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Thick Aptian deposits in north central Tunisia comprise hemipelagic lower Aptian, reflecting the sea-level rise of OAE 1a, and an upper Aptian shallow marine environment characterized by the establishment of a carbonate platform facies. Carbon stable isotope data permit recognition of the OAE 1a event in the Djebel Serdj section. Cephalopods are rare throughout these successions, but occurrences are sufficient to date the facies changes and the position of the OAE1a event. Ammonite genera include lower Aptian Deshayesites, Dufrenoyia, Pseudohaploceras, Toxoceratoides and ?Ancyloceras; and upper Aptian Zuercherella, Riedelites and Parahoplites. Correlation of carbon isotope data with those of other Tethyan sections is undertaken together with the integration of planktonic foraminiferal data.  相似文献   

Diverse thoracican cirripedes from the Hauterivian of the Hannover district of northern Germany are described, including seven species, belonging to five genera. Of these, a new genus belonging to the Scalpellidae, Jaegerscalpellum, includes one Hauterivian species, J. elegans sp. nov., an Aptian species, J. comptum (Withers, 1910) and an Albian species, J. politum (Darwin, 1851) are also referred to it. A new Cretiscalpellum, C. mutterlosei sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian, and C. matrioni sp. nov. is described from the Middle Albian of France. The oldest record of the Unilatera Gale, 2018, Pedupycnolepas pulcher sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian; this displays typical shell structure of the group, retained by living Verrucidae. Finally, four species of Zeugmatolepadidae, subfamily Martillepadinae, are recorded from the Hauterivian, including Martillepas hausmanni (Koch and Dunker, 1836), M. decoratus sp. nov., M. auriculum sp. nov. and Etcheslaepas borealis (Collins, 1990). The Hauterivian fauna from Hannover shows affinities both with Late Jurassic and later Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian) forms, and includes the earliest scalpellids, unilateran (Pedupycnolepas) and Cretiscalpellum species known. It constrains the age of the Cretaceous cirripede evolutionary radiation to the earliest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

冀北滦平盆地侏罗系-白垩系岩石地层研究新进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
冀北滦平盆地火斗山乡张家沟大北沟组和大店子组剖面,是至今找到的出露良好、沉积连续和古生物丰富的好剖面。依据滦平盆地研究新成果及大北沟组和大店子组的区域分布特征,将原义的大北沟组划分为狭义的大北沟组和大店子组。阐明正常沉积岩层的出现并取代凝灰岩成为主要的岩层,是划分大北沟组与张家口组界线的标志;以“蜂窝梁砾岩”或与之相当的粗碎屑岩层之底界为大北沟组与大店子组的界线更为合理,并便于实际操作;大店子组的顶界,也就是西瓜园组的底界,应划在上营剖面第35层——“拉海梁砾岩”层的底面,将铃铛木沟和李营—西台子一带玄武安山岩层之上保留的残积砾岩划归西瓜园组。  相似文献   

The Monk's Bay Sandstone Formation (MBSF) is the new name for the Lower Albian ferruginous sandstone that was formerly known as the Carstone of the Isle of Wight. The new term was proposed to remove any confusion with the Carstone, of similar age and lithology, described from the separate Lower Cretaceous sedimentary basin of Eastern England. This paper formalises the nomenclatural change outlined in the Lower Cretaceous Framework Report, ratified by the Geological Society Stratigraphy Commission.The MBSF, representing a major mid-Albian transgressive event, is described from a series of boreholes drilled by the British Geological Survey across the Isle of Wight, and from additional coastal exposures, together with reinterpretations of sections described in earlier works.The age range of the MBSF is determined in relation to recent biostratigraphical schemes supported with new data from the previously unknown presence of foraminifera. Deposits, belonging to the Leymeriella regularis Subzone, were previously considered to be absent from the succession and represent the stratigraphical gap separating the formation from the underlying Sandrock Formation. However a first occurrence of tubular foraminifera resembling Hyperammina/‘Rhizammina cf dichotomata’ suggest that the oldest part of the formation in the northeast of the island may be of regularis Subzone age. This unconformity is correlated with the sequence boundary LG4 of Hesselbo and the presence of the Sonneratia kitchini Subzone at the base of the MBSF on the Isle of Wight suggests that this boundary should be placed at the lower of two candidate horizons within the successions of the Weald.The formation is restricted to the Isle of Wight but is coeval with similar coarse-grained sediments, e.g. the Carstone and ‘JunctionBeds’ to the north. The palaeogeography of the formation and the relationship with these similar deposits and the implications for the timing of mid-Albian structural events is briefly discussed. The identification of older Lower Greensand Group sediments beneath the MBSF in boreholes north of the Isle of Wight structure, together with new survey data indicating north-south orientated faulting affecting the early Cretaceous implies a tectonic element to the distribution the Lower Greensand Group sediments. Taken together these imply a complex interaction of tectonics and transgressive events throughout the Aptian and Albian over this structural high.  相似文献   

