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内波是层结海洋中普遍存在的一种海洋动力学现象,包含内潮、内孤立波、近惯性内波等多种形式,由于其携带能量巨大,分布范围广,发生频率高,对海洋结构物造成严重威胁。对国内外关于内波生成、传播演化、海遥感观测及其与海洋结构物相互作用方面的研究进展进行综述。总结了关于内波的生成机制、浅水和深水区域内波传播演化特征、实际海洋内波特征的遥感观测以及内波与海洋平台及水下潜器相互作用的研究成果,讨论了数值模拟、模型试验、遥感观测等研究手段在海洋内波研究中的应用以及取得的相应研究成果。最后,在探讨海洋内波研究趋势的基础上对未来关于内波生成机制及其海洋学特征观测相关研究需考虑和解决的问题进行了展望。 相似文献
缓坡地形上内孤立波的破碎及能量分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在大型重力式分层流水槽中对内孤立波沿缓坡地形的演化特征进行了实验研究,利用分层染色标识方法和多点组合探头阵列技术对其传播特性做了定性分析和定量测量。实验表明:下凹型内孤立波沿缓坡地形传播过程中的破碎先从波背部发生,继而演化出上凸型内孤立波;内孤立波破碎不仅与入射波波幅相关,而且受到地形坡度的强烈影响;入射波幅参数α>0.4是内孤立波不稳定及破碎的实验判据,内孤立波能量损失出现跃升是其发生破碎的重要特征。研究进一步获得了内孤立波沿缓坡地形的三维演化结构、破碎发生条件和能量变化特性,对于复杂海洋环境中非线性内波传播特性认识及其动力学建模具有重要的科学意义。 相似文献
声速剖面时空分布的获取是利用声学方法监测内波的核心问题。在反演算法中,声速剖面通常是采用展开的方式用若干个参数来表示的。这就导致了有时很难从反演结果中直接获得内波的相关信息。本文的目标是找到一种通过展开系数直接获取内波特性的方法。通过推导内波水动力方程,可以从较少的声速剖面样本中提取出水动力简正模态(Hydrodynamic Normal Modes,HNMs)作为声速剖面展开的正交基。较之广泛采用的正交经验函数(Empirical Orthogonal Functions, EOFs),HNMs直接与内波活动相关,具有更明确的物理含义。然后,基于HNMs对声速剖面的时间序列进行展开,获得展开系数。最后,从前两阶展开系数的时间导数中可以获取内波活动的信息。将方法应用于受内波影响而具有明显时空扰动的南海北陆架区温度链数据,结果表明:只用前两节模态就可以在较好的精度范围内重构声速剖面。前两阶系数的时间导数具有独特的双震荡结构可以用于探测内孤立波。从展开系数也可以获得幅度以及波长信息。理论推导和实验分析证明了本文方法在内波监测中的有效性。HNMs方法使用便利且对样本的依赖性较小,可以在内波活跃海域作为EOFs的有效补充用于声速剖面的展开。 相似文献
Oceanic pycnocline depth is usually inferred from in situ measurements. It is attempted to estimate the depth remotely. As solitary internal waves occur on oceanic pycnocline and propagate along it, it is possible to retrieve the depth indirectly in virtue of the solitary internal waves. A numerical model is presented for retrieving the pycnocline depth from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images where the solitary internal waves are visible and when ocean waters are fully stratified. This numerical model is constructed by combining the solitary internal wave model and a two-layer ocean model. It is also assumed that the observed groups of solitary internal wave packets on the SAR imagery are generated by local semidiurnal tides. A case study in the East China Sea shows a good agreement with in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data. 相似文献
根据南海北部陆坡海域潜标观测数据,对该海域第二模态内孤立波统计特征进行分析。观测期间共发现72个第二模态内孤立波,包含101 个第二模态内孤立波孤立子。该海域第二模态内孤立波以凸型为主,且最大振幅多为下凹振幅,占79.2%。KdV 方程波速计算结果表明,波速可用三角函数描述,整体表现为夏季大、冬季小,且第二模态内孤立波流速呈明显的三层结构。最大流速深度及人工判别得到的上下层转向深度的统计结果表明:上层内波流流速转向平均深度约为97.7m,中层内波流最大流速深度约为134.6m,下层内波流转向平均深度约为204.2m,内波流最大流速多发生在中层,流向主要为西北向,流速主要分布于0.2~0.8 m·s-1 区间范围内,占82.2%;上层流向主要为东南向,流速主要分布于0~0.6m·s-1区间范围内,占98.0%;中层流向主要为西北向,流
速主要分布于0.2~0.8m·s-1区间范围内,占93.1%;下层流向主要为东南向,流速主要分布于0~0.4m·s-1区间范围内,占94.1%。本文系统性地给出了南海北部陆坡海域第二模态内孤立波统计特征,可为相关研究、水下航行及工程应用提供重要的资料和参考。 相似文献
通过分析欧洲空间局的地球资源卫星(ERS-1/2)从1995—2010年的合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像,研究了东海内孤立波的时间分布特征,绘制了东海内孤立波的空间分布图,并且反演了个别海区内孤立波的传播速度。研究结果表明:东海内孤立波主要分布在两个海域,台湾东北部海域和长江口、杭州湾以及外舟山群岛附近海域。在这两个海域,大潮期间的强潮流有利于内孤立波的出现。在长江口及附近海域,跃层强时,内孤立波出现的概率相对较高。台湾东北部内孤立波波速约为0.6—0.8 m/s,长江口及附近海域内孤立波波速约为0.6 m/s左右。 相似文献
安达曼海内孤立波频发且振幅较大,对海洋生态、海上活动等有重要影响.本文采用非静力近似的MIT通用环流模式(MITgcm),并结合遥感影像研究了安达曼海南部内孤立波的生成与传播过程.数值模拟结果表明,格雷特海峡、尼科巴群岛之间的水道、苏门答腊岛北部陆坡以及苏门答腊岛东北部陆坡是安达曼海南部内孤立波的 4个主要生成源地,与遥感影像结果一致.本文还利用敏感性数值实验探究了二维模拟、潮流强度、地形结构等对该海域内孤立波生成与传播的影响.数值实验中,安达曼海内孤立波传播速度在 2.3~2.6 m/s,振幅最大可达 70 m,背景潮流越强,所生成的内孤立波列中内孤立波的数量越多、振幅越大,但相邻内孤立波之间的时间间隔变短.局地地形敏感性研究还发现双海脊能增强内孤立波的振幅和流速,并且对生成的内孤立波数量有较大影响. 相似文献
A study of SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves in the north of the South China Sea: Ⅱ. Simulation of SAR signatures of internal solitary waves 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4

