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林逸  张长厚 《地质科学》2018,(4):1488-1498
古构造应力场是构造动力学研究中的一个重要内容,且断层滑动数据古应力反演已经成为古构造应力场恢复研究中比较常用的重要方法之一。近年来,断层滑动数据古应力反演方法研究和应用取得了一系列重要进展,但有关反演结果的解释仍存歧义,反演结果的影响因素及其误差范围等并未得到深入研究与定量分析。本文总结指出,影响断层滑动数据古应力反演结果的主要因素包括变形体制、剪切破裂面类型、断层面的形态以及地质体内薄弱面的存在等。在此基础上,分别对新生断层和先存薄弱面滑动数据的古应力反演综合误差进行了定量分析。研究指出,在可以大致厘定变形体制或误差在允许范围内的前提下,将断层滑动数据反演结果解释为应力状态是合理可行的。各种因素导致的反演误差定量分析表明,同一期构造应力场形成的破裂面滑动数据的古应力方位反演误差最大不超过35°。换言之,在没有证据表明存在不同期次的应力作用情况下,主应力方位变化小于35° 的应力状态,可以划归同一期应力场。  相似文献   

The NW-SE oriented Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) has been thoroughly studied during the last 25 years, especially by means of well data and seismic profiles. We present the results of a first brittle tectonic analysis based on about 850 dykes, veins and minor fault-slip data measured in the field in Scania, including paleostress reconstruction. We discuss the relationships between normal and strike-slip faulting in Scania since the Permian extension to the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary structural inversions. Our paleostress determinations reveal six successive or coeval main stress states in the evolution of Scania since the Permian. Two stress states correspond to normal faulting with NE-SW and NW-SE extensions, one stress state is mainly of reverse type with NE-SW compression, and three stress states are strike-slip in type with NNW-SSE, WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW directions of compression.The NE-SW extension partly corresponds to the Late Carboniferous–Permian important extensional period, dated by dykes and fault mineralisations. However extension existed along a similar direction during the Mesozoic. It has been locally observed until within the Danian. A perpendicular NW-SE extension reveals the occurrence of stress permutations. The NNW-SSE strike-slip episode is also expected to belong to the Late Carboniferous–Permian episode and is interpreted in terms of right-lateral wrench faulting along STZ-oriented faults. The inversion process has been characterised by reverse and strike-slip faulting related to the NE-SW compressional stress state.This study highlights the importance of extensional tectonics in northwest Europe since the end of the Palaeozoic until the end of the Cretaceous. The importance and role of wrench faulting in the tectonic evolution of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone are discussed.  相似文献   

Geomechanics is a science dealing with the study of the behaviour of rocks affected by stress. It has various applications in utilisation from oil and gas reservoirs including of the wellbore stability analysis and determination of safe mud window. The main aim of this paper is geomechanical study of Kangan–Dalan reservoir in South Pars gas field in Persian Gulf in south Iran. Seismic waves are affected by physical properties of rocks when passing underground formations; thus, the velocity of these waves is a desired parameter for estimation of geomechanical properties. The velocity of compressional and shear waves has been determined with processing seismic data resulting from vertical seismic profile. In this paper, after calculation of elastic modules of reservoir rock, the imposed stress field was determined and these concepts were used for engineering calculations such as safe mud window, wellbore stability analysis and sand production potential. For well drilling in Kangan-Dalan reservoir, the minimum and maximum mud weights were proposed in average as 1.093 and 2.011 gr/cc and average critical mud weight as 2.48 gr/cc such that if the weight of mud increases, the tensile fractures will be created on the formation and complete loss of mud will happen.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东南部中生界地层节理发育特征与古应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鄂尔多斯盆地东南部中生代地层中发育有六组节理(E-W、N-S、ENE-WSW、NNW-SSE、WNW-ESE、NNE-SSW),并且构成三期的正交节理系统(E-W与N-S、ENE-WSW与NNW-SSE、WNW-ESE与NNE-SSW).三期正交节理系统形成的先后期次为:E-W向和N-S向两组节理最早形成,WNW-ESE向和NNE-SSW向两组节理为第二期形成,ENE-WSW向和NNW-SSE向两组节理则最晚形成.E-W向、N-S向和ENE-WSW向三组节理的节理间距指数(FSI)分析结果表明,节理间距的发育程度除了受岩层厚度控制外,还受区域应力场的控制.E-W向、N-S向和ENE-WSW向三组节理的节理间距率(FSR)值分布范围指示不同组节理在区域上发育程度具有差异性.此外,E-W向的优势节理组的FSR值有超过间距与层厚比值的临界值,而非优势组的SN向节理的FSR值则全部小于临界值,表明E-W向和N-S向两组节理组成最早一期的正交节理系统.盆内中生代地层中的三期正交节理系统,所对应的古应力场分别为:(1)晚侏罗世盆地处在近E-W向的挤压环境下,形成了第一期正交节理系统,为E-W向和N-S向两组节理;应力来源于古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲所产生的NW-SE向的挤压分量.(2)晚白垩世时,来自于古太平洋板块俯冲产生的NW-SE向挤压应力形成了第二期正交节理系统的WNW-ESE向和NNE-SSW向两组节理.(3)晚白垩世末至新生代,印度板块向欧亚板块下的俯冲产生NE-SW向的远程挤压应力,形成第三期正交节理系统的ENE-WSW向和NNW-SSE向两组节理.  相似文献   

