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The stratigraphy of the Eocene-Miocene peripheral foreland basin in Switzerland consists of basal deposits of Nummulitic Limestones and Globigerina Marls representing a phase of deepening, followed by two shallowing-up megacycles culminating in fully continental sedimentation. The onset of sedimentation was diachronous and took place on an unconformity surface with increasing stratigraphic gap to the north and west. In the Ultrahelvetic units, which were derived from the south and have a provenance between the Helvetic shelf and the Penninic ocean, the stratigraphic gap is minimal. This restricts the initiation of erosion of the southern European margin due to emersion to post-Maastrichtian and pre-late Palaeocene. This coincides with the final closing of the Valais trough and may therefore be interpreted as the point at which continental flexure s. s. started. In the autochthon, the subcrop map of the unconformity surface shows that the regional pattern of subcropping units is oblique to both neo-Alpine tectonic structures and Helvetic (Mesozoic) passive margin structures. There are local zones of disruption to the broad regional pattern suggesting that the basal unconformity was corrugated. Both the paliaspastic restoration of the autochthon relative to the thrust front during the Palaeocene, and the regional pattern of erosion indicate that the basal unconformity may be due to erosion of a flexural forebulge. Following deposition of the shallow water Nummulitic Limestones and the deeper water Globigerina Marls, clastic sediments were shed from the orogenic wedge in the south. These turbidites, the Taveyannaz Sandstones, filled both ponded basins at the contemporaneous thrust front and the frontal trench or foredeep. Evidently, early thrusts drove at a shallow level into the embryonic basin as ‘front-runners’, whereas most shortening and uplift continued to take place within the main part of the orogenic wedge further to the south. Eventually, the frontal palaeohighs, together with the turbidite basins, were buried by the northward emplacement of surface mud-slides, and sediment depocentres were translated northwards onto the foreland. The most likely cause of the underfilled ‘Flysch’ stage is the rapid advance of a submarine thrust wedge over the flexed European plate which resulted in (i) low sediment fluxes and (ii) high subsidence rates associated with the rapid migration of the load and depocentre. Later, as the rate of advance slowed and the wedge became subaerially exposed, the basin rapidly filled with coarse-grained detritus representing the ‘Molasse’ stage.  相似文献   

