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The Liaohe Group is an important Paleoproterozoic stratigraphic unit in the northeastern part of the North China Craton and is traditionally subdivided into the North and South Liaohe Groups. Associated with both the North and South Liaohe Groups are voluminous Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks, named the Liaoji granitoids. Different tectonic models, including terrane amalgamation, continent–arc collision and rift closure, have been proposed to interpret the tectonic setting and evolution of the North and South Liaohe Groups and associated Liaoji granitoids. At the centre of the controversy between these models is whether or not the North and South Liaohe Groups developed on the same Archean basement. Nd isotopic geochemistry of the Liaoji granitoids provides important constraints on this controversial issue. The Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups display similar εNd values, restricted to a narrow range from 0 to 2, implying that these granitoid rocks were derived from the same or a similar magma source. Moreover, the Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups have similar Nd model ages (TDM), ranging from 2.4 to 2.6 Ga, suggesting that the protoliths of the Liaoji granitoids associated with both groups may have formed simultaneously, and that the basement rocks underneath the Liaoji granitoids and associated North and South Liaohe Groups belong to the same continental block rather than two different blocks. Combining lithological, structural and geochronological considerations, we interpret the North and South Liaohe Groups as having developed on a single late Archean basement that underwent Paleoproterozoic rifting associated with the intrusion of the Liaoji granitoids and the formation of the Liaohe Group, and closed upon itself in the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Recent tectonic analysis suggests that the North China Craton consists of two Archean continental blocks, called the Eastern and Western Blocks, separated by the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen. Although the published geochronological data are not sufficient to constrain the detailed tectonothermal evolution of the craton, the available Nd isotopic data show some important differences in Nd model ages between the tectonic units. The Eastern Block shows two main Nd model age peaks, one between 3.6 and 3.2 Ga and the other between 3.0 and 2.6 Ga. Limited Nd isotopic data from the Western Block show a large range of model ages between 3.2 and 2.4 Ga. These differences are consistent with the recently-proposed model.The Nd isotopic data from mantle-derived mafic rocks indicate that the mantle beneath the North China Craton was depleted in the Archean, consistent with major crustal growth during this period. In the Paleoproterozoic, however, the mantle-derived mafic rocks show negative εNd(t) values, implying crustal contamination. This may have resulted from subduction and collision between the Eastern and Western Block, implying that the mechanisms of crustal formation and evolution may have been different between the Archean and Paleoproterozoic.The North China Craton was re-activated by addition of mantle-derived magma into the lower crust in the late Mesozoic, resulting in rejuvenation of the lower crust. This indicates that underplating is also an important mechanism for continental addition, although in this case it may not equate to crustal growth, since it was preceded by removal of lithospheric mantle and possible some lower crust.  相似文献   


The Zhongtiao Mountain region is endowed with some of the largest Cu deposits in northern China, among which the Tongkuangyu Cu deposit contains 70% of the total reserves of copper. The orebodies in this deposit are confined to metamorphosed volcanic tuff and monzogranitic porphyry which are enclosed within metasediments. Metamorphism and deformation resulted in intense modification of the deposit, leading to debates surrounding its genesis. In this study, we investigate the lithology, hydrothermal alteration, and mineralization in the deposit. Secondary ion mass spectrometer and laser ablation ICPMS zircon U–Pb dating show that the meta-monzogranitic porphyry was emplaced contemporaneous with the surrounding lithologies at 2180–2190 Ma as a sill, and that the basic volcanic rocks erupted slightly earlier at ~2220 Ma. The Re–Os geochronological data on molybdenite from the deposit constrain the timing of copper mineralization to 2122 ± 12 Ma. Together with published information from previous studies on this region, we infer that during ~2100–2200 Ma the Zhongtiao Mountain region experienced continental or back-arc rifting. We exclude a porphyry copper model for the deposit and favour sediment-hosted stratiform explanation for this deposit.  相似文献   


