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The Igarapé Bahia, situated in the Carajás Mineral Province, is a world-class example of a lateritic gold deposit. It has developed under tropical weathering conditions since at least the Eocene and resulted in a regolith cover of at least 100 m thickness. The regolith is dominated by ~ 80 m thick ferruginous saprolite containing gossan bodies that constitute the main Au ore. Above saprolite the regolith stratigraphy has been established considering two distinct domains. One composed of residual materials and the other transported materials deposited over palaeochannels. In the residual domain the ferruginous saprolite grades upwards into a fragmental duricrust, interpreted as a collapsed zone, and then into different types of ferruginous duricrusts. Over palaeochannel the ferruginous saprolite is truncated by poorly sorted ferruginous sediment of variable composition that grades upwards into the ferruginous duricrusts formed over transported materials. Lateritization took place during a marked period that transformed the colluvium of the residual domain, and the transported materials accumulated in the channel depressions, into the ferruginous duricrust units. A later bauxitization event has overprinted all duricrust types but has mostly affected the duricrusts over the palaeochannel forming gibbsitic nodules. All duricrusts were finally covered by a transported layer of latosol which flattened the whole landscape in the Carajás region. Gold shows a depletion trend across the regolith but is enriched in the fragmental duricrust below the ferruginous duricrust from which gold is leached. Gold is also chemically dispersed laterally into the fragmental duricrust, but lateral Au dispersion in the ferruginous duricrusts of the residual domain is probably also influenced by colluvial transport. Metals associated with Au mineralization (Cu, U, Mo, Pb, Ag, LREE, Sn, W, Bi, Sb and P) are generally depleted in the saprolite but most of them are still anomalous. The fragmental and ferruginous duricrusts are more leached but the tests performed to estimate the dispersion potential of metals contained in the ferruginous duricrust show that some metals are still significantly anomalous especially Au, Ag and Cu. However, if ferruginous duricrusts are used as an exploration sample media their environment of formation must be considered. Metal depletion is generally more advanced in the ferruginous duricrusts developed in the vicinities of palaeochannels as oppose to those developed in residual domain. On the contrary, Au over palaeochannel areas is enriched in the upper bauxitized ferruginous duricrusts and in their gibbsitic nodules as a result of lateral chemical transport that is more widespread than in the colluvium over residual domain. The latosol is highly depleted in most metals due to its transported nature. However, the nodular fractions of the latosol show the greatest dispersion potential especially for Au, Ag, W, U, Bi and Sn. It can incorporate magnetic nodules that bring a rich suit of metals associated to the magnetic gossans, and non-magnetic nodules, classified as concretion and pisolites, which bring metals enriched or dispersed in the ferruginous duricrusts. This suggests that Lag constitutes a promising sample medium for geochemical exploration in the lateritic terrains of the Carajás region.  相似文献   

Mineral exploration in regolith-dominated environments is challenging, requiring the development of new technical tools and approaches. When airborne electromagnetics (AEM) is combined with information on stratigraphy, mineralogy, geochemistry, drilling and landscape observations in a geological context, it becomes a powerful approach to describe the architecture of the regolith cover. This has significant implications for mineral exploration in any regolith-dominated terrain (RDT). This research presents two case studies of AEM data, integrated in a geological context for mineral exploration in the Yilgarn craton margin/Albany–Fraser Orogen (AFO).In one of the study sites presented (study site 1: Neale tenement), the availability of AEM data allowed for lateral and vertical extrapolation of the information contained in datasets at specific locations, thereby creating a 2D architectural model for the regolith cover. In addition, it was determined: (1) the total thickness of the regolith cover and its variability (between 2 m and ~ 65 m); (2) that low conductivity transported overburden and silcrete units, with a total thickness between ~ 5 and 45 m, is widely distributed, capping the upper saprolite; and (3) that the silcrete unit varies laterally from being completely cemented to permeable, and that these permeable areas (“windows”) coincide vertically with mineralogical/textural/moisture/salt content changes in the underlying saprolite, resulting in increased conductivity. This has been interpreted as resulting from more intense vertical weathering, and consequently a higher vertical geochemical dispersion of the basement signature towards surface. AEM has been used to assist in identifying and describing the lateral continuity of these “windows” in areas with no direct field observations. Surface geochemical sampling above these permeable areas may deliver more reliable geochemical basement signatures.In the second study site (Silver Lake tenement) the AEM data was strongly influenced by the high conductivity of the hypersaline groundwater. This had a significant effect on the AEM response, resulting in reduced depth penetration and reduced resolution of subtle conductivity contrasts between cover units. Despite this, the AEM data set, combined with geological observations in the area, was able to map the presence and extent of a buried palaeochannel network, the most significant architectural sedimentary feature in the cover. This interpretation allowed for a more efficient drilling campaign to be designed to sample the fresh basement rock suites in the area, by avoiding drilling into palaeochannels.Integrated and constrained by the geological context, the application of AEM conductivity models by geologists is envisioned as one of the most promising tools within the exploration geologist toolbox to understand the architecture of the cover.  相似文献   