We present a new palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Helvetic zone based on the palinspastic restoration of 18 recently published and new retrodeformed structural cross‐sections through the Swiss Alps, Haute Savoie (France) and Vorarlberg (Austria). The reconstruction resulted in two palaeogeographic maps, one of the pre‐Mesozoic basement, the other for the sedimentary cover of the Helvetic shelf including the Nummulitic deposits of the Palaeocene–Eocene, which mark the onset of the North Alpine Foreland Basin of the Alps. Based on the palaeogeographic maps and a precise dating of the Nummulitic deposits, we established maps of the facies distribution including the estimated positions of the ancient coastlines and their evolution through time. The North Alpine Foreland Basin started as a narrow flysch basin in Palaeocene–Eocene times. Emplacement of the Penninic nappes led to the formation of a mélange on the active margin of this basin. This early foreland basin and its active margin migrated to the NW in Early Eocene times at a rate of about 10 mm yr?1. The maps also reveal a general progressive north‐ and westward propagation of the Eocene coastline between 50–34 Ma and during the Oligocene until approximately 32 Ma. Coastline propagation reveals strongly varying rates both spatially and temporally, and is ca. 1–2 mm yr?1 between 50 and 37 Ma and approximately 20 mm yr?1 between 37 and 32 Ma. Evolution and orientation of the Tertiary coastlines infers that the early development of the North Alpine Foreland Basin was mainly controlled initially by eustatic sea‐level fluctuations superimposed on flexural subsidence. After 37 Ma, we suggest a tectonically controlled coastline evolution in response to the collision of the European and Adriatic margins.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(3):426-447
Integration of detrital zircon geochronology and three‐dimensional (3D) seismic‐reflection data from the Molasse basin of Austria yields new insight into Oligocene‐early Miocene palaeogeography and patterns of sediment routing within the Alpine foreland of central Europe. Three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection data show a network of deep‐water tributaries and a long‐lived (>8 Ma) foredeep‐axial channel belt that transported Alpine detritus greater than 100 km from west to east. We present 793 new detrital zircon ages from 10 sandstone samples collected from subsurface cores located within the seismically mapped network of deep‐water tributaries and the axial channel belt. Grain age populations correspond with major pre‐Alpine orogenic cycles: the Cadomian (750–530 Ma), the Caledonian (490–380 Ma) and the Variscan (350–250 Ma). Additional age populations correspond with Eocene‐Oligocene Periadriatic magmatism (40–30 Ma) and pre‐Alpine, Precambrian sources (>750 Ma). Although many samples share the same age populations, the abundances of these populations vary significantly. Sediment that entered the deep‐water axial channel belt from the west (Freshwater Molasse) and southwest (Inntal fault zone) is characterized by statistically indistinguishable age distributions that include populations of Variscan, Caledonian and Cadomian zircon at modest abundances (15–32% each). Sandstone from a shallow marine unit proximal to the northern basin margin consists of >75% Variscan (350–300 Ma) zircon, which originated from the adjacent Bohemian Massif. Mixing calculations based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnoff statistic suggest that the Alpine fold‐thrust belt south of the foreland was also an important source of detritus to the deep‐water Molasse basin. We interpret evolving detrital zircon age distributions within the axial foredeep to reflect a progressive increase in longitudinal sediment input from the west (Freshwater Molasse) and/or southwest (Inntal fault zone) relative to transverse sediment input from the fold‐thrust belt to the south. We infer that these changes reflect a major reorganization of catchment boundaries and denudation rates in the Alpine Orogen that resulted in the Alpine foreland evolving to dominantly longitudinal sediment dispersal. This change was most notably marked by the development of a submarine canyon during deposition of the Upper Puchkirchen Formation that promoted sediment bypass eastward from Freshwater Molasse depozones to the Molasse basin deep‐water axial channel belt. The integration of 3D seismic‐reflection data with detrital zircon geochronology illustrates sediment dispersal patterns within a continental‐scale orogen, with implications for the relative role of longitudinal vs. transverse sediment delivery in peripheral foreland basins.  相似文献   

The Orphan Basin, lying along the Newfoundland rifted continental margin, formed in Mesozoic time during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and the breakup of Iberia/Eurasia from North America. To investigate the evolution of the Orphan Basin and the factors that governed its formation, we (i) analysed the stratigraphic and crustal architecture documented by seismic data (courtesy of TGS), (ii) quantified the tectonic and thermal subsidence along a constructed geological transect, and (iii) used forward numerical modelling to understand the state of the pre‐rift lithosphere and the distribution of deformation during rifting. Our study shows that the pre‐rift lithosphere was 200‐km thick and rheologically strong (150‐km‐thick elastic plate) prior to rifting. It also indicates that extension in the Orphan Basin occurred in three distinct phases during the Jurassic, the Early Cretaceous and the Late Cretaceous. Each rifting phase is characterized by a specific crustal and subcrustal thinning configuration. Crustal deformation initiated in the eastern part of the basin during the Jurassic and migrated to the west during the Cretaceous. It was coupled with a subcrustal thinning which was reduced underneath the eastern domain and very intense in the western domains of the basin. The spatial and temporal distribution of thinning and the evolution of the lithosphere rheology through time controlled the tectonic, stratigraphic and crustal architecture that we observe today in the Orphan Basin.  相似文献   

The Barmer Basin is a poorly understood rift basin in Rajasthan, northwest India. Exposures in the Sarnoo Hills, situated along the central eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, reveal a sedimentary succession that accumulated prior to the main Barmer Basin rift event, and a rift‐oblique fault network that displays unusual geometries and characteristics. Here, we present a comprehensive study of Lower Cretaceous sedimentology on the basin margin, along with a detailed investigation of rift‐oblique faults that are exposed nowhere else in the region and provide critical insights into Barmer Basin evolution. Lower Cretaceous sediments were deposited within a rapidly subsiding alluvial plain fluvial system. Subsequent to deposition, the evolving Sarnoo Hills fault network was affected by structural inheritance during an early, previously unrecognised, rift‐oblique extensional event attributed to transtension between India and Madagascar, and formed a juvenile fault network within the immediate rift‐margin footwall. Ghaggar‐Hakra Formation deposition may have been triggered by early rifting which tectonically destabilised the Marwar Craton prior to the main northeast–southwest Barmer Basin rift event. The identification of early rifting in the Barmer Basin demonstrates that regional extension and the associated rift systems were established throughout northwest India prior to the main phase of Deccan eruptions. Inheritance of early oblique fault systems within the evolving Barmer Basin provides a robust explanation for poorly understood structural complications interpreted in the subsurface throughout the rift. Critically, the presence of syn‐rift sedimentary successions within older oblique rift systems obscured beneath the present‐day Barmer Basin has significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   

