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A new biting midge Archiculicoides andersoni sp. nov. from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber is described and illustrated. An unknown male of Leptoconops myanmaricus Szadziewski, 2004 is described and an undetermined female of the genus Archiaustroconops and Austroconops in the collection of National Museums Scotland is reported. A key for the determination of 10 named species in 6 genera of biting midges reported from Burmese amber is also provided.  相似文献   

Mesonemestrius caii gen. et sp. nov. is the first record of Archinemestriinae (Nemestrinidae) to be described from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Mesonemestrius caii can be attributed to the subfamily Archinemestriinae by the following characters: M1 ending posterior to the wing tip and supernumerary crossveins absent. Mesonemestrius is characterized by M1 bifurcating after the conjunction of M1+2+3 and a long straight R1. The discovery not only adds to the diversity of tangle-veined flies in Burmese amber, but also represents the youngest record of the ancient subfamily Archinemestriinae.  相似文献   

A. Nel  A. Waller 《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):1039-1041
The first fossil record of the Compsocidae, Burmacompsocus perreaui gen. et sp. nov., is described from Late Albian Burmese amber. Its strong similarity to the two extant compsocid genera suggests a remarkable morphological stability within this group of 100 Ma. This family, now known only in Central America, was certainly more widespread in the past.  相似文献   

Three new caddisflies species are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber: Wormaldia cretacea sp. nov., W. resina sp. nov. (Philopotamidae) and Neureclipsis burmanica sp. nov. (Polycentropodidae). Palerasnitsynus ohlhoffi (Psychomyiidae) is re-described based on new fossils. Wormaldia are common in Burmese amber, and its diversity shows that this genus had very ancient origin and diversified at least during the mid-Cretaceous. N. burmanica sp. nov. is the oldest record of Neureclipsis, revealing this genus originated at least in the mid-Cretaceous. So far, six extinct species representing the small Order Trichoptera have been found in Burmese amber.  相似文献   

A remarkable new genus and species, Mesallotrochus longiantennatus n. gen. n. sp., is described and figured based on a well-preserved individual in the lowermost Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from Myanmar. Mesallotrochus is placed in the extant tribe Thoracophorini based on its general habitus, including the protibia with inner edge straight, without ctenidium, exposed protrochantins, open procoxal cavities, and more or less flatted body. Mesallotrochus is separated from other allied genera by the long antennae, very long maxillary palpomere 4, contiguous procoxae, and well-developed anterolateral pronotal angles. The new discovery of the oldest Osoriinae from about 99 million years not only suggests the antiquity of the subfamily, but also bears significant biogeographic implications.  相似文献   

A new species of Meropeidae (earwigfly) is described and figured based on an exceptionally well-preserved individual in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Burmomerope clara Zhao and Wang, sp. nov. is distinguished from the type species B. eureka Grimaldi and Engel, 2013 by presence of broader wings with six longitudinal veins in radial sector and seven in medial field, CuA with two terminal branches, and long setae on the anterior margin of the wing. A detailed comparison of the forewings venation in all fossil and extant species is given. The new find is the third fossil species of Meropeidae and also the first fossil female to be described. The female genital structure of B. clara sp. nov. is remarkably similar to that of extant species, revealing 100 million years of morphological conservatism, and thus highlighting the antiquity of the group.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of ripiphorid beetle is described based on a female specimen preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber from northern Myanmar, under the name of Spinotoma ruicheni gen. et sp. nov. It belongs to the extant Pelecotominae and represents the second documented occurrence of this subfamily in the Late Cretaceous. This new taxon is morphologically distinguishable in Pelecotominae by the combination of following characters: eyes oval, without incision; antennomeres V–X serrate, with XI fusiform; maxillary palpi unmodified; protarsi shorter than protibiae; tibiae sparsely provided with spines; tibial spurs formula 2-0-2. Together with other previously reported fossil ripiphorids, it highlights the species diversification of wedge-shaped beetles during their early evolution. On the other hand, a morphological similarity between Spinotoma and modern pelecotomines and the occurrence of xylophagous beetles in the Burmese amber suggest a similar host preference in wood-boring beetles for this species, shedding lights on an ancient host-parasitoid relationship in the late Mesozoic. This paper also provides a brief discussion on the taxonomy and evolution of Mesozoic wedge-shaped beetles. The wedged-shaped body form and fully-developed elytra in Recent Pelecotominae and Ptilophorinae are considered to be derived from their early ancestors rather than evolved with the onset of flowering plants during the Cretaceous as commonly thought.  相似文献   

