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The Chalk is an important water supply aquifer, yet ecosystems within it remain poorly understood. Boreholes (198) in seven areas of England (UK) were sampled to determine the importance of the Chalk aquifer as a habitat, and to improve understanding of how species are distributed. Stygobitic macro-invertebrates were remarkably common, and were recorded in 67 % of boreholes in unconcealed Chalk, although they were not recorded in Chalk that is concealed by low-permeability strata and thus likely to be confined. Most species were found in shallow boreholes (<21 m) and boreholes with deep (>50 m) water tables, indicating that the habitat is vertically extensive. Stygobites were present in more boreholes in southern England than northern England (77 % compared to 38 %). Only two species were found in northern England compared to six in southern England, but overall seven of the eight stygobitic macro-invertebrate species found in England were detected in the Chalk. Two species are common in southern England, but absent from northern England despite the presence of a continuous habitat prior to the Devensian glaciation. This suggests that either they did not survive glaciations in the north where glaciers were more extensive, or dispersal rates are slow and they have never colonised northern England. Subsurface ecosystems comprising aquatic macro-invertebrates and meiofauna, as well as the microbial organisms they interact with, are likely to be widespread in the Chalk aquifer. They represent an important contribution to biodiversity, and may influence biogeochemical cycles and provide other ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Compared with other parts of the world, the study of geomythology in southern Africa, and the associated documentation of non-western awareness of palaeontological and geological phenomena, is in an early phase. We focus on examples of rocks and fossils as items of special interest and curiosity, and we search for evidence of an indigenous palaeontology and geology. We review twenty-one sites or cases for which published accounts exist, and we describe a newly identified trilobite manuport site. In combination these sites provide various levels of evidence of palaeontological and geological awareness exhibited by non-western cultures in southern Africa, and how these cultures incorporated this knowledge into their understanding of their world. We anticipate that in time a diverse heritage of such ‘natural knowledge’ may become evident in southern Africa, aided in part by recognition of the possibility that rock art images may be associated with awareness of body fossils and trace fossils. We suggest ways in which further analysis may bolster this contention.  相似文献   

Railway cuttings, like that at Roade, near Northampton in the English East Midlands, can provide a wealth of geological information, but for safety reasons they remain off-limits to the majority of geologists. Even when access can be achieved, observations are often limited by the extent of vegetation cover. However, a new programme of engineering works at Roade has allowed Natural England and the British Geological Survey (BGS) to explore new ways of capturing the geological and topographical data from railway cuttings that could eventually allow everyone to make a virtual reality visit to otherwise inaccessible sites.  相似文献   

A simple and highly accurate finite-strain measurement technique is presented. The principle behind the technique is that the longer the dimension of a strain indicator in a certain orientation, the higher the probability of its being intersected by a plane perpendicular to this orientation. Strain indicators have to be counted in any three mutually perpendicular orientations and their populations are analytically transferred into the parameters describing the strain ellipses in the three orientations. Strain indicators might be of any shape, but they must have had predeformational random distribution and random orientation.The geological implications of the technique are discussed. The technique is applied to deformed Upper Cretaceous chalk from Dorset (southern England) using microfossils as strain indicators.  相似文献   

The geology of the Isle of Wight has attracted both the amateur and professional geologist alike for well over two centuries. It presents a cornucopia of things geological and offers a window into the fascinating story of the geological history and landscape development of southern England, as well as an important teaching resource for all levels of study from primary education through to academic research.This paper provides a geological framework and a summary of the history of research as context for the papers in this issue can be placed. Inevitably, it can only offer a précis of the huge amount of information available, but it is hoped will also give added impetus to further investigation of the literature or, indeed, new research.The island offers a field workshop for topics such as lithostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, tectonics and climate change; studies that are becoming ever more international in their influence. There are 15 Sites of Special Scientific Interest designated because of their geological importance and a number of these are internationally significant.After a brief discussion on the concealed geology, this paper concentrates on an outline of the near-surface geology on the coast and inland, and introduces a different view on the structure of the Cretaceous and Palaeogene strata. The enigmatic Quaternary deposits are discussed particularly with reference to the development of the Solent River, human occupation and climate change.  相似文献   


Multi-scale, multi-method integration of geological constraints, with new interpretations of potential field data and seismic reflection data, has resulted in a comprehensive structural interpretation of the southern Thomson Orogen, eastern Australia. The interpretation reveals ~50 major faults and shear zones, many of which can be traced for several hundred kilometres. The interpretation suggests that the southern Thomson Orogen can be subdivided into several structural domains that can be distinguished by differences in: (i) spatial orientation, (ii) geographic distribution, and (iii) partly the timing of major faults, but also to varying degrees by (iv) the evolution and spatial orientation of other structural elements, such as folds, minor faults and fractures, (v) broader lithological trends, (vi) stratigraphy, and (vii) structural style. The two largest domains are the Western Structural Domain that contains numerous faults and shear zones, and the fold-dominated Eastern Structural Domain, which is more strongly affected by late- to post-Devonian thrusting than the Western Structural Domain. Notwithstanding their differences, the domains can be integrated into a coherent structural model for the southern Thomson Orogen, which suggests that the area represents a set of megafolds or oroclines, which may have formed during the Bindian Orogeny.  相似文献   