华北克拉通保存有与Columbia超大陆裂解相关的中元古代岩浆记录。本文综述了华北克拉通中元古代A型花岗岩的时空分布、岩石学和地球化学等特征, 讨论了各期次A型花岗岩的成因及构造背景, 论述了其对华北克拉通中元古代裂解事件的指示意义。华北克拉通主要发育4期A型花岗岩: 1)~1.78 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于南缘熊耳裂陷槽和晋陕地区; 2)~1.70 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于北缘渣尔泰-白云鄂博和燕辽裂陷槽; 3)~1.60 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于南缘熊耳裂陷槽; 4)~1.32 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于北缘渣尔泰-白云鄂博和燕辽裂陷槽。这4期A型花岗岩均来源于地壳物质的部分熔融, 可能与同期伸展作用导致岩浆底侵提供热源有关。整体具有造山后伸展到陆内裂谷环境的演化序列, 且存在明显的时空差异。华北克拉通中元古代A型花岗岩记录了4期主要的裂解事件, 为华北克拉通参与了Columbia超大陆裂解提供了依据。


哇了格铅银矿床位于西藏昌都市卡若区北东(5°)约150km处,矿区出露地层主要为上三叠统,含矿层位为甲丕拉组灰岩段第2亚段(T3j2-2)。矿区无岩浆岩出露,构造以断裂为主,构造行迹主要为北西向。共圈定7个工业矿体,Pb资源量(50.4×107 kg)以及伴生Ag资源量(580×103 kg)均达到大型矿床规模。本文在详细的矿床地质研究基础上,通过流体包裹体和C-O-S-Pb同位素地球化学研究,探讨该矿床的成矿流体性质和成矿物质来源,以期为理解该矿床成因提供更加丰富的地球化学信息。研究结果表明:1)该矿床明显受地层和构造控制;2)成矿温度主要集中在130~180℃,盐度集中于6%~17%,具低温、中低盐度特征;3)赋矿沉积岩和热液碳酸盐矿物的C-O同位素组成(分别为-2.7‰~4.3‰和2.6‰~4.0‰)与正常海相碳酸盐岩相当,暗示其来源于赋矿围岩,方铅矿的S同位素组成介于-3.8‰~1.6‰,与幔源硫(-3‰~3‰)颇为相似,但考虑到矿区无岩浆活动,而沉积地层的δ34S值为...  相似文献   

Lead isotopic composition and uranium and lead concentrations have been determined for galena, sphalerite, pyrite and acetic acid soluble material from the McArthur area in order to test the hypothesis of a dual sulphur source suggested by the sulphur isotope data of Smith and Croxford (Sulphur isotope ratios in the McArthur lead-zinc-silver deposit, Nature Phys. Sci. 245, 10–12 (1973)). Galena, sphalerite and the acetic acid washes from the McArthur deposit have uniform isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb, 16.07–16.15; 207Pb/204Pb, 15.37–15.47; 208Pb/204Pb, 35.57–35.89) consistent with other conformable ore deposits, whereas the ratios for pyrite are variable and quite radiogenic (206Pb/204Pb, 16.24–16.49; 207Pb/204Pb, 15.42–15.58; 208Pb/204Pb, 35.82–36.98). Acid washes where dolomite is a major dissolved phase are also radiogenic. The lead in the pyrite appears to have been derived from at least two sources: the less radiogenic lead coming from an exhalative source as for galena and sphalerite and the more radiogenic lead probably being leached from the country rocks. It is proposed that analysis of pyrite for isotopic composition and concentration of lead could be used as an indicator for similar types of deposits in this area.  相似文献   

河北承德大庙铁矿床地质构造特征与找矿预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大庙斜长岩杂岩体位于华北克拉通北缘,是我国唯一岩体型斜长岩杂岩体,赋存了丰富的Fe-Ti-P矿床.对该杂岩体的岩石学、矿床成因研究已经较为深入,但是矿田构造研究较为薄弱.本文主要从大庙矿床地质特征分析入手,通过控矿构造分析和成矿期构造应力场的恢复,结合成矿特征分析,建立大庙矿床找矿预测模型,开展找矿预测.在大庙杂岩体内,先后找到了大庙、黑山、马营和罗锅子沟等中—大型矿床,它们都具有典型的岩浆矿床特征,具有岩浆熔离、分异和贯入式成矿特征;系统的野外地质调查和翔实的构造解析表明,大庙杂岩体的侵位受控于EW向隆化-平泉和大庙-红石砬子的断裂构造,杂岩体内NE和NW向两组断裂构造控制了杂岩体内铁-铁磷矿带的发育,NS向断裂则主要为成矿后构造,往往错断了铁矿体.在黑山矿区,野外观测发现含矿苏长岩利用了固结斜长岩中发育的节理,呈脉状贯入,在节理交汇部位铁矿体变大变富;通过节理和矿脉走向的详细测量和吴氏网统计分析,推测大庙矿区成矿期含矿苏长岩的侵位受控于区域上近似NS向的挤压应力作用.根据大庙杂岩体的岩浆侵位时代、岩相-矿体的接触关系、控矿构造和成矿特征,复原了大庙杂岩体的成矿-构造演化过程:最早期区域构造活动控制了斜长岩的侵位,没有发生矿化;苏长岩的侵位,伴随发生了早期的结晶分凝式矿化;块状苏长岩的侵位导致了晚期的熔离-贯入式矿化的形成;成矿期后,大庙杂岩体还经历了多期次的构造变动、抬升和剥蚀.在此基础上,建立了大庙铁矿床的找矿预测模型,并系统分析了大庙矿田不同矿区的深部和外围的找矿潜力,认为黑山和大庙矿区的深部、黑山矿区东侧和北侧、大庙杂岩体的东部边缘可能被中生界覆盖的区域等地段都具有很好的找矿空间,大庙矿区铁矿资源潜力巨大.  相似文献   

