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A new genus with a new species, Brachypelecinus euthyntus gen. et sp. nov., and two new species, Abropelecinus tytthus sp. nov. and Zoropelecinus periosus sp. nov., are described and figured from three exquisitely preserved pelecinid wasps in the Upper Cretaceous Myanmar (Burma) amber. These taxa, owing to their well-preserved characters in amber, provide a better understanding of morphological changes and relationships among the constituent groups, while further highlighting the diversity of Pelecinidae in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

A new biting midge Archiculicoides andersoni sp. nov. from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber is described and illustrated. An unknown male of Leptoconops myanmaricus Szadziewski, 2004 is described and an undetermined female of the genus Archiaustroconops and Austroconops in the collection of National Museums Scotland is reported. A key for the determination of 10 named species in 6 genera of biting midges reported from Burmese amber is also provided.  相似文献   

Prosisyrina sphinga sp. nov. (Neuroptera: Sisyridae) is described from Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Taimyr amber of northern Siberia (Yantardakh locality). The new species is preliminary assigned to this Cretaceous genus, mainly based on character states of the maxillary palpus and the hind wing vein M and crossvein 1r-m, and the presumable absence of tibial false spurs. However, the structure of the costal space and the RP branching in the hind wing indicate that it may belong to a new, closely related genus. The discovery of this second species from the locality might suggest that sisyrids were usual members of the Santonian riparian biocenoses of northern Siberia.  相似文献   

Ommatidae is a small, but ancient, basally nested family of the hyper-diverse beetles (Coleoptera). Here, a remarkable new taxon, Paraodontomma burmitica gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a well-preserved specimen in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Based on a wider epipleural rim on each elytron, the new genus belongs to the extinct tribe Brochocoleini. This finding further reinforces the idea that the Burmese paleofauna of ommatid beetles was much more diverse and abundant than previously thought.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of tetrablemmid spider, Electroblemma bifida n. gen. et sp., is described, from two adult males found in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber of Myanmar. The genus is distinguished by its enormous dorsal carapace projection and highly modified chelicerae. The new genus is referred to the tribe Tetrablemmini within the subfamily Tetrablemminae. The presence of a relatively derived tetrablemmid on the south-east Eurasian continent during the Late Cretaceous suggests that the family was already well diversified in tropical rainforests at this time.  相似文献   

A rare archaic beetle, Barbaticupes combertiae n. gen. n. sp. (Insecta: Coleoptera: Archostemata: Cupedidae) is described from mid-Cretaceous burmite from northern Myanmar. This beetle's distinctive form includes dense setae (small hairs) and protuberances on the head and merging rows of window cells on the elytra (wing cases). It is the first true or typical reticulated beetle (cupedine) to be found in Burmese amber displaying male genitalia.  相似文献   

Ptisma zasukhae gen et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber and attributed to a new family Ptismidae fam. nov. with unclear position within the infraorder Staphylinoformia, hypothetically in the superfamily Staphylinoidea. This species is characterized by the rather small body size (0.59 mm) and structural similarities with different staphylinoid groups. The particular development of the legs of the new taxa shows some similarities with those of small and medium-sized jumping beetles from the superfamilies Scirtoidea, Buprestoidea, Tenebrionoidea, Chrysomeloidea and Curculionoidea. However, jumping beetles of these groups have strong femora and tibiae with large spurs and thick apical setae only on the posterior legs while P. zasukhae sp. nov. demonstrates such features on both mid and posterior legs. Another particularity of P. zasukhae sp. nov. is the unusual large femoral plate of metacoxae extending behind the suture between ventrites 2 and 3. Strong development of these structures are rare among Coleoptera and occurs in different taxonomic groups without close relationship. The studies were carried out with the usage of usual conventional light microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

Three new genera and two new species, namely Burmodipteromantispa jiaxiaoae gen. et sp. nov., Mantispidipterella longissima gen. et sp. nov., and Jersimantispa gen. nov., respectively from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar and New Jersey, are herein described in the lacewing family Dipteromantispidae, which is an enigmatic group by the mantispid-like appearance combined with strongly reduced, haltere-like hind wings. The male genitalia of Dipteromantispidae is described for the first time and provides new insight for understanding the familial phylogenetic position. A key to the dipteromantispid genera is also given.  相似文献   

The enigmatic staphylinid subfamily Dasycerinae consists of only 17 species within a single extant genus Dasycerus, but it is easily distinguished from other rove beetles by overall, latridiid beetle-like body and extremely slender, verticillate antennae. Direct fossil evidence is lacking for this group. Here, I describe the first fossil of this peculiar subfamily, Protodasycerus aenigmaticus gen. and sp. n., from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Despite considerable external similarities to extant dasycerine species, this new genus possesses several important morphological differences: a much smaller body size (ca. 1.1 mm), narrowly elongate antennomeres 1 and 2, not strongly transverse metaventrite, elytra striate but not tricostate, and truncate posterior margin of the elytra exposing four abdominal tergites dorsally. The new finding of a Cretaceous representative of the Dasycerinae helps elucidate the origin and early evolution of the omaliine group subfamilies, implying rather close similarities between the Dasycerinae and the monobasic subfamily Neophoninae. Discovery of P. aenigmaticus suggests a rather ancient origin of the subfamily by the Upper Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new tetraphalerin beetle, Tetraphalerus lindae sp. nov. (Insecta: Coleoptera: Archostemata) is described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber from northern Myanmar. This is the first species of this Jurassic-recent genus of archaic beetles to be described from amber inclusions, and is the first tetraphalerin cupedid from Burmese amber. This small, unusual Cretaceous Tetraphalerus is considered to belong to the T. bruchi species group of this now relict South American genus.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Similinannotanyderus lii gen. et sp. nov., is described from Myanmar amber. It differs from other genera of Tanyderidae based on special characters of wing venation and male genitalia. This new taxon broadens the diversity of Tanyderidae in the Cretaceous, and its morphological characters enhance our understanding of the development and evolution of the primitive crane flies.  相似文献   