陈帅 《地质与勘探》2018,54(S1):1467-1475
乌鲁瓦提地质景观区是以昆仑造山带地质构造为特征的构造地貌和山地地貌综合性地质景观区。景观区内地质遗迹和景观类型多样, 共包括地质(体、层)剖面、地质构造、地貌景观、水体景观和环境地质遗迹景观5个大类、7个类共20多处地质遗迹景点,总体可划分为5大景区。本文在前人研究总结的基础上,就地质景观区内旅游资源,特别是地质遗迹进行了系统调查和评价。结果表明:和田乌鲁瓦提地质景观区内地质遗迹种类丰富,具有较高的科研、科普及经济价值,其开发利用将加快南疆和田地区脱贫工作。  相似文献   

Palaeoecological records can provide important information on past cultural and economic activities and landscape change. Wetland sites in particular provide remarkable depository opportunities for such remains. Yet these deposit and site types are often not fully appreciated and are undervalued in terms of their place in our culture and history. This article explores reasons for this and suggests ways in which better collaboration between disciplines and sectors can be achieved. We also highlight the work that Historic England has been carrying out and funding, signposting the organisation's publications and guidance. In doing so, we demonstrate that Historic England is an advocate of wetlands and their heritage values, and is concerned with their protection, rather than only historic buildings, scheduled monuments and other designated sites, as it is commonly perceived. Through this we hope to establish partnerships and develop networks across sectors with those who are interested in wetlands, leading to better integrated working practices.  相似文献   

Laminar calcretes are described from the Lower Carboniferous of South Wales, the Upper Jurassic of southern England and the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of northern Spain. They are interpreted as calcified root-mats (horizontal root systems) and are compared with other examples in the geological record and with possible modern analogues. All three occurrences consist of virtually identical, centimetre to decimetre-thick, locally organic carbon-rich, laminar micrites containing up to 50% by volume of millimetre-sized typically calcite-filled, tubular fenestrae set in an irregular but very finely laminated matrix. It is suggested that root-mat calcretes are probably very common in the geological record in peritidal, lacustrine margin and floodplain deposits, but owing to their crudely biogenic microstructure, they more closely resemble cryptalgal laminites than do other laminar calcretes. The recognition of such root-mat calcretes in sedimentary sequences not only provides evidence of subaerial exposure and vegetation cover but can also indicate positions of palaeo-water-tables in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

The Wealden Beds (non-marine Lower Cretaceous) of the Wessex Sub-basin, southern England, are exposed principally in coastal sections on the Isle of Wight and in Dorset. Geological Conservation Review sites within these strata have been extensively documented since the earliest days of geological enquiry in Great Britain. The succession is dominated by the alluvial Wessex Formation which demonstrates a broad east–west transition from meanderplain lithofacies to coarser-grained alluvial sediments, in relative proximity to the Cornubian source massif. The meanderplain sediments on the Isle of Wight are of international importance for their plant and animal fossils, the latter including many dinosaurs and their trackways. Upper Barremian transgression resulted in the spread of muddy lakes and coastal lagoons from the Weald Sub-basin into the eastern part of the Wessex Sub-basin, around or through the Purbeck–Isle of Wight structure. The resulting richly fossiliferous mudrock-dominated strata are now represented by the Vectis Formation on the Isle of Wight and in Swanage Bay, Dorset. The Geological Conservation Review sites in the Wessex Sub-basin are documented and interpreted, with particular reference to research history, chronostratigraphy, structural context, palaeoenvironments, palaeobiology and palaeoclimatology. New directions for research are proposed, as applicable.  相似文献   

This study is based on an analysis of seismic, gravimetric and magnetic data to model the structure of the Dover Straits area. The Dover Straits are set in a transitional position within the Brabant para-autochthon, which lies between the Ardennes allochthon to the south and the Brabant Massif to the north. The seismic profiles show that this area is characterised by several superimposed Mesozoic basins, whose evolution has been controlled by the reactivation of Lower Palaeozoic faults. In common with the adjacent Weald–Wessex and southern North Sea basins, the Dover Straits area records a Jurassic extensional phase and a post-Cretaceous tectonic inversion. The geophysical modelling reveals the presence of a basement to these Mesozoic basins that exhibits Ordovician to Silurian structures, which cannot be detected on the seismic reflection profiles. In contrast to earlier interpretations, the modelling presented here suggests that the Brabant Massif continues southward beyond the Dover Straits and under the Brabant para-autochthon. Gravity data also provides evidence for the presence of granitic body at depth, in the vicinity of Km 27 on the seismic profile, which may have driven the uplift of the Silurian rocks in the area of the Straits. Similar granitic intrusions have been proposed to explain gravity anomalies along the Rhenohercynian Margin in Belgium, eastern and southern England. The geophysical modelling demonstrates the continuity of the basement and Mesozoic basin structures across the Dover Straits, suggesting a common geological evolution of the adjacent southern England–northern France regions. To cite this article: B. Minguely et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

