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林广春  董俊超 《中国地质》2013,40(6):1793-1805
提要:扬子地块西缘新元古代岩浆岩分布广泛,目前对其成因和构造背景的认识还存在很大争议。本文报道了川西康滇裂谷北段康定—丹巴地区新元古代基性岩墙的岩石学、元素地球化学和Sm-Nd同位素特征,探讨其岩石成因、岩浆源区性质和岩浆熔融深度。结果表明岩石样品属拉斑系列,形成于板内裂谷环境,岩浆在上升侵位过程中受到了初生岛弧地壳物质不同程度的混染。岩浆起源于亏损地幔源区,是尖晶石地幔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,很可能与导致Rodinia超级大陆裂解的新元古代地幔柱事件有关。  相似文献   

姚家岭锌金多金属矿床是铜陵矿集区近年来新发现的一处大型矿床.该矿床可分为2个成矿期,早期为铜(金、锌)矿化,晚期为锌(金银)多金属矿化,以后者为主.多金属硫化物期以大量发育多种不规则脉状和角砾状矿石为特征,发育硅化、绿泥石化和高岭土化,矿化受张性构造控制,矿物组合为富铁闪锌矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、石英(包括玉髓和蛋...  相似文献   

Liujiaping VMS (volcanic massive sulfide) deposit contains mainly copper and zinc, which is located at the Longmenshan orogenic belt of the northwestern margin of Yangtze block. The deposit is hosted in Neoproterozoic Datan terrane (composed of Datan granitoids and Liujiaping group) and is a typical, and the biggest, VMS deposit in this area. The Datan granitoids and Liujiaping group are contemporary and both parental magmas have the same genesis. The tectonic evolution history of Northwestern Yangtze is complicated. Chronology, isotope and geochemistry of the Liujiaping VMS ores and wall rocks (especially the Datan granitoids) are analyzed to restrict the tectonic progress. High‐precision secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis of the Datan granitoids resulted in two concordant ages, 815.5 ± 3.2 Ma and 835.5 ± 2.6 Ma, which are contemporary with the Liujiaping Cu–Zn ore and volcanics. The wall rocks are characterized by enrichment in LREE and with a weak negative anomaly of Eu. The Pb isotope data of sulfide and volcanics from the Liujiaping deposit indicate that the material source is lower crust. Together with variable negative anomalies of high strength field elements HFSE (Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P and Ti), positive εNd (825 Ma) values (+1.8 to +3.1) and the Nd model age T2DM = 1.2–1.3 Ga, it shows that the Liujiaping deposit and wall rocks were formed by partial melting of Mesoproterozoic lower crust. Geological and geochemical characteristics of Liujiaping deposit indicate that this deposit was formed during subduction of the oceanic crust. This study clarified that that the Liujiaping deposit and the northwestern margin of the Yangtze block were part of an arc setting at ~820 Ma rather than intra‐continental rift.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization in the Velvet District occurs in an eastward dipping sequence of late Tertiary rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs, flows, and tuffaceous sediments in northwestern Nevada. Minor gold and silver concentrations are associated with irregular zones of brecciation, argillic alteration, and quartz veining along north-northeast trending normal faults. Reaction of mineralizing fluids with wallrock produced an argillic alteration assemblage of illite, mixed-layer clays, smectite, and kaolinite. Illite alteration and highest gold concentrations appear to be associated with zones of high water/rock ratios. Kaolinite, smectite, alunite, and opal are postulated to have formed during a steam-dominated episode of alteration.Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the quartz veins were deposited in the temperature range 230 to 280°C from fluids which had salinities equivalent to 0.2–0.8 weight percent NaCl. δ 18O of quartz veins varies from ?2.5 to +6.7 ‰ and indicates that the ore fluid must have been Tertiary meteroric water. Stable isotope data appear to define a zone of concentrated fluid flow and potential subsurface mineralization in the southeastern part of the district. Fluid inclusion and isotope studies can be used in combination with more standard geochemical, geophysical, and geological information to provide site-specific targets for epithermal metal concentrations.  相似文献   

