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In the last decades, the Argentinian ornithopod record has been increased with new and diverse bone remains found along all the Upper Cretaceous. Most of them are very incomplete and represent taxa of different size. As result, the studies about the palaeobiodiversity of the Ornithopoda clade in South America are complex. In this paper, new postcranial remains of an indeterminate medium-sized ornithopod from the Santonian Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén province) are presented. They present diagnostic features of the Ornithopoda clade, and several characters that relate them with other Argentinian ornithopods, especially with the medium-sized members of the Elasmaria clade sensu Calvo et al. (2007) (Macrogryphosaurus and Talenkauen). The postcranial material allows to identificate at least three different ontogenetic stages: adult, subadult more immature and subadult. These bones are the first record of Ornithopoda for the Bajo de la Carpa Formation and one of the very scarce Santonian records of this clade in South America. The diversity of the Late Cretaceous South American ornithopods presents two clear distributions: the Cenomanian-Santonian was characterized by small and medium euiguanodonts and elasmarian; and the Campanian–Maastrichtian by the medium sized elasmarian and large sized hadrosaurids.  相似文献   

During the latest Cretaceous, distinct dinosaur faunas were found in Laurasia and Gondwana. Tyrannosaurids, hadrosaurids, and ceratopsians dominated in North America and Asia, while abelisaurids and titanosaurians dominated in South America, India, and Madagascar. Little is known about dinosaur faunas from the latest Cretaceous of Africa, however. Here, a new abelisaurid theropod, Chenanisaurus barbaricus, is described from the upper Maastrichtian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin in Morocco, North Africa on the basis of a partial dentary and isolated teeth. Chenanisaurus is both one of the largest abelisaurids, and one of the youngest known African dinosaurs. Along with previously reported titanosaurian remains, Chenanisaurus documents the persistence of a classic Gondwanan abelisaurid-titanosaurian fauna in mainland Africa until just prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. The animal is unusual both in terms of its large size and the unusually short and robust jaw. Although it resembles South American carnotaurines in having a deep, bowed mandible, phylogenetic analysis suggests that Chenanisaurus may represent a lineage of abelisaurids that is distinct from those previously described from the latest Cretaceous of South America, Indo-Madagascar, and Europe, consistent with the hypothesis that the fragmentation of Gondwana led to the evolution of endemic dinosaur faunas during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The type braincase of Viavenator exxoni (MAU-Pv-LI-530) was recovered complete and isolated from most of the other skull bones. Although the braincase is crossed by numerous fractures, using CT scans allowed the generation of 3D renderings of the endocranial cavity enclosing the brain, cranial nerves, and blood vessels, as well as the labyrinth of the inner ear. Within the abelisaurids, the only taxon with a complete braincase and known endocranial morphology is Majungasaurus crenatissimus, from Madagascar. In turn, in Argentina, partial endocranial morphology is known for another two Cretaceous forms: Abelisaurus comahuensis and Aucasaurus garridoi. Here, we present the most complete reconstruction of the neuroanatomy for a representative of the clade in South America. These findings add knowledge to the field of theropod paleoneuroanatomy in general, and abelisaurid diversity in particular. Comparisons of Viavenator with other abelisaurids indicate greater similarity with Aucasaurus than with Majungasaurus, suggesting that South American forms shared the same neurosensorial capabilities, which include larger flocculus of the cerebellum and larger olfactory ratios than the form from Madagascar.  相似文献   

Ornithuromorph birds (the clade which includes modern avian radiation) first appeared in the Early Cretaceous in Asia and achieved a great diversity during the latest ages of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian). The evolutionary history of orithuromorphs during the first 17 MYAs of the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Santonian ages) remains very poorly known, as the fossil record for this time interval is largely restricted to several isolated finds of the classic avian genus Ichthyornis in North America. Here we describe an isolated distal tibiotarsus of an evolutionary advanced bird, morphologically similar to Ichthyornis, from the middle Cenomanian of Saratov Province, European Russia. This is the first documentation of an Ichthyornis-like bird in the Old World. The find further constitutes only the second pre-Campanian record of the Late Cretaceous Ornithuromorpha in Eurasia, the second record of Cenomanian birds in Russia. This discovery shows that Ichthyornis-like birds enjoyed a wide geographical distribution as early as the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. Given that the earliest and the most primitive ornithuromorph birds are known from Asia, the new find supports a Eurasian origin for Ichthyornithidae.  相似文献   