A new model developed from the full-spectrum model of Lyzenga and Bennett ( 1988 ) is built up by us preliminarily through considering the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves. In the partial differential equation of the action spectral density of the surface gravity-capillary waves the source function representing the contribution of the turbulence is added besides the usual source function representing the contribution of the wind. The source function is determined by applying the κ - ε model and adopting the Nasmyth spectrum of oceanic turbulence ( Nasmyth, 1970; Oakey, 1982; Fan, 2002) on the basis of the previous simulation results of internal tide transformation obtained in the companion paper (Fan et al. ,2008). Either under relatively high wind speed, or under low wind speed, our model predicts significant large modulations of radar backscatter at all three bands ( L, C and X bands) for both VV and HH polarization. These results prove that considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves is reasonable and appropriate for settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models. 相似文献
A study of SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves in the north of the South China Sea: Ⅰ. Simulation of internal tide transformation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models, i. e. , the problem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal waters at high radar frequency bands ( X-band and C-band), the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat- ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed. In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing some observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient, the dispersion coefficient, the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately. Through simulations of internal tide transfor- mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of internal wave field are obtained. The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m, but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea (about 20°30'N, 114°E) in August. It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation. The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of internal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper. 相似文献
On the basis of the time series observations from a temperature chain and an acoustic Doppler current profiler on the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea, a sequence of internal solitary waves (ISWs) and background waves (BWs, including internal tides and near-inertial waves) on the continental shelf were captured simultaneously after the transit of Typhoon Neast in October 2011. These measurementsprovided a unique opportunity to explore the influence of BWs on the ISWs. The BWs appeared a conversion on the current strength and vertical mode structure during the observational period. The BWs were dominated by weak and mode-one waves before October 2 and then turned to strong and high-mode waves after that time. Meanwhile, the ISWs displayed different wave structures before and after October 2, which was closely related to BWs' changes. According to the current profiles of BWs, the high-mode wave structure with strong current could significantly strengthen the vertical shear of ISWs in the near-surface layer and promote the breaking of ISWs, and thus it may play an important role in affecting the background current condition. 相似文献
为研究内孤立波与沙波的相互作用,本文对基于OpenFOAM的SedWaveFoam求解器进行改进,建立了内孤立波-泥沙运动欧拉两相流模型.在利用试验资料对模型进行验证的基础上,在南海北部典型代表性条件下,模拟分析了500 m水深位置沙波床面上内孤立波作用下的水动力变化和泥沙运动.结果表明,内孤立波逐渐离开沙波时,海底沙波背流面处出现与内孤立波背景流速反向的流速,在内孤立波导致的流场作用下,沙波床面上的泥沙悬起并运动到床面以上的水体中.振幅100 m的内孤立波可以导致床面以上14m高的位置处出现约0.07 kg/m3的悬沙浓度. 相似文献