A new Late Cretaceous Mesoeucrocodylian from the Adamantina Formation (Bauru Basin), São Paulo State, Brazil is described. The main features of this new species are the short, high oreinirostral rostrum, the large laterally positioned orbital notches and external nares in the anteriormost portion of the rostrum. The mandible is robust and concave-shaped in relation to the skull. The dentition is highly specialized, with two prominent incisiform teeth, a hypertrophied caniniform, and seven molariform teeth. The molariform teeth are ornamented with denticles in their lingual surface and are smooth on their labial surface. The molariforms are elliptical in cross-section, presenting the largest axis in the labial-lingual direction. Such dental characteristics are unique among the terrestrial crocodylomorphs of the Gondwana.  相似文献   

松辽盆地及周缘地区是白垩纪时期全球最大的陆地出露区,是开展陆相J/K界线研究的理想地区.但是,受制于盆内埋深大、盆缘露头出露不佳等原因,松辽盆地及周缘地区J/K界线发育区域及层段仍然存在较大争议.同时,对于陆相J/K界线划分与对比这样的重大疑难问题,其研究很难一步到位.总结一套影响广泛、区域对比性强的J/K界线区域对比...  相似文献   

The Bajiu tracksite exposed on a fine sandstone surface at the top of the Feitianshan Formation, close the contact with the overlying Xiaoba Formation, reveals a saurischian dominated ichnofauna consisting of four sauropod and at least eight theropod trackways. The sauropod trackways display a medium-wide gauge pattern characteristic of titanosauriforms, while the theropod trackways can be subdivided into two distinct morphotypes. One is similar to the ichnogenera Eubrontes and Megalosauripus, the other (cf. Dromaeopodus) appears to represent a functionally didactyl dromaeosaur where pedal digit II is represented only by an oval basal pad. A single swim track is possibly attributable to a turtle or crocodylian. Such sauropod-theropod dominated ichnofaunas are consistently typical of the red-bed tracksites in the region and useful for characterizing a fauna that is otherwise poorly known from body fossils. The stratigraphic position and late occurrence of the (typical Jurassic) Eubrontes-Megalosauripus morphotype is well known from other Cretaceous localities in China and seems to reflect a peculiarity in the theropod faunas of East Asia.  相似文献   

Palynological complexes from the coaliferous Talyndzhan and Dublikan formations of the Bureya sedimentary basin are analyzed. The palynological assemblage from the upper part of the Talyndzhan Formation is characterized by dominant gymnosperms largely close to Pinaceae and Ginkgocycadophytus. The content of ferns is insignificant against the background of their relatively high taxonomic diversity. The assemblage is marked by the last occurrence of Staplinisporites pocockii, Camptotriletes cerebriformis, C. nitida, and Cingulatisporites sanguinolentus spores typical of the Late Jurassic palynofloras. The palynological assemblage from the Dublikan Formation is dominated by Pteridophyts representing mainly by Cyathidites and Duplexisporites. In addition to the conifer, the role of Classopollis increased among the gymnosperms in this assemblage. It also includes the first-appearing Stereisporites bujargiensis, Neoraistrickia rotundiformis, Contignisporites dorsostriatus, Duplexisporites pseudotuberculatus, D. rotundatus, Appendicisporites tricostatus, and Concavissimisporites asper. These sporomorphs are characteristic of the Berriasian palynofloras. Thus, the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is most likely located between the Talyndzhan and Dublikan formations.  相似文献   

