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High-resolution analysis of macroscopic charcoal and pollen ratios were used to reconstruct a 10,000 yr history of fire and vegetation change around Dog Lake, now in the Montane Spruce biogeoclimatic zone of southeastern British Columbia. Lake sediment charcoal records suggest that fire was more frequent in the early Holocene from 10,000 to 8200 calendar yrs BP, when climate was warmer and drier than today and forest fuels were limited. Fire frequency increased and reached its maximum during the early to mid-Holocene from 8200 to 4000 calendar yrs BP, corresponding to the dry and warm Hypsithermal period in the Rocky Mountains. During the Hypsithermal period forests around Dog Lake were dominated by Pseudotsuga/Larix,Pinus and open meadows of Poaceae that were subject to frequent fire. From 4000 calendar yrs BP to present, fires became less frequent with the onset of cooler and wetter Neoglacial climate and an increase in wet-closed Picea and Abies forests in the valley. Changes in fire frequency are supported by dry-open/wet-closed pollen ratio data indicating that forest type and disturbance regimes vary with changing climate. The fire frequency and forest cover reconstructions from Dog Lake are a first attempt at defining a range of natural variability for Montane Spruce forests in southeastern British Columbia. Fire and vegetation management in Kootenay National Park can now use this century to millennial-scale range of variability to define the context of current forest conditions and potential changes under global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Reasonable development and utilization of spatial resources in the coastal zone not only affects the development quality of the marine economy but also impacts the utilization efficiency of spatial resources, playing an important role in regional sustainable development. Depending on the natural, economic, and societal characteristics of a region, research topics such as using relevant methods to divide the coastline, proper spatial development of the coast, protecting coastal zones, and achieving higher spatial resource distribution efficiency have recently become hot topics in geographic research. Most of the scholars construct the evaluation index system from the perspective of economic and ecological factors and undertake some exploration of the division methods. However, the selection of indicators for a coastal zone needs a different and more scientific approach. There is a need for emphasizing the overall strategy of land-ocean integration in developing spatial resources in a coastal zone. Taking the coastal zone in Ningbo as an example, this paper develops a new evaluation framework and spatial function regionalization method that is used to divide the coastline and coastal zone. Based on the perspective of overall strategy for the land and ocean, we evaluate the suitability of coastline development. We then propose the spatial function regionalization of the coastal zone. Finally, based on the status quo of spatial development in Ningbo, we divide the coastal zone into ecological space, production space and living space, and propose adjustment directions and control requirements for the different types of spatial layouts.  相似文献   

Zooplankton in saline lakes of the Southern Interior Plateau of British Columbia were collected on three occasions: mid-May and early August, 1990, and in late July, 1991. Salinities ranged from 2.6 to 45.8 g L−1. Of the 17 lakes examined, 13 were hyposaline (∼-20g L−1), four, mesosaline (20–50 g L−1) and none, hypersaline (>50 g L−1). pH ranged from 8.7 (Three Mile) to 10.7 (Goodenough), with values <9.6 in 10, and <9.0 in only three lakes. Lakes with high pHs had high bicarbonate-carbonate alkalinities. Thirty one species of zooplankton occurred: Protista (1), Rotifera (13), Anostraca (2), Cladocera (7), Ostracoda (1) and Copepoda (7). Sixteen species were restricted to hyposaline waters, with seven found only in salinities of ≤5 gL−1. Two species (Diaptomus connexus, Artemia franciscana) were restricted to mesosaline waters of salinity >35 g L−1. Eurysaline species includedBrachionus plicatilis, Hexarthra fennica, Limnocythere staplini, Artemia franciscana andDiaptomus connexus. Most species were abundant in 1+ lakes, but six species always had low populations.B. plicatilis, Hexarthra polyodonta, A. franciscana, Limnocythere staplini, Daphnia similis andD. connexus had densest populations in one or more of the three most saline lakes, viz. Long, Goodenough and Three Mile. Cladocerans other thanD. similis (Alona sp., Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, Daphnia pulex) were usually abundant in lakes of low salinity (<5 g L−1).Diatomus sicilis, present in all except the three most saline lakes, also occurred in abundance in ten of these lakes.Moina hutchinsoni andH. polyodonta were present in both hyposaline and mesosaline lakes, but, more importantly, tended to occur only at higher pH values (>pH 9.4) but not in all such lakes. These can be regarded as alkaline-saline species. Sorensen’s Coefficient of Community Similarity was used to compare communities in Alberta-Saskatchewan and British Columbia. It was low (0.37). A comparison restricted to just Cladocera gave a slightly higher value, 0.44, but a comparison of Copepoda gave a value of 71 per cent similarity between the regions. Multiple regression analyses using pH, TDS and K regressed on species richness for all samples accounted for only 41 per cent of the variance. However, when the analysis was seasonally restricted (May), and thus to a limited chemical range, 47 to 77.5 per cent of the variance was accounted for by these three variables.  相似文献   