The Luojiahe Cu deposit in the Zhongtiaoshan region is located in the southern margin of the North China Craton. The orebodies are hosted in the mafic volcanic-sedimentary sequences of the metamorphosed (greenschist-facies) Neoarchean Songjiashan Group. The Luojiahe Cu mineralization can be divided into the primary volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) mineralization stage (Stage I, banded or stockwork ores) and the subsequent metamorphic remobilization stage (Stage II, coarse-vein ores).Three types of quartz selected for fluid inclusion (FI) studies were collected from the Stage I banded (Q1) and stockwork (Q2) ores and Stage II coarse-vein (Q3) ores. Four types of FIs were identified: (1) liquid-rich FIs (L-type), (2) pure vapor and vapor-rich FIs (V-type), (3) daughter mineral-bearing FIs (S-type), and (4) CH4-H2O FIs (C-type). Systematical microthermometric and H-O isotopic studies show that the Stage I ore-forming fluids consist predominantly of high salinity evolved seawater (125–220 °C; 23.9–27.9 wt.% NaCl equiv.) and some magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (249–339 °C; 34.5–42.2 wt.% NaCl equiv.). The two fluid end-members are represented by the L-type FIs in Q1 and the S- and V-type FIs in Q2. The temperature- and salinity variation trends of the L-type FIs in Q1 indicate a mixing process between the hot evolved seawater and cold seawater at Stage I. Furthermore, the V- and S-type FI coexistence in Q2 and their microthermometric data suggest that fluid unmixing has occurred in original magmatic fluids at Stage I. In contrast, the Stage II ore-forming fluids consist of CH4-rich metamorphic fluids (192–350 °C; 10.6–43.2 wt.% NaCl equiv.). Carbon isotopic analysis of the Stage II calcite (− 4.58 to − 10.83‰) and graphite (− 32.01 to − 39.16‰) in the ore-hosting chlorite schist indicates that the metamorphic ore-forming fluids had exchanged carbon isotope with graphite. The generation of CH4 may have resulted from the interaction between H2O (released by metamorphic devolatilization) and graphite. The continuous consumption of H2O in the hydrothermal fluid system may have increased the fluid salinity and triggered fluid unmixing in the CH4-NaCl-H2O system. In addition, the VMS metallogenic environment is generally favorable for microbial communities. It is considered that the graphite at Luojiahe may have been derived from sedimentary organic matter formed in seafloor hydrothermal vent systems, as also supported by carbon isotopic data.We propose that at Stage I, the main mineralization may have been resulted from 1) fluid mixing of hot evolved seawater and cold seawater in the near-surface environment; and 2) fluid unmixing caused by the percolation of magmatic fluids into syn-volcanic faults, forming the stockwork ores. At Stage II, the interaction between H2O and graphite may have resulted in the reduction of ore-forming fluids and Cu precipitation, and fluid unmixing in the CH4-NaCl-H2O system may have further promoted the Cu mineralization.  相似文献   