Increased interest in the two- and three-dimensional geometries and development of faults and other types of fractures in rock has led to an increasingly bewildering terminology. Here we give definitions for the geometric, topological, kinematic and mechanical relationships between geological faults and other types of fractures, focussing on how they relate to form networks.  相似文献   

Since the mechanical twinning along calcite e-planes has a critical resolved shear stress, not only principal stress axes but also differential stress can be determined from the orientations of twin lamellae. Based on the five-dimensional stress space that fulfills the principle of coordinate invariance, it is shown in this article that the inversion of twin and untwin data is comparable with fitting a spherical cap to data points on a unit sphere in the space. The principal stress orientations and stress ratio are indicated by the center of the cap, whereas differential stress is denoted by the size of the cap. Based on this geometrical interpretation, the generalized Hough transform was applied to the inversion of the data in this study. The new method is demonstrated to be robust to sampling bias, variability in the critical resolved shear stress. The determination of differential stress was difficult when the differential stress to be detected was ∼10 times larger than the critical resolved shear stress. Stresses were separated by the method from heterogeneous data successfully as long as the spherical caps corresponding to the stresses to be detected had no or a small intersection.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Straightforward Inversion Scheme (SIS) for interpreting one-dimensional magnetotelluric sounding data. The basic steps of SIS are (i) parameterization of the layered model such that the layer thickness, expressed in units of its skin depth, is a constant (α); (ii) expansion of the reflection function at each interface as a power series in parameter u = exp(-2(1 +j)α√f);(iii) development of a recurrence relation between the coefficients of the same powers ofu in the power series of reflection functions of any two successive layers; (iv) estimation of the impedance power series coefficients using regressed minimum norm estimator; and (v) evaluation of layer resistivities and thicknesses using the inverse recurrence relation. The power of SIS is established by inverting four synthetic data sets and two field data sets. The effect of noise is extensively studied on a synthetic data set, deliberately corrupted with increasing levels of Gaussian random noise up to 25%. It is found that the scheme can retrieve broad features of the true model even with noise levels as high as 25%. On the basis of findings of different experiments conducted on SIS, it is concluded that SIS is an efficient, robust algorithm with high resolving power. Further, being linear, it is non-iterative and it dispenses with the requirement of having to choose an initial guess model.  相似文献   