Rapid weathering and erosion rates in mountainous tropical watersheds lead to highly variable soil and saprolite thicknesses which in turn impact nutrient fluxes and biological populations. In the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico, a 5-m thick saprolite contains high microorganism densities at the surface and at depth overlying bedrock. We test the hypotheses that the organisms at depth are limited by the availability of two nutrients, P and Fe. Many tropical soils are P-limited, rather than N-limited, and dissolution of apatite is the dominant source of P. We document patterns of apatite weathering and of bioavailable Fe derived from the weathering of primary minerals hornblende and biotite in cores augered to 7.5 m on a ridgetop as compared to spheroidally weathering bedrock sampled in a nearby roadcut.Iron isotopic compositions of 0.5 N HCl extracts of soil and saprolite range from about δ56Fe = 0 to ? 0.1‰ throughout the saprolite except at the surface and at 5 m depth where δ56Fe = ? 0.26 to ? 0.64‰. The enrichment of light isotopes in HCl-extractable Fe in the soil and at the saprolite–bedrock interface is consistent with active Fe cycling and consistent with the locations of high cell densities and Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria, identified previously. To evaluate the potential P-limitation of Fe-cycling bacteria in the profile, solid-state concentrations of P were measured as a function of depth in the soil, saprolite, and weathering bedrock. Weathering apatite crystals were examined in thin sections and an apatite dissolution rate of 6.8 × 10? 14 mol m? 2 s? 1 was calculated. While surface communities depend on recycled nutrients and atmospheric inputs, deep communities survive primarily on nutrients released by the weathering bedrock and thus are tightly coupled to processes related to saprolite formation including mineral weathering. While low available P may limit microbial activity within the middle saprolite, fluxes of P from apatite weathering should be sufficient to support robust growth of microorganisms in the deep saprolite.  相似文献   

The regolith in the Mt Isa region of Queensland consists of a variety of saprolites and duricrusts developed on Proterozoic basement rocks and fresh to weathered Mesozoic, Tertiary and Quaternary cover, all of which has impeded base metals exploration. This paper presents an overview of some of the regolith-geochemical work conducted in the Mt Isa region as part of an industry-supported three year CRC LEME/AMIRA Project. A complex weathering and landscape history has produced a landscape of (a) continuously exposed and exhumed basement rocks that have undergone varying intensities of weathering and partial stripping; (b) weathered and locally eroded Mesozoic cover sequences and (c) areas with younger transported cover concealing basement and Mesozoic cover. Various regolith sample media have been evaluated at a number of prospects and deposits which represent different regolith-landform terrains and landscape history. Geochemical dispersion processes and models are presented and false anomalies explained.Where ferruginous duricrust or ferruginous nodular gravel are preserved on weathered bedrock on an eroded plateau, they exhibit large (> 500 m) multi-element (As, Pb, Sb) dispersion haloes and are useful sampling media. Dispersion haloes in truncated profiles on weathered bedrock covered with colluvium are restricted, are limited to tens of metres from subcrop of the source, and contrast to the extensive anomalies in ferruginous duricrust and nodules. Geochemical exploration in covered areas depends on the possible presence of dispersion through the sediments or leakage along faults or fractures, but may be complicated by high metal backgrounds in the sediments themselves. Some of the most prominent anomalies occur in ferruginous materials and soils representing emergent residual terrain developed on Mesozoic sediments. These are largely due to weathering of sulfide mineralization that continued during submergence in a marine environment, with hydromorphic dispersion into the sediments as they accumulated. Multi-element (Cu, As, Zn, Sb, Au) anomalies occur in basal sediments and at the unconformity, due to a combination of clastic and hydromorphic dispersion and represent a useful sample target. Metal-rich horizons in weathered sediments, higher in the sequence, can also be targeted, particularly by specifically sampling ferruginous units and fragments. However, these are less certainly related to mineralization. Zinc and Cu, concentrated in Fe (and Mn) oxides at redox fronts, may be derived by leaching from the sediments with concentration in the sesquioxides, and be unrelated to any proximal basement mineralization. In all these regolith-dominated terrains, a clear understanding of local geomorphology, regolith framework, topography of unconformities and the origins of ferruginous materials is essential to sample medium selection and data interpretation.  相似文献   