The Gortdrum Cu-Ag-As-Sb-Hg-U orebody occurs in Lower Carboniferous strata on the downthrown side of an ENE transcurrent fault system in Southern County Tipperary, Republic of Ireland. The deposit comprises a linear discordant zone of brecciated carbonates and country rocks that are altered and mineralised. Research has indicated anomalous radioelement concentrations associated with the main copper orebody and in particular with the altered breccias within this zone. The metal association (Cu-Ag-As-Sb-Hg-U) is considered unique for Irish Carboniferous carbonate-hosted copper deposits. However, the low temperature mineral assemblage of early uranium-bearing minerals with later sulphide stages is reminiscent of many vein-type hydrothermal ore deposits. The geochemistry of uranium-enriched rocks indicates that the alteration of the basic dykes was a most significant event in the trapping of uranium within the limestones. Propylitization of the early basic dykes by CO2-bearing fluids produced the alteration which led to the development of hematite, leucoxene and clay minerals. The reducing environments attendant with such mineralogy created a favourable environment for uranium precipitation. The reduction of U+6 to U+4 by oxidation of reduced Fe in dolomitized brecciated limestone occurred prior to the main sulphide mineral sequences. The genesis of uranium in the deposit is linked to radioelement remobilization from uranium-bearing heavy minerals in sediments of upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous age. The uranium became available to low temperature hydrothermal fluids which carried then deposited the uranium along a transcurrent fault system. The source of the heavy minerals is considered to be the Leinster Granite to the east, by which time in the Carboniferous, unroofing of the main pluton had commenced.Previous address: Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland  相似文献   

李孟江  陈衍景  张莉 《地球化学》2012,41(3):227-239
产于华北克拉通北缘中段的晚古生代尚义钾质花岗岩体规模很小,岩性为钾长石斑晶(~40%)的黑云母钾长-二长花岗岩,矿物组合为钾长石(50%~60%)、斜长石(10%~20%)、石英(20~30%)、黑云母(~5%)及少量绿帘石、单斜辉石和磁铁矿。SiO2含量为65.69%~70.90%,K2O+Na2O为7.22%~9.14%,K2O/Na2O比值为0.85~1.75,Al2O3为13.58~15.09%,A/CNK值为0.89~0.93,Mg#为43~46,稀土含量中等,轻重稀土中等分异,轻微负Eu异常,富集LILE和地幔元素Cr,Nb、Ta、Ti负异常,表现为富钾、偏铝质、钙碱性的I型花岗岩。通过野外观察及岩石地球化学分析可以确定钾质花岗岩是幔源基性岩浆分离结晶并同化混染早期奥长花岗岩围岩形成的。钾质花岗岩位于尚义-赤城断裂带中,其发育的构造背景应为晚古生代时古亚洲洋板块向华北克拉通俯冲形成的活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

The Sanbaqi uranium deposit in Hunan Province, south China, is the largest of a group of paleokarst-hosted uranium deposits in Lower Carboniferous limestone. Mineralization is localized in cavities and fault-breccias formed by dissolution of carbonates. Four episodes of karst formation are recognized: late Triassic-early Jurassic, late Jurassic-early Cretaceous, Cretaceous-Tertiary and Recent. Field relations indicate that the main uranium mineralization is related to the second karst episode. This is supported by isotopic ages of two pitchblende samples at 129 Ma and 134 Ma, as indicated by their nearly concordant data points on concordia plot. These ages are in the time range of the early Yanshanian tectonic movements that affected southern China, and the faulting related to the movements likely triggered the mineralization process at the Sanbaqi deposit. Associated minerals include pyrite, millerite, ullmannite, niccolite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, calcite and dolomite. Fluid inclusion studies on calcite reveal that temperature of ore deposition was from 181° to 150 °C. The δ18O and δD values of the ore fluids range from 1.5 to 7.9 per mil and from −30.4 and −54.8 per mil, respectively. The mineralogical, fluid inclusion and isotopic data indicate that the minerlization took place in episodic pulses of hydrothermal fluids that were introduced along a set of ring faults. Mobilization and redeposition of earlier formed ore minerals in an open system added to the complexity of the paragenetic sequence. Younger episodes of mineralization occurred during the later karst events as suggested by the geological and additional pitchblende U-Pb isotopic data, during the Cretaceous-Tertiary late Yanshanian tectonic movements and recently. Finally, a comparison of the Sanbaqi uranium deposit with the uranium deposits hosted by solution collapse breccia pipes of the Colorado Plateau, USA, shows that they have many similarities. Received: 9 July 1996 / Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