New theropod remains with abelisaurid affinities from the Upper Cretaceous (Anacleto Formation, lower Campanian), NW Patagonia, Argentina, are here described. The specimen (MPCN-PV 69) consists of a partial premaxilla, fragmentary vertebrae, proximal portion of both humeri, distal portion of the pubis, and an incomplete pedal ungual. Characters linking with Abelisauridae are a premaxilla with a subquadrangular body, externally ornamented, and paradental plates with a striated surface; and humerus with bulbous proximal head, conical internal tuberosity, and reduced greater tubercle. The humerus is similar to those of Carnotaurus and Aucasaurus, due to the presence of a bulbous head and a discontinuity between the head and the internal tuberosity, but also differs from both taxa in the more distal location of the greater tubercle with respect to the internal tuberosity. Aucasaurus also comes from Anacleto Formation, but differences in the humeri suggest that MPCN-PV 69 is a different taxon. The phylogenetic analysis performed supports the affiliation to Abelisauridae, but fails to determinate a more precise relationship with others abelisaurids. However, a majority rule consensus of the analysis shows a position within Brachyrostra. Despite being fragmentary, MPCN-PV 69 probably represents a new abelisaurid from the Anacleto Formation, thus increasing the knowledge and diversity of Late Cretaceous South American abelisaurids.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous witnessed the greatest diversity of Gondwanan notosuchian crocodyliforms, which displayed high levels of diversity and a notable array of specialized forms that developed in different ecological niches. Among this diversity, the advanced notosuchians are a clade of mid body sized forms which displays a remarkable abundance but is restricted to two lithological units from the Late Cretaceous of South America, the Adamantina Formation in southeastern Brazil and the Bajo de la Carpa Formation in Patagonia (Argentina). The only exceptions known so far were the Late Cretaceous Labidiosuchus from the Marilia Formation in Brazil and Yacarerani from the Cajones Formation in Bolivia. Herein we report a new Cretaceous crocodyliform, Llanosuchus tamaensis gen. nov. et sp. nov., found in the Los Llanos Formation (Campanian?) in northwestern Argentina (La Rioja Province). The small specimen includes well preserved fragments of the cranium and mandible with an estimated skull size of about 9 cm lengths. This crocodyliform shares several derived characters with Notosuchus terrestris from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Patagonia) and it was found in a weakly developed sandy paleosol profile formed in wet local conditions but in a region characterized by semi-arid climate and active eolian sedimentation. The presence of a new advanced notosuchian in the Cretaceous of western Gondwana, and its intermediate geographical region between the known South American species (Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia), has interesting implications, and adds another record of an advanced notosuchian in deposits with inferred warm climates and semi-arid paleoenvironments. Finally, Llanosuchus tamaensis supports a Late Cretaceous age for Los Llanos Formation with important geological implications for La Rioja Province.  相似文献   