This effort aims to determine the generation source sites in the Luzon Strait for energetic, long-crest, transbasin internal waves (IW) observed in the northern South China Sea (NSCS). The roles of islands distributed on eastern side of the strait, Kuroshio, submarine ridges, shoaling thennocline, and strait configuration played in the IW generation are examined using the cruise data analysis, satellite data interpretation, and dynamical analysis. The islands and channels on eastern side of the strait are excluded from a list of possible IW source sites owing to their unmatched horizontal dimensions to the scale of IW crest line length, and the relative low Reynolds number. The Kuroshio has a potential to be a radiator for the long-crest IW disturbances, meanwhile, the Kurosbio west (east) wing absorbs the eastward (westward) propagating IW disturbance. Namely, the Kuroshio blockades the outside west-east propagating IW disturbances. The 3-D configuration of the Luzon Strait is characterized by a sudden, more than one order widening of the cross-section areas at the outlets on both sides, providing a favorable condition for IW type initial disturbance formation. In the Luzon Strait, the thermocline is featured by a westward shoaling all the year around, providing the dynamical conditions for the amplitude growth (declination) to the westward (eastward) propagating IW type disturbance. Thus, the west slope of western submarine ridge at the western outlet of the Luzon Strait is a high possibility source sites for energetic, long-crest, transbasin IWs in the NSCS. The interpretation results of satellite SAR images during a 13 a period from 1995 to 2007 provide the convincing evidence for the conclusions. 相似文献
针对内孤立波在行进过程中遇到海底斜坡会对海底产生力的作用,不同坡度斜坡对内孤立波的动力响应应该存在差异。本文通过水槽中制造内波,对不同角度的斜坡对内孤立波的动力响应过程进行了研究。结果表明,内孤立波通过陆架斜坡上方,会造成斜坡沉积物超孔隙水压力的积累;在相同振幅条件下,缓坡沉积物动力响应的幅度比陡坡沉积物大;随着振幅的增加,缓坡发生动力破坏程度大于陡坡;在斜坡沉积物稳定性受到破坏之前,超孔隙水压力的积累和释放同时存在,内孤立波振幅的增大会加剧超孔隙水压力的释放。该结果对于斜坡沉积物在内孤立波作用下失稳破坏的动力学研究和斜坡稳定性分析将起到指导作用。 相似文献
This is a numerical study on the time development of surface waves generated by a submerged body moving steadily in a two-layer fluid system, in which a layer of water is underlain by a layer of viscous mud. The fully nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations are solved on FLUENT with the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) multiphase scheme in order to simulate the free surface waves as well as the water-mud interface waves as functions of time. The numerical model is validated by mimicking a reported experiment in a one-layer ... 相似文献
This is a numerical study on the time development of surface waves generated by a submerged body moving steadily in a two-layer fluid system, in which a layer of water is underlain by a layer of viscous mud. The fully nonlinear Navier–Stokes equations are solved on FLUENT with the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) multiphase scheme in order to simulate the free surface waves as well as the water–mud interface waves as functions of time. The numerical model is validated by mimicking a reported experiment in a one-layer system before it is applied to a two-layer system. It is found that the presence of bottom mud in a water layer can lead to large viscous damping of the surface waves. To investigate the problem systematically, the effects of the Froude number and the mud layer thickness, density and viscosity relative to those of water are evaluated and discussed in detail. 相似文献
This effort aims to determine the generation source sites in the Luzon Strait for energetic, long-crest, transbasin internal waves (IW) observed in the northern South China Sea (NSCS). The roles of islands distributed on eastern side of the strait, Kuroshio, submarine ridges, shoaling thermocline, and strait configuration played in the IW generation are examined using the cruise data analysis, satellite data interpretation, and dynamical analysis. The islands and channels on eastern side of the strait are excluded from a list of possible IW source sites owing to their unmatched horizontal dimensions to the scale of IW crest line length, and the relative low Reynolds number. The Kuroshio has a potential to be a radiator for the long-crest