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Lineations within mylonites exhumed in the hanging wall of New Zealand's active Alpine Fault zone have a complicated relationship to contemporary plate kinematics. The shear zone is triclinic and macroscopic object lineations are not usually parallel to the simple shear direction, despite high total simple shear strains (γ ≥ 150). This is mostly because the lineations are inherited from pre-mylonitic fabrics, and have not been rotated into parallelism with the mylonitic stretching direction (which pitches c. 44° in the fault plane). Furthermore, some lineations have been variably rotated depending on whether they are present in shear bands or microlithons, which accommodated bulk strains with different vorticities. Total strains required to obtain parallelism between the finite maximum principal stretching direction calculated from transpression models and these mylonitic lineations, are pure shear stretch, S1 ∼ 3.5; simple shear 11.7 < γ < 150. The observations and numerical models also show that linear features are not rotated much during simple shear because they initially lie within the shear plane, and that inherited fabric components may not be destroyed until very high simple shear strains have been attained.  相似文献   

A regional petrographic reconnaissance of psammitic and pelitic rocks in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, has revealed the presence of garnet (“grossalspite” with typical rim composition almandine41, spessartine25, grossular33, pyrope1) and biotite in 37 new samples, more than doubling the previously known number. A new garnet–biotite–albite zone can now be defined in the greenschist facies Otago Schist that is distinct from the better-known biotite, garnet and oligoclase zones in the along-strike Alpine Schist. The garnet–biotite–albite zone is in part metamorphically discontinuous with adjacent schists and does not support models of simple, continuous, progressive Jurassic regional metamorphism in Otago. The structurally higher (lower grade) boundary of the zone coincides in at least three places with previously mapped regional shear zones. The structurally lower (expected higher grade) boundary of the zone appears to be obliterated by a chlorite zone overprint which can be spatially related to Alpine Schist recrystallisation of ?Cretaceous age. The Otago situation serves as an example of the subtle metamorphic discontinuities that probably pervade many orogenic belts.  相似文献   

We studied the geometry, intensity of deformation and fluid–rock interaction of a high angle normal fault within Carrara marble in the Alpi Apuane NW Tuscany, Italy. The fault is comprised of a core bounded by two major, non-parallel slip surfaces. The fault core, marked by crush breccia and cataclasites, asymmetrically grades to the host protolith through a damage zone, which is well developed only in the footwall block. On the contrary, the transition from the fault core to the hangingwall protolith is sharply defined by the upper main slip surface. Faulting was associated with fluid–rock interaction, as evidenced by kinematically related veins observable in the damage zone and fluid channelling within the fault core, where an orange–brownish cataclasite matrix can be observed. A chemical and isotopic study of veins and different structural elements of the fault zone (protolith, damage zone and fault core), including a mathematical model, was performed to document type, role, and activity of fluid–rock interactions during deformation. The results of our studies suggested that deformation pattern was mainly controlled by processes associated with a linking-damage zone at a fault tip, development of a fault core, localization and channelling of fluids within the fault zone. Syn-kinematic microstructural modification of calcite microfabric possibly played a role in confining fluid percolation.  相似文献   

Following the 2010 and 2011 earthquake and aftershocks in Canterbury, New Zealand, extensive research was carried out on the rockfall hazard to residential buildings on Christchurch's Port Hills. To determine which dwellings faced an unacceptable risk to life safety, the recommendation was made to adopt a tolerable threshold for individual risk of 1/10,000 p.a. (10?4 p.a.). The 10?4 p.a. threshold has subsequently been considered for application to other natural hazards. However, this threshold is far too high. It is about 35 times higher than the post-colonial historic average for natural hazards, it is 100 times greater than New Zealand's structural design standard for new buildings and it is 10–100 times greater than the risk tolerated by comparable jurisdictions for existing and new risks, respectively. A more appropriate threshold for the risk from natural hazards is within the range from 10?5 p.a. for existing exposure to 10?6 p.a. for new exposure. The reason for adopting this arbitrarily high threshold for rock roll hazard appeared to be to balance an overestimation of calculated risk given the large uncertainties inherent in the data. However, there are some concerns if this acceptance criterion is applied to other natural hazards where underlying risk might be more accurately estimated.  相似文献   

