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The eruption of Vesuvius of 79 AD caused extensive destructions all over the Campanian area, engulfing the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplonti and Stabiae.The eruption followed a long quiescence period and the inhabitants of the area were surprised by the volcanic events. The first part of the eruption was characterized by a widespread dispersal of pumices from a high erup-tive column. The second part of the eruption, character-ized by pyroclastic flows emplacement, caused the major damages with extensive life losses in most of the towns surrounding the volcano. In Pompeii, the major casual-ties during the first phase resulted from roof collapses;during the second phase, people were killed either by physical trauma due to the kinetic energy of the flow or by suffucation because of the ash-rich atmosphere.  相似文献   

The P-T path of magma associated with the 1944 Vesuvius eruption has been outlined on the basis of probe mineralogy and the relationships between the crystallising phases. Equilibrium P-T values, obtained from the reactions:
  1. CaMgSi2O6(liq) = CaMgSi2O6(cpx)
  2. NaAlSi3O8 (liq) = NaAlSi3O8 (plag)
  3. CaAl2Si2O8 (plag)=CaAl2SiO6(cpx)+SiO2(liq) have been established for three intracrustal crystallisation stages: I) 8.0 kbar and 1255 °C; II) 4.0 kbar and 1178 °C; III) 0.5 kbar and 1105 °C.
The H2O content in the magma has been estimated from an experimental calibration of \(a_{^{CaMgSi_2 O_6 } }^{liq}\) as a function of \(X_{H_2 O}^{liq}\) at P tot = 2 kbar. The estimated water contents of the magma for the three stages, I) 0.7%; II) 0.9%; III) 1.1%, are consistent with the pattern of activity of the 1944 Vesuvius eruption and with the relationship between the lavas. The shallow depth of H2O-saturation of the magma, 0.24 kbar at 1100 °C, is consistent with the eruption sequence of lava flows followed by lava fountain activity.  相似文献   

