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云南禄劝噜鲁铅锌矿床地处扬子地块西南缘,矿体赋存于下寒武统梅树村组下段,呈脉状、似层状产出。矿石矿物主要有方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铁矿等;脉石矿物主要有重晶石、石英、方解石。噜鲁铅锌矿床硫化物成矿时的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr值为0.7112~0.7115,暗示成矿物质可能来自于基底地层;Rb-Sr等时线年龄为202.8±1.4Ma,成矿年龄为印支晚期—燕山早期。硫化物硫同位素组成δ~(34)S变化范围为6.33‰~9.75‰,暗示成矿流体中的硫主要是海相硫酸盐热化学还原的产物;铅同位素~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb变化范围分别为18.259~18.342、15.608~15.639、38.46~38.821,位于上地壳和造山带铅演化线之间,落入基底岩石(昆阳群)及不同时代碳酸盐岩铅同位素组成范围内,表明成矿物质具有壳源特征,主要由基底岩石提供。综合各类地质-地球化学信息认为,噜鲁铅锌矿床成矿流体中不同组分来源不同,但主要来自于基底地层,成矿机制是在印支运动强驱动力的作用下,促使含矿基底地层成矿元素活化-迁移混合-空间就位,形成工业矿床。  相似文献   

云南省文山县官房钨矿床是华南西部右江成矿带新近发现的大型钨矿床之一,产于滇东南褶皱带文山-富宁褶皱束薄竹山穹窿南翼。该矿床的形成与薄竹山S类花岗岩有关,形成于燕山期陆内碰撞体制。矿体产于燕山期花岗岩与寒武系碎屑岩-碳酸盐建造的外接触带,矿石构造主要是浸染状和网脉状。围岩蚀变类型复杂、蚀变分带明显,自花岗岩体向外依次为金云母-绿帘石化带→透辉石-透闪石化带→镁橄榄石化带。成矿过程包括矽卡岩阶段(早阶段)、石英-硫化物阶段(中阶段)和石英-碳酸盐(晚阶段)阶段。早阶段矽卡岩矿物(透辉石、石榴石)中发育含CH4的水溶液包裹体和含子矿物包裹体,中阶段石英中发育含CO2、CH4、N2的水溶液包裹体和含子矿物包裹体,晚阶段石英中发育含CO2的水溶液包裹体。各阶段矿物中不发育含石盐子晶包裹体。早阶段流体包裹体均一温度集中于379~550℃,盐度为3.17%~9.86%NaCleqv;中阶段包裹体均一温度集中于250~370℃,盐度为8.95%~10.61%NaCleqv;晚阶段流体包裹体均一温度为115~221℃,盐度为1.74%~5.71%NaCleqv。估算的早、中阶段流体捕获压力分别为45~90MPa和10~30MPa,推测最大成矿深度为3km。上述流体包裹体研究表明成矿流体由早阶段高温、低NaCl的H2O-CH4-NaCl岩浆热液,演化为中阶段中温、低NaCl的H2O-CH4-CO2-NaCl热液体系,最终转化为晚阶段低温、含CO2的大气降水。  相似文献   

The chronological data obtained by a variety of dating methods have confirmed that the sodium enriched metavolcanite series in the area of the Longbohe copper deposit at Jinping, Yunnan Province, was formed during the Proterozoic (its Pb−Pb isochron age=1595±75 Ma), corresponding to the Dahongshan Group sodium enriched metavolcanites. The Sm−Nd isochron age of 1336±46Ma should represent the time at which this series of volcanic rocks experienced spilitization in response to sodium metasomatism, equivalent to the time of sedimentation of the Ailaoshan Group and Yashan Group rocks. The Rb−Sr ages of the volcanic rocks and the Pb−Pb ages of copper ores have recorded the events of strong dynamic metamorphism and of strong reworking-metallogenesis of copper during the Jinningian period. Similarities in forming age, rock assemblage and isotopic characteristics between the sodium enriched metavolcanite series and the Dahongshan Group sodium enriched metavolcanite series have provided new clues to the exploration of the Dahongshan-type copper deposits in this area. Granted jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 49702022, 40073001) and the State 973 Program (No. G1999043215).  相似文献   