Particle-size analysis is a useful way to determine the source and deposition of sediments. However, there are inconsistencies when this method is used to constrain the origin of the red soils in south-eastern China. To address this problem, we performed a detailed grain-size analysis of two red soil sequences in Xuancheng and Qiliting located along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. By comparing their particle-size characteristics with those of the loess on the Loess Plateau in northern China, we found that the aeolian samples plot in a particular zone in the CM (grain size of the cumulative 1% versus median grain size) plot and cluster nearer the lower left corner of the plot as their degree of weathering increases. The grain-size features suggest that the onset of large-scale aeolian deposition along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River occurred at approximately 0.8 Ma. Although both sedimentary sorting and post-depositional weathering control the grain-size variations in the deposits, the extremely strong weathering due to the humid, warm climate along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River primarily modified the grain-size distributions of the primary red soil deposits. Strong weathering increased the very fine silt (2–5 μm) fraction and decreased the coarse (>63 μm) fraction. We also found that certain grain-size parameters of the red soils varied with the weathering intensity, which can be used as indicators of palaeoclimate variations. The grain size variations in both the Qiliting and Xuancheng sequences suggest that the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (MPT) may have affected the lower reaches of the Yangtze River at 0.9 Ma.  相似文献   

Many nickel deposits are known in Brazil, accounting for about 350 · 106 tons of ore with an average of 1.5% Ni. All are of the lateritic type. These deposits are scattered throughout the country, being rarer in the Northeastern Region and in the South, below 25 °S latitude. They are mainly associated with mafic-ultramafic massifs of large dimensions and ultramafic alkaline complexes, and occur in climatic regions of contrasting seasons. The weathering profile developed over the fresh rock consists, from bottom to top, of the following horizons: altered rock, coarse saprolite, argillaceous saprolite, ferruginous saprolite and lateritic overburden. The thickness of each horizon varies from one deposit to another, the whole profile generally exceeding 20 m. The saprolitic horizons with inherited minerals (serpentine, chlorite) or neoformed minerals (smectites) constitute the silicated nickel ore and are thicker were climatic conditions are drier; the ferruginous upper horizons made up of iron oxide-hydroxides are more developed in more humid regions. In Brazil, the silicated ore generally prevails over the oxidized ore. The main Ni-bearing minerals are serpentine, smectite, garnierite and goethite. The lateritic nickel deposits of Brazil may be correlated with two erosion surfaces, corresponding to the Sul Americano (Lower Tertiary) and Velhas (Upper Tertiary) levelling cycles. The degree of dismantling of the higher and more ancient surface and the consequent development of the Velhas Surface control the position of the nickel accumulation in the landscape. Thus, the deposits may be found either in the lowlands or in the highlands, where they are always covered by a silcrete layer. The alteration profiles in the Brazilian lateritic nickel deposits are broadly similar to those described elsewhere in the world. However, they present two characteristic features: the silicated ore prevails over the oxidized ore, and a silicified layer covers the profies developed on the highlands.  相似文献   