IW disturbances, meanwhile, the Kuroshio west (east) wing absorbs the eastward (westward) propagating IW disturbance. Namely, the Kuroshio blockades the outside west-east propagating IW disturbances. The 3-D configuration of the Luzon Strait is characterized by a sudden, more than one order widening of the cross-section areas at the outlets on both sides, providing a favorable condition for IW type initial disturbance formation. In the Luzon Strait, the thermocline is featured by a westward shoaling all the year around, providing the dynamical conditions for the amplitude growth (declination) to the westward (eastward) propagating IW type disturbance. Thus,the west slope of western submarine ridge at the western outlet of the Luzon Strait is a high possibility source sites for energetic,long-crest, transbasin Iws in the NSCS. The interpretation results of satellite SAR images during a 13 a period from 1995 to 2007 provide the convincing evidence for the conclusions. 相似文献
Based on in-situ time series data from the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain in Wenchang area, a sequence of internal solitary wave (ISW) packets was observed in September 2005, propagating northwest on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS). Corresponding to different stratification of the water column and tidal condition, both elevation and depression ISWs were observed at the same mooring location with amplitude of 35 m and 25 m respectively in different days. Regular arrival of the remarkable ISW packets at approximately the diurnal tidal period and the dominance of diurnal internal waves in the study area, strongly suggest that the main energy source of the waves is the diurnal tide. Notice that the wave packets were all riding on the troughs and shoulders of the internal tides, they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects. 相似文献
海洋是多尺度强迫-耗散系统,机械能主要在大尺度输入,在小尺度耗散。在大、中尺度运动的能量向小尺度湍流传递过程中,内波扮演着重要角色。内波的生成和破碎可打破海洋动力平衡,而在陆架区,内波(主要是内孤立波)的浅化演变与耗散则是驱动湍流混合的关键过程。通过长期的理论、观测与数值模拟研究,目前已认识到内波浅化过程中主要发生如下演变:波形调制、极性转变、裂变、破碎与耗散。相较于直接发生破碎,浅化演变过程中的裂变及其引发的剪切不稳定和对流不稳定是内孤立波在陆架区的主要耗散机制,显著调制陆架区的跃层混合。从能量串级的角度讲,内孤立波浅化裂变为动力不稳定的高频内波是潮能串级的重要通道。本文简要回顾南海北部陆架区内波的研究历史,并着重总结内波在陆架区演变与耗散机制的研究进展。 相似文献
Shenn-Yu Chao Dong-Shan Ko Ren-Chieh Lien Ping-Tung Shaw 《Journal of Oceanography》2007,63(6):897-911
The Luzon Strait is blocked by two meridional ridges at depths, with the east ridge somewhat higher than the west ridge in
the middle reaches of the Strait. Previous numerical models identified the Luzon Strait as the primary generation site of
internal M2 tides entering the northern South China Sea (Niwa and Hibiya, 2004), but the role of the west-versus-east ridge was uncertain.
We used a hydrostatic model for the northern South China Sea and a nonhydrostatic, process-oriented model to evaluate how
the west ridge of Luzon Strait modifies westward propagation of internal tides, internal bores and internal solitary waves.
The dynamic role of the west ridge depends strongly on the characteristics of internal waves and is spatially inhomogeneous.
For M2 tides, both models identify the west ridge in the middle reaches of Luzon Strait as a dampener of incoming internal waves
from the east ridge. In the northern Luzon Strait, the west ridge is quite imposing in height and becomes a secondary generation
site for M2 internal tides. If the incoming wave is an internal tide, previous models suggested that wave attenuation depends crucially
on how supercritical the west ridge slope is. If the incoming wave is an internal bore or internal solitary wave, our investigation
suggests a loss of sensitivity to the supercritical slope for internal tides, leaving ridge height as the dominant factor
regulating the wave attenuation. Mechanisms responsible for the ridge-induced attenuation are discussed. 相似文献