This paper reconstructs the use of space and defines activity areas within a single hut (Hut 8) at the Early Bronze Age village of Afragola (southern Italy). The village, consisting of a number of huts and other structures, was covered by approximately 1m of volcanic ash during the eruption of Vesuvius in 3550 ± 20BP. Thirteen samples were collected from inside the hut to analyze the spatial variability in sedimentary characteristics among three areas of Hut 8—the apsidal, central, and entrance areas. The micromorphological analysis revealed details about the occupation surface and its relationship to features and material remains in the hut not apparent in the field. The apsidal area was probably used for storage but not of solids, as no significant quantities of organic material were found. The central area contains a small oven, calcareous ash from fires, and organic material composed of charred remains and bone fragments and was likely used for small‐scale household tasks. A possible connection exists between the lithics and the microstratigraphic sequencing in the area west of the oven, suggesting that people congregated there to perform specific tasks. The entrance area contains highly compacted and heterogeneous sediments that were brought in from outside. Notable is the paucity of anthropogenic materials found inside the hut, especially given the remarkable preservation offered by the thick cover of volcanic ash. We hypothesize that Hut 8 was not occupied long enough to produce a large amount of debris or that it had limited indoor activities and was thoroughly cleaned. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Geological and volcanological studies were performed in the Herculaneum excavations, 7 km west of Vesuvius, Italy, to reconstruct the main features of the pyroclastic density currents and the temporal sequence of the ad 79 eruptive events that destroyed and buried the town. The identification of two distinctive marker beds allows correlation of these deposits with the better‐known sequences to the south of Vesuvius, along the dispersal axis of the Plinian fall deposit. Detailed observations from stratigraphic sections show that the pyroclastic density current deposits are characterized by several sedimentary facies, each recording different depositional and emplacement mechanisms. Facies analysis reveals both lateral and vertical variations from massive to stratified deposits, which can be related to the combined effects of flow dynamics and local irregularities of the substratum at centimetre or metre scales. These topographic irregularities enhanced turbulence and allowed rapid transition from non‐turbulent to turbulent transport within the flow. Fabric data from these deposits, both from roof tile orientations and anisotropy magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analyses carried out on some of the pyroclastic deposits, suggest that the pyroclastic density currents were strongly affected by the presence of buildings. These obstacles probably caused deflection and separation of flows into multiple lobes that moved in different directions.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the compound pahoehoe lava flow fields of the 2000 eruption on Mount Cameroon volcano, West Africa and it comprehensively documents their morphology. The 2000 eruption of Mount Cameroon took place at three different sites (sites 1, 2 and 3), on the southwest flank and near the summit that built three different lava flow fields. These lava flow fields were formed during a long‐duration (28th May–mid September) summit and flank eruption involving predominantly pahoehoe flows (sites 2 and 3) and aa flows (site 1). Field observations of flows from a total of four cross‐sections made at the proximal end, midway and at the flow front, have been supplemented with data from satellite imagery (SRTM DEM, Landsat TM and ETM+) and are used to offer some clues into their emplacement. Detailed mapping of these lava flows revealed that site 1 flows were typically channel‐fed simple aa flows that evolved as a single flow unit, while sites 2 and 3 lava flow fields were fed by master tubes within fissures producing principally tube‐fed compound pahoehoe flows. Sites 2 and 3 flows issued from ∼ 33 ephemeral vents along four NE–SW‐trending faults/fissures. Pahoehoe morphologies at sites 2 and 3 include smooth, folded and channelled lobes emplaced via a continuum of different mechanisms with the principal mechanism being inflation. The dominant structural features observed on these flow fields included: fissures/faults, vents, levees, channels, tubes and pressure ridges. Other structural features present were pahoehoe toes/lobes, breakouts and squeeze‐ups. Slabby pahoehoe resulting from slab‐crusted lava was the transitionary lava type from pahoehoe to aa observed at all the sites. Transition zones correspond to slopes of > 10°. Variations in flow morphology and textures across profiles and downstream were repetitive, suggesting a cyclical nature for the responsible processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glass inclusions in olivine and diopside phenocrysts from pyroclasts of various eruptions of Vesuvius are representative of the magmas that supplied the volcano in the last 4–5000 years. During this interval the volcano alternated between open conduit activity (e.g. 1944 and 1906 eruptions) with long pauses interupted by Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions (e.g. 3360 B.P. Avellino, A.D. 79 Pompei, A.D. 472 Pollena). The eruptive behaviour was conditioned in all cases by the presence of shallow reservoirs: two cases are distinguished: (1) small and very shallow, 1906-type; (2) large and deeper Plinian-sub-Plinian magma chamber. Lapilli of 1906 lava fountains contain olivine (Fo89.5–90.4) including Cr-spinel [Cr/(Cr+Al)] (Cr#>75) and volatile-K-rich tephritic glasses, which represent the first recognized Vesuvius primary magmas. Mg-poorer olivine (Fo83–89) also occurs in 1906 and 1944 products; it formed within the shallow reservoir, together with pyroxene and leucite, between 1200 and 1130°C, from K-tephritic melts (MgO=6–8 wt%). The Plinian and sub-Plinian pumices contain diopside, phlogopite and minor olivine (Fo85–87) representing adcumulates wrenched from the chamber walls. Glass inclusions in diopside (and some olivine) range from K-basalt to K-tephrite (MgO=6–8 wt%), with homogenization temperature of 1130–1170°C. They have been regarded as representative of the magmas supplying the Plinian-sub-Plinian chamber(s). The Avellino glass inclusions have K-basaltic compositions, contrasting with the mostly K-tephritic Pompei and Pollena inclusions. They display lower C1 and P contents with respect to the younger tephritic melts, and these variations should reflect primary features of the mantle-derived magmas. The primary and the near-primary Vesuvius magmas, as illustrated by melt inclusions, emphasize high K, P and volatile (H2O, Cl, F, S) contents, with high K2O/H2O (2–2.5), Cl/F (2.5) and Cl/S (2–3) ratios, consistent with a metasomatized mantle source, and distinguishing the Vesuvius potassic primary magmas from those of the northern part of the Roman Province.  相似文献   

