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Quantitative measures of accessibility are increasingly used in land cover change modeling and in assessing human pressure on the environment. In riverine Amazonia the significance of physical accessibility for biodiversity, land use patterns and economic livelihoods is widely acknowledged, but attempts to quantify accessibility in practice have been few in number. In this study we compare different distance- and frequency-based measures of spatial accessibility and develop a quantitative model of accessibility patterns for the north-eastern Peruvian Amazonia where rivers form the core of the transportation network. We model accessibility between the rural areas of the Loreto region and the capital city of Iquitos, using different distance algorithms in a geographic information system, and complement the distance model with information on river boat frequencies and transport capacities. Patterns of accessibility are visualized in terms of potential production zones for different types of agricultural and non-timber forest products.This study demonstrates how results from different accessibility measures vary considerably. The mean Euclidean distance to Iquitos is almost 270 km, the mean network distance nearly 760 km and the mean travel time 70 h. Observed network distances from validation points to Iquitos are on average 1.6 times longer than Euclidean distances, and for the whole study area, the average ratio between modeled network distances and Euclidean distances is 3.1. The correlation between network distances and time distances is very strong, but time distances are relatively shorter along the major channels where boat traffic is considerably faster than along narrow, tightly meandering rivers. Measures of boat frequency and transport capacity show that availability of transport possibilities is highly varying across the region. These measures provide insights into the ’thickness’ of trade, indicating the level of market integration for riverine settlements. We conclude that quantifying accessibility in an environment like Peruvian Amazonia requires measures that take into account the spatial structure and dynamic nature of the riverine transportation network. Time as a unit of distance provides the most relevant measure of accessibility in the Amazonian context, where many human actions and traditional livelihoods are controlled by travel times between the regional core and the hinterland.  相似文献   

“流空间”是人文-经济地理学关注的重要议题。基于城际客运交通流数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析、城市联系强度模型等方法对长江经济带长三角、长江中游、成渝三大城市群城际客运联系网络结构特征进行刻画,结果表明:①长三角城市群城际客运联系网络以上海市为主核心,苏州、南京、杭州为次核心,通过核心城市向外延伸的交通轴线组成相互之间联系紧密的城市网络,西部与南部地区的联系相对较弱;长江中游城市群城际客运联系网络以武汉、长沙、南昌三个省会城市为核心节点,周边次中心城市与其省会交通联系紧密,但城市间跨省联系较弱,本省城市仅与另外两个省会城市存在突出的向心性联系;成渝城市群高等级联系网络大多指向成都、重庆主城区,次级区域中心城市发育不足,成渝城市主轴线在强交通联系推动下发育成型,但川渝接壤地区的城际客运联系存在“断层”。②长江经济带三大城市群在网络化演化进程中,具有城市群“等级-网络”的基本演化特征,其中成渝城市群、长江中游城市群仍处于“核心-边缘”的双核或三核结构,长三角城市群已出现多核网络化发展趋势。③高速铁路作为新兴要素流,对公路、普通铁路等传统要素流具有明显的替代效应,增强了三大城市群核心城市向外延伸的轴线联系,是驱动城市群城际客运联系网络结构演变的新动力。  相似文献   

程佳佳  王成金  何嘉明 《地理研究》2016,35(7):1314-1328
长期以来,港口竞争主要发生在不同港口之间,随着港口管制的放松,许多港口陆续引入私营资本,促进了港口竞争的发展变化,并在理论上形成了新的空间模式。珠江三角洲是中国港口建设最早引入外资和码头市场竞争最激烈的地区,也是中国港口管制放松和外向经济最活跃的地区。在阐述国内外研究现状的基础上,以珠江三角洲集装箱港口群为研究对象,分析国际码头企业进入珠江三角洲的时间路径,包括企业结构、企业数量与股权变化、港口数量等,总结其时间进入规律;基于空间视角,刻画国际码头企业的码头网络,重点包括参股港口分布、装卸能力演化、各企业投资差异等,考察国际码头企业的码头网络特征和扩张规律,并从港口建设经营、港口竞争码头化两方面分析国际码头企业进入对珠江三角洲港口发展的影响。研究表明,国际码头企业的进入路径受改革开放及政策的影响较大,目前已在珠三角码头市场中占据主导地位,集中投资大型港口,呈现先投资枢纽港再进入中小型港口的市场模式;国际码头企业的进入加剧了港口内部码头或泊位利益主体分化而形成港口内部竞争,促使港口竞争形成码头化态势,和记黄埔、招商国际、珠江船务等分别形成了规模庞大的码头网络,相互之间形成竞争和合作格局。研究丰富了港口地理学的研究视角,充实了港口研究的理论范畴。  相似文献   