Geochemical and iron isotopic compositions of magnetite, ilmenite and pyrite separates from the FeTi oxide ores hosted in the Damiao anorthosite-type FeTi ore deposit were analyzed to investigate sub-solidus cooling history of the titanomagnetite. The FeTi oxides form two series of solid solutions, namely, ulvöspinel-magnetite (Usp-Mtss) and hematite-ilmenite (Hem-Ilmss) solid solutions. The magnetite separates have 14–27 mol% ulvöspinel, while the ilmenite separates have 5–8 mol% hematite. Major element compositions of the mineral separates suggest that the ilmenites were mainly exsolved from the Usp-Mtss by oxidation of ulvöspinel in the temperature range of ~820–600 °C and experienced inter-oxide re-equilibration with the magnetites. Associated with the exsolution is the substantial inter-mineral iron isotope fractionation. The magnetite separates are characterized by high δ57Fe (+0.27 − +0.65‰), whereas the ilmenite separates have lower δ57Fe (−0.65 to −0.28‰). Two types of pyrite are petrographically observed, each of which has a distinctive iron isotope fingerprint. Type I pyrite (pyriteI) with higher δ57Fe (δ57Fe = +0.63 − +0.95‰) is consistent with magmatic origin, and type II pyrite (pyriteII) with lower δ57Fe (δ57Fe = −0.90 to −0.11‰) was likely to have precipitated from fluids. Iron isotopic fingerprints of the pyriteI probably indicate variations of oxygen fugacity, whereas those of the pyriteII may result from fluid activities. The iron isotopic fractionation between the magnetite and ilmenite is the net result of sub-solidus processes (including ulvöspinel oxidation and inter-oxide re-equilibration) without needing varying oxygen fugacity albeit its presence. Although varying composition of magnetite-ilmenite pairs reflects variations of oxygen fugacity, inter-oxide iron isotopic fractionation does not.  相似文献   

Whether the North Qinling Terrane (NQT) was accreted to the North China Craton (NCC) in the Proterozoic is still a matter of debate. We report the first detrital zircon study from the Baishugou Formation, which forms the uppermost part of the Mesoproterozoic Guandaokou Group, at the southernmost NCC margin. Detrital zircons from carbonaceous silty phyllite in the lower part of the Baishugou Formation yield U–Pb ages peaking at ca. 2500 Ma, with minor peaks at ca. 2300–2000, 1800, and 1600 Ma, and εHf(t) values ranging from ?10.8 to +9.1. These zircons are considered to have been sourced from the NCC. In contrast, the middle-to-upper part of the formation contains detrital zircons which yield an age group ranging from 1800 to 1000 Ma, with peaks at 1800, 1500, 1300, and 1100 Ma; the zircons with ages of 1500–1300 Ma dominantly have εHf(t) values greater than +5 and the majority plot along the depleted mantle evolution curve. The striking difference between the U–Pb ages of the detrital zircons from the upper and lower parts of the formation suggests a shift in provenance. Magmatism at 1500–1300 Ma has not been reported from the southern margin of the NCC but has been discovered in the NQT. Hence, we deduce that the zircons from the upper part of the formation were primarily derived from the NQT, where an episode of crustal growth and magmatism is recorded between 1500 and 1100 million years. The variable sediment provenances imply that the NCC and NQT could be connected during the late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic. The pattern of detrital zircon ages in the new sediments from the Baishugou Formation is distinct from those in the Kuanping Group and the Palaeozoic Erlangping Complex, which are at present sandwiched between the NCC and the NQT. The detrital zircons from these two groups are dominated by an age peak at ca. 1000 Ma, which is formed as the result of amalgamation of the NQT and the Rodinia Supercontinent during the Grenville orogeny. It is possible that the new sediments of the Baishugou Formation were deposited before Grenville orogeny.  相似文献   