The Kapalagulu layered ultramafic and mafic intrusion is emplaced between the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian basement and overlying Neoproterozoic Itiaso Group metasedimentary rocks, located near the western shore of Lake Tanganyika. High-grade platinum group element (PGE) mineralization (1–6 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) is associated with chromitite and sulfide-bearing harzburgite within the southeastern extension of the intrusion, known as the Lubalisi Zone, which is covered by a layer of nickel-rich (0.2–2%Ni) laterite regolith that contains linear areas of PGE mineralization.In the Lubalisi Zone, the mineralization may be divided into several significant geometallurgical domains: (a) high-grade PGE mineralization (1–6 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with stratiform PGE reefs and chromitite seams within a harzburgite unit; (b) high-grade PGE mineralization (up to 12 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with small bodies and veins of nickel massive sulfide within harzburgite below PGE-bearing reefs and chromitite seams; (c) low-grade PGE mineralization (0.1–0.5 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with a sulfide-mineralized harzburgite unit above the PGE-bearing reefs; (d) laterite style residual PGE mineralization (0.2–4 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with chromite concentrations in the saprolite and overlying red clay horizons of the laterite regolith; and (e) supergene Ni associated with the saprock and overlying saprolite clay.Mineralogical study of three samples from the PGE reef consisting of high grade PGE chromitite and harzburgite indicate that this mineralization will give a good metallurgical response to conventional grinding and floatation due to the relatively coarse-grained nature of the PGM (P80 from ∼37 to 52 µm), association with base metal sulfides, and unaltered gangue minerals (Wilhelmij and Cabri, 2016). In contrast, mineralogical and metallurgical study of the Ni and PGE mineralized laterite indicate that it cannot be processed using conventional mineral processing techniques but that a hydrometallurgical route should be used to recover the base and precious metals. Because any process is very much deposit-controlled, significant metallurgical and geometallurgical testing of mineralized samples, as well as pilot plant testing, will be required to arrive at feasibility studies.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):1969-1985
Gossan Creek, a headwater stream in the SE Upsalquitch River watershed in New Brunswick, Canada, contains elevated concentrations of total Hg (HgT up to 60 μg/L). Aqueous geochemical investigations of the shallow groundwater at the headwaters of the creek confirm that the source of Hg is a contaminated groundwater plume (neutral pH with Hg and Cl concentrations up to 150 μg/L and 20 mg/L, respectively), originating from the Murray Brook mine tailings, that discharges at the headwaters of the creek. The discharge area of the contaminant plume was partially delineated based on elevated pH and Cl concentrations in the groundwater. The local groundwater outside of the plume contains much lower concentrations of Hg and Cl (<0.1 μg/L and 3.8 mg/L, respectively) and displays the chemical characteristics of an acid-sulfate weathering system, with low pH (4.1–5.5) and elevated concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb and SO4 (up to 5400 μg Cu/L, 8700 μg Zn/L, 70 μg Pb/L and 330 mg SO4/L), derived from oxidation of sulfide minerals in the Murray Brook volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit and surrounding bedrock. The HgT mass loads measured at various hydrologic control points along the stream system indicate that 95–99% of the dissolved HgT is attenuated in the first 3–4 km from the source. Analyses of creek bed sediments for Au, Ag, Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg indicate that these metals have partitioned strongly to the sediments. Mineralogical investigations of the contaminated sediments using analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), reveal discrete particles (<1–2 μm) of metacinnabar (HgS), mixed Au–Ag–Hg amalgam, Cu sulfide and Ag sulfide.  相似文献   

