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High-frequency (HF) ground wave radar (GWR) is emerging as a significant tool for monitoring ocean surface conditions at ranges well beyond the line-of-sight horizon that limits conventional systems. An experimental GWR system at Cape Race, Newfoundland, Canada that has been operational since 1991, has the ability to performing routine surveillance of oceanic surface parameters and surface target detection. Operating in the frequency range between 5 and 8 MHz, the frequency modulated interrupted continuous wave (FMICW) radar has a nominal range capability of 200 km. An experiment was performed during the period of October 20-November 21, 1992 to test the surface current measuring capability of the Cape Race system. Here, near real-time radial surface current information is extracted from the Doppler spectra of the radar time series data and a comparison is performed to the Lagrangian velocities derived from the position-time tracks of Accurate Surface Tracker (AST) drifters. A wide range of oceanic conditions were experienced during the experimental period, and favorable results were obtained from the comparison regardless of the sea state conditions. The analysis shows the standard deviation in the radar radial velocity component to be approximately 5 cm/s  相似文献   

Ocean surface currents can be estimated, over a large coastal area, by utilizing the backscatter of high frequency (HF) radar waves from ocean gravity waves. Although the overall backscatter mechanism is complicated, the surface current information is contained within the spectral characteristics of two dominant Bragg components. The accuracy of the current estimate, following the usual FFT-based spectral estimate, is limited by the frequency resolution of the FFT and the time-varying characteristics of the Bragg components. This paper describes a high resolution parametric estimation of the ocean currents based on a recently proposed technique for analyzing time-varying signals. This technique, together with a time-domain ocean clutter model, allows all the Bragg signal information to be extracted from the two dominant eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix constructed from the radar data. Using signals from an operational coastal surveillance radar, current estimates made using this technique are compared with those estimated by the conventional FFT-based method  相似文献   

Numerical modelling and HF radar technique are two developing methods for studying coastal circulation. They both have a wide space-coverage, and similar time and space discriminations (respectively a few minutes and a few km2). It is therefore particularly interesting to compare their results.An experiment using two high-frequency radars was made in Western Baie de Seine at the end of summer 1982, and three days of these measurements, covering a large range of tidal coefficients, have been compared with the corresponding results of a two-dimensional modelling of the whole Bay.Characteristics of this model, as well as the main methodological and technical points concerning HF radar measurements (especially a discussion of the measurements errors, evaluated to be 3 to 7 cm s−1 on each radial component) are presented. A comparison is made at 6 points for the current vector, and at 20 points for one of the radial components. It concerns the half-day mode (amplitude, phase, hodograph).In most of the area, no significant phase lag is observed. The agreement is to within ca. 10 cm s−1 for the amplitude, and to within less than 10° for the bearing of tidal ellipses, with smaller intervals for smaller tides. This agreement shows that the intrinsic accuracy of the model is comparable to that of other sensors such as current meters. What is even more satisfactory is that the model does not use as boundary conditions any measurements specific to the period studied except for sea level forecasts, which are given by a greater scale physical model.A significant difference is observed only close to the coast where the strong gradient of the current velocity (referred to the discrimination scale), is unfavourable both to the model and to the measurements.  相似文献   

2015年4月7-30日,在浙江省舟山近海海域开展了“嵊山-朱家尖”小型阵列变频高频地波雷达系统的海上比测试验,通过雷达观测数据与定点ADCP海流资料的比对检验了地波雷达表层流探测性能。径向流比对结果显示,测点与雷达法向夹角越小,距离雷达距离越近,径向流比测结果越好,雷达探测的结果越可靠。嵊山站径向流与ADCP观测结果的各站总体平均误差为7.98 cm/s,平均均方根误差为15.34 cm/s,平均相关系数为0.89,朱家尖站径向流与ADCP观测结果的各站总体平均误差为6.24 cm/s,平均均方根误差为12.36 cm/s,平均相关系数为0.81。根据矢量流比对结果显示,矢量流速与ADCP观测结果的各站总体平均误差为4.82 cm/s,平均均方根误差为15.03 cm/s,平均相关系数为0.44。设置在嵊山、朱家尖两个雷达站双站探测的核心区域(两个雷达站连线的中垂线上,并且与两个雷达站构成一个近似直角三角形)的站点比测结果更加理想,当流速大于0.25 m/s时,对于核心区域平均后的流向均方根误差为24.9°。  相似文献   