A new genus with two new species, Orentalphila gravia gen. et sp. nov. and O. caloa sp. nov., and three new species in two known genera, Sinosciophila angustia sp. nov., Sinosciophila seboa sp. nov. and Similsciophila undulata sp. nov., are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Yixian Formation at Huangbanjigou, Beipiao City, western Liaoning, China. These new taxa, representing the first records of mesosciophilids from this locality, provide morphological information and diversity for Mesosciophilidae in the Early Cretaceous. An updated key to known genera of Mesosciophilidae is provided. In addition, according the generic diagnosis revised by Zhang, 2007, Mesoplecia antiqua Hao and Ren, 2009 should be transferred to Mesosciophila Rohdendorf, 1946.  相似文献   


Significant attention has been given, during the last decade, to Palaeozoic unconventional oil and gas shale in northern Africa where the productive Palaeozoic basins are located. New tentative strategies shed light on Mesozoic unconventional plays represented by Cretaceous shale reservoirs. In most petroleum systems the proven Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (OAEs), represented mainly by the Fahdene and Bahloul Formations, played the main role in hydrocarbon generation with good distribution. Their deposition was restricted to the early Aptian (Bedoulian), the early/late Albian, and the Cenomanian–Turonian transition. Additional black shales have been detailed for the first time in Tunisia which relate to the Valanginian Weissert and late Hauterivian Faraoni events. Biostratigraphic and complete geochemical reviews have been undertaken from published papers and unpublished internal reports to better assess these important source intervals. These black shale levels, pertaining to OAEs, were deposited in almost deep marine environments during short-lived periods of anoxia (ca. 2 Ma). In the course of this review, thickness, distribution, and maturity maps have been established for each level using well data from published sources.  相似文献   

The Merfeg Formation (upper Campanian) of Central Tunisia crops out around the southwestern periclinal termination of Jebel el Kébar, near Sidi Bouzid. At its base is a massively bedded unit of locally dolomitized, sparsely fossiliferous micritic to microbioclastic limestone that contains several discrete, plurimetric mound-like bodies (lithosomes) of micritic limestone containing locally abundant rudists and corals. The lithosomes are separated laterally from one another by megabreccias and conglomerates containing clasts of similar lithology and are overlain, with sharp contact, by onlapping argillaceous pelagic limestones, within which are intercalated at least two more, somewhat thinner rudist/coral limestone units. This complex of facies is laterally equivalent to thicker, deep platform limestones of the Abiod Formation to the north and east, and to restricted carbonate platform facies of the Berda Formation to the south and west. The lithosomes have previously been interpreted as in situ downslope mudmounds that became capped by rudist and coral formations, cemented, and then surrounded by erosively emplaced debris flows. However, our detailed studies of rudist orientations imply variable and in some cases relatively high angles of bedding within the lithosomes with respect to the regional dip of the host strata. Such steep inclinations of internal bedding are unlikely to have been primary. Accordingly, we propose an alternative interpretation that the lithosomes were platform-derived olistoliths, emplaced along with the associated debris flow deposits. Micritic beds, neighbouring the olistoliths are of variable thickness and contain rare large inoceramids and randomly oriented rudists, as well as locally developed microbioclastic beds with planar and small-scale swaley cross stratification. These micritic and microbioclastic beds are, by contrast, interpreted as primary (i.e., non-olistostromal) slope deposits. Whether the proposed catastrophic collapses of the original platform margin were induced by sea-level fall or seismically triggered (or a combination of the two) remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Leymeriellid ammonite faunas are described from northeast of Esfahan and the Khur area (Central Iran). The faunas comprise Leymeriella (L.) tardefurcata, L. (L.) germanica and L. (L.) acuticostata? as well as L. (Neoleymeriella) regularis, L. (N.) diabola and L. (Neoleymeriella) pseudoregularis?. The leymeriellids of Iran are closely related to faunas from northwest Europe, the Vocontian Basin and Transcaspia (Mangyschlak) and thus allow for biostratigraphic correlations, indicating the earliest Albian Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone with its superimposed L. acuticostata and L. regularis subzones. We suggest that the sudden appearance of common representatives of the genus Leymeriella in the northern and Central Iranian basins (Leymeriella acme) can be used as a useful proxy marker to define the base of the Albian Stage in Iran.  相似文献   

The partially articulated, distal portion of a left wing finger of a pterosaur from the Crato Formation of northeast Brazil has a T-shaped cross-section to the second and third phalanges. This cross-sectional shape is one of several characters diagnostic of the pterodactyloid pterosaur family Azhdarchidae (Unwin & Lu 1997). Until now, this family of pterosaurs was known exclusively from the Late Cretaceous. The specimen described here may be the first recorded azhdarchid from the southern hemisphere and the earliest recorded member of the family.  相似文献   