Mafic dyke swarms and aulacogens are major anorogenic extensional events in the Late Paleoproterozoic North China Craton (NCC). The N–NNW mafic dyke swarms are widespread in the NCC, whose ages span between 1.83 and 1.77 Ga. The similar ages and orientations of  1.8 Ga dyke swarms in the NCC demonstrate that the amalgamated NCC experienced widespread extension at this time.Based on the width statistics of dyke swarms on ten survey lines, an average crustal extension ratio of 0.35% was found for the NCC. The small magnitude of overall extension suggests that the mafic dyke swarms were emplaced into the elastic fractures, and indicates that the NCC had become a brittle plate prior to the emplacement of the mafic dyke swarms.Precisely dated mafic dyke swarms, when used as paleostress indicators, can be employed in the paleostress field reconstruction of Precambrian cratons. Two dimensional finite element modeling (2-D FEM) of the NCC, in which the various blocks were assigned densities and elastic constants, shows that north–south compression favors dyke intrusion along generally N–NW lines, and that deviations in dyke trends can be explained by the effects of boundary constraints and the physical properties of the crust. The best fitting model can be considered a plausible representation of the tectonic force acting on the NCC that produces the intraplate stress field that is most consistent with the observed orientation of dyke swarms. The results of modeling of the Late Paleoproterozoic stress field suggest a common tectonic setting for the emplacement of mafic dyke swarms in the Central Orogenic Zone, Western and East Blocks of the NCC. The results also show that the north–south tectonic forces play an important role in determining the paleostress field in the NCC. The widespread extension of the NCC resulted from the north–south tectonic forces which may be related to the break-up of the Late Paleoproterozoic supercontinent. The paleostress field modeling provides a possible approach to consider the supercontinent paleostress reconstruction and to reveal the mechanisms of the supercontinent break-up.  相似文献   

In this work,we develop a multidisciplinary approach to investigate a geothermal system located at the volcanic arc of a subduction-related orogen and highlight the interplay between active tectonism.stress field and fluid migration.By using results of field investigations from the Tinguiririca geothermal field in the High Andes of Chile(35°S),empirical analysis,and numerical models of static stress variations,we proposed a geomechanical model for evaluating the distribution of hydrothermal manifestations in a seismically-active region.The present geomechanical model follows four major steps:(1) development of the 3 D structural model of fault pattern;(2) estimation of the in-situ stress field;(3) calculation of the resolved-shear-to-normal-stress ratio(slip tendency) on each fault with varying geomechanical parameters(coefficient of friction,pore pressure and cohesion) as inputs;and(4) estimation of Coulomb static stress changes as a consequence of failure in a nearby fault.Through combination of all these analyses,we characterize in detail both the active deformation in the geothermal field and its relationship with hot fluid migration.  相似文献   

Striated and pitted pebbles provide scarce structures that preserve information on the stresses that their host rocks have undergone. This information can be obtained by the measurement of a large number of microfaults with striae and solution marks within a small rock volume. For non-rotational deformation, the statistical procedures for microfault analysis provide a valid tool for determining the overprinting of successive stress ellipsoids, including their axial ratios and the orientations of the main axes. The trends of compressions obtained from striae can be compared with the determinations from the pole of pebble solution pits. However, in complex tectonics settings, the solution pits of several deformation phases are mixed and only striae analysis allows overprinted paleostresses to be accurately distinguished. The analysis of several pebbles from the same outcrop, including five from moderately complex settings, allows determination of the homogeneity of the paleostresses at outcrop scale, the detection of redeposited pebbles, and supports the results of microtectonic analysis for large areas. Solution mark distributions on pebbles depend on the burial and tectonic stresses. Conglomerates from shallow levels, such as those from Quaternary fluvial terraces, only record horizontal compressional solution marks because the minimum vertical stress needed to develop these structures are not reached by burial.In the central Betic Cordillera, striated and pitted pebbles are composed of carbonate surrounded by a matrix containing siliciclastic elements. The study of several outcrops located across a transect of the Cordillera shows a change in the recent stress field. While conglomerates near the Internal–External zone boundary show extensional stresses that may be related to the uplift of the Cordillera since Tortonian times, the outcrops located in the External Zone and up to the mountain front indicate the existence of horizontal NW–SE and NE–SW compressions related to prolate ellipsoids. These two compression directions, which affect conglomerates up to the Quaternary in the same outcrop, may be produced by a local permutation of stress axes, which in general indicates NW–SE compression related to the Eurasia–Africa plate boundary convergence, but which locally may switch to an orthogonal compression.  相似文献   