拉萨河流域高寒湿地分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
The Lhasa River Basin is one of the typical distribution regions of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau.It is very important to get a better understanding of the background and characteristics of alpine wetland for monitoring,protection and utilization.Wetland construction and distribution in the basin were analyzed based on multi-source data including field investigation data,CBERS remote sensing data and other thematic data provided by 3S technology.The results are(1) the total area of wetlands is 209,...  相似文献   

The Lhasa River Basin is one of the typical distribution regions of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau. It is very important to get a better understanding of the background and characteristics of alpine wetland for monitoring, protection and utilization. Wetland construction and distribution in the basin were analyzed based on multi-source data including field investigation data, CBERS remote sensing data and other thematic data provided by 3S technology. The results are (1) the total area of wetlands is 209,322.26 hm2, accounting for 6.37% of the total land area of the basin. The wetlands are mainly dominated by natural wetland, with artificial wetland occupying only 1.09% of the wetland area; marsh wetland is the principal part of natural wetland, dominated by Kobresia littledalei swampy meadow which is distributed in the river source area and upstream of Chali, Damshung and Medro Gongkar counties. The ratio and type of wetlands in different counties differ significantly, which are widely distributed in Chali and Damshung counties (accounting for 62% of the total wetland area). (2) The concentrated vertical distribution of wetlands is at an elevation of 3600–5100 m. The wetlands are widely distributed throughout the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley from river source to river mouth into the Yarlung Zangbo River. Marsh wetland is dominant in the source area and upstream of the river, with the mosaic distribution of lakes, Kobresia littledalei and Carex moorcroftii swampy meadow, shrubby swamp and river; as for the middle-down streams, the primary types are river wetland and flooded wetland. The distribution is in a mosaic pattern of river, Kobresia humilis and Carex moorcroftii swampy meadow, Phragmites australis and subordinate grass marsh, flooded wetland and artificial wetland.  相似文献   