A new Upper Cretaceous genus and species of soldier beetles, Archaeomalthodes rosetta gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an individual preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber from northern Myanmar. It is undoubtedly placed in extant subfamily Malthininae based on its small-sized body, somewhat abbreviated elytra and fusiform terminal maxillary palpomere, representing the oldest documented occurrence of Malthininae. It suggests that this subfamily is an ancient group, which originated at least in the earliest Late Cretaceous. Our discovery sheds light on the palaeodiversity of Cantharidae in the Late Mesozoic. Together with other previously reported fossil cantharids, it is likely that Malthininae has been fairly diverse during the early evolution of Cantharidae. On the other hand, a morphological similarity between Archaeomalthodes and Recent malthinines and the occurrence of flowering plants in the Burmese amber implies a potential flower-visiting behaviour of this fossil species.  相似文献   

The Bittacidae (hangingflies) were abundant and widespread during the Mesozoic, but much of their diversity falls within the Jurassic whereas in the Cretaceous they are less common. A new bittacid, Burmobittacus jarzembowskii gen. et. sp. nov., is described from mid-Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar. This new find is the first bittacid from Burmese amber and also the first Mesozoic bittacid preserved in amber. The new genus is distinguished from all known bittacids in having a long and narrow wing with Rs arising from R and forking very early (in the basal one-fourth of the wing), resulting in the stem of Rs being very short (about 1/8th of the length of Rs1+2), and stems of the main branches of Rs (Rs1+2 and Rs3+4) being unusually long.  相似文献   

The Burmese amber assemblage of Hymenoptera with its 47 constituent families is now the richest in Cretaceous. A collection of Burmite (Burmese amber) from the Hukawng Valley, Myanmar at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences was examined, revealing that Burmite inclusions contain a very highly diverse hymenopteran fauna with as many as ten families found new for the Burmese fossil assemblage. The mid-Cretaceous hymenopteran fauna of Burmese amber is revised at the family level. A high level of the first family occurrences and endemism is demonstrated suggestive of an insular syndrome affected the mid-Cretaceous Burmese biome, as well as somewhat contradictory features in composition of the hymenopteran families there.  相似文献   

Fossil leiodids are sparse, and they are confined to the Cenozoic. Here we describe and illustrate the first definitive Mesozoic leiodid, Colonellus burmiticus sp. nov., based on two well-preserved adults from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. The fossil is firmly placed in the extant Coloninae based on multiple synapomorphies, such as antennae with normal-sized antennomere 8 and abdominal intersegmental membranes with “brick-wall” pattern. It can be further assigned to the extant genus Colonellus (subgenus Pentacolonellus) by its five-segmented antennal club. The discovery suggests that Colonellus is an ancient group, originating no later than the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The genus Mesosticta Huang, Azar, Cai et Nel, 2015 was established based on the wing bases of two damselflies from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Here we describe a new well-preserved platystictid damselfly, Mesosticta electronica sp. nov., with complete forewings and hindwings. The diagnosis of Mesosticta is revised and augmented in this paper. Mesosticta electronica sp. nov. differs from Mesosticta burmatica Huang, Azar, Cai et Nel, 2015 in having the arculus slightly distal of Ax2, a free subdiscoidal cell, the hindwing AA ending on the middle area of the posterior side of the discoidal cell, and the base of RP2 being three or four cells distal of the subnodus. The new discovery adds to the diversity of damselflies in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber and puts the origin of Platystictidae to at least the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the extant dermestid genus Attagenus, Attagenus burmiticus sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on a well-preserved specimen from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. The discovery suggests that Attagenus is an ancient group, originating as early as in the mid-Cretaceous. Along with another species of Attagenus known from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, it implies that Attagenus were widespread in the Mesoozic.  相似文献   

