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用北京天文台兴隆60厘米镜于1977年取得此星960个黄光光电测光观测点,光变曲线呈大陵五型。1978年发表了Russell-Merrill测光解。1982年在美国用Wilson-Devinney程序算得10组测光解,解的残差对于质量比很不敏感。为了解决测光解的不定性,1985—86年用加拿大1.8米镜测得两子星视向速度曲线;得质量比为0.53±0.01。重新求测光解并结合分光解得F型主星和较冷伴星的质量各为1.43±0.05和0.76+0.02M_⊙。虽然是不接双星,但伴星只比其临界等位面稍小一点。这对双星像是不久前才由大陵五型半接双星演化而来的新阶段品种。  相似文献   

本文基于可靠分光质比q=0.2824的条件下,用Wilson-Devinney方法重新求解RT Per统一的光变和视向工线的Roche模型解,以及它统一的几何尺度和物理参量几乎没有什么差别。进一步确认它是半相接食双星,伴子星是一颗K4V主序星而不是早先确定的G5V星,距离估算为140pc,主、伴子星均有主序演化效应。  相似文献   

本文将1983年版的Wilson-Devinney方法程序,扩展到包含黑子参数的微分改正解,并提出黑子纬度的网络测定方法,由此,对RS CVn型食双星RT CrB的食外测光扰动波,进行了黑子模拟解,得出其次子星上两个黑子的位置,大小和温度,其理论光变曲线能较好地重现畸变波的观测特征。作者对黑子模型参数微分改正解的收敛性问题和不定性问题进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

本文给出了首次食双星V375 Cas的BV两色光电测光资料和新的历元,并用Wilson-Devinney综合光变曲线方法取得测光解。结果表明:V375 Cas是一个类似RZ Dra的早型半相接双星系统,小质量子星充满了临界等位面,而大质量子星几乎充满了临界等位面,此星对于了解早型密近双星的演化是很有意义的。  相似文献   

本文发表1976—1978年食期间,对VVCep进行UBV光电测光的结果。从我们自己观测的B-V和U-B色指数曲线得到了第二,三,四接触时刻,其对应的食甚时刻为JD2443361,与预报的日期相符合。文中,我们用M型子星的气流来解释色指数曲线的下降段和上升段深度不等的现象。从我们解释食的物理模型得到M型超巨星的半径为1860R_⊙,其大气的厚度达450R_⊙,约为半径的四分之一。  相似文献   

New UBV photometry of Algol type binary star U Sge obtained during 1993 are presented, analyzed, and discussed. Wilson-Devinney code was employed to analyze the light curves. Absolute dimensions of the system were obtained, and positions of both components on H-R diagram were specified. Finally through color curve analysis absolute visual magnitudes were determined.  相似文献   

The eclipsing binary NN Vir is a short period system showing an EW-type light curve. Photometric observations of NN Vir were done by Gomez–Ferrellad and Garcia–Melendo (1997) at Esteve Duran Observatory. The first spectroscopic observations of this system were obtained by Rucinski and Lu (1999). The radial velocity and light curves analysis was made with the latest version of the Wilson program (1998), and the geometric and physical elements of the system are derived. From the simultaneous solutions of the system, we determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.89 M and 1.65 R for the primary component; 0.93 M and 1.23 R for the secondary component. We estimated effective temperatures of 7030 K for the primary and 6977 K for the secondary component.  相似文献   

The near-contact system DM Del with an A2V primary and a G8 secondary was observed in U, B and V wavelengths in July 1998. A new seasonal light curve is presented and a new observed time of minimum is given. The unperturbed part of the light curve was used to determine some basic parameters of the system with the Wilson-Devinney code, some of which were kept fixed for spot modelling of the light curves. A simple spot distribution was determined, based on a model with two cool spots on the surface of the secondary. Absolute elements were calculated and the evolutionary status was determined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Following a brief history of measurement of eclipsing binary mass ratios from light curves, we show that photometric mass ratios for overcontact and semi-detached binaries are reliable because the relative stellar radii, R/a, are accurately measured and not, as commonly claimed, because of information in the light variation outside eclipse. We explore the accuracy of photometric mass ratios by solving synthetic data of typical precisions for a semi-detached and an overcontact binary for orbital inclinations from 89 down into the partial eclipse range.  相似文献   

The orbital period variations of the eclipsing binary BX And are examined analysing its (OC) diagram 1) with the standard method, in which the minima times are fitted by the quadratic ephemeris combined with an assumed light-time effect, and 2) with the first continuous method. The results from the use of the two methods are, as was expected, different.  相似文献   

We present a photometric analysis of the eclipsing binary systemGSC4832.400 based on 732 photometric observations obtained on sixteen clear nights during 1999–2000 in the V-Johnson and yb-Strömgren filters. The observed times of the minima yielded a linear ephemeris showing that the system has a constant period of 0.313150 ± 0.000002days. The light curve corresponds to a circular orbit for the system and clearly shows that GSC4832.400 has the defining characteristics of a W UMa-type eclipsing binary. It also shows a small O'Connell effect, which could be due to the presence of a hot spot in the primary star. A preliminary photometric solution based on the assumption of an over contact systemsatis factorily reproduced the observed light curve.  相似文献   

Using WOOD 's (1972) model we have analyzed MEINUNGER 's (1977) B and V photoelectric light curves – as yet unsolved–of the W UMa-type eclipsing binary AZ Vir, for which no photometric elements have as yet been determined. Our results describe AZ Vir as a contact pair in which the star eclipsed at the deeper minimum is smaller than its companion. AZ Vir appears to conform to the general properties of the W-type subclass of W UMa systems.  相似文献   

We used the Behlen observatory 0.76 m telescope and the CCD photometer to secure 689 observation of the eclipsing binary star KN Per. The observations were made on 8 nights during 1993 and 1994 with V and R bandpass filters. From 7 determinations of eclipse timings of minimum (V&R together), we have determined a new epoch and an orbital period of 0.8664604 days. The published spectral classification is A9. The 1993 version of the Wilson-Devinney model gave the photometric solutions. The adopted solution indicates that KN Per is a W UMa type contact binary. The mass ratio, q = (m2/m1, where star 1 eclipses at the primary minimum) = 0.23 suggests that KN Per is a W UMa system with A-type configuration. The secondary minimum shows a total eclipse. The asymmetry in the light curve is fitted with a cold spot on the secondary component of the system. The luminosity difference between the components is very large KN Per therefore, is most likely a single line spectroscopic binary. We recommend spectroscopic study of this system. Generally contact systems of spectral type A9 have periods ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 days. KN Per has considerably longer period and thus appears to be an evolved contact system with case B mass transfer. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Several new light minimum times for the eclipsing binary GSC 0445-1993 have been determined from the observations by Koppelman et al. and the orbital period of this system was revised. A photometric analysis was carried out using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. The results reveal that GSC 0445-1993 is a W-type eclipsing binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.323(±0.002) and an over-contact degree of f = 22.8%(±4.2%). A small temperature difference between the components of △T = 135 K and an orbital inclination of i = 65.7°(±0.3°) were obtained. The asymmetry of its light curve (i.e., the O'Connell effect) for this binary star is explained by the presence of a dark spot on the more massive component.  相似文献   

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