The shallow-marine, mixed siliciclastic-calcareous Late Cretaceous deposits from the Apuseni Mountains have been extensively studied and compared to coeval deposits from the Alpine Gosau. The former are mainly represented by conglomerates, sandstones, marls, and limestones with rudists that unconformably overlie the crystalline basement and its Permo-Mesozoic cover. Our new, detailed investigations on the rudist fauna from Măgura Hill, the type locality of Pseudopolyconites hirsutus (Patrulius) and Miseia costulata Patrulius, indicate a Late Santonian–Early Campanian age for these deposits instead of an Early Santonian one as previously suggested (Patrulius, 1974). This study also mentions for the first time the occurrences of Pseudosabinia klinghardti (Böhm) and Pseudopolyconites parvus Milovanović in the rudist-bearing deposits from the Apuseni Mountains. We include their palaeontological features, as well as the ones for Pseudopolyconites hirsutus. Based on new biostratigraphic data, our study expand the stratigraphic range of Pseudosabinia klinghardti and Pseudopolyconites parvus – previously considered characteristic for the Early Campanian–Maastrichtian interval. Also we add new information on their palaeobiogeographic distribution within the central-eastern Mediterranean area during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Elaphrosaurinae is an enigmatic clade of gracile ceratosaurian theropod dinosaurs known from the Late Jurassic of Africa (Elaphrosaurus bambergi) and Asia (e.g., Limusaurus inextricabilis), and the early Late Cretaceous of Argentina (Huinculsaurus montesi). Elaphrosaurinae is often placed within Noasauridae as the sister taxon to Noasaurinae, a clade of small-bodied theropods that lived in South America, Africa, Madagascar and India throughout much of the Cretaceous. Herein, we report the first evidence of Elaphrosaurinae from Australia: a nearly complete middle cervical vertebra from the upper Lower Cretaceous (lower Albian) Eumeralla Formation of Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia. The fact that this site would have been situated at ~76°S towards the end of the Early Cretaceous (~110–107 Ma) implies that elaphrosaurines were capable of tolerating near-polar palaeoenvironments, whereas its age indicates that elaphrosaurines persisted in Australia until at least the late Early Cretaceous. The new Australian elaphrosaurine, in tandem with the recently described Huinculsaurus montesi from the Cenomanian–Turonian of Argentina, implies that the spatiotemporal distribution of Elaphrosaurinae has heretofore been greatly underestimated. Historic confusion of elaphrosaurines with coelurosaurs, especially ornithomimosaurs, coupled with our generally poor understanding of noasaurid evolution, might explain the apparent dearth of fossils of this theropod clade worldwide.  相似文献   

Extraordinary, long-distance litho-marker beds such as the Lewes and Shoreham Tubular Flints and associated marl seams and fossils, recognised in cliff exposures and cliff-fall boulders, are keys to unlocking the stratigraphy and tectonic structures in the Late Cretaceous of the Dorset and East Devon Coast World Heritage Site (Jurassic Coast). Durdle Cove is a special gem exposing the Lewes and Seaford Chalk stratigraphy where new marker beds are identified and sediments and tectonic structures provide clues to timing of movements that produced a Late Cretaceous pericline which grew into a Miocene monocline along the line of the underlying Purbeck Reverse Fault. During ‘inversion’ along this fault some Late Cretaceous Chalk formations were in part or completely ‘lost’ (e.g. Middle Turonian New Pit Chalk Formation) and others were condensed (e.g. Late Santonian and Early Campanian Newhaven Chalk Formation). Excavation of the A354 road cutting at the Lower Bincombe Farm, has greatly added to the stratigraphical records of Late Cretaceous fossils in South Dorset, especially Coniacian and Early Campanian inoceramid bivalves and the various stratigraphically specific forms of the Late Santonian to Early Campanian echinoid fossil Echinocorys scutata spp. not recorded before in this coastline. The very large bivalve fossil Platyceramus sp. provides clues to chalk sea-floor environments.  相似文献   

Prosisyrina sphinga sp. nov. (Neuroptera: Sisyridae) is described from Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Taimyr amber of northern Siberia (Yantardakh locality). The new species is preliminary assigned to this Cretaceous genus, mainly based on character states of the maxillary palpus and the hind wing vein M and crossvein 1r-m, and the presumable absence of tibial false spurs. However, the structure of the costal space and the RP branching in the hind wing indicate that it may belong to a new, closely related genus. The discovery of this second species from the locality might suggest that sisyrids were usual members of the Santonian riparian biocenoses of northern Siberia.  相似文献   