Graffiti is a ubiquitous feature of the urban landscape commonly perceived to be a symptom of disorder, deprivation, and violence. Broken windows theory asserts that it is also a cause. To examine this, we conduct a geographic correlation study of graffiti and violence using geographic information systems. A strong spatial covariation is observed, with spatially dependent residual clusters suggesting that the graffiti–violence relationship is context dependent and varied. Ferrell and Weide's spot theory provides a lens for situating hot spots and facilitating a more nuanced interrogation of graffiti and violence in several Vancouver neighborhoods. We advocate for situated spatial analyses of interpersonal violence to inform public health interventions and advance policymaking beyond the popular aesthetic symbolism of urban space.  相似文献   

海岸带的空间功能分区与管制方法——以宁波市为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孙伟  陈诚 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1878-1889
海岸带空间资源的合理开发和利用关系到海洋经济发展质量和优质资源利用效率,成为影响沿海城市区域可持续发展的重要内容。根据区域自然、经济、社会特征,运用相关分区方法,划分海岸线和海岸带开发与保护的适宜性空间,获取较高的空间资源配置效率,成为地理学研究关注的热点。大部分学者从经济和生态两个方面要素构建指标体系,并对分区方法进行了有益探索和尝试,但是由于海岸带具有自然地理的特殊性,所以在指标选择上有较大不同。以宁波海岸带为例,讨论海岸线及海岸带的空间区划指标体系选择和方法应用问题。在借鉴已有区划方法的基础上,重点讨论评价单元划分、评价指标选择与处理等技术方法,在评价海岸线开发适宜基础上,做进一步的海岸带空间功能分区,将宁波市海岸带空间划分为生态空间、生产空间和生活空间,并结合宁波市空间开发现状,提出不同类型区域空间布局调整引导方向和管制要求。  相似文献   

Nathan Young  Ralph Matthews 《Area》2007,39(2):176-185
This paper argues that the current literature on neoliberalism in advanced capitalist societies has concentrated primarily on urban issues, and has thus failed to see resource economies and regions as theoretically significant sites of neoliberal reform. Using research from British Columbia, Canada, we argue that resource regions are often targets of intense neoliberal experimentation. The neoliberal project in British Columbia involves an extreme shift in state policy from a strong Fordist-Keynesian programme to recent efforts to 'liberate' corporate actors from non-market social and spatial obligations (to environment, labour and community). We argue that such policy shifts have exceptional consequences in resource regions due to strong and direct state influence in corporate-resource and community-level economies. We draw several theoretical lessons from this research for the mainstream literature on neoliberal reform.  相似文献   

Contemporary and post-glacial rates of aeolian deposition are determined for three small catchments that straddle the alpine-subalpine ecotone in the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. From process measurement over a single year, the mean annual regional (allochthonous) rate of aeolian deposition for the catchments is estimated to be approximately 11 g m−2. The average rate of annual deposition over the post-glacial period is calculated from the soil profiles to be c . 6 g m−2, although fallout rates are likely to have varied significantly over the Holocene epoch due to changes in climate and catchment conditions. It would appear that the vegetated ground strata in these catchments are net receivers of aeolian dust fallout. Consequently, many of the soils are cumulic in nature and protect the bedrock in these catchments from subaerial weathering. These results have implications for sediment transfers in alpine and sub-alpine environments in southwestern British Columbia.  相似文献   