比较汉江上游谷地及渭河谷地典型黄土剖面的元素组成、化学风化强度及常量元素迁移特征,揭示秦岭南北两侧黄土-古土壤剖面的成壤强度及其所指示的环境演变特征,两者差异及共性如下:① 两剖面化学组成均以SiO2、Al2O3和Fe2O3为主,元素组成均一且高度混合,与上部陆地壳(UCC) 的化学成分十分接近,该些证据均指示两区域黄土是来源广泛并经过充分混合的风尘堆积产物。② 据CIA 值可判定MTS 及YHC 剖面均经历了中等风化作用,比较两剖面CIW值、A-CN-K三角图投点特征及元素迁移率知,汉江上游谷地的黄土-古土壤序列经历的化学风化作用更强,Ca 及Na 元素的丢失率更高,Al、Na、Mg、Si 等常量元素的迁出率更大。③ 依据Fe、Na迁移率的全剖面变化曲线知,汉江上游谷地与渭河谷地自全新世以来经历了相同的气候演变阶段,均记录了6000-5000a BP的干冷气候事件。  相似文献   

李涛  张维阳  曹小曙  汪丽  张隆 《地理研究》2019,38(11):2730-2744
城际交通网络包含提供联系可能性的基础设施连接网络(铁轨等),反映承载容量的组织网络(列车班次等)与实际需求的流量网络(客货流等)3类,分别从连接可能性、潜力容量和实际流量三方面映射了网络发育的不同特征。理清城市在这3种维度网络中的不同位置,对分辨城市的节点位势和城市系统构造具有重要意义。以珠三角城市群城际轨道网络为研究对象,本文系统分析了3种网络整体结构、城市的节点位置和城际连接性的差异。结果表明:虽然3种网络城镇地方中心度均呈现出显著的等级差异特征,相较于需求网络,设施网络和组织网络扁平化特征更为显著;组织网络和需求网络均表现出了以广深为核心、以广深、广珠和广佛为主要联系的结构体系,设施网络则呈现出明显的“沿线效应”,突出了珠江口西岸广珠城际沿线的骨干地位;与组织和设施网络相比,需求网络突出了肇庆、江门等城市的重要性,轨道沿线中小城镇位势则逐渐降低。研究一方面通过区分3种铁路交通网络强调了城市网络研究中明确“刻画何种网络”的重要性;另一方面通过对比城市节点和城际连接在不同网络中的位置,识别出可能性、利用潜力和实际流量的差异,为交通线路规划和区域空间优化政策制定提供依据。  相似文献   

The Heihe River drainage basin is one of the endangered ecological regions of China. The shortage of water resources is the bottleneck,which constrains the sustainable development of the region. Many scholars in China have done researches concerning this problem. Based on previous researches,this paper analyzed characteristics,tendencies,and causes of annual runoff variations in the Yingluo Gorge (1944-2005) and the Zhengyi Gorge (1954-2005),which are the boundaries of the upper reaches,the middle reaches,and the lower reaches of the Heihe River drainage basin,by wavelet analysis,wavelet neural network model,and GIS spatial analysis. The results show that: (1) annual runoff variations of the Yingluo Gorge have principal periods of 7 years and 25 years,and its increasing rate is 1.04 m3/s·10y; (2) annual runoff variations of the Zhengyi Gorge have principal periods of 6 years and 27 years,and its decreasing rate is 2.25 m3/s·10y; (3) prediction results show that: during 2006-2015,annual runoff variations of the Yingluo and Zhengyi gorges have ascending tendencies,and the increasing rates are respectively 2.04 m3/s·10y and 1.61 m3/s·10y; (4) the increase of annual runoff in the Yingluo Gorge has causal relationship with increased temperature and precipitation in the upper reaches,and the decrease of annual runoff in the Zhengyi Gorge in the past decades was mainly caused by the increased human consumption of water resources in the middle researches. The study results will provide scientific basis for making rational use and allocation schemes of water resources in the Heihe River drainage basin.  相似文献   