The N–S trending Tuludimtu Belt in the extreme west of Ethiopia has been subdivided into five lithotectonic domains, from east to west, the Didesa, Kemashi, Dengi, Sirkole and Daka domains. The Kemashi, Dengi and Sirkole Domains, forming the core of the belt, contain volcano-sedimentary successions, whilst the Didesa and Daka Domains are gneiss terranes, interpreted to represent the eastern and western forelands of the Tuludimtu Belt. The Kemashi Domain, which consists of an ophiolitic sequence of ultramafic and mafic volcanic and plutonic rocks together with sedimentary rocks of oceanic affinity, is interpreted as oceanic crust and is considered to represent an arc-continent suture zone. The Dengi Domain, composed of mafic to felsic volcanic and plutonic rocks, and a sequence of volcanoclastic, volcanogenic, and carbonate sediments, is interpreted as a volcanic arc. The Sirkole Domain consists of alternating gneiss and volcano-sedimentary sequences, interpreted as an imbricated basement-cover thrust-nappe complex. All the domains are intruded by syn- and post-kinematic Neoproterozoic granitoids. Structural analysis within the Didesa and Daka Domains indicate the presence of pre-Pan African structures, upon which Neoproterozoic deformation has been superimposed. The gneissic rocks of these two domains are regarded as pre-Pan African continental fragments amalgamated to West Gondwana during Neoproterozoic collision events. Unconformably overlying all of the above are a series of tilted but internally undeformed conglomerate–sandstone–shale sequences, regarded as post-accretionary molasse-type deposits, formed during gravitational collapse of the Tuludimtu Belt. The Tuludimtu Belt is interpreted as a collision orogenic belt formed during the assembly of West Gondwana prior to final closure of the Mozambique Ocean.  相似文献   

关维娜  董连慧 《地质科学》2010,45(3):873-884
包古图斑岩型铜钼矿床位于新疆西准噶尔达拉布特过渡岛弧南部。区域构造主要以北东向为主,由一系列大断裂组成。包古图含矿岩体是一个岩性和岩相复杂的中性斑岩体。矿化类型主要为浸染状矿化、细脉状矿化及网脉状矿化,成矿作用划分出3个阶段。流体包裹体数据显示:均一温度从第Ⅰ阶段到第Ⅲ阶段逐渐降低,表明矿化从早到晚经历的是一个降温过程。流体密度为0.65~1.15 g/cm~3,估算成矿压力为126.0×10~5~950.1×10~ Pa,成矿深度为0.42~3.17 km,流体包裹体气相成分主要为CH_4、N_2、C_2H_4,液相主要为H_2O,并含少量CO_3~(2-)。  相似文献   

皖南新元古代花岗闪长岩沿祁门-歙县-三阳深断裂呈串珠状出露。本文在对其岩石学、地球化学细致分析的基础上,探讨了岩体的岩石成因和产出环境。皖南新元古代花岗闪长岩主要由石英、钾长石和斜长石组成,普遍含富铝矿物黑云母和堇青石,副矿物包括锆石、磷灰石、钛铁矿、独居石、磷钇矿、极少的磁铁矿等。地球化学分析数据显示,岩石总体具高硅、高钾、高铝和低钠、低镁、低钙的特征;岩石富碱(ALK=6.63%),高K2O/Na2O比值(1.33)。里特曼指数δ为0.8~2.91,碱度率AR为1.56~3.14,属高钾钙碱性系列。岩石铝饱和指数(A/CNK-1.31)大于1.1,具强过铝质S型花岗岩的特征。岩石稀土元素呈轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损的特征,∑LREE/∑HREE比值为5.36~8.36,具较强的负铕异常(δEu=0.39~0.7),配分模式为右倾“V”字形态;微量元素明显富集Rb、Th而亏损Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr等,为低Sr高Yb型花岗岩。地球化学特征显示其岩浆源于围岩-中元古代牛屋组浅变质千枚岩的部分熔融,反映陆-陆碰撞挤压造山环境,为晋宁运动晚期华夏板块向北俯冲与扬子板块碰撞造山的火山弧产物。  相似文献   