Spatially variable sedimentation patterns are described for a small montane lake in southwestern British Columbia through the analysis of contemporary (20th century) varve sequences recovered from a high-density sediment coring program. Average, moderate, extreme, and localized depositional regimes, resolved at decadal to intra-annual scales, are differentiated for the Green Lake system from the stratigraphic record based on the volume and areal extent of the associated deposits. Average-regime sedimentation is mediated by the reliable annual freshet for the catchment. Moderate-regime events of the contemporary period (1930–2000) include periods of rapid glacial recession, extreme late-summer and autumn rainstorm-generated floods, and unusual snowmelt conditions. Only exceptional rainstorm events have led to extreme-regime sedimentation in the lake basin. Spatial sedimentation patterns are quantified by empirically derived surface models. Systematic differences are observed between both moderate and extreme sediment delivery events and the defined average-regime model. Substantial differences are observed between average and extreme regimes because of associated changes in sediment bypassing effects, intermediate sub-basin trapping, and sediment focusing mechanisms. Localized deposits coincide with isolated winter rainstorms in the region and anthropogenic disturbances along lake shorelines. Results indicate that the assumption of areal continuity in lacustrine sedimentation is not always appropriate for making comparisons between the identified depositional regimes. Sediment sampling programs that do not capture these spatially fluctuating sedimentation patterns may lead to biased accumulation chronologies and erroneous paleoenvironmental assessments of important hydroclimatic events.  相似文献   

The role of post-Little Ice Age (LIA) Neoglacial retreat on landslide activity is investigated in 19 alpine basins along the upper Lillooet River Valley, British Columbia. We examine how Neoglacial scouring and glacial recession have modified hillslope form and slope stability, and construct a decision-making flowchart to identify landslide hazards associated with glacial retreat. This work is based on field mapping, GIS analysis, statistical associations between landslides and terrain attributes, and a comparison between Neoglaciated and non-Neoglaciated terrain within each basin.The bedrock landslide response to glacial retreat varies appreciably according to lithology and the extent of glacial scour below the LIA trimline. Valleys carved in weak Quaternary volcanics show significant erosional oversteepening and contain deep-seated slope movement features, active rock fall, rock slides, and rock avalanches near glacial trimlines. Basins in stronger granitic rock rarely show increased bedrock instability resulting from post-LIA retreat, except for shallow-seated rock slides along some trimlines and failures on previously unstable slopes. In surficial materials, landslides associated with post-LIA retreat originate in till or colluvium, as debris slides or debris avalanches, and are concentrated along lateral moraines or glacial trimlines.Significant spatial association was also observed between recent catastrophic failures, gravitational slope deformation, and slopes that were oversteepened then debuttressed by glacial erosion. Eight out of nine catastrophic rock slope failures occurred just above glacial trimlines and all occurred in areas with a previous history of deep-seated gravitational slope movement, implying that this type of deformation is a precursor to catastrophic detachment.  相似文献   

This article examines contemporary Japanese overseas tourism from a supplier‐side perspective using the concept of production systems. We first outline characteristics of the evolving structure of Japanese overseas tourism, with an emphasis on the global spread of Japanese travel companies. This provides a frame for presenting an empirical account of the transactional relationships in the Japanese package tour production system in Whistler, British Columbia, where Japanese tour operators play a pivotal role. We conclude that the recent expansion of Japanese travel companies is fostering the functional integration of the global tourism production system and exhibits increasing reflexivity.  相似文献   

Three hundred and sixty three landslides in three watersheds that totaled 382 km2 were identified from air photographs, beginning at a date that preceded logging to the present. The three watersheds all lie on Vancouver Island; however, they have different precipitation regimes, topography, and amounts logged. Landslide areas in the watersheds varied in size from 200 m2 to more than 1 ha. Nearly 80% of the landslides were debris slides; 15% were debris flows, and the remainder primarily rock falls. Following logging, the number of landslides increased substantially in all watersheds although the amount of increase was variable: approximately 11, 3, and 16 times in Macktush Creek, Artlish River, and Nahwitti River, respectively. Other analyses of changes in landslide density also produced highly variable results, with the number of landslides increasing between 2.4 and 24 times. Further, 2–12 times more landslides reached streams following logging activities. Densities for landslides impacting streams increased for the period of record from 1.5 to 10 times following logging activities. The densities were substantially greater where only landslides that reached streams since development began in a watershed were considered. Roads had the greatest spatial impact in the watersheds (compared to their total area), with frequencies determined to have increased by 27, 12, and 94 times for Macktush, Artlish, and Nahwitti, respectively. The results highlight the relative impact of roads and their role in slope stability.  相似文献   

引用城市流强度修正传统引力模型构建经济联系矩阵,运用社会网络分析方法对2008—2018年关中平原城市群经济联系网络结构演变特征及对经济增长的影响进行分析.结果表明:(1)城市群中心性水平较弱,经济网络处于极化发展期,区域发展不平衡问题突出.(2)西安影响力不断增大,非核心城市影响力降低,在区域内形成"灯影效应".(3...  相似文献   