The present work reports on the isotopic characterization of rainfall and groundwater at Mt. Vesuvius. Values of δ 18O, monthly measured on rain samples collected during the period 2002–2004 in a rain-gauge network composed of 10 stations, were compared with meteorological and DEM data. Air temperature, controlled by the local orographic structure, was identified as the main factor influencing rain isotopic composition. Another important role is played by orographic clouds, whose condensation over the top of Mt. Vesuvius is responsible for anomalously high δ 18O values recorded in rain samples from the summit area of the volcanic edifice. A spatial model of rain isotopic composition, based on a 3D distribution of temperature derived by a 1 × 1 km DEM, was implemented and used for calculating the theoretical isotopic signature of seepage, further compared with data measured in the groundwater monitoring network. The analysis evidenced the role of local meteoric recharge as the main source feeding Mt. Vesuvius aquifers. The unique exception is the Olivella drainage gallery, located on the north-eastern flank of the volcanic edifice, whose isotopic composition is slightly more positive than the one expected for its altitude, likely caused by both evaporation processes and mixing with condensed hydrothermal vapor.  相似文献   

Large-scale ignimbrite eruptions from rhyolitic caldera volcanoes can trigger geologically instantaneous changes in sedimentary systems over huge areas by either burying existing environments or overloading them with vast quantities of unconsolidated particulate material. The post-eruption readjustment of the landscape to such perturbations is one of the most dramatic processes in physical sedimentology, exemplified here by the 1.8 ka Taupo eruption in the central North Island of New Zealand. This eruption generated voluminous fall deposits, then climaxed with emplacement of a c. 30 km3 non-welded ignimbrite over a near-circular area of c. 20 000 km2. Approximately 90% of the area, but < 50% of the ignimbrite volume, is represented by a landscape-mantling unit that covered the pre-eruption topography to a depth varying from c. 10 m in proximal areas to less than 15–30 cm distally. The remainder of the ignimbrite deposit is represented by landscape-modifying material that ponded in valley bottoms and depressions to thicknesses of up to 70 m, with no systematic variation in thickness with distance from source.The headwaters of many of the North Island's largest rivers were impacted by both the primary pyroclastic fall and flow material. Large-scale post-eruption remobilisation of this material, coupled with the re-establishment of fluvial systems, occurred in a distinct sequence as recorded by the evolution of sedimentary facies in different sub-environments. Following an initial period dominated by mass flows, re-establishment of fluvial systems began with the headward erosion of box canyons through the ponded ignimbrite deposits, a process often associated with the break-out of temporary lakes. Aggradational streams developed in these channels rapidly evolved from shallow, ephemeral, sediment-laden outbursts associated with flash flood events to deeper, permanent braided rivers, before declining sediment yields led to retrenchment of single thread rivers and a return to pre-eruption gradients and bedloads years to decades later. Typically the modern profile of many streams and rivers follow closely their pre-eruption profiles, and incision and erosion is overwhelmingly confined to the deposits of the eruption itself.Although the general remobilisation pattern is similar for all impacted river systems, detailed studies of the Waikato, Rangitaiki, Mohaka, Ngaruroro and Whanganui catchments show that the relative timing and scale of each eruption response phase differs between each catchment. These reflect differences in catchment physiography and hydrology, and the volume and type of pyroclastic material deposited in each. Ultimately, the landscape response reflects the relative spatial distributions of, and the volumetric ratios between, the volumes of pyroclastic debris, water, and accommodation space in the basin (cf. Kataoka and Manville, this volume).  相似文献   