Windblown and vehicle-raised dust from unvegetated mine tailings can be a human health risk. Airborne particles from As-rich abandoned Au mine tailings from Nova Scotia, Canada have been characterized in terms of particle size, As concentration, As oxidation state, mineral species and texture. Samples were collected in seven aerodynamically fractionated size ranges (0.5–16 μm) using a cascade impactor deployed at three tailings fields. All three sites are used for recreational activities and off-road vehicles were racing on the tailings at two mines during sample collection. Total concentrations of As in the <8 μm fraction varied from 65 to 1040 ng/m3 of air as measured by proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis. The same samples were analysed by synchrotron-based microfocused X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (μXANES) and X-ray diffraction (μXRD) and found to contain multiple As-bearing mineral species, including Fe–As weathering products. The As species present in the dust were similar to those observed in the near-surface tailings. The action of vehicles on the tailings surface may disaggregate material cemented with Fe arsenate and contribute additional fine-grained As-rich particles to airborne dust. Results from this study can be used to help assess the potential human health risks associated with exposure to airborne particles from mine tailings.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):1955-1968
Elemental Hg–Au amalgamation mining practices are used widely in many developing countries resulting in significant Hg contamination of surrounding ecosystems. The authors examined for the first time Hg contamination in air, water, sediment, soil and crops in the Tongguan Au mining area, China, where elemental Hg has been used to extract Au for many years. Total gaseous Hg (TGM) concentrations in ambient air in the Tongguan area were significantly elevated compared to regional background concentrations. The average TGM concentrations in ambient air in a Au mill reached 18,000 ng m−3, which exceeds the maximum allowable occupational standard for TGM of 10,000 ng m−3 in China. Both total and methyl-Hg concentrations in stream water, stream sediment, and soil samples collected in the Tongguan area were elevated compared to methyl-Hg reported in artisanal Au mining areas in Suriname and the Amazon River basin. Total Hg concentrations in vegetable and wheat samples ranged from 42 to 640 μg kg−1, all of which significantly exceed the Chinese guidance limit for vegetables (10 μg kg−1) and foodstuffs other than fish (20 μg kg−1). Fortunately, methyl-Hg was not significantly accumulated in the crops sampled in this study, where concentrations varied from 0.2 to 7.7 μg kg−1.  相似文献   


Weathering profiles developed on granitic rocks, exposed in the breakaways of the Barr‐Smith Range in the N of the Yilgarn Block of Western Australia, consist of kaolinitic saprolites merging upwards into silcrete, sandstone and grit. The sandstones and silcretes may also form columns or dykes, penetrating downwards into the saprolite. The silcretes are cemented by quartz and anatase, with zircon (QAZ‐cement), and‐the sandstones are cemented by aluminosilicates, either apparently amorphous (as siliceous allophane) or partly crystalline, as kaolinite and opaline silica. Transitional zones between silcretes and sandstones have all cement types. The profiles are characterized by low concentrations of alkalis and alkaline earths and most metals. The QAZ‐silcrete horizons may contain over 3% TiO2 and 1000 p.p.m. Zr. The profiles evolved through at least four stages: (i) Formation of the deep saprolite‐sand weathering profile by kaolinization of feldspar and mica at depth, and the solution of kaolinite near the top of the profile, causing settling of resistant quartz grains, (ii) Precipitation of QAZ‐cement, the TiO2 and SiO2 being derived partly by lateral migration from upslope. (iii) Precipitation of aluminosilicates, in the sandstone and the saprolite. (iv) Erosion and exposure of the profiles by pedimentation. A similar profile occurs further S, at Gabbin, but no QAZ‐silcrete is present and the only exposures are in exploration pits. The kaolinitic saprolite‐quartz sand profiles probably formed under humid conditions, as the equivalents of ferruginous laterite developed on more basic rocks nearby and of lateritic bauxite in the Darling Range. However,’ the sand was a surface horizon and there is no evidence that there was ever a ferruginous zone at these sites. The sequential precipitation of QAZ‐ and aluminosilicate‐cements was probably, a response to increasing aridity and reduced groundwater flow. Aluminosilicate‐cemented materials tend to disaggregrate on exposure but they are probably more abundant than the more prominent QAZ‐silcretes.  相似文献   