官房钨矿床位于滇东南薄竹山W多金属矿集区,是近年来新发现的大型白钨矿床。矽卡岩多产于层间破碎带,呈似层状、透镜状和脉状,一般不与花岗岩体接触而形成远端矽卡岩(深部揭露有少量产于接触带),矽卡岩矿物发育。为进一步查明矽卡岩矿物学和矿物化学特征,揭示矽卡岩形成环境,探讨矽卡岩与矿化类型之间的关系,笔者采集了KT3近端矽卡岩与KT5远端矽卡岩进行对比,通过开展系统的矿物学镜下观察,利用EMPA进行石榴子石成分分析,LA-ICP-MS对典型的矽卡岩矿物进行了单矿物分析。研究表明,官房钨矿床矽卡岩属典型钙质矽卡岩,矽卡岩矿物主要有石榴子石、辉石、符山石等,其中石榴子石为钙铝榴石-钙铁榴石系列,辉石为透辉石-钙铁辉石系列,符山石属普通符山石。由近端矽卡岩向远端矽卡岩,石榴子石主要成分由钙铝榴石向钙铁榴石转化;辉石几乎全部为透辉石向透辉石、钙铁辉石的组合转化,石榴子石与辉石的特征表明矿床的矽卡岩由还原型矽卡岩转为氧化型矽卡岩;KT5形成条件较KT3氧逸度更高,两者流体交代方式以扩散交代为主。石榴子石、辉石端员组分及Mn/Fe、Mg/Fe比值稍高的特征,综合指示其矿化类型属于铁铜锌等多金属矿化类型;符山石中较低的w(W)可作为钨矿找矿标志。  相似文献   

28 samples of Cenozoic volcanic rocks collected from Shandong Province have been dated by K-Ar method. They are mainly Neogene with an age range of 4–19 m. y. The basalts from Linqu and Yishui in west Shandong Province are Miocene and those from Penglai and Qixia in east Shandong Province are Miocene and Pliocene in age. The basalts from Wudi in north Shandong Province are Middle-Early Pleistocene in age. In each area the duration of volcanic eruption was estimated at about 2–3 m. y. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and U, Th, Pb, Rb, Sr, and major elements in most of the samples were determined. The isotopic compositions are:206Pb/204Pb—16.92-18.48,207Pb/204Pb—15.30-15.59,208Pb/204Pb—37.83-38.54, and (87Sr/86Sr)i—0.70327-0.70632. There are some positive or negative linear correlations between206Pb/204Pb and207Pb/204Pb, Pb isotopes and Pb content, Pb isotopes and Sr isotopes, and Sr isotopes and other elements. The basaltic rocks from east and west Shandong Province have somewhat differences in isotopic composition and element content. The basalts probably are products of multi-stage evolution of the mantle. They have preserved the primary features of the source, although they were influenced, to some extent, by the contamination of crustal materials.  相似文献   

辽宁猫岭大型金矿床成岩成矿年龄及同位素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  李铁刚  段超 《地质通报》2018,37(7):1325-1337
猫岭矿床是华北克拉通北缘重要的含砷浸染型金矿之一,赋存于元古代辽河群变质岩中。矿体以脉状、似层状、透镜状等产出,受NE向和NW向韧性剪切带及次级断裂控制。选取猫岭矿床10件硫化物样品开展了Rb-Sr定年,获得Rb-Sr等时线年龄为2287±95Ma(MSWD=1.9),初始Sr同位素比值I_(Sr)=0.7117,显示成矿作用发生于古元古代早期。矿区内卧龙泉和猫岭岩体的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分别为183.0±1.8Ma、128.8±1.6Ma,表明晚中生代岩浆活动与猫岭金矿化无成因联系。成矿流体的δ~(18)O_W值为6.3‰~9.7‰,δD_W值为-97.2‰~-82.6‰,表明成矿流体主要来源于岩浆热液,混合部分大气降水。金属硫化物的δ~(34)S值为+4.3‰~+10.5‰,平均值为+7.9‰,与辽河群盖县组的硫同位素组成相似,表明硫源区为古元古代盖县组。猫岭矿床形成于古元古代伸展构造背景,与辽河群早期的同构造岩浆-热液活动有关,同期形成的强硅化圈保护金矿体免受后期地质作用的破坏。  相似文献   