针对地波雷达低信噪比目标信号"闪烁"导致的航迹起始困难问题,本文提出了一种基于PS-VF-TBD的航迹起始方法.该方法综合利用了地波雷达回波谱中目标信号的展宽特征和运动特性,利用PS-VF-TBD方法对运动目标能量有效积累的特点,提高对疑似目标多帧信号间的关联概率,进而提高对真实目标的搜索概率和航迹起始成功率.通过地波...  相似文献   

Composite analysis was conducted using high-frequency radar data obtained during 2006–2015 in order to gain a better understanding of the current field in the Ariake Sea. The seasonally averaged surface current in the Ariake Sea was directed southward in all seasons, except around river mouths during summer. Heavy rainfall enhanced the outflow along the eastern coast of the Shimabara Peninsula from Isahaya Bay to the southern area 2–5 days after heavy rainfall. Spring–neap differences were clearly seen in the southward current along the Shimabara Peninsula. Interannual variation in the M2 tidal current amplitude was synchronized with the lunar nodal cycle.  相似文献   

基于AIS信息校准的双频地波雷达的船只融合跟踪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高频地波雷达(HFSWR)和自动船只确认系统(AIS)是船只跟踪的重要传感器。高频地波雷达可以用来跟踪探测区域的所有船只,而AIS只能用来确认合作船只的信息。由于海杂波的干扰,使用单频率地波雷达的船只跟踪会淹没在布拉格峰值的盲区里,改变探测频率是克服这一缺点的有效手段。在这种背景下,我们提出一种基于AIS校准的双频雷达融合探测算法。因为不同频率的地波雷达测量与AIS的测量值存在系统误差,所以AIS信息可以用来估计和校准地波雷达的每个频率的系统误差。首先,将合作目标的点迹测量与地波雷达的点迹测量通过JVC分配算法进行点迹关联。从合作船只的点迹关联结果中,双频雷达的系统误差可以估计和校准。其次,基于校准的双频雷达数据,使用融合JPDA-UKF算法进行船只跟踪。通过真实探测的数据的实验结果显示所提算法可以实时跟踪船只,相比单频率跟踪可以进一步提高跟踪能力和跟踪精度。  相似文献   

利用海南中东部近海海域高频地波雷达观测得到的2019年4月—2020年3月表层海流资料进行潮流调和分析和余流分析。结果表明: 海南中东部近海海域以不规则半日潮流为主, 半日分潮M2和S2以往复流为主, 全日分潮O1、K1以顺时针旋转流为主, M2、S2、O1、K1分潮最大潮流流速的比为1 : 0.51 : 0.60 : 0.65, M2为最主要分潮。最大可能潮流流速分布从西南方向向东北方向逐步增大, 最大值为35cm·s-1。余流受东亚季风影响较大, 季节变化特征显著, 呈夏季形态(6月—8月)、冬季形态(9月—次年2月)和过渡形态(3月—5月)。夏季形态流向东北, 平均流速29cm·s-1; 冬季形态持续时间最长, 流向西南, 平均流速36cm·s-1, 大于夏季形态; 过渡形态为冬季形态向夏季形态的转变期, 流向分布较复杂, 平均流速13cm·s-1, 明显小于夏季和冬季形态。从全年来看, 西南向流动的时间最长、流速最大, 海南中东部表层海水物质输运自东北向西南。  相似文献   

The spatial structure of surface currents collected using a Doppler Radar system off the Florida Keys has been investigated. Surface current vectors were acquired within a rectilinear grid containing 700 nodes, where each node was spaced 1 km apart. Principal component analyses indicate that at least 63% of the variance of the surface currents at the 700 nodal locations can be accounted for by only three principal components. The principal modes of circulation during two separate experiments were extracted and found to be basically the same, although the first two modes were reversed between the two experiments. Coherence spectra were determined for nodal spacings between 1.76 km and 10.48 km, and the results of these analyses indicate that over most of the experimental area, approximately 60% of the variance is coherent over separations of 10.48 km. Application of a synoptic time-series model indicates that accurate prediction of the mean currents over each of the 65-h subrecord lengths was the dominant factor in controlling model performance, and that on the order of 10% error could be expected in using the time-series model to predict the low-frequency fluctuations. This indicates that time-series modeling of surface currents may be feasible and useful in estimating the long-term mixing characteristics of contaminants transported in the surface layer  相似文献   