Early Mesozoic Basins in the Yanshan Fold–Thrust Belt (YFTB), located along the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), record significant intraplate deformation of unknown age. In this article, we present evidence for the rapid exhumation of high‐grade basement rocks along the northern margin of the NCC in the Early Mesozoic. U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons constrains the maximum depositional ages of syntectonic sedimentary units that formed during the unroofing of basement rocks and plutons in the Xiabancheng Basin. In the Early Mesozoic, the Xiabancheng Basin recorded a dramatic transformation in depositional environments, related to a significant change in the regional tectonic setting. In this study, the tectonic evolution of the YFTB is established from paleocurrent data and U–Pb zircon ages of sandstone and granitic gravels of the Xingshikou Formation, Xiabancheng Basin. The paleocurrent direction of meandering fluvial facies in the Triassic Liujiagou and Ermaying Formations are from east to west. In contrast, the overlying Xingshikou Formation consists of alluvial fan facies with paleocurrent directions from north‐northwest to south‐southeast. The lower and middle segments of the Xingshikou Formation record rapid exhumation of basement rocks along the northern margin of the NCC. U‐Pb ages of detrital zircons within the Xingshikou Formation are characterized by three major U–Pb age groups: 2.2–2.5 Ga, 1.7–1.8 Ga and 193–356 Ma. From 193 Ma to 356 Ma, a subsidiary peak occurs at 198 ± 5 Ma, constraining the sedimentation age of the Xingshikou Formation to the Early Jurassic. Zircon from the Wangtufang pluton in the northern portion of the Xiabancheng Basin yields U–Pb ages of 191 ± 1 Ma and 207 ± 1 Ma. Within error, these crystallization ages are identical to detrital zircon ages of 206 ± 1 Ma and 206 ± 2 Ma obtained for granitic gravel clasts in the Xingshikou Formation. Thus, the Wangtufang pluton and surrounding basement rocks must have experienced rapid uplift and exhumation during the Early Jurassic. The onset of exhumation along the northern margin of the NCC occurred at ca. 198–180 Ma.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Tectonic subsidence in the 20–9 Ma Bermejo basin resulted from spatially variable crustal loading on a lithosphere of spatially variable strength (e.g. elastic thickness). Reconstruction of the crustal loads added between 20 and 9 Ma, and assessment of the effects of these loads on an elastic, isotropic lithosphere confirm this hypothesis. Elastic models effectively explain tectonic subsidence east of the Iglesia–Calingasta basin, but west of it crustal loads were locally compensated. Elastic models also prove that the 20–9 Ma Frontal Cordillera loading is of no importance in the mechanical system of the Bermejo basin. 2D and 3D elastic models of a uniformly strong lithosphere under 20–9 Ma crustal loads corrected for post‐9 Ma erosion successfully replicate the 9 Ma Bermejo basin's proximal palaeotopography. However, they fail to replicate the 9 Ma basin's medial and distal palaeotopography. A 3D finite element model of a lithosphere with bimodal strength (weak below the Bermejo basin and west of the Precordillera, and strong below the Precordillera and east of the Valle Fértil lineament) successfully replicates the 9 Ma basin's palaeotopography. That variable strength model introduces a southward decrease in the wavelength of flexural deformation, which results in a basin that narrows southward, consistent with the 9 Ma Bermejo basin. The preferred 9 Ma lithospheric strength distribution is similar to the present lithospheric strength field derived from gravity data, suggesting that the bimodal strength signature was retained throughout the entire basin's evolution. Late Miocene flattening of the subducting slab, tectonic change to a broken foreland, or deposition of a thick (~8–10 km) sedimentary cover did not affect the strength of the lithosphere underlying the Bermejo basin. The long‐term bimodal strength field does not correlate with the documented thickness of the seismogenic crust.  相似文献   

We describe the tectono‐sedimentary evolution of a Middle Jurassic, rift‐related supra‐detachment basin of the ancient Alpine Tethys margin exposed in the Central Alps (SE Switzerland). Based on pre‐Alpine restoration, we demonstrate that the rift basin developed over a detachment system that is traced over more than 40 km from thinned continental crust to exhumed mantle. The detachment faults are overlain by extensional allochthons consisting of upper crustal rocks and pre‐rift sediments up to several kilometres long and several hundreds of metres thick, compartmentalizing the distal margin into sub‐basins. We mapped and restored one of these sub‐basins, the Samedan Basin. It consists of a V‐shape geometry in map view, which is confined by extensional allochthons and floored by a detachment fault. It can be restored over a minimum distance of 11 km along and about 4 km perpendicular to the basin axis. Its sedimentary infill can be subdivided into basal (initial), intermediate (widening) and top (post‐tectonic) facies tracts. These tracts document (1) formation of the basin initially bounded by high‐angle faults and developing into low‐angle detachment faults, (2) widening of the basin and (3) migration of deformation further outboard. The basal facies tract is made of locally derived, poorly sorted gravity flow deposits that show a progressive change from hangingwall to footwall‐derived lithologies. Upsection the sediments develop into turbidity current deposits that show retrogradation (intermediate facies tract) and starvation of the sedimentary system (post‐tectonic facies tract). On the scale of the distal margin, the syn‐tectonic record documents a thinning‐ and fining‐upward sequence related to the back stepping of the tectonically derived sediment source, progressive starvation of the sedimentary system and migration of deformation resulting in exhumation and progressive delamination of the thinned crust during final rifting. This study provides valuable insights into the tectono‐sedimentary evolution and stratigraphic architecture of a supra‐detachment basin formed over hyper‐extended crust.  相似文献   

