kbar the meltingreaction produced garnet + amphibole + melt with 2 wt % addedwater. At 20 kbar the amphibole occurred only at high temperature(900°C) and with 4 wt % added water. In this last case themelting reaction produced amphibole + clinopyroxene ±garnet + melt. Under fluid-absent conditions the melting reactionproduced garnet + plagioclase II + melt and left behind a plagioclaseI ± quartz residuum, with an increase in the modal amountof garnet with increasing pressure. The results show that itis not possible to generate hornblende in such compositionswithout the addition of at least 24 wt % H2O. This reflectsthe fact that conditions of low aH2O may prevent hornblendefrom being produced with peraluminous granitic liquids fromthe melting of biotite gneiss. Thus growth of hornblende inanatectic BPQ gneisses is an indication of addition of externalH2O-rich fluids during the partial melting event. KEY WORDS: biotite; dehydration; gneisses; hornblende; melt 相似文献
Temperatures and H2O contents of low-MgO high-alumina basalts 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Experimental evidence is used to estimate H2O contents in low-MgO high-alumina basalts (HABs) (<6 wt.% MgO) and basaltic andesites (BAs) (<5 wt.% MgO) that occur worldwide in magmatic arcs. Wholerock compositions of low-MgO HABs and BAs, phenocryst assemblages, and mineral chemistry match the compositions of liquids, phase assemblages, and mineral-compositions produced in H2O-saturated melting experiments on HABs at moderate pressure (1–2 kb). Low-MgO HABs and BAs therefore could have existed as H2O-rich multiply-saturated liquids within the crust. Results are presented for melting experiments on two HABs and an andesite at 1 kb pressure, H2O-saturated, with fO2 at the NNO buffer. These data and other experimental results on HABs are used to develop a method to estimate the temperature and H2O content of HAB or BA liquids saturated with olivine, plagioclase, and either high-Ca pyroxene or hornblende. Estimated H2O contents of HAB liquids are variable and range from 1 to 8 wt.%. High-MgO HABs (>8wt.% MgO) could have H2O contents reaching no more than 1–2wt.%. The more common low-MgO HABs could have existed as liquids within the crust with H2O contents of 4 wt.% or higher at temperatures<1100°C. Magmas with these high H2O contents will saturate with and exsolve aqueous fluid upon approaching the surface. They cannot erupt as liquids and must grow crystals at shallow depths, thus accounting for the abundant phenocrysts in low-MgO HABs and BAs. 相似文献
We present melt and mineral compositions from nominally anhydrouspartial melting experiments at 23 GPa on a quartz eclogitecomposition (G2) similar to average oceanic crust. Near-soliduspartial melts at 3 GPa, determined with melt traps of vitreouscarbon spheres, have 5557 wt % SiO2, rather less silicathan the dacitic compositions that are generally assumed fornear-solidus eclogite partial melts. At 2 GPa, equivalent near-soliduspartial melts are less silicic ( 相似文献
Reversed Na-K exchange data between mica and a 2 molal aqueous(Na,K)Cl fluid (Flux & Chatterjee, 1986) have been employedto model the thermodynamic mixing behaviour of muscovite-paragonitecrystalline solutions on the basis of the Redlich-Kister equation.For these binary micas, Gexm may be expressed as
where A=11222+1.389 T+0.2359 P, B=1134+6.806 T0.0840 P, and C=7305+9.043 T, with T in K, P in b, Gexm, A, B, and C in joules/mol. Gmex is well constrained between 450 and 620?C, and may be extrapolatedbeyond that range with caution. The calculated solvi are skewedtoward the paragonite end member. In the range up to 15 kb,the critical temperature, Tc and the critical composition, Xcmay be expressed as a function of P by the relations:
with P indicated in bars. Calculated phase relations of muscovite-paragonite crystallinesolutions have been depicted in terms of the system KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O.These data may be applied to appropriate assemblages involvingmica, alkali feldspar, an Al2 polymorph, and quartz to estimateP, T and aH2O conditions of their equilibration. In principle,the muscovite limb of the solvus may be used to obtain geothermometricdata for coexisting muscovite-paragonite pairs, provided theequilibrium pressure is independently known. However, such applicationmust be restricted for the present to micas on the ideal muscovite-paragonitejoin. Mica-alkali feldspar-Al2SiO5-quartz or mica-plagioclase-Al2SiO5-quartzassemblages may be used to deduce aH2O in the coexisting fluid,if P, and T of equilibrium are independently known. Examplesof such geological applications are given. 相似文献
Boninites are an important end-member supra-subductionzone magmatic suite as they have the highest H2O contents andrequire the most refractory of mantle wedge sources. The pressuretemperatureconditions of boninite origins in the mantle wedge are importantto understanding subduction zone initiation and subsequent evolution.Reaction experiments at 1·5 GPa (13501530°C),2 GPa (14001600°C) and 2·5 GPa (14501530°C)between a model primary high-Ca boninite magma composition anda refractory harzburgite under anhydrous and H2O-undersaturatedconditions (23 wt % H2O in the melt) have been completed.The boninite composition was modelled on melt inclusions occurringin the most magnesian olivine phenocrysts in high-Ca boninitesfrom the Northern Tongan forearc and the Upper Pillow Lavasof the Troodos ophiolite. Direct melting experiments on a modelrefractory lherzolite and a harzburgite composition at 1·5GPa under anhydrous conditions (14001600°C) havealso been completed. Experiments establish a P, T meltinggrid for refractory harzburgite at 1·5, 2 and2·5 GPa and in the presence of 23 wt % H2O. Theeffect of 23 wt % dissolved H2O produces a liquidus depressionin primary boninite of 相似文献