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SPOT5数据东沙环礁珊瑚礁遥感能力分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对于大面积的大比例尺珊瑚礁遥感制图而言,SPOT5数据是一种高性价比卫星遥感资料.以Quickbird2数据对东沙环礁珊瑚礁的分类、解译的矢量结果作为该区域实际的珊瑚礁分布,以此为基础分析SPOT5数据的珊瑚礁遥感制图能力.SPOT5只有两个水体穿透信道,从基于光谱数据的分类角度看,以XS1通道为准的珊瑚礁信息提取易将高反射的沙底质归为珊瑚礁;以XS2通道为准的珊瑚礁分布制图存在提取不足问题.由于空间分辨率提高,对潟湖淤泥质中的珊瑚礁提取能力较强,要优于ETM数据.结合ETM数据及PCA融合后的SPOT5的遥感解译结果,能提高SPOT5数据的制图能力.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in Symbiodinium diversity in the scleractinian coral species Agaricia lamarcki between shallow (20–25 m) and mesophotic (50–70 m) depths in the Northern Caribbean. Corals were sampled in each of four shallow sites (20–25 m; n = 18) and three mesophotic sites (50–70 m; n = 18) from Mona Island (Puerto Rico) and the US Virgin Islands during a mesophotic exploratory cruise and from the La Parguera shelf edge, off Southwestern Puerto Rico. Symbiodinium diversity was assessed using internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Clustering resulted in eight clade C OTUs and one clade D OTU. Of these, there were three common Symbiodinium OTUs consisting of C3 and D1a.N14 in shallow reefs and C11.N4 in mesophotic reefs. Statistical tests (permutational multivariate analysis of variance and analysis of similarity) showed significant differences between clade C Symbiodinium OTUs in A. lamarcki colonies located at shallow and mesophotic depths, indicating symbiont zonation. Symbiodinium diversity in A. lamarcki from the Northern Caribbean is comparable to previous reports in the Southern Caribbean for this species. This is the first report of the thermal tolerant species Symbiodinium trenchii (D1a) in A. lamarcki.  相似文献   

From the eastern Indonesian cruise from November 14 to 23, 2007, CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth profiler) /ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler)casting and seawater sampling were done at 25 stations around Waigeo Island near New Guinea Island. It was found overall westward intrusion of the south Pacific waters into the Seram Sea and southward spreading of the north and south Pacific waters into the Seram Sea. There is westward residual flow along the channel between Waigeo and New Guinea within upper 200 m with the maximum speed up to 50 cm/s, and much weaker eastward flow in the lower layer (< 10 cm/s) due to blocking by the shallow sill at the west of the Dampier Strait. The abrupt change of bottom topography induces active horizontal and vertical mixing which results in a three-layered current system with a major through-flow of -0.99 Sv (Sv = 10 6 m 3 /s) into the Seram Sea; the transports in the upper and the lower layers are -1.14 Sv and -0.24 Sv (westward), respectively, and in the middle there is a return flow with the transport of +0.39 Sv (eastward).  相似文献   

This study has tested the following main hypotheses. (1) The composition of fish assemblages in nearshore waters along the lower west coast of Australia will differ significantly among four habitat types (1–4), which could be distinguished quantitatively from each other by differences in the values for a statistically selected suite of enduring environmental variables. (2) The extents of the differences in ichthyofaunal composition among the four habitat types will statistically match those in the suite of environmental variables that distinguish those habitat types. A 60.5 m long seine net, with 9 mm mesh in the bunt, was used seasonally for 2 years to sample fish from sites representing each of the four nearshore habitat types, which differed broadly in their exposure to wave activity and the extent and location of seagrass beds. The compositions of the fish faunas in each habitat type were significantly different from each other in all but one case. Ichthyofaunal composition did not differ significantly between years in any habitat type and differed significantly among seasons in only one habitat type. The arrangement of the rank orders of similarity in matrices constructed from the abundances of the fish species at each site also did not differ between years but did differ among seasons. Moreover, the arrangement of the ranks in the similarity matrices produced from the ichthyofaunal data recorded at the various sites in each season were significantly correlated with that in the distance matrix constructed from the environmental data for those sites, with the correlation (ρ) ranging from 0.476 in winter to 0.696 in autumn. These results thus demonstrate that the extents of the differences in the fish compositions among the various habitat types parallel those in the environmental data for the corresponding habitat types. The subset of species that provided the best correlation with the environmental distance matrix, and which was thus most responsible for distinguishing among the fish compositions at the four habitat types, was also determined for each season.  相似文献   

南海珊瑚礁周围过渡性水域主要鱼类食性与食物的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对路氏双髻鲨Sphyrna lewini、侧条真鲨Carcharhinus limbatus、大眼六鳃鲨Hexanchus vituius、灰六鳃鲨Hex-anchus griseus、及达尖犁头Rhynchobatus djiddensis、灰三齿鲨Triaenodon obesus、裸狐鲣Gymnosarda unicolor、扁舵鲣Auxis thazard、黄斑胡椒鲷Plectorhynchus flavomaculatus、密点胡椒鲷Plectorhynchus gaterinus、尖嘴Dasyatis zugei、星点Caranx stellatus、黑Caranx lugubrisr等13种南海主要珊瑚礁周围过渡性水域鱼类进行食性分析,根据其胃含物中饵料生物的重量组成和出现频率,分为4种食性类型。同时还分析了13种鱼的食物关系和营养级,为该海域渔场生态系食物网的研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The stable nitrogen isotope ratio (δ 15N) in macroalgae is effectively used as a time-integrated bioindicator to record nitrogen sources for primary producers during their growing periods in aquatic ecosystems. However, the utility of this tool is limited because the occurrence of these organisms is often restricted in space and time. To investigate the potential of chemical composition in sedimentary organic matter (SOM) as a proxy for time-integrated environmental conditions, nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) contents and their stable isotope ratios (δ 15N and δ 13C) were determined, and systematically cross-checked against corresponding values in macroalgae at the Shiraho fringing reef in Okinawa, Japan. Preliminary trials showed that δ 15N in SOM processed by the “wash-out method” for δ 13C analysis yielded similar δ 15N values to the bulk sediment, despite the loss of some SOM during the process. The amounts of organic matter and the ratio of the HCl-insoluble portion were variable within the reef, probably reflecting local vegetation and subsequent decomposition. The distribution of δ 15N and δ 13C in SOM showed similar trends to those of macroalgae, with mostly constant differences of 1.4‰ and −6.7‰, respectively. These differences throughout the reef appeared to be explained in terms of mixed contributions from macrophyte and epibenthic microalgae growing in different seasons and years, with their debris undergoing diagenetic alteration. Therefore, macroalgae and SOM δ-values can be used in a complementary manner, over various time scales, as indicators of the integrated effect of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) sources on coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

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