A 2000 km long dextral Talas-Fergana strike–slip fault separates eastern terranes in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from western terranes. The aim of this study was to constrain an age of dextral shearing in the central part of the fault utilizing Ar–Ar dating of micas. We also carried out a U–Pb–Hf zircon study of two different deformed granitoid complexes in the fault zone from which the micas for Ar dating were separated. Two samples of the oldest deformed Neoproterozoic granitoids in the area of study yielded U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages 728 ± 11 Ma and 778 ± 11 Ma, characteristic for the Cryogenian Bolshoi Naryn Formation, and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and their calculated tHfc ages varied from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga. Thus varying Cryogenian ages and noticeable heterogeneity of Meso- to Paleoproterozoic crustal sources was established for mylonitic granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation. Two samples of mylonitized pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex yielded identical 206Pb/238U ages of 279 ± 5 Ma corresponding to the main peak of Late-Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in the Tien Shan (Seltmann et al., 2011), and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and calculated tHfc ages from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga indicating derivation from a Paleoproterozoic crustal source. Microstructural studies showed that ductile/brittle deformation of pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex occurred at temperatures of 300–400 °C and caused resetting of the K–Ar isotope system of primary muscovite. Deformation of mylonitized granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation occurred under high temperature conditions and resulted in protracted growth and recrystallization of micas. The oldest Ar–Ar muscovite age of 241 Ma with a well defined plateau from a pegmatoidal granite of the Kyrgysh Complex is considered as a “minimum” age of dextral motions along this section of the fault in the Triassic while younger ages varying from 227 Ma to 199 Ma with typical staircase patterns indicate protracted growth and recrystallization of micas during ductile deformations which continued until the end of the Triassic.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of dolomite fault rocks, formed at shallow crustal depths along the Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg (SEMP) fault system in the Northern Calcareous Alps, revealed new insights into cataclasite formation. The examined Miocene, sinistral strike-slip faults reveal grain size reduction of dolomite host rocks by tensile microfracturing at a large range of scales, producing rock fragments of centimetre to micrometre sizes. In situ fracturing leads to grain size reduction down to grain sizes <25 μm, producing mosaic breccias and fault rocks which have previously been described as “initial/embryonic” and “intermediate” cataclasites. At all scales, grain fragments display little to no rotation and no or minor evidence of shear deformation. The observed microstructures are similar to those previously described in studies on pulverized rocks. Microstructural investigations of cataclasites and mosaic breccias revealed aggregations of small dolomite grains (<50 μm) that accumulated on top of large fragments or as infillings of V-shaped voids between larger grains and show constant polarity throughout the investigated samples. Fabrics indicate deposition in formerly open pore space and subsequent polyphase cementation. The newly described tectonic geopetal fabrics (geopetal-particle-aggregates, GPA) prove that these faults temporarily passed through a stage of extremely high porosity/permeability prior to partial cementation.  相似文献   

Jia  Lihui  Meng  Fancong  Feng  Huibin 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2018,112(3):317-339
Mineralogy and Petrology - The Wenquan ultramafic rocks, located in the East Kunlun Orogenic belt in the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, consist of dunite, wehrlite,...  相似文献   

The Huoshan Fault, being of NEN strike, is one of the most important faults in the Shanxi Graben System of North China; it is the location of the 1303 A.D. Hongtong earthquake (MS = 8.0). The late Pleistocene and Holocene offset of some gullies that cross the fault and some fault scratches have proved its right lateral movement during the late Quaternary; however, until now, geological evidence to support the movement in the Neogene and early Quaternary was scarce. Our work provides further crucial evidence that supports both its movement in the late Cenozoic and the total right-lateral displacement since the Pliocene. The difference in the outcrop heights of the Pliocene sediment along the fault, the difference in the geomorphological development along the fault, the inconsistency in the lithological composition of the Pliocene proluvial gravels with the rock types within the catchments of the current upper stream, and the offset of the Pliocene alluvial gravels all completely indicate that the fault has always moved right-laterally since the Pliocene. Additionally, this evidence indicates that the accumulative displacement is up to 12.5 km. Based on the horizontal and vertical displacement of the fault since the Pliocene, the time-averaged horizontal slip rate of the fault is estimated to be about 3.5 mm/a, while the ratio of the horizontal to vertical offsets is about 3.8; these data are roughly close to the results that were acquired from the Holocene and the present movement of the fault. This similarity in the tectonic movement parameters may imply that the intensity as well as the configuration of the regional stress field has remained constant, and that no significant changes have taken place since the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - The Berlins Porphyry located on the South Island of New Zealand provides an opportunity to examine iron concretions formed in a subterranean system. Specifically, an...  相似文献   