Concern over the continuing interregional disparity in levels of development within Switzerland, where the relative growth of the larger urban settlements contrasts sharply with the backwardness of the rural periphery, has prompted the creation of a new investment fund to aid the mountain region. The fund is intended to operate through a new and highly decentralized planning system. A network of small-scale growth centres has been chosen as the major spatial component in development planning for the uplands. Analysis of socioeconomic change within an Alpine planning region for the period 1970–1980 indicates that, although the fund is important in terms of social welfare provision, it has not led to a relative improvement in the economic structure of the most remote areas. The reasons for these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal organization of depositional environments in drainage networks of foreland basins reflect the tectonic and erosional dynamics associated with the development of mountain belts. We provide field evidences for the initiation and evolution of a complex drainage system in the French South Alpine Foreland Basin related to Western Alps exhumation. Sedimentological and structural analyses of the Eocene–Early Miocene succession were investigated in the (1) Argens/Peyresq, (2) Barrême/Blieux/Taulanne and (3) Montmaur/St‐Disdier sectors. Combined with the existing structural data set, we propose a new model that integrates the regional tectonic activity, the palaeovalley orientation and their dynamics through time. The Eocene–Miocene deposits clearly show the existence of N–S‐oriented palaeovalleys. The systematic presence of early NE–SW‐ to N–S‐oriented strike‐slip and extensional faults in the palaeovalleys suggests that these tectonic structures were responsible for the formation of the initial N–S‐oriented basin‐floor topographies. The vertical offset of the strike‐slip faults induced sufficient accommodation space for the Cenozoic sedimentation since the Middle Eocene. It implies the creation of N–S‐oriented palaeovalleys during the northward Pyrenean‐Provençal phase, pre‐dating westward Alpine compression. Later, the Oligocene Alpine tectonic phase induced drainage expansion toward the orogenic wedge and the erosion of the exhumed internal massifs by transverse streams. The establishment of new connections between the old topographic lows formed a longitudinal drainage pattern that remains the locus of deposition in a regional sedimentary routing system. In this model, former strike‐slip faults correspond to weakness zones overprinted by the westward Alpine shortening that allowed the formation of the modern piggyback basin structure of the foreland and the long‐time preservation of the palaeovalley geometry.  相似文献   

Reactivation of intraplate structures and weak zones within the foreland lithosphere disrupt the modelled geometry and pattern of migration of the flexural wave in foreland basins. In the southern Appalachians (USA), the Middle Ordovician unconformity, irregular Middle Ordovician distal foreland deposition and backstepping of Middle–lower Upper Ordovician carbonate strata have been related to migration of the flexural wave. However, integration of stratigraphy, tectonic subsidence history and composition of palinspastically restored distal foreland strata, using a map of subsurface basement structures as reference, allows us to distinguish an early event of inversion from two events of flexural migration. Sections restoring at very short distances outside the boundaries of a former basement graben have the youngest passive‐margin strata preserved beneath Middle Ordovician (~466 Ma) peritidal to deep lagoonal carbonates with gravel‐size chert clasts. In contrast, sections restoring inside the graben record >470 m of truncation of pre‐Middle Ordovician passive‐margin strata, late onset of deposition (~456 Ma), and subaerial features in carbonate and siliciclastic strata. The lacuna geometry and early patterns of distal foreland uplift and carbonate deposition indicate that inversion of a basement graben in response to Middle Ordovician convergence, rather than a migrating or semi‐fixed forebulge, was the primary control on the early evolution of the distal foreland. Drowning of the carbonate platform in more proximal settings, northeastward onset of deposition on upthrown blocks, and thick accumulation of carbonates in downthrown blocks record northwestward and northeastward flexural wave migration at the Middle–Late Ordovician boundary. In early Late Ordovician, the overall shoaling of carbonate and siliciclastic depocentres and the rise of tectonic subsidence curves indicate hinterlandward migration of flexural uplift. Both events of flexural migration were accompanied by influx of volcanic ash and synorogenic sediments.  相似文献   