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) was implemented in a small forested watershed of the Soan River Basin in northern Pakistan through application of the sequential uncertainty fitting(SUFI-2) method to investigate the associated uncertainty in runoff and sediment load estimation. The model was calibrated for a 10-year period(1991–2000) with an initial 4-year warm-up period(1987–1990), and was validated for the subsequent 10-year period(2001–2010). The model evaluation indices R~2(the coefficient of determination), NS(the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency), and PBIAS(percent bias) for stream flows simulation indicated that there was a good agreement between the measured and simulated flows. To assess the uncertainty in the model outputs, p-factor(a 95% prediction uncertainty, 95PPU) and r-factors(average wideness width of the 95 PPU band divided by the standard deviation of the observed values) were taken into account. The 95 PPU band bracketed 72% of the observed data during the calibration and 67% during the validation. The r-factor was 0.81 during the calibration and 0.68 during the validation. For monthly sediment yield, the model evaluation coefficients(R~2 and NS) for the calibration were computed as 0.81 and 0.79, respectively; for validation, they were 0.78 and 0.74, respectively. Meanwhile, the 95 PPU covered more than 60% of the observed sediment data during calibration and validation. Moreover, improved model prediction and parameter estimation were observed with the increased number of iterations. However, the model performance became worse after the fourth iterations due to an unreasonable parameter estimation. Overall results indicated the applicability of the SWAT model with moderate levels of uncertainty during the calibration and high levels during the validation. Thus, this calibrated SWAT model can be used for assessment of water balance components, climate change studies, and land use management practices.  相似文献   

以山东半岛东部的烟台市和威海市为例,利用层次分析和主成分分析方法对研究区各县市湿地服务进行评价,采用自然间断法的方式将各市县湿地生态系统服务等级进行划分。结果表明:两种方法的评价原理和结果虽有差异,但都将烟台市辖区、威海市辖区划分为高生态服务地区,将栖霞市和招远市划分为低生态服务区。上述两种方法虽然评价原理不一致,但通过互相验证,更能真实地反映研究区湿地生态系统服务状态。  相似文献   

A comparison of landslide rates following helicopter and conventional, cable-based, clear-cut logging was carried out using results from two independent terrain attribute studies in the Eldred and Lois River watersheds in the Southwest Coast Mountains of British Columbia. Landslides initiating from directly within a road prism were excluded from the study in order to focus the comparison on landslides related primarily to conventional versus helicopter yarding methods. A landslide rate of 0.02 landslides/ha was observed in 162 terrain polygons logged by helicopter 8 years prior to this study. Landslide rates in 38 gullied polygons were 0.06 landslides/ha. No landslides were observed in 124 open-slope polygons. Over a similar 8-year average period, 0.03 landslides/ha were observed in 142 cable-yarded terrain polygons; 0.06 and 0.02 landslides/ha occurred in gullied and open-slope polygons, respectively. t-Tests indicate that total landslide rates are not significantly different following helicopter and conventional logging; however, a dichotomy exists between gullied and open-slope terrain polygons. Landslide rates are not significantly different in gullied terrain but are significantly higher on open-slopes following conventional cable logging. Consequently, landslides appear to have a greater potential to occur in open-slope terrain following conventional logging, but differences in gullied polygons are less likely. Increased post-logging landslide rates in conventionally logged, open slopes are more likely the result of undetected road-related drainage changes than differences between helicopter and conventional yarding-related ground disturbance.  相似文献   