卢菲利安弧是全球极为重要的铜钴成矿带,赞比亚西北省铜-金-钴-镍-铀成矿亚带为该成矿带的重要组成部分,但其基础地质工作薄弱,缺乏系统的成矿机制研究。通过水系沉积物地球化学、土壤地球化学、地球物理特征和典型矿床研究,总结梳理了赞比亚西北省的成矿地质演化和成矿规律,提出区域找矿方向,以期在该地区实现找矿新突破。卢菲利安弧穹窿区主要分布于赞比亚西北省内,产有铜、金、钴、铀、镍等重要金属矿种,含矿岩层为罗安群炭质页岩、千枚岩,成矿类型主要为变质热液脉型,矿床成因为在泛非期NW—SE向挤压作用下,成矿物质活化,含矿热液沿断裂迁移,因物理化学条件改变沉淀、富集成矿;复向斜带南缘希富玛IOCG型铜-金-钴矿赋存于NE向的含铜碳酸岩中,矿床成因为初始地幔物质沿深大断裂上升至地壳浅部过程中,由于温度和压力下降,初始岩浆不断演化并最终成矿。通过研究赞比亚西北省典型矿床的成因和成矿模式,提出未来找矿方向应注重在穹窿区基底周缘推覆带内寻找受构造和地层双重控矿的铜-金-铀矿,在复向斜带内的构造岩浆带内应充分利用航磁异常、化探异常来寻找NW向深断裂与NE向断裂交会部位的(碳酸岩型)IOCG型铜-金-钴-银-铁矿。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Sugetbrak Formation in the Aksu area, which is located at the northwest margin of Tarim Block, comprises mafic rocks and provides key records of the evolution of the Rodinia supercontinent. However, the genetic relationship among these mafic rocks exposed in different geographical sections are still unclear. In this study, the petrology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of the mafic rocks exposed in the Aksu-Wushi and Yuermeinark areas have been studied in some ...  相似文献   

Mo mineralization within the Galway Granite at Mace Head and Murvey, Connemara, western Ireland, has many features of classic porphyry Mo deposits including a chemically evolved I-type granite host, associated K- and Si-rich alteration, quartz vein(Mace Head) and granite-hosted (Murvey) molybdenite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and magnetite mineralization and a gangue assemblage which includes quartz, muscovite and K-feldspar. Most fluid inclusions in quartz veins homogenize in the range 100–350°C and have a salinity of 1–13 eq. wt.% NaCl. They display Th-salinity covariation consistent with a hypothesis of dilution of magmatic water by influx of meteoric water. CO2-bearing inclusions in an intensely mineralized vein at Mace Head provide an estimated minimum trapping temperature and pressure for the mineralizing fluid of 355°C and 1.2 kb and are interpreted to represent a H2O-CO2 fluid, weakly enriched in Mo, produced in a magma chamber by decompression-activated unmixing from a dense Mo-bearing NaCl-H2O-CO2 fluid. 34S values of most sulphides range from c. 0 at Murvey to 3–4 at Mace Head and are consistent with a magmatic origin. Most quartz vein samples have 18O of 9–10.3 and were precipitated from a hydrothermal fluid with 18O of 4.6–6.7. Some have 18O of 6–7 and reflect introduction of meteoric water along vein margins. Quartz-muscovite oxygen isotope geothermometry combined with fluid inclusion data indicate precipitation of mineralized veins in the temperature range 360–450°C and between 1 and 2 kb. Whole rock granite samples display a clear 18O-D trend towards the composition of Connemara meteoric waters. The mineralization is interpreted as having been produced by highlyfractionated granite magma; meteoric water interaction postdates the main mineralizing event. The differences between the Mace Head and Murvey mineralizations reflect trapping of migrating mineralizing fluid in structural traps at Mace Head and precipitation of mineralization in the granite itself at Murvey.  相似文献   