In the southeastern margin of the North China Craton, high-pressure (HP) granulite facies meta-basic rocks exposed as bands or lenses in the Precambrian metamorphic basement (e.g. Bengbu) and as xenoliths in Mesozoic intrusions (e.g. Jiagou) are characterized by the assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz + rutile ± Ti-rich hornblende. Cathodoluminescence imaging and mineral inclusions reveal that most zircon from the three dated samples displays distinct core-mantle-rim structures. The cores show typical igneous zircon characteristics and give ages of 2.5–2.4 Ga, thus dating the protolith of the metabasites. The mantles formed at granulite facies conditions as evidenced by inclusions of the HP granulite mineral assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + rutile + plagioclase + quartz ± hornblende and Ti-rich biotite and yield ages of 1839 ± 31, 1811 ± 19 and 1800 ± 15 Ma. An inclusion-free rim yields an age of 176 ± 2 Ma with the lower Th/U ratio of 0.02. The geochronological and preliminary petrological data of this study suggest that the lower crust beneath the southeastern margin of the North China Craton formed at 2.5–2.4 Ga and underwent HP granulite facies metamorphism at c. 1.8 Ga. This HT-HP metamorphic event may be ascribed to large-scale crustal heating and thickening related to mantle-derived magma underplating at the base of the lower crust, as evidenced by widespread extension, rifting and related mafic magma emplacement in the North China Craton during this period. The age of 176 ± 2 Ma most likely records the late amphibolite facies retrogression occurring during exhumation.  相似文献   

Iron isotopes, together with mineral elemental compositions of spinel peridotite xenoliths and clinopyroxenites from Hannuoba and Hebi Cenozoic alkaline basalts, were analyzed to investigate iron isotopic features of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. The results show that the Hannuoba spinel peridotite xenoliths have small but distinguishable Fe isotopic variations. Overall variations in δ57Fe are in a range of ?0.25 to 0.14‰ for olivine, ?0.17 to 0.17‰ for orthopyroxene, ?0.21 to 0.27‰ for clinopyroxene, and ?0.16 to 0.26‰ for spinel, respectively. Clinopyroxene has the heaviest iron isotopic ratio and olivine the lightest within individual sample. No clear linear relationships between the mineral pairs on “δ-δ” plot suggest that iron isotopes of mineral separates analyzed have been affected largely by some open system processes. The broadly negative correlations between mineral iron isotopes and metasomatic indexes such as spinel Cr#, (La/Yb)N ratios of clinopyroxenes suggest that iron isotopic variations in different minerals and peridotites were probably produced by mantle metasomatism. The Hebi phlogopite-bearing lherzolite, which is significantly modified by metasomatic events, appears to be much heavier isotopically than clinopyroxene-poor lherzolite. This study further confirms previous conclusions that the lithospheric mantle has distinguishable and heterogeneous iron isotopic variations at the xenoliths scale. Mantle metasomatism is the most likely cause for the iron isotope variations in mantle peridotites.  相似文献   

华北克拉通古元古代构造事件   总被引:45,自引:55,他引:45  
翟明国  彭澎 《岩石学报》2007,23(11):2665-2682
本文讨论了华北克拉通的古元古代表壳岩系、高压麻粒岩和孔兹岩系的若干问题,提出了(1)华北克拉通在约2500Ma太古宙结束时已基本形成.在2300Ma之前处于相对稳定的构造环境;(2)2300~1950Ma期间,华北克拉通经历了一次基底陆块的拉伸-破裂事件,在克拉通内部发育了晋豫、胶辽裂陷盆地和丰镇陆内凹陷盆地;(3)约1900Ma期间,有地幔上涌并伴随辉长岩浆的底侵作用,引起大青山-丰镇地区的超高温变质作用.底侵的辉长岩浆作为岩体和岩墙在下地壳就位,并发生高压麻粒岩相变质作用;(4)约1850Ma期间,华北克拉通经历了一次挤压构造事件,导致了裂陷盆地的闭合和焊接,形成晋豫和胶辽两个类似于现代陆.陆碰撞型的造山带;(5)在华北克拉通的北缘,华北克拉通可能与其北部的另一古老陆块或岛弧拼合,其拼合带应位于白云鄂博以北.现在已残缺不全.孔兹岩系可能代表了平行于北缘造山带的一条构造带.与北部造山带的俯冲碰撞相关的陆内深部逆掩造成了麻粒岩相岩石的形成和抬升;(6)白云鄂博群、化德群和渣尔泰(-狼山)群是与长城系相同时期发育的被动大陆边缘裂谷盆地;(7)1850~1700Ma期间,华北克拉通进入伸展构造体制,导致基底抬升,产生裂陷槽、基性岩墙群和非造山岩浆活动.  相似文献   