A measure of shape compactness is a numerical quantity representing the degree to which a shape is compact. Ways to provide an accurate measure have been given great attention due to its application in a broad range of GIS problems, such as detecting clustering patterns from remote-sensing images, understanding urban sprawl, and redrawing electoral districts to avoid gerrymandering. In this article, we propose an effective and efficient approach to computing shape compactness based on the moment of inertia (MI), a well-known concept in physics. The mathematical framework and the computer implementation for both raster and vector models are discussed in detail. In addition to computing compactness for a single shape, we propose a computational method that is capable of calculating the variations in compactness as a shape grows or shrinks, which is a typical application found in regionalization problems. We conducted a number of experiments that demonstrate the superiority of the MI over the popular isoperimetric quotient approach in terms of (1) computational efficiency; (2) tolerance of positional uncertainty and irregular boundaries; (3) ability to handle shapes with holes and multiple parts; and (4) applicability and efficacy in districting/zonation/regionalization problems.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of grazing on vegetation composition on the Arabian Peninsula. The aim of this study therefore was to analyse the vegetation response to environmental conditions of open woodlands along an altitudinal and a grazing gradient in the Jabal al Akhdar mountain range of Oman. The species composition, vegetation structure, grazing damage and several environmental variables were investigated for 62 samples using a nested plot design. Classification analysis and a Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) were used to define vegetation types and to identify underlying environmental gradients. The relationship between environmental variables and diversity was analysed using correlation coefficients and a main-effects ANOVA. The plant species richness followed a unimodal distribution along the altitudinal gradient with the highest number of species at the intermediate altitudinal belt. The cluster analysis led to five vegetation groups: The Sideroxylon mascatenseDodonaea viscosa group on grazed and the Olea europaeaFingerhuthia africana group on ungrazed plateau sites at 2000 m a.s.l., the Ziziphus spina-christiNerium oleander group at wadi sites and the Moringa peregrinaPteropyrum scoparium group at 1200 m a.s.l, and the Acacia gerrardiiLeucas inflata group at 1700 m a.s.l. The CVA indicated a clear distinction of the groups obtained by the agglomerative cluster analysis. The landform, altitude and grazing intensity were found to be the most important variables distinguishing between clusters. Overgrazing of the studied rangeland is an increasing environmental problem, whereas the plant composition at ungrazed sites pointed to a relatively fast and high regeneration potential of the local vegetation.  相似文献   

Zooplankton collected from vertical net tows were related to the environmental variables from 98 lakes from the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that both salinity and ionic composition (pH and Mg) of the lake-water made major and significant contributions to the first two ordination axes (=0.42 and 0.11 respectively,P<0.05). BothArtemia franciscana andMoina hutchinsoni had their highest relative abundance in meso-hypersaline waters. However,Artemia franciscana preferred waters that were higher in Mg and Ca, whileMoina hutchinsoni was found in waters that were lower in Mg and Ca. Similarly, at intermediate salinities,Daphnia pulex and the calanoid copepods preferred waters slightly lower in Mg and Ca, whereasCeriodaphnia laticaudata andSimocephalus spp. were relatively more common in waters higher in Mg and Ca. Because the freshest lakes studied varied much less in ionic composition, the zooplankton in these lakes did not show a preference to ionic composition. As expected, multi-generic groups, such as the calanoid copepods, cyclopoid copepods and nauplii, had wider tolerances to conductivity than groups identified to lower taxonomic levels. Significant weighted-averaging regression and calibration models of conductivity were developed based on zooplankton species composition from the study lakes (r 2=0.56,P<0.05). Samples composed largely of multi-generic taxa yielded the worst estimates of salinity in the reconstruction model. This study suggests that zooplankton community composition may be developed into a useful proxy for paleosalinity reconstruction.  相似文献   

基于大数据挖掘的旅游流网络结构研究,是旅游流深化研究的主要方向之一.论文基于网络爬虫技术抓取携程旅行网上的中国东部沿海5大城市群旅游线路相关数据,构建城市群旅游流网络,进一步利用社会网络分析法从网络密度、节点结构特征、网络凝聚子群、核心—边缘特征、结构洞等方面揭示旅游流网络结构特征.主要结论有:中国东部沿海5大城市群旅...  相似文献   

Landscape is a product of interactions between human and nature that bring multiple characteristics to discrete geographic settings. Landscape character assessment (LCA) is a process of describing, mapping and evaluating distinct characters in the landscape. The aim of this study is to integrate objective and subjective assessment in landscape classification in the case of Side district in Antalya, Turkey. The methodology of the study is based on a holistic approach to combine map-based biophysical information and on-site visual landscape characteristics into the LCA process. Principal component and cluster analysis were used to understand relationships and spatial patterns between 29 landscape character areas and types which were previously defined by previous work. The main source of data was landscape characters, and 35 character attributes was processed as variables. Cluster analysis showed that landscape character areas and types in Side were gathered into two main cluster groups and five sub clusters. The majority of landscape character areas tended to constitute separate subclusters, while character types appeared to form large groups of clusters in which recognisable land-use patterns were the main activity. According to the cluster dendrogram, it was possible to interpret spatial linkages between the clusters of character areas and types and to delineate geographic classification of the main landscapes in Side. Scaling relations for LCA in a pattern-process-product framework provided an explicit understanding of the data layers in landscape classification and where the clustering can function. Biophysical characteristics comprised the pattern of the landscape, while visual characteristics demonstrated the condition of the landscape as a product. The process depends upon transformation between the objective and the subjective as a link between pattern and product. Further steps would be to conduct semistructured surveys to assess local perceptions and preferences about landscape characters for landscape quality objectives.  相似文献   

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