The evolution of volatiles in the AD 79 magma chamber at Vesuvius (Italy) was investigated through the study of melt inclusions (MI) in crystals of different origins. FTIR spectroscopy and EMPA were used to measure H2O, CO2, S and Cl of the different melts. This allowed us to define the volatile content of the most evolved, phonolitic portion of the magma chamber and of the mafic melts feeding the chamber. MI in sanidine from phonolitic and tephri-phonolitic pumices show systematic differences in composition and volatile content, which can be explained by resorption of the host mineral during syn-eruptive mixing. The pre-eruption content of phonolitic magma appears to have been dominated by H2O and Cl (respectively 6.0 to 6.5 wt% and 6700 ppm), while magma chamber refilling occurred through the repeated injection of H2O, CO2 and S-rich tephritic magmas (respectively 3%, 1500 ppm and 1400 ppm). Strong CO2 degassing probably occurred during the decompressional path of mafic batches towards the magma chamber, while sulphur was probably released by the magma following crystallization and mixing processes. Water and chlorine strongly accumulated in the magma and reached their solubility limits only during the eruption. Chlorine solubility appears to have been strongly compositionally controlled, and Cl release was inhibited by groundmass crystallization of leucite, which shifted the composition of the residual liquid towards higher Cl solubilities. Received: 28 October 1999 / Accepted: 21 April 2000  相似文献   

Assessing the influence of CO2 on soil and aquifer geochemistry is a task of increasing interest when considering risk assessment for geologic carbon sequestration. Leakage and CO2 ascent can lead to soil acidification and mobilization of potentially toxic metals and metalloids due to desorption or dissolution reactions. We studied the CO2 influence on an Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxide rich, gleyic Fluvisol sampled in close vicinity to a Czech mofette site and compared the short-term CO2 influence in laboratory experiments with observations on long-term influence at the natural site. Six week batch experiments with/without CO2 gas flow at 3 different temperatures and monitoring of liquid phase metal(loid) concentrations revealed two main short-term mobilization processes. Within 1 h to 1 d after CO2 addition, mobilization of weakly adsorbed metal cations occurred due to surface protonation, most pronounced for Mn (2.5–3.3 fold concentration increase, mobilization rates up to 278 ± 18 μg Mn kgsoil−1 d−1) and strongest at low temperatures. However, total metal(loid) mobilization by abiotic desorption was low. After 1–3 d significant Fe mobilization due to microbially-triggered Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxide dissolution began and continued throughout the experiment (up to 111 ± 24 fold increase or up to 1.9 ± 0.6 mg Fe kgsoil−1 d−1). Rates increased at higher temperature and with a higher content of organic matter. The Fe(III) mineral dissolution was coupled to co-release of incorporated metal(loid)s, shown for As (up to 16 ± 7 fold, 11 ± 8 μg As kgsoil−1 d−1). At high organic matter content, re-immobilization due to resorption reactions could be observed for Cu. The already low pH (4.5–5.0) did not change significantly during Fe(III) reduction due to buffering from sorption and dissolution reactions, but a drop in redox potential (from > +500 mV to minimum +340 ± 20 mV) occurred due to oxygen depletion. We conclude that microbial processes following CO2 induction into a soil can contribute significantly to metal(loid) mobilization, especially at optimal microbial growth conditions (moderate temperature, high organic carbon content) and should be considered for carbon sequestration monitoring and risk assessment.  相似文献   

胡华  蔡亮  梁健业  程剑  李祥华 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):25-30
选取东南沿海某建筑工程地基浅层残积土为试样,运用超声波岩土损伤检测技术,测试计算在不同冲击荷载作用下试样纵波波速。选用纵波波速为损伤变量进行损伤度计算,分析了冲击荷载冲击频率、冲量等参数对试样损伤度的影响关系。同时结合试样试验破坏实际情况,分析了冲击荷载作用下试样损伤演化破坏特性。结果表明,随着冲击频率和冲量的增大,残积土试样损伤度都有增大上升趋势;随着损伤度的增加,残积土冲击损伤演化过程可分为小变形、端部出现裂纹、前端1/3处鼓胀或出现裂纹、前端裂纹扩展与表面剥落等几个不同破坏阶段。研究结论为揭示动荷载作用下残积土动力损伤演化规律提供科学依据和量化参数。  相似文献   