Patagonia has yielded the most comprehensive fossil record of Cretaceous theropods from Gondwana, consisting of 31 nominal species belonging to singleton taxa and six families: Abelisauridae, Noasauridae, Carcharodontosauridae, Megaraptoridae nov. fam., Alvarezsauridae, and Unenlagiidae. They provide anatomical information that allows improved interpretation of theropods discovered in other regions of Gondwana. Abelisauroids are the best represented theropods in Patagonia. They underwent an evolutionary radiation documented from the Early Cretaceous through to the latest Cretaceous, and are represented by the clades Abelisauridae and Noasauridae. Patagonian carcharodontosaurids are known from three taxa (Tyrannotitan, Giganotosaurus and Mapusaurus), as well as from isolated teeth, collected from Aptian to Cenomanian beds. These allosauroids constituted the top predators during the mid-Cretaceous, during which gigantic titanosaur sauropods were the largest herbivores. Megaraptorans have become better documented in recent years with the discovery of more complete remains. Megaraptor, Aerosteon and Orkoraptor have been described from Cretaceous beds from Argentina, and these taxa exhibit close relationships with the Aptian genera Australovenator, from Australia, and Fukuiraptor, from Japan. The Gondwanan megaraptorans are gathered into the new family Megaraptoridae, and the Asiatic Fukuiraptor is recovered as the immediate sister taxon of this clade. Although megaraptorans have been recently interpreted as members of Allosauroidea, we present evidence that they are deeply nested within Coelurosauria. Moreover, anatomical information supports Megaraptora as more closely related to the Asiamerican Tyrannosauridae than thought. Megaraptorans improve our knowledge about the scarcely documented basal radiation of Gondwanan coelurosaurs and tyrannosauroids as a whole. Information at hand indicates that South America was a cradle for the evolutionary radiation for different coelurosaurian lineages, including some basal forms (e.g., Bicentenaria, Aniksosaurus), megaraptorans, alvarezsaurids less derived than those of Laurasia, and unenlagiids, revealing that Gondwanan coelurosaurs played sharply differing ecological roles, and that they were taxonomically as diverse as in the northern continents. The unenlagiids represent an endemic South American clade that has been recently found to be more closely related to birds than to dromaeosaurid theropods. Analysis of the theropod fossil record from Gondwana shows the highest peak of origination index occurred during the Aptian–Albian and a less intense one in the Campanian time spans. Additionally, peaks of extinction index are recognized for the Cenomanian and Turonian–Coniacian time spans. In comparison, the Laurasian pattern differs from that of Gondwana in the presence of an older extinction event during the Aptian–Albian time-span and a high origination rate during the Cenomanian time-bin. Both Laurasian and Gondwanan theropod records show a peak of origination rates during the Campanian.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Mesozoic alderfly is described as Haplosialodes liui gen. et sp. nov., and from an adult male preserved in Cretaceous Burmese amber. The new genus is closely related to the genera Haplosialis Navás (Recent fauna of Madagascar), Indosialis Lestage (Recent fauna of Southeast Asia), and Eosialis Nel et al. (Eocene of France), suggesting a possible Early Cretaceous age for the clade that comprises these groups.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1995,16(5):539-558
The Cretaceous sedimentary successions of the Ionian Zone, Hellenides, western Greece, are composed of pelagic limestones intercalated with cherty layers. The micritic and biomicritic beds with abundant chert nodules and cherty horizons, which were deposited during late Tithonian to early Santonian times, belong to the Vigla Limestone Formation, while the sediments deposited during the late Santonian to Maastrichtian, formed clastic limestone beds in which chert nodules also occur sparsely.In the Cretaceous beds calpionellids, planktonic and benthonic foraminifera characteristics of the Tethyan realm, and radiolaria have been recorded. The calpionellids, together with radiolaria, colonized the entire basin during the Berriasian to early Valanginian, the latter becoming dominant during the Hauterivian to early Albian as a result of anoxia. Planktonic foraminifera first appeared in the basin during the late Albian and persisted until the Maastrichtian. The numbers decreased, however, during the Cenomanian-early Turonian interval, when radiolaria increased owing to anoxic conditions, and during the Campanian-Maastrichtian interval because the basin became shallow. During this interval larger benthonic foraminifera colonized the basin. Zonal markers have been recognized in calpionellid and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages on the basis of which two calpionellid zones are distinguished, viz. the Calpionella alpina and Calpionellopsis Zones (Berriasian-early Valanginian) along with seven planktonic foraminiferal zones, viz. the Rotalipora ticinensis, Rotalipora appenninica (late Albian), Rotalipora brotzeni (early Cenomanian), Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica (early to middle Turonian), Marginotruncana sigali(late Turonian to early Coniacian), Dicarinella concavata (late Coniacian to early Santonian) and Dicarinella asymetrica (late early-late Santonian) Zones.The anoxic conditions that prevailed in the Ionian basin during the Barremian-early Albian, Cenomanian-early Turonian and Coniacian-Santonian intervals probably arose as a result of (a) the accumulation of large amounts of organic matter because the palaeotopography of the basin periodically hindered the circulation of water from the ocean and (b) the oxygen content of the intruding oceanic waters was low.  相似文献   