The Dongpo tungsten ore deposit, the largest scheelite skarn deposit in China, is located at the contact of a 172-m. y. biotite granite with a Devonian marble. The mineralization associated with the granite includes W, Bi-Mo, Cu-Sn and Pb-Zn ores. Several W mineralization stages are shown by the occurrence of ore in massive skarn deposits and in later cross-cutting veins. The high garnet/pyroxene ratio, the hedenbergite and diopside-rich pyroxene and the andradite-rich garnet show the deposit belongs to the oxidized skarn type. Detailed fluid inclusion studies of granite, greisen, skarn and vein samples reveal three types of fluid inclusion: (1) liquid-rich, (2) gas-rich and (3) inclusions with several daughter minerals. Type (3) is by far the most common in both skarn and vein samples. The dominant daughter mineral in fluid inclusions is rhembic, highly birefringent, and does not dissolve on heating even at 530°C. We assume that this mineral is calcite. The liquid phase in most of the fluid inclusions has low to moderate salinities: 0–15 wt. %; in a few has higher salinities (30–40 wt. % NaCl equivalent). The homogenization temperatures of inclusions in the skarn stage range from 350°C to 530°C, later tungsten mineralization-stage inclusions homogenize between 200°C and 300°C, as do inclusions in veins. Fluid inclusions in granite and greisen resemble those of the late tungsten mineralization stage, with low salinity and homogenization temperatures of 200°–360°C. The tungsten-forming fluids are probably a mixture that came from biotite granite and the surrounding country rocks.  相似文献   

卡拉塔格成矿带梅岭铜(金)矿床位于新疆吐哈盆地南缘的古生代隆起带中,在大地构造位置上处于大南湖—突苏泉晚古生代岛弧带北段的上叠火山盆地中。其成矿阶段形成的石英中的流体包裹体类型较为单一,多为气液两相包裹体,数量少,个体较小(3~10μm),气相百分数小(4%~10%),零星随机分布。均一温度变于化106.6~259.8℃,成矿流体盐度w(NaCleq)为0.18%~8.41%,成矿压力为3~16MPa,估算的成矿深度为0.4~0.8km。结合野外观察以及火山-次火山岩石组合、热液蚀变组合及矿石结构构造与矿化特点,提出梅岭铜(金)矿区为高硫化物浅成低温热液型与斑岩型铜金矿之间的过渡类型,相当于福建紫金山式或台湾金瓜石式。  相似文献   

李强峰    丛培章  聂凤军  王丰翔    曹毅  丁成武  蒋喆   《地质通报》2015,34(06):1133-1145
芬兰北部的金矿床数量众多,大多数金矿床(点)产出于古元古界中央拉普兰绿岩带(CLGB)和库萨莫—帕拉波加片岩带内,主要分为3种类型:造山型金矿、铁氧化物铜-金(IOCG型)矿床及砂金矿。其中造山型金矿绝大部分分布于中央拉普兰绿岩带中部及库萨默地区和帕拉波加地区,最常见的矿石矿物为黄铁矿、毒砂、黄铜矿和磁黄铁矿,其次为方铅矿、闪锌矿、黝铜矿等。 围岩蚀变包括钠长石化、绢云母化、黑云母化、碳酸盐化及绿泥石化。造山型金矿床主要控制因素包括构造、岩性和造山期区域变质。IOCG型矿床主要分布在CLGB的西部克拉瑞地区,容矿围岩是钠长石-直闪石石棉型岩石,矿石中富含Fe-Cu-Au±Ag、Bi、Ba、Co、Mo、Sb、Se、Te、Th、U和轻稀土元素。围岩蚀变强烈,并且有明显的分带现象。IOCG型金矿床的形成受岩浆热液活动和构造的影响较大。砂金矿床包括古砂金矿床和现代砂金矿床,主要分布在CLGB东北部。芬兰北部金矿床的研究对北极圈及邻区的找矿勘查工作具有重要意义,也为中国胶东半岛、华北克拉通北缘、小秦岭和秦岭地区及新疆北部地区进一步金矿勘查提供参考。  相似文献   