[Correction added after online publication 3 August 2010 ‐ ‘prelate’ has been changed to ‘pre‐late’ throughout the text]. Using apatite fission track and (U‐Th‐Sm)/He thermochronology, we report the low‐temperature thermal history of the Mesozoic Micang Shan Foreland Basin system, central China. This system, comprising the Hannan Dome hinterland, the northern Sichuan Foreland Basin and the intermediate frontal thrust belt (FB), shares a common boundary with three major tectonic terrains – Mesozoic Qinling‐Dabie Orogen, Mesozoic Sichuan Foreland Basin and Cenozoic elevated Tibetan Plateau. Results show: (1) a relatively rapid pre‐late Cretaceous cooling episode in the Hannan Dome; (2) a mid‐Cenozoic cooling phase (ca. 50°C at ca. 30 ± 5 Ma) within the northern Sichuan Basin; and (3) possible late Cenozoic cooling (ca. 25°C at ca. 16 ± 4 Ma) within the Hannan Dome‐FB, a phase which has also been reported previously from adjacent regions. The pre‐late Cretaceous cooling episode in the Hannan Dome is attributed to coeval tectonism in nearby regions. Mid‐Cenozoic cooling in the northern Sichuan Basin can possibly be attributed to either one of or a combination of shortening of the basin, onset of the Asian monsoon and drainage adjustment of the Yangtze River system, all of which are related to growth of the Tibetan Plateau. Possible late Cenozoic cooling in the hinterland and nearby regions is also probably related to the northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau. However, previous studies suggest a northeastward propagation for onset of cooling from the eastern Tibetan Plateau to western Qinling in response to northeastward lower crust flow from the central Tibetan Plateau. The timing of apparent late Cenozoic cooling in the Hannan Dome hinterland, at an intermediate locality, is not consistent with this trend, and supports a previous model suggesting northeastern growth of the Tibetan Plateau through reactivation of WE trending strike‐slip faults.  相似文献   

青海湖高寒湿地生态系统服务价值动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1987、2000、2010年3个时期的TM影像为主要数据源,基于对中国生态系统单位面积服务价值的生物量修订,研究了青海湖湿地生态系统服务价值的动态特征。结果表明:1987-2010年青海湖高寒湿地总生态系统服务价值增加到了232.34亿元,年均增加0.18亿元,其中,湖泊、高寒草甸、高寒沼泽和温性草原生态系统服务价值是其主要构成部分。人类活动行为和气候变化驱动着其生态服务价值动态。研究区生态服务功能以水文调节、废物处理、气候调节、维持生物多样性功能为主,此4种功能的价值占到了总价值的70%以上。近24年里除原材料生产功能外,其他各项生态系统服务功能均在不同程度地增加,生态服务价值波动最大的是水文调节、废物处理和气候调节功能。  相似文献   