Under neoliberal schemes like audit systems, consumer demands born of concerns about food safety, the environment and animal welfare are theoretically poised to influence agricultural production systems (Campbell and Le Heron, 2007). Whether such influences might reverse or redirect the trend toward environmentally-damaging rampant productivism of the 20th century hinges in part on the subjective positions of farmers and the ways in which they inform how farmers respond to policy and market signals.In this paper we argue the need for a genuine engagement with both the complexities of farmer subjectivity and the interactions amongst farmer subjectivity and agro-ecologies, and animal bodies in particular. This paper presents a case study of sheep farmers on the South Island that reveals contestation and transitions in traditional markers of “good farming”, particularly animal health. We observe how such transitions arise from reconfigurations of the relationships between agro-ecological, political and social histories. In this paper’s formulation, neither state subsidies nor neoliberalism in agriculture is primary cause or ultimate effect of the transformation of agricultural practice. Rather, changes in the political economy expose contradictions in farmer subjectivities, the resolution of which may block or reinforce trends suggested by the political economy. We suggest that contested ideas about animal health within the social field of pastoral farming in New Zealand makes it possible that New Zealand’s sheep growers may take the high road of best environmental practice via highly audited environmental standards of production demanded by elite consumer markets, or that they may remain in the intensifying trajectory of continuing to drive the sheep’s body to its maximum possible intensity of production. The mixed legacy of neoliberal reform is that it has simultaneously enabled both of these contradictory trajectories in New Zealand pastoralism.  相似文献   

We report quantitative X-ray diffraction, whole-rock geochemical and Sm–Nd isotope data for metabasalts from the Aspiring and Torlesse Terranes in the South Island of New Zealand. These rocks underlie the Mesozoic metasedimentary Otago Schist which is anomalously enriched in gold and host to at least one world-class orogenic gold deposit at Macraes (> 125 t Au). Geochemical and Nd isotopic similarities between the samples point to a common history of the two terranes rather than the amalgamation of one or two allochthonous plate fragments. Furthermore, geochemical and Nd data suggest the metabasalts within both terranes formed in an oceanic but essentially non-subduction-related setting. The origin of the Aspiring and Torlesse basalts can be linked to the formation of an oceanic plateau that had resulted from a (?Permian) mantle plume initiation event proximal to a mid-oceanic rise or triple junction. Given the intrinsically gold-enriched nature of certain oceanic-character mafic rocks, the anomalous gold endowment of the Otago Schist may have been enhanced via the accretion and subduction of a gold-enriched oceanic plateau fragment. The metabasalts are generally enriched in gold (up to 13 ppb) compared to their enclosing metasedimentary rocks (typically ca. 1 ppb), with sulphide-rich metabasaltic rocks having up to 550 ppb Au. However, the relatively small volume of metabasalts in the Otago Schist precludes these rocks as the principal source for Otago Schist orogenic gold, with a primarily metasedimentary source of the gold potentially having a limiting effect on the overall endowment of the Otago Schist. This approach, that employs petrogenetic fingerprinting of potentially fertile source rocks for the assessment of gold endowment, might prove useful in the conceptual exploration targeting of relatively immature and poorly exposed terrains.  相似文献   

Data for the Waimea Plains, New Zealand indicate that the lower confined groundwater aquifer is hydraulically homogeneous and that shallow groundwater levels inland are affected mostly by anthropogenic processes, while those near the coast are affected more by sea level variation. Analysis of long-term data for New Zealand indicates that sea level has increased continuously, but trends are not spatially uniform. Results from non-parametric trend analysis show that rising trends for groundwater levels are predominant in the shallow aquifer both inland on the Waimea Plains and, for recent years, near the coast, while decreasing trends are evident in the underlying confined aquifer near the coast. Groundwater level change in the shallow aquifer appears to be more affected by climate change than the lower confined aquifer. Correlation analysis indicated that groundwater levels are more affected by rainfall during the rainy season than the dry season and more influenced by rainfall inland than near the coast. Groundwater level declines in the lower confined aquifer near the coast, which has its major recharge area inland in the catchment, may be substantially affected by groundwater abstraction in inland areas as well as sea level variation, but there are little evidences of seawater intrusion. Meanwhile, groundwater recharge over the catchment area has great influence on rising groundwater levels in the shallow aquifer and its recharge is estimated to be 417.8 mm/year using chloride concentrations of precipitation and groundwater.  相似文献   

