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Analysis of a population of dilational faults within a densely welded ignimbrite layer reveals fault zone geometries that vary greatly within a single fault and between faults, but does not correlate with displacement. Within an individual fault the thickness of the fault core can differ by up to an order of magnitude along dip. Similarly, joint density adjacent to faults varies along fault dip but does not increase with displacement. A correlation does exist however, between joint density and the degree of ignimbrite welding, which can vary vertically within an ignimbrite layer. Previous work has shown that welding increases ignimbrite strength: non-welded ignimbrites form deformation bands and densely welded ignimbrites form discrete fractures. We observe zones of densely welded ignimbrite with high joint density, while less-welded zones have lower joint density. In turn, high joint densities correlate with narrow fault cores and low joint densities with wide fault cores. We propose a joint based model for dilational fault initiation and growth. Faults initiate on precursory joints and grow by entraining joint bound slabs, hence the correlation between high and low joint density (thin and thick slabs) and narrow and wide fault cores respectively. Ultimately joint density and consequently fault zone architecture are controlled by subtle variations in mechanical strength within the ignimbrite layer.  相似文献   

Recent work in southern Ontario, Canada, demonstrates anomalously high vertical groundwater flow velocities (>1 m/year) through a thick (as much as 60 m), sandy silt till aquitard (Northern till), previously assumed to be of very low permeability (hydraulic conductivity <10–10 m/s). Rapid recharge is attributed to the presence of fractures and sedimentary heterogeneities within the till, but the field-scale flow regime is poorly understood. This study identifies the nature of physical groundwater pathways through the till and provides estimates of the associated groundwater fluxes. The aquitard groundwater flow system is characterized by integrating details of the outcrop and subsurface sedimentary characteristics of the till with field-based hydrogeologic investigation and numerical modeling. Outcrop and subsurface data identify a composite internal aquitard stratigraphy consisting of tabular till beds (till elements) separated by laterally continuous sheet-like sands and gravels (interbeds) and boulder pavements. Individual till elements contain sedimentary heterogeneities, including discontinuous sand and gravel lenses, vertical sand dikes, and zones of horizontal and vertical fractures. Hydrogeologic field investigations indicate a three-layer aquitard flow system, consisting of upper and lower zones of more hydraulically active and heterogeneous till separated by a middle unit of relatively lower hydraulic conductivity. Groundwater pathways and fluxes in the till were evaluated using a two-dimensional aquitard/aquifer flow model which indicates a step-wise flow mechanism whereby groundwater moves alternately downward along vertical pathways (fractures, sedimentary dikes) and laterally along horizontal sand interbeds within the till. This model is consistent with observed hydraulic-head and isotope profiles, and the presence of tritiated pore waters at various depths throughout the till. Simulations suggest that a bulk aquitard vertical hydraulic conductivity on the order of 1×10–9 m/s is required to reproduce observed hydraulic-head and tritium profiles. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

粗粒料的力学特性不仅取决于应力状态,还与粗粒料本身的松密程度密切相关,即与粗粒料的材料状态相关。通过不同初始干密度的粗粒料常规大型三轴各向等压固结排水剪切试验研究了干密度对粗粒料力学特性的影响。试验结果表明:粗粒料应力-应变曲线的形态取决于密度和围压的共同作用,破坏状态之前密度和围压共同决定了粗粒料的强度和变形,而当应变足够大处于渐进状态或临界状态时,粗粒料的应力和体积应变受初始干密度的影响逐渐减小直至消失。对于软化型曲线,相变状态的应力小于渐进状态的应力,而渐进状态的应力小于破坏状态的应力。无论围压大小如何,随着初始干密度的增大,应力-应变曲线的硬化性逐渐减弱,而软化性则逐渐增强。  相似文献   

多年冻土区输电线路塔基基础附近活动层厚度和地下冰变化与基础稳定性密切相关,塔基施工的热扰动和混凝土基础的热效应使得基础周围冻土易发生退化,不利于基础的稳定。高密度电法是冻土工程环境研究中常用的地球物理方法,其探测结果的可靠性和分辨能力受数据采集方式、目标体地电结构影响。为减小对输电线路塔基附近冻土特征识别的不确定性,通过建立基础周围多年冻土地电模型的正反演模拟,发现活动层处于融化状态时各种装置方式数据采集均能较好地反映活动层厚度的起伏,但由于冻融锋面附近显著的电阻率差异,难以识别多年冻土层内的地下冰空间分布特征。而活动层处于冻结状态时进行探测能显著提高对多年冻土层内的地下冰空间分布特征识别精度,其中偶极-偶极装置可较好地识别高、低含冰量区域的发育位置和形态特征。在青藏直流输电线路塔基基础附近冻土探测中证实了方法的有效性,探测结果揭示了施工过程和基础热效应导致的塔基基础附近的地下冰退化。以上研究表明,通过正反演模拟,根据具体探测目标选择合适的探测时机和数据采集方式,能显著提高高密度电法探测结果的有效性和精度。  相似文献   