One new osmylid genus and species, Burmaleon magnificus, and one new nymphid genus and species Rafaelnymphes cratoensis are described, respectively based on inclusions in the Cretaceous Burmese amber and on a compression fossil from the Crato Formation in Brazil. The nymphid Araripenymphes seldeni, from the Crato Formation, is redescribed on the basis of a new specimen, showing possible sexual dimorphism in wing coloration, a feature extremely rare among the Neuroptera. In a recently published phylogenetic analysis of the family, the attribution to the fossil taxa (versus rejection) of the larval characters proper to the modern nymphids, has a crucial impact on the resolution of the phylogeny. The compression fossils currently attributed to the Nymphidae should be revised because their wing venation alone is not really sufficient for an accurate family attribution to Nymphidae rather than to another family of Neuroptera (viz. Osmylidae).  相似文献   

琥珀是中生代白垩纪至新生代第三纪松柏科植物的树脂经地质作用而形成的有机混合物.目前世界上琥珀产地主要有欧洲波罗的海沿岸国家,中美洲的多米尼加、墨西哥,亚洲中国抚顺、缅甸、日本久慈和盘城、泰国,大洋洲澳大利亚、新西兰哈密尔顿等.然而,具有商业价值的白垩纪琥珀目前只有缅甸产出.缅甸琥珀资源主要分布于缅甸克钦邦密支那到德乃(Tanai)一带的胡康盆地.本研究在缅甸琥珀中观察和发现共20只生物个体,属15种生物,均属于节肢动物门.其中大部分属于昆虫纲,包含了膜翅目的蜂科、双翅目的蚊科等,另有一些未确切鉴定的种类.  相似文献   

Three new species of Dermestidae are described and illustrated from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber: Attagenus secundus sp. nov. (Attageninae: Attagenini), Cretodermestes palpalis gen. et sp. nov. (Attageninae: Cretodermestini trib. nov.) and Megatoma atypica sp. nov. (Megatominae: Megatomini). Members of Dermestidae are relatively frequent in Burmese amber, representing at least three subfamilies: Attageninae, Dermestinae and Megatominae. Taxonomic and morphological diversity of Cretaceous Dermestidae suggests ancient origin of this group with some lineages showing remarkable evolutionary stasis for almost 100 million years.  相似文献   

The oldest laniatorean harvestman, Petrobunoides sharmai gen. et sp. nov. (Opiliones: Laniatores) is described, from the Upper Cretaceous (lowermost Cenomanian) amber of Myanmar. This is the first fossil Laniatores recovered from Southeast Asia, which is placed in the extant family Epedanidae. It is also the first fossil known within the superfamily Epedanoidea; a relatively derived clade of Laniatores restricted to Southeast Asia today. At ca. 99 Ma, this new amber inclusion is substantially older than the previous oldest record of a member of Laniatores from Baltic amber (ca. 44–49 Ma); however, given the Palaeozoic age of Laniatores implied by molecular data, the new record from Burmese amber is probably still too young for constraining or calibrating the date of cladogenesis for total group Laniatores. Nevertheless, it provides a much better constraint for Epedanoidea, adding the first useful laniatorean fossil to provide an internal calibration point for a clade of Grassatores.  相似文献   

Three new caddisflies species are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber: Wormaldia cretacea sp. nov., W. resina sp. nov. (Philopotamidae) and Neureclipsis burmanica sp. nov. (Polycentropodidae). Palerasnitsynus ohlhoffi (Psychomyiidae) is re-described based on new fossils. Wormaldia are common in Burmese amber, and its diversity shows that this genus had very ancient origin and diversified at least during the mid-Cretaceous. N. burmanica sp. nov. is the oldest record of Neureclipsis, revealing this genus originated at least in the mid-Cretaceous. So far, six extinct species representing the small Order Trichoptera have been found in Burmese amber.  相似文献   

Four new, monotypic genera of Aleyrodidae from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber are described: Shapashe aithiopa gen. sp. nov.; Milqartis azari gen. sp. nov.; Aretsaya therina gen. sp. nov.; and Yamis libanotos gen. sp. nov. All new taxa represent subfamily Aleurodicinae. The key for identification of genera of Aleurodicinae from the Lebanese amber is provided. The morphological features of newly established taxa are discussed. The importance of the fossils for phylogenetic, evolutionary and ecological studies is presented.  相似文献   

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