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合肥盆地构造热演化的裂变径迹证据   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
运用裂变径迹分析方法,探讨分析了合肥盆地中新生代的构造热演化特征. 上白垩统和古近系下段样品的磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)数据主体表现为靠近部分退火带顶部温度(±65℃)有轻度退火,由此估算晚白垩世至古近纪早期合肥盆地断陷阶段的古地温梯度接近38℃/km,高于盆地现今地温梯度(27.5℃/km).下白垩统、侏罗系及二叠系样品的AFT年龄(97.5~2.5Ma)和锆石裂变径迹(ZFT)年龄(118~104Ma)均明显小于其相应的地层年龄,AFT年龄-深度分布呈现冷却型曲线形态,且由古部分退火带、冷却带或前完全退火带及其深部的今部分退火带组成,指示早白垩世的一次构造热事件和其随后的抬升冷却过程. 基于AFT曲线的温度分带模式和流体包裹体测温数据的综合约束,推算合肥盆地早白垩世走滑压陷阶段的古地温梯度接近67℃/km. 径迹年龄分布、AFT曲线拐点年龄和区域抬升剥蚀时间的对比分析结果表明,合肥盆地在早白垩世构造热事件之后的104Ma以来总体处于抬升冷却过程,后期快速抬升冷却事件主要发生在±55Ma.  相似文献   

六盘山盆地热历史的裂变径迹证据   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
研究盆地的热历史将为确定生烃过程和探勘目标提供重要制约因素。磷灰石裂变径迹研究表明,六盘山盆地白垩系地层经历两次埋深加热事件。第一次在白垩经末之前达到最高古地温,第二次在晚新生代约8MaB.P.之前达到最高古地温.第一次最高古地温要高于第二次最高古地温.晚新生代六盘山盆地古地温梯度为16℃/km.从白垩纪到新生代,六盘山盆地可能发生古地温梯度降低事件.三叠纪、中侏罗统烃源岩达到或超过生油高峰温度.白垩纪乃家河组和马东山组虽然进入生油窗温度范围,但未达到生油峰温度.按照古地温资料推断,三叠纪、中侏罗统烃源岩应为六盘山盆地主要生烃源岩,晚白垩纪之前应为六盘山盆地烃源岩的主要生烃阶段.  相似文献   

The only reliable method for dating kimberlites at present is the lengthy and specialized hydrothermal procedure that extracts206Pb and238U from low-uranium zircons. This paper describes a second successful method by fission track dating of large single-crystal zircons, 1.0–1.5 cm in dimension. The use of large crystals overcomes the limitations imposed in conventional fission track analysis which utilizes crushed fragments. Low track densities, optical track dispersion, and the random orientation of polished surfaces in the etch and irradiation cycle are effectively overcome.Fission track ages of zircons from five African kimberlites are reported, from the Kimberley Pool (90.3 ± 6.5 m.y.), Orapa (87.4 ± 5.7 and 92.4 ± 6.1 m.y.), Nzega (51.1 ± 3.8 m.y.), Koffiefontein (90.0 ± 8.2 m.y.), and Val do Queve (133.4 ± 11.5 m.y.). In addition we report the first radiometric ages (707.9 ± 59.6 and 705.5 ± 61.0 m.y.) of crustal zircons from kimberlites in northwest Liberia. The fission track ages agree well with earlier age estimates. Most of the zircons examined in this study are zoned with respect to uranium but linear correlations are established (by regression analysis) between zones of variable uranium content, and within zones of constant uranium content (by analysis of variance). Concordance between the fission track method and the U/Pb technique is established and we concluded that track fading from thermal annealing has not taken place. Kimberlitic zircons dated in this study, therefore, record the time of eruption.  相似文献   

Wanming  Yuan  Jun  Deng  Qiugen  Zheng  Jinquan  Dong  Zengkuan  Bao  Paul R.  Eizenhoefer  Xiaotong  Xu  Zhixin  Huang 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):488-495
Apatite fission track dating of five samples from Cenozoic volcanic strata in the Nimu District in the southern Gangdese Terrane exhibits single population grain ages with a single mean age and associated central ages ranging from 6.8 ± 0.6 Ma to 9.7 ± 1.2 Ma. Mean track lengths are between 12.9 ± 1.7 µm and 14.2 ± 2.3 µm with a single peak characteristic of a single thermal event. The newly documented ages coincide well with the age of high sedimentation rates in the North Tibet Basin that resulted from a 9–5 Ma compressional event. Track length modeling allows three stages to be identified in the sample cooling. The first stage (12–8 Ma) records a period of relative stability with little, if any, cooling at temperatures of 120–110°C suggesting this region had low relief. The second stage (8–2 Ma) reflects rapid cooling with temperatures decreasing from ∼110°C to surface temperatures of ∼15°C. This stage can be related to far-field effects of the Himalayan collision, which probably generated the surface uplift and relief that defines the present-day Gangdese Mountains. The mean uplift rate of this period is estimated to be 1.41–0.95 mm/y with total uplift reaching ∼5900 m. The final stage is related to surface evolution since the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Fission track ages of North American tektites from Texas, Georgia and Martha's vineyard range widely between 0.8 my and 34.2 my with the tektites from Georgia giving the lowest ages. Size studies of the fission track etch pits reveal the thermal history of each individual tektite resulting in the partial loss of tracks. Therefore, the measured fission track ages can be understood as thermally lowered.