It is common to think of hot deserts, i.e. hot arid or dry lands, as areas of little rain situated in the middle parts of the world, that are simply 'just there'. However, most of the world's deserts have a long geological history, sometimes of 50 million years or more and ways have been developing for some time now, particularly from geomorphological studies, of not only erecting the law of superposition of strata for the desert but also 'absolute' dating. The authors have often worked commercially in deserts world-wide but their recent experiences in the Oman have brought home to them the excellent work that has been going on in the last two or three decades in evaluating the geological history of deserts. The Oman experience is described in a feature in the next issue.  相似文献   

Geoconservation in England, as in Great Britain more widely, is very well established. Sites of national or international scientific importance, as determined by a systematic site assessment and selection exercise, can be protected by designation as Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Sites of local importance e.g. Local Geological Sites may also be taken into account when planning decisions are made that could have an impact on them. As a whole, the network of conserved geosites represents the key elements of our current understanding of the geology and geomorphology of England. Site selection and safeguard and management of this network are dependent on geoscience information, and in return continued geoscience fieldwork is dependent on having conserved sites available for study. Here, we review the relationship between geoconservation and geoscience, and how it has developed since the first geoconservation legislation nearly 70 years ago. We discuss the achievements, challenges and where and how this relationship needs to strengthen further to meet future needs of both geoscience and nature conservation. In a changing world, there will continue to be a need for innovative geoscience supported by effective geoconservation. Those interested in conserving England’s geological heritage will need to engage the wider geoscience community more than ever to deliver a shared vision for the natural environment.  相似文献   

Equivalent in principle to type localities and type specimens in biology and paleontology, geological type sections and type localities, whether for sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous units, are critically important sites as long-term reference and research localities and for geo-education of students. Unlike type specimens that are housed in museums or established institutions of learning, most geological type sections and localities are in field settings and, if they are not located in National Parks or other reserves with some legislated protection, run the risk of being destroyed, inundated, buried by earthworks or otherwise modified. The history of the geological sciences in Australia is such that a number of type localities, or stratigraphic type sections, have been destroyed by local government actions, or developers through lack of knowledge of their importance, or lack of knowledge of their existence. Examples of the severe modification or loss of type sections include those of the Maxicar beds, the Tims Thicket Limestone and the Eaton Sand. The UK, a leader in the field of Geoconservation and with a number of global stratotype section and point locations as well as many other type sections identified within its borders, provides models for preserving and managing important geological sites and type sections. Whole-of-government and local governments are involved in the registering and protection of important geological sites. Aspects of the UK model may be adapted to help secure geological type sections and localities in Australia. While some type sections and heritage localities are already protected, to improve the level of protection for more sites we propose a long-term, multi-pronged approach: creation of an inventory of all nominated locations; registration of appropriate sites at Local, State or Federal government levels, where current legislation allows; education of landowners and land managers, both government and non-government to highlight the importance of type sections to science; and securing more geological type sections and localities in some form of reserve.  相似文献   

Critical assessment of Paleozoic paleomagnetic results from Australia shows that paleopoles from locations on the main craton and in the various terranes of the Tasman Fold Belt of eastern Australia follow the same path since 400 Ma for the Lachlan and Thomson superterranes, but not until 250 Ma or younger for the New England superterrane. Most of the paleopoles from the Tasman Fold Belt are derived from the Lolworth-Ravenswood terrane of the Thomson superterrane and the Molong-Monaro terrane of the Lachlan superterrane. Consideration of the paleomagnetic data and geological constraints suggests that these terranes were amalgamated with cratonic Australia by the late Early Devonian. The Lolworth-Ravenswood terrane is interpreted to have undergone a 90° clockwise rotation between 425 and 380 Ma. Although the Tamworth terrane of the western New England superterrane is thought to have amalgamated with the Lachlan superterrane by the Late Carboniferous, geological syntheses suggest that movements between these regions may have persisted until the Middle Triassic. This view is supported by the available paleomagnetic data. With these constraints, an apparent polar wander path for Gondwana during the Paleozoic has been constructed after review of the Gondwana paleomagnetic data. The drift history of Gondwana with respect to Laurentia and Baltica during the Paleozoic is shown in a series of paleogeographic maps.  相似文献   

