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Autumn photoproduction of carbon monoxide in Jiaozhou Bay,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon monoxide(CO) plays a significant role in global warming and atmospheric chemistry. Global oceans are net natural sources of atmospheric CO. CO at surface ocean is primarily produced from the photochemical degradation of chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM). In this study, the effects of photobleaching, temperature and the origin(terrestrial or marine) of CDOM on the apparent quantum yields(AQY) of CO were studied for seawater samples collected from Jiaozhou Bay. Our results demonstrat that photobleaching, temperature and the origin of CDOM strongly affected the efficiency of CO photoproduction. The concentration, absorbance and fluorescence of CDOM exponentially decreased with increasing light dose. Terrestrial riverine organic matter could be more prone to photodegradation than the marine algae-derived one. The relationships between CO AQY and the dissolved organic carbon-specific absorption coefficient at 254 nm for the photobleaching study were nonlinear, whereas those of the original samples were strongly linear. This suggests that: 1) terrestrial riverine CDOM was more efficient than marine algae-derived CDOM for CO photoproduction; 2) aromatic and olefinic moieties of the CDOM pool were affected more strongly by degradation processes than by aliphatic ones. Water temperature and the origin of CDOM strongly affected the efficiency of CO photoproduction. The photoproduction rate of CO in autumn was estimated to be 31.98 μmol m-2 d-1 and the total DOC photomineralization was equivalent to 3.25%- 6.35% of primary production in Jiaozhou Bay. Our results indicate that CO photochemistry in coastal areas is important for oceanic carbon cycle.  相似文献   

A 4.34 liter two-stage air-lift photobioreactor incorporatingAnabaena variabilis ATCC29413 mutant PK84 was used to study H2 production. Results showed that H2 production increased with increasing light intensity from 47 μE/(m2·s) up to 190 μE/(m2·s), but that further increase of light intensity decreased the H2 production because of the inhibition due to the high pO2. The data also indicated that longer argon gas charge resulted in more H2 produced due to the increase of nitrogenase activities and heterocyst frequency, and that more than 1.3 L net H2 was produced from this computer controlled photobioreactor.  相似文献   

为了研究CO2、SO2和H2S气体测量方法在覆盖区隐伏矿勘查的应用效果,采用气体快速分析仪对内蒙古拜仁达坝银铅锌矿、江西景德镇朱溪钨铜矿和江西乐平月形铜矿开展了CO2、SO2和H2S气体测量试验性研究。结果表明,采用CO2、SO2和H2S气体测量,能有效发现隐伏矿的信息,勘探深度能达到1 000 m。该方法操作简便,可以现场读数,是一种非常有前景的覆盖区找矿方法。   相似文献   

利用ATG-300H型便携式测氢仪,分别在昌平地区、海原断裂带、北轮台断裂开展土壤氢气浓度测量。基于气体扩散方程,从采样器类型、测孔深度、土壤特性、断层作用等方面探讨氢气浓度测量的影响因素与机理。结果显示:1)土壤氢气浓度值受测孔闲置时间、测孔深度和采样器形状的影响较大;2)氢气浓度测值与气体扩散方程的理论解曲线吻合较好,其曲线形态主要与土壤中氢气的富集程度和土壤疏松程度密切相关;3)断层带上的氢气浓度受构造作用、断层滑动速率、断层闭锁程度、上下盘裂隙发育程度、裂隙开启或闭合状态等因素影响较大,这些因素主要影响深部氢气的向上迁移通道和在地表的富集程度。  相似文献   

利用断层土壤气探测方法,在珊溪水库地区双溪-焦溪垟断裂上3个不同位置进行土壤Rn和H2的测量,发现断裂带上的土壤Rn和H2测值在靠近断层破碎带或岩脉出露位置明显升高。结合断层气探测方法在探测隐伏断裂方面的应用,确定双溪-焦溪垟断裂在包山垟村附近具体经过位置。发震断裂上的土壤Rn和H2测值明显高于非发震断裂,说明珊溪水库地区土壤Rn和H2与地震活动性关系密切。  相似文献   

为研究安阳南断裂带土壤气体地球化学特征及构造地球化学背景,采用野外流动测量的方法对安阳南断裂带宗村段开展2期土壤H2和Rn的重复观测。结果表明,第1期H2和Rn的浓度范围分别为(0.66~58.56)×10-6 和15~123 kBq/m3,背景值分别为6.87×10-6和52.49 kBq/m3;第2期H2和Rn的浓度范围分别为(0.36~29.73)×10-6和28.2~103 kBq/m3,背景值分别为0.89×10-6和47.49 kBq/m3。2期H2和Rn的测量结果均显示,在距测量起点210~300 m处气体浓度出现高值异常,气体在断裂带附近较为富集,对断层位置有一定的指示作用,利用断层气H2和Rn探测隐伏断裂的浅层位置在该区具有可行性。  相似文献   