Based on annealing experiments, correction factors for the thermally lowered fission track ages are found. The weighted mean of the corrected fission track ages is 34.9 my for the bediasites and the Martha's Vineyard tektite. On the other hand, the corrected fission track ages of the Georgia tektites are much lower resulting from a more complex thermal history.

It may now be stated that North American tektites and Libyan Desert glasses cannot have had a simultaneous origin.  相似文献   

Absolute uplift rates, regional uplift patterns, and time limits for uplift and fault movements can be studied with fission tracks in apatite. This is demonstrated for about 50 apatites from the Swiss and Italian Alps. Due to the relatively low thermal stability of tracks in apatite, the fission track ages of apatites from this area define the time when these rocks cooled down to temperatures to 125 ± 20°C.  相似文献   

Summary Himalayan muscovites from pegmatites of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal yield an age of 2–23 m. y. by fission track (f.t.) method. The uranium concentration is estimated to be 10–10 atom/atom.  相似文献   

A simple new technique for the etching of fission tracks in zircon has been developed which overcomes the practical difficulties of previously described techniques. The etchant is a low melting-point binary eutectic of KOH and NaOH which is used at 200–220°C. As for previous etchants the etching time is strongly dependent on the spontaneous track density. The etched tracks have very similar characteristics to those produced by the earlier 100N NaOH etchant.  相似文献   

Nuclear tracks were studied in olivine and merrillite (phosphate previously called whitlockite) from the Marjalahti pallasite. The merrillite contains an important fission contribution due mainly to the spontaneous decay of now extinct244Pu. The U contents of 29 merrillite grains range from 60 to 140 ppb (median value: 85 ppb). Assuming a reasonable fractionation temperature of ~ 1750 K for the pre-pallasitic material, a lower limit of ~ 5 K/Myr is obtained for the cooling rate, in strong contrast with the previous metallographic result (~ 0.5 K/Myr). This disagreement, together with those observed in the case of mesosiderites, strengthens the need for a revision of the metallographic method of retracing the cooling histories of meteorites, as suggested by Narayan and Goldstein [31].  相似文献   

The fission track dating method is applied to glass shards from volcanic ash layers in deep sea sediments which have also been dated by other methods. Measured ages for three samples are in excellent agreement with previously determined K-Ar, paleomagnetic and paleontologic ages. The fission track method of dating of glass shards seems to offer itself as a valuable tool for dating marine sediments.  相似文献   

Being a part of the Paleo‐Tethys Ocean, closing of the Buqingshan‐Anyemaqen oceanic basin left a rich geologic record in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt. The genesis and tectonic setting of the granites including quartz monzodiorite, granodiorite and mozogranite is discussed in light of the geochemical and U–Pb chronological data obtained. U–Pb dating studies on zircon from the quartz monzodiorite and monzogranite of the research area yielded ages of 220.11 ± 0.49 Ma ((Mean Square Weighted Deviates) MSWD = 0.046) and 223.33 ± 0.54 Ma (MSWD = 0.14), respectively, by Laser Ablation Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA–MC–ICP–MS) method. According to sedimentological and structural investigations, the Paleo‐Tethys Ocean in the Qimantag region began to close at about 235 Ma, and completely disapperared at about 220 Ma. The three types of granites in this study are considered to intrude the syn‐ to post‐collisional stages. The quartz monzodiorite and granodiorite belong to the I‐type granite whereas the monzogranite is of the S‐type granite. These two types of granites were formed by different ways of partial melting: first, partial melting of the lower crust took place as a result of asthenosphere upwelling triggered by break‐up of the leading edge or tearing of the descending oceanic slab. Subsequently partial melting of the middle–lower crust was caused by the underplating of basaltic magma formed by partial melting of the mantle wedge fluxed by fluids liberated by the oceanic slab dehydration. The magma responsible for the formation of S‐type granites appears to have originated from partial melting of the upper crustal material at a shallower level with a clear signature of continental crust.  相似文献   

