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We study the linear theory of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in a layer of ions and neutrals with finite thickness. In the short wavelength limit the thickness of the layer has a negligible effect on the growing modes. However, perturbations with wavelength comparable to layer’s thickness are significantly affected by the thickness of the layer. We show that the thickness of the layer has a stabilizing effect on the two dominant growing modes. Transition between the modes not only depends on the magnetic strength, but also on the thickness of the layer.  相似文献   

We present the local linear stability analysis of rotating jets confined by a toroidal magnetic field. Under the thin flux tube approximation, we derive the equation of motion for slender magnetic flux tubes. In addition to the terms responsible for the conventional instability of the toroidal magnetic field, a term related to the magnetic buoyancy and a term corresponding to the differential rotation become relevant for the stability properties. We find that the rigid rotation stabilizes while the differential rotational destabilizes the jet in a way similar to the Balbus–Hawley instability. Within the frame of our local analysis, we find that if the azimuthal velocity is of the order of or higher than the Alfvén azimuthal speed, the rigidly rotating part of the jet interior can be completely stabilized, while the strong shearing instability operates in the transition layer between the rotating jet interior and the external medium. This can explain the limb-brightening effect observed in several jets. However, it is still possible to find jet equilibria that are stable all across the jet, even in the presence of differential rotation. We discuss observational consequences of these results.  相似文献   

The properties of bipolar outflows depend on the structure in the environment as well as the nature of the jet. To help distinguish between the two, we investigate here the properties pertaining to the ambient medium. We execute axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations, injecting continuous atomic jets into molecular media with density gradients (protostellar cores) and density discontinuities (thick swept-up sheets). We determine the distribution of outflowing mass with radial velocity (the mass spectrum) to quantify our approach and to compare to observationally determined values. We uncover a sequence from clump entrainment in the flanks to bow shock sweeping as the density profile steepens. We also find that the dense, highly supersonic outflows remain collimated but can become turbulent after passing through a shell. The mass spectra vary substantially in time, especially at radial speeds exceeding 15 km s−1. The mass spectra also vary according to the conditions: both envelope-type density distributions and the passage through dense sheets generate considerably steeper mass spectra than a uniform medium. The simulations suggest that observed outflows penetrate highly non-uniform media.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify the molecular shocks associated with the entrainment of ambient gas by collimated stellar winds from young stars, we have imaged a number of known molecular outflows in H2 v=1-0 S(1) and wide-band K. In each flow, the observed H2 features are closely associated with peaks in the CO outflow maps. We therefore suggest that the H2 results from shocks associated with the acceleration or entrainment of ambient, molecular gas. This molecular material may be accelerated either in a bow shock at the head of the flow, or along the length of the flow through a turbulent mixing layer.  相似文献   

A recent laboratory experiment suggests that a Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) instability at the interface between two superfluids – one rotating and anisotropic, the other stationary and isotropic – may trigger sudden spin-up of the stationary superfluid. This result suggests that a KH instability at the crust–core (  1 S03 P2  –superfluid) boundary of a neutron star may provide a trigger mechanism for pulsar glitches. We calculate the dispersion relation of the KH instability involving two different superfluids including the normal fluid components and their effects on stability, particularly entropy transport. We show that an entropy difference between the core and crust superfluids reduces the threshold differential shear velocity and threshold crust–core density ratio. We evaluate the wavelength of maximum growth of the instability for neutron star parameters and find the resultant circulation transfer to be within the range observed in pulsar glitches.  相似文献   

We have imaged several known molecular (CO) outflows in H2 v=1-0 S(1) and wide-band K in order to identify the molecular shocks associated with the acceleration of ambient gas by outflows from young stars. We detected H2 line emission in all the flows we observed: L 1157, VLA 1623, NGC 6334I, NGC 2264G, L 1641N and Haro 4-255. A comparison of the H2 data with CO outflow maps strongly suggests that prompt entrainment near the head of a collimated jet probably is the dominant mechanism for producing the CO outflows in these sources.  相似文献   

We present [N  ii ] and H α images and high-resolution long-slit spectra of the planetary nebula IC 4846, which reveal, for the first time, its complex structure and the existence of collimated outflows. The object consists of a moderately elongated shell, two (and probably three) pairs of collimated bipolar outflows at different orientations, and an attached circular shell. One of the collimated pairs is constituted by two curved, extended filaments the properties of which indicate a high-velocity, bipolar precessing jet. A difference of ≃10 km s−1 is found between the systemic velocity of the precessing jets and the centroid velocity of the nebula, as recently reported for Hu 2-1. We propose that this difference is as a result of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary central star. The orbital separation of 30 au and period 100 yr estimated for the binary are similar to those in Hu 2-1, linking the central stars of both planetary nebulae to interacting binaries. Extraordinary similarities also exist between IC 4846 and the bewildering planetary nebula NGC 6543, suggesting a similar formation history for both objects.  相似文献   