八面河油田沙三段储层砂体层内非均质性研究与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以八面河油田沙三段为例,从测井解释储层参数、储层砂体韵律性、沉积相分析和非均质类型研究分析,探讨了层内非均质性类型及其特征。研究表明该区层内非均质类型共有箱型、钟型、漏斗型、中间突变型和复合型等五种。沙三沉积期不同微相非均质程度不同,席状砂、远砂坝、水下分流河道等微相属强非均质体,河口砂坝非均质程度弱,属最好储集层。  相似文献   

大北油田萨尔图油层特低渗储层宏观非均质性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大北油田萨尔图油层属于特低渗透储层。从沉积微相的角度对萨尔图油层宏观非均质性研究表明,储层非均质性较强,而其非均质性主要受控于沉积环境、成岩作用及裂缝发育情况等因素。萨尔图油层在本区发育水下分流河道、席状砂、远砂坝和浊积扇(滑塌沉积)等4种储层微相,油层非均质性在各种沉积微相之间的过渡部位及浊积扇微相中较强;其次为席状砂微相和远砂坝微相,在水下分流河道中相对较弱。  相似文献   

The infinitesimal and finite stages of folding in nonlinear viscous material with a layer-parallel anisotropy were investigated using numerical and analytical methods. Anisotropy was found to have a first-order effect on growth rate and wavelength selection, and these effects are already important for anisotropy values (normal viscosity/shear viscosity) < 10. The effect of anisotropy must therefore be considered when deducing viscosity contrasts from wavelength to thickness ratios of natural folds. Growth rates of single layer folds were found to increase and subsequently decrease during progressive deformation. This is due to interference between the single layer folds and chevron folds that form in the matrix as a result of instability caused by the anisotropic material behaviour. The wavelength of the chevron folds in the matrix is determined by the wavelength of the folded single layer, which can explain the high wavelength to thickness ratios that are sometimes found in multilayer sequences. Numerical models including anisotropic material properties allow the behaviour of multilayer sequences to be investigated without the need for resolution on the scale of individual layers. This is particularly important for large-scale models of layered lithosphere.  相似文献   

勘探表明,在叶巴滩水电站坝址区岸坡石英闪长岩内广泛发育具有一定厚度和延伸长度的碎粒状岩屑条带——“挤压破裂带”,不仅使岩体完整性降低,而且劣化建基岩体质量。为了研究其发育特征、分布规律,基于野外调查、精细测量等方法,对施工期新揭露的典型挤压破裂带进行详细描述,揭示其发育特征、分布规律等。研究表明:叶巴滩水电站坝址区挤压破裂带在强弱卸荷带及以里均有发育,且空间分布不均匀,主要集中在左岸中高程;表现为有明显边界且具有一定厚度和延伸长度的碎粒状岩屑条带,一般发育在新鲜、完整的坚硬岩体内;可能为构造成因常依附于断层(或长度较大的结构面),范围有限,产状不稳定;带内大多劈理岩化,部分可见颗粒定向排列,具有分带性,无明显错距,表现出高地应力下的挤压变形特征;易受后期改造影响,局部可见风化加剧、锈染和泥质条带;主要分布于断层(长大结构面)夹持或围限区、断层(长大结构面)的端部、长大结构面的一侧。  相似文献   

采用等效岩体(ERM)技术,将节理和岩块分别用光滑节理模型及颗粒体模型表征,构建含不同节理倾角、连通率的等效岩体模型。结合试验结果,从细观力学角度开展单轴压缩条件下节理连通率对岩体强度、破裂机制、能量演化等力学特征影响的定量研究。研究发现,当节理方向与加载轴向呈一定夹角时,岩体表现出沿岩桥连线方向的贯通破坏趋势,尤其当节理倾角? = 30°,连通率L = 0.8时,岩体破坏表现出岩桥复合贯通破坏模式。在该类节理倾角(? = 30°)条件下,随节理连通率增大,岩体表现出的主要力学特征为:(1)峰值抗压强度呈不断降低趋势;(2)微破裂总数不断下降,但张拉型微破裂所占比例逐渐提高。微裂纹进一步集中在不同层间节理尖端岩桥连线上产生;(3)声发射(AE)事件产生时间在整个加载阶段逐渐分散,声发射事件总数及破裂强度分布范围、均值、标准差等均不断减小;(4)峰值应变能及峰后应变能、动能变化率降低,峰后摩擦能增速放缓,试样破坏所需的外界做功逐渐降低。  相似文献   