We consider thin layer algorithms for inversion of electromagnetic data acquired on large experimental grids. These algorithms do not involve targeted search of the model parameters. Instead, they determine an integrated characteristic of the model, i.e. heterogeneous conductance or transverse resistance, using a filtration technique developed for thin layer models, which adequately represent the geo-electric situation by a sequence of laterally homogeneous and heterogeneous layers. The corresponding filter reflects impedance/admittance relations between different components of the electromagnetic field in the stratified part of the model. Convolution of such filters with the data obtained from experimental measurements represents the most time consuming part of the computation. The convolution is carried out using a high performance algorithm, which makes the process of inversion extremely fast. The choice of a particular inversion algorithm is dictated by the specific geo-electric situation in the area of interest and the electromagnetic data subject to interpretation. Typically, most computations can be carried out in up to several minutes using a regular desktop or laptop PC.We restrict our consideration to two simplest algorithms for determination of the conductance of heterogeneous conductive layers (S-algorithm) and the transverse resistance of heterogeneous resistive layer (T-algorithm). The algorithms can be useful for interpretation of data acquired in on- and off-shore conditions with natural and controlled sources. Inversion can be jointly carried out for data sets collected for different source locations, at different frequencies, etc. Likewise, the algorithms can be used for interpreting the data collected using a moving source.Performance of the algorithms is demonstrated on a set of test inversions of numerically simulated data sets. The first group of the examples is typical for environmental applications. It is studied using the S-algorithm applied to natural and controlled source measurements for shallow and deep targets. The T-algorithm is applied for delineation of a gas hydrate type of reservoir using the data numerically simulated for such a problem.In geo-electrical situations that can be addressed using thin layer models, results of inversion hardly require any further elaboration. For instance, this happens when parameters of the heterogeneous layer satisfy thin layer conditions and its thickness can be determined from seismic measurements. When this is not the case, the model found by a thin layer inversion usually reveals correct location of the anomalous body and provides reasonable estimate of its integrated electric properties. In such situations the algorithm works as an imaging technique, which together with seismic information on the layer boundaries provides a justified initial model for a full scale 3D inversion and hopefully allows for avoiding pitfalls associated with a straightforward application of more traditional 3D inversion algorithms.  相似文献   

Normal fault scarps of the Koae fault system on Kilauea volcano consistently display locally breached monoclines underlain by prominent cavities, deep gaping fissures on the footwall, finer fissures on the hanging wall, and buckles at the scarp base. Elastic analyses reveal that this assemblage forms as a fault propagates up towards the surface rather than down from it. Models of a planar blind normal fault with a dip exceeding 60° yield a monocline with a tensile stress concentration at the surface where gaping fissures occur, a stronger subsurface tensile stress concentration near the blind fault tip, where cavities occur, and a compressive stress concentration at the surface where buckles occur. The footwall fissures grow down from the tensile stress concentration at the surface and link with a fault as its scarp grows. In contrast, the cavities initiate at depth near the fault tip and propagate with it up towards the surface. The hanging wall fissures apparently open in response to slip on late-forming blind antithetic faults near the surface. Stoped blocks derived from footwall fissure walls help prop the footwall fissures open as a normal fault breaches the surface. The fissures, cavities, and scarp rubble provide highly conductive hydraulic pathways.  相似文献   

哈南油田构造断裂十分复杂,受伸展构造体系裂缝及断层的控制,形成有与断层共生的裂缝组系和断层活动派生的裂缝组系。裂缝与NE向断层平行或与其斜交或横交。裂缝力学性质表现为张裂缝、剪裂缝和张剪裂缝,以张裂缝为主。无论是何种力学性质的裂缝,如果裂缝没有被充填,则会对油气聚集和开发产生影响。有效裂缝可以为储层提供油气运移通道和油气储集空间,在油田开发中,裂缝与断层组成裂缝网络形成的断裂导水,会致使注水层系混乱,形成非同层注水局面,影响着层系开发的效果。  相似文献   

