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In early calcite carbonatites of the Kovdor ore deposit four morphological types of dolomite are represented. In the first type, dolomite microcrystals occur as lamellae enclosed by optically continuous calcite. In the second, dolomite microcrystals occur as segmented rods, plates and xenomorphic grains, enclosed by optically discontinuous calcite, and in the third, dolomite is represented by grains of various morphologies, situated along calcite grain boundaries. The fourth type of dolomite occurs as a fine-grained aggregate, which develops along grain boundaries and cleavage cracks of calcite. From microscopic, scanning electron microscope and microprobe studies of these different types of dolomite microcrystals, as well as the calcite associated with them, it can be concluded that the first type of dolomite was exsolved from magnesian calcite during cooling. The second, and the third types of dolomite microcrystals were formed by recrystallization. The fourth type of dolomite was formed by metasomatic dolomitization. As the result of these two processes-recrystallization and metasomatic dolomitization-early dolomite microcrystals seldom occur. The composition of the early-formed primary magnesian calcite yielded temperatures of exsolution of dolomite from magnesian calcite between 665 and 700°C.  相似文献   

The large Vorontsovskoe Au-Hg-As deposit in the Urals is located in the exocontact of the Early Devonian Auerbah gabbro-diorite-granodiorite massif, which intrudes volcano-sedimentary rocks. The orebodies are confined to a tectonic contact of calcareous and tuffaceous rocks. They are composed of 6 types of disseminated ores, but the main reserves of gold are associated with the following ore types: gold-pyrite-arsenopyrite in altered tuffaceous rocks, pyrite-realgar ores in limestone breccia with a carbonate-volcanogenic cement, and gold-oxide-clay from regolith with residual gold. Early ore associations have been formed at 450–300 °C, whereas the late ores have been formed at lower temperature of 260–110 °C. We propose a model for the genesis of the Vorontsovskoe deposit based on synchronicity of mineralization with the formation of the Auerbah volcano-plutonic complex. The Ar-Ar age of hydromica from the gold-arsenopyrite association is 391.1 ± 4.9 Ma, which coincides with the age of igneous rocks of the Auerbah complex. The main sources of water and carbon dioxide were composed of the fluid derived from the magma chamber and the metamorphic water equilibrated with carbonate sedimentary rocks. Magmatic fluid dominated during the development of skarns, jasperoids and quartz veins, whereas metamorphic water was dominant during quartz-sericite alteration of volcano-sedimentary rocks and calcareous breccias. The bulk of the sulfur was supplied by a deep magma reservoir, however this source prevailed only during skarn ore formation. The mixing between deep-sourced sulfur and sedimentary or biogenic sulfur was established for other ore types. Gold and other ore components were possibly introduced during the volcanic and intrusive activity and also extracted from host sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Summary Drill cores from the newly discovered Baronskoe-Kluevsky Pd–Au deposit (Volkovsky massif, Central Urals) have been investigated by reflected-light and electron microscopy, and the ore minerals were analyzed by electron microprobe. The most abundant Platinum-group mineral (PGM) is vysotskite, ideally PdS, characterized by an unusual Pt,Ni-poor composition. Palladium also occurs in kotulskite (PdTe), stillwaterite (Pd8As3), and unknown Pd–As–Te compounds with vincentite-type Pd3(As,Te), stillwaterite-type Pd8(As,Te)3, and Pd7(As,Te)2 stoichiometries. The main carrier of Au is Pd-rich electrum, approaching the composition Au75Ag15Pd10, with minor Fe, Cu, Ni and Pt. The precious minerals are closely associated with minute blebs of chalcopyrite+magnetite disseminated throughout serpentinized olivine-apatite host rock. Paragenetic relationships among the ore minerals define a succession of crystallization events in the order: 1) Cu–Pd sulfides+electrum, 2) replacement by Pd–Te–As and late Pd–As PGM, 3) final replacement by magnetite. The paragenesis is tentatively related with cooling of a fluid phase in the late- to post-magmatic stage.  相似文献   

Information on the speciation of uranium minerals in ore of the recently discovered Ulziit uranium deposit in Mongolia is given for the first time. The ore composition has been studied by analytical scanning electron microscopy and local laser luminescent spectroscopy. The ore formed as a result of epigenetic redox processes. Transition from permeable variegated fan sediments to poorly permeable gray-colored coalbearing lacustrine–boggy sediments is the main ore-controlling factor. High-tech uranium mining with borehole in-situ leaching is feasible.  相似文献   