We employed X-ray diffraction methods to quantify clay mineral assemblages in the Indus Delta and flood plains since ~ 14 ka, spanning a period of strong climatic change. Assemblages are dominated by smectite and illite, with minor chlorite and kaolinite. Delta sediments integrate clays from across the basin and show increasing smectite input between 13 and 7.5 ka, indicating stronger chemical weathering as the summer monsoon intensified. Changes in clay mineralogy postdate changes in climate by 5–3 ka, reflecting the time needed for new clay minerals to form and be transported to the delta. Samples from the flood plains in Punjab show evidence for increased chemical weathering towards the top of the sections (6–< 4 ka), counter to the trend in the delta, at a time of monsoon weakening. Clay mineral assemblages within sandy flood-plain sediment have higher smectite/(illite + chlorite) values than interbedded mudstones, suggestive of either stronger weathering or more sediment reworking since the Mid Holocene. We show that marine records are not always good proxies for weathering across the entire flood plain. Nonetheless, the delta record likely represents the most reliable record of basin-wide weathering response to climate change.  相似文献   

We evaluated the concentration, size and distribution, and temporal variation of insoluble dust micro-particles in the snow, rainfall and water taken from the areas surrounding the Mt. Yulong to define the characteristics of modern atmospheric dust deposition and the contributions of different dust sources. The mean mass concentration (4511 μg kg−1) of micro-particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm, and the diameter (11.5 μm) of dust contained in the water bodies of the Mt. Yulong are roughly similar to those observed in other sites, implying that dust is primarily supplied through short-range transport from proximal source regions (several or hundreds of km distances). The mean mass concentrations of micro-particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm is lower in the rainfall than in the snow and the river water, suggesting the rain water is an ideal source/carrier for detecting the characteristics of modern atmospheric micro-particles. Volume size distributions of micro-particles in the snow and water showed single modal structures having volume median diameters from 3 to 26 μm. Number concentrations of micro-particles in the snow were higher than that in the rainfall, the river water contains the least amount of micro-particles. Vertical profiles of the snowpits show that there is a strong lateral correlation among the dust peaks, indicating a regional uniformity of dust deposition and suitability of snow analysis for dust deposition. In addition, the bare rock of snow-free terrain in the Mt. Yulong region and the mineral particles from local rock weathering are also important sources for the dust deposition.  相似文献   