Zinkgruvan, a major stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag deposit in the Paleoproterozoic Bergslagen region, south-central Sweden, was overprinted by polyphase ductile deformation and high-grade metamorphism (including partial melting of the host succession) during the 1.9–1.8 Ga Svecokarelian orogeny. This complex history of post-ore modification has made classification of the deposit difficult. General consensus exists on a syngenetic-exhalative origin, yet the deposit has been variably classified as a volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit, a sediment-hosted Zn (SEDEX) deposit, and a Broken Hill-type (BHT) deposit. Since 2010, stratabound, cobaltiferous and nickeliferous Cu ore, comprising schlieren and impregnations of Cu, Co and Ni sulfide minerals in dolomitic marble, is mined from the stratigraphic footwall to the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag ore. This ore type has not been fully integrated into any of the existing genetic models. Based on a combination of 1) widespread hematite-staining and oxidizing conditions (Fe2O3 > FeO) in the stratigraphic footwall, 2) presence of graphite and reducing conditions (Fe2O3 < FeO) in the ore horizon and hangingwall and 3) intense K-feldspar alteration and lack of feldspar-destructive alteration in the stratigraphic footwall, we suggest that both the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag and the dolomite-hosted Cu ore can be attributed to the ascent and discharge of an oxidized, saline brine at near neutral pH. Interaction of this brine with organic matter below the seafloor, especially within limestone, formed stratabound, disseminated Cu ore, and exhalation of the brine into a reduced environment on the sea floor produced a brine pool from which the regionally extensive (>5 km) Zn-Pb-Ag ore was precipitated.Both ore types are characterized by significant spread in δ34S, with the sulfur in the Cu ore and associate marble-hosted Zn mineralization on average being somewhat heavier (δ34S = −4.7 to +10.5‰, average 3.9‰) than that in the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag ore (δ34S = −6 to +17‰, average 2.0‰). The ranges in δ34S are significantly larger than those observed in syn-volcanic massive sulfide deposits in Bergslagen, for which simple magmatic/volcanic sulfur sources have been invoked. Mixing of magmatic-volcanic sulfur leached from underlying volcanic rocks and sulfur sourced from abiotic or bacterial sulfate reduction in a mixing zone at the seafloor could explain the range observed at Zinkgruvan.A distinct discontinuity in the stratigraphy, at which key stratigraphic units stop abruptly, is interpreted as a syn-sedimentary fault. Metal zonation in the stratiform ore (decreasing Zn/Pb from distal to proximal) and the spatial distribution of Cu mineralization in underlying dolomitic marble suggest that this fault was a major feeder to the mineralization. Our interpretation of ore-forming fluid composition and a dominant redox trap rather than a pH and/or temperature trap differs from most VMS models, with Selwyn-type SEDEX models, and most BHT models. Zinkgruvan has similarities to both McArthur-type SEDEX deposits and sediment-hosted Cu deposits in terms of the inferred ore fluid chemistry, yet the basinal setting has more similarities to BHT and felsic-bimodal VMS districts. We speculate that besides an oxidized footwall stratigraphy, regionally extensive banded iron formations and limestone horizons in the Bergslagen stratigraphy may have aided in buffering ore-forming brines to oxidized, near-neutral conditions. In terms of fluid chemistry, Zinkgruvan could comprise one of the oldest known manifestations of Zn and Cu ore-forming systems involving oxidized near-neutral brines following oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