The Alakha lithium–tantalum deposit in the southern Altai, Russia, is represented by a stock of spodumene-bearing granite porphyry localized in the Kalba–Narym–Koktogai lithium–tantalum rare-metal granitic belt, unique in extent (more than 1000 km). This belt is a part of the Altai accretionary–collisional system. Judging from forecasting, the Alakha deposit can be regarded as an uneroded proxy of a pegmatite body both in dimensions and mean Li2O and Ta2O5 contents (0.98 wt % and 114 ppm, respectively); however, the oregenerating potential of this deposit remains insufficiently studied and had not yet been claimed. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap with a detailed mineralogical study, which allows us to provide insights into the crystallization of Li-bearing high-silicic magma and redistribution of components during magmatic and postmagmatic processes. Accessory mineral assemblages in muscovite–spodumene–K-feldspar granite porphyry and muscovite albitite—the main petrographic rock varieties of the Alakha stock—turned out to be almost identical. A significant similarity in the chemistry of major rock-forming minerals is established for spodumene granite porphyry of the Alakha stock and spodumene pegmatites from large deposits, which makes it possible to suggest that they are close in the petrogenetic mechanism of their formation. The mineral assemblages of muscovite albitite in the apical portion of the Alakha stock are connected by gradual transition with those of spodumene granite porphyry. Such a transition is caused by postmagmatic metasomatic alteration of the latter.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of hydrogenic uranium ore of the Dalmatovo deposit was studied with analytical scanning electron microscopy. The results correspond to earlier known data only in general terms. Phosphosilicate uranium mineralization, which is predominant in the samples, is similar to P-bearing coffinite in elemental composition but differs in morphology. The quantitative analysis of microcrystals corresponds to the formula (U,Ca)[(Si,P)O4]2, where U/Si ratio is twice as low as in coffinite. The occurrence of oxide pitchblende mineralization has been confirmed. The initial stage of the formation of uranyl minerals has been revealed. The mineral species of Ti-U substance that determines geochemical attributes of the Dalmatovo deposit is considered.  相似文献   

The analysis of the bulk samples of ore veins from the Dzhimidon base-metal deposit in Northern Ossetia, Russia, has revealed the vertical zoning of Cd and Zn distribution: the average (Cd/Zn) × 1000 ratio is 1.64 ± 0.17 at the lower level (1520 m, adit no. 49), 4.23 ± 0.16, at the intermediate level (1640 m, adit no. 47), and 7.0 ± 0.3, at the upper level (1680 m, adit no. 3). The average value of the (Cd/Zn) × 1000 ratio in the total sampling is 4.1 ± 0.2. The decrease in temperature up the dip of ore veins is a possible cause of the established zoning.  相似文献   

The Engteri is a new hidden Au-Ag deposit in the Russian segment of the Pacific ore belt. The discovery of this deposit merits special attention, because it involves repeated attempts to reappraise a lowprospective ore occurrence, which were crowned with success as a result of fulfillment of large-scale drilling project. The average Au grade is 18.6 gpt. The deposit is classified as the gold geochemical type of Au-Ag deposits. The major ore mineral is pyrite, which amounts to no less than 95% of the total ore minerals. The native phases comprise electrum and to a lesser extent native gold of low fineness (730). The homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions is 125–255°C with a distinct maximum at 145–150°C. Despite blind localization of some orebodies, the Engteri deposits bears evidence for a deep erosion level: (1) small vertical range of economic mineralization (50–100 m); (2) predominant occurrence of massive sugarlike quartz with a low sulfide content; (3) prevalence of massive and brecciated textures above rhythmically banded textures; and (4) lack of low-temperature propylites. The southern part of the ore field distinguished by occurrence of rhythmically banded, framework-tabular, and brecciated texture has the best prospect for revealing new orebodies. The Engteri deposit allowed us to outline the following prospecting guides and methods of prospecting for hidden Au-Ag deposits: (1) these deposits are regularly arranged in ore clusters between heavy concentrate anomalies of cinnabar and gold-silver or silver-base-metal occurrences (method of missed link); (2) findings of fragments of ore mineral assemblages with sporadically high Au and Ag contents in barren calcite-quartz veins (method of indicators); (3) linear zones of ankeritization in the fields of low- and mediumtemperature propylites (mapping of metasomatic rocks); and (4) pyrite-quartz veinlets with rhythmically banded pockets (mineralogical mapping of halos of stringer-disseminated mineralization).  相似文献   