The influence of tectonic strain on the diagenetic degree and illitization process of mixed-layers illite–smectite at shallow crustal conditions was studied. For this purpose, the modal composition of clay fraction and illite FWHM parameters of argillites deformed by a regional-scale fault zone were studied in detail by XRD, chemical analyses and by SEM observations. Analyses were performed on deformed samples of the fault rock and compared with the non-deformed rocks off the fault zone. In addition, this paper reports a detailed comparative analysis of deformed (shear surfaces and cleavage domains) and non-deformed domains (lithon cores) of a scaly fabric in the fault rock. A systematic increase in illite concentration, a decrease of Kübler index and FWHM(002) values, and an enrichment of K+ ions were observed in cleavage domains with respect to the non-deformed sediments off the fault zone and the lithon cores within the fault rock. Migration of K+-rich fluids along scaly cleavage domains causes progressive conversion of smectite-rich I–S to illite-rich I–S and thickening of illite crystallites along the c-direction. Changes in mineralogical and crystallographic parameters, therefore, seem to be strongly controlled by shear plane development in highly sheared rocks.  相似文献   

Earth's oldest preserved conglomerates and basaltic pillow lavas at Isua, Greenland, provide robust field evidence for deep- and shallow-water environments on our planet within the first billion years of its formation. The conglomerates represent the first Paleoarchaean archive of sub-aerial erosion and shallow water sedimentation. These ca. 3700 million year old sedimentary rocks, now metamorphosed at amphibolite grade, comprise units of rounded quartz pebbles set in a sandy to muddy matrix that unconformably overlie an ophiolite sequence. The pillow lavas of the ophiolite are variolitic and essentially vesicle-free, indicative of formation in a deep water environment. Locally, an unconformity separates the conglomerates from the deformed ophiolite-related rocks; elsewhere the contact between these units is tectonic. Such field relationship between deep and shallow water environments resemble those preserved in younger orogenic belts, where obducted oceanic crust has been tectonically emplaced across terrestrial platforms or subaerial parts of forearc and backarc basins.  相似文献   

In the Buckambool area, Cobar, New South Wales, the boundary between dominantly shallow‐water, shelf sediments of the Winduck Group and fluviatile sediments of the Mulga Downs Group has been established as a small hiatus not resolvable by available fossil age data. Although dips are parallel over much of the area, disconformable and locally angular unconformable relations are present. This hiatus, late‐Early to Middle Devonian in age, marks a period of uplift, localised folding and erosion. These reflect movement of basement blocks along major fractures that are now revealed as lineaments.

Terminal deformation in the area, reflected by folding and re‐activation of lineaments, postdated deposition of the Mulga Downs Group, and is probably Carboniferous in age.  相似文献   

Geological structures influence the formation and evolution of sedimentary rocks. The Minas do Camaquã fault zone is a primary structure of the Camaquã Basin, controlling the uplift of the ore-bearing units of the Santa Bárbara Group. To the south of the Camaquã River, the fault zone deforms alluvial and eolian sequences attributed either to the Santa Bárbara or Guaritas groups. In this study, a facies and petrographic composition and diagenetic analysis are presented to understand the evolution of the fault zone. Facies analysis was accomplished using high-resolution orthophoto mosaics and field surveys. Seven sedimentary facies were defined, grouped into three facies associations. Facies associations correspond to a succession of climate-influenced depositional environments. The transition from humid to dry conditions occurs from a fluvial (facies association 1) to eolian environments (facies association 2). These deposits are overlaid at the top by a high energy environment deposits characterized by amalgamated gravelly and sandy bodies, corresponding to an alluvial environment (facies association 3). Despite a small compositional variation, sandstones present a continental block provenance which may be related to mixed anorogenic or orogenic provenance. Diagenetic features are similar in the three facies associations, suggesting the same burial history for the sedimentary deposits separated by the fault zone. The Minas do Camaquã fault zone in the study area is an intraformational structure, as analyzed sequences are attributed to the Guaritas Group, implying a relatively high degree of deformation late after its deposition.  相似文献   

The study of 1000-km seismic reflection profiles, along the Northern Moroccan margin, allowed browsing new imaging in detail about the regional geological structures and their functioning. To achieve this goal, we elaborated a high-resolution depth model and a global tectonic sketch. The influence of recent tectonic activity is manifested by normal and strike-slip faults, trending mainly 70° N and 125° N. In this segment, the Nekor strike-slip fault seems to be connected to a secondary major fault system that changes direction from 30° N to 70° N, and changing behavior to left-lateral strike-slip fault with normal component. Analysis of local seismic activity recorded from 1990 to 2014 with moderate magnitudes activity shows alignments in clear superposition with the detected active faults in seismic reflection lines.  相似文献   