滇中荒田铅锌矿床赋存于下二叠统碳酸盐岩与上二叠统峨眉山玄武岩接触界面上,矿体主要呈似层状、透镜状产出。矿石矿物组合以闪锌矿、方铅矿为主,脉石矿物以石英、方解石、白云石为主。热液方解石C、O同位素组成表明荒田铅锌矿床成矿流体中CO_2的碳具有多元性,主要来源于幔源与海相碳酸盐岩的混合碳;硫化物硫同位素组成表明荒田铅锌矿床硫以岩浆硫为主,可能混有其他硫源(可能包括地层硫酸盐),铅同位素表明赋矿围岩、玄武岩和燕山期花岗岩均有可能为成矿提供了成矿物质,是多源混合后的产物;闪锌矿Rb-Sr同位素等时线年龄为(83.2±3.4)Ma,指示荒田铅锌矿床形成于晚燕山期,荒田铅锌矿床成矿动力学背景可能与右江褶皱带在中生代末期发生了大规模的岩石圈伸展有关。而晚二叠世海相喷发火山岩对矿区铅锌矿床的形成起了重要的盖层、赋矿层及矿化作用。综上,荒田铅锌矿床成矿流体中的不同组分来源不同,矿床类型为沉积-改造型矿床。  相似文献   

牦牛坪稀土矿床碳酸岩Pb同位素地球化学   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
四川牦牛坪稀土矿床与稀土矿化时空密切共生的碳酸岩一正长岩碱性杂岩体的成岩时代为喜山期,碳酸岩呈脉状沿正长岩岩体中心侵入。两者具有相似的^206Pb/^204Pb和^208Pb/^204Pb比值,但碳酸岩^207Ph/^204Ph比值变化较大,且低于正长岩。这种差异并不能归因于地壳物质的混染作用,而是反映了地幔源区的特征。在Ph、Sr和Nd同位素图解中,矿区碳酸岩和正长岩显示低Ph,高Sr同位素的特征,部份碳酸岩Ph同位素落在MORB内,而Sr和Nd同位素明显不同于MORB,相对接近洋岛玄武岩的Ⅰ型富集地幔(EM1)。喜山期扬子板块呈楔形体插入龙门山地壳之中,受挤压的中下部地壳向前陆深处发生俯冲,并延伸至攀西裂谷顶部富集地幔体中,被交代的富集地幔经不同程度的和不连续的部份熔融作用形成碱性岩浆,整个演化过程导致了源区成份的不均一性。  相似文献   

内蒙古敖包吐萤石矿床的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
敖包吐萤石矿床是内蒙古北部苏莫查干地区单一萤石矿集区中的一个代表性矿床,产于早二叠世大石寨组火山-沉积岩与早白垩世敖包吐花岗岩的接触带上。文章通过分析该矿床岩、矿石的微量元素和稀土元素,揭示出萤石的成矿作用可分为2个阶段,即交代作用和充填作用。交代作用过程中大石寨组的结晶灰岩可能为萤石的形成提供了部分Ca来源,萤石矿石的稀土元素配分模式与海水基本类似,具有Ce负异常;成矿作用后期主要表现为充填作用,形成颗粒粗大的萤石,表现为重稀土元素富集的特征,并随着萤石的沉淀析出,稀土元素总量逐渐下降,反映出成矿流体经历了较长期的演化过程。各地层单元、花岗岩体和萤石矿石的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素研究表明,萤石的放射性同位素组成具有壳、幔源混合的特点,成矿物质来源具有多源性。早白垩世敖包吐花岗岩可能是萤石中F的主要来源,而大石寨组的结晶灰岩则可能提供了Ca。另外,Pb、Nd同位素的极大不均一性,有可能是成矿流体在运移过程中对艾力格庙群放射性组分的选择性吸收的结果。萤石成矿作用与钾玄岩的时空关系暗示了萤石的成矿过程可能是中国东部岩石圈减薄和下地壳的置换地质事件的结果。在构造转型的过程中,燕山中期富碱的酸性花岗岩浆的活动分异出富含F的成矿流体,与幔源流体混合,沿区域重新活化的深大断裂和大石寨组的层间破碎带上升,交代其间的灰岩透镜体,从而形成敖包吐中型萤石矿床。  相似文献   