芬兰北部的金矿床数量众多,大多数金矿床(点)产出于古元古界中央拉普兰绿岩带(CLGB)和库萨莫—帕拉波加片岩带内,主要分为3种类型:造山型金矿、铁氧化物铜-金(IOCG型)矿床及砂金矿。其中造山型金矿绝大部分分布于中央拉普兰绿岩带中部及库萨默地区和帕拉波加地区,最常见的矿石矿物为黄铁矿、毒砂、黄铜矿和磁黄铁矿,其次为方铅矿、闪锌矿、黝铜矿等。围岩蚀变包括钠长石化、绢云母化、黑云母化、碳酸盐化及绿泥石化。造山型金矿床主要控制因素包括构造、岩性和造山期区域变质。IOCG型矿床主要分布在CLGB的西部克拉瑞地区,容矿围岩是钠长石-直闪石石棉型岩石,矿石中富含Fe-Cu-Au±Ag、Bi、Ba、Co、Mo、Sb、Se、Te、Th、U和轻稀土元素。围岩蚀变强烈,并且有明显的分带现象。IOCG型金矿床的形成受岩浆热液活动和构造的影响较大。砂金矿床包括古砂金矿床和现代砂金矿床,主要分布在CLGB东北部。芬兰北部金矿床的研究对北极圈及邻区的找矿勘查工作具有重要意义,也为中国胶东半岛、华北克拉通北缘、小秦岭和秦岭地区及新疆北部地区进一步金矿勘查提供参考。  相似文献   

许康康 《地质与勘探》2021,57(3):676-692
研究非洲中部新元古代Lufilian弧的地质矿产特征和构造演化历史,对深入了解前寒武纪地壳演化和成矿作用具有重要的意义。本文在系统收集Lufilian弧内地层、岩浆岩、变质、变形和成矿作用的基础上,对该带的构造演化历史进行了总结概括。研究表明:Lufilian弧基底为一条古元古代弧岩浆作用带,约880 Ma,Lufilian弧开始了早期的陆内裂谷作用,发育恩昌加花岗岩和早期基性岩浆作用,并沉积有罗安群地层。约765 Ma,裂谷作用演化至原始大洋裂谷阶段,罗安群沉积结束并开始沉积恩古巴群早期地层,在成岩期热液流体作用下形成了同沉积阶段铜钴、铀和铅锌矿化作用。至660 Ma左右,开始了早期的洋壳俯冲作用,并沉积有恩古巴群晚期碎屑地层。550 Ma左右,卡拉哈里克拉通与刚果克拉通发生陆-陆碰撞作用,在530 Ma左右,碰撞作用达到高峰阶段,而后期高温变质叠加作用持续到520 Ma左右,挤压作用晚阶段可能受莫桑比克洋闭合阶段近东西向远场挤压应力的影响,板块发生幕式折返作用,形成Hook岩基。约520~470 Ma,为变质岩石抬升冷却阶段。在同构造和构造后期,在变质热液流体作用下,早期矿物再次活化,在构造有利部位形成矿体。  相似文献   

张璞 《地质与勘探》2015,51(2):246-252
查干础鲁金矿矿体赋存在侵位于阿木山组的浅成超浅成次火山岩(次石英粗安岩)中,是受构造控制的蚀变岩型金矿床。通过对次石英粗安岩的岩石学特征、矿物学及地球化学特征进行分析,显示出次石英粗安岩为贫钙型铝过饱和系列,是金矿床的主要赋矿岩石,其次为细粒闪长玢岩。有用组分主要为Au,其次为Ag。金主要以自然金形式存在,主要与次石英粗安岩中的石英脉关系密切,或是存在于假象黄铁矿及褐铁矿中,虽然微粒金产出数量最多,但从面积比上看,则以粗粒金、巨粒金为主,赋存状态以晶隙金为主,包体金及裂隙金较少。自然金粒形态主要为片状、弯曲片状、不规则片状。  相似文献   