The late Early Permian (273 – 271 Ma) Wandrawandian Siltstone in the southern Sydney Basin of New South Wales represents a marine highstand that can be correlated over 2000 km. A mainly fine-grained terrigenous clastic succession, the Wandrawandian Siltstone contains evidence for cold, possibly glacial conditions based on the presence of outsized clasts and glendonites, mineral pseudomorphs after ikaite, a mineral that forms in cold (0 – 7°C) marine sediments. A lithostratigraphic and facies analysis of the unit was conducted, based on extensive coastal outcrops and continuous drillcores. Eight facies associations were identified: (i) siltstone; (ii) siltstone with minor interbedded sandstone; (iii) interbedded tabular sandstone and siltstone; (iv) admixed sandstone and siltstone to medium-grained sandstone; (v) discrete, discontinuous sandstone intervals; (vi) chaotic conglomerate and sandstone in large channel forms; (vii) chaotically bedded and pervasively soft-sediment-deformed intervals; and (viii) tuffaceous siltstone and claystone. Using lithology and ichnology, relative water depths were ascribed to each facies association. Based on these associations, the unit was divided into five informal members that reveal a history of significant relative sea-level fluctuations throughout the formation: member I, interbedded/admixed sandstone and siltstone; member II, siltstone; member III, slumped masses of members I and II; member IV, siltstone and erosionally based lensoid sandstone beds and channel bodies; and member V, interbedded/admixed sandstone and siltstone with abundant tuffs. Member I marks an initial marine transgression from shoreface to offshore depths. Member II records the maximum water depth of the shelf. Member III is interpreted to be a slump sheet; plausible mechanisms for its emplacement include seismicity produced by tectonism or glacio-isostatic rebound, changes in pore-water pressures due to sea-level fluctuations, or an increase in sedimentation rates. Members IV and V record minor fluctuations in depositional environments from offshore to shoreface water depths. Member IV includes regionally extensive, large channel bodies, with composite fills that are interpreted as storm-influenced mass-flow deposits. Member V includes a greater abundance of volcanic ash. Glacial controls (isostasy, eustasy) and tectonic affects may have worked in concert to produce the changes in depositional environments observed in the Wandrawandian Siltstone.  相似文献   

Through a large-scale examination of the morpho-sedimentary features on sea floors in the Taiwan–Luzon convergent margin, we determined the main sediment dispersal system which stretches from 23°N to 20°N and displays as an aligned linear sediment pathway, consisting of the Penghu Canyon, the deep-sea Penghu Channel and northern Manila Trench. The seafloor of South China Sea north of 21°N are underlain by a triangle-shaped collision marine basin, resulting from oblique collision between the Luzon Arc and Chinese margin, and are mainly occupied by two juxtaposed slopes, the South China Sea and Kaoping Slopes, and a southward tilting basin axis located along the Penghu Canyon. Two major tributary canyons of the Formosa and Kaoping and small channels and gullies on both slopes join into the axial Penghu Canyon and form a dendritic canyon drainage system in this collision marine basin. The canyon drainage system is characteristic of lateral sediment supply from flank slopes and axial sediment transport down-canyon following the tilting basin axis. The significance of the collision marine basin in term of source to sink is that sediments derived from nearby orogen and continental margins are transported to and accumulated in the collision basin, serving as a temporary sediment sink and major marine transport route along the basin axis. The comparison of the Taiwan–South China Sea collision zone with the Papua New Guinea collision zone of the western Solomon Sea reveals remarkable similarities in tectonic settings and sedimentary processes that have resulted in similar sediment dispersal systems consisting of (1) a canyon drainage network mainly in the collision basin and (2) a longitudinal sediment transport system comprising a linear connection of submarine canyon, deep-sea channel and oceanic trench beyond the collision marine basin.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(2-4):289-308
The Rerewhakaaiutu Tephra erupted from Okataina Volcanic Centre, North Island, New Zealand, at 14,700±95 14C yr BP (ca 17,600 cal yr BP) at a time of rapid re-organisation of Earth's climate system at the end of the Last Glacial (Termination I). It provides a distinctive isochron in a range of different environments in North Island and in adjacent South Pacific Ocean sediments. Terrestrial evidence, based on fluvial aggradation and downcutting relationships, loess accumulation rates, palaeovegetation patterns, and buried soil development and mineralogy, shows that marked amelioration of climate occurred shortly before the Rerewhakaaitu Tephra was deposited. Similarly, marine evidence from around this time shows major changes in accumulation rates of sediment and aeolian quartz and in the abundance of various marine organisms, while foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records indicate that the arrival of the glacial meltwater signal occurred close to or just after the deposition of the Rerewhakaaitu Tephra. These changes are discussed in relation to controls on climate by oceanic and atmospheric mechanisms. The re-organisation of climate commencing at ca 15,000–14,500 14C yr BP (ca 18,000–17,400 cal yr BP) is detected elsewhere in the Southern Hemisphere and evidently was linked to orbitally forced warming which is thought to have initiated ice retreat in both hemispheres.  相似文献   

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