WANG Jun  MENG Jijun 《地理学报》2007,17(3):327-338
The Heihe River drainage basin is one of the endangered ecological regions of China. The shortage of water resources is the bottleneck, which constrains the sustainable development of the region. Many scholars in China have done researches concerning this problem. Based on previous researches, this paper analyzed characteristics, tendencies, and causes of annual runoff variations in the Yingluo Gorge (1944–2005) and the Zhengyi Gorge (1954–2005), which are the boundaries of the upper reaches, the middle reaches, and the lower reaches of the Heihe River drainage basin, by wavelet analysis, wavelet neural network model, and GIS spatial analysis. The results show that: (1) annual runoff variations of the Yingluo Gorge have principal periods of 7 years and 25 years, and its increasing rate is 1.04 m3/s·10y; (2) annual runoff variations of the Zhengyi Gorge have principal periods of 6 years and 27 years, and its decreasing rate is 2.25 m3/s·10y; (3) prediction results show that: during 2006–2015, annual runoff variations of the Yingluo and Zhengyi gorges have ascending tendencies, and the increasing rates are respectively 2.04 m3/s·10y and 1.61 m3/s·10y; (4) the increase of annual runoff in the Yingluo Gorge has causal relationship with increased temperature and precipitation in the upper reaches, and the decrease of annual runoff in the Zhengyi Gorge in the past decades was mainly caused by the increased human consumption of water resources in the middle researches. The study results will provide scientific basis for making rational use and allocation schemes of water resources in the Heihe River drainage basin.  相似文献   

宓泽锋  周灿  朱菲菲  曾刚 《地理研究》2018,37(10):1915-1926
基于路径依赖视角,采集长江经济带108个地级市的2003-2015年面板数据,运用皮尔逊相关系数、回归分析等方法,刻画长江经济带生态文明建设的路径依赖格局和演化,并初步探讨了影响因素与关系变化。结果表明:① 生态文明建设是一个长期且循序渐进的过程,短期内生态文明建设存在着较强路径依赖,80%以上的城市在相邻阶段内结构相似度的相关系数在中等相关以上,各地区应当具有生态文明建设的战略定力。② 生态文明建设要求新型良性互动关系的建立,出现结构锁定的地区在构建自然系统与其他系统的互动关系上要显著落后。在第二阶段与第三阶段,整个长江经济带的自然状态增长率对经济系统增长和社会系统增长的回归系数分别为0.139和0.061,而在结构锁定地区,回归系数则不显著。③ 在不同阶段自然响应(表征资源利用)、经济压力(表征经济增长)、社会响应(表征教育与社会保障)的增长率与结构相似度呈现显著负相关,表明资源利用效率、资金、教育与社会保障的提升可从手段、资金和意识三方面推动形成新型的良性互动关系,有利于突破当前的区域结构锁定。  相似文献   

叶正伟  许有鹏  潘光波 《地理研究》2011,30(6):1137-1146
利用江苏里下河腹部地区8个雨量站和5个水位站1957~2006年的50年气象水文资料,采用Mann-Kendall方法检验面雨量变化趋势,并应用Pearsorl和Spearman方法揭示雨量同水位的相关关系.结果表明:近50年来汛期面雨量、单站雨量和时段雨量的长期变化都呈减小趋势.最大15日和最大3日雨量是水位变化的敏...  相似文献   

A method was developed to quantify a suite of organic compounds from snow melt water samples present at trace level concentrations, using a dichloromethane liquid–liquid extraction and GC–MS. Samples from a 3-m snow pit sampled in 2005 from Summit, Greenland were analyzed using the method developed, and a profile of organics over the past 4 years was compiled. Supporting data including the concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), low molecular weight acids, and trace elements were determined using well established methods. The results show that low molecular weight acids contribute a significant percentage, up to 20%, of the measured TOC. Hopanes were measured quantitatively for the first time in Greenland snow. Hopanes, as well as PAHs, are at very low concentrations and contribute 0.0002–0.004% to TOC. Alkanes and alkanoic acids were also quantified, and contribute less than 1% and up to 7%, respectively to TOC. No apparent seasonal pattern was found for specific classes of organic compounds in the snow pit. The lack of seasonal pattern may be due to post-depositional processing.  相似文献   

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