Mapping wind with high-frequency(HF) radar is still a challenge. The existing second-order spectrum based wind speed extraction method has the problems of short detection distances and low angular resolution for broad-beam HF radar. To solve these problems, we turn to the first-order Bragg spectrum power and propose a space recursion method to map surface wind. One month of radar and buoy data are processed to build a wind spreading function model and a first-order spectrum power model describing the relationship between the maximum of first-order spectrum power and wind speed in different sea states. Based on the theoretical propagation attenuation model, the propagation attenuation is calculated approximately by the wind speed in the previous range cell to compensate for the first-order spectrum in the current range-azimuth cell. By using the compensated first-order spectrum, the final wind speed is extracted in each cell. The first-order spectrum and wind spreading function models are tested using one month of buoy data, which illustrates the applicability of the two models. The final wind vector map demonstrates the potential of the method.  相似文献   

The direction of the mean surface wind field in the North Pacific Ocean was mapped on September 25 and 26, 1973, over an area of3 times 10^{6}(km)2by OTH-B HF radar. A spatial resolution of 60 km in range and 15 km in cross range was used at points spaced by 150 km in range and 80 km in cross range. Wind directions were inferred from the upwind/downwind first-order Bragg ratio and the measure of the maximum ratio occuring for radial winds at points near each observation. Over 90 percent of the recorded data were usable for this purpose.High spatial resolution is essential to make detailed measurements of the wind speed and direction across and along an atmospheric cold front. The location of the atmospheric cold front derived from the wind field agreed well with the ESSA VIII satellite frontal location.  相似文献   

The main features of a bistatic quasi-mirror radar of the sea surface are considered in an approximation of quasi-mirror scattering from isotropic surface waves. Surface-wave scattering plots determining the energetics and width of the view area of airspace radars are constructed under horizontal polarization and surface-radiating ray fall angles that are away from the nadir. We consider the factors determining the form of the “flare track”: projections of the difference-wave vector in the lateral and transversal directions; the rates of tilt of the wind waves; and the finite radius of the Earth’s curvature, which is important for ocean sounding from space. The resolution with respect to an axis of horizontal length is the worst at the mirror point; however, in most of the wide viewing area, this resolution is only a few times lower than the resolution of a conventional (monostatic) radar for the same width of the signal spectrum. We also consider the conditions for synthesizing the directional diagrams of a receiving antenna when there are two viewing areas that are not separated with respect to the slant range, as well as the influence that surface nonstationarity has on the synthetic aperture radar focusing.  相似文献   

High-frequency (HF) radars have been developed to map surface currents offshore by means of land-based stations. Presently available radar systems use frequencies between 25 and 30 MHz and allow a spatial resolution of 1 km and ranges of up to 50 km. This paper reports on the experience with a shipborne radar and discusses problems which arise for the azimuthal resolution on a metal ship, the correction for the ship's speed, and limitations due to pitch-and-roll motions. Current measurements during cruises to the North Atlantic are presented. It has been found that, with the support of the satellite-supported Global Positioning System, the shipborne HF radar can measure surface current velocities with an accuracy of some 5 cm·s-1  相似文献   