关中南部地下热水氢氧同位素组成的水文地质意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对关中南部地下热水氢氧同位素组成研究,探讨了研究区地下热水的起源、补给以及有关净热水的循环温度、循环深度、与冷水混合比例等与地下热水有关的热点问题,并与传统水文地质勘探方法进行了对比研究。氢氧同位素研究结果表明,研究区地下热水为净热水与常温水的混合,常温水混合量达半数以上。根据SiO2地热温标计算,净热水的热储温度为80℃~121℃,热储深度为1 146.84~1 779.38 m。净热水的补给水源平均气温与现代降水平均气温相差约16℃。净热水的来源为第四纪末次冰期秦岭海拔1 800 m以上的冰川雪水。  相似文献   

田禹 《地质科技通报》2015,34(6):182-185
在野外采样的基础上,通过测试分析温泉及地热井中地热水的同位素2H、18O、3H的特征,利用同位素地球化学方法识别鲁东地热区地下热水的补给来源。结合高程效应确定补给范围为地形较高的丘陵地带。根据3H的测试数据应用法国J.FT.(丰特)来特的经验估算结果和构建δ18O与纬度之间的关系对鲁东地热水的补给来源进行判别,得出鲁东地热区地热水补给来源为现代大气降水。   相似文献   

据报载,海湾战争期间,美国军事测绘部门是国防部7大部局中惟一24小时全天运行的保障机构,向多国部队提供的地图达上亿张。数字地图不仅参与了战场准备、作战决策、作战指挥、后勤保障等各个环节的全过程,而且被跨国异地作战的多国部队视为“第二生命”。可以说,在战场上如果没有数字地图,就意味着指挥员成了“睁眼瞎”,作战部队寸步难行,精确制导武器无法准确命中,精确定位系统失去目标。  相似文献   

Cen  Jingyi  Wang  Jianyan  Huang  Lifen  Lin  Yarou  Ding  Guangmao  Qi  Yuzao    Songhui 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(1):242-258
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - On May 24–29, 2019, a harmful algal bloom occurred in Pingtan coastal areas, Fujian, southeast China, and caused mass mortality of cage-cultured fish....  相似文献   

本文依据紫果云杉(Picea purpurea Mast)残木、部分地层测年资料、湖成地貌,结合树木年轮和湖水观测资料,探讨近8000年来青海湖演变史并概略预测其发展趋势:8000—3500a.B.P.为暖湿期,3500a.B.P.以来渐趋冷干—干旱,600a.B.P.以来又几经暖湿—冷干的更替;在不考虑温室效应的前提下,大致在133年后湖水达补耗水量平衡期;在温室效应的影响下,湖水将提前于下世纪中叶进入补耗平衡期。  相似文献   

SO2 is very rapidly hydrated to sulfurous acid in water solution at pH value above 6.0,whereby sulfite is yielded from the disassociation of protons.We aimed to improve the sulfite transformation efficiency and provide a basis for the direct utilization of SO2 from flue gas by a microalgal suspension.Chlorella sp.XQ-20044 was cultured in a medium with 20 mmol/L sodium sulfite under different physicochemical conditions.Under light conditions,sulfite concentration in the algal suspension reduced linearly over time,and was completely converted into sulfate within 8 h.The highest sulfite transformation rate(3.25 mmol/(L·h)) was obtained under the following conditions:35°C,light intensity of 300μmol/(m2·s),NaHCO3 concentration of 6 g/L,initial cell density(OD540) of 0.8 and pH of 9-10.There was a positive correlation between sulfite transformation rate and the growth of Chlorella,with the conditions favorable to algal growth giving better sulfite transformation.Although oxygen in the air plays a role in the transformation of SO2-3 to SO2-4,the transformation is mainly dependent on the metabolic activity of algal cells.Chlorella sp.XQ-20044 is capable of tolerating high sulfite concentration,and can utilize sulfite as the sole sulfur source for maintaining healthy growth.We found that sulfite 20 mmol/L had no obvious effect on the total lipid content and fatty acid profiles of the algae.Thus,the results suggest it is feasible to use flue gas for the mass production of feedstock for biodiesel using Chlorella sp.XQ-20044,without preliminary removal of SO2,assuming there is adequate control of the pH.  相似文献   

The propagation of long-waves, such as tidal waves from the coastal ocean into shallow estuarine waters, often produces asymmetries of velocity and water level in time series resulting in long-wave breaking. Tian (1994) studied the mechanism of long-wave breaking in an infinite channel with constant depth, consideringnth power bottom friction. This study is for the case of a half infinite channel with bottom slope, taking linear bottom friction into account. The wave breaking time and wave breaking location are estimated and the criteria for long-wave breaking in this particular case are obtained. The results obtained can also be easily applied to the case considering wind stress.  相似文献   