朱喜  张庆莲  侯贵廷 《地质学报》2017,91(6):1181-1191
构造裂缝发育程度是碳酸盐岩地区构造裂缝定量研究的重要方面,对碳酸盐岩裂缝油气藏的储层预测具有重要意义。论文基于野外地质实际考察,研究岩性、地层厚度、构造性质等因素对构造裂缝的影响,建立比较系统的构造裂缝发育分布规律,建立构造裂缝发育的地质模型。白云岩的裂缝密度明显大于灰岩类的裂缝密度。地层越厚裂缝密度越小,但裂缝规模较大。走滑断裂控制的构造裂缝的裂缝密度与距断裂的距离呈指数关系且存在"断裂控制的裂缝带","断裂控制裂缝带"与断裂的性质、规模和断距等因素密切相关。提出不同性质断裂"断裂控制裂缝带"宽度与断层破碎带宽度的比值K,这个比值的发现对断裂控制的裂缝油气勘探开发具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

煤矿开采导水裂缝发育高度及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤矿开采形成的导水裂缝,一旦波及煤层上覆水体,则会导致水流入或溃入井下,直接威胁煤矿安全生产。在总结分析现有导水裂缝研究方法的基础上,以理论推导的方式并结合生产实际,分析了导水裂缝高度与煤层开采厚度、覆岩性质等因素的关系,明确了导水裂缝高度与采厚的平方根存在正比例关系。指出当基岩上覆有粘土冲积层或其他类似岩层时,极限曲率增量与岩层物理性质、厚度的关系对确定导水裂缝高度具有重要作用,当粘土冲积层厚度不小于2倍采厚时,粘土冲积层内下行裂缝穿透粘土层的可能性小,为特定条件导水裂缝分析提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

Surface layer meteorological data collected at a coastal site, at Vasco-Da-Gama (15°21′N, 73°51′E, 58.5m MSL) (13–18 July, 2002) with prevailing southwesterly surface winds are analyzed to study the characteristics of internal boundary layer at a short fetch using an instrumented tower (9 m). The spectral and turbulence characteristics of wind are compared with earlier measurements made at a comparatively homogeneous terrain and the standards available in literature. The study show the smaller eddies in the vertical velocity spectrum attains equilibrium with the underlying surface at a short fetch itself and follows spectral similarity. However, this is not followed by longitudinal and transverse velocity spectra under unstable as well as stable conditions.  相似文献   

为了探究溶丘洼地土壤空间异质性及其影响因素,本文以驻马哨溶丘洼地为研究对象,利用经典统计学和地统计学的方法,从不同土地利用、坡度、坡向、土壤深度分析土壤容重、水分及有机质的空间异质性。结果表明:(1)土壤有机质为强变异,变异系数为0.71,容重和水分变异系数分别为0.15、0.11,属中等变异,土壤容重和水分呈极显著负相关,和有机质呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.609、-0.581;(2)块基比介于0.78~0.97,随机部分引起的空间变异程度较大,空间自相关较小,且模型拟合较好。(3)耕地土壤有机质、水分含量最低,容重最大,而灌木土壤反之;(4)北坡土壤容重高于南坡,变异系数小于南坡;而土壤水分、有机质低于南坡,变异系数高于南坡。从不同坡位、坡向的比较中,皆体现了土地利用对土壤空间异质性的影响。在土地利用作为主要因素的影响下,驻马哨洼地土壤水分、容重、有机质由随机部分引起的空间变异增加,空间自相关减小。   相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for determining the structural domain boundaries within the rock mass. This new method is based on a statistical comparison of data from pairs of sample regions. The stereonet is divided into 100 windows with approximately equal areas. The poles of joints occurring in each corresponding window on the two projection plots of the regions being compared are then merged and arranged in ascending order with respect to their trace lengths. Finally, the Wald–Wolfowitz runs test is used to identify the homogeneity of structural populations by analyzing the joint sequence. Based on a significance level of 0.01, the homogeneity of structural populations collected from four adjacent adits at the Songta dam site is determined using the proposed method. The results show that the boundaries of structural domain change with the sizes of the sampling domains being compared. The initial sampling domains should be selected according to the engineering geological conditions of the studied area. In addition, the clear advantage of the proposed method is that both joint orientation and trace length are considered.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity, being a trivial feature inside the earth or in a geostructure, makes a strong basis for its consideration in the study of geomechanics. Inclusion of the concept of heterogeneity along with irregularity in the medium brings a novelty to the existing literature related to the study of the moving load. The present study investigates the effects of linear and exponential heterogeneity on the dynamic response due to a normal load moving with constant velocity on a rough irregular heterogeneous isotropic half-space in a comparative approach. Expressions for both normal and shear stresses for either case of heterogeneity have been established in closed form. Substantial effects of the affecting parameters such as depth, irregularity factor, maximum depth of irregularity, frictional coefficient, linear heterogeneity parameter and exponential heterogeneity parameter on normal and shear stresses for both the cases of heterogeneity have been observed. Numerical computation has been carried out and the effects of said parameters have been meticulously examined by means of graphs. Moreover, different cases of heterogeneity and homogeneity along with various types of irregularity namely rectangular, parabolic and no irregularity are compared which serve as a focal theme of the study.  相似文献   