Natural precipitation and water samples from passive devices were collected at Mt. Vesuvius and Vulcano Island, Italy, during the period 2004–2006, in order to investigate its possible interactions with fumarolic gases. Evidence of chemical reactions between fumarolic fluids and rain samples before and after its deposition into the sampling devices was found at Vulcano Island. Very low pH values (down to 2.5) and significant amounts of chlorine and sulfate (up to 22 mEq/l) were measured at sampling points located close to the fumarolic field. In contrast, anthropogenic contributions and/or dissolution of aerosols (both maritime and continental) influence the chemistry of rainwaters at Mt. Vesuvius, which show inter-annual variations that are highly consistent with those recorded at the coastal site at Vulcano Island. Chemistry of waters directly exposed to fumarolic fluids may then give useful information about its temporal evolution, holding the signal of the “maximum” chemical event occurred in the meanwhile. In addition, the observation of the health status of vegetation colonizing the immediate surroundings of the fumarolic fields, due to its strong dependence on the interactions with these fluids, may work as a possible biomarker of volcanic activity.  相似文献   

S. Signorelli  B. Capaccioni   《Lithos》1999,46(4):171-730
This study deals with the distribution of chlorine in glassy mesostases and whole-pumices from the 79 A.D. Plinian eruption (Somma–Vesuvius volcanic complex, Italy). This explosive event produced a prominent Plinian fall deposit followed by flows and surges. The fall deposit can be divided into two sub-units on the basis of an abrupt change in colour at approximately mid-level: a phonolitic white pumice layer at the base and a tephriphonolitic grey pumice layer at the top. Due to its hybrid nature (a mixture of k-tephritic, tephriphonolitic and phonolitic magmas), information on chlorine behaviour in tephriphonolitic magma has been inferred only by means of mass balance calculations. In the white pumices, chlorine concentrations show constant whole-pumice values, whereas glassy mesostases display significant compositional variations. These variations have been linked to the cryptocrystallisation of leucite in glassy mesostases, which affected the original melt compositions just before and during the eruptive event. In this framework, whole-pumice appears to better represent the pre-eruptive melt compositions. Using chlorine concentration in whole-pumices, a three-stage model of chlorine behaviour prior and during the eruptive event is predicted: (i) free variation during Rayleigh fractionation, according to a system with variance greater than zero; (ii) exsolution of volatile chlorine compounds (e.g., metal chlorides), when chlorine reaches its solubility limit in silicate melt, in coexisting hyper-saline and in dilute immiscible fluids; the variance of the system is zero at a given temperature and pressure; (iii) residual syn-eruptive variable enrichment of chlorine in the melt due to cryptocrystallization of leucite, suggesting a very minor loss of chlorine in the gas phase during the eruption. Although chlorine does not behave as a volatile element during the eruption, it is present in the volcanic plume. This is due to the postulated ‘excess' fluid phase containing chlorine that formed in the magma chamber prior to the eruption. The homogeneous distribution of chlorine in whole pumices, in contrast with a well-established chemical and isotopic layering in Vesuvian magmas prior to Pompei eruption, suggests that the trace element zonation is not directly linked to chlorine distribution in silicic melts.  相似文献   