Metriorhynchidae is a clade of marine-adapted crocodilians known from several Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous specimens collected predominantly in South America and Europe, but poorly known in the northern margin of Gondwana. The “Portomaggiore crocodile” is the most complete specimen of an Italian metriorhynchid to date: it consists of a partial skeleton that has been provisionally referred to an unnamed species of Late Jurassic Metriorhynchus or Geosaurus. The specimen is preserved in the reddish, nodular limestone of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation (Bajocian–Tithonian); new data on microfossil associations constrain the age of the metriorhynchid to the late Bajocian–earliest Bathonian. On the basis of cranial synapomorphies, the “Portomaggiore crocodile” falls as the closest sister-taxon of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous geosaurines, and is referred to Neptunidraco ammoniticus gen. et sp. nov. It is unique among Middle Jurassic metriorhynchids in showing an incipient streamlining of the skull, shared with Late Jurassic and Cretaceous taxa. Since Neptunidraco is the oldest known member of Metriorhynchidae, its phylogenetic position supports the hypothesis that the timing of the initial metriorhynchid and geosaurine diversifications should start in the Bajocian.  相似文献   

Lepisosteid fishes are well known from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe, but only by fragmentary remains from some Cenomanian and Campanian–Maastrichtian deposits. Here we report various cranial and postcranial remains of gars, discovered in the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation of Iharkút (Bakony Mountains, Hungary). These remains represent one of the most diverse assemblages of lepisosteid fish material from Upper Cretaceous continental deposits of Europe. Based on tooth morphology, scale-microstructure and the features of the supracleithrum we refer these remains to the genus Atractosteus. Besides some uncertain remains from the Cenomanian of France and Spain, the Santonian aged fossils from Iharkút represent the oldest undisputable occurrence of the family Lepisosteidae in the European continental Cretaceous. Using tooth crown morphology, the surface microstructure of the ganoid scales and the anatomy of the supracleithrum a review of the Late Cretaceous lepisosteid record suggests the occurrence of both Atractosteus and Lepisosteus in the European archipelago.  相似文献   