We present hydrodynamic simulations of molecular outflows driven by jets with a long period of precession, motivated by observations of arc-like features and S-symmetry in outflows associated with young stars. We simulate images of not only H2 vibrational and CO rotational emission lines, but also of atomic emission. The density cross-section displays a jaw-like cavity, independent of precession rate. In molecular hydrogen, however, we find ordered chains of bow shocks and meandering streamers which contrast with the chaotic structure produced by jets in rapid precession. A feature particularly dominant in atomic emission is a stagnant point in the flow that remains near the inlet and alters shape and brightness as the jet skims by. Under the present conditions, slow jet precession yields a relatively high fraction of mass accelerated to high speeds, as also attested to in simulated CO line profiles. Many outflow structures, characterized by HH 222 (continuous ribbon), HH 240 (asymmetric chains of bow shocks) and RNO 43N (protruding cavities), are probably related to the slow-precession model.  相似文献   

The central stars of highly evolved planetary nebulae (PNe) are expected to have closely similar absolute visual magnitudes MV . This enables us to determine approximate distances to these sources where one knows their central star visual magnitudes, and levels of extinction. We find that such an analysis implies values of D which are similar to those determined by Phillips; Cahn, Kaler & Stanghellin; Acker, and Daub. However, our distances are very much smaller than those of Zhang; Bensby & Lundstrom, and van de Steene & Zijlstra. The reasons for these differences are discussed, and can be traced to errors in the assumed relation between brightness temperature and radius.
Finally, we determine that the binary companions of such stars can be no brighter than   MV ∼ 6 mag  , implying a spectral type of K0 or later in the case of main-sequence stars.  相似文献   

Current-carrying flows, in the laboratory and in astrophysical jets, can form remarkably stable magnetic structures. Decades of experience show that such flows often build equilibria that reverse field directions, evolving to a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Taylor state, which has remarkable stability properties. We model jets and the magnetic bubbles they build as reversed-field pinch equilibria by assuming the driver current to be stiff in the MHD sense. Taking the jet current as rigid and a fixed function of position, we prove a theorem: that the same, simple MHD stability conditions guarantee stability, even after the jet turns off. This means that magnetic structures harbouring a massive inventory of magnetic energy can persist long after the building jet current has died away. These may be the relic radio 'fossils', 'ghost bubbles' or 'magnetic balloons' found in clusters. These equilibria, which are under magnetic tension, will evolve, retaining the stability properties from that state. The remaining fossil is not a disordered ball of magnetic fields, but a stable structure under tension, able to respond to the slings and arrows of outside forces. Typically their Alfvén speeds greatly exceed the cluster sound speed, and so they can keep out hot cluster plasma, leading to X-ray ghosts. Passing shocks cannot easily destroy them, but can energize and light them up anew at radio frequencies. Bubbles can rise in the hot cluster plasma, perhaps detaching from the parent radio galaxy but stable against Rayleigh–Taylor and other modes.  相似文献   

Highly-collimated outflows are believed to be the earliest stage in outflow evolution, so their study is essential for understanding the processes driving outflows. The BHR71 Bok globule is known to harbour such a highly-collimated outflow, which is powered by a protostar belonging to a protobinary system. Using the APEX telescope on Chajnantor, we mapped the BHR71 highly-collimated outflow in CO(3-2), and observed several bright points of the outflow in the molecular transitions CO(4-3), CO(7-6), 13CO(3-2), C18O(3-2), CH3OH(7-6) and H2CO(4-3). We use an LVG code to characterise the temperature enhancements in these regions. These observations are particularly interesting for investigating the interaction of collimated outflows with the ambient molecular cloud. In our CO(3-2) map, the second outflow driven by IRS2, which is the second source of the binary system, is completely revealed and shown to be bipolar. We also measure temperature enhancements in the lobes. The CO and methanol LVG modelling points to temperatures between 30 and 50 K in the two lobes. The methanol emission in the southern lobe bright knot is barely resolved with the APEX single-dish. ALMA will thus be a central tool to study the shock chemistry in these regions.  相似文献   

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