Based on the quasi-harmonic analysis of 11 d vector ocean currents obtained from two high frequency sur- face wave radars located at Zhujiajian Island and Shengshan Island, the spatial distribution characteristics of surface tidal currents in the open sea area to the east of the Zhoushan Islands of Zhejiang Province, China are studied. The following conclusions are drawn from the analysis: the tidal current pattern in the open sea area to the east of Zhoushan Islands is primarily regular semidiurnal, which is significantly affected by the shallow water constituents. The directions of the major axes of tidal current ellipses of M2 lie approx- imately in the NW-SE direction. With the increasing of distance away from the coast, the directions of the tidal current ellipses gradually shift toward the E-W direction. The tidal currents are mainly reversing cur- rents. The spatial distribution of probable maximum current velocities decreases gradually from northeast to southwest which is basically in accordance with the spatial distribution of measured maximum current velocities. The residual currents near the coast are larger than those far away from the coast. The directions of the residual currents are basically north by east, and the angle to the due north increases gradually with the increasing distance away from the coast. The topography shows a certain impact on the spatial distri- bution of shallow water constituents, the rotation of tidal currents, the probable maximum currents and the residual currents.  相似文献   

使用嵊泗站所布设的地波雷达观测获取的径向流数据,以及嵊泗、芦潮港、岱山3个潮汐观测站水位资料,采用两点近似投影方法反演流场全矢量流速,并用T_tide程序计算调和常数,分别计算O1、K1、M2、S2各分潮流速场及迟角场,并计算各点上的潮能通量及潮能耗散,得到嵊泗岛以西杭州湾口区域潮能耗散同地形存在良好对应关系,充分证明了采用地波雷达观测数据进行潮能耗散计算这一方法的可行性,供相关工作者作进一步研究和讨论。  相似文献   

A 3-dimensional model methodology for predicting the upper ocean currents under the combined influence of Gulf Stream and hurricane is described. Predicted currents are highly dependent on the turbulence closure scheme and nonlinear interactions. New field data will be required to determine the appropriate formulation for turbulent momentum transfer. However, the model points out the importance of nonlinear terms in the equations of motions for preserving the jet-like structure of the Gulf Stream and for properly accounting for interaction between the Gulf Stream and a hurricane. A potentially worst case condition is obtained for the so-called resonant hurricane.  相似文献   

单点高频地波雷达资料估算潮能耗散的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用嵊泗站所布设的地波雷达观测获取的径向流数据,以及嵊泗、芦潮港、岱山3个潮汐观测站水位资料,采用两点近似投影方法反演流场全矢量流速,并用T-Tide程序计算调和常数,分别计算O1、K1、M2、S2各分潮流速场及迟角场,并计算各点上的潮能通量及潮能耗散,得到嵊泗岛以西杭州湾口区域潮能耗散同地形存在良好对应关系,充分证明了采用地波雷达观测数据进行潮能耗散计算这一方法的可行性,供相关工作者作进一步研究和讨论.  相似文献   

During the 10th Chinese Arctic scientific expedition carried out in the summer of 2019, the surface current in the high-latitude areas of the Arctic Ocean was observed using a self-developed surface drifting buoy, which was initially deployed in the Chukchi Sea. The buoy traversed the Chukchi Sea, Chukchi Abyssal Plain, Mendeleev Ridge, Makarov Basin, and Canada Basin over a period of 632 d. After returning to the Mendeleev Ridge, it continued to drift toward the pole. Overall, the track of the ...  相似文献   

An estimate of the coverage efficiency of a high-frequency (HF) skywave (ionospheric) radar for mapping ocean wave height and surface wind direction at ranges between 1000 and 3000 km was made for two different but common operational ocean-monitoring applications. In the first test, three days in duration, wind direction and wave height were mapped over the entire coverage area. In the second test, four days in duration, wind direction was mapped over the entire coverage area and wave height was mapped at preselected small regions within the coverage area. On-line quality assessment and real-time ionospheric diagnostics helped select space-time-frequency windows with low ionospheric distortion. Wind direction over the 4 000 000-km2coverage area was mapped every day with the Wide Aperture Research Facility (WARF) skywave radar in about 1 h. For large-area wave-height mapping, 6 h was allowed, and for the coverage of a smaller grid, 3 h was allowed. Within these time windows, high-confidence wave-height measurements were obtained at 59 percent of the locations attempted, using on-line processing for both tests. When postexperiment processing was included, the coverage efficiency increased to 74 percent. Greater efficiencies would be possible operationally with more experience and more sophisticated radars. Eliminating the First day's results from the statistics shows the effects of increased operating experience. Then the overall on-line efficiency increases to 69 percent, and the off-line increases to 82 percent for the six days of the two tests.  相似文献   

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