闽江福州河段环境工程地质问题的评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江河环境工程地质问题是环境工程地质学研究的重要课题。江河沿岸环境地质条件是影响和决定沿江城市环境质量的重要背景 ;是控制和影响沿江河岸城市的环境容量和质量的重要因素。本文以闽江下游福州河段为例 ,概要评述了闽江福州河段的水动力条件和流水地质作用类型、强度等状况 ;分析研究了该河段的流水地质作用和地貌环境变化动态及其与沿江河岸人类各种工程建设活动的互相作用的特征和规律。对促进和提高沿江河岸人地系统和谐协调平衡发展水平 ,正确规划、预测和评价沿江河岸各类工程建设发展的经济和社会效益及其前景 ,都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

张江  凌宗成  李勃  武中臣 《岩石学报》2016,32(1):113-118
月球漩涡是月球表面具有磁场异常和光度异常的独特地质特征,其成因目前仍存在争议。本文以典型的Reiner Gamma漩涡为例,利用LROC WAC观测数据,建立该地区主要地质单元(明亮斑纹、暗带和周边月海)的光度模型。研究表明,除光谱特性外,漩涡地区各地质单元的光度行为可作为物质分类的重要依据。Reiner Gamma漩涡地区的明亮斑纹与暗带和周边月海的光度特性完全不同,其异常光度行为(相函数参数)可能与漩涡的强水平方向磁场存在关联。暗带与周边月海的亮度和光谱特性相近,但具有明显不同的相函数参数,其光度行为介于周边月海和明亮斑纹之间,表明它们的月壤物理特性存在差异。  相似文献   

The Central Andes host some of the world’s largest porphyry copper deposits. The economic viability of these deposits is dependent on the size and quality of their supergene enrichment blanket. Published models that have strongly influenced exploration policy suggest that supergene enrichment ceased at 14 Ma due to an increase in aridity. Here we discuss these models using published geochronological, geomorphological and geological data. Geochronological data indicate that supergene oxidation and enrichment has been active between 17 and 27°S across the forearc of northern Chile and southern Peru from 44 to 6 Ma, and on the Bolivian Altiplano and Eastern Cordillera of Argentina from 11 Ma to present. There is evidence for cessation at 20, 14 and 6 Ma. However, a major problem is that as more geochronological data become available the age ranges and periods of enrichment increase. This suggests that the full spectrum of enrichment ages may not have been sampled. The relationship between supergene enrichment and the age of regional pediplain surface development is not well constrained. Only in two areas have surfaces related to enrichment been directly dated (southern Peru and south of 26°S in Chile) and suggest formation post 14 Ma. Sedimentological data indicate that a fluctuating arid/semi-arid climate prevailed across the Atacama Desert until between 4 and 3 Ma, climatic conditions that are thought to be favourable for supergene enrichment. The balance between uplift, erosion, burial and sufficient water supply to promote enrichment is complex. This suggests that a simple model for controlling supergene enrichment is unlikely to be widely applicable in northern Chile. General models that involve climatic desiccation at 14 Ma related to rainshadow development and/or the presence of an ancestral cold-upwelling Humboldt Current are not supported by the available geological evidence. The integration of disparate sedimentological, geomorphological and supergene age data will be required to fully understand the controls on and distribution of supergene oxidation and enrichment in the Central Andes.  相似文献   

The Wealden strata of southern England provide a range of evidence for Early Cretaceous non-marine environments and their inhabitants, and a climate of warm to hot, 'Mediterranean' aspect. Because of its exposure, and its range of facies, distinguishing a variety of sedimentary environments, the Wealden has long fascinated geologists intent on providing an environmental model. This article is one of two intended to give an overview of Wealden environments, providing the geological framework of these strata. In this article, the type-succession in the Weald Sub-basin of south-east England is summarized and briefly interpreted.  相似文献   

Crustal downwarping has occurred throughout southern and south-eastern England and most of Wales for at least the last 4000 years, but the type of movement in some areas of southern and eastern England is more complicated than simple linear subsidence. Highest estimated rates of subsidence (since 4000 BP) are for the Thames Estuary and Norfolk (up to 2 mm/yr). Glacio-isostatic processes have resulted in uplift in northern England and mainland Scotland. The rates of uplift have decreased throughout the Holocene; estimates for the present range from zero in south Lancashire and the Tees Estuary to over 1 mm/yr (though less than 2 mm/yr) in central Scotland. Over 400 sea-level index points, from the databank of 904 cases collected for IGCP Project 200, are grouped into 15 main areas and used to investigate the nature of crustal movements in Great Britain since 8800 BP, but there are significant deficiencies in available data which constrain the analysis.  相似文献   

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