西岭金矿床是胶东金矿集区内近来新发现的超大型破碎蚀变岩型金矿床(475吨@4.56 g/t),位于著名的三山岛金矿床的东侧。本文在详实的野外地质观察的基础上,系统介绍了西岭金矿床的基础地质特征,并运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,结合电子探针分析,系统研究了西岭金矿床金的赋存状态。西岭金矿床大量金矿物(银金矿和自然金)主要赋存在Ⅱ阶段石英-黄铁矿和Ⅲ阶段灰石英-多金属硫化物脉中。西岭金矿床金矿物主要有晶隙金、裂隙金和包体金三种赋存状态,以晶隙金为主。金的主要载体矿物为黄铁矿,次为石英、黄铜矿和方铅矿等。金矿物粒度大小包括粗粒金、中粒金、细粒金和微粒金,以细粒-微粒为主。金矿物形态有粒状、叶片状、线状、钩状、枝杈状和哑铃状等,以粒状为主。金矿物成分以Au和Ag为主,含微量的Cu、Cr、Fe、Ni、Te、S等元素。金成色为685~831,以银金矿为主,含少量自然金。综合地质和地球化学特征,西岭金矿床为蚀变岩型金矿床,是由早白垩世中温岩浆热液充填-交代形成。  相似文献   

Houfangzi graphite deposit is located in the middle of the graphite metallogenic belt in the northern margin of North China Block in Hebei Province, which belongs to regional metamorphic type graphite deposit. In this paper, through rock-mineral determination, IP ladder sections and exploratory trench survey, the authors have discussed its metallogenic geological characteristics and ore body characteristics, and analyzed its ore genesis. The research results show that the ore bodies are mainly in the graphitic marble of Dongjingzi Formation of Hongqiyingzi Group, which are stratified and controlled by layers, with NE trend and NNW inclination. The IP anomaly shows that Houfangzi graphite deposit is characterized by low resistance and high polarization. Ore bodies are stable and of big scale, and their fixed carbon content ranges from 1.42% to 3.28%, which has the potential to be a large graphite deposit. The ore-forming material came from granulite and graphite marble, while the regional metamorphism is the main mineralization of Houfangzi graphite deposit, with the enrichment and increasement caused by late magmatic activity and migmatization.  相似文献   

后坊子石墨矿位于华北陆块北缘石墨成矿带中部,属区域变质型石墨矿床.通过岩矿鉴定、激电中梯剖面及探槽工程等手段,探讨了后坊子石墨矿的矿床地质特征、矿体特征,分析了矿床成因.结果表明:后坊子石墨矿的矿体主要赋存于红旗营子群东井子岩组的厚层含石墨大理岩中;矿体受地层控制明显,呈似层状,走向NE,倾向NNW;激电中梯剖面显示,后坊子石墨矿异常呈现"中低阻、高极化"的特征;矿石的固定碳含量为1.42%~3.28%,矿体稳定,成矿规模较大,具有成为大型石墨矿床的潜力.研究认为,含矽线石榴黑云二长变粒岩和含石墨大理岩为后坊子石墨矿的矿源层,区域变质是后坊子石墨矿床的主要成矿作用,后期的岩浆活动及混合岩化作用使得石墨晶体增大、富集.  相似文献   

Kaersutite-bearing peridotite, clinopyroxenite, gabbro and hornblendite inclusions up to 5 cm in size and megacrysts of kaersutite, andesine and titanomagnetite occur in alkali basalt scoria at Takenotsuji, Iki Island, Japan. New analyses are presented for seven kaersutite-bearing basaltic rocks, three inclusions, three clinopyroxenes and six kaersutites.From the petrography and chemistry of the inclusions and recent experimental work at high pressures and temperatures on natural rock systems, it is suggested that kaersutite-bearing inclusions have been produced from alkali basalt magmas under hydrous conditions at a depth of about 25 to 30 km in the lowest part of the crust.  相似文献   

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