The Doppler motions in a filament and the underlying photosphere over the several days before its eruption are analyzed. A large filament in the northern hemisphere near the central meridian observed from August 31-September 2, 2014 erupted on September 2, 2014. The filament lost the bulk of its mass as a result of its eruption, and the process of its reconstruction had begun a day later. Observations of this filament in a spectral range encompassing the Hβ λ 486.1 nm (chromospheric) and Fe I λ 485.9 nm (photospheric) lines were carried out on the Horizontal Solar Telescope of the Sayan Solar Observatory on August 31-September 2, 2014. Analysis of the Doppler motions in and beneath the filament yielded the following results. Strong rotational motions were present in the filament over a prolonged period (the entire three days of observations). The coincidence of the steady-state motions of the photosphere and filament was disrupted at the moment of destabilization of the filament by the emergence of new magnetic flux. Short-period (about five-minute) photospheric oscillationswith a train-like character arose in filament from time to time several hours before the eruption. Large segments underwent nearly vertical oscillations in the initial phase of the ascent of the filament.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of performance-based earthquake engineering analysis points out the necessity to assess quantitatively the risk of liquefaction of embankment-type structures. In this extreme scenario of soil liquefaction, devastating consequences are observed, e.g., excessive settlements, lateral spreading and slope instability. The present work discusses the global dynamic response and interaction of an earth structure-foundation system, so as to determine quantitatively the collapse mechanism due to foundation’s soil liquefaction. A levee-foundation system is simulated, and the influence of characteristics of input ground motion, as well as of the position of liquefied layer on the liquefaction-induced failure, is evaluated. For the current levee model, its induced damage level (i.e., induced crest settlements) is strongly related to both liquefaction apparition and dissipation of excess pore water pressure on the foundation. The respective role of input ground motion characteristics is a key component for soil liquefaction apparition, as long duration of mainshock can lead to important nonlinearity and extended soil liquefaction. A circular collapse surface is generated inside the liquefied region and extends toward the crest in both sides of the levee. Even so, when the liquefied layer is situated in depth, no significant effect on the levee response is found. This research work provides a reference case study for seismic assessment of embankment-type structures subjected to earthquake and proposes a high-performance computational framework accessible to engineers.  相似文献   

Using a lava flow emplacement model and a satellite-based land cover classification, we produce a map to allow assessment of the type and quantity of natural, agricultural and urban land cover at risk from lava flow invasion. The first step is to produce lava effusion rate contours, i.e., lines linking distances down a volcano??s flank that a lava flow will likely extend if fed at a given effusion rate from a predetermined vent zone. This involves first identifying a vent mask and then running a downhill flow path model from the edge of every pixel around the vent mask perimeter to the edge of the DEM. To do this, we run a stochastic model whereby the flow path is projected 1,000 times from every pixel around the vent mask perimeter with random noise being added to the DEM with each run so that a slightly different flow path is generated with each run. The FLOWGO lava flow model is then run down each path, at a series of effusion rates, to determine likely run-out distance for channel-fed flow extending down each path. These results are used to plot effusion rate contours. Finally, effusion rate contours are projected onto a land classification map (produced from an ASTER image of Etna) to assess the type and amount of each land cover class falling within each contour. The resulting maps are designed to provide a quick look-up capability to assess the type of land at risk from lava extending from any location at a range of likely effusion rates. For our first (2,000 m) vent zone case used for Etna, we find a total of area of ~680 km2 is at risk from flows fed at 40 m3 s?1, of which ~6 km2 is urban, ~150 km2 is agriculture and ~270 km2 is grass/woodland. The model can also be run for specific cases, where we find that Etna??s 1669 vent location, if active today, would likely inundate almost 11 km2 of urban land, as well as 15.6 km2 of agricultural land, including 9.5 km2 of olive groves and 5.2 km2 of vineyards and fruit/nut orchards.  相似文献   

Quantitative mineral data from the lead-zinc bearing sediments at Mount Isa were studied using linear correlation analysis and R-mode cluster analysis. Pyrrhotite was found to be preferentially associated with galena and sphalerite. It is postulated that during sedimentation, formation of lead and zinc sulphides depleted an already limited sulphur supply to the point where the field of FeS stability was entered. The primary iron monosulphide formed was, or has since become, pyrrhotite. This hypothesis is in contrast to the widely held opinion that pyrrhotite in stratiform ores formed by metamorphic decomposition of pyrite. Empirical support for the sedimentary formation of pyrrhotite is provided by textural and qualitative mineralogical data from Mount Isa and other stratiform lead-zinc deposits.  相似文献   

城市地下空间利用是拓展城市发展空间、优化城市空间布局、解决城市问题、提高城市治理能力及实现城市高质量发展的有效途径之一,对地下空间资源进行全面评价是保障地下空间安全利用的前提.文章系统分析了城市地下空间的资源属性及评价现状,梳理了目前主要的城市地下空间资源评价方法及其在不同城市的应用进展.当前,城市地下空间资源评价主要...  相似文献   

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