席伟  夏小洪  吴艳爽  叶甜  李诺 《地学前缘》2018,25(5):135-150
Taldybulak Levoberezhny(又称左岸)矿床位于吉尔吉斯斯坦北天山东段,是区内第三大金矿(金储量130 t,平均品位6.9 g/t)。长期以来,该矿床矿物学研究薄弱,成因类型存在争议,已有观点包括斑岩型、造山型、多阶段叠加成矿等。野外地质调查及室内岩相学鉴定发现:金矿化同时受韧性剪切带和岩体控制,局部显示一定的顺层特征;常见矿石类型包括浸染细脉浸染型、石英电气石硫化物型、块状硫化物型、稀疏浸染型、方解石硫化物脉型等;相关围岩蚀变以硅化、绢云母化、电气石化、碳酸盐化最为强烈,可见绿泥石化、绿帘石化、泥化等。电子探针分析发现,左岸金矿同时发育可见金和不可见金。前者包括银金矿(w(Au)=67.90%~80.86%,w(Ag)=14.24%~30.76%)、含银自然金(w(Au)=88.95%,w(Ag)=8.09%)等,以包体金、裂隙金或粒间金形式赋存于黄铁矿中。后者可赋存于黄铁矿和黄铜矿中(w(Au)=0.16%~0.33%)。不同类型矿石中黄铁矿的形态、结构、成分存在一定差异,显示了叠加成矿的可能性。浸染状细脉浸染型矿石中黄铁矿以中粗粒(30~1 300 μm,多数>200 μm)、半自形自形立方体为主,基本无碎裂或碎裂不明显,可含有自然金、银金矿或硅酸盐包体;成分上具有中等的As(0.03%~1.72%,平均0.66%)、Co(0.06%~0.19%,平均0.13%)、Te(0.03%~0.06%,平均0.04%)含量和As/S、Fe/S、Co/As比值,基本不含Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag。石英电气石硫化物型矿石中黄铁矿多呈中粗粒(30~2 000 μm)、半自形它形粒状,往往发生碎裂,并被黄铜矿、方铅矿等矿物交代;部分颗粒可含有银金矿或硅酸盐包体;总体具有较高的As(0.05%~2.05%,平均0.97%)、Co(0.05%~0.34%,平均0.15%)含量和As/S、Fe/S比值,Co/As比值较低。块状硫化物型矿石中黄铁矿多呈半自形它形粒状产出,但粒度变化较大(250~3 000 μm或者30~300 μm);化学成分上以较高的As(0.05%~2.20%,平均1.21%)、Te(0.04%~0.09%,平均0.06%)含量,高的As/S、Fe/S比值和低的Co/As比值为特征。稀疏浸染型矿石中黄铁矿呈中粒(集中于50~200 μm)、半自形它形粒状产出,内部可含有硫化物、硅酸盐、银金矿、自然金等包体;可发生碎裂并被黄铜矿等沿裂隙充填交代;化学成分变化较大,总体具有较高的Co(0.08%~1.04%,平均0.35%)含量和Co/As比值,几乎不含Te、Cu、Zn。方解石硫化物脉型矿石中黄铁矿呈中粗粒(40~480 μm)、半自形它形粒状产出,内部往往含硅酸盐等包体;黄铁矿以显著低的As(0.04%~0.08%,平均0.06%)、Co含量(0.04%~0.20%,平均0.10%)以及As/S、Fe/S比值为特征,Co/As比值较高,且不含Zn。从上述左岸金矿的控矿构造、矿化类型、围岩蚀变以及不同类型矿石中黄铁矿形态、结构、成分的差异等4方面特征显示,左岸金矿可能存在多期次矿化、叠加成矿。  相似文献   