Leptotarsus (sensu lato) lukashevichae sp. nov. is described and illustrated, based on a single but very well preserved female specimen from the Crato Formation of Brazil (Aptian, ca. 112 Ma). Along with other Leptotarsus species recently described from Lower Cretaceous beds of Brazil, Spain, Russia and China, this new species is among the oldest known records of the genus Leptotarsus and the family Tipulidae.  相似文献   

This work is a study of the ammonite record of a new stratigraphic section of Aptian age, at the Mina Texali (Puebla State, Central Mexico). A detailed biostratigraphic analysis was carried out on 309 specimens systematically sampled on a bed-by-bed basis. An Aptian ammonite zonation is proposed for the Mina Texali (= MT) section with two interval zones, Dufrenoyia justinae and Caseyella sp., and one informal biostratigraphic unit represented by the Huastecoceras trispinosoides beds. We also analyze the taxonomic composition, paleoecology and some systematic issues of the ammonite record of the MT section. The first record in Mexico of the genera Pseudosaynella, Xerticeras and the nautiloid Heminautilus is identified in this section. The ammonite assemblage is assigned to the proximal part of the outer neritic region of the continental shelf. The ammonite record of the studied section is diagnostic in establishing the lower-upper Aptian transition, and the local zonation of the MT provides important data for the development of an Aptian standard ammonite zonation for the Central Atlantic province.  相似文献   

A new crocodyliform specimen is presented here found in the Cerro Castaño Member of the Cerro Barcino Formation (Chubut Group). The material consists of cranial and postcranial remains that represent a new taxon that has strong affinities with Peirosauridae, but also shares derived features present in Araripesuchus. The phylogenetic relationships of this new taxon were tested through a cladistic analysis depicting it as a member of the Peirosauridae. The inclusion of Barcinosuchus within this clade of basal mesoeucrocodylians is supported by the presence of hypapophyses up to the third or fourth dorsal vertebrae, anterolateral facing edge on postorbital, quadrate dorsal surface divided in two planes by a ridge; mandibular symphysis tapering anterirorly in ventral view, lateral surface of dentary convex anterior to mandibular fenestra, distal body of quadrate well developed, anteroposteriorly thin and lateromedially broad. The new specimen broadens the temporal and geographical distribution of Peirosauridae during the Cretaceous of Gondwana, representing the southern-most and the most ancient record of the group in Patagonia. The new material also provides insights on the postcranial anatomy of peirosaurids, a group that has been so far studied almost exclusively from cranial material.  相似文献   

One new genus and two new species of fossil Cerophytidae, Baissophytum convexus gen. et. sp. nov. and Baissophytum amplus sp. nov. are described and illustrated from Zaza Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Eravnensky (Bauntovsky) District, Buriatskay Autonomous Republic (Transbaikalia), Russia.  相似文献   

Two new genera and two new species of fossil Throscidae: Potergosoma gratiosa gen. et sp. nov. and Rhomboaspis laticollis gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber and are compared with extant and extinct genera. The described amber inclusions are the oldest known representatives of the family Throscidae. Some hypotheses on the phylogeny of the family Throscidae and the position of it in the superfamily Elateroidea are discussed.  相似文献   

The study presents new paleomagnetic data on the Upper Cretaceous and Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary intervals of the southern Kulunda basin (Alei area), which were obtained from core samples collected from a 305-m-thick section penetrated in two wells. The paleomagnetic sections of each well were compiled and correlated based on the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM). Paleomagnetic, geological, stratigraphic, and paleontological data were used to compile the Upper Cretaceous and Cretaceous-Paleogene magnetostratigraphic section of the southern Kulunda basin. The magnetostratigraphic section consists of five magnetozones, one normal polarity zone, and four reversed polarity zones spanning the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene. The lower part of the Gan’kino Horizon, showing normal polarity, forms a single normal polarity magnetozone N. The upper part of the Gan’kino Horizon comprises two reversed polarity magnetozones (R1km and R2mt). The Talitsa and Lyulinvor Formations of Lower Paleogene age correspond to two reversed polarity magnetozones (R1zl and R2i). The compiled Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene magnetostratigraphic section was correlated with the geomagnetic polarity time scale. Two options were considered for correlating the lower normal polarity part of the section with geomagnetic polarity time scale of Gradstein.  相似文献   

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