都龙锡锌矿床是我国最大的锡石硫化物矿床之一.由于缺少可靠的年代学数据,对该矿床的成因尚存在较大争议.本文报道了利用锡石和锆石U-Pb法,首次获得的都龙锡锌矿床及相关的燕山晚期老君山花岗岩的年龄.其中,锡石TIMS法^206Pb/^238U年龄加权平均值为79.8±3.2Ma(MSWD=3.16),^238U/^204Pb-^206Pb/^204Pb等时线年龄为82.0±9.6Ma(MSWD=4.81);隐伏花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP法^206Pb/^238U年龄加权平均值为92.9±1.9Ma(N=10,MSWD=0.71),花岗斑岩的锆石SHRIMP法^206Pb/^238U年龄加权平均值为86.9±1.4Ma(N=9,MSWD=3.70),表明锡(铜)矿化主要与晚白垩世岩浆热液活动有关.结合个旧、白牛厂两个超大型矿床和相关花岗岩体的年代学资料,指示滇东南地区于白垩纪存在以锡矿化为特色的大规模花岗岩成岩-成矿事件,可能与晚中生代以来华南地块岩石圈伸展有关.  相似文献   

陈莉  王立全  王保弟  刘函 《岩石学报》2013,29(4):1279-1289
官房铜矿位于云县-景谷火山弧带北段,矿体主要呈浸染状、网脉状赋存于小定西组杏仁状玄武岩、玄武质角砾岩及其断裂破碎带中.本文采用LA-ICP-MS方法,首次获得小定西组玄武岩锆石U-Pb年龄为234.3±0.8Ma,表明赋矿地层小定西组形成于中三叠世,而不是前人一直认为的晚三叠世.通过矿石中石英、方解石的流体包裹体形貌特征、均一温度和成分的研究,并结合矿区矿石矿物特征,认为官房铜矿至少存在两期不同的成矿作用,即中三叠世火山-次火山热液成矿和后期(可能为新生代)地下水热液叠加改造.结合云县-景谷火山弧的形成演化过程,认为区域中三叠统小定西组玄武岩和芒怀组流纹岩构成了“双峰”式火山岩组合,官房铜矿产于中三叠世裂谷盆地的基性火山岩中,受海陆交互相的古地理环境制约,早期成矿具有VHMS型成矿特征,由于缺乏火山热液成矿流体聚集的“卤水池”,仅发育典型VHMS矿床下部火山通道相中的脉状-网脉状-角砾状矿体,缺少上部厚大的层状矿体,并经历了后期地下水热液的叠加改造.  相似文献   

The relationship between mineralogical characteristics and isotopic composition of sulfides has not received its proper share of attention from geologists, although many references are available concerning the application of sulfur isotopes to geological problems. Located in the vicinity of the contact region between the Yangtze Platform and the South China Caledonian Folding Zone, the Huxu deposit is hosted in a structural zone in quartz-diorite-porphyrite emplaced in Jurassic volcanic rocks. Sphalerite and galena are the principal ore minerals in the deposit. (1) Sphalerite is highly variable in color and this variation can be related to its chemical composition and sulfur isotopic characters. Dark colored sphalerites are poor in Zn and Ni, rich in Pb, Cu, Fe, Ag and Au and have high δ34S values, while the opposite is true for light-colored ones. (2) δ34S of sphalerite is negatively correlated with the contents of Zn and Ni and positively correlated with the contents of Pb, Cu, Ag and Au, with the absolute values of the correlation coefficients being greater than 0.7. The above two characters suggest that the sulfur isotopic composition of sphalerite is controlled not only by the physicochemical conditions under which the mineral was formed, but also by mineralogical characteristics of the host mineral. (3) Apparent correlations exist among the constituent elements in the sphalerite. For example, Zn is negatively correlated with Cu, Pb, Fe, Ag and Au and positively correlated with Ni. (4) Sphalerites of the same color in the same hand specimen always show similar characters with respect to trace element and sulfur isotopes. (5) Two distinct trends of evolution can be recognized between Zn and Cu, Zn and Pb, Zn and Ag and between these elements on one hand and δ34S on the other, reflecting that the ore-forming solutions may have resulted from mixing of fluids of different origins. (6) Pb is uniformly distributed in sphalerite and shows positive correlations with Cu, Fe, Ag and δ34S, suggesting isomorphic substitution in the sphalerite lattice. This project was financially supported by the Open Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