Fission track ages have been determined on sphene and apatite from the granitic rocks of King Island in Bass Strait, southeastern Australia. In all cases sphene and apatite ages are markedly discordant. Sphene ages compare very closely to earlier KAr measurements and indicate an emplacement age of about 350 m.y. for the east coast group of granites and their important scheelite mineralization. Apatite ages are all younger by about 80–200 m.y. suggesting that fission tracks were not fully retained in this mineral until the Cretaceous. During the Cretaceous King Island was at the edge of the developing Otway Rift Valley which resulted in the breakup of Australia and Antarctica. Uplift of the basement rocks along the rift margin with consequent rapid erosion allowed the apatites to cool below about 110°C and begin accumulating fission tracks for the first time. Differing degrees of uplift, at least partly fault controlled, have produced a regular pattern of apatite ages across the island. A relationship between apatite fission track ages and continental breakup may be a widespread phenomenon which could give valuable insight into the thermal and tectonic development of rifted continental margins.  相似文献   

The apparent ages of samples are obtained from fission track dating of apatite samples collected from the fault zones in Mabian area, southern Sichuan Province. In addition, thermal history is simulated from the obtained data by applying AFT Solve Program, to acquire the thermal evolution history of the samples. The result shows that tectonically the Mabian area was relatively stable between 25 and 3 Ma, compared to the inner parts and other marginal areas of the Tibetan Plateau. The studied area had little response to the rapid uplift events that occurred for several times in the Tibetan Plateau during 25-3 Ma. The latest thermal event related to the activity of the Lidian fault zone (about 8 Ma ) is later than that of the Ebian fault zone (18-15 Ma ) to the west, indicating to some extent that the evolution of fault activity in the Mabian area has migrated from west to east. The latest extensive tectonic uplift occurred since about 3 Ma. As compared with the Xianshuihe fault zone, the Mabian area is closer to the east- ern margin of the plateau, while the time of fast cooling event in this area is later than that in the southeast segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone (3.6-3.46 Ma ). It appears to support the assumption of episodic uplift and stepwise outward extension of the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau in late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions from the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits have nearly the same ho-mogenization temperature. Correlation between temperature and salinity shows that both Sn-and Cu-bearing fluids Sn and Cu were present in the Dajing deposit but only one kind of fluids continuously evolved in the Caijiaying deposit. Study on rare earth elements (REE) in ancient fluid from the inclusions indicates that the fluid of Sn mineralizing stage in Dajing was derived from remelting magma of the continental crust, and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizing stage in the Dajing deposit and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization in the Caijiaying deposit were derived from the mantle. It is concluded that the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizations in the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits resulted from the identical tectono-thermal event of magma-fluids induced by Mesozoic tectonic transition and extension in the eastern part of North China Craton.  相似文献   

Summary The ages of forty six muscovite samples obtained from mines in the three main mica belts of India, viz. Bihar, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh, and areas around Delhi have been measured using improved fission track dating technique. The effect of geological annealing in the samples has been assessed and suitable correction applied to the ages, wherever required; also, uranium concentration has been measured in tight cleavages so as to avoid errors due to epigenetically introduced uranium.The ages agree with the main orogenic-metamorphic cycles in the respective regions and also the ages of pegmatites measured by other radiometric methods. The ages of the three belts have been measured as follows: Bihar mica belt, 700–1100 m.y.; Rajasthan mica belt and Delhi samples 700–1050 m.y.; Andhra Pradesh (Nellore) mica belt, 470–650 m.y. Occurrence of metamorphic event 600 m.y. in Rajasthan is supported by the age of one of the samples.  相似文献   

作者通过对浙江庆元苍岱矿区成矿地质背景和矿床地质特征的分析,参照区域典型矿床的勘查研究成果,建立了适合本区的受中生代火山机构控制的火山-次火山热液型银铅锌多金属矿成矿模式,对指导矿区下一步找矿具有重要意义。通过深入研究,指出放弃浅部金银,主攻深部铅锌多金属的找矿思路。提出在物探、化探和地质高精度综合剖面测量基础上,采用钻探进行深部验证的工作方法,对于指导矿区及区域内火山岩覆盖区的矿产勘查具用重要意义。  相似文献   

随着找矿难度的不断加大,全方位、多元的综合找矿模型日益受到重视.本文根据在龙头山银铅锌多金属矿床的找矿实践,总结了其地质、物探、化探等多方面的找矿标志,建立了综合找矿模型,并进行了矿区范围和区域上的成矿预测.  相似文献   

Previous radiometric dating studies indicated that the Bergell region, in contrast to other regions of the Central Alps, experienced an early, rapid uplift, but with decreasing rate. Furthermore, there is also a geological record of the early uplift history of the Bergell granite by the existence of boulders which were derived from this granite and which occur in the Late Oligocene sediments of the Po plain.In this work the uplift history of the Bergell is studied in more detail by fission track dating of additional apatites from the Bergell region. Secondly, by determining apatite fission track ages the granitic boulders of the Po plain can be re-assigned to their original vertical position within the Bergell intrusive before erosion removed them in Late Oligocene time. A rather conservative estimate replaces them 6 km above the present morphology of the Bergell massif. Thus, the thickness of the Bergell granite must have been at least 8 km.Generally, fission track studies on boulders may become an important tool to study the vertical extent of mountain chains during the geological past.  相似文献   

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