A new species ofProteocephalus from the fishSinocyclocheilus grahami tingi, a subspecies endemic to Fuxian Lake in Southwest China,is described. This is the first report of cestode from this host. The new species differs fromP. exiguus, P. Longicollis, P. parasiluri andP. torulosus, the only other species ofProteocephalus currently reported from China, by lacking an apical sucker, fromP. exiguus by having 45–108 rather than 24–54 testes per proglottis, and a maximum of 15 rather than 28 uterine diverticula; fromP.longicollis by having an average of 45–108 rather than 75–115 testes per proglottis and testes being in a single layer instead of 2 layers; and fromP. torulosus by having 45–108 instead of 150 testes per proglottis and testes being in 3–4 layers; and fromP. parasiluri by having 45–108 rather than 180 testes per proglottis. It resemblesP. percae, P. pollanicola, andP. thymalli in number of testes and uterine diverticula, but differs by lacking an apical sucker.Proteocephalus thymalli, like the new species, has a vagina that opens dorsally to the cirrus sac, butP. thymalli slao has postovarian testes, which the new species lacks. The possible significance of parasitological examinations of the other two subspecies ofS. grahami in two lakes close to Fuxian Lake is discussed in relation to host speciation and coevolution of the host-parasite system.  相似文献   

This paper describes the large scale aspects of the seasonal surface heat budget and discusses itsmain forcing mechanisms in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean.The high-resolution generalcirculation model (Semtner & Chervin,1992)used in this study reproduced well the observed upper-layer thermal structure and circulation.It is shown that at least on the average of the study region(20°S-20°N,west boundary-160°E)the semiannual variation is a dominant signal for all heat budgetcomponents and is presumably due to the sun’s passing across the equator twice a year,but that thecomponents have substantial differences in amplitude.The local Ekman divergence in the region doesnot change significantly through the year.As a result,the change in surface heat content is roughlyhalf due to ocean-atmosphere heat exchange and half due to heat advection by remotely forced verti-cal motion.Horizontal currents do not play a significant role directly by advection,because the wat-er which enters the region is not very muc  相似文献   

We used preliminary data to estimate the growth volume of artificially reforested Pinus densiflora in a post-fire area on three different contour conditions. We compared the growth of P. densiflora on a south-facing slope(Ssth), north-facing slope(Snth) and ridge area(Ridge), using 7 trees selected from each stand aspect. The tree height, diameter and growth volume were measured and the dry weight of each plant part were compared and analyzed. The results revealed that the total dry weight was highest on Ssth(5992.3 g), followed by Snth(4833.2 g) and lowest on Ridge(3160.1 g). The height growth was highest on Snth(285.8 cm), followed by Ssth(274.5 cm) and lowest on Ridge(211.5 cm). The diameter growth was greatest on Ssth(7.37 cm), followed by Snth(7.10 cm) and lowest on Ridge(5.72 cm). The volume growth was highest on Ssth(4257.7 cm3), followed by Snth(3750.7 cm3) and lowest on Ridge(2093.7 cm3). Therefore, we should consider and include the concept of slope orientation together with differences in habitat environments in afforestation projects when creating artificial forests with P. densiflora. These study results can serve as important preliminary data for future establishment of artificial forest of P. densiflora in a post-fire plantation.  相似文献   

The general features of the seasonal surface heat budget in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, 20° S–20°N, western boundary −160°E, were documented by Qu (1995) using a high-resolution general circulation model (GCM, Semtner & Chervin, 1992) and existing observations. Close inspection of the smaller areas, with the whole region further partitioned into six parts, showed different mechanisms balance the seasonal surface heat budget in different parts of the region. The results of study on five subregions are detailed in this article. In the equatorial (3°S–3°N) and North Equatorial Countercurrent (3°N–9°N) region, the surface heat flux does not change significantly throughout the year, so the surface heat content is determined largely by vertical motion near the equator and roughly half due to horizontal and half due to vertical circulation in the region of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). In the other subrigions (9°N–20°N, 20°S–11°S and 11°S–3°S), however, in addition to ocean dynamics, surface heat flux can also play a major role in the seasonal variation of sea surface temperature (SST). The remotely forced baroclinic waves and their effect on the surface heat storage in the model are also investigated. Comparison with observations indicates that the model wave activities are reasonably realistic. Contribution No. 2396 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This study was supported by the Australian CSIRO Division of Oceanography and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49176255)  相似文献   

Five species of Asterometrids (Crinoidea) collected from China are recorded. One of them is described as a new genus and new species named Sinometra acuticirra, and three are recorded from China for the first time.  相似文献   

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