The Sakharjok Y-Zr deposit in Kola Peninsula is related to the fissure alkaline intrusion of the same name. The intrusion ∼7 km in extent and 4–5 km2 in area of its exposed part is composed of Neoarchean (2.68–2.61 Ma) alkali and nepheline syenites, which cut through the Archean alkali granite and gneissic granodiorite. Mineralization is localized in the nepheline syenite body as linear zones 200–1350 m in extent and 3–30 m in thickness, which strike conformably to primary magmatic banding and trachytoid texture of nepheline syenite. The ore is similar to the host rocks in petrography and chemistry and only differs from them in enrichment in zircon, britholite-(Y), and pyrochlore. Judging from geochemical attributes (high HSFE and some incompatible element contents (1000–5000 ppm Zr, 200–600 ppm Nb, 100–500 ppm Y, 0.1–0.3 wt % REE, 400–900 ppm Rb), REE pattern, Th/U, Y/Nb, and Yb/Ta ratios), nepheline syenite was derived from an enriched mantle source similar to that of contemporary OIB and was formed as an evolved product of long-term fractional crystallization of primary alkali basaltic melt. The ore concentrations are caused by unique composition of nepheline syenite magma (high Zr, Y, REE, Nb contents), which underwent subsequent intrachamber fractionation. Mineralogical features of zircon-the main ore mineral—demonstrate its long multistage crystallization. The inner zones of prismatic crystals with high ZrO2/HfO2 ratio (90, on average) grew during early magmatic stage at a temperature of 900–850°C. The inner zones of dipyramidal crystals with average ZrO2/HfO2 = 63 formed during late magmatic stage at a temperature of ∼500°C. The zircon pertaining to the postmagmatic hydrothermal stage is distinguished by the lowest ZrO2/HfO2 ratio (29, on average), porous fabric, abundant inclusions, and crystallization temperature below 500°C. The progressive decrease in ZrO2/HfO2 ratio was caused by evolution of melt and postmagmatic solution. The metamorphic zircon rims relics of earlier crystals and occurs as individual rhythmically zoned grains with an averaged ZrO2/HfO2 ratio (45, on average) similar to that of the bulk ore composition. The metamorphic zircon is depleted in uranium in comparison with magmatic zircon, owing to selective removal of U by aqueous metamorphic solutions. Zircon from the Sakharjok deposit is characterized by low concentrations of detrimental impurities, in particular, contains only 10–90 ppm U and 10–80 ppm Th, and thus can be used in various fields of application.  相似文献   

The prime contribution of this assignment was to examine the hyperspectral remote sensing, based on iron ore minerals identification using spectral angle mapper (SAM) technique. Correlation analyses between field iron contents and environmental variables (soil, water, and vegetation) have been performed. Spectral feature fitting (SFF) and multi-range spectral feature fitting (MRSFF) methods were used for accuracy assessment in extracting iron ore minerals from Hyperion EO-1 data. Spectral inspections as a reference were used in SAM technique for image classification for iron ore minerals: Hematite (24.26%), Goethite (32.98%) and Desert (42.76). Iron ore minerals classification is justified by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) spectral library and field sample points. The regression analysis of USGS and Hyperion reflectance spectra has shown the moderate positive correlation. The regression analyses between iron ore contents and environmental parameters (soil, water, and vegetation) have shown the moderate negative correlation. The examination was significantly effectual in extracting iron ore minerals: Hematite (SFF RMSE?≤?0.51 MRSFF RMSE?≤?0.48), Goethite (SFF RMSE?≤?0.047 MRSFF RMSE?≤?0.438) and Desert (SFF RMSE?≤?0.63 and MRSFF RMSE?≤?0.50); and the MRSFF RMSE histograms indicate the above result likened to a conventional SFF RMSE. MRSFF RMS error result is best because multiple absorption features typically characterize spectral signatures. This analysis demonstrates the potential applicability of the methodology for iron minerals identification framework and iron minerals impact on environmental parameters.  相似文献   

大兴安岭成矿带是我国重要的有色金属成矿带之一,库伦迪铅锌矿床是近年来在该带北段中发现的中型矿床之一.本文在系统的野外地质调查的基础上,对该矿床的矿石开展详细的矿石特征研究.结果表明:库伦迪矿床矿石可划分为锌铅矿石、锌铅铜矿石、铜锌矿石和铅矿石等4种类型;各矿石类型矿物共生组合分析表明,按成因该矿床矿石结构可分为结晶结构、交代结构、固溶体分离结构和压碎结构;矿石构造以细脉状构造、浸染状构造、块状构造和团块状构造为主,条带状构造次之.综合矿物学特征,将成矿期次划分为两期:第一成矿期为闪锌矿—黄铜矿成矿期,并划分为辉钼矿—磁铁矿成矿阶段、黄铁矿—闪锌矿成矿阶段、闪锌矿黄铜矿成矿阶段;第二成矿期为方铅矿成矿期,主要有方铅矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、黄铜矿等.  相似文献   