With a reserve of  200 Mt ore grading 6.08% Zn and 1.29% Pb (i.e., a metal reserve of  15 Mt) hosted in Cretaceous and Tertiary terrestrial rocks, the Jinding deposit is the largest Zn–Pb deposit in China, and also the youngest sediment-hosted super giant Zn–Pb deposit in the world. The deposit mainly occurs in the Jinding dome structure as tabular orebodies within breccia-bearing sandstones of the Palaeocene Yunlong Formation (autochthonous) and in the overlying sandstones of the Early Cretaceous Jingxing Formation (allochthonous). The deposit is not stratiform and no exhalative sedimentary rocks have been observed. The occurrence of the orebodies, presence of hangingwall alteration, and replacement and open-space filling textures all indicate an epigenetic origin. Formation of the Jinding Zn–Pb deposit is related to a period of major continental crust movement during the collision of the Indian and Eurasian Plates. The westward thrusts and dome structure were successively developed in the Palaeocene sedimentary rocks in the ore district, and Zn–Pb mineralisation appears to have taken place in the early stage of the doming processes.The study of fluid inclusions in sphalerite and associated gangue minerals (quartz, celestine, calcite and gypsum) shows that homogenisation temperatures ranged from 54 to 309 °C and cluster around 110 to 150 °C, with salinities of 1.6 to 18.0 wt.% NaCl equiv. Inert gas isotope studies from inclusions in ore- and gangue-minerals reveal 2.0 to 15.6% mantle He, 53% mantle Ne and a considerable amount of mantle Xe in the ore-forming fluids. The Pb-isotope composition of ores shows that the metal is mainly of mantle origin, mixed with a lesser amount of crustal lead. The widely variable and negative δ34S values of Jinding sulphides suggest that thermo-chemical or bacterial sulphate reduction produced reduced sulphur for deposition of the Zn–Pb sulphides. The mixing of a mantle-sourced fluid enriched in metals and CO2 with reduced sulphide-bearing saline formation water in a structural–lithologic trap may have been the key mechanism for the formation of the Jinding deposit.The Jinding deposit differs from known major types of sediment-hosted Zn–Pb deposits in the world, including sandstone-type (SST), Mississippi Valley type (MVT) and sedimentary-exhalative (SEDEX). Although the fine-grained ore texture and high Zn/Pb ratios are similar to those in SEDEX deposits, the Jinding deposit lacks any exhalative sedimentary rocks. Like MVT deposits, Jinding is characterised by simple mineralogy, epigenetic features and involvement of basinal brines in mineralisation, but its host rocks are mainly sandstones and breccia-bearing sandstones. The Jinding deposit is also different from SST deposits with its high Zn/Pb ratios, among other characteristics. Most importantly, the Jinding deposit was formed in an intracontinental terrestrial basin with an active tectonic history in relation to plate collision, and mantle-sourced fluids and metals played a major role in ore formation, which is not the case for SEDEX, MVT, and SST. We propose that Jinding represents a new type of sediment-hosted Zn–Pb deposit, named the ‘Jinding type’.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(1-2):112-133
The Cida A-type granitic stock (∼ 4 km2) and Ailanghe I-type granite batholith (∼ 100 km2) in the Pan-Xi (Panzhihua-Xichang) area, SW China, are two important examples of granites formed during an episode of magmatism associated with the Permian Emeishan mantle plume activity. This is a classic setting of plume-related, anorogenic magmatism exhibiting the typical association of mantle-derived mafic and alkaline rocks along with silicic units. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb data reveal that the Cida granitic pluton (261 ± 4 Ma) was emplaced shortly before the Ailanghe granites (251 ± 6 Ma). The Cida granitoids display mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of A-type granites including high FeO/MgO ratios, elevated high-field-strength elements (HFSE) contents and high Ga/Al ratios, which are much higher than those of the Ailanghe granites. All the granitic rocks show significant negative Eu anomalies and demonstrate the characteristic negative anomalies in Ba, Sr, and Ti in the spidergrams. It can be concluded that the Cida granitic rocks are highly fractionated A-type granitoids whereas the Ailanghe granitic rocks belong to highly evolved I-type granites.The Cida granitoids and enclaves have Nd and Sr isotopic initial ratios (εNd(t) =  0.25 to + 1.35 and (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7023 to 0.7053) close to those of the associated mafic intrusions and Emeishan basalts, indicating the involvement of a major mantle plume component. The Ailanghe granites exhibit prominent negative Nb and Ta anomalies and weakly positive Pb anomalies in the spidergram and have nonradiogenic εNd(t) ratios (− 6.34 to − 6.26) and high (87Sr/86Sr)i values (0.7102 to 0.7111), which indicate a significant contribution from crustal material. These observations combined with geochemical modeling suggest that the Cida A-type granitoids were produced by extensive fractional crystallization from basaltic parental magmas. In contrast, the Ailanghe I-type granites most probably originated by partial melting of the mid-upper crustal, metasedimentary–metavolcanic rocks from the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Huili group and newly underplated basaltic rocks.In the present study, it is proposed that petrogenetic distinctions between A-type and I-type granites may not be as clear-cut as previously supposed, and that many compositional and genetically different granites of the A- and I-types can be produced in the plume-related setting. Their ultimate nature depends more importantly on the type and proportion of mantle and crustal material involved and melting conditions. Significant melt production and possible underplating and/or intrusion into the lower crust, may play an important role in generating the juvenile mafic lower crust (average 20 km) in the central part of the Emeishan mantle plume.  相似文献   