The Hujiayu Cu deposit, located in the Zhongtiao Mountains district of southern North China Craton, is hosted by graphite schist and dolomitic marble with disseminated to veinlet (stage I) and thick vein (stage II) mineralization. Stage I mineralization, characterized by stratabound, disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite within the graphite schist host rock, formed at the syn-metamorphic stage. Graphite geothermometry showed that the host rock was subjected to an upper-greenschist to lower amphibolite metamorphism at a temperature range of 486 to 596 °C, averaging of 546 ± 35 °C (1 σ, n = 19). Stage II mineralization, consisting of brecciated dolomitic thick veins cemented by quartz-sulfide assemblages, was a product of metamorphic hydrothermal activity. This thick vein was subdivided into an early hydrothermal dolomitic alteration composing of dolomitic breccia with some cobaltiferous pyrite (stage IIa) and a late siliceous-copper mineralization consisting of quartz-sulfide assemblages (stage IIb). A clausthalite–siegenite–sphalerite–chalcopyrite mineral assemblage was observed in stage IIb, constraining the sulfur fugacity and selenium fugacity within − 18.7 to − 11.7 and − 21.7 to − 14.7, respectively. It was inferred stage IIb was marked by a drop in sulfur fugacity and a substantial increase in selenium fugacity after the major chalcopyrite precipitation. Calculations based on the compositions of cobaliterous pyrite and sphalerite reveal that the mineral assemblage at stage IIa formed at an approximately temperature range of 400 to 300 °C, whereas the minerals in stage IIb occurred at temperature of 256 ± 9 °C (1 σ, n = 7). Sulfides from stage I have δ34S value ranging from 10.1 to 22.2‰ with an average value of 16.9 ± 3.4‰ (1 σ, n = 27), supporting the model that sulfides precipitated through thermochemical reduction of sulfate at sedimentary stage followed by metamorphic homogenization of δ34S isotopic signatures. Sulfides from the stage II have δ34S values in highly variable ranging from 3.4 to 19.2‰, indicating a rather complex source. Four chalcopyrite samples yielded a weighted model age of 1952 ± 39 Ma (1 σ, MSWD = 1.5), suggesting that the copper mineralization formed synchronously with regional metamorphism (1970–1850 Ma) and hence a Paleoproterozoic metamorphogenic copper mineralization is implicated. Therefore, we envisaged disseminated-veinlet mineralization formed during a metamorphic peak and the major hydrothermal copper mineralization occurred during the retrograde cooling.  相似文献   

华北克拉通宣龙式铁矿是中国北方最重要的沉积型铁矿类型,形成于元古宙中期(1800~800Ma)。河北大岭堡地区鲕状赤铁矿石发育大量碎屑锆石,对这些碎屑锆石及庞家堡地区侵入串岭沟组的花岗岩脉进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分析。鲕状赤铁矿石碎屑锆石获得了2组主要的峰值年龄,分别为1873Ma和2530Ma,记录了华北克拉通约1850Ma和约2500Ma两次构造热事件,结合前人研究,表明其与围岩具有基本一致的碎屑锆石源区,与北京十三陵地区串岭沟组源区略有差异,推测宣龙式铁矿可能为华北克拉通响应Columbia超大陆裂解的产物。花岗岩脉锆石U-Pb年龄为202.3±1.4Ma(n=27,MSWD=0.96),表明区内发育印支期岩浆侵入活动,暗示磁铁矿石可能并非前人认为的燕山期的产物,其成因还需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

华北克拉通与全球构造   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王荃 《地质通报》2011,30(1):1-18
华北克拉通是中国境内独具特色的大地构造单元,它既不同于新建立的华泰克拉通,又明显有别于扬子地台和塔里木地台。为追溯其形成和演化历史,将全球视为一个整体,在世界范围内寻找与其有宗谱关系的地体。经过认真的对比和鉴别,发现西伯利亚地台、加拿大地盾与中国的华北地台具有特殊的渊源关系。三者合计由14个太古宙原生陆壳块体,于古元古代末(1.79~2.2Ga)通过造山运动碰撞聚合在一起,形成了笔者所称的古劳亚大陆。后者最重要的地质标志就是统一的中元古代盖层,此即中国的长城系、蓟县系,俄罗斯西伯利亚的里菲系和北美洲的层群A、层群B。早寒武世,西伯利亚地台脱离了古劳亚大陆。中寒武世之初即536Ma,古劳亚大陆与形成于1000~1300Ma的Rodinia发生构造拼接,缔造了具有全球规模但命运短暂的超级大陆——Pannotia。这次构造拼接的意义不可低估,在时间上它恰好与骨骼化后生动物的快速发展(“生物大爆炸”)相吻合。过去长时间人们无法理解的,为什么远隔重洋的北美洲-澳大利亚-中国,寒武系中—上统的沉积类型和生物群具有高度一致性的问题,也随之迎刃而解。寒武纪末期510Ma,Pannotia解体并一分为二,在古劳亚大陆与古冈瓦纳大陆之间的地域形成了南太平洋。直到奥陶纪晚期即440Ma前后,古劳亚大陆才分裂,形成了北太平洋,中国北方包括华北和华泰2个克拉通在内,与北美洲的劳伦古陆和内陆地台,才各奔西东。回溯华北地台的渊源,作为一个整体它曾与西伯利亚地台共存了1.3Ga,而与北美的加拿大地盾至少共同度过1.4Ga之久。  相似文献   

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