The Pokrovskoe gold-silver deposit is explored by drill holes. Its gently dipping orebodies (lodes) revealed by core sampling are quarry mined. It is considered that they also consist of gently dipping quartz veins and vein-stringer zones. The performed investigation of the terraces in the exploited quarries made it possible to correct the available present-day concepts. It is shown that their structure is dominated by steeply dipping veins and vein-stringer zones. They are characterized by the northeastern strike in the central part of the deposit and its western flank and the mostly northwestern one in its eastern part. An important role in the formation and distribution of the orebodies belongs to various geological screens poorly permeable for fluids. The main factors responsible for the ore localization in screened hydrogeological systems are revealed with the assessment of the thermal impact of a dacite sill on the formation of the ore-hosting cavities and ore deposition. The electron microscope investigation of the ores substantially widened the spectrum of ore minerals previously unknown in this deposit, including gold-bearing varieties (copper gold and its complex intermetallic compounds). Based on the dominant micrometer sizes of all the ore minerals and their dispersion within the quartz matrix, it is inferred that the deposition of productive ores occurred in nonequilibrium environments.  相似文献   

铁格隆南矿床位于班公湖—怒江成矿带西段多龙矿集区,是青藏高原发现的首例具有典型高硫型浅成低温热液矿化特征的超大型Cu(Au、Ag)矿床。本文通过大量的钻孔岩矿心地质编录,结合矿相学及电子探针分析,查明铁格隆南矿床的矿石矿物以原生硫化物为主,主要是斑铜矿、黄铜矿等Cu-Fe-S体系矿物、硫砷铜矿、砷黝铜矿等Cu-As-S体系矿物和以铜蓝和蓝辉铜矿为代表的Cu-S二元体系矿物,以及少量辉钼矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿,微量硫锡砷铜矿等。从矿石矿物组合特征可看出,铁格隆南矿床是高硫型矿化叠加于斑岩型矿化之上复合成矿的典型实例,矿床深部具有进一步扩大斑岩铜矿规模的巨大潜力,是下一步获取更多资源量的重点勘查方向。  相似文献   


作为战略性关键金属矿产资源, 钨、锡、铌、钽、锂、铍、铷、铯、锆、铪、稀土等稀有金属, 在国民经济与国家安全方面有着重要的研究意义。稀有金属矿石矿物微区同位素定年与示踪, 是开展稀有金属矿床成矿作用研究的最直接手段, 具有整体分析无可比拟的优点。近年来, 钨锡铌钽锆铪稀土等稀有金属矿物微区U-Pb定年与Sr-Nd-Hf同位素示踪发展迅速, 而锂铍铷铯等稀有金属矿物微区Rb-Sr/Lu-Hf定年正蓬勃发展。本文综述了黑钨矿、白钨矿、锡石、铌钽矿(铌钽氧化物类矿物的简称)、独居石、磷钇矿、氟碳铈矿等稀有金属矿物微区U-Pb定年与Sr-Nd-Hf同位素示踪技术主要进展, 展望了锂云母、铁锂云母、铯沸石、钾长石(天河石)等微区Rb-Sr定年与磷钇矿、磷灰石、褐帘石、独居石、黑钨矿、白钨矿等微区Sm-Nd和Lu-Hf定年的广阔前景, 获得如下认识: (1)低铀矿物U-Pb定年, 除了采用高灵敏度磁式等离子质谱外, 元素成像技术能很好地揭示微量元素之间相关性, 进而快速锁定高U/Pb区域, 提高低铀矿物U-Pb定年成功率; (2)铌钽矿-锡石激光微区Hf同位素能够直接示踪花岗岩-伟晶岩稀有金属成岩成矿物质源区, 但这方面工作仍需进一步加强; (3)碰撞/反应池等离子质谱的出现, 使高Rb/Sr、Sm/Nd或高Lu/Hf比矿物的同位素定年成为现实, 是未来稀有金属激光微区同位素年代学发展的新方向; (4)实验方法研发与标准物质研制相辅相成、相互促进, 仍是当前迫切需要解决的关键技术难题。随着战略性关键金属日渐成为国内外成矿作用研究的热点, 钨锡铌钽锂铍铷铯锆铪稀土等稀有金属矿物微区同位素定年与示踪方法研究, 必将为我国新一轮稀有金属矿床学研究做出应有的学术贡献。