阐述了谱反演的从地震记录中去除地震子波进而得到反射系数序列的基本原理及过程,分析了谱反演线性化方法存在的问题,即其所需所有频率成分与地震资料带限的矛盾。提出了线性谱反演约束方法,在假设地震到每个采样点均存在反射系数值的情况下,通过在Cauchy约束条件下反演得到稀疏反射系数,然后挑选出这些稀疏反射系数序列,再在L2模约束条件下反演得到更加精确的解。这里提出的方法在模型数据以及实际数据的应用中取得了较好的效果,说明了该方法的有效性,并且验证了谱反演能够分辨出小于调谐厚度的薄层,提高了地震勘探分辨率的能力。  相似文献   

李杰  蒋有录  孙均 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):67-68
正通南巴地区位于四川盆地东北部,北接米仓山构造带,东临大巴山逆冲推覆带,主要包含一个NEE-SWW向的"长条型"通南巴背斜,是川东北地区重要的产气区之一。自上三叠统须家河组沉积以来,通南巴地区受到来自米仓山构造带近S-N向和大巴山逆冲推覆带近NE-SW向的多次构造挤压,导致研究区形成了一系列的断层、裂缝和褶皱。其中,米仓山构造带的挤压主要造就了通南巴背斜  相似文献   

Investigating 2-D MT inversion codes using real field data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are currently a significant number of two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) inversion codes available for magnetotelluric (MT) data. Through various 2-D inversion algorithms suggested so far, the classical Occam's inversion, the data space Occam's inversion, the nonlinear conjugate gradient (NLCG) method, and the Gauss–Newton (GN) method are fundamental driving methods to find optimum earth models, and OCCAM, DASOCC, NLCG, and MT2DInvMatlab are possible candidates one can find in the public domain that implement these algorithms for 2-D MT inversions, respectively. In this study, we investigate the pros and cons (strength and weakness) of these codes to help one use them efficiently in practical works and, as an introductory guide, further develop (sophisticate or extend) them, especially for the 3-D case. To achieve this goal, we applied each one of the four aforementioned codes on a profile of real MT field dataset. Then, further investigations have been done by performing several inversion tests to see how each code can find the appropriate model to reconstruct the subsurface resistivity structure. Numerical experiments show that the two parameters, regularization and target misfit, in addition to the main criteria of inversion (such as the forward and the sensitivities calculation method, and the type of inversion algorithm), are very important to produce the expected model in inversion. The regularization parameter that acts to trade off between model norm and data misfit can affect the inversion process in terms of both the computational efficiency and the accuracy of the obtained model. Also, lack of insufficient precision to choose the target misfit can lead the inversion to produce and reach an incorrect model.  相似文献   

In an attempt to derive more information on the parameters driving compaction, this paper explores the feasibility of a method utilizing data on compaction-induced subsidence. We commence by using a Bayesian inversion scheme to infer the reservoir compaction from subsidence observations. The method’s strength is that it incorporates all the spatial and temporal correlations imposed by the geology and reservoir data. Subsequently, the contributions of the driving parameters are unravelled. We apply the approach to a synthetic model of an upscaled gas field in the northern Netherlands. We find that the inversion procedure leads to coupling between the driving parameters, as it does not discriminate between the individual contributions to the compaction. The provisional assessment of the parameter values shows that, in order to identify adequate estimate ranges for the driving parameters, a proper parameter estimation procedure (Markov Chain Monte Carlo, data assimilation) is necessary.  相似文献   

弹性波阻抗反演方法保留了地震反射振幅随偏移距或入射角变化的特征,能够获得更多、更敏感、更有效的数据,不但适合地层反演,还可进行储集层岩性反演。阐述了弹性波阻抗反演的基础理论及实现流程,通过对实际资料的反演,分析了其在煤层气储层预测中的应用特点。  相似文献   

利用共轭梯度方法的激发极化三维快速反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用共轭梯度方法实现了激发极化(IP)三维快速反演。首先,利用共轭梯度方法反演电位数据,得到地下的三维电阻率模型,(由于避免了直接求偏导数矩阵,因此反演计算速度很快。)然后,以此电阻率模型为地下电导率分布,再反演IP数据得到三维极化率分布理论模型。试算结果表明其效果较好。  相似文献   




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