A typical Algoma-type banded iron formation (BIF) occurs in Orvilliers, Montgolfier, and Aloigny townships in the Abitibi Greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada. The BIF is composed of millimeter to decimeter thick beds of alternating fine-grained, dark gray to black, well laminated, magnetite-rich (and/or hematite) beds and quartz–feldspar metasedimentary (graywacke) beds. The BIF is well defined by magnetic anomalies. These BIF layers are commonly associated with decimeter to meter thick horizons of metasedimentary rocks and mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks, which are locally crosscut by dikes of felsic or mafic intrusive rocks and, as well, narrow dikes of lamprophyre. The upper and lower contacts of the BIF are gradational with the adjacent graywacke. All geological units in the area are metamorphosed to the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism. Magnetite is mainly associated with subordinate amounts of hematite, quartz, Na-rich plagioclase, and muscovite. The fine-grained magnetite content is composed of 77% to 89% of the principal iron oxide minerals present. The magnetite occurs as disseminated idiomorphic to sub-idiomorphic small crystals, which average 20 μm ± 5 μm in size. Hematite is the second most abundant iron oxide mineral. Although less abundant, red jasper occurs in cherty horizons with strongly folded fragments and within fault zones. This particular Algoma-type iron formation stratigraphically extends more than 36 km along strike. It dips sub-vertically with a true width from 120 m to 600 m. The origin of the BIF is closely linked to regionally extensive submarine hydrothermal activity associated with the emplacement of volcanic and related subvolcanic rocks in an Archean greenstone belt.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(6):1073-1082
In the lower part of the River Saale, Germany, U shows concentrations of up to 4 μg/L. Former mining activities and their still existing dewatering systems in the drainage basin of the River Saale are responsible for the high salt and trace metal concentrations in the water of some tributaries. An old adit from the Mansfeld mining district flowing into the Schlenze Stream with mean U concentrations of about 60 μg/L increases the U concentration of the River Saale by 0.5 μg/L. The U concentrations in the running waters of the study area can be explained by mixing processes. Uranium from the adit and the Schlenze is mainly transported in the <0.45 μm fraction as a carbonate complex.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2661-2673
Extensive areas in the southern part of the Duero Tertiary Basin (Central Spain) are covered by aeolian sands. Presently, the aeolian system is relict but in its origin and development it can be described as a “wet aeolian system”. Climatic and environmental changes during the Holocene are typified by alternating humid and arid periods. These are recorded in the sedimentary record as either organic-rich sandy palaeosols or clean aeolian sand, respectively. Palaeosol dating (12 radiocarbon dated samples) and stratigraphical and sedimentological analysis of several dunefields in quarries and boreholes allow the distinction of four periods of palaeosol development since the Allerød.Aeolian sediments commonly rest on fluvial deposits, which were themselves the major source area for aeolian sands. These fluvial deposits have an age of about 14,000 cal yr BP. The first phase of aeolian activity postdates these fluvial sediments and has an upper age of about 12,000–11,700 cal yr BP, probably corresponding to the last cold oscillation of the Lateglacial (Younger Dryas). The second phase ranges from about 11,500 to 9500 cal yr BP, during which period the majority of dunes in the Tierra de Pinares area formed. This is also a major phase of aeolian activity in other areas of the Iberian Peninsula. A third and probably discontinuous phase of aeolian activity took place between 6800 and about 3000 cal yr BP. The age for this phase is supported by the presence of Visigothic burial sites covered by aeolian sands. The presence of charred material and degraded slipfaces clearly indicate stabilisation by vegetation and the final degradation of the aeolian system at the end of the fourth aeolian phase (990–540 cal yr BP). Minor aeolian activity has also occurred subsequently in this area, since aeolian sand movement was even reported in the 20th century.The aeolian phases can be tentatively correlated with aeolian phases in Europe. Aeolian activity tends to occur regionally during specific time-intervals, especially in dunefields with little human disturbance. This argues for a broad climatic forcing in Holocene aeolian accumulation, such has been previously suggested for the little ice age. The precise timing of these phases, however, is not strictly coincident, probably due to the delayed responses of aeolian environments to climatic and subsequent vegetation change.  相似文献   

Strong negative cerium anomalies are developed in the saprolite zone of two serpentinite lateritic profiles in the Mada region of the Kongo–Nkamouma massif in the Lomié ultramafic complex (South-East Cameroon).The total lanthanide contents increase strongly from the parent rock (1.328 ppm) to the weathered materials (ranging from 74.32 to 742.18 ppm); the highest value is observed in the black nodules from the western weathering profile and the lowest one in the top of the clayey surface soil from the same profile. The lanthanide contents, except cerium, are highest in the saprolite and decrease along the profile. The light REE contents are very high compared to those of the heavy REE (LREE/HREE ranging from 3.21 to 44.37). The lanthanides normalized with respect to the parent rock reveal: (i) strong negative Ce anomalies with [Ce/Ce1] ranging from 0.006 to 0.680 in the saprolite zone; (ii) strong positive Ce anomalies with [Ce/Ce1] ranging from 1.23 to 23.96 from the top of the saprolite to the clayey surface horizon; (iii) positive Eu anomalies with [Eu/Eu1] ranging from 2.09 to 2.41 in all the weathered materials.Mass balance evaluation shows that, except cerium, lanthanides have been highly accumulated in the saprolite zone and moderately concentrated in the upper part of both profiles. Cerium has been highly accumulated in the nodules of the West Mada profile. The presence of negative Ce anomalies is confirmed by its low degree of accumulation whereas the positive ones are related to its high degree of accumulation.  相似文献   