The paper discusses the results of studying the contents of platinum group elements (PGE) and platinum group minerals (PGM) in ores of the Kingash deposit. The bulk of PGE has been established as concentrated in disseminated sulfide chalcopyrite–pyrrhotite–pentlandite ore and is represented by palladium bismuth–tellurides. During melt differentiation, the content and relationship of PGE are changed; the Pd/Pt value increases (up to 1.9 and 4.2 in dunite and wehrlite, respectively) with decreasing Mg number. The distribution of PGE, sulfur, and REE in various ore types suggests two formation mechanisms of high-grade ores: (1) the product of liquid immiscibility and gravity separation at the early magmatic stage and (2) involvement of the residual melt saturated in volatiles, which contributed to transportation and segregation of PGE at the late magmatic stage. The evolution of the ore system of the Kingash massif is characterized by sequential enrichment of PGM in Ni from high-Mg to low-Mg rocks similarly to sulfide minerals of disseminated ore. The criteria for ore content in utramafics of the Kansk block have been identified based on compared ore element and PGE concentrations in ultramafic rocks of the Kingash and Idar complexes.  相似文献   

赣中相山矿田梅峰山地区地质特征及找矿前景   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
如何扩大和发展老的铀矿点(带)是当前铀矿找矿紧迫的任务之一。基于相山矿田大成矿的地质背景,本文论述了相山矿田梅峰山地区的地质特征,分析了该地区控矿地质因素及找矿前景。通过与同类型铀矿床在控矿因素、地质条件等方面进行对比,认为梅峰山地区与邻近的铀矿床处于同一地质构造单元,它们的成矿地质条件和控矿因素较相似,具有较好的找矿潜力,推覆体下隐伏的次火山岩体(次花岗斑岩)的变异部位是该区进一步的找矿方向。  相似文献   

In the Kovdor massif, labuntsovite-group minerals occur in dolomite carbonatite veins (labuntsovite-Mg), in a natrolite-calcite vein (lemmleinite-Ba and labuntsovite-Fe), and in calcite pockets and veinlets cutting fenites (late labuntsovite-Mg). They are closely intergrown with paragenetic carbonates, and this makes it possible to estimate their crystallization temperature from the fluid inclusions entrapped in dolomite (≥265°C) and calcite (175–225°C). The earlier labuntsovite-Mg was formed under relatively acidic conditions, whereas later labuntsovite-calcite mineralization was derived from alkaline solutions.  相似文献   

虎头崖矿床是青海祁漫塔格地区重要的铅锌多金属矿床之一,该区岩浆活动强烈,具有Fe、Cu、Mo、Pb、Zn等多金属成矿元素组合.本文在前人研究成果的基础上,通过分析虎头崖矿床不同矿脉黄铜矿、闪锌矿、磁铁矿、磁黄铁矿、方铅矿和毒砂6种主要矿石矿物的标型特征,探讨其对于矿床成矿作用的指示意义.通过分析虎头崖矿床2号矿脉、6号矿脉、7号矿脉闪锌矿中Zn/Fe比值(平均值分别为19.62、32.71、24.91)、Zn/Cd比值(均值分别为179.39、148.00、182.33)、Fe含量和FeS含量,以及黄铜矿中S元素含量、(Fe+Cu)/S比值(平均值分别为1.97、1.90、1.86),认为虎头崖矿床大致形成于中温环境,成矿温度自主岩体沿断层接触带向围岩逐渐降低,且7号脉闪锌矿成矿温度表现出从第1世代到第3世代逐渐降低的特点.根据磁铁矿中TiO2、A12O3、MgO、MnO和闪锌矿中Fe、Mn、Cd、Zn等化学成分特征,结合矿床地质特征和前人研究成果,认为虎头崖矿床成因类型为矽卡岩型矿床.  相似文献   

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