黑龙江小多宝山Fe-Cu矿床是多宝山-三矿沟多金属成矿带内一典型的矽卡岩型矿床。根据矿物共生组合及矿脉穿切关系,将其成矿作用划分为两期:矽卡岩期和石英-硫化物期;进一步划分为五个阶段:石榴子石-辉石干矽卡岩阶段;绿帘石-阳起石等含水硅酸盐湿矽卡岩阶段;磁铁矿-镜铁矿-石英氧化物阶段;黄铁矿-黄铜矿-石英早期硫化物阶段以及方铅矿-闪锌矿-方解石晚期硫化物阶段。本文报道了该矿床成矿岩体花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄、全岩地球化学及锆石Hf同位素数据。花岗闪长岩锆石加权年龄为176±1Ma(MSWD=0.10,n=23),反映小多宝山矿床成矿时代为早侏罗世。其岩石地球化学特征表现为:富钠(Na2O/K2O=1.45%~1.63%),准铝质(A/CNK=0.92~0.97),富集轻稀土元素(LREE)、大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba、Sr、K等),相对亏损高场强元素(如Ta、Nb、Ti等),(La/Yb)N=11.16~12.87,表现出弱的负Eu异常(δEu=0.85~0.92),显示出岛弧岩浆岩的地球化学亲缘性。综合岩石地球化学及同位素测试结果,小多宝山花岗闪长岩为准铝质高钾-钙碱性I型花岗岩,起源于幔源岩浆结晶分异作用。锆石Hf同位素εHf(t)为+7.6^+11.4,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)为492~732Ma,指示其岩浆源区为古生代新生地壳的熔融。结合区域构造演化,推断小多宝山花岗闪长岩形成于古太平洋板块俯冲的构造环境。  相似文献   