Thick, commonly lateritic, regoliths are widespread in inter-tropical regions of the world and present particular challenges in exploration. These are best tackled through a sound understanding of the evolution of the landscapes in which they occur. The regoliths formed under humid, warm to tropical conditions and, although they may have been modified by later climatic changes, i.e., to more humid or more arid conditions, many chemical and mineralogical characteristics are retained. These include the geochemical expressions of concealed mineralization. Erosional and depositional processes control the preservation and occurrence of specific regolith units that may be used as sample media and, in turn, target size, element associations and contrast, thereby influencing sampling procedures, analysis and data interpretation. These parameters are best summarized in terms geochemical dispersion models based on the degree of preservation of the pre-existing lateritic regolith. Regolith–landform mapping permits an assessment of the terrain in terms of such models. In relict regolith–landform regimes, in which the lateritic regolith is largely preserved, broad multi-element anomalies in the upper ferruginous horizons (lateritic residuum) can be detected using sample intervals of 1 km or more. In contrast, in erosional regimes, where this material is absent, anomalies in upper saprolite, and the soil and lag derived from it, are more restricted in area and closer sampling intervals, (200×40 m or less) may be necessary. Lag and soil are, generally, ineffective in depositional areas, except where the sediments are very thin (e.g.,<2 m) or overburden provenance can be established. Stratigraphic drilling is necessary to establish whether the overburden overlies a buried lateritic horizon or an erosion surface cut in saprolite. Lateritic residuum remains an excellent sample medium if present, again with widespread haloes, but where it is absent, leaching and the restricted haloes in upper saprolite present formidable problems. Ferruginous saprolite or composites across the unconformity may be effective, but otherwise carefully targeted drilling and sampling through saprolite and saprock may be necessary. Partial extraction analyses have yet to demonstrate significant results except in very specific environments. In arid regions, pedogenic carbonate (calcrete, caliche) may be a valuable sample medium for Au exploration, principally in erosional regimes, and in depositional areas where the overburden is shallow. Sample intervals range from 1 km for regional surveys, through to 100×20 m in prospect evaluation. Saprolite is an essential sample medium in all landform environments, but the restricted halos and possibility of leaching requires that drilling and sampling should be at close intervals.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):2010-2022
This work focuses on two possible sources of Hg in tropical soils, (i) lithogenic Hg from in situ weathering of soil parental material, and (ii) exogenic Hg from natural long-term atmospheric inputs and anthropogenic input from past and present industrial activities. The concentration of lithogenic Hg [Hg]lithogenic was based on comparison of measured Hg concentration with those of elements resistant to weathering such as Nb, U, Zn, Fe. Exogenic Hg was quantified by subtracting [Hg]lithogenic from total Hg concentrations. This calculation was applied to 4 French Guiana soil profiles, 3 profiles on the same toposequence (ferralsol, acrisol, hydromorphic soil) and one acrisol close to a Au mine, where elemental Hg is used. In all profiles, [Hg]lithogenic varied slightly and was always below 40 μg kg−1, whereas [Hg]exogenic varied considerably and reached 500 μg kg−1. The highest [Hg]exogenic was calculated for the upper horizon of the acrisol close to Au mining activity, but also in the ferralsol. Concentrations of Hg were insignificant in the compact alterite in acrisols. It was concluded that pedogenesis processes that affect the natural Hg supply, combined with anthropogenic sources, explain the Hg concentrations in these tropical soils.  相似文献   

Mylonite textures in granodiorite boulders are responsible for higher rates of surface denudation of host rocks and the progressive development of unusual rock weathering features, termed weathering posts. These textures are characterized by smaller grain sizes, higher biotite content, and a higher biotite axial ratio in host rocks relative to weathering posts. Elemental concentrations do not show a significant difference between weathering posts and the host rocks in which they are found, and this reflects the absence of a weathering residue on the rock surfaces. Chemical weathering loosens the bonds between mineral grains through the expansion of biotite, and the loosened grains fall off or are blown off the boulder surface and continue their chemical alteration in the surrounding soil. The height of weathering posts on late Quaternary moraines increases at a linear rate of ~ 1.45 ± 0.45 cm (1000 yr)? 1 until post heights reach the diameter of host rocks. Such a rate of boulder denudation, if unrecognized, would generate significant errors (> 20%) in cosmogenic exposure ages for Pleistocene moraines. Given the paucity of boulders with diameters that significantly exceed 1.5 m, the maximum age of utility of weathering posts as a numeric age indicator is ~ 100 ka.  相似文献   

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