Modern lungfish are represented by three families, Neoceratodontidae in Australia, Protopteridae in Africa, and Lepidosirenidae in South America, with the latter two comprising the Lepidosireniformes. However, the group was far more diverse as recently as the Cretaceous. Here, a new lungfish, Xenoceratodus labyrinthus is described on the basis of upper and lower tooth-bearing elements from the Late Eocene of Dur at Talah, eastern Libya. Toothplates are characterized by four denticulations, low crests and ridges, and a well-developed crushing surface. The occlusal surface bears a unique ornament of enamel lines that branch to form a reticulate pattern across the crushing surface of the jaws. The new lungfish is closely related to the Paleocene Lavocatodus giganteus and the Late Cretaceous Lavocatodus? humei, which in turn are interpreted as a clade of stem Lepidosireniformes. Along with the presence of archaic lungfish lineages in the Cenozoic of South America and Australia, Xenoceratodus suggests that a wide range of lungfish lineages crossed the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, only to later become extinct; climate change and teleost radiation in the Cenozoic may have ultimately led to their decline.  相似文献   

A complete and well-preserved right ankylosaurian humerus from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation of Iharkút, western Hungary is described here. Based on its osteological features and 21.5 cm adult length, the new specimen is markedly different from the slender humerus of Hungarosaurus, the previously known ankylosaur from the locality, and more similar to that of Struthiosaurus. Thus, the new Hungarian specimen is tentatively assigned here to cf. Struthiosaurus thereby dating back the first occurrence of this genus to the Santonian. The new fossil demonstrates the sympatric co-existence of two different nodosaurid ankylosaurs (a smaller, robust form with 2–2.5 m total body length and a larger, cursorial form with 4–4.5 m body length) in the Iharkút fauna. This also suggests that the pattern of the European ankylosaur diversity was more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

There are 24 known localities for skeletal remains of sauropod dinosaurs in the republics of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan). Sauropod remains are very rare at all these localities and represented usually only by isolated teeth. Only narrow-crowned teeth are known from the Cretaceous of Central Asia. The oldest record of such teeth is from the Aptian Sultanbobo Formation of Uzbekistan. Exposures of the Turonian Bissekty Formation at the most productive vertebrate locality in the region, Dzharakuduk in Uzbekistan, has yielded many isolated teeth and a few skeletal remains that can be attributed to a non-lithostrotian titanosaur. Similar narrow-crowned, cylindrical teeth from Cenomanian-to Coniacian-age strata in the Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan, may belong to a closely related taxon. Another taxon, with teeth that are pentagonal in cross-section, is known from the Santonian Yalovach and Bostobe formations of Tajikistan and western Kazakhstan, respectively. A femur reported from the Santonian Syuksyuk Formation of southern Kazakhstan possibly belongs to a lithostrotian titanosaur. The change in tooth structure at the Coniacian–Santonian boundary in the region possibly suggests replacement of non-lithostrotian titanosaurs by lithostrotians. The titanosaur from the Bissekty Formation is similar to Dongyangosaurus sinensis from the Cenomanian–Turonian of Zhejiang (China) in the extensive pneumatization of the neural arch on the anterior caudal vertebrae with several fossae. It also resembles Baotianmansaurus henanensis from the Cenomanian of Henan (China) in the possession of very short anterior caudal centra. These three taxa possibly represent an as yet formally unrecognized endemic clade of Asian non-lithostrotian titanosaurs.  相似文献   

A new abelisaurid theropod from the Cenomanian of Candeleros Formation (Neuquén Province, NW Patagonia, Argentina) is described. It includes an isolated frontal, partial pelvis, two fused sacral centra, femoral shaft, rib fragments, partial metatarsal II and shaft of metatarsal III. A paleohistological analysis shows that MMCh-PV 69 was somatically mature at time of death. The prevalence of relatively ordered intrinsic fibers in the primary bone indicates a relatively lower growth rate of MMCh-PV 69 compared with other abelisauroids, such as Aucasaurus garridoi. Phylogenetic analysis found MMCh-PV 69 as a basal abelisaurid, sister group of the node formed by Majungasaurinae and Brachyrostra. We estimated the body mass of MMCh-PV 69 in 240 kg, which makes it one of the smallest abelisaurids recorded. This new form adds to the extensive theropod fauna of the Candeleros Formation, probably the most diverse association of meat-eating dinosaurs recorded in a Cretaceous Formation from South America.  相似文献   

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