柳妮 《地质与勘探》2020,56(2):451-464
阜康凹陷为准噶尔盆地的富烃凹陷之一,其北部斜坡带为有利油气聚集区,上侏罗统三工河组发育辫状河三角洲,因其储集砂体面积大、厚度大受到较大关注。由于油气仍有较大挖掘潜力,同时油井水驱效果逐渐变差等问题逐渐显现,需要对研究区三工河组储层非均质性进行综合研究。利用岩心、录井、测井和地震资料,通过层内、层间和平面非均质性的详细研究,发现三工河组储集层的宏观非均质性很强,三工河组二段最强。利用压汞、核磁共振、恒速压汞、粒度、薄片分析和扫描电镜等资料,通过对三工河组储集层的孔喉、颗粒以及填隙物非均质性进行详细研究,发现三工河组储集层的微观非均质性很强。储集层非均质性受控于沉积背景、成岩作用和异常压力,综合认为三二段相较于三一段更有利于成藏。  相似文献   

罗文强  尹建桥  赵文斌 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):639-642
边坡安全系数概率分布形态是边坡可靠指标、破坏概率的计算基础,目前对边坡安全系数的影响参数如摩擦系数、凝聚力、重度等的变异性及分布形态有一定的研究,但对边坡安全系数的变异性及概率分布形态缺乏研究。以三峡库区巴东沿江路云沱段(狮子包)边坡为例,基于岩土参数c、? 值服从正态分布,通过Monte-Carlo模拟计算,研究得到安全系数的概率分布为正态分布,并利用Q-Q图分析对概率分布形态进行了定量检验。由安全系数服从正态分布得到狮子包边坡安全系数的平均值和失稳风险。  相似文献   

Isotropic reproducing kernels for a sphere or spherical shell are derived as weighted product sums o fL 2 orthonormal base functions. For the sphere these functions are products of the surface spherical harmonics and the Jacobi polynomials of degree (0, 2). Reproducing kernels for a sphere are consistent with the covariance function of the outer anomalous gravity potential of the Earth. These reproducing kernels may be used for gravity field modeling which include density (anomaly) data as observations or which aims at predicting such quantities using optimal estimation methods, that is for solving the inverse gravimetric problem.  相似文献   

页岩非均质性直接决定了页岩的储层可改造性和含气量,是页岩气勘探开发基础研究的内容之一。以湘鄂西Ld1井龙马溪组页岩为研究对象,在矿物岩石、显微薄片、地球化学和低温N2吸附-脱附实验的基础上,分析了研究区龙马溪组页岩的非均质性。研究发现Ld1井龙马溪组页岩主要发育硅质页岩、混合质页岩和黏土质页岩三大类,三大类页岩在有机质的赋存状态、有机质含量、矿物组成、显微结构和构造、脆性以及微观孔隙类型等方面具有较强非均质性,沉积作用、后期成岩作用和陆源输入是影响页岩非均质性的主要因素。硅质页岩具有有机碳含量高、脆性和孔渗条件好等成藏条件,是后期重点勘探开发层段,但通过FHH分形维数定量研究发现,硅质页岩段孔喉细小且非均质性强,孔隙结构复杂且联通性差,需要进行有效的储层改造才能够适应开采。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地下寺湾地区延长组页岩气储层非均质性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王香增  张丽霞  高潮 《地学前缘》2016,23(1):134-145
鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组长7、长9页岩是页岩油气勘探的重要层位,本文在岩心观测、薄片观察、脉冲渗透率测试、有机碳含量测试、气体组分分析、测井解释方法的基础上,对陆相页岩层内岩性、地化参数、微观孔隙结构、力学参数的非均质特征进行研究。研究认为陆相页岩储层砂质纹层发育密度和频率值较高,纹层中的大孔隙与页岩中的中孔和微孔构成复杂的孔隙体系,造成页岩储层层内非均质性极强,可有效改善页岩层系的物性,为游离气的富集和运移提供有利空间和有效通道,对游离气的渗流和富集具有积极意义。非均质程度较弱的页岩段,砂质纹层发育程度低,物性致密,排烃能力最弱,富集较多的吸附气。陆相页岩成储机制受控于其较强的非均质性,同时页岩强非均质性段,脆性矿物含量高,有利于页岩储层的压裂开采。  相似文献   

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