The Weizigou gold deposit is located in the western Jiamusi Massif, Northeast China. Gold mineralization is hosted in the amphibolite, which intruded the granitic gneiss. Although the deposit shows similarities to iron-oxide–copper–gold deposits, the detailed ore-forming process remains uncertain. To determine the formation age, petrogenesis, and tectonic setting of the granitic gneiss and amphibolite, LA–ICP–MS zircon, titanite, and monazite UPb dating, whole-rock major- and trace-element analyses, and LA–ICP–MS in situ zircon Hf isotope analyses were conducted on samples from these rocks. The granitic gneiss yielded two age populations of 951–882 Ma, and ca. 500 Ma, with a monazite UPb concordia age of 501.5 ± 5.1 Ma. The amphibolite yielded a crystallization age of 292 Ma, consistent with the results for magmatic titanite UPb dating, and a metamorphic age of 272–258 Ma. The granitic gneiss contains typical aluminum-rich minerals, such as garnet and muscovite, mean SiO2 = 73.31 wt%, and molar ratio Al2O3/(CaO + K2O + Na2O) values of 1.02–1.07, indicating an S-type granite protolith. The amphibolite belongs to the tholeiitic basalt series and has low SiO2 and high MnO contents. These results, together with εHf(t) values and two-stage model ages ranging from ?9.5 to 2.3 and ? 0.3 to 5.7, and from 2010 to 1659 Ma and from 1331 to 947 Ma, respectively, allow us to infer that the parental magmas of the granitic gneiss and amphibolite were derived from the partial melting of Paleoproterozoic lower crust and the partial melting of metasomatized depleted mantle, respectively. The granitic gneiss is characterized by positive Th and Hf anomalies, and negative Nb, Ta, Sr and Ti anomalies, whereas the amphibolite is enriched in K, Rb, and depleted in Ba, Nb, Ti, and Zr. These geochemical features suggest that the S-type granite was formed in an active continental margin during the Neoproterozoic and underwent granulite-facies metamorphism during the early Paleozoic. The protolith of the amphibolite was gabbro that formed in an extensional setting (e.g., a backarc basin) associated with westward subduction of the Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate beneath the eastern Jiamusi Massif during the early Permian. The gold mineralization can most likely be attributed to contact metasomatic metamorphism of gabbro during the middle–late Permian.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带是中国东部一条巨大的深大断裂带,它纵切华北克拉通、扬子克拉通、兴蒙-吉黑造山带和大别-苏鲁造山带四个大地构造单元,特别是在该断裂带出露许多晚中生代富碱侵入岩体,构成一条长达近2000km的富碱侵入岩带.本文是在前人研究基础上首次从大尺度对整个郯庐断裂带富碱侵入岩的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素做了比较系统深入的研究,发现四个大地构造单元的富碱侵入岩具有明显不同的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素特征,暗示四大构造单元富碱侵入岩的源区性质差别较大:兴蒙-吉黑造山带晚中生代富碱侵入岩源于和亏损地幔有成因联系的年青地壳(εNd(t)为ft.,平均值 2.25);华北克拉通、扬子克拉通和大别-苏鲁造山带三大构造单元晚中生代富碱侵入岩都主要源于EMI型富集地幔(εNd(t)均为负值).但是这三大构造单元岩石圈地幔富集程度差别较大.大别-苏鲁造山带岩石圈地幔相对富集程度最高(εNd(t)平均值为-17.06);华北克拉通次之(εNd(t)平均值为-10.03);扬子克拉通岩石圈地幔富集程度最低(εNd(t)平均值为-6.41).本文认为大别.苏鲁造山带岩石圈地幔相对最富集的原因可能是在早中生代扬子克拉通陆壳向华北克拉通深俯冲之后的折返过程中,因压力释放有利于熔/流体的形成、析出和向上交代并改造华北岩石圈地幔使之成为富集地幔.  相似文献   

滇西富碱斑岩带的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素特征及其挤压走滑背景   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
滇西富碱斑岩带形成于新生代(年龄为23.18-62Ma),沿金沙江-哀牢山断裂带分布。对其岩石化学、同位素地球化学等方面的研究表明其总体处于剪切挤压为主,局部引张的构造环境中,苍山等地元古宙基底变质岩的穿刺(翘起)就是挤压环境下的产物之一;富碱斑岩是深部交代的富集地幔(EMⅡ)流体上侵经地壳物质不同程度混染的产物,扬子陆块和冈瓦纳大陆的组分对新生代岩浆活动均产生影响。  相似文献   

碱性岩型铌-稀土矿床是重要的铌-稀土矿资源类型。河南省方城县大庄铌-稀土矿位于华北克拉通南缘,是近年来新发现的一例赋存于霞石正长岩中的,具有中型规模的碱性岩型矿床。大庄矿区内共圈定17个NW—SE向带状展布的,呈囊状、不规则状、透镜状产出的铌-稀土矿体。铌-稀土矿石主要赋存于角闪霞石正长岩和黑云母正长岩中。矿石矿物主要为烧绿石、氟碳铈镧矿、褐钇铌矿和富铌榍石等。矿石的结构主要有斑状结构、他形粒状结构、半自形粒状结构、包含结构、交代结构、共生结构、伟晶结构等。矿石构造分为块状、脉状和片麻状构造等。热液蚀变包括萤石化、绢云母化、绿帘石化和绿泥石化等。碱性岩样品具有低SiO2、富碱、高铝的特征,稀土元素总量较高,轻重稀土分异明显,具有明显的负Eu异常,富集Nb、Ta、Th、U、Zr、Hf等高场强元素,明显亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti等元素。碱性岩全岩(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.68158~0.71090,εNd(t)=―1.11~―0.37,两阶段模式年龄(tDM2  相似文献   

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