Palaeoperilestes electronicus gen. et sp. nov. is the first perilestid damselfly described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. This new damselfly can be attributed to the family Perilestidae by the midfork being distal of the subnodus and the base of IR2 quite near to the base of RP2, both features found in the extant genera Perilestes and Perissolestes. Palaeoperilestes electronicus gen. et sp. nov. has a strongly zigzagged IR1, however, differing from Perilestes and Perissolestes which have a straight IR1. The discovery not only adds to the diversity of damselflies in Burmese amber, but also puts the origin of Perilestidae back to at least the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Three new species of Dermestidae are described and illustrated from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber: Attagenus secundus sp. nov. (Attageninae: Attagenini), Cretodermestes palpalis gen. et sp. nov. (Attageninae: Cretodermestini trib. nov.) and Megatoma atypica sp. nov. (Megatominae: Megatomini). Members of Dermestidae are relatively frequent in Burmese amber, representing at least three subfamilies: Attageninae, Dermestinae and Megatominae. Taxonomic and morphological diversity of Cretaceous Dermestidae suggests ancient origin of this group with some lineages showing remarkable evolutionary stasis for almost 100 million years.  相似文献   

Three new species, Lebanoculicoides excantabris, Archiaustroconops borkenti, and Atriculicoides szadziewskii are described from the Early Cretaceous (early Albian) El Soplao amber deposit (Rábago, Cantabria, northern Spain). Protoculicoides skalskii Szadziewski and Arillo, found in the other Albian Spanish ambers from Peñacerrada I (in Burgos) and San Just (in Teruel), and Austroconops sp., are identified from this new outcrop. The find of a new species of Lebanoculicoides Szadziewski is especially significant since this genus is considered the basalmost known among ceratopogonids. To date, the new species of Atriculicoides Remm is the oldest occurrence for this genus. A general review of the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family Ceratopogonidae, and the palaeoecological significance and palaeogeographic distribution of its basalmost lineages are given. The new data extend knowledge about biting midges during the Early Cretaceous, a key period for understanding the phylogenetic relationships of the ancient members of the family.  相似文献   

A new true dragonfly, Cretaeshna lini gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a forewing from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaeshna is probably a member of Telephlebiidae: Telephlebiinae, but differs from the latter in having a weakly-defined IR1 and a short pterostigma. Cretaeshna lini is the first aeshnid dragonfly to be found as an amber inclusion and the third Cretaceous true dragonfly recorded in amber. Our find augments the diversity of Mesozoic true dragonflies, and enhances our understanding of the palaeogeographic distribution of aeshnid dragonflies.  相似文献   

A new subfamily, Burmadysagrioninae Zheng, Wang and Nel, subfam. nov., for the genus and species Burmadysagrion zhangi Zheng, Wang and Nel, gen. et sp. nov. is described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. This is the third dysagrionid damselfly from the Mesozoic and the second one from Burmese amber. The new specimen has a unique discoidal cell with the anterior and posterior sides not parallel, and the basal side longer than the distal side, unlike the typical ‘sieblosiid-dysagrionine’ type. It differs from other dysagrionid damselflies by the presence of a simple wing venation, the vein IR1 originating below the pterostigma and a special discoidal cell.  相似文献   

Fossil smicripid beetles are very rare. Here we describe and figure the first Mesozoic representative of Smicripidae. Smicrips cretacea sp. nov., a new species belonging to the extant Smicrips LeConte is preserved in the Upper Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar. Our discovery suggests that Smicrips is an ancient group, originating at least in the earliest Late Cretaceous. Together with other two fossil Smicrips species from the Eocene of Europe, it reinforces the hypothesis that the Recent distribution of Smicripidae is relict, and the family was more widespread in the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic than it is in the Recent.  相似文献   

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