Understanding the development of sedimentary systems during continental rifting is important for tracking environmental change and lithospheric processes. Conceptual models have been developed for the sourcing, routing and facies architecture of sediments in rift-settings, driven in part by quantitative sediment tracking. Here, we present laser ablation split-stream detrital zircon U/Pb geochronology and Hf-isotopes for post-rift (Cretaceous-Paleogene) clastic sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) wells and Plio-Pleistocene palaeoshoreline material, from the southern margin of Australia. Provenance results are contextualized through comparison with well-characterized source regions and regional pre- and syn-rift sediment reservoirs to track changes associated with Australia-Antarctica separation during East Gondwana break-up. The provenance character of the post-rift sediments studied are distinct from pre-existing sediment reservoirs and demonstrate termination of previously stable sediment routing systems and a dominance of local basement of the Proterozoic Madura and Coompana provinces (~1.2 Ga and CHUR-like Hf-signatures; Moodini Supersuite) in offshore ODP wells. A composite post-rift Cretaceous?-Eocene sample in the easternmost well expresses characteristic Phanerozoic zircon age signatures associated with source regions in eastern Australia that are interpreted to reflect inversion in the Ceduna Sub-basin to the east. Detrital zircon signatures in Plio-Pleistocene palaeoshoreline sediment are also relatively distinct, indicating derivation from coastal erosion in the Leeuwin Complex (~0.5 and 0.7 Ga subchondritic grains) and Albany–Fraser Orogen (~1.2 Ga subchondritic grains) several hundred, to over a thousand kilometers to the west. Collectively, results highlight the fundamental geological processes associated with rifting that dramatically change the character of sediment provenance via (a) isolation of pre-existing primary and secondary sources of detritus, (b) development of new source regions in basin compartmentalized highs and localized fault scarps, and (c) establishment of marine and coastal currents that redefine clastic sediment transport.  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan Foreland Basin developed as a flexural foredeep during the Late Triassic Indosinian orogeny, spanning the time period c. 227–206 Ma. The basin fill can be divided into three tectonostratigraphic units overlying a basal megasequence boundary, and is superimposed on the Palaeozoic–Middle Triassic (Anisian) carbonate‐dominated margin of the South China Block. The remains of the load system responsible for flexure of the South China foreland can be seen in the Songpan‐Ganzi Fold Belt and Longmen Shan Thrust Belt. Early in its history the Longmen Shan Foreland Basin extended well beyond its present northwestern boundary along the trace of the Pengguan Fault, to at least the palinspastically restored position of the Beichuan Fault. The basal boundary of the foreland basin megasequence is a good candidate for a flexural forebulge unconformity, passing from conformity close to the present trace of the Beichuan Fault to a karstified surface towards the southeast. The overlying tectonostratigraphic unit shows establishment and drowning of a distal margin carbonate ramp and sponge build‐up, deepening into offshore marine muds, followed by progradation of marginal marine siliciclastics, collectively reminiscent of the Alpine underfilled trinity of Sinclair (1997) . Tectonostratigraphic unit 2 is marked by the severing of the basin's oceanic connection, a major lake flooding and the gradual establishment of major deltaic‐paralic systems that prograded from the eroding Longmen Shan orogen. The third tectonostratigraphic unit is typified by coarse, proximal conglomerates, commonly truncating underlying rocks, which fine upwards into lacustrine shales. The foreland basin stratigraphy has been further investigated using a simple analytical model based on the deflection by supracrustal loads of a continuous elastic plate overlying a fluid substratum. Load configurations have been partly informed by field geology and constrained by maximum elevations and topographic profiles of present‐day mountain belts. The closest match between model predictions and stratigraphic observations is for a relatively rigid plate with flexural rigidity on the order of 5 × 1023 to 5 × 1024 N m (equivalent elastic thickness of c. 43–54 km). The orogenic load system initially (c. 227–220 Ma) advanced rapidly (>15 mm yr?1) towards the South China Block in the Carnian, associated with the rapid closure of the Songpan‐Ganzi ocean, before slowing to < 5 mm yr?1 during the sedimentation of the upper two tectonostratigraphic units (c. 220–206 Ma).  相似文献   

The combined information about sedimentary petrography from the North Alpine Foreland Basin and structural geology from the Alps allows a qualitative reconstruction of the drainage network of the central Swiss Alps between 30 Ma and the present. This study suggests that crustal thickening and crustal thinning significantly controlled the location of the drainage divide. It also reveals the possible controls of crustal thickening/thinning on the change of the orientation of the drainage network from across-strike between 30 and 14 Ma to along-strike thereafter. Initial crustal thickening in the rear of the wedge is considered to have formed the drainage divide between north and south at 30 Ma. Because the location of crustal thickening shifted from east to west between ≈30–20 Ma, the catchment areas of the eastern dispersal systems reached further south than those of the western Alpine palaeorivers for the same time slice. Similarly, the same crustal dynamics appear to have controlled two phases of denudation that are reflected in the Molasse Basin by petrographic trends. Uplift in the rear of the wedge caused the Alpine palaeorivers to expand further southward. This is reflected in the foreland basin by increasing admixture of detritus from structurally higher units. However, tectonic quiescence in the rear of the wedge allowed the Alpine palaeorivers to cut down into the Alpine edifice, resulting in an increase of detritus from structurally lower units. Whereas uplift in the rear of the wedge was responsible for initiation of the Alpine drainage systems, underplating of the external massifs some 50 km further north is thought to have caused along-strike deviation of the major Alpine palaeorivers. Besides crustal thickening, extension in the rear of the wedge appears to have significantly controlled the evolution of the drainage network of the western Swiss Alps. Slip along the Simplon detachment fault exposed the core of the Lepontine dome, and caused a 50-